THE ASH1SVILLE CITIZEN, SAT ULWAY, DEOmUEii HI, 10 . ' r i MARKET, IslEWS OF YESTERDAY MUMP nuiniiu NEW YORK STOCK LI8T, (South) ACTIVin IS INCREASED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE II i Htock. E IS REGISTERED Transport Division Stimu lated by President's Proclamation. 21 80 Am. Intl. Corp '170 Am. Locomotive ...It" Am. I.lnuPcd 00 Am. 8mlt & IirT. . . 45 Am. Su?ar n Am. Hum. Toboro .i 7 Am. T'l. Tel. ..illO Am. Tobacco i t Annronila Copper -.113 AtchlRon All. Count Line All., U. A W. I.. I laid win I,oco . . . H. O Hfthl. Steel "H" Canadian I'aclflo 94 4 SO 460 130 150 27 62 32 NEW VOIIK, Vrc. 26 Hcsuinptlou of 1-adlnr on th stock exchange afti-r the Christinas recess was attended by greater . ''entral Leather nrtivitv and breadth of oneratlona. due I C. A O i-nieny to a Renenu nemnmJ lor riiiiroua vni., am. oi. Hharea. I'realdent Wilson proclamation 1 Chi., It. I. & I'ac... 40 orderlnir the return of those proiierlK-H to , imno copper 40 Drlvate ownerHlilo on March I, next 'Colo. Fuel & Iron.. .Htlmulatcd the entire transportation di vision, the. buyinic oon extending to rail roada and kindred iiteelH. Tobacco, shipping-, oil", motors and numorous peace Industrials were added to th list In th course of the almost steady rise, toe-ether with food shares and Issues of no adults classification. For the first time this month traders and commission Cora J'roducts Crucible Hloel Cuba Cane Sugar.. Kris , l.encrol Klectric .. General Motors . . . Great North'n. pfd. Ot. North., Ore C'tfs. i.ulf States Steel .. I Illinois Central Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Mar., pfd. int. MCKei Int. Taper Kennecott Copper . I.. A N Maxwell Motors ... Mex. Petroleum .. Miami Copper .... Mldvalo Steel Missouri Pacific ... N. Y. Central to 15 percent after op- N. v., . H. & II.. entnjr at 10, holdinc at the maximum rato i N. & W at the close. OfferlnnH of time money Northern Pacific .. wore nominal, countiv banks buying free- Ohio Cities Oas ... ly of commercial paper. I Ok la. Prod. & Ref.. Dealings In foreign exchange were com- I'n-Am. Petrol'm . imratlvely small, out the llritish rate Pennsylvania weaktnen moderately on reports that Plttsb'ffh & W. Va. Plans to establish credits on London had rlsy Con. Copper .. met with unexpected obstacles. Keadlfte; ' Liberty bonds were steady and foreign Hep. Iron & Steel, featureless, but the irenernl riomcatlo list Royal Dutch, N. Y. hardened on further buying of speculative Seaboard Air Lino, rails. Total sales (par value) totalled Seab'd Ari L., pfd.. iK.cnn.nnn. out U. H. bonds were un- , Sinclair oil ft. uci. bouses reported a visible quickening of public Interest, although the major por tion of the days purchases probably orig inated from short covering. Approval of the President's decree was almost universal In railway and financial circles, but It was realized that the uncer tain course of federal legislation still leaves the transportation situation In an obscure state. Heavy deposits of holidays or "shop ping" funds are expected to correct last week's depletion of bank reserves, but call money rose to l. percent after op- chanced on call. II V.. 60 Yi 112 3 36 130 31 46 12 oo 37 194 130 110 20 4 123 16 93 32 82 67 14 !I0 0 r.e 60 260 2 6 162 o'.it) 65 12 30 SOS I fir, 111 121 ill5 78 68 13!) 