WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1919., - . : . . : , ' ' ' ' ' . . . . Raleigh, ty, f jf i f 1 f, JL m JC 1 wuisportotioi, in umuterruptea eperauoty d."N,,M LI f , iJuRLLl 0TI JFlfin'rti PP" fey messurs that has v , ron. II. ? 1lT'vTI;P;fi RlThof tvrennv. bulafswmor. .lit 1 H -V V ' ' - . ,, I . ' 'V ' V w"""""- -r , ii f r; ."dans Ajrca That Shots re Jizzi Vrom Within tomobila.-,:-(v, . NT CUEMEXS. lllcu Dec; 'SO. Butb Fivort Brown, the widow ol -J.- Stanley Brown, shot to death In hi autCmo- a country road near here, . a go,, redwaa to teatlfy at p the which opened her tonight. rvot.; ''b. .Brown's cousin lorn frti ml to the eialrt man, timed ccnMtltutionai immunity , two wHm-Kxea upon- whom tor Lyntt Johnson had counted important information were r' i - .,, t Brown and Prevont had been I ' as natrrlal wHnessis .'. but leased yetorday. . . k ) U physicians who , herformsd lortom upon tho body of the nt yoing man, Bftve expert iy sni asre4 that the shots saosea ms aeath were nred thin tho automobile not more : Inrhrs from his head. lnqueb-waa adjourned until lday. ' u i metntlme- officials expect to custody here Ceclle Beatrice 'or whom a warrant" has been har;ltijr murder. The woman tave been a friend of Brown's urted to have left Kalnmazoo dy ef a deputy sheriif early it flftd , not; arrived-hero to. Thoufrhf John hadaeVvlce, but the Juvenile ourt is the T CLEMENS, Mich.." tc& HO, -o county v authorities -to. onod the inquest into the V t Stanley Brown without t arrival c here 6 Ceclle vs farninw whom a war b it lHHiiod charalnsr luur accused -woman was said a bo en route herer from Kal. n custody of a deputy sher rjo 'iar f J urr Dec. 30.CecUv Beatrice "l in a warrant with the Stanley Brown, probably a over to the Mount tomorrow, it was an t inlprht by ' the Chicago I Examiner, whoso . re i iiid her. . f ' . ' s.rl is neither at Kalamazoo. eck nor Mount Clemens,"' the tiid. "She is comfortably .vith Her grandmother at a t far from Detroit, awaiting K-up on h4r .original state nald and Cwnlner said the Pttbmltted.'to a. detailed px- i by reporters and had "made a which in the Interests of inipt Le piade public at this rer adds: 'A point on whleh tcr will be closely questioned lioHfiesnlons examined is the P of a pair of women's shoes colored f.'ather found in car, She will be ankpd to try inujs uu ner naia wiyoe "er tne in had pubWnly ftilnlstertd Him, doubt and fesr were lodged JJ the PInd f the sturdy .old crusadf' while he was lying Jn prison aneffRwdbly) ' that, after all," there might Be some Ho he sent two. messengers t Jin Kharaina them-to Bay: 'Art thou' ho that should, come of do we look ior another?" Mark the reply that Jesus directed the messengers to return to John: "Oo and show John again those thing which you do hear and see; the blind receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear,- the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them." Thus Jesus was willing to stake the evidence of His Sonship upon the things that He was doing right at hand. We have no evidence that fear or doubt enter ed the mind of John again. The things that Jesus was doing had not until that time been the concern of sny religion, and to this day those portions of the world where Chris tianity has not permeated have little regard for the helpless, the old, the sick, er the needy. Therefore social service as we know It today Is un questionably a result of the Christian Impulse. Jt 1s permeating the whole fabric of our civilisation to a degree undreamed of a few years ago. It the organized churches do not in every Instance stand by and push forward the various phases of this tremendous movement they will be abandoning the fruit . of the plant -.whose seeds they have sown. The Tbroo Clements of Living. 