f d '($ THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEALBER 27, 1919. 11 Open Wide Your Portals Private Homes With Vacant Rooms Insert a Classified Ad. NOW IS THE TIME PHONE SO Lit zen Want Ads Bring Results 'Citizen Want Ads Bring Results" Haien 't Failed, that's as much as can be said of anything PHONE SO Citizen Wan) Ads Bring Results - i I ) b I 'J 1' SPECIAL A FEW WANT AU LINES jn The Citizen, will tell the story. Will sell the lot. Rcat the room. Rent the house. Buy the automobile. Sell the automobile. Get the servant. Get either what you want, and sell what you don't want. And the cost is small. CITIZEN WANT ADS Bring Results. 12-22-3 U. S. ARMY GOODS A new shipment of regula tion Army Blankets, all-wool, khaki, 66 by 86 inches. Lota of other Blankets in Wool and Cotton. Auto Robes (wool) all new. U. S. Army Sweaters. U. S. Army Wool Shirts. U. S. Army Leather Jerkins. Sheep Skin Lined Coats. U. S. Army Coats, Khaki, Brown, Black, and Green dyed, made into civilian coats. Wool and Cotton Underwear. U. S. Army Shoes. Trench Shoes. Buy those U. S. Army re claimed quilts at Si. 50 and $2. They are selling fast. Mail orders promptly attend-, ed to. Asheville Salvage Co., 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1497. Soft Shell Pecans Five thousand pounds large soft shell table Pecans In sealed sanitary car tons. Right lbs. at 83 1-2 cents pre paid Insured Parcel Post. One to fivo lbs. nt 75 cents. Christmas gift piiekvses specialty. Order early and avoid felay. W. W. Watson, Grower. , Peacanwood Plantation. Orangeburg. S. C. Pll-40-30 Baggage Tratvei erred, Furniture Mcving, First-class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. "The Hc.wSM with a Keener Under, standing." . . W. T. Keener. Mgr. Opp. Passenger Station. Phor.es 1405 and 1416. Branch Office, 27 Patton Are. :o-4-tf LAST CALL AT OLD PRICES. Magazines and magazine clubs ad vance on Dec. 81. Order now through P. WITCOVER. The Magazine Man. 2 1 Cumberland Ave. Phone 1680. And Save Money. 12-27.-3 CONSTIPATION and Brighfs are stomach diseases. Lungs and kid neys get sore and inf lammed be cause the stomach fails to send them a"od blood. Free "Your Health i id a Spoonful of Brains." John No. vood, Norfolk, Va. P12-27-30 BOOKKEEP. VG, Shorthand thor oughly taua t. Winter term begins Jan. 6th. Ao, Vess Greensboro Com mercial Sch Greensboro, N. C. for Catalogue. -tenia P-12-2-30 Mr. C. P. Herfurth, teacher of violin at Asheville school, will accept a limited number of pupils. Address Box No. 424, Biltmore, or phone 1915. P12-27-14 MUSIC AND ARTS. MISS IRENE COLLYBR Teacher of the art of singing. Pupil of Jean DeReszke of Paris. Voice building - Interpretation. Results guaranteed. Phone 382. 48 Wool Bey Ave. Pll-30-30 EAR Get Your Sunday Want Ads to the Citizen Early PHONE 8 0 AUTOMOBILES SCOTT DILLINGHAM !The Carolina's livest wire, used with the largest deal of the season. Just bought all of the remaining army trucks of Camp Wads worth, consisting of approximately $50,000 worth of 3'2 and 5 ton Packard and Pierce-Arrow Trucks. Come, phono or wire. SCOTT DILLINGH A The Used Car Dealer. 55 Broadway WANTED TWO or three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, wanted by well couple Hero permently unci want good .ojrroundings. Will exchange references. Address C. H. II.. care Citizen. 12-19-3 YOU TO HAVE one or my hats. Few nice styles left at your own price. Have you seen my line of children's dresses. I'vices reasonable. Mra. Edwards. 26 Charlotte St. P12-21-7 WANTED Two or three rooms and kitchenette, unfurnished, near in. or an apartment. Must be in good location. Koonis. care Citizen. P12-27-5 ONK OR MORE good milch cows, Jersevs preferred, l'hone 2637. 12-2,7-3 BOARDERS WANTED K E nToOD THE 112 Haywood Street A few choice rooms with board at rates that will satisfy; steam heat. Mrs. 'H. Beam. Telephone 1925. 