2S9V. eiy4 84 111 176 112 St OVA 13014 7 66 14 38 5, 27 41 86 218 514 mi 167 3.18 w, 88 72 87 57 12 t 78 1H I 83 138 I41 llUH'lLM I Slws-Shef. S. & 1. 1 36 NEW YORK BONDS. (Southern) V. R. 2s, registered h 100 V. S. 2s, coupon b 100 V. 8. convertible 3s, registered. ..b 88 IT. S. convertible 3s, coupon b 88 1". S. 4s, registered b 105 U. 8. 4s, coupon b 105 American Tel. & Tel. cv. 6s U8 Anglo-French Ss !)5 Atchison gen. 4s 7!i Atluntlo Coast Line 1st 4s 7 Baltimore A Ohio -cv. 4s fill lloth. Steel Rf 6s 87 Central of Georgia Con. 6s b 85 Central Leather Rs 08 Chesapeake A Ohio CV. Bs ' 78 Chicago, R A Qttlncy Joint 4s 24 Chicago, Mil. A St. P. cv. 4 .... 63 Chicago, H. I. & Pao. Ry. ref. 4s... 66 City of Paris 6s 2 Colorado A Southern ref. 4s 73 nver A Rio Grande ref. 6s pfd b 45 Dominion of Canada 6s (1931) . ...b 918 :rle gen. 4s 41 Illinois Central ref. 4s 76i jni. Mer. Marine s H4 Kansas City Southern ref. Ch 72 Liggett A Myers 6s b 85 Louisville A Nashville un. 4s Southern Pacific I Southern Hallway . j Ko. Ky., pfd Studebaker Corp. . Tonn. Copper Texas Co ' Tobacco Products . Vnloa Pacific U. 8. Retail Stores United Fruit U. S. Food Prod... I". 8. Ind. Alcohol. U. H. Rubber V. H. Steel V. 8. Steel, pfd.... Utah Copper I Va. Caro Chem. . . I Western Union . . . Wcstlnghouse Elec. Willys-Overland . . , coco-cola Sales, 1,270,000 1216 "1 25 80 40 24 102 66 223 104 20 108 30 f.O 10 34 22 54 27 155 20 223; 60 27 70 28 '2 81 46 9 JOB 40i 30 20 78 120 76 15 43 75 104 24 57 104 .-ami 9504 124 93 Vi 200 78 112 126 V 111 98 i " 67 138 97 Jt'i 277 68 83 90i 172 no 83 94 181 95 64 88 27 39 85 50 i 13 167 332 17 H 86 64 11 U 22 76 28.i 1U I2S. 211 22 48H 26 69 26 86 V. 79 46 9 104 4U 28 20 76 14 98 v 14 42 72 103 22 &f!, 115 103 77 Vi 68 1.18 97 'i 96 277 60 ' 88 90, 174 112 33 Mi 96 T New Orleans Market Will Remain Closed Until First of Next Week. NO CONTRIBUTIONS SAYS C. 0. P. LEADER IN TENN. Story of Farmer and Rab bit B rought to Mind by-Interview. want to, money." but do not give me any AMERICAN FIGHTERS WIV BOCTS STAGED IN LONDON (Special to The Citizen) AVASHINGTON. Dec. 26. With persistent regularity the Waehing ton Post Is publishing Interviews with rcDUb ... Tennessee, tucky In an effort to show that those states are headed for the republic an party In 1920, and that nothing but a miracle will prevent them from LONDON. Dec. 20 Johnny Grif fiths, of Akron, Ohio, knocked out Francois Charles, French welter weight, in the third round of their bout here tonight. Ted Lewis, for mer welterweight champion, of Amer ica, defeated Matt Wells, also of Eng land. In tho 12th round. Pal Moore, tho American bantam weight, defeated Jean Crlqui, the Frenchman, in tho 14lh round. T-SOMMERVIIiLE, MASS., VOTES IN FAVOIl OF liJO.S SOMKRVILLE, Mass., D-c. Somervllle. the last city In the state to hold its municipal election, follow ed the example of all but one of tho NEW YORK. Dec. 26 There WaB an 132 almost sensational advance In the cotton 97 mantel tonay wun me later momns seu 661, lng mure than a cent a pound nbovo Wed- 4uir m.adnv'M ('IriHInir tlirureu Juiv ranfmrts I 27U were relatively nrm, advancing to 1 deserting mo uemocrmiu pni ly. 36 or 133 points net higher and closing at I Politicians of more or lass promi- 41 32.70, with the general list closing steady nouco eome to Washington from 8Ti. ut a net advanco of 40 to 122 points. Com- ,..,... .i.,.. ,i i, . v,.,,- n..T url.l, .1... .llnA.r ... VLUKl H"T Mini H.J ib politicians from cltle8 wnlch voted earlcr, by declar- 5. 