"1 I J . ... ... 1 -i v ..' j . ' .'.V '1. .i . ";). T r ' ' "' "' "" hi i """i' '""T'n" i "i 'i" -:a social s c I1' "i'm, , - ' " ' i ii I i ' I - Today' social calendar could hard ly be niled any full- The college aet and the married et of the city will be rueata at many entertainments. Among those entertaining are: Mlaa Elisabeth Collins and Mi Eleanor Collins, who will have a card partr at their home on Cumberland avenue in the after noon: Mr. and Mra. Frank Ouda-er will have a number of their friends at a "Watch Party" In the evening at their home on Courtland .venue; a u.-.ih Pnrtv" will alao be given bv ' Mr. and Sire. B. P. Brownell at their u.nn. nn Montford IVAltafl! Mr and Mra. Horace Ely will entertain with a house warming; on Woodland road; Mum Arnea Littleford and her brother. Mr. Frank Littleford. will bo bosta at a dancing party at their home near Skyland; Dr. and Mrs. Charlea S. Jordan will have a dinner party at their residence on Hontford avenue; Mr and Mrs. Reuben Robertson will be -hoets at dinner at their home In Grove park; Miss The rone Chapman will entertain at dlnnerf the Asheville Country club will entertain with a New Year's ball, and the Cotillion club will also Rive a New Tear's ball at the Masonic temple. -3 JH Miss Chrintine Memmlnger will en tertain on Friday afternoon at tea at the Piping Hot tea house on Charlotte Mrs. Arthur & Wheeler entertained yesterday with a beautifully Arranged reception at her rnaldence on Blltmore mmtutm having as her chlf vnnmtm Vr and Mrs. Frederic Quintard Boyer. FI who were recently married here.- Mra. i 1 Boyer having been Muw Mary Louise t , Swope, of this city. The lower floor of the attractive house waa decorated j, ? with quantities or noiiy, mistletoe and pother suggestion, of the season. Mrs. UThjeler has assisting her: Mrs. R. R. RwopeMrs. Maurice Longhurst, Miss '" Rosa incme. Mia. Hay Collier. Miss ' Orortri Betiut& and Mlsa Henrietta 1 a) Brigga. . During the recelvinr hours about a hundred guests called. "i ' A wedding of much Interest to a "! large circle of friends in Asheville and ' Aiken. S. C I. that of Mr. W. M. ' Jordan, of this eity and Aiken, to Mine "S"L!Sr7t7"2lof Plnk Columbia roses. ine name m!io " . n iioion oi burgh, at noon. Saturday. December I IT. Mra. Jordan will be remembered la AahevOle aa av moet charming and accomplished young woman, who haa spent several seasons here. Mr. Jor- dan Is a promising young .business man of this city, and wu formerly I rnnneeted with the management of the Batter? Park hotel. - The meeting of St. Usnmnt'i vnlM -of Trinity church, which waa to have ; been held this afternoon, will be post- ponea until uie auuowing Wednesday. . when It will meet with Mlaa lura McMahoa at her borne, S Cumberland rlrcl . i - tot jmirsrr run notel will elv dance en Thursday In compliment to 'ne rueacs mopping at the hotel. Members of the younger dancing aet, who have received Invitations to the dances, are cordially invited to be present. ' i Miss Freneea Parker wait hostess wt evening at a amall dancing party the home f her parent. Mr. and Mrs. .T'svwood Parker, on Chnrlnto 'v-i,aiiiii.iiii gi-ftfnr" tof atst, Mia EilaonTcuTTuA J Hlstorv' club will meet Friday rnoon at S-.SO o'clock wKh Vrg, E. , Chamber at her home on Edwin Grove park. ( . - jS , . ' weddlnw of wide tnterear which m Tlee (Saturday evening. Deeem- M zi. i noma of the bride's . pis no Washington Street. Hen r i"lHe. waa that of Mi Alma " v rda and Mr. Perry Williams . 'impressive words of Ihe rlnr nny were aald bv Rev M V - es, pastor of the Metho-llst -h. Jn the presence of a number lenda and relailvea. The home .trarllvely leeorated for the c- hall, living mom and stalr- ,, r arranred w'h evergreens .