2 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASBEVILLE, N. O, DECEMBER 28, 1019. -v Wants Wants Wants MARKET NJBWS OF YESTERDAY Wants ' COTTON OPENS FIHM AT OECLINEOFTEN POINTS New York Market Loses Fart of Advance Made the Day Before. NEW YORK BONOS. (Southern) IT. R. 2s, registered l l"" U. R 2s. coupon I 1 P. 8. convertible 3a, registered ..b I'. 8. convertible 3, coupon b IT. H. 4a. registered I) ls U. H. 4, coupon U lnsj NEW YORK, Dec. 27. The cotton mar ket lost part of yesterday's advance under realising for over the week-end and acattered southern selling. March contracts sold off to I5.M, or 65 points net lower and cloned at 15.95, with the general list closing steady at a net de tllns of I to 35 points. The market opened Arm at a decline of 10 points on January and 1 point on March, but generally t to 18 points Ills her. January recovered Its Initial loss, while later months sold 11 to 25 points net higher right after the call on a re newal of yesterday's buying movement, with July touching 32.96. The heavy cov ering of the previous day evidently left the market In an easier technical posi tion, however, and demand was much less active, although buyers found en murmsrement in the larse amount of cot ton on ahlDboard awaiting clearance: the Southern Railway 6s reports of firm spot markets and bullish Hon them Hallway gen American Tel. ft TL cv. as Anglo-French 6s Atchison gen. 4s '. Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s Baltimore Sc Ohio cv. 4Vis tlethlehem Steel rrf. 5a Central of Georgia Con. 6s b Central leather fis b Chesapeake & Ohio cv. 6s Chicago. 11. & Q. joint 4a Chicago, VII. St. rani cv. 4 Vis Chicago, It. I. Ic I'ac. Ky. ref. 4s Cllv of Purls tn Colorado & Southern ref. 4 4s Denver as Bio Grande rcr. as o Pomlnlon of Canada 6s (1931) .... Krie sen. 4s Illinois Central ref. 4a Int. Mer. Marine 6s Wanun Cllv Hnuthern ref. &s .... Liggett &. Myers 6s h IxuImvIHk A Nashville un. 4s Missouri, Kansas Taxaa 1st 4s Missouri Pacific gen. 4s New York Central deb. ss (Norfolk ft Western cv. 6s Northern Pacific 4s Pennsylvania Consolidated 4V4 .... Pennsylvania gen. 5s Reading gen. 4s Republic Iron Steel r.s (1940) .... St. Louis A San Francisco adj. 6s Seaboard Air Line adj. 6s Southern Bell Telephone 6a b Southern I'acltlo cv. bs FURTHER ADVANCE MADE OF ROOMS FOR RENT SPECIAL 79i m H7 83 95 80 95 4 67 93 IS." Nf W YORK. Dec. 27. W ith the ex .:7!hciivv nn the nnnnitltlnn of orsiiiilxed American Woolen Is Most Conspicuous of the Spe cialty Issues. 41 olivines from the roods trade. The ap pearance of southern selling orders here suggested a a is position to nenga suoi holdings around the prevailing prices, and ss prices eased off, offerings became mere active, with Wall street a prom inent seller on the decline. July held relatively steady, but declined to 32.30, with the general Hat showing a net loss of 36 to 61 points at the low point of the morning. Rallies of 26 or 30 points followed on covering, but the bullish fea tures in evidence failed to Inspire any fresh buying of consequence, while sen timent was somewhat unsettled by the easier ruling of foreign exchange and reports of increasing Importations of goods. Both, Liverpool and New Orleans will be open for business on Monday morning and ths disposition to even up commitments for over the week-end was . probably Increased by uncertainty as to their response to over holiday evidences. 4s 69 67 90 104 79 90 90 SI 94 60 35 i ins 67 60 V, "IN THE HEART of Asheville," new ly furnished rooms, alwaya COVi-1 tvKTABLI HEATED. Meals if de sired liks you wanted at home. Convenient for transients. Tbo Augusta Villa. 61 College St. . P-12-4-30 W'AKJI, well furnished heated, large rooms, with hot and cold running water in cacti room. A-l location: two blocks from postofflce. No. 37 Kavcnscroft drive. Phone 468. P12-20-28 Month. January . March : May ... July ;. uctooer HighLow Bid 33.00137.66 137.82 . 