110TE.!.1ISra- 1 CONTEST T0M0RH0W Completes Heavy Training Line-Up Announced by ?; Both Teams. Christ anrfj only agency right on the ground in cocn locality preparea o jurnmn uri aldi It i the radiating point from which the other agencies are corre lated and supplied. If every minister in North Carolina, would within the next few weeks preuoh a sermon to his, people on .organized child welfare In the state it would lend an Impetus to this movement which I .verily be lieve would put this state at the top of all in the union in this respect. Of course .we -ero meeting with many difficulties, but these should not discourage us. IJack of under standing of the purpose, of the meth ods and of the posnlbllities' is mainly the thing that stands In our way. Another Great Field. But child welfare In Its broad sense does not stop at merely caring for the delinquent, . the dependent and neg lected children, it contemplates a scries of larger and more constructive undertakings by which a better en vironment and a more normal growth may be furnished f6r all children. We must counteract the evil Influences of the day by substituting better, ones. This embraces the whole field of so cial contact. If playgrounds and play and Innocent social amusement and physical and ' intellectual recreation are not afforded more abundantly for the children, of our communities we may expect; further and further in roads, from' Injurious, commercializ ed amusement!, , lower standards of recreation and ji general deterioration in the young as a result of the modern breaking up of tho home and the home influences. It seems to me that No one can dbuht that theTchuFohes tne cnurcnes might wen pay more at-1 Kan -. , , . It. T. . stand for the social Service Im-' ten"0 to providing the young of their . stee, , R. K quesuun. r r . " ; , ". Murray iuj Within their congregations and the Casey . . K H . outside communities. Solid character K. Norw;,n .., F.B. ., building Is, the greatest need in our social life today. , This cannot bo se- . . . cured by mere abstract preaching, though this is ttecesnary and has Its useful place, but must be secured In such ways as give to the young means of practical andV constant self-expression in those ways which tend to tlx character and habit through proper environment -and normal activities. Youthful ardor cannot be suppressed. It Is 'going to express itself some way. Repression solves nothing. Firm dis cipline Is necessary but must bo- sup plemented by means of self-expression through which that disciple Is crystal lized jnto habit and character Hence those, forms of entertainment which oreclude the children and the young from doing- something themselves can never supply the need, Play grounds ,and playleadershlp are the greatest antidotes known for Juev- PA8ADENA, Calif.. ec. JO. -Harvard football sauad today completed heavy training. One light scrlmage will ie held tomorrow and then no more . football for the crimson play ers until Referee George Varnell s whistle sounds the signal on New Tear's day for the opening of the tournament of roses, game against Oregon. nroaron held one DroCtlCO today. Another light workout is scheduled for tomorrow, after which they, too, will call off training. Whatever the outcome of the game the players are in for a. big time New Tear's night. Announcement was made today that members of the two squads will be honor guests at a banquet and ball to be given by the wives and daugh ters of members of the tournament of roses association. Coaches Fisher, of Harvard and Huntington of - Oregon, today an nounce the line-up for New Year's day. No last hour changes are ex pected. The line-up follows: " Harvard. Position. Oregon. Desmond L. K. .... . Anderson Sedgwick ...... IT. Bartlett Woods L-CJ- . . . . , . . . Mants Mfa'nf tnn.voiii-.'nlil n-hlakev had been : ami that the whlskev had been stolen, and within one section thefts and paid for, but It la certain , that of whiskey to the Value of 110.000 had bon committed during tho month. At one distillery the doors were, broken down and, it is believed, a truck was used to haul the liquor away. Of all the whiskey stolen from the various warehouses not a barrel has been re covered, and federal officials are said to be mystiued over the apparent ease with which thieves operate. . , TheftH l'robably Sales. It would not do to intimate that all, these thefts Jiad' been per-arranged TT Havemyer Hubbard . TV A pf as salms ember n v 111 iJuttlC CJp do mils svervwhero but the whinh arises in the hiinds of many Is, are the churches as a, whole putting that vigor of endorsement1 and help fulness behind these movements which