-r ' in me nrawnr room. Yth eeremonv was hid an Im- ( ? i fiirsr warn oiscert with a haelr- Lr ness P. ,crn Several tall candles , t csnoeiirk placed on r- tho ertnmnleted nretv setting : i em.hftl narty. TmmedUte'v b- . . monv. Mrs A. R. Drafts i been opng," ancnmnanled on the ! ? ticusa fa 0rni1 Awards., brother ' ' 'who e'so nlaved the I tbasenatoq. A the first notes of , : existed ar"AA,r" march. Miss t " Handing in jrn the atalrwav lead- . ' 1d took her n'ace at i " " ' - d of honor. She was V'S!' ' J ' ' wait colored fafTeta 'i i JUuoli ig "liver trimming an( rr , i sir inee rosen l Norma Ie a prod vi'"o. waa tnej lence. Dart the lof f err ' while thr, lumber Q f . pupii i WOMEN'S . cepttbat -tAm ft.... J 1 1 1 i m y:lence. Darf , , f a good "'!'' tbetn until u , jus i in a. f their labor, u ,: ., th thins tbty . rcpntabl latr c ibstantial reductions are: OfMLORED SUITS . ' in their behal. ' . r ".Wben tfc.rort LrJt - COATS ' th for ryWo ui4 DlrGQl-.Q . - offered the uw dicilla t, LrVllOOILO .Uif condiUon and they werT OIISRS r emment ana save Inor thir , Th analical lailer ttt thi it DfDro eftcox eays, a knife In y l.VJDtLO , But their fdiWcr. raUy swaUl In nl JNDERWEAR ;.' Utterljr Bglleibl it Btorte like th. - VlolUne'of th . northwest lumberjack e yellow Special . posib!e to trtj.,. . . ; ' f ' ' U . ii or' Statement. " changes can be - - .The raitwar tirotherhood'' peaiitoit va n, 'strike lesulatlti a announoed. by ilr. Gomper S v followltuj, iond .. 's conference, Jn mild : to cttcrtaoes t 'ch labor leader mad . moaUu-'ag 'tj yefereno t'.th Cummin bill. Gomptri sit, y stated that it waa the canferenoe t rsl'ivaj' eirpVt: sied.-.-: i ' ' - -'fi pwbjie r the e'is My . "; caa pt ,., t t!:0 pciMt-t' clause against (juittlov -work should be cilmi- agree with the labor conference ranee or ressonabl hope that ' tn keep necesiarjr aertic uch H-Jce of dainty little rtnir hnnrer and wore pretty white organdy with yellow , himlth i.iid through AKheville en sash, and carried the ring in the heart , route to Apiipka, Flu., win-re they will of a lily. The bride looked extremely spr-nd the remainder, of Uc winter, handsome In her wedding gown. Hhe : descended thu stairway alone and I A party composed of .Urn. Molton. waa met at the landing by her father. Mr a)1(1 MrB ierry ci,,, Mr. nnd Mr W. F. Elwarls, who gave her 1" ! ir8. v. B. Northup anil Mr. Kendall marriage. Her wedding non was nfNortn mVP KOne to AnMHton. Ala., white satin heavily emliroidered and i , ..tienii the marrlnce nf MIkh Ann ....... ,.,i. draped to suit her girlish and grace - ful figure. Her veil was caught with a coronet of orange blossoms nnd she carried a shower bouquet of lriiie' rosea The groom and his best man. Mr. J. R. Clements, of Charlotte, met them oi the a.ltar. After the ceremony an informal receptum .was held. The .lining room was dA-rated in lints of yellow ami many candles with yellow shades adorned the center table with Its laee cover on whieh the bride's cake was placed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ot!lt left during the evening for New York ami other east ern Cities, after which they will be at home at f'.reensboro. Mrs. Ciills is the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Krt wards and Is a young lady of most attractive per sonality nnd has a wide elrcle of friends, who will be Interested tn her marriage. n i ho Unm vor HIeoit romoauv. nf New York, with headquarter Oreensboro. and has many frlml. In North nnd South Carolina and Vir ginia, his native state. Among the out-of-town ruests for the wedding were: V .-. and Mrs. Oordon Oarltngton, f Knox vllle Tenn., Mr. Albert Hethel. of Richmond. Va.: Miss Rita Tiller, of Knoxville; Mrs A. F. Garlington, of Greenville, H. C; Mis Sallie Watson, of Enoree. fi. C : Mr. Rankin Tweed, of Asheville; Dr. Rowland Alston, of Charleston. S C. and Mr. Orme Ed ward. L. S. N-. of Norfolk, Va. . Yesterday at Grove Park inn, Mrs. MoKinley Pritchard entertained at luncheon In honor of her two aunts. Miss Rose Morgan-Thaler and Miss nnhle Mortra n -Thaler, of Boston, Mass. . I ne luncneun it""- -" The luncneon tame wun nnnu-i xm.lv arrnneed with a center piece," earns were aiso pwm """"",,. .u., rii,. nnfi nPa n.... Morgan-Thaler. Mrs. Henry B. Ste- vena Mrs Laura Jones. Mrs. John Perry. Mrs Alexander Cowley. Mrs. Kenzin Bates. Mrs. Thomas