36.30136.68 , 34.60 33.87 , 32.95 32.30 . 29.36 59.40 Cotton spot, steady: middling, 89.2, 36.96 84.10 32.60 29.52 DRV QOOOt. , NEW YORK, Deo. ST. Cotton goods markets today held firm, with demand moderate and steady, Yarns were higher: . raw silks advanced and burlaps showed more firmness. Linens continued In good call. Texas Company cv. 6a b 102 Texas ft Pacific 1st Union Faciuc 4s U. S. Steel 6s Virginia Carolina Chemical 6s Wabash 1st (b) 111(1. ' CHICAGO GRAIN. CHICAGO. Dec. 27. Likelihood of a material Increase of available supplies at terminal markets had a decided bearish effect today on corn. Prices closed heavy, 2c to 4 Ho net lower. Oats finished l'c Open I High I Low Close CORN: I I December ... 138 1.38 1.34f 1.34", January .... 1.30 I 1.31H 1.28 I 1.28J May 1.261 1.104 1.27 1.27 OATS: I May 81 .82 .80 .80 July : .769i .75! .74 .74 PORK: January 37.70 37.00 37.00 May 136.76 36.75 38.00 36.00 LARD: I January 23.60 23.40 128.45 May 24.55 24.60 24.2a 124.20 RIBS: I I January 18.70 18.55 118.60 May 19.45 119.40 119.25 119.30 I'.ijor iu ittHiMiuuoij, touHy o soon uui i(17 tlve stock market registered many acces- Z.,,t slons to yesterday's gains. fi-. Pools and other nrofeselonal interests ib 82 ' forced heavy covering by hours In sev eral ei ine more speculative jwsues, no tably steels and equipments. Motors and their subsidiaries, particularly the rubber group, also were strong, and coppers roso on another advance on tho price of lend. American Woolen was most conspic uous of tho specialties at an extreme nrlvnnee nt A.U. imlntH. .hetvilejil leather and affiliated issues making moderate Kilns. Shippings were less prominent but maintained a steady to firm tone Willi tobaccos. Tho lively trading In stocks extended to bonds, with slight Improvement In Liberty issues. Several of the convertible railway Issues roso from large fractions to 1 points. Total snips, par value, totalled $19, 650,00(1. Old United States bonds wore Unchanged, on call during the week. An Increase of nbout $20,550,000 In ac tual reserves, which 'cancelled last week's deficit, wns the only noteworthy feature of tho bonk statement aside from a de crease of $61,300,000 In net demand de posit. Weekly reviews of the commercial agencies referred to enormous holiday trade and tho great Industrial activity which accompanies the advent of the New Year. The unusual conditions In the steel unci textile markets lire expected 16 continue indefinitely. FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping. Lights, gas, telephone. On Patton Ave. car line, number 328. P12-27-7 VEHf desirable bett rooms, m new bungalow, breakfast optional. 1 Kdwln place. Grove park, opposite Manor Phone 2128. 10-12-tf FOR RENT Apartment of threo or four rooms on first floor, nicely furnished for housekeeping. Close In. Phono 463. PI2-2S-3 VERY neat bed rooms, well heated, modern conveniences, private home. 5 Aston placo. Phone 3198. P12-27-3 ..b 83 96 90 TWO furnished rooms for house keeping. Gas. Desirable, location. 160 So. Liberty St. Phone 1701. P12-27-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room, 64 Spruce St. Call before noon, or apply 9 East College St. P12-21-7 6I0T COFFEE. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. (South) Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Soot coffee. dull! Rio 7s, 15; Santos 4s, 25U. WE WOULD NOT ADVERTISE If, as Bankers, we failed to treat our depositors as we would our friends They Are Our Friends ;.,;. . f . . We want to serve them faithfully, courteously and intelligently. Battery Park Bank SAFETY, COURTESY and SERVICE Member Federal Reserve System II 1 1 AUDITS ttook Opened aad I V WII-SON Borptng Rystemi M Installed Pub Ik Accountant Rooms S0S-204-30S Drbmnor Bids. Phone 1S7S Am. Kent Sugar . Ante Can Am. Car & Kdy. . Am. H. & U, pfd. Am. Intl. Corp. . Am. Locomotive . Am. Linseed .... Am. Smelt. & Uef. Am. Sugar Am. Sum. Tob. . . Am. Tel. & Tel. . Am. Tobacco .... Anaconda CoDDcr Atchison Atl. Coast Line . ah., a. & w. i .. Raid win Loco. ... 