THE ASHEVILLE CTHZEN, MONDAY DECEMBER 22, 1919. CONTRACTS PROBE ! PROVES A FAILURE Investigation a Disappoint ; ment to Republicans. Garrett's Minority Report Praises Record of the War Department. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21.; RePu"" cana ar. sorely disappointed In the , lnvertls-atlon of war contrM" Oraham committee, out ot which Xhey hoped to et valuable campaign v thunder. ' . Tha committee 'majority "PO" meant nothing but a dealre on the Mrt of the republican, to leave the raatter In a vffu and uncertain state, subject to aueplelon and Irresponsible crltlolum, but Representative Oarrett. Tennis, who made the minority report, refused to allow the portl an detractor, and slanderers to cape .0 easily, tor on hi. report he poke wHh great force and e oauence, 1 admtntaterlng to the republican ma jority a castration that rob. them at all the pleaaure they hoped to njor tn serving their party. , After six month, of work the Gra lam Inve-tlgatln committee. lnsu tuted by the republican Peering com mittee to March out all war con tracts, ha. been forced to confess us failure in securln the campaign ma terial It had been hoped for by the republican.. The Investigation of the ' committee developed the remarkable tact that although the war depart i ient negotiated 10.000 written and oral contract. Involving more than eighteen Mlllon dollar., only eight transaction, could be found, which, according to the admls-lon of the committee, were subject to criticism. Of these eight tho prober, failed to .pacify except In n nta"c the nature of the irregularity. The republican, had virion, of great party advantage in the Graham probe and the beat lawyer, on the majority aide of the houee were .elected for the committee. No limit wm placed on the number of peclal attorney., ac countante and auditor, to be em ployed. The ooit of the Inquiry was f 61,000, and it wa. the mo.t unprofit able expenditure of money and time , in the history of the smelling, com mittee. Representative Garrett .ubmitted a minority report praising the remark able record of the war department In handling the thousands of con tract, under stress of war condition, and adjusting the claim, growing out - of their cancellation on .hort notice after tha MtotoUetv;!. - Involved' Iborlng Men. . ''In hundred, of caae. the character of tho institution, and factorle. at which these contract, had been filled had been almo.t completely changed by reason of the war contract," said Mr. ; Garrett In hi. , minority report. "Commercial production had been ahaniinnMl and every energy and fa cility had been bent to eupplylng the war need, of the republic The liveli hood of unnumbered thousand, of laboring men wa. tnvoivea. it m .upermoet' importance to the public ' weal that theso institution, might re- '.'' turn to a peace basis and again enter aommerciat production, . giving em ployment to labor and eupplylng the peace need, of the country at the earliest possible moment. All these element, must be taken into consld- ' ration In connection with these set tloments, and It should be remem bered that many of them were made in the winter and spring and that con dition, have since changed. In fair ness, these settlements must be judged - a. of the time they were made and not In the light of subsequent de- . velopments whloh it was not possible to forecast with accuracy; nor may i it be reasonably expected that uni formity and exactitude ha. been at tained in a task involving almost ln . finite variety of commodities and call ing for a wide range of knowledge and .kill In estimating the values in ,; volved."i , This statement was made with par- : ticular reference to the charge of the ' republican, that some of the article, had increased In market value after the settlement, and that the govern , ment lost large sum. of money by it. , failure to hold for a higher market ,r Rode Over Country. Tot month, past the Graham com mittee has ridden oVer the country, sometime in private cars, with a large : staff of "expert.," visiting various plant, which had government con- tracts -and endeavoring to smell out fraud whloh from the Immense num- ! ber of contract, made It confidently believed eould be unearthed. The Junkets of the committee have been the talk of the congress. . In its final report, mentioning eight transaction, which, in