S. Rollins and Mrs. J. B. Anderson. . jt Announcements havebeen received 'here of the marriage last Saturday nfiernnon of Mis Zelma Johnston, of Ijncaster, S. C, to Mr. John Alva Mclntlre. of this city, the ceremony having been ouletly performed at the home of the brlde'a sister. Mrs. J. C. Hood. In Lancaster. The marriage was witnessed by only a few frienda and relatives of the contracting parties both of whom are well known In this city, and quite popular. Mr. Mclntlre is one of the owners and proprietors of the Inde pendent Coal company, of this city, and la ' well known In business elr- Mr. and Mrs. Mclntlre nre expected in arrive in the city either lonigtu or tomorrow and will make their perma nent home here. I JUtK&Heeste Berrlll. of Blltmore. has rTeturrrJ7: item a visit with friends at Skyland. Mf and Mrs. J. P. Fisher have re lumed to their home at Spartanburg. A, C.. after a vtst with relative here. ' Mra. C M. James and children are apendina the holidays with Mrs. James' sister, Mr. J. W. Thomason. at Spa rtna burg, 8. C. Mrs. Oscar Le Brown and children have been among the recent visitors at Htatesville. Dr. K. P. Mallett haa gone to Wil mington, to spend a short while with his sister, Mrs. Gabriel Holmes. Miss Laura Kdgerton has gone to Raleigh to visit her sister for several weeks. Miss Lila Luther has returned o the city, after spending the holidays with her mother nt Parvlew. Mr. J, Herbert Hicknian. of the United States navy, is visiting relatives here during the holidays. Mr. McKiuley 1'ritehard left vester- day for a stay at Washington. I. ('. Mrs. F. .1. Tilnln leaves the end of the week for his home at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Robert Griftith, of Charlotte, is expected to spend the remainder of the holidays with -Mr. Henry D. Ste vens nt. his home on Montford ave nue. Mr. Robert W. t.'nderwood. of Durham, is in the city visiting friend. Mr. Underwood graduated from the ary Clearance WEAR o niuriiiUH 6 .compared a few the ns of huuV a soil ralxinc- oi wheat, not on hean put under ctiltlratb It tnay be that .Mavor the course of a few years ot American capital anj In coimldr-rsbiv north ol Cerco da. Pasco mlnee wi nll.U trufiXjfu fcu eible ii ylUvat of soil ter wheat. titers: nd is now Jmn.port.tt! .to urUnterrupt- prU people will oppoa. ahy measure that bacfc tyranny, but a lew tnogf al atrtke will wako mlllrKl""'Ph.(,)u,;: Vui-i.hlliiflnn nt tn. 1-1 ,..',,... t S.'for aevt-nil WffrkH. f l V.'W. J. Prune, of Br. vard.X as . ,r daught-r. Mrs. J W. i n attend tne marriage 01 .imn mm, , b , willianl Northup. ! whlrl) ., be ce)eh.... on .lanu- I ' ry , ; Dr. Thomas I', Che.l'"r ouali. Mr. Jack Cheesborough and Mr. .losepii Sluder have gone to N wton on a ; liuiitiiig trip Mr. and Mrs. A. F I'i'esloii anil I their daughters. (Who haw- lt-n here for u chort while, have returned tni their liiirne in Tennessee. ' ' , , association tomorrow. The commit- .Miss Martha McKee. who has been lec w, be headed by F. R. Oct al Louisville Ky during the winter tlnger ()f Wllson. President of the school, arrived the first of the week nngoclatlon. It is understood the to spend the remainder of the holi- commltteo Is roming to file protests days with her parent. Mr. and Mrs., , , haBsf(1 f ,n food H Held McKee. nt tht-h homo on i "H . . 1 I Minghain heights Mi", Mrown and Mr. Culler, of i "aeon, lill are among Ihe recent ar- it .Margo Terrao-. Mr. .. Warren Allen, lefi yesterday I . , for Philadelphia. Pa., after spending Tonight the fnlted States will ex Christmas with Mrs. Allen and their perionce its first "drv" New Years two sons, who are at 0 Merrlmon pw r,uhiinn avenue for an extended .