1. & O Both. Steel "B" ., Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather ... ;c. & o. Chl Mil. & St. 1'. , I Chi., R. I. I' : Chlno Copper Col. Fuel & Iron ... 'Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar ., 'le Jenerul Electric . . Oeneral Motors Ot. North., pfd ; Ot. North Ore Ctfs. !Oulf States Steel .. Illinois Central I InuDlration Cod. . . . I Iht. Mer. Mar., pfd. ' mi. jvicKei , Int. Paper Kennecott Coppef L. & N Maxwell Motors . . Mexican Pet. Miami Copper Mldvnlo Steel Missouri Pacific ., ' N. Y. C , N. T.. N. II. & II. . ! N. & W I Northern Pacific . . Ohio Cities Gas ... Ok. Pro. & Ref. ... Pan-Am. Pet Pennsylvania Pitts. W. Va. .. Ray Con. Cop. . . . Reading Hep. Iron & Steel . Koyai uutcn, is. Sea. Air Line Sea. Air Line. pfd. Sin. Oil A Ilef. ... Sloss-Shef. S. & I. Southern Pacific Southorn Ry Southern Hy.. pfd. Studebaker Corp. , Tonn. Copper Texas Copper Tob. Products . . , Union Pacific , U. S. Retail Start! Fnltod Fruit IT. S. Pood I 'roils. U. S. Ind. Alcohol I. S. Rubber IT. S. Steel V. S. Steel, pfd. . Utah Copper Va. Caro. Chein. . Westorn Cnion ... West. Electric Willys-Overland . . Coca-Cola 5i 54 'fi, 044 141V.I140 j-:o 122 115"i 103 ; 92 42 6 6 .1447 56 74 9 83 1 54 33 37 21 79 62 51 24 4 42 79 33 19 11 44 B9 13S 98 i 96 121 121i I15U'115U 1I)1'!1B2 77'4I 77 67! 69 137il373i 7 96 96 73 6074 WVil 60Tii 83! S3 I 83 89! 875,1 87', 175'4175 117". 114V4II13 I113H .13 32! 33 V4 97U 96UI 96-ii IIKI 664 65H 37 41H 8.. 17 50 13 169 V, ?38 178 44 101 3 5 92 34 Y. 24 42 31 19 26 71 33 .1 32 133 22 42 40 467 103 22 11 149 I 31 61 17 13 304 13 12 39 42 103 I 11 37 .'127 I 7 ! 47 I 09 1 17 61 16 37V 27 38 M 42 anvil 219 13tf 189 M 242V1!236 79! 78 39 3854 73 I 73t4 871 8B4 BO (109 78 29 liu 84 223 23 61 27 70 27 97 80 4734 9 10514 1'",, 29S 20 77i 121 100 7 15 44 75 104 56 67 109 24 76 z 109 218 23 60 25 69 26 96 79 46 I 1 ml 100 40 29 20 76,i 118 98 6 15 43 1 e 103?4 22 65 .1 ( 27 38 4Ui 86 217 61 13 169 238 78 38 73 86 60 109 2412 77 109 33 218 23 50 25 27 97 79 47 9 105 40 29 20 76 118 1)9 "71 111 43 74 103 22 bl KOK KKNT Two well furnished housekeeping; rooms, with sleeping porch. 132 East St. 1'hono 713:4. P13-2-3 LAHGE room with sleeping porch, for lljfht housekeeping, water, lights Phono. 1 Austin Ave. P-l 2-27-7 . A FEW WANT AD LINES in The Cftizen, will tell the story. Will aell the lot. Kent the room. Rent the house. Buy the automobile. Sell the automobile. Get the servant. Get cither what you want, and sell'what you don't want. And the cost is small. CITIZEN WANT ADS Bring Results. 12-22-3 TWO connecting rooms in modern bungalow, furnace heat. No sick or children. 8 Cherry St. P12-2R-3 One large well furnished front room, first floor. One or two gentlemen. 65 Vanoe St. P12-28-3 Kt'KNISHEL) front rooms, no sick or childron. Close. 41 Vance street. Phone 2814. P-12-27-3 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Phono 2820. 12-22-7 IT iV !' V It N I K li K I. KOU KENT Unfurnished, three rooms, lights and water. Range p.nd sink in kitchen. 78 West St. Pliono 3371. 12-28-7 FARMS SOMK SPECIAL FARM BARGAINS. No. 1 J43 acres in Rhea county. Tcnn., good productive land, laya level to slightly rolling; two sets of good buildings; two fine springs; good orchards; about 75 acres of creek bottom land; electric lights; only about 200 yards from II. R. station; pike and railroad both through farm. This is a genuine pick-up at $68. 