'fT ' (J EVTLLE CITIZEN, WED HUDSON AMERIC "THBASHEV WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 19J9. - '. V ' '''' ' ' ' i ' j -J v, f J PC An unique of th ordk shown els i Look o; buy. Ev price ar ' , ! '', . 1 ;v iV--, 'HORRIBLE MURDER OF HENOERSQN MAM DECIDE ON PLANS FOR CHURCH DRIVE Will Irwin Is Pound in Pool of- Blood. Bloodhounds and Searching . Posse Fails to ' Find Trail of Murderers. Inir and t Special ti The Citizen.) HENDKIieONVUXE, Dec. 30.--Shocking In It utter brutality , tlio mysterious murder and robbery of 'Will Irwin, a business man of Klowah. found this morning near IiIh hump In a pool of blood with his face mill head beaton Into a sodden Diiln, Iiiik thoroughly aroused this commun ity. The body w discovered partly hid den under a pile of brush within 100 vardN of his residence and more at Ktowah. A stout hickory club cover ed with niooa ana hairs, a weapon prepared for Its purpose the authori ties believe, was close by. The firm blow had evidently stunned the dead man for me ooay lay all crumpled up with no signs or a struggle apparent. The murderer or murderers mut have then rained a torrent of quite useless blows upon the limp form for the left side of the head and face now resemble nothing human, and when the killer' fury was spent the 'thing he left In the winter woods might have been anything but a man. Mr. Irwin Is known to have had be tween 1400 and $500 on his person Monday night, for during the day. he had sold a piece of property to a col ored woman and had had no oppor tunity of depositing the ftpincy. A few dollars were left in his pockets. His open knife, a Jug- smelling faint of whiskey, and the blood covered club were near, him. He was' last seen at seven o'clock Monday night In front of his store. A coioreo man says he heard brush CHATTANOOOA. Tcnii.. INI-. 30. At a nlKht session of the beneficence committee and syiindicul managers of the Houthcrn l'resbylerlun church to night to consider the chun li s pro gressive program. II wiih decided to raise $4,000.0(10 during the year l'J'JO a 'and at the next mention nf the geierul Ml HVflAil l'....mi..ilil (li'.l .l:l.. li,l- I40.OU0.U0O be inaugurated 1" extend over a five year period. Definite dates for next ear's con vention were dooidcil upon ill I he afternoon session bcinnim, uili I he completion of Itie syuoilK il o ..!. mi i'.'i tlon on .In unary I and ending Willi the reports of synodlcal iiianagci April B, at the conclusion of the drive. The dute lilted conforms to that of the inter-ehurch campaign for fundi- Fourteen of the 111 synml.s in southeast wen represented nl conference, iih were also S. Wallers Mctllll, campaign inanaKci', a. i I lr. W. 1". Calhriiiih, cxi utive cfe'.ir.v, Who have headquarters In f'hiit'anou ga. from which the campaign for funds will he directed EVIDENCE IN HILL TRIAL ;! Prosecution. Complete Its Testimony I n s p e c t Hall's Automobile. MERICANIZATION BEGINS AT HOME WITH THE MOTHER The Women With the Shawl Over Her Head Is Coming Into Her Own Teacher and Pupil of Same Race; Give the Best Results. .MANASSAS, Va., I . ail. Willi the Introduction of the dying state ment nf Lawrence Hudson, the pro, sci utlon today comnlf f .1 Its evidence in tne second trial of W c. iiail. pro. . , ' 1,11. ill., r, l,1U,w., I. I ...l.K Ih,, killing of Hudson las. March when J.?"?."'1?"" '? "f.T"? ZJ"X!L L "W" .'"H 52 Shack.dford C?' e "lilv wouTided der the ttu?"'c ' the liureau of and office, to her. But this is only hv iirohlhitlnn . i,,i ,irivi.r i i-uucaiion, iJenfliimeni ot ine jmer- ueKinning. vv e musi iree ine nome Hy IJLY I.YKK'S ItOWIl homo life of the foreigner who comes The woman with the shawl over to us. We free the child to a certain her head is the real center of Interest extent by Insisting 'on education for and intention in Amerle.'ini7-ution. At all children. We free the life of the ior, she received careful considera- ' HIP IfH'KKT" I'AKIIKS TO m; mpi-ioh in thi: hi i l IHCACIi. Dec. 3" I I, ins fur "hip pocket" parties In relieve the dryness of New