they 'should? There seems to be a fen on the part of some con secrated leaders among the religious denominations that social service as we know It todsy, giving eo much attention as it does to better min istration to the physical and mental . . . . J ... I n , lA ,WA neeos ox men, ivhuv tu u,iiiiiii,j spiritual appeal of Christianity. This seems to me to be a mistaken idea, for newr before In our country has there been such an awakening, such an appeal and such as response to the spiritual impulses and to the spiritual development of our ..people.' - Social service does .not minimise, but tends to capitalize and to enlarge spiritual vision. All social workers who are thoughtful are basing thelu appeal nnnn a pnHrtnlAfpt1 PAtKMrnltlOA Of the three-fold nature of man the physi cal, the mental and the spiritual. It seems to me that this appeal and this omphasls is in accordance with what Christ .meant when He said that He had come that we might have life and have H more abundantly. ' This rounded and fuller Ideal of the whole life of man is wholly Chris tian. Everywhere Christ recognized the physical needs, and' Ills life as recorded in the Gospels was marked ty His service and His helpfulness to 'he pressing needs- of the everyday life about . Him. , Prsachlnsv teaching and ministry are tho three elements of ce Christian evangelism, t am, one of n y ij. .1., . ,1. rfiJNa: ocern vor tne not Brown. It ij-Mhat every day ntll last Saturday ck at a rooming ' AIIDnOItEIIEAD "l GTJTEMENTS : ESEENDITUEE3 loeclsl te" Vhe Citlcen) ' ' , iHINaTONt D. O, Deo.' 0. ment Of the expenditures ;ongrefwmnn-eect C,- Ii. pre-prlmary. and the pre n statement ' of Morehead, recent ninth district con nui j-aoe, .were filed today he clerk of. the house. expenditures were given All ot which was I'd by himself , except two Iar donations. , head filed . statement ' of expended. 'In his list of utlons was 575 received Tiembers of the-, state re .n executive committee, tement of expenditures fan 300 -paid to W, A. Rodkn :ongressman from Illlnills, . what purpose is not vtut one guess Is thnV it ver cost of propagsfnda (Vrom headquartes here r'wattt interest. 1 -",xpeotcd here thaf Hoey ; M hia scat when Congress tifs pext Vbv4ixy, The 7 m . JTrke .county rioiifiy here. TTT2S, 1 WILSON r t .'' ' i ' '!Vhh.. J c i ,1(1. -The : fx.iM.iive commhtae 1. 1 i-n.l endorsing it:im t I resident WU .'ini'.nr l.-Hobby, en- coi.'o .f United Senators 1 at i ii'-i i aid in their eup 0 1 tun) 1 :- adnilnlftrratien . wiir, aiKt selected Thomas r Ji.'iU.i 1. us democnitio nar 'teoii. .11 from Texas. r-J0 i-iroeds Ot H. Carl 1 .' foreWfirei V rvice had (HiKned, In address Itude of former Pen- touard the Wil- nd declared Mr. ct an antl-lvll- ! tit' l he history of as luembers ij-o commit- cburcn - is , tnuc ot sptrttna. leadershipf but' also be lieve that , it is impossible for the ehurcli to achieve Its highest , service in this field, unless it shows a due re gard for the mental and physical de velopment of the people. Nothing seems more certain to me than that the church is going to be ludged by the modern' world on the basis ' of servloe and practical Interpretation In the everyday life f the people' of tne principles tor wnicn it sianas. I have been tola 'that a ; survey made in one of the leading counties 01 North Carolina-showed that seventy one per cent of the adult population were not members of any church. Those figures may not be accurate, I do not know. But it Is certain that all the churches complain of lack of attendance and lack uf Interest on the part of the population generally. What- do , these figures mean? Do they mean that the people at least to a alarming extent are passing by the organised churches? , In North Carolina the several reli gious denominations are the moat potent factors in the soclar and reli gious life of our people. They ,iave church property, . organization, well supported workers' and In every way are prepared to put over anything good upon which they may set thrtir desires. - The whiskey, forces are still complaining bitterly, that the church people put them out Of business. Why should not our churches put out of business many other evil things? ; , Askg Support for Welfare