0 per acre; i cash, balance in equl payments for 10 years with Interest payable annually. U. S. ARMY GOODS A new shipment of regula tion Army Blankets, all-wool. khaki, 66 by 86 inches. Lots of other Blankets in Wool and Cotton. Auto Robes (wool) all new. U. S. Army Sweaters. U. S. Army Wool Shirts. U. 8. Army Leather Jerkins. Sheep Skiu Lined Coats. V- S. Army Coats, Khaki, Brown, Black, and Green dyed, made into civilian coats. Wool and Cotton Underwear. U. S. Army Shoes. ' Trench Shoea. Buy those U. S. Army re claimed quilts at $4.50 and $2. ihev are selling fast. Mail orders promptly attend ed to. Asheville Salvage Co., 29 Rntmore Ave. Phone 1497. HELP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE. 7 men IS years and over, hospital attendance. (N. C.) J35.00 jer month $2.50 ever thrco months until $45.00 la reached. Board room and laundry furnished free. IS nurses wanted for hospital In N. C. $26.00 per month, $1.00 ever two months until $30.00 la reached; Board, etc. Qualification 1 S years or over, one year high school. At tend lectures, etc. Training: lasts over three years. This is your op portunity to become a trained nurse. 5 female attendants warjled ubove qualifications not required. AVagcs same as above. 3 experienced truck drivers for Shelby $60.00 per month and more. 10 farm hands or families for truck growing In Fla. $60.00 pr month. Guard duty, ex-soldiers preferred $80 to $100.00 per month. Bee keepers wanted. Musicians wanted. Good . pay. 1 guarantee you any position you wish for $5.00 cash. Jobs open now. DIXIE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. F. M. Putman, Mgr. Shelby, N. C, Rt. No 2. HELP WANTED WRITE PHOTOPLAYS $25-$$00 paid anyono for suitable Ideas. Ex- outline free. Producers' League, 30 Rt. Louis. P13-7-14-l-28-4t. EARN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate. 140 St. Louis, Mo. P-12-7-14-21-28-4t WOMEN or man wanted, salary $24 full time, 60c. an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wear er. Experience unnecessary. Inter national Mills. Norrlstown, Pa. P12-28-1 WANTED Bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Boyd. Chance and Bray, No. 1 Haywood St. 12-28-7 WANTED A girl as houso worker lu family of four. Good wages, perma nent position. References required. Write Z.. tare Citizen. PI 2-38-7 WANTED -e- Experienced salesladies for ready-to-wear department. Levitt's Store, 3 Blltmoro Ave. P 12-28-3 WANTED Reliable, capable maid. Must be able to furnish first class references. Phone 382 or 775. P12-28-3 SETTLED country woman for general housework for threo. Address 101 North Holland St. P12-27-3 WHITE or colored girl to make home with couple and do houso work'. . Phone 1852. P12-2S-3 WANTED Maid for general house--work. Apply 14 Edgemont Road Phone 863. P-12-27-3 MALB WANTED 500 colored laborers. $4.00 to $5.00 per day. 500 white carpenters 62Mc per hour 1 years work. No labor trouble, working seven days to week. Apply UNITED EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 104 S. Central Street, Knoxville, Tenn. P-12-16-30 No. 2 120 .acres in Rhea county. Tenn.; good buildings; fine quality of red land. Pike and railroad both through farm. Close to sta tion. Fine limestone spring. Creek inrougn farm, uwc ulnar has e oc trie lights. This is a dandy and a Bargain at iiu'Juo per acre. M cash, balance (6) six years, $1,000 per year. For a home, this is what you are looking for. Soft Shell Pecans Five thousand pounds large soft shell table Pecans In sealed sanitary car tons. Eight lbs. at 82 1-2 cents pre paid insured Parcel Post. One to fh-e lbs. at 75 cents. Chrisjtmas gift packages specialty. Order early and avoid r"iy. W. W. Watson, Grower. Peacanwood Plantation. Orangeburg, S. C. Pll-30-ao No. s 323 acres in Rhea county. xenn., good land and lays good; good buildings; fino spring; creek, pike and .railroad through farm; some tine creek bottom; good or chard. A reel bargain at $60.00 per acre. $9,000.00 cash. Bal ance eqtiul payments for eight years with annual interest. 