-lay. Lieutenant Sullivan has received his discharge from the army, ami left yes terday for hi. home In South Caro lina. Lieutenant Sullivan has been stationed at Otoen for some months. Miss Janie Williams left yesterday' for a two months visit with relatives In the eastern part of the state. Be fore returning she will also visit at Savannah. Oa. Miss Kmilv Rock Hill. 8. Hewitt has gone to C. to vis t Miss Ylr- nir.1-. V'lln Son , . e arrived at .iurgu terrace. Mr. George Osborne, c f Spartan burg, who has been visiting in the city for several days, left yesterday for a atny at Greenwood. S. C. Mr. Honda H. McGoire returned yesterday from New Tork eity, where he went on a business :rip of ten days. Mrs. It. II. MeCulre and ulster. Miss Nora Azbili will arrive this week from P.erea. Ky. Misa Ainlll will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Mo Guire at their homs o.i Woodlln street. . n Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith, who were recently marrredL wf!r arrive to day from Richmond, sod "ill be thej guests of Mr. And Mn, Charles H. lioness blue RiblHtn Vaniiiilsa m raide from the finest, select VaaiHtta Mans that grow and meltoweil lijr Ike ageing until it lias that dinttiautltiratH- delicious flavor, which has B&ndN itt rmious. Advt. MATTERS OF RECORD. Yesterday the foSlowlr.g realty ( iranairre were iiieu iw rrcinrauuii; J. M. Ftoner to I, T. Fincher, lot on Ora street. $10 and other consid erations. George K. I.ee et al lo W. It. King, lot on buffalo street. H0 and other considerations. '. S. Hollister, Jr.. to William Hol lister, property in Black Mountain township, 11 and other considera tions. Marie Shank to Dr. O. '. Battle, lot on Linden avenue. $10 and other considerations. C. H. Hollister to C. & Hollister. Jr., lot on Kldgeway street, Jl and other consideration. H. W. Bryant to C. H. Craven, property in West Asheville, J 1 0 and other considerations. j J. M. McCanJess to C. P. Brooks. ' property in West Asheville, 110 and other considerations. i Nanny 8. Tiddy to B. M. N'oland, lot on church street, $10 and other considerations. . i I). M. Dew to J. II. Dew, property in Black Mountain township, $300. J. II. Dew to Southern Baptist as-i sociation, property in Black Mountain lownship, $150. , Margaret L. Tumor to K. ' AV. Thomas, property In Buncombe coun ty. $80. Southern Baptist association to J. H. Pew, property In Ridge Crest township. $150. S. I. Hall ot al to George W. Ora lis m. lot on Second avenue. West Asheville, $10 and other consider ations. Jason K. Cunningham to Pr. O. C. Battle, lot on Cornelia street, $io and other considerations. M. D. Calloway to John. E. Smith, lot on Woolscy street, $10 and other considerations. Woodfin land company to P. B. LIME GRIT Aids Makes Digestion More Eggs Scientists tell us that there is no known substance that aids a fowl's digestion as does good, clean, sharp Grit. It is a fowl's false teeth, and prepares the food for digestion. If new, sharp Grit cannot be secured, the food must remain unground in the gizzard until it is softened and falls to pieces. This makes slow imperfect digestion, h robs the hen of strength and robs you of eggs. ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY i OUR SEEDS GROW Cor. College & Lexington. Phones 2)77 and 2178. CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS It's needless to emphasize the quality of these superior .products. These are deliciously cooked tender beans and perfectly flavored with tomato catsup. 20c Can We Also Carry a Full Line of Campbell's Soups. , ... tm i .... v -m .ay than by wh.oIesoit. mj mj imander D Olior seta a gk ,De noceaeary, however, o r-2.''.ta ' I of It. A e . 37 Haywood St 1" (r la - I l,f "f l - "naieat &IJAY, i i ... i flutu It my in liunuoniD coun- J Y&. ZSE. T-1 v'Vr-! f ron. lot on Ivy atrt-ct, 111) and .thr oonaWaratfc,n. pr,,prrty , I.im.,n tuwm.hU,. $7:.. ' J. A. Hcarborouah to S. K. Chan- man. 1225. property In Hkylund township. MMtlllAtiK I.K I .VSl s. Licenses for marrlufte of the fol lowing were Issued: 8. it. Jarvls to Myrtle Carson both of Bursvllle. Lewis Rockwell, of Asheville, Mary V. Oonnell. of Greensboro. Oliver V. Kngllsh. of Madison, to I'earl Metculf, of Huncnmbe. l.