Year's eve In Chicago have xone the way of other dear, departed hopes for ushering in the New Year on ii tide of vinous, dlslille.l i.r brew -ed hilarity. i'ollco Captain Mere hi i -ulllns hud heard that Invitations were being exteded rather openly by cafes, bidding their patrons to come "and bring your own." To day he issued an order stationing policemen in all hotels and cafes on New Year's eve to ereet each incoming patron with the request that he stand and deliver any liquor he may have in his immed iate possession. The state search and seizure laws give the police that right and the law was but recently upheld by the supreme court. All liquor in holds and cafes has been seized by federal agents nix i i'TiON to HF:ii(.i:it is ATTI-:XDK1 HV SOCIALISTS CillCA'IO, Dec. 30. Chicago so cialists tonight attended a recpetlon to Victor L. Herger, of Milwaukee, who was .denied his seat in congress but in the woods being moved later than I recent ly re-elected. The meeting wn thlf. i J arranged hy national officers of tin- ' Sheriff -Allard Case and a posse Hociallst party. made allUffent efforts during the Tterger asserted that his re-election Rlltomnhlle lOftriaxf u .'l, u hi.lrnir r,n the valley turnpike, n. Winchester. tlon; " truo thHt much of the ,i i work of the conference dealt with In his dying declaration made ver- technical and philosophical aspects ballv to Dr. V. W l(od of the. Wln-lof lno Amerlcaniaatlon movement, i hosier hospital, Hudson,, Dr. ftoyd I BuV the Phase of vital interest was testified, stated he hud not fired al ! ,ne Problem of assimilating the for tho prohibition agents and that he i f'gn-born woman Into the community had counseled Shackelford not to)"8 f her American-born sisters, shoot and did note belle w that he had I Tnw foreign-born woman has been tired his revolver. The declaration regarueu as the Indefinite member of was ruled out of order at tho ilrstl1"6 immigrant family. trial. are very real and tangible beings, be- The Jury inspected :he automobile cause they become a part of the pub oicupled by Hudson ami Shackelford1"0 schools. Tho foreign-born wo nt the time of the shooting anil ex-1 man has been isolated from her na amlned tho three bulh t min ks on the tlve-born neighbors, but often she has machine, which the prosecution intro-1 bad tho additional drag, in the lan duced in an effort in prove that the i Eruuge of one of the foreign-born marks were made by bullets shut from men, of being "boarder-ed" to death. ouiHitio ine car. Hy this he meant that the duties of accommodated themselves to a very The defense opened its testimony by ' caring for a household were Increased great change, far greater than any the Introduction of .loo Williams, by visiting friends and relatives from submitted to by plain American chauffeur of the prohibition agent's the old country. (She was t " '-v homes. All the food work which was automobile, and in the prosecution's j to attend night school or baby wcl- necessitated" by the war brought us efforts to connect Williams w iih the j fare clinics, arid so was shut on lunn nt tne house In closer touch with the bootlegging traffic", they gained en , all channels through which she might women of the neighborhood than aver admission from Williams thai about come In contact with Knglish-speak- before. Our eyes were opened 16 the i year ago he had gone to Ualtimore Ing people. It was shown also at the unlimited possibilities of community n an automobilo to bring back whla- conference that the foreign-born wo- co-operative buying, selling and cook- I ho prosocu-, man's retirement was largely due to ing-" nucmpi mo attitude of the men In her fam- -Mrs. I'ercy V. Pennybacker, hon- more adequately from disease, from the Intrusion of Industry - whereby the home life is destroyed, front In adequate space occasioned by high rentals. In other words. It is only a social program which can nowbe ef fective In furthering those ideals of freedom which brought America Into lelng. "The Italian women, contrary, to what was feared by