107!104 104 in S'A in 225:il225l225iA 051 9341 93-1, 123.122ll22i 92-11 91 f 92i,4 201 '4 '201 141201 it 77 I .! 109 1109 t25?il9l loetiiin1-! 113 11 m; 73 I 66 111 130 1107 113H 71 63 87 64 M, I 29 I 40-li! 87 4 64 Mi 27 40 74 -li 67 87U 54 U 29 40 Total sales, 748,100. SUGAR MARKET. No. 4 130 acres, Roane eountv. Tenn., good vallery farm. This Is a good grade of land and lays well. Good orchard; two old barns; no house; some fine creek bottom; plonty of good timber; about half cleared; fine spring and creek and cheap r.s dirt at $5,000. $2. 500.no cash, balance, five years at $500.00 per year, , with annual interest. Audits. WE ARE PREPARED to handle all kinds of Audits. Examinations, In vestigations, Income Tax Returns and Designing and Installing Ac counting Systems. John W. Jones Public Accountant 4-5 Law Building. P-12-28-7 State Manager Roofing Cement and Paint. The livest and most progressive or ganization in the U. S. offers a big opportunity for a man experienced in these lines. Under this com pany's liberal selling plan, sales men can increaso their income at least 10 per cent. This plan means big money for the state manager. In your first letter state qualifica tions, past experience and give re ferences. Address Security Mutual Paint and Varnish Works, Station A., Cleveland. Ohio. P12-28-1 WANTED An experienced cook and maid. Apply Bonnivlew, 128 Hay wood St. P-12-27-3 WANTED An experienced cook. Goon wages. Apply 3 Aston Place. P12-2S-1 WANTED (Spok Park Road. at 4 Oak P-12-28-3 A reliable woman who can cook for half day's work. 38 Edwin Place. WANTED Two good maids. Apply 45 Spruce St P12-27-3 WANTED Experienced maid at 159 Broadway. P-12-B5-3 WANTED A Ave. Maid. 178 Montford P-12-27-3 FOR SALE. YOUNG MEN 18-35, for Railway Mail Clerks. $1300-$1500. Exper ience unnecessary. Examinations Ashevllle, Jan. 17. For free parti culars, write R. Terry (former Civ il Service Examiner) 61 Continent al Bldg., Washington, D. C. P-l 2-37-7 xt We have just received one car load of U. S. Army used Heaters, serviceable condition. These Heaters are adaptable for churches, schools, halls, stores, and large rooms. No. 174 Monica $17.50 No. 15 Monica $15.00 No. 20 Monica $25.00- No. 17 Monica $17.50 NoC 12 Tennessee $12.50 No. 11 Don $10.00 No. 9 Don $ 7.50 No. 10 Can. Ball $10.00 No. 11 Can. Ball $10.00 No. 3 Cannon Ball... .$ 7.50 9Favorite $ 7.50 5 Lone Star $15.00 1 Lone Star $ 7.50 Western Jewel.. $15.00 Western Jewel.. $17.50 Baggage Tranai erred, Furniture Moving, First-class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. 'The Hoai with a Keener Under, standing." W. T. Keener, Mgr. Opp. Passenger Station. Phor.es 1405 and X415. Branch Offloo, 27 Patton At. 10-4-tf For further information In regard to the above farms, see or write H. W. Rimmeiv Rod dp, Tenn. P12-28-7 FOR SALE Farm, 130 acros, about 40 acres in cultivation. Has about $6,600 in buildings: fine dairy barn. Will sell as a whole for $12,000 on terms. For further particulars, address p. o. box 364, Ashevllle. N. C 12-28-5 SOME SICK man, s opportunity. One half interest in young bearing np- pie orcnara, poultry anu sncep as side line, my partner can live on place. I'm too busy. T. J. Curran, (Owner). Box 300 City. 12-23-7 LAST CALL AT OLD PRICES. Magazines and magazine clubs ad- vanco on Dec. 31. Order now through P. WITCOVER. The Magazine Man. 24 Cumberland Ave. Phone 1080. And Save Money. 