12-16-14 WARM, well furnished, heated, large rooms, with hot and cold running water in each room. A-l location, two blocks from postofflcc. No. 37 Ravenscroft drive. Fhone 468. P12-20-28 FARMS SOME SICK man.s opportunity. One- half interest in young bearing ap ple orchard, poultry and sheep as side line, my partner can live on place. I'm too busy. T. J. Curran, (Owner). Box 300 City. 1 5-23-7 FOR QUICK SALE 17 acres, 4 room house. Just in suburbs of city. Good land, li acres woodland but cleared. Phone 01 or Box 785, , P-12-23-7 XOTICK. Thn next reirular mepttni? of the! North Carolina State Board of Dental . Examiners will be held in Charlotte, i N. C.. beginning promptly at nine o'clock on Thursday, January 15. 1920. For further information, or application blanks, address the secre tary. F. L. HUNT, Secretary. Asheville. N. C. 12-16-27-3 NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of the late Dr. E. Reid Russell, al persons indebted to the estate are notified to make Immedi ate seiuenieni. Mrs. Fannie M. Russell. 150 South French Broad. 12-21-14 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Horace S. Weeks, this Is to notify all creditors to present claims within 12 months of this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. ' This December 17th. 1919. ELIZABETH S. WEEKS. 12-18-26-1-8-15-22 Y Office Today .j (3 AUTOMOBILES car dealer, is back on the job M Phone 901 12-27-1 HELP WANTED WANTED Men and women of cul ture and good address, capable, ambitious and energetic, to travel ctly high rlfifis work u.-tlh IfVidfnt; people in each community. Good compensa - uon io 'ne w,,,. .an fieomont Lyceum liureuu, ;o brary building for particulars. WANTED One high school teacher and six elementary teachers. Ap ply bupt. of Runcombe County Schools 12-24-3 Kilt WANTED 500 colored laborers, $4.00 fp $5.00 per day. 500 white carpenters 62 tc per hour 1 years work. No labor trouble, working Beven days to week. Apply UNITED EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 104 S. Central Street, KnoxviHe, Tenn. P-12-16-30 YOl.'NO MEN 1S-3.1, for Railway Mall Clerks. $1300-21600. Exper ience unnecessary. Examinations Asheville, Jan. 17. For free parti culars, write R. Terry (former Civ il Service Examiner) 61 Continent al Bldg., Washington, D. C. P-12-27-7 WANTED A logging and saw mill contractor, or both. Approximate ly 1,000,000 feet of hardwoods near Old Fort, N. C. Only experienced men with good mill need apply. Noyes Land and Lumber Co. Old Fort. N. C. P-12-17-30 ASHEVILLE railway mall cterk ex aminations January 17. $1,300 first year. Men-women 18 to 35. List vacancies free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3.7Y. Rochester, N. Y. P12-14-20 WANTED Ten painters, good wages; a long job; inside work. If not first class men. no need to apply. 40c t to 60c per hr. G. W. Drymon. IWhltnev. R P. P1!-3R-S WANTED Boy that Jias a wheel to work before and after school hours. Apply Austin-; Vesey Co.. 27 Hay- wood St l227-3 Wa.n'ii-IJj At once boy ior work. Apply at Richmond Sun Set Dairy, R. No. 5. dairy Hill. P-l 2-24-3 WANTED Houseman, private sana torium. Call Mrs. Haiti ott, 1384. . 12-27-3 WANTED Good milker small family. F. S. Baldwin, Biltmore No. 2 P-12-25-3 f V M A L. . THE DANVILLE General Hospital, i raining school Tor Nurses. Dan ville, Va.. offers a throe years course for young ladies In all bran, ches of nursing, surgical, medical obstetrical and children. Graduates in constant demand and are eligi ble for State Board, Red Cross, Army and Navy. In addition to laundry, lodging and board, the students receive tert' dollars per month for the first two years, and fifteen dollars per month the third year. Text-books and uniforms are furnished. Eight hours on duty daily. The Nurses' Home, connect ed with the hospital. Is attractively and modernly equipped. For furth er particulars apply to Superintend ent, 261 Jefferson St., Danville, Va. P-12-20-7 RELIABLE settled woman for general housework. References required. Can stay on lot if desired. Apnlv ii Duuui rrencn roaa Ave. 12-24-3 CAPABLE colored woman wanted for day's work Saturday, ironing and cleaning. Come prepared to work. 22 South French Broad. 