Work. -The most significant thing In so cial construction today is child wel fare. Here again the church ri the appeal for thek orphanages furnish ed the primary impulse in North Caro lina, ho powerful did this appeal be come that the 'state as an organiza tion, expressing the sentiments of a Christian people has taken up , the work and provided a system whereby 11 is -expected mat every needy, neg B. Leslie , .... Harding . ... B. Leslie . .. . . Howard . . . (C) Steers V. Jacoberger , . r Bradenb.urg . Huntington EMPLOYS NOVEL TRICKS Startling Eevelations Con nected With Traffic in the Contraband Made. WASHINGTON, Deo. 29 "Kor ways . v -. ... -a --1, ...1 i,-,m that ara nlle delinquency. It seems to me that orn American bootleg. tne onurcn icaaersnin in each com- . 1.. n aj. &TKi2F2S Tti0g- ft"t w'hatTwas-Tn the" 'years gone Ii! - It-", "f determine to supply by In tne oIa.n day, both the profit those deflclencles q. common in our and tn8 trftffl0 wero Now whert community life, deficiencies in proper )qUor has been outlawed, thla Inviting means for nhyslcioi. mental, social. ni,i , A-.,-- hA ,h..dnt imm and, fplrltun! exercise and expression lnto it becauso of the great demand for theyoung. I do not mean to say;aBa the enormous profits to be mode, and I don t believe that the churches The liquor owners have been caught should abandon or neglect In any way wth millions of gallons tn their pos the work that they are now dolngr but ' session with no legal market for it. luo neiieve tnai ir tney win tnrow except an uninviting one abroad themselves more fully, more Intimate-, where the price Is anything but satis- iy, uiiu jrcry .uunjiinunuy oniernriBO fnntnrv . in tun mngntlmn wniin tne that tends towards getting better con-1 owners are hastily making arrange ditlons In their communities they will imcnt to get rid ef their liquors, boot-' ""n."'" iiic.i- ,j unary iium win uui loggers are i reporiea ,10 oe steauni bo minimised but greatly enhanced. from the stock .onihand and suirifly r woum x oe tnpugnt ot as express-ling tho- thirsty at prices never dream mg a criticism in this regard. Tor 1 ed of before. , ani not. I am .simply asking aid 1 . There am stjirtlftiar revclrtlons. where I feel, that aid can be so however, thaU point to some of the abundantly furnished and where it Is; owners of liquor as oelng connected being furnished In large measure alS with the lawless traffic. One phase ready. The value that I place upon of the matter, which 1 a" basts for the churches in what wo know as or- much speculation is the report that ganlued social welfare can be no more large consignments of liquor for for abbndantly attested than by the fact ; eign countries do not leave this coun that lam making this appeal to thorn try at all but merely go out beyond now. All of us desire bettor people, (the three mile limit from snore where better communities. All of us who, It is transferred to nmalier craft to are thinking on the subject at all 1 bo smuggled back. The internal reve are striving for that end. We need to'nue department which has In charge understand each other better and pull J the enforcement of tho prohibition together more strongly, r know one laws, it Is understood, has buen ap local church In a certain town whose-prised ; of the s various methods of annual budget is said to be sixty1 operations on the part of the liquor trrousana dollars, and the oonarreea. 1 owners and bootlesreers. and it may Vc tion pays It cheerfully. Yet that church expected that ' sensational . develop-. ..-.,, ii, ,vi,ll UU l-UUIIiy IU IHVIUBV ' Will lUlftt yiUIU U,B ' LUC ; Vllft' that they are too poor to provide the! drawn' near when shipments or an: modest salary of a sorely needed pro-movement of liquor whatever may be STRAND 1 . NAZIMOVA " Toys of Fate " "Toys of Fate!" What are any of us, except toys of fate? , That's what a man aaya when he is a bIue,"-T'when things will not go . Tight, when dis tiny itself seems to balk him in every effort. But, as Browning says, ' "Sometimes the worst turns the best to the bry The black moment's at ' nd." A DRAMA THAT WILL THRILL YOUR VERY, SOUL. Also Comedy "SEA SIRENS' To-Day and To-Morrow. there Is a current report that some of these alleged, thefu have reauy oeen sales... '.' .;: f y :.'