-minrlo Oi.nrle .roil ' v" u,,' 'l-HeHt l1",J' l" Ve"c 1 ri,Hl' " ourg, n. i . l''rnLfirln (iftode. -olorefl. of Hun I Hpartaii- t k m -v A AUSHltD, 1U KXiViXiLV Xi , MKHllH AnTB1 RflTlV (Spaoisl to Th Cituir) WASHINGTON. IX C. Dec. 30. Senator Hlmmons' office today made an appointment with Attorney-General Palmer to receive a committee from the North (,'urollna Merchants' , ,enPra, PilImPr a(jvlsed Senator Simmons today that he had author- - iZed th removal of the office of the I nltert Hlnt mainhnl for euntern North Carolina from Raleigh to Wll- mlncrton GOODBYE Old Year Everybody re grets to see you gobut it must be. Many joys and many sorrows have come with you and now the end is here Goodbye. IN THE PAST Goode's Minute Service Drug Store IN THE FUTURE THE SAME. Designated Prescription 'Depot For The U. S. Government OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE SAFES FILING DEVICES ACCOUNT REGISTERS SHOW CASES COMPUTING SCALES MEAT SUCERS CHEESE CUTTERS ELEC. COFFEE MILLS ELEC. MEAT CHOPPERS COMPUTING OIL TANKS GASOLINE FILLING STA TIONS. Moody-Jefferies Sales Co. Phone 2966 38 Haywood St. "to ii, aea U. more we hw, aolt "Freedom fo.c1715-1716 "ia u what wa. tor In considering in DKCEMHER IN. WW. CASTOR I A For Infants ud Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Sif nature of CHURCH TO HOLD NEW YEAR'S SERVICES . There w ill be special New Year's eve services at me i-utneran enuriii. ! corner iJoulli French Uroatl avenue aou i niiiiui nuiri. linn tt-iiiiiK .u js o'clock. Preaching by the pactoi I Rev. W. I. Peters. Kvei yhody is eor- ; ilially i ivlted to this service. KEEP IT SWEET Keen Tour stomach sweet today and ward off the indi gestion of tomorrow try IKIOIDS the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MAOC BY SCOTT a SOWN! makers or corre emulsion e"iaiNi CANDIES THE NATIONALLY POPULAR CONFECTIONS All rvlnds, Sizes and Prices. WALKER'S DRUG STORE 1&3 Phones 132 "We Do It" VULCANIZING Give us a trial Up-to-date TIRE SERVICE Phone 136. Coston Motor Co. 65-67 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, N. C. NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost. Asheville Welding Co. Phone 1116. 63-63 Biltmore Ave. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Hati a large new stock of PLATER PIANOS PliiYER ROLLS COI.TJHBIA RECORDS Give its your patromge. nil appreciate It. 76 Patton Avenua Wo tOXCT TO LOAF. mmm 4 Pattoa AttTyVhmMn Ml. 1. ' 1 The Old JHE OLD way of providing for .the happiness of . pendents was Vldual executor and tru Jhe eCow 566 of Prices tfas geen Reached on glankets In Our Covering Department Quality Blankets at Bottom Costs for . You 72x84 Jacquard Blanket, satin bound. Regular $35.00. Special 72x84 All-Wool Blanket, plaid. Regular $22.00. Special 72x84 All-Wool Blanket, plaid. Regular $23.50. Special . . . 72x84 Ail-Wool Blanket, white with col- CI Q CO ored borders. Regular $ I 5.00. Special ... DUaJU 72x84 All-Wool Blanket, plaid. & O -A Regular $16.00. Special JlJeJU 72x84 All-Wool Blanket, white M 1 OC Regular $13.00. Special PlleaCl 72x82 All-Wool Blanket, plaid. ' (1A OP Regular $13.00. Special $lJiD 66x80 Wool Blanket, plaid. dQ J-Q Regular $10.00. Special J)0. J 66x80 Wool Blanket, plaid. ' tl 1 9C Regular $13.00. Special $11. LO 60x80 Wool Blanket, white. 7 f( Regular $8.75. Special PleDU All-Wool Crib Blanket, white; colored fcC 7C " border. Regular $8.00. Special PDefd SPRING DRESSES AND SUITS ARRIVING DAILY. 27-29 HAYWOOD Two Words Big With Meaning ABILITY OPPORTUNITY You may increase your ABILITY by attending the Eman uel Business College. We will find the OPPORTUNITY for you to use your added ability in a way to increase your salary also. New Term Begins January 5, 1920 EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE ASHEVILLE, N. C. ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT of HAIR NETS All Colors Jujt Received at the PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. 43 PATTON AVE. CRAVEN'S DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY -PURITY nd ACCURACY- OUR MOTTO Night Clerk Over Store . End ol W. AJievUIe Cr Line. Phone 8091 and The Nov to make a will and app $30.00 $18.75 $19.25 II r w 6 o 0 X. f 4 :ve-a U Lin 0t V. Ml h