12-27-1 CAPABLE WOMAN For cooking washing and ironing for four people $30 a month. Phone 1168. 12-25-2 SETTLED country woman for general housework for three. Address 101 North Holland St P12-27-3 WANTED Maid for general house work. Apply 14 Edgumont Road Phone S?3. P-12-27-3 CHAMBER MAIDS Wanted Imme diately. .Apply housekeeper. Lang ren Hotel. 12-24-3 WANTED An experienced cook and maid. Apply Bonniview, 128 Hay wood St. P-12-27-3 WANTED Girl general housework, small family. 48 North French Broad. ' P-12-27-1 WANTED Two good maids. Apply 45 Spruce St. PI 2-27-3 A COLORED woman Highland St. wash at 85 P12-27-1 WANTED Experienced maid at 159 Broadway. P-12-25-8 WANTED A Maid. 178 Montford Ave. P-12-27-3 FURNISHED HOUSES nnrriTrri"i' '.-i-ii'i -nr --.nm i n WE have several nicely furnished houses with heating plant. Rentals from $75.00 to f 225.00. Apply at once Lorick and Company IS 8. Pack Spuare Phone 1348. .' 12-25-T FOR RENT Six-room furnished house, city water, light and bath; , un Weaverville car line, four miles out. Burnsville Road stop. II. A. Cleavcland Vll-ll-1 AUTOMOBILES H SALE STILL GOING ON .$1 Our great $1.00 Tire Sale will last a few days longer, be sure and buy your supply now, and take advantage of Sale prku-i. FOR EXAMPLE The regular retail price for a Keystone Tire size 30x3 U is $22.79 and the regular retail price for a Keystone Tube size 30x3 . w $3.48. If you buy one of each at these prices, we give you in additional tire for $1.00 and an additional tube for $1.00. The same applies to other makes and all ?izes of any tire or tube we carry in stock. POSTON 35 College St. TIRE IT S E D 5-Passenger Ford. $350.00. 5-Passenger Oldsmobile. 1919 model. i- r o-. n. .o mm 1.1 o-rasseinfer scrppS uooin rjiy t 4-Passenger Lexington Club 2p nodffft Roadster . 2-Passenger Ford Roadster. 7-PR8senger Packard. R O A M E R Phones USED One 2-Ton Republic $800.00. Extra good body. One 2-Ton Reo Truck with extra good body. One :!'-Ton Reo quick delivery. R O A M E R MOTOR Phones 28261171. AUTOMOBILES WE DO IT VULCANIZING. GIVE US A TRIAL. UP-TO-DATE TIRE SERVICE PHONE 131. COSTON MOTOR CO. 65-67 BILTMORE AVE. 12-24-3 FOR SALE The following winter tops for Automobiles at greatly re duced prices. One used winter top for Buick . small Four. One new winter top for Over land Country Club. Overland Asheville Sales Co. 12-17-tf Leaky Kadiators Repaired, robilt guaranteed not to leak. Metal bedies built any deeign, also take the dents out All kind welding, soldering dono. Look for the Radiator Sign. Ask for Wil liams. Asheville Radiator Shop. C5 Broadway Phone 901 U-15-tf FORDS New 19ri. m hand; imme diate delivery. Also large selection of rebuilt Fords, ali models, at very low prices. Alan your order today. New York Motor Repair Works, Ford Service, 138 West 62nd. St., New York. P-12-21-7 BOw'SER Gasoline and Oil Tanks. Self- measuring pumps. S. O. Bradley, Hales asent. Phone 1747. 6-17-tf FOR SALE One six Bulek 6 pas senger. In good condition. Applv 12 Carnelia St. P-12-27-3 POSITION WANTED in bookkeeping and general office and clerical work de sires position. Address . P. K. care Citizen. P-12-23 iOUNG MAN desires position with automobile or hardware company. Three years practical experience automotine ana tractor. Hard work er. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ad dresa R. C. B care CIUsen.P-12-25-3 POSITION wanted as bookkeoper, by young mcrrlad man. Bookkeeping graduate and some experience. I am not alraid of work. Reference furnished. Address box 440, Par mele. N. C. P12-14-14 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING High Grade Auto Paintinr. The onlj steam heated. Dust-proof finishing room In Asheville , Cor. Penland and Walnut Sts. Phone 2904 U. S. A. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. It, OTEEN, N. C, Sealed proposals. in triplicate, will be i.iO D. m.. Janimrv received here until S:30 , iur luroiffiiins niHimu ana laoor for construction complete, as per specifi cations, of: - One (1) Field Officers' Quarters. Four 4) Company Officers' Quarters. One (I) bachelor's Officers' Quarters, with water, sewer and electric connec tions, and cement walk. Information on application to Con structing quartermaster. U-23-SOt AUTOMOBILES AND R U B B E R C O . Asheville, N. C. 12-19-7 CARS mouei. Roadster 1918 model. MOTOR 28261171. C O 12-21-7 TRUCKS C O 12-21-7 AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS IN USEITEaRS 1918 Willys Knight $1,250 1917 Hudson Super Six 850 750 1917 Hudson Super Six. 1919 Starter Ford 750 1919 Starter Block 650 1917 Ford Touring . . 1918 Ford Roadster. 1917 Oakland Six. . . 450 450 475 1917 Maxwell 375 1918 Willys Six 650 1917 Stevens Durea. 1916 Mitchell Six . . 750 450 950 1918 Buick Six . . . . 1919 Dodge 750 FORD SPECIALS 1920 Ford Touring with Lib erty starter; demountable rims, tire rack and sloping! wind shield, latest thing in standard Ford equipment. Practically brand new, been run little over 100 miles, $825.00. 1919 Touring with Liberty starter, slightly used, $750. 1919 with Liberty starter, mir ror on side and foot throttle, $750.00. 1919 Slightly used, but not abused, with starter block, $675.00. 1918 shock absorber, bumper and ventilating wind shield, looks good, runs better, $550. 1918 Roadster, shock absorbers, and a good car, just what you have been waiting for, $475.00. 1918 Ford roadster, special built body, one man top and wind shield. V shape honey comb radiator and white wire wheels. Looks good and runs better, $450 a real bargain. 1917 Roadster, cream wheels and shock absorbers, $375. 1916 Touring, seat covers', Yale lock on switch, in good condi tion, $375.00 1919 with starter block, a real bargain at $650.00. This is just a few of our Fords, Come down and see the rest. Just a few of our bargains Come down and see the rest of them. SCOTT DILLINGHAM The Used Car Dealer. 55 Broadway Phnn? 901. 12-27-1 WANT AD RATES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS r Insertion 2c per word 4c 30. SVC FOR EXAMPLE: A 25-word Ad. costs to cents for one insertion, 3 consecu tive insertions II. 0u, 7 consecutive in sertions 12.00. 16 consecutive insertions 17.60. Ahove rates are for Ads. set In- 7-Dt tzpe (lownr catie). Want Ads. set In 7 DU caps are W per eant higher. , Want Ads Bet in 10-ut. lower case are'double regular rates.- iO-pt. caps are triple reg ular ratC'S. tutvirw. Want Ads. not run on consecutive days nr .trlct ly on :..e basts of t cents per WOf tr eacn imvruuu. Position Wanted Ads. are one-half the above rstcs. No warn ta. uikii iur ivarn inaa s oents. , ' Want Aus. are payaui m aa raroe. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. U. S. Army Goods of all Kinds. Winter Suggestions. U. S. army wool dyed overcoats each $15.95 and $17.50 U. S. army wool dyed pants, per pair . .; $ 4.50 U. S. army wool dyed O. D. coats, each $ 5.75 U. S. army slickers, each.$ 2.45 U. S. army wool sleeveless sweaters, each $ 2.45 U. S. army all wool used under wear, per garment. . . .$ 1.35 U. S. army wool used shirts, each and up $ 1.95 U. S. army all wool used blank ets, each $6.95 and $ 7.95 U. S. army canvas leggings, per pair $ .50 U. S. army wrapped leggings, ptfr pair $ 1.25 U. S. army Range Number 5, f. o. b., Greenville $67.50 U. S. army heaters (see our line from) $7.50 each to. ..