.i;t. ' Anyway the bell taps on the liquor January It. After. that time liquor can .not be legally transported from one city to snother;"lt can not bo ex ported;Mt can not be kept in lockers at clubs or hotels; It can pot be legally mi Colds . ; OaatB.ppet. fat tbs tad" ( , 1 70a wUl, right st lbs start. AUDITORIUM 6th HwcEdarw George CTykr :r pretent .1. 1 OOMtKM OUSHOUI GUSH iW-s-Uje--.--e V Boxes 5300 Dress Circle $1.60-$1.00l Orchestra . J3.00 Balcony $I.00-.75-.50l .Seats Oil Sale Saturday nld.. mannfacturetf.1aa"ed W f' away. ' Toople wnotnavs vi ba. 1 mav kM it in tbelr homes. TO TRAIN XX HOT SPRIM8? I Trnf RPniNQS. "Ark Dec. JO V-" retory Graver, of the Boston A"; can league team announeed tfnwnr he had onclude .arrangeme the team to do It. aptla. here. Training will begin Wch 1 and continue until March fc80.Whn nw BostSn team leaves, the Akron team of the International league will "wn heres y,.;C. t;.,;-, , i ' r 1 AUDITORIUM NEW" YEAR'S NIGHT, JAN. 'U$ mm Mi) Seats On Sale Tuesday . PARAMOUNT DRUG STORE Boxes $1.50 D. C $1 Orch. $1.50, BaL 75, 50 I cation omcer to he Id ook after a growing company of delinquent de pendent and neglected children. - In the larger populations of the country sooial welfare work Is more or. less disconnected with the churches. In North Carolina the churches have tho greatest .opportunity f controlling, directing and developing this work. FORD WORKERS MAY TAKE OUT STOCK In Company Under Man To Bo An nounced by OfflolalM Today. lflrtBH ni- HallnHant .hnj i. . ..T w y me company t ,hH iinrnii to the Detroit Free Press. DETROIT. Mich. Dec. 80. 'Provi sions for the purchase of stock In the Ford Motor company by Its em ployes as well as a distribution of oonuses to the workers will be an nounced by the company tomorrow, shall eventually be reached and cared for. .The juvenile court is a Christian Institution. It started when the Saviour set up a little child and made its Innocence and helolossness. and beauty the symbol for all things which Christian manhood must attain. The trouble was that we were so steeped m neamen pnuosopny , and practice mm - iook wo insjusand approximately 1I,UUH Ford em ployes will nartioiDate . in tho bonus according to their length of service ana present salaries, it Is laid. The bonus, it Is understood, will range from $50 for men who have been In tho company'! employ more than three months and. who earns the minimum daily salary 01' $6. to $270 for workers of five years service who vAra Inp us to discover it. In every county In (receive 110.80-a dav. i, ""n 7rS,rai i ?v' lle The privilege of investigating carn Vlslon . Of - theji last , legislature undar' i . .. .." . rM.1r.K' L?'L LSi111 b restricted to employes in ac- mw hi-, far hi." :ha'i, : ; i r?? made m depend, upon how thoroughly Iteprin-1 inmnU I V d" w nf be limited upn-s - ana purpose are understood , to one-third of the yearly salary of and Interpreted by, the Christian peo- the employe. , ' a,f ol pie of the severs! communities Thei n. t.,i,. k.n... .,, ..l..l.u..-. . I , .. . u U..L inaii,. II IB and they wen4;p'Ymonr ' eacn county and the Juvenile ; iAii-Aiji V wit,., vuuu ro Ma agencies on mi ground av .luura uivi XEW.COXiUBGE IIE.U. announced, are the-f ore -runner of othnr chanff-aa in tha w,tl,.i, agencies on thB. tft.r linn Atit na natutw AfsiiAbi . tti s ... I- . ' v " ' :: - vv, vmiwcii v out- ruru ana niB son, JiKisei, Bince tne two f It nwocte(lna dependent, and recently came into full control of the to discipline and train thaf already huge organization. In: addition, it wayward. if m tint : nnn4 In t?VA me.. ,M . v. K ix a. -t i . , - . whAA Jisaei. J. Vi V . r '""i wkj pi u imr j 1 1 pian, in- mvow.aro vi mvxinm uui DuniHnmRTir nut . SLUaTiirfltfWi tn 'Hi -TV, inau aiiiiv. ill li ic imiun nr auurn mn. withW- and dlsclpllne-iv thin of the pled by i fclt and not of the letter. As writ- iiroaei I 4 the act and fha-: mm.ii n fn r.vvr.ntTTr" v. r. t-. t. C Mealing tPvii it out are as good if not betr Anderson, nrofnuor of hfatnrv' in unijftn any other state system In the Richmond college, will assume the du and K depends upon how quicklyitles of president of Kandolnh-Macon r's Statement - Vii-a p . '.ur?, otherhoods- po rneri- ' bow Uute to Its service, . as to announoed by thlti The ultul " "hall be. j , . r-MUr,. "!bnA the enVowd of public welfare . - " , ' "ni fare, the, Sf ooarus of public wel weolcVthe , wight eh wm w ro wd, , ftick a knife at v'trs, really VuwalL" ,ibla if stories (11 t noi luw coi- IV III VI ' i ry. reference to , i labor leader mee f! public, weifty' OTPrtntendents of ' , i ftvn. I , .. " i.