9arU . h itl inK todav in favr of tho licensed sale 61 liens during holiday week, trading was 139k surprisingly active and buying orders 167 were received here from both Liverpool 337 and New Orleans where the markets will 79 ' remain closed until Monday. 33' The market opened steady at nn ari 75 vance of 2 to 17 points on bullish over 86 holiday news from the goods market and 66 reports of a good spot demand In the 13 south. The firmness of the stock market 23 1 on the return of tho railroads was an en 77 couraglng feature, while there was also 29 buvlnir on reports that foreign provisions 109 of the Edge bill. At first, business was 33 comparatively atiiet. but the fmylng he- 222 came more active as prices worked higher do nftor arriving at tho national capital la to tell their party afsocl atos here how their state Is going to come to the front In tho forth coming presidential election for tho republican nominee. State Senator John C. Houk. of Knoxvllle, Tcnn.. a conspicuous leader of the republican party in the Volunteer state, has a recent in terview in the Post, in which lie paints a rosy hue for the republic ans in his state. "If we can improve our present status a little bit, he 23 and the market reached the highest levels says, "wo ore sure to carry tho state 60 of the late day when January sold at 26 38.10, which mado a new higli price for 69 that delivery for the season nnd a net 27 advance of 6." points. March sold up to 96 3fi. 32 or 66 points net higher while later 80 deliveries showed net advances of 100 to 46 132 points. The close was only a few 9 tiolnts off from the best tinder realizing. 105 There was considerable trade buying. 40 But- we want presidential money and 'pussyfooted' managers of fa vorite candidates to keep out." Senator Houk says that East Ten nessee will go republican by 35,000. and that Middle and West Tennes see can bo held down to 10,000 mn- 'a particularly uurinK me earner n:irL oi iim juiuj iir eucn uivimuu niniuui 29 day. but otherwise tho bulk of the de- , much effort. All bo wants, he savs 20 mnnd was attributed to covering by local fs organization, and not money. He 7i ami Vfs3 street shorts, nnd buying here rtoa , whnt vou do - 119 by Liverpool and New Orleans operators I "a " a J 98 who wem short In their home markets. hltn e0 yu don t gle him any mon- 15 42 74 I Month. Hlgh!Low Bid 93 199 78 109 125 I06'104 U uzft 78 103U04 I 10 23 H January March . 104 May .... 23 '", Ku October ey. And remember that tnis is a ' 'I'nnnAORAn rciiiihllnan m.hlna nnl. "isJ'sSiss 68136 lS itlclan wno '3 wafning people not to !34 60:33 85134 4r, "ring any money into nis state for of liquor, The vote was: Yes, 2,777 no, 2,301. It was the first time since the local option system was Instituted that tho city had gone "wet." The vote, however, will have no ef fect on tho situation as national pro- j hlbltion will become operative before I the next local option year begins. SHIP ItEPOItTED UEIiPLESS. NORFOLK. Va.. Deo. 23. The Am erican steamer Corozad, out of New York for a southern port not known, is tonight reported helpless and adrift 20 miles east of Diamond Shoals lightship. A severe gale Is blowing and tho disabled craft Is being swept by heavy ?as. The U. S. S. Vulcan is standing; by the Corozad. TWO AVIATORS KILLED. RIVERSIDE. Calif., rw z ond Lieutenant Herbert Tiekborne, of .uuuni ernon, .. ., and Private Al lister Lima, of San Luis Obispo, Calif 7nr0ok'il.etl toifly whcn thc'r airplane fell 2,000 feet. LOST uimx AuiomoDue tile on rim. 35x 4 1-2. Please notify Frank Jervey Phone 2629. 