the language of the committee report, "seem to have been obviously tainted with fraud," the committee makes no , recommendation, and fall, to specify the nature of the fraud, except in one Instance. - Speaking in support of his min ' ority report. Representative Garrett showed that In the particular cases . . which Invoked criticism from the in vestigators, the negotiators on the part of the government were repub licans. Mr. Garrett concluded one of the most caustio speeches heard in the house this session with a criti cism of hi. associate, on the com mittee as follows: "I wish to say to you. Mr. Bpeaker, that those honorable gentlemen with whom I have been associated In this gruelling work, these gentlemen of the majority, are capable of better thing, than hunting flyspecks. And I believe . that In Justice to my friends, the gentlemen from Illinois and the gen tlemen from Nebraska, the steering committee, or whatever Influence there is should call on these efforts. Raked from End to End. , They have done everything they can. If there were anything there they would have found It. The war department has been raked from end to end as with a fine-tooth comb. If they had found anything they would have brought it here before now. Mr. Speaker; and I suggest that ' they be relieved. They ought not to have4 imposed upon them the task of Insulting their own intelligence as law yers by a political exigency that re quire, them to bring in such a thing as this. , "Give them an opportunity, sir! . . They are able men. Give them an op ; portunity to go at something that is constructive and maybe they win be - able to pull that aide into perform - - lag something in these critical times for the good of the republic. "I resent the imputation of fraud contained la this report. I resent it in the name of my party, one of whose member, happen, to have been the secretary of war throughout these jrruelling years of war. I resent it in aShe name of friend. In that depart ment, men of different poutioal faith RUTHEHFORDTON AFTER BETTER TRAIN SCHEDULE Dennis Lovelace, Sentenced to Electrocution, Loses His Appeal. (Special to The Cltlxsn) RUTHEHOFRDTON. Deo. 21.-- Accordlng to a Shelby rtlspatcn u. the Greensboro Dally News the liw ! v,.. Tin..mA r TrariA jivemitlve com- mlttee recently held a meeting In fie court house to consiaer 1110 io...... a .... , Atn nt Ruther- Bigneu 7 fordton asking tho corporation com- misslon or me state i , u.i,' ern train between Marlon and KocK . . , . . ... vfaftAM ..rh mornlnff for the arrival of train No. tt from AsheviUn.. The iiutnenorciion are nnxlou. for this train to be held 1 .. , rwAf tn rlv them bet ter mail and passenger facilities from a m. IV... aMmi 1 A Tn -1 tn Went, DUl ; I - iH naHlAn and Milt A. DfOteilt against the change because it would cause local travel 10 in tlons on the main Una of Southern north and South at Blacksburg each morning." 1 " Friends or it. iennis imii:'-. is . w ..iiwav fl.ffmnn. who klll- wards, near Rutherfordton last Au gust, Will regrei 10 learn uui laco who appealed to the Supreme court through hi. attorney., has lost hi. appeal and ha. been sentenced to electrocution, however, his friends are still hopeful that hi. sentence will be commuted by Governor Blckett. Logan Walker construction com pany, a recently organised corpora .1 wi.k on authorized raoltal of 12,000. have the sub-contract for the graded road Deiween vyHinrum Marion. . Cltisens Manufacturing eompanv, conslderajion being $8,000. It is ieama uim u hihiucibuii. of the Round Hill Baptist church at . r m.,n a nlanttln. in linVA eleo- trie lighU Installed in the church at an early date. m power -secured from the -dynamo at the Round Hill school ouuaing. Swannanoa ouriwMiMfti T)no. 80. Mrs. An- .1. v .nil Mm R. H. Caton BDent Saturday and Sunday at the home of the watKin. on xne owannanua ''rlie many friend, of MrTFord learn with regret of hi. death, which hap pened at his home in Statesvllle the lost of the week. Mr. Ford spent some time here and made many friends. r-m r, a Wilson was called to BUtmore Sunday on acocunt of the serlou. illness of her slater, Mrs. Trantham. . ' . ' ,.v The Hign scnooi ciosea mmjr witu an excellent program in-celebration of "Aycock Improvement day." Rev. n a tBrii mLflii an address on the life of the late Governor Aycock and what he meant to tne .cnooi. or nonn Carolina. At the close of the ex f rinea a. treat wa. served the school by the faculty. . Miss Katnenne wnson aim . Wendel Patton spent Thursday .hop ping in Ashevllle. . muin of Ashevllle. made aulte an Interesting to talk to members of the Epworth league at tnis piace n- da&r)'Bagwell of Falrvlew I. conduct ing a singing class at the- Baptist church. ... ... Frank eherrtll. or Asneviue. spent a few days her this week with friends. w r t U7)i(lann entertained a mlB. number of young people at her home Tuesday -ligni. Miss Awa Buckner, of the Montreat nrM.,i .Ahnnl h.a Arrived to snend ui ,i ... ........ - 7 the holiday, vrlth her ulster, Mrs. Br. Buckner. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Orasty is seriously ill. Mrs. Joe Duncan, of Ashevllle, spout Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Robert Young. with whom I have come In contact. in whoso Integrity i nave connaence. f rattan 11 In the name of the liv ing millions of soldiers. I resent it In the name of tne momers oi tne sol dier, who died In France and who "have their place In the warriors' vnu ahull not. at least with out my earnest protest and my feeble dispute, cause those grieved souls and bruised hearts to suffer more by un- (.Kirim iv A nirinir inHL nn muiiiiiiib' tratlon under which they fought for uAi Minntpv wa. Anne inrouzn vim fraud. I challenge that statement and demand the prooi. Contains its own sugar In this stuixfybodyouget a reay cooked cerealwith its own sweet flaLVor. not from sugar added in mak ind,but sebMeveloped iTom wheat and malted barley. SaveSuar by eating Grap "Theres aJQeason" at Grocers. Made by Postum Cereal Ca Battle Croek.Mich. BROWN MENTIONED TD QPPOSEGRAHAW! MciXimmon, of Maxton, Does Not Want Job, Senator Brown Figuring on Retiring for Rest and Study. f Ashevlhe Clttten ttureau, i M Merchants' Bank ! Building. (Br JIXK B. WARHEV.l RALEIGH. Dee. 21. Wenator J. A. Brown, of Columbus, will make up his mind sometime In the near future, whether or not he will allow his name to be used as a candidate for com missioner of agriculture in U e cratlo pramary, it wa. learned from those close to the Columbus county man, who were in the city today The senator from the southeastern part of the state, who was Influential in the passage of much of the pro gressive legislation put on the boons by the last legislature, has tho matter under consideration. Quite a consid erable number of people have ap proached him about the suggested . i v. , n Ana anil fill. It 18 said, he has given the answer that he is not now ready to mane a UCu,o... ,n th' .,.,., .h.nklnir of giving up all politics and devoting a year or so 10 rest anu oiuuj. very much Interested in the progress of the lower Cape Fear ecUon of the state, and in the fight that m l have to bo made on tho boll weevil, vhlch has made its appearance in his Unity He is tnereiore tunuv. at the weevil will make big I"'08 i tho production of cotton in that section of tho country, but that ulti mately it will prove tho blessing In dis guise it nas hiw p "'" ' J" seotions of the south where, it has ap- ,i it -nrin lead to a dlverelnca tion of the farming interests. All of tnese tnmgs tne miww willing to talk about, and on all of them he has a very decided opinion. ...... hi. .nnnin. for the commls- sloncrshlp of agriculture, he has little .a .1 akA aa VSrlll Vttall'A to say, otner mm umi no . vi. .nm.tlmn in tho near fu- m i, turn ii.iiiu " " - . - lure about that. If he Is going to run the announcement win mo iua The only other man who has been mentioned in opposition to Commis sioner W. A. Graham Is Mr. A. J. "Sandy" McKlmmon, oi jtiaxtwu. n is understood on very reliable autnor- .i . u.vimmnn haji dlscour- lir limi i aged all use of his name in connec tion wltn me prnt.- "-- will have plenty to keep him busy . , . v. HAV, 11.. vnnrti wltnout bothering with the commissionershlp of agriculture. re n ucciut Ions about the way the department i., wA hut he feels that he will have to stay out of the race this year. X" hjuaii - - - ence Gray, of Ashevllle, Is spending the noiiaays wn n and Mrs. J. B. Gray, at Cullasaja. Miss Harrlette Klnnebrew, of At . . i - knma frtr- the holldavs ianu, o --------- t n.iAnri thn weddlna: of her HIIU " . - ' - ' . , , sister, Miss Nannie Mae ninneorew, which will occur on wonaay, ueceni ber 22. , atnnn vlnn.hrAw. a former resl ... i . ........ - - , dent of Franklin, Is .pending a few days in the city. ' Mrs. Coleman ,of Arabl, Go is the guest of Mrs. B. C. Kingsbery. Mr. Tom Porter is at homo for the Mis. Laura Jones, who has been in Cincinnati for the past several months, engaged in T. W. C. A. work, is expected to arrive on Sat urday to spend tne nonuays wiui rei u ir A n.nnalt Yt a a flrntio to St. A... ' - - " -- Augustine, Fla., to spend the winter months. Mr. Frank Dillard made a trip to Ht. AUgUBtine, nn.. ihui wc., ,c . i .Via M nt tVl fa WAPll Dr. J. C. Owens 1. spending the 1- I . tlatntnli mm hll.lnAal Mrs. George Campbell left Sunday for Atlanta, wnere no cupuuto iu make her home In the future. Mrs. H. II. Jarrett and Mis. Annie Jarrett are spending several day. In Atlanta this week. Mrs. M. L. Kelly and Miss Lassie Kelly lert lasi ween to spend several weeks in Kustls, Fla. A. W. Horn made a trip to Blue T" i .j nn nn Vi ii ai n a thin wnalr. Mr. Henry Cabe made a short trip to Cornelia, Ga the first of this week. Mrs. Furman West, of Soda Springs, j Franklin esNuts THREE MEMBERS OF FAMILY BENEFITED Jackson Gains 12 Pounds By Taking Tanlac Wife and Father Are Also Be lieved of Their Troubles. "Tanlao soon ended my trouble, and I gained twelve pounds by taking it." said W. B. Jackson, of 724 North 41st street, Birmingham, Ala. "I work at rtght," he continued, "and eating at unusual hours gave me Indigestion. My food would sour on my stomach and I suffered terribly after every meal. I lost weight -and became so nervous I couldn't sleep hardly at all. Smoking too aggra vated my trouble and I had to quit It I felt all down and out and was mis erable all the time. I tried every thing I could hear of, but got no bet ter and was Just about to give up, when I read about Tanlac helping someone having the samo trouble that was worrying me. "I felt better right after starting on it and Improved so much, that I was able to enjoy my pipe again and got restful sleep. My appetite Is now line and I can eat anything I want and I am not nervous and all un strung like I was before. I believe I am In better shape today than In seven years. My father, too, was benefited a whole lot by taking Tan lac: my wife took two bottles and It helped her more than anything she has ever taken. I win never xaii 10 recommend Tanlac to anybody I see suffering, from stomach trouble." Tanlac Is sold by all good drug rists. Adv. nr... nine V.T '.rln it ttla Hi IfStic with "Madame Fin", Bob Shaw will present a clever dui snowing " in.... tiIwa tamlaa anil a rAflt Of vaudeville artists sure to please. The n .. V c. . ... i.n tii n n v lnnrelfl . Ill caudeville circles of the south and Includes In Its repertoire sucn en tertaining numbers as "The Girl from . V. .. lfn..U.'l .nil t'Th. TtAAlltlflll Tflle lua ... 1 1 iij , ..w - of Love", which will be shown dur ing the holiday week engagement. Harry Morris stars ior tne iruuyc I, - Ufa Imivh nnwl II rtln OT ' rtfebrfiW roles In which lie has gained an en viable reputation wnony jusunaoie. Word of hi. repeated successes In, southern circuit, ha. reached this city from many points, and those who ap preciate clean but uproarious comedy should see Harry in action. - nanif.iii.ii anil -f-Q rnn.r in .nil and dance are billed for a number of pleasing turns, the team worn or tnis couple Deing sKiuruuy wofkbu out to win the plaudits of the house. T lr.l. Ih.mailv.. Ba Antpf-tAlnftrS. the team of Gordon and Berry, are scheduled to provide a inuc oi evervthinar". so elastic 1. their range upon the boards. Eccentric harmony is promiseu aplenty When the Blue Ridge four .-nAMKlJa V.Ar.M tka fnntHtrhta In comic costumes, their singing being a leaiure' or me perioritmm:, nu to please. . In Irish roles Bob Shaw guarantees Jest and, mirth that Is of a callDre -consifiieni witn w reputa tion he has gained in stageland. With piano-accordlon the Venetian Duo has In store abundant harmony of the. kind that the audience' likes, combining a little of classical with modern and Jazz turnes In a well bal anced program. It Is llttel wonder that the serial now really being talked about upon the streets is that showing every Mon iday and Tuesday at the Majestic, for Big Jim Corbett In "The Midnight Man" sets a new recort? . or , daring action and gripping situations. No one should miss the comic episode. Matinee, 3: 30; , night 7:30 and 9. AT THE GALAX. Florence Reed In "Her Code of Honor." A comedy, "Lost, a Bride groom." - Florence Reed, the talented emo- Idaho, has arrived In Franklin to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cunningham. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Slier announce 'he entrapment of their daughter, Mary Annice, to Mr. Harry E. How ard, of Spencer, Mass. The marriage will take place in the autumn of 1920. Miss SUer has been teacher of piano In the Hiroshima Girls' school, Hiroshima, Japan. Mr. Howard has been for two years or more the rep resentative in Hiroshima df the Norton company, of Worcester, Mass. THEATRICAL j 1 P A I A W TODAY and JiLiik TOMORROW I II : if "isi l?!!', S". Xa.M FLdmmrtcm co FLORENCE REED, WILLIAM DESMOND "HER CO DE OF HONOR" The story throb with heart interest, for it tells of twd of l .... Wt I -tm Himun Lor. and Human Frailty. "Her Code of Honor b the f loracv. ix60e - Alco Comedy- lAOKE SHOPPIIS tlonal screen and stage star, comes to the Galax theatre today, offering "Her Code of Honor," which plc turlzes a thrilling story of artist life in the Latin quarter, Paris. The scene- then shifting to New York, the plot runs swiftly through momentous situations ana noios tne nuuicino suspense as to the ultimate outcome until the final scene. With this dual role, that of the struggling young artists In Paris and then as the well-to-do American girl ln Van. Vnrlr Ilon need is Said tO offer the most powerful work of her screen career, ana in iaci mat tal ented star Is reported to have said of "Her Code of Honor" that it is the. best picture she has ever made. The cast presents unusual strength with William Desmond,- himself a star., leading the support, which in cludes also Robert Frazcr, Irving Cummings, Marcelle Roussillon and Alec Fra-ncls. . AT THE STRAXD. Robert Warwick in "An Adventure In Hearts." Briggs aomedy, 'TJity Dude." Anthony Hope's exciting romantic story, "Captain Dieppe," has reached the movies. First published as a novel, tho adventures of the dashing young secret agent proved a worthy companion of the author's earlier book, "The Prisoner of Zenda, which was the starting point of a flood of pseudo-historical literature. The pop FREEZING WEATHER anc cracked water fitting, for' auto or house is the cal amitous result. Bring it here if its broke and save money, time and temper. Aftheville Welding Co. Phone 1116. 63-65 Biltmore Ave. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Han a large new stock of PLAYER PL4NOS PLAYER ROLLS COLUMBIA RECORDS Give ns jour patronige. Wo will appreciate It. 76 Patton AvnniM , V beet picture I ever made," says 'Lost, a Bridegroom i 35 PATTON AVENUE ularity of "Captain Dieppe" led Mr. Hope to dramatize it and the stage play wai produced, both here and abroad. Recently the story was made into a scenario and under the title of "An Adventure in Hearts," it will be shownat the Strand theatre to day, with Robert Warwick In the star ring role. The picture tell, an entertaining yarn of adventure, love and plenty of excitement In a nobleman's castle (1 Majestic Theatre 7N; 3:30 MUSICAL COMEDY and lSc&25c VAUDEVILLE. 30 Cents BOB SHAW'S Musical Comedy and Vaudeville Co. Featuring the BLUE RIDGE LASSIES MADAM FIFI" A Musical Review with Feature Vaudeville Specialties A BEAUTY CHORUS GORGEOUS COSTUMES GOOD COMEDIANS SINGING AND DANCING ATTRACT IVE SCENIC AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS. THRILLS ACTION SUSPENSE THE MIDNIGHT MAN Featuring JAMES J. CORBETT (The Idol of Million.) SPECIAL XMAS DAY MATINEE 2:30 and 4:00 STRAND And all were playing their own little games! Love, scandal, intrigue and woman' wiles. Over them aD the menace of disaster. Entangling them aOthe secret affairs of state. Engulfing them all a whirl ing vortex of adventure. A REAL PICTURE BRIGGS In northern Italy. The hero Is a sort of d'Artagnan, escaping from tne agents of a government that has re fused to pay him for a hizardou task which ho accomplished ami which it is anxious- to keep '-cret. Mr. Warwick is said to be ideally cast. He is supported by Juan de la Cruz, Winifred Greenwood, piclene Chadwick and others. Tho picture Is a Paramount-Artcraft and was directed by James Cruze. IN TODAY and TOMORROW - Three PawTis of Fate ! COMEDY