12-27-3 "nuuu a. logging ana oaw mUiTsTn contractor, or hntlv inrrnlmot.. lU. ly 1,000,000 feet of hardwoods near No. Old Fort, N. C. Only experienced i JJ0i J5, Noyes Land and Lumber Co. oi1, ISO. II- Fort, n. c. p-i2-i7-3QiNo. 20 Western Jewel.. $22.50 WANTED A lirst class piano turner, . No. 11-6 Vesta $10.00 .rwuiie iua.il Hinisireu, inr perma nent work with well established concern. State salary expected and give references. Apply Rest Office Box 646, Asheville, N. C P12-28-3 ASHEVILLE railway mail cierk ex aminations January 17. $1,800 first year. Men-women 18 to 85. List vacancies free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. S17T, Rochester, N. Y. P12-I4-20 WANTED To communicate with iivewire who would, be interested in making profitable connection with real estate and insurance firm. Ad dress "Opportunity," care Citizen. P12-28-3 No. 17 Buck's Carbon.. $27.50 Bradley Bonded Warehouse 14 Government St. Phone 3062 Use It. "Largest Dealers in U. S. Army Goods in the South." 12-28-7 uunsi ipatiuw ana Bright s are stomach diseases. Lungs and kid neys get sore and lnflammed be cause the stomach falls to send them good blood. Free "Your Health and a Spoonful of Brains John Norwood, Norfolk, Va. P12-27-30 TIRE USERS-ATTENTION! Longer Tire Mileage Means More Tire Money Investigate Our Prompt Adjustment Service Fabric 5,000 Miles Cord 8,000 Miles PHONE 136. Coston Motor Co. 65-67 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, N. C. NKW YORK, mce. 27. There was no special feature m tho raw sugar mar ket touay. wnn renners generally in clined lo hold off and await develop ments n connection with tno contmua tlon of government control. There was a sale of 3.001) bags reported late yes terday at 12c cost and freight, Decem ber clearance to a local refiner, and It was reported that more sugar was available at that level anil even pernaps lower. In refined quotations -for old crop re main on the basis of 0c for fino gran ulated, while nw crop Is quoted at 16.20 by one rotlner, while others are asking all flic way from 12o to 17c. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAOO. Dec. 2.',. Hogs: Receipts. ifl.000; higher; bulk. 13.75tf 13.95; lm. ; 14.00; heavy. 13.8fiw lit !H; medium. 13.85 !tf 14.00; light, 13.75i3 1.1. flo; light lights, ' 13. 4013. 60; heavy packing sows, smooth. 1 13.00 13.50; packing sows, rough, 12.25 13.00; pigs, i.'.u(B'1.i.mi. rattle receipts, 2.000; compared with a Wenk ago, beef steers unevenly, 25c to $1 hleher: she stock, 25 to 60 hlelier bulls. 60c higher; calves, 60c to 75c higher; feeders, steady to 25o higher. Sheep receipts. 3.000; compared with a week ago, fat lambs 11 to $1.50 higher: fat sheep and yearlings, 7j to $1.50 higher; feeders strong to 25c higher. FOK QtTICK SALE 17 acres, 4 room house. Just In suburbs of city. t Good land, 5 acres woodland but cleared. Phono 81 or Box 785. P-12-23-7 FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house. Grove park section; modern; nil conven iences; new house; $250 month. Another new house, $250 month House Montford section, $200 month. One facing golf course, $125 a month. .1. K. Iaw Realty Co., Law Uldg. Phones 120G or 31'JC. 12-28-5 BOOKKEEPING, Shorthand thor oughly taught. Winter term begins Jan. 5th. Address Greensboro Com mercial School, Greensboro, N. CM for Catalogue. P-12-2-S0 General Repairing Of phonographs, trunks, guns, saws, knives, razors & etc. Barbers Sup lily House, 23 Broadway. P-12-28-3 LOST WE have several nicely furnished houses with heating plant. Rentals from $75.00 lo $225.00. Apply at once Lorick and Company IS R. Pack Spuaro Phone 1346. 12-25 LOST DARK STONE SIG NET RING WITH TWO STORKS HOLDING COAT OF - ARMS. MOTTO: N'OUBLIEZ. LIBERAL REWARD IF RETURNED TO M. V. MOORE & CO., 11 FATTON AVENUE. 12-28-3 MAN to work this citv retinishinir chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, 1 Dy new method. $10 daily without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co., 313 Elm, Decatur. 111. P12-28-1 UNLIMITED AMOUNT Dirt for Sale Top soil for lawns or garden. Phone 114. Allport-Alexander Construc tion Co. 12-23-7 MEN Age 17 to 55; experience un necessary. Travel, make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries, ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 294 St. Louis. P-12-7-14-?l-28-4t WANTED Ten painters, good wages; a long Job; inside work. If not first class tuen, no need to apply. 