136 Biltmore avenue. P12-27-3 66 87 64 28 40! 65 87 63 27 89 94 12 ;32. 80131. 62 33. 70 campaign purposes. -9.... 28. 88.29.. 0 Senator Houk is cian, and It is a CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CI1ICAOO, Dec. 26 Hoes mostly 10c in a crafty pollti-j Justifiable suspi cion that he is muddying the water He Is a practical politician, as well, and it is fair to assume that he 92 20c higher; heavy 13.50i 16.3." ; medium. 1 doesn't mean that ho would be 200 13. 55a 13.75: light, 13. 40313. 60: packing 78 sows. 12.0O4r-18.23: plrs 12.25fr 13.25. 110 Cattle heifers 6.40ig14 75: cows 5.257 13.i0; veal calves, 1.1.6016.7;.; feeder and stock steers. 6.00?12.25. Sheen strong: lambs, 12.00118.50; ewcs, 4.50 11.00. 126 106 113 74 66 87 64 27 40 (b) Uhl. CHICAGO GRAIN. CHICAGO, Dec. 2. Railroad order to nut grain ahead of all other commodities in the movement of wheat from the west I and northwest, had a decided bearish ef feet todav on the com market. Prices 82 closed heavy. 2o to 4o lower. averse to seeing a nice flow of elec tion money into the state to help pay necessary expenses and to en courage the boys to be Just a little more enthusiastic. No Contributions. 'Do anything you please to me ex cept to contribute a large campaign fund to the cause. Mistreat me, NEW YORK. Pec. 2. Final price of munlcate me 'make me a ' iio'litieil K W 4.7011: 0:? Thenar an" 93.16: second 4s. 91.64: (bird 4';s. 93 86: righteous in the republican party foiirth 4s. 91.66; Victory 3-i. 99.16: i In Tennessee please do not give me Victory 4s 99.10. ; any money. ! A homely illustration comes to LIBERTY BONDS. DRY GOODS. Missouri. Kan. A Texas 1st 4a 69 riaollned Un to l.n net. In nrovlslona thn Missouri Pac. gen. 4s.... 68 outcome varied from 75c loss to a rise of New ork (Central deb. 6a 90 U, m Norfolk A western cv. 6s 104 I - Northern Pacific 79 r Pennsylvania Consolidated s ... 89 CORN: NKff YORK, Pee. 26 General diy- Oats goods ruled very firm today and quiet in I Open TTigh" Pennsylvania gen. 6s 90. December ... 1.43 1.43 Heading gen. 4a 80 January . . . ,( 1.34( 1.35 jiepuouo iron A nteei it (1940J...D 928 I -Hay 1.3 Vi! 1.23 St. Louis San Fran. adl. 6s 60 OATS: Heaboar Air Line adj. 6s 85 'May .83 j .83 nownern en Ttu os .a 844 July .(Bl .it soutnern racmc cv. ss los pork: I Southern Railway 6s 86 i January ' Southern Railway fn. 4s ,. 67 i May 1 137.00 1'oxaa Company cv. 6s b 102 i LARD: I I Texas A Pacific 1st 82 'January ....'23.75 123. S5 Vnlon Pacific 4 85 May 124.70 124.80 C, H, Steel 6s WA HIBS: I Virginia Car Chemical Gs b 93 January .... 19.05 Wabash 1st 89?i May 119.67 MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, Dee. 26. Mercantile pa per 8; sterling 60 day bills 3751 commer cial 60 day bills on banks 276. Com mercial 60 day bilk 174; demand 179; cables 881; franca demand 10.6(1; cables 10.68; guilders demand 17)4; cables 37. Lire demand 1110; cables 1307; marks Low 1.33 1.31 1.30 Cloce 36.50 23.65 24.05 118.70 119.87 l.9 131 1.40 .82 38.00 36.50 I 123.77 124.60 118.70 119.37 most divisions. Print cloths, yarns and wool goods, were higher. 