many, co-oner- The children Inted In putting over the government's rood regulations. An Italian-American woman worker at our house se cured the cordial permission of Ital ian tenement women to hold cooking demonstrations in their own tene ments, to which they invited their friends Notwithstanding their ten acity In matters of diet, they gladly AFTER Todad WhatmWS! Wheh the New Year'a sun rise in the morn ing, We shall tee upon it face either a frown or a amile, according W have determined to guide our course in 1920. Indeed, the .whole aspect of life is a threat or a promise, depending upon our choice of the alternatives of life. And the New Year will be happier and life more inviting if we have , , positively decided to have a Savings Account ' and the goodly habit of thrift. CENTRAL BANK & TRUST Company South Pack S q u a r o key for a garage man. Hon announced the would lo prove at least one of the prohibi tion agents had broken tho prohibi tion "aw himself. Williams is under indictment for the murder of his wife. V. .1. BRYAN IJJVITKI) TO SPEAK I. XKV YOKK NICW YORK, Dec William Jennings Uryan has been Invited by the Now York Brvan league tn ar range a date prior to the spring pri maries upon which can address a ily. who held to the old country Idea oracjr president of the National Ked that their women's places were in cration of Woman's Clubs, intro- tno home. duced a human, Interest thread In Among those w-ho spoke from the "er talk about the foreign-born wo knowledge gained after a survey was ,nan "d the American club-woman. Peter Speek, head of the Slavic sec- j Madonna of Tlio Tenements, tlon of the Library of Congress. He ' "Iast summer I was called to New has made an official inquiry into tho ; Tork to study certain work being done matter of rural education.- by the Y. W. C. A. among the for- New! of Kducaiion. eign-born." she said. "One morning 'The adult Immigrtnt settlers need our guide took us up four flights of schooling, the women more than the stairs In a tenement house. When men," said Mr. Soeek. "This fact was the door opened we stood In the very clearly impressed upon me dur- presence of a beautiful woman, a real Money to lloan at 6 Simple Interest ON THE EQUITABLE HOME PURCHA? PLAN No Bonus. No i 1. X CONYERS & CB. LYNCH. Afl Phone 682 Room 27, American National Bank Bldg. " 2y diBCOVO' "" clue to the most was his vindication and declared that mass meeting; In Madison Squaro gar-' ing tho Held investigation The Him ' Madonna, v. dreadful . tmirdei 've . nrmY,it,i iNli un ni. v,.t,,.i.i ,ior it " -i. , . iiswitiu. jno umg tinwimi i nuirair ever committed In If ho again was excluded from con Henderson-' county, but their efforts , gress he would be a candidate and again would be re-elected by an even larger majority. "What did we get out of the war'.'" A - were fruitless, fT, Bloodhounds brought to the scone of the murder were unable to locates Ylaxt. any trail MVS One leadinir In tho lie nuked lit one nnhi i r$ n0UM of - prominent cltlsen whom It I "Prohibition and the ilu . assured had nothimr To do with a voice . - 'it crime, and the sheriff dbj not see ,f Uto arrest tne cltlsen withi'no other j?jtloniiavi that of a Mllnd trail i flPTVT " " ' "HIM euis OIC1 f uriwj4 of flne reputalion. His ." EvfrOlnUBi , last September. hitm Am Jrvlved by four chlftlron, the WabUMi " about thirteen lours, all Wi&SndrlAXL bon of the deal fniiicr ; ' Happy Qf WY; i ':mtmiiTTejTi ROMISE shollteil MEXICAN CHARGED WITH TRYIXfi'-TO INCITE I . S. SOLDIERS TO DESERT ; Weed or -Rid-O-Skid ' Chains ,; safer during utwtorlnsT c . .ma vArreauius, Attbt for Mlchelln Tires . . ,i . .nil'Tubes. anT Tubes. riTKTiON , aawvict. STETSON TIRE 'COMPANY " Pbonae 1171 an I0t. . I gathering something on the order of me come oacK " aetnonsttution in the garden 13 years ago. when he return ed from a year's absence ubrnad. JUDGE WATTS DIIXN PORTSMOUTH. Va . Dec. 30 Judge Leigh K. Watts, aged 72, and one of the state's hnst i.o,,.n SAN ANTONIO. Texas, Dec. 30. I poration lawyers! nromlnont i,. vi,. Jose Quirei, a Mexican, is held at ginla politics and a distinguished vet Lerodo, Texas, under $5,000 bond to eran of the civil War, died suddenly answer the charge of inciting Amerl- tonight when .stricken by apoplexy, can soldiers to desert. A rejMirt of the 'Me was general Counsel of the Keii hearlng before the immigration com-1 board Air Line for years, retiring in misstoner was received today. 