40c 60c per hr- G- w- Drymon, Whitney, H. C. PI 2-25-3 FIREMEN, monthly. HEAVY Fruiter Cotton. Record four m bales per acre. 40 bolls to pound. 41 per cent nut. omic, x t ujvh. Write for facts, proofs and special price on early orders for seed. Heavy Fruiter Seed Co., Carnesvillc, Oa. 1-12-28-1 FOR SALE Furniture. Beds, Dressers, Etc. Over Central Cafe. Also Pop Corn and Peanut Ma chine, cost $250.00. quick sale,. $100.00. 6 Pack Square.. Over Central Cafe. , 12-27-6 brakemen. $i5o-$2oo , Njce Oranges Still At It. experience unnecessnrv rue taauresseci stamped . envel ope) Railway Association, care Tlt 'zon. P-1 2-7-1 3-20-27-4 COLORED MEN i$ 1 paints offer; $3 nun uuer; write lor tree samples and styles. Knickerbocker Tailor ing Co., Dept. 1664, Chicago. P12-28-1 JACKSONVILLE LIVESTOCK. JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Pee. 27. Hogs: Prospects strong; choice heavy, 11.80 11.76; good heavy. 11. 60011. 75; bulk, 11.75; rough heavy, 10.0ol0.6O; lights, lO.OOS'lOi; heavy pigs, 9.009.25; light pigs. 9.00&9.40: range hogs, 7.0068.00. range pigs. 5.0Ot.O0.. ( attle: irospects strong; steers, .5ni?r !.00; bulls, S.eOWS.OO; yearlingsi 3. 50 .00; cows, 4 00Sfi.50: heifers, 4.509S.50; veal calves, 9.004; 12. 6 canners, 3.00 up. FOR RENT Six-room furnished house, city water, lights and bath; on Weavervillo car line, four miles out, Burnsville Road stop. II. A. Cleaveland. P12-27-3 MUSIC AND ARTS. MISS IRENE COLLYER. Teacher of the art, of singing. Pupil of Jean DeReszke of Paris. Voles building - interpretation. Results guaranteed, mono 382. 48 Wool- Bey Ave. Pll-30-30 LIBERAL REWARD to honest per son who will kindly return a lady's urown rur necKpiece left at Majes tic theatre ufter last performance on Saturday night. Call at Citizen office. 12-23-tf SATURDAY afternoon on the streets of Asheville, in postofHco or in fur niture stores, one bar pin set with pearls. Return to 137 Biltmore Ave., and receive reward. 12-28-3 LOST Thursday. Brown overcoat, with brown gloves in pockets. Owner's name on envelope of Inside pocket. Finder return Citizen, re ceive liberal reward. ' 12-28-3 MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Mercantile pa per, S; sterling 60-day bills, 376; com mercial 60-day bills on banks. 374 V: commercial 80-day bills, S74S4; demand, 379; cables. 380. Franca, demand, 10.61; cables, 10.97. Guilders, demand, 1H: cables, 17V Lire, demand. 1J.05: cables, ,,IU, M, u. 111. Ull, ,14, Government bonds, firm; railroad bonds. nrm. Mr. C. P. Herfurth, teacher of violin at Asheville school, will accept a limited number of pupils. Address box ro. 424, Biltmore, or phone iia. P12-27-14 FOUND ON Xmaa night on Hillside St.. Black fur piece. Owner may obtain same caning at u. u. Buttons, North St. P12-28-1 NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. NEW YORK. Dee. 17. Beeves, ne trad ing; calves, steady; veals, 11.006 23.00; culls. 14.00017. t. Sheen and lambs, irrenilar: shn. 7.00ild.50; culls, 4.7f.00; yearlings. 1LO0&U.00; lambs, 16.60&19.00; culls, ll.0$U.M. Hoes, nominally steady at 14 00014 U; piss. 14.toei4.3S; roughs. 12.000110. U. S. A. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. It. OTEEN, N. C. ' Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 6:30 p. m., January It, 1920, for furnishing material and labor for construction complete, as per specifi cations, of: One (1) Field Officers' Quarters. Four (4) Company Officers' Quarters. One (1) Bachelor's Officers' Quarters, with water, sewer and electrio connec tions, and cement walk. Information on application to Con structing Quartermaster. y -. . : u.at.tat LOST One Roamer wire white wheel. 