6POT COFFEE. NEW YORK, dull; Rio 7s. 15; Pec. 26. Snot coffee Santos 4s, 25. i mind. When tho farmer found that it was the rabbit that had been I muddying his spring he set up a tar babyi to frighten Mr. Rabbit but in , stead of frightening the disturber j away the tar baby enraged him and he attaceked the black image, when ho stuck fast to the adhesive tar. The farmer thus secured Mr. Rabbit HEARING ON SMOOT BILL WILL BE HELD JAN. TRAINS DFPART (Eastern Vimei who realized he was in close rlace oaii.h..e. woLi,i... m. '.nu nuin Li' wyi ouiuu nut. lajn SOUTHERN IL&ILWAY A8HEVILLE STATION Trains Arrive (Eastern Time) Train. From. Arrive . 16 New York, Washington, Salisbury, Local Stations '3:30 a, m. 16--New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washing ton 11-20 a m. 41 New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery. Atlanta 11:45 a.m. 20 Murphy and Local Sta tions i:i5 p. m 12 Chattanooga. Memphis and Knoxvllls 2:10 p m t Jacksonville, Savannah, Columbia and Spartan burg 2:20 p. m 21 Chicago, Cincinnati. Chat- tancoga and Louisville. . .11-25 a. m 11 Now York, Washington. Richmond 3:io II Murphy Waynesvllle and Local Stations 6;3o D 27 C:harleston, Columbia and Spartanburg 8:30 p. m 21 Goldsboro. Raleigh, Dur- ham, Greensboro, Wln- ston-Salem and Local Sta tions 8:50 d' m. 102 Bristol. Knoxvllle, Mor- rlstown 11:65 p.m. Banks Should Be Conservative and that conservatism should be of the right kind. The right kind of conservatism has given this bank a broad-minded and liberal banking policy, which YOU have recognized. This has helped us to grow. Battery Park Bank SAFETY, COURTESY and SERVICE Member Federal Reierve Syitem f AUDITS Books Opened and Closed Public Accountant Rooms 80S-204I-205 Drbamor Bid. J. E. WILSON Bookffl5J'B' PboM 1ST For Your Pocketbook'c Sake, buy your Electric Fixtures now, if you intend to build by spring NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO. 29 W. College St. Open Evening. Phone 340 Richmond ing to escape the fate that seemed ' 101 Morrlttown, to await him. The farmer said: I Knoxvwe Bristol and 'Now, I am going to have a good' 42 Local Stations to Colum- NAVAL STORES. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Dec. ;. Tur pentine firm, 1.694; sales 64; receipts 60; shipments 115; stock 10,079. Kosln firm, sales 1,494; receipts 39!; shipments 14.79; stock 88,601. unote: H-irc m.ib: k, 1a.35fpi6.50; a demand 20S; cables 201; government ' 16.86(Sil6.85; H. 16.40(516.60; uiiiius su-ong. iime loans strong; days, M) days and 6 months 7. nilflclalVimiii Q Ashrdluetaolnshrd 60 JACKSONVILLE LIVESTOCK. JACKSONVILLE Fla., rec. 26. Hogs prospects steady; choice heavy ll.60ll.76; good heavy ll. 76; bulk 11.70; rough 10.00&10.50; lights I0.00lo.75; heavy pigs 9.009.26; light pigs 9.0o9.25: range hogs 7.00$8.00; rangs pigs 6.00 I.00. Cattle prospects strong; stecra 4.60O .00j bulls l.606.00; yearlings 1.504i 6.00; cows 4.0096.60; heifers 4.60,6.60; veal calves 9.0012.60; canners 3.00 up. NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. NKW YORK, Dec. 26 Beeves steadv; steers, ln.llie'tS.00; bulls 6.50SM0 50; cows, 4.50!l0.10. Calves higher; veals 18. OOff 23.00; culls. 