1917 on account of the infirm'aiii of Testimony was Introduced to shmi- nKp- Qulrez, dressed as an American sol- ufiitr, i mill n to ct ncros, the ltio (irande v wet as Instructors in the Mxl- ijrmy. He stipulated they were to Tn 1, .- K..nlnM 1.- . L - - . HBiufi, secreiarv or to Aiiivricanizaiion lies in tha wniy..,. wincn i woum nn ri:,i-,. in, iii ..... w.bm, nniiuunceu tonigni. Ac- " me immigrant families. Thev do ml- "ut in an .... ...... . , riiun, in nopeci oy .vir. ""i mingio at all in the American ....,.... uvumciiui lo mane ine mail i worm; tney live in the old world "r.7 T Uiler. , laid before some of the soldiers HECilN WORK ov Bit; SHIP TAMPA, Pla., lee. 11.U00 steel lank COMFOl FOU 30.-Work Uhln . U ' I . . . . i I J U(nj.Jj , , ( ui4 OlltfUlU UO Utilized thorA m S5TJK. 'iran mews, na Deon "begun by tho Oscar Daniels company at its shipyards In this oily. The con trnct nrlpn ia'19 "nn ItAn r Cure n Cold in One Day iels company Is'finisninE the Miv,h AAAJ1VK BHOMO yUININK of ten 9,600-ton freighter for .h with mem three mar large amount of am len reported the Incident to their It slope the Cough and : Kmhra-enev R-loo n,n,.n'unn and works off the Cold. I - ' JUOVK'H signature on each advt Com in nd let ui show your . - - - our , Peerless Washing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner Best in the world. Easy pay ment plan 1 WARD ELECTRIC CO. , it Batterr P' Pta- , . Delco Iilght Proaacta. v PHONE 49 Bui FurnitUkrc irtlfy the System Against " 's, Grip and Influenza rfVK'S TASTEI.EHH Chill! Itrurines and Enriches the1 u; Jiuilds up and Mtrength- de Svstem. It Fortifies Against Colds, Grip and '-rice boc. advt. r.iakcs You Cough '.UNO HONEY Ktons leals the Throat and ( gh 35c. A free box ' )-ri:-TKATK SALVE 's, Head Colds an: y bottle. advt "PINEMA SAVINGS NO We are not ikifc.V .handled, but Celebrated fo. J.. tial qualities fajft - Terms casu,;: FOR COLDiS You Wm Find GRANT'S no. 24 : A SURE CURE. It tones up the blood and puts the entire system ; in excellent condition. Quick, results as sured. : ifiMri.'.riUV' 1 Rheumafism A Homo Cure Given By One , Who Bud It in tne spring of 1893 I was attacked by Muscular and Inflammatory Hlieu matlsm. I suffered an only those who have had it know, for over three ycuns.. i in remedy arter remedy and doctor after doctor, hut such re lief as I received was onlv temporary Finally, I found a remedy that cured me completely, and It has never re turned, I have given It to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism, and It effected a cure In every caso. I want every aufTerer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this mar 'elous healing power. Iion't send a cent simply mall your name and address and I will send It free to trv. Arter you have used It and It has proven Itself to be that long-looked-for means of curing your rheumatism, vou may send the price of it, one dollar, but understand, I do not want j-our monev unless you aie perfectly satisfied to send It. Isn't that fair? whv suf fer any longer when couitiv iw i. thus offered you free; don t delay write toflay. Mark H. Jackson. No r.xtt.r.' r:rn. Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. ' Sir. Jackson is responsihle. Above statement true. racy of which Mr. Maguire speaks, may be attributed in great measure to the war, and to America's participa tion therein. The American army was well sup plied with automobiles better than !. n v nlhuf armv A t nanur, I li t.u I - exuuisitelv mnifu. . t..A ..rtin i . - " quarters m .iiaumuiiL, r ranee, ior in- ,7,, ,' "h,f ,8ald.' am y that stance, was an enormous garage where ou ladies must climb so high, but ,.ih wi.i. , k wuloll up even more Cadillac. Dodges and Fords. Officers stairs to have sunshine, fresh air and above the rank of major generally a view of the water, because we were ,-ode in Wintons or Cadillacs when on hoi n on Mount Lebanon and we can- business requiring the use of a car. not grow accustomed to the crowded. But the natives of France, Belgium ;", u 'and Germany were more Impressed by as she spoke of the water, with , the popular priced cars which the a poifectly natural gesture she point-l officers of lower rank drew. They ed toward the window, and turning. ' were surprised when they were told we saw New York Harbor. There that hundreds of thousands of Ameri happened to be with me a young cane who de not move In high society friend from Minnesota, , an American circles own motor cars. And then of many generations, who was en- they began to express wishes that ure Joying her first trip lo New York. As partly the basis for the present ex sho looked out of the casement she pansion of America's motor car fac sald, 'I wonder if I can see the Ktntim lories. f J ? w.y i ?"Iy reache1 New York There wan a. big scramble in France last night and I would rather see this at demobilization of the A. K. F. to ,ha" anything else.' Ket the popular priced cars brought , , P tle daushter of our hostess from America for Pershing's armV. SaKl, Come With ine. hldv. lot n Thom a riicannnlntmanl on.1 Klr.. show her to you Taking ijhe vlsitfcr Ism when he French government by the hand, she led her to another blocked all iioves to sell such salvage window, which she flung open wiiJe to the French. It was Btated. In de fence of this policy that the French motor car Industries must be pro tected. One American automobile company having on hand in France a large number of popular priced cars, pro posod to sell these in France. They migrant tin m. i," .V: ,nM TJ""'""". w,u: naa ?een orougiu over ror me army teachers in h i nom i" " 'o in person out sent but the end of hostilities made their teacners in the colonies it ihii- r her paner. declare,! thai h , ... ,3 t, ...... f.f, t , , . , ' v . - "j .ui rij;n- ni illy uoe uiiiicuuDaai y . I 1 eact K ' H liru- .?ii k nationaI;es Their duty b"ra man needs to be thoroughly tectlon of home industries as ar. ex- hi,.. 7 i ;.? 'tlne immigrant ""'encanizea oerore the foreign-: cuse, the French government would th. , . W th .the motn''s, tell b0 woman can become so. not allow such sale and there was t , ' rear their children, how ' n of the gieatest obstacles in much indignation on the part of the nr fam"y health, how to our efforts to reach the foreign-born plain people. Manufacturers in Amor- piepare meals, how to work in the om,an has been the foreign-born loa, , however, do not look for a con nonu. garden, how to can and nre- mans antagonism to her tak-i,-,,, n.., linnnnee f nnnnoitinn K'n, ,h. Serve, and they Should nrnnl in the Community life" ma TIT... tire muni.f netllrora QUnW- . I - ... Europe nas not developed the mo- meir cnnuren live in the new. and the men live in a mixed world. "In almost every rural Immigrant colony an immigrant woman of su perior intelligence may be found. She dither is a mother of a family wro has been long in this country or an elder daughter who has re ceived a public school education speaks English satisfactorily and who at the . same time speaks the imnrilgrants' language and knows the families in the colony more or less thoroughly. Such a ' woman should be induced to accept training and then become an organizer or teacher of the adult immigrant women in tho colony. She will be nble to effect an organisation called the 'Women's l- u" or, -vomers- Club.' Instead or creating an entirely, new body, j e . ""I asi exist coal tor car industry ajhas America," said Mr. Maguire. "Epean governments are gradually (coming convinced that tho popular llced American at, tomobile will h:l a Urge effect In stimulating local business and this means much toirds the re-galnlnjj of Europe's lost fosperity. Plica Cured I to .14 Days. Druggists