$27.50 Visit our store as often as you wish and we will show you the largest and most com plete line U. S. army goods in the south. U. S. Army Ditty Boxes small wood Chests, with extra tray. Suitable for tools, doll's trunks, etc., in splendid con dition. $1.50 each. BRADLEY BONDEDWARE HOUSE CO. 14 Government Street. Asheville, North Carolina. Near Postoffice. 'Phone 3062. Use It. i UNLIMITED AMOUNT Dirt for Sale Top soil for j lawns or garden. Phone 114. j Allport-Alexander Construc i tion Co. 12-23-7 FOR HALE Furniture. Beds, Dressers, Etc. Over Central Cafe. Alio Pop Corn and Peanut Ma chine, cost $250.00. quick sale, 8100.00. 5 Pack Square. Over Central Cafe. 12-27-8 Still At It. 1 Nice Oranges 60c. Peck GRACE SUPPLY CO. 1 12-27-3 KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) M. II. Starnes Wood Co. Phone 1871. P-12-17-80 FOR SALE About 200 curd dry stubs and strips been cut over year in good condltnn by bulk of cord. O. R. Redmon Biltmore, N. C. P-12-2B-7 MODERN equipped printing press with I paper stock; ready to openate. In vestigate, p. O. box 867. I 1 2-27-3 WOOD eries. 293S. and Kindling, Hays Wood prompt dellV' Yard. Phone P-12-le-aO LOST SEAMAN'S I nlon Book, containing passports and receipts of dues bearing na:tio ef Joseph Keldman. Finder please return to owner at 8. I. Mlomberg. Pack Square or 42 Madison Ave. P-12-27-1 LIBERAL REWARD to honest per son who will kindly return a lady's brown fur neckpiece left at Majes tic theatre after last performance on Saturday night. Call at Citizen office. 12-23-tf LOST Hlaek fur neck piece, botweon corner Merrimon and 386 Broad way. Reward if returned 3S6 Broadway. ' p-12-27-1 AD i S nose glasses in shopping din trlct. Phone 883 or return to 12! 25 rurman Ave. Libera eward 12-24-3 JUNK Send your Junk to the Southern Junk ana ttiae uo. n Eagle St. Phone P 12-14-30 LIBERTY LOAN BONDS SEE my Liberlyi Bond buying prices in me .resnevine Times Classified Page. ,T. Sclby, American National Bank Bldg. Phone 167. P12--30 STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUN U Mlt. Z1LLICO AND KETUK e ev. 1:11 :!0 a. m. RIVERSIDE PARK 4:11 and every 11 minutes until 11 p. m. DEPOT VIA SOUTHSTrtE AVB.VUB 1:10 a. m. and every IS mlnutee until 1:11 p. in., uin every i -ft mmuiee untu 1:41 p. m., then every IS minutes until 11.04 p. in. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE SVK 4 a. m.. and every 15 minutes until 11 p. m. MA.NUrt s a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11 p. m. CHARLOTTR STREET TL'RSCf N1J8 4 a. m. end every IS n.lnntes until 11 p. m.; 11:30 ear runs hrouf'i; returning leaves end of car line st It. PATTON AVKVUK- a. m. and every IK mlmitei untlt 11 p. m. EAST STREET a. in. and every II ninutes until 11 p. m. ORACE. VIA MERRIMON AVB'l)B t a. m.. then every IS minutes until 11 m. BILTMORE I a. m.. and then ovary it minute nnfll 11 p. nr. aet ear. DEPOT AVD WEST ASHEVILLHJ VIA OCTH8IDB AVEVtXE 5:10 a. m anJ tvery IS mlnniep unto 11 at. as. SUNOAY SChBOULC DtrrCfts in tup FOLLOWINO PARTICULARS. Car leaves Square for Manor t and f it a. m.. urtvea Square 4:16 and eju. inn very 30 minutes until 1:10. Cars leave Square for Depot via South. Side avenue t:10, 6:46. 4:00, 4 1S. ija 100, 7:10, .1:00 and I 10 a. m. Care leave Sunare for Depot via French Broad ave nue :1S, S:0. 45. 7:15. 7:4S end :l" Car for Depot leaves Square I 45 a. m. hoth Southslde and French Bread. trlrmt car leaves the Saumrm fn. r-. btte street at t a m., and every to min ute U'jUt 1.4V, HVKl First ear leaves the Square for Ithrar. tide 1:30. next 1:45. irirsi car icavee me nquare ror , m Asheville 4 15. 