33x4U. Norwalk cord tire, also one license plate, 78903. Reward If .re turned to Citizen office. P12-28-7 LOST Loose-leaf Underwood type writer price list Finder please re turn to Underwood Typewriter Co., No. 3 Electrical Bldg. 27-17-3 LOST Last Monday, lady's gold foun tain pen. Ample reward If return ed to Major E. N. Smith, 3 Caro lina Ants. Phone 1180. 13-28-1 WANTED Colored man for ianlt.r nnd work in shipping department. Piedmont Electric Co., Wholesale Dept., Pnttn Ave. PI 2-28-8 WANTED Colored porter who will do porters work and wait on table, at once. Montazuma hotel. Mar fhall, N. C. P12-2M-1 WANTED Boy that has a wheel to work before and after school hours Apply Anstin-Vesey Co., 27 Hay- wood St. 12-27-3 MEN' WANTED for detective work! Write J. Ganor, former government detective, Danville, III. P-12-7-14-21-28-4t .60c. Peck GRACE SUPPLY CO. 12-27-3 M. KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) R.' Starnes Wood Co. Phone 1371. P-12-17-30 FOR SALE About 200 cord dry stobs and strips been cut over year In good conditon by bulk of cord. G. R. Redmou Biltmore. N. C. P-l 2-25-7 FOR SALE Modern fully equipped printing office including paper stock; ready to operate a going business. P. O. Box 857. 12-28-3 WANTED First class automobile mechanic. No other need apply. Call phone 3067 or 674. 1-2-28-3 HORSE, wagon, buggy and harness to match It taken at once, will sell for $75.00. C. L. Reece, Emms, N. C. P12-28-3 FOR SALE Two first-class fresh milch cows. T. M. Hickman, Juno, N. C. PI 2-23-3 EXPERIENCED grocery clerk want ed. Phone 1920. E. C. Jarrett. 12 North Pack square. I2-2S-1 WOOD and Kindling, eries. Hays Wood 2938. prompt deliv Yard. Phons P-12-16-30 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Houseman, private sana torium, can Mrs. Bartlett, 1384. 12-27-3 WANTED Good milker small family. F. S. Baldwin, Biltmore No. .2 P-12-25-3 WANTED Experienced butler at once. Apply 37 Courtland Ave. P12-28-3 WANTED A Wood fin St. butler. Apply 159 12-28-1 LOST Cameo breast pin Liberty street, between Hillside and Broad. Reward if returned to 260 Hillside. P12-28-3 LOST Automobile tire, -on rim, 35x 4 1-2. Please notify Frank Jerrey, phone 2529. 138 Biltmore avenue. i. P13-27-8 JUNK Junk. snd your junk to the Southern Junk and Hide Co. 11 Eagl S& Phone M3i.. , . X 12-14-J0 REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT Good dairy farm. Has good dairy barn and other build ings. See me at once. C. L. Rice, Emma, N. C. P12-28-3 FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house sleeping porch, on Louslana Ave., West Asheville. Phone 3264. Boyles. P-12-27-7 FOR RENT 10 Orchard St, $ rooms and bath. $20.00. H. B. Hood. Phone 735. 12-28-7 SALESMAN in every town to take or ders for "Made-to-Measure" clothes. Opportunity to make big money and build permanent business. Thou sands of well known merchants started this way. Wo furnish com plete equipment, for use in store or traveling free. Write Salesmanager, Meyer & Company, 831 W. Adams St., Chicago. P12-28-1 $500 per month selling; a new Patent ed Fuel Vaporizer guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent in gasoline: j n 1 1 ii ... . . . in mueif per nation inuue wun f ord car. Sold on money-back guaran- tee. One safriple free. Stransky Vr Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, So. pak. V P12-28-1 NOTARY PUBLIC .NOTARY PUBLIC, t. SI. MESSLKR. room t Lthrarj building. Sboo I0S1 or J1S- AGENT8 To earn blgr profits wlttt our qul$k-sellins non-alcoholio ex 1 tracts, toilet articles and household necessities. Open territory. No money required. We trust you. Hurry! Write today. Dept. i$7. The Linro Co.. St, Louis, Missouri. Sundays tf. U3ERTY LOAN BONDS SEEpiny Liberty ' -Bond buy'in g "pri'ce in . the Asheville Times Classified Page. J. Selby, American National Bank Bldg. Phone 1(7, Fl--$9