refuif money If PAZO OINTMENT faf to cure Itching, Blind, Bleedinglr Protruding Piles. Stops IrrltationJ.Soothes and Heals. You can get rlful sleep after the first applicatlol l'rice 60c. advt or a benefit society cuume, mere may be no organbuW tlon nf nil l . , . . . mu cveiy oeiaii may have ' w iniiinien. The Homn Ten - "it w-ould aeem advisable for our hlgh schools, normal schools and col- ,.e necuicHiiy to train their im. and, pointing to where Liberty stood coi.iinuea, i nere she is; there she stands to welcome us all " Opisisltion of Tlio Men. Tlnl Tlf..u i.. j .... x iruericK cnon, presi dent of tho National Associations of the Congress of Mothers and the x-ui eiu i-eacner orran stations wItches neralred, tnned and Adjusted f Specialty. . J. E. (aBPENTER Jewel sf-N. Pack Squara f ' STEEET CAB SCHEDULE IN KFFICT JUNB ISIS. COAL! rL ' I tU" age where she is 'ipated and bcr parents COKr"010 wlthhoidliig ber .. . V In an action begun JUI fat Court by Mrs. m. trady, f0rro(.ry , tation was"11""' ealnt uer e ler, Abraham Os-:-" manufacturer of Terms Ca'"ldM8Mlri"J, - iblogly confessed rAPr ,l"w' She has VAVVrnk A. Brady, " aud builder, al- since becoming id verr 16 alnutM uniii iTT. i " ma js-. .?: IZEL I "ny.e.v-enin8;.or y other aasajiiiofj UUUJ 11,00 1 c it If a Z1LLICO AND RETUtr, , w,, t'.iO a. ra. RTVBRSfDB PARK ftlj and even 11 minutes until 11 n. m. DEPOT VIA SOUTHJTDE AVBNUBJ ,,.v . in. niiu w p. ra.. thtn p. rru. then tk. m DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE SVEt a. ra.. and everf u minutes until 11 p. m. MANOR 4 a. m. and iv.ry is mtnutM until n p. m. ! CHARLOTTB, 8TRE1T TL'RMfNUS i a. rr. end every It ninnies until li a aa.. 11:30 car nm, Ikaniga; returning leaves end of car line at 12. PATTON AVENUE a, m. and every IB minutes until 11 p. Bk 7 EAST STREET 0 a. n. t,nd eyerr II i.lnutes until 11 p. m. 1 " GRACE. VIA MERRQOV A1tNli I a. m then every lJinlrutea until 11 m. BII.TMOR15 a. m., kirl th.r every la minutes until 11 p. nv, :t ear. among them recreation mh,i Shoff's messace. ilJl . clrclcs- amateur theatricals, lf the Americanization movement M8 k et.C; Jhe home tocher wo"ld only help the foreign-born man should be attached to the teaching t0 become an American to the extent . u al Dubllc school." that he will encourage his wife to at- Atiother Slavic speaker was Albert tenfl club meetings where she can Jh Si . . "Durgn, president of m'al 'octures our work will be half the Slavic League of America. He don8- 1 know of no better effoif tho .ha . , ,Ilur.t.au ' Ed"cation can make than ,u i 7 , folelg" woman has been un- to thys Americanise the masculine fi J an a,most entirely neglected newcomer, for it is through the wo jactor in the American civilization. man that we hope to raise the stand in most places her condition is un- Brda of the home of the school and of noted, no provision i mn i ' the citv " v, vi, iul..:' "u "l Li ....... i .. . i. , . vji ; j e I . . . . ft xiiuune. iX u iW ' "iugnt or citizenship rra seldom or nevoe t,on;..... j - unnuudicu wnn hei. and she receives hardly any con sideration ih the development of Am erican communities Not Before the Second Generation. i.. , c.our8- ou can never com pletely transform a mnr. " not born and raised in this country n, n ehiiw W" 3"1 not come here as a child so as to go though the American public scbont such an American as you arc' n is impossible! But It Is also unneces sary! Don't be afraid to trus? ?h!s to natural evolution. The transfer matlon of aliens Into Americans wifl be accomplished thoroughly in The econd generation. Not before! Take h k . ' ' "le "ere eyen as ' ' in h man or aire I DRJ. a FLOWE, terinarian Formeptate Vetrinarian' Offices I Carmichael Drug btore,o. I t. Pack Sq. Phor150 Res. 1563. a never EUROPE L HAVE AUTO DEMOCRACY According to Head of Big Rubber Association. M earn Vi i . study. I MtrtC anguage (whose pronunciation, by the way. Is a regular 'Jawbreaker' tS most or us). I like the English Ian guago because It opened to me the useful una science and ...wnicunr, Many American Cars Will Be Sold Overseas Ma guire Declares. BOUTHSll eJ AVKVUE-ntJO every 15 mln'Jle until 11 a unui BbncuuLl vrFKRIa IN TH r FOLLOWINQ PAsMlcurisi? S Cr leaves 8quare tor lanor and f II V m','?B..6auI2.!!in1 toil yt tbe screen, ""rs Mrs. Bradj : mloence as a ir ioeome rot ' fsbe cxplatned, : e her pareDts Wats u uTt-, - flnej aba aar Car', leave Square for; frepot rta South Me avenue 6:10. S:4i :w ni i 00. 