7: next t it. 1 Tlrsi car square ior Ulllmore 1:10 i. nu ana every 10 mlnutee until j clock. First ear leaves Sqnsre for Orace (-M a, m . and every 10 mlnutee until t p. m. With the above exceptions. SiumUf aehediilee commence at t a. so. and ooa timie rame ne week daya Cm tvenlns: mheii entertainments spm t I progress st the Atdltorlum the last trt tea ell lines will je from entertelnsieni. REAL ESTATE OR H A l ft LIFE OPPORTUNITY We have for sale a Grocery Business doing between $70, 000 and $75,000 per year, and nice clean stock, splendidly located, will invoice about $8,000. Party has good rea son for selling. Nothing run down and out about it. Come and let us talk about it. Might put in some Asheville property, at right value. Don't put this off, this la an opportunity of a life time. See us now. VARNON REALTY CO. Office over Citizen Bank. Phone 400 and 2320. , 12-24-4 Some Good Buys Here and There Hkyland: Six room house, just on main road, won,an riiiB place, offered for $1,800 lcs suburban location. , . Seven room house near Biltmore svs- nue, in good repair; Fnce 4,ow on terms. fieven room house, modern, con lent'y located. Price $8,250. Oood terms. Seven room house, water and electrlo lights, close In. Price $2,250 with terms. Four large rooms with bath, on ear , line and paved road, large lot, two large outhouses. A good invest ment. Price $3,200 with term. Cell Is 2498 for further partlou1ar--ll , a pleasure to show you our properties, William Coleman Heal Estate Investment 21-23 Electrical Building. . Patton Avenue Opp. Postoffice. . -t 12-27-1 JOHN ACME. A CO. Real Estate and Insurance. Rental and sales agents for the better class of business and residence property. Practic ally everything on the mar ket. Business-like service and a square deal is the aim of thii office. Ask some of, those who have tried it. -No. 10 Battery Park Place. Phone 315. ' On the Ground Floor. 9-14-tf We have a very complete list ot large and handsome furnished and V unrurnisnea private homes lui the best residential sections of Ashe ville. Would be glad to make an appointment to show you these. Also all kinds of properties for sale. FORBES c CAMPBELL. ' ' ' 48 Patton Ave. Phnn. 911 ' Sales Agents Grov park Properties. tuoi yuur property witn ue. 12-1 t-tf U Property For Rent With MOALE & MERI WEATHER ; . Haywooa Bldy. mine 1 ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE HEART of Asheville." newl 'y furnished rooms, always COM FORTABLY HEATED. Meals if de sired like you wanted at home. Convenient for transients. The Augusta Villa, SI Collog St 1M2-4-I0 vam, wen furnished heated, large rooms, with hot and cold running water in each room. A-l location -two blocks from postoffice. No. 17 Ravenscroft drive. Phone 468. P12-29-2S run hk.nl- connecting rooms, fur- nisnea ror housekeeping. Lights, gas, telephone On Patton Ave car line, number 328. P12-27-i7 VJCKr desirable Deo rooms, m bungalow, breakfast optional. 1 Edwin place. Grove park, opposite Manor. Phone 2122. 10-ll-tf fl.nr-v .... . ru luriiinneu rooms ror drum. keeping. Gas and modern conven iences. Well adults only. Phone 1942. 287 Hillside St. 12-24-1 VERY neat bed rooms, well heated, modern conveniences, private home. 6 Aston place. Phone S19S. P12-27-J TWO furnished rooms for house keeping. Oas. Desirable location. 160 So. Liberty St. Phone 1781. P12-27 I FOR RENT Nicely furnished beJ room, 64 Spruce St. Call before noon, or apply 2 East College St. , P12-21-7 LARGE room with sleeping porch, for light housekeeping, water. light Phone. 1 Austin Ave. P-12-27-7 FURNISHED front rooms, no sick or children. Close. 4-1 Vance street. Phone 2814. P-12-27-3 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 2220. 12-22-7 REAL ESTATE. (OR RFAX FOR RENT Unfurniehed 6-room bungalow, enclosed sleeping porch, located on Cherry street Price 242 ler month. Phone 642, Donnahoe & Company. 12-24-1 FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house sleeping porcn. on .uoueiana, Ave.. West Asheville. , Phone 1214. Boyles. P-12-27-7 NOTARY PUBLIC .NOTAKT PUBLIC. M. messler. room Library euUSing. rnose sest or set. ..... 2. faevins oiiar at rrvuwr iiiuv ana asa sjsj ever at Aadl'.ortBaa.

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