14.017.00; barn yard calves, Sheep and lambs firm: sheep (ewes) 7.00 10.60; culls, 6.00iQ6.50; lambs lC.r.Oift 11.60; culls, 11.0014.00; yearlings, n.oow 16.60. J9Hogssteady at H.OOjJU.50; roughs. COTTONSEED OIL, was higher on short covering und buying j . ,,11.:, b 111 aiiLiuipaiiun 01 a uetter ex port demand and with the firm showing In cotton. Final bids were 12 to S: points net higher. Sales 1.1,400 barrcln. I'rhne crude 19.16; prime summer yellow spot 21.76; Jnnuary. 21.90; March. 22.23 May, 23.33.; prime winter yellow and sum mer white nominal. 17.00; K. 18.25a18.15, M. 18.7S Wg, 20.6020.75; Ww, 21.25. WASHINGTON. Dec. 26. There will bo a hearing before tho commit tee on banking and currency Janu ary 20, d920, to give the opponents fit t ll A Clnrrtt Kill raV.1s.Vi la nmanHnlnrv i v.. ...... ... J 'of thn Tierfornl lnrm T.nnn nt nn opportunity to snow wny me act should be left Intact. The amend ment affects especially tho status 0 securities of Joint Stock Land banks. 1 Una have filed protests against this ' bill, and asked to be permitted to state their side of the case, and there I, 16.75 wi" probably ne a number from that N, 19.60; state to appear before the commit I tee. dinner. to which Mr. Rabbit In geniously replied: "Pear Mr. Far mer, skin me alive, . scald me. put me in the frying pan do anything to me you want to, but please Mr. Farmer don't throw mo in the briar patch." The farmer thereupon threw the rabbit into the briar patch, where he was bred and born, the plnce above all others where lie longed to be and yearned to remain. "Don't throw me in the briar patch," said the rabbit. "Do any thing to me you want to, but don't throw me in the briar patch." "Don't give mo any money for our presidential campaign," says Sena tor Houk. "Do anything to mo you ' Departs :00 a. m. :10 a. m. I m :: u- :10 a.m. Zi inaion-rvtit ui, oreens boro, Kaleigh, Goldsboro and local Station.' no a. m. 17 Waynesville. Murpl.y and Local Stations ,;40 a m 28 Spartanburg, Columbia, Charleston 11:35 a m. 12 Salisbury, Richmond, Nor folk and Local Stations.. 2:30 u m 18New York, Philadelphia. Haltlmore and Washing ton 4:50 p. m. 19 Murphy and Local Sta tions 2:20 p. in. 10 Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville 3:30 p. m. 11 Knoxvllle. Chattanooga, Bristol 3:30 p. m. 27--C h I c a g o, Cincinnati and l4tiisville 9:00 p. m. N. B. Schedule figures printed as In. formation and not guaranteed. A TIRE SAVED Is MANY DOLLARS MADE We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modern our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 12 E. College St. THE SWANNANOA-BERKELEY A Modern Brick and Concrete Hotel One block from public square Asheville. N. O. European Plan Table de Hote Breakfast Rates SI per day and np Dinner or Supper 7 So VI. O. HAWK. Mgr. BRINGING UP FATHER) BY lVIcMAINfUS OOKT fOO DARE. fVf My BROTHER WOULD TAKE ANY THIN4 THAT UlUMT DELOM C, TO HIM J -I m?A tZkVn "fr wttVoLLI A S CC v ' rV LAMP! 0 O QJ & &iSf 'i, y i - ?7TfSS wvt 1 r nxED po rT7" " 6? 1 the very ' nUn & r& . . . .' Goovf J yj p l ISIS INTL STU1 Skvici. Inc. , " "J 1 SEE FULL PAGE OF "BRINGING UP FATHER" IN THE COMIC SECTION OF THE SUNDAY CITIZEN MUTT AND JEFF-Mutt Should Have Paid the Room Rent With the Ten Spot BUD FISHER BY (W amt 'sew mc- ATewA I f j ooyTT Jojr to oeT I f a0. LLJ" -0T XML JefF's goat. cevr . ,H'jefH 13 jCX sowe clas5.. r He lees ths enQwSiT6 ) ahva. . i K(Vj6iai Tn i p" V' N ? S r I rew D0LirR Tie ARrowivjb iv t p Mibti.e OuTTow'il ,' V'M' i' Tf oovth es.T. vt J . " ? V "Crf ftVV',r' ) 3J