7:S0. S.0O and 1:10 k m ' .' .L??- ILimr. fnr nivil vl IA- l . 1 mj. Yl. :. J ; V:16:- adTlT- both South.lde and Frehtfi Broad I First car leaves the Kuar. tor Char, lotte street at a. m.. an) every 10 mof Hies until :J0. next I 41 " Klmt car leaves the sVusre for Riva. Side 8:30. next Hi. ,or First car leaves tb fcuare for t Ashevllle :15. 7; aaxt iih or First car les-ea 6aua- rnr nn, (.10 c. nu. ano evenr 10 min,,t.. ...... 1 1 ; First car leaves Sqsan for Qraca s 11 a. tn.. and every 10 minui untii ZT With the above exoenlon.. Sundajp schedules commence at a. m. ana arZ. 41ml. same as week dsya ening woen entemunments .ra ta " - AUMha ,l. . - . m mm lent By C. It. MILLKIt. Of the tens of thousands of automo ones to do Produced in Amor n i.. In KOm thi , next decade. Inrra numKn n.m i. can exnreiu mvui. ", i , ' .'" re Knrllh V ,H ",aps oetter in V. ' E-U,,,'e, accoraing to John M tonf-ie It Can ,n own mother R"'re. president of the Mid-West tongue because it was through the Rubber association. "sfudbV J,hlEmrIl8h '""SuaJe that . A "Europe is going to have automobile I studied much of what I know" democracy." said Mr. Maguire in a o 'cuRer wno rl ai,aD4 . - recent lnleryloa.- K. eign-born woman from ih. ... Z : few years the plain dcodIb of Wiir,,, a as Mrs. STERN TRUTH I. Delay may be the grave of to secure proper protection of yours. II. Speed is its salvation. III. You need title insurance. t good intentions ion that title deed Bankers Trust and Titllnsurance Co. 55 College St. Phon 1351 I Ashe-UIe. N. C n,.i.. . . . w'" ins view- i ' , irruin ih Europe point of the settlement house worker golng to ride ln automobilee, just -.J r. niltlKHOV tl'h f neii-. a i i8 now. they the United Neighborhood Houses of ride on b,,c'es or walk. Europe's New York. As th " "scs of fine roads are tho h0, -i New England stock married to a man f0r motor-driven vehicles but the onlv of foreign biith. she irave IT-8" ca which glide over them are the to fh ,.ii I. "ew note na experiences of the 7u conference. HiimpiuouH, nign-cost cars that onlv Her tnn r. ...... . Vle the rf.-h can afford. Such ......a i,,,. Hon of the foreign-born to his home n ext"ive development there, and neighborhood. In part il" , ?ut Europe does not produce cars as .'lacaronl .Vot I n. m... ' i T' "oeB ,n enormous quantities e nlust ask ourselves iio .i. m wWe varloty, to meet all condl the foreigner's hpme life and nei't Uonf ot. PeoPe- of Pocketbooks. of borhood life be mada to n roads- f use. The plain folks of Ku ifwha? V?1"- ln thamT Therwant'them . of trnih have 8aid U "P to American manufaci comm in lU 11 ta '"PP'y them. As a result of nemV e"8 to try mand from over-seas. Americi perfectly natulral and lneir ,n " nV ra,J,w iPort trade In the has a not th tDndh,,0'la, Cu" utomobile field. This field of course i ..a . ""mi cus- autom - M . H III 1,11 I n. n . . . . . . . . . secure uniforn&tv fK- . "p.1 10 voX?n lnat " ?lres n1 accessories. Mr. Magulro's own company, the .... a . w - -- . o la iiuLUinar pir dlsIiVror K'SZi'.0; ta COp Kubb'r Akron!. mt nT- Jl'lVda?rea.d- or to- Ohio. Is enlarging Its export depart: snows. Tha ment to take care of this new trade VI these the hatt ha relaxwl. ' woman and tha It Is the writer's opinion, based on uia b working- - his own observations in Europe in the nerloanlxing the past year, that the automobile democ- mato paste, or ulurn we nave o "rVeedom for Mua u wnat w, for In consideriDf.' SERVICE IS A PLEASURE I ROAMERM Phones 1171-282 Itorco. I Aiheville. N. C. J 4 "1 6 TK staSTiv t M OWE - Q j! 1"

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