-v . i.j. l 1 tne J. m 1 uveniia. court a - jwgva gi me stated that it was da Z" Y."n tfvV i.in7,,,- .. . ji.-.i- umor' : ,. . - c tljo '.pctKuJty'- clau"' ganisation iUittioV; " s- j placing.- iastlUitlonaV, , x J supporting make unT Woman's college here Anril 1. next. having promptly accepted following his unanimous election to the position by the trustees' meeting in Richmond today. He succeeds the late Dr. Wm. A. Webb. . ' , - not be made. It is said that there Is a close rela tionship between the liquor owners and the bootleggers, and that the lat ter take charge of shipments trans ferred and returned when they reach the American . shore, and that the liquor thus returned will be put on the market wherever possible at the fnoy prices of from 129, a gallon up to three oi four times, that much. Bootleggers Become Rich. Sin addition to the prosperous boot loggers, many of whom have suddenly become rich,. It is suggested that the more respectable class of citizens, who own private yachts and other small sea-going craft, may be expected to avail themselves of the opportunity of laying in a stock of liquors for their own use. - . It is a remarkable fact that thieves who have been stealing whiskey from various warehouses by the wagon load have hot been apprehended. . It has been reported that thieves stole from a warehouse Christmas night 83 cases of whiskey valued at H.&00; an other sufferer reported that eight bar- WESAWTHEPRIZE AND GRABBED IT . ' ... M. M. Tablets to the Front This well-known iron. tonic will In crease your vitality, enrich your blood and tone your nerves. The tremendous strain the war has put on so many people compels men who are weakened not to lose their grip on health. It is through iron In the blood that you can . overcome any threatened weakness. Make-Man Tablets will change your food Into living tissue' musclo and nerve power. ' , M Contains no Injurious drugs and can be safely take by every sufferer. The first box will give you confidence to continue and la a few weeks your strength wiH become more than nor mal' and yoa -will quickly find that your blood Is; richer and purer in everyway. v , . Make-Ma Tablets are sold at all reliable drug- stores. Price 10 cents a box. Only genuine If our monogram M-M-T appears on each box, guar an teed by Ashland Supply House. n? W, Madison SU hicaso. 111. Advt. , Matinee 2:30 15c and 25c Majestic Theatre . MUSICAL COMEDY and VAUDEVILLE. Night 7:30-9 30 Cent OPEN ALL WEEK , Today TOM MIX . IN ' "MAN WITHIN" JESTER COMEDY ''WISEST FOOL" u AND Pictorial News TOMORROW ONLY ' One of the Best Miniature Musical Comedies in The South HARRY MEYER'S SYNOCPATED REVUE WITH LOUISE WRIGHT "THE BEAUTY DOCTOR" CLASSY-SNAPPY- CATCHY-GIRLEY Musical Comedy A Beauty Chorus with Unusual . Attractive Wardrobe- i VAUDEVILLE THE GARDINER j AL. RIDGAWAY I FEATURES -r LOUISE WRIGHT CLAIRE CHURCHILL THRILLS ACTION SUSPENSE . IN . . THE TRAIL OF THE OCTOPUS. THE STORY OF A THOUSAND MYSTERIES CHARLEY CHAPLIN " The Vagabond " ;ree with the labor c. and the child J supporting make Unh?h Davenports, price Library Suits, p 3 v lis a g949.UU IO ?ia.w ever, ot, IM nv . en tu (it. A faolViW.W H iev.w SHOP .; at The RACKET Depl Store , . "The Home BETTER VALUES for LESS MONEY" Ask for a 1920 Calendar It's , yours get it ! . t , ... 16 BUbnore Ave. . . f Phone 231 . ' . 1 Xk BJjOMBERG, Prop. A.U D I T O R H HJ MI T MONDAY Jan. 5 the One Night Only . A The Distinguished Romantic Actor LOU TELLEGEN UNDER HIS OWN MANAGEMENT PRESENTS HIMSELF IN "THE LUST OF GOLD" A NEW PLAY IN THREE ACTS BY ANDOR GARVAY and LOU TELLEGEN THE DAMATIC TREAT OF THE YEAR.'"" 1 . v s , PRICES Boxes $2.50. Ore. $2.50 and $2.00. D CIRCLE $1.50 and $1.00. SEATS ON SALE BALCONY $1.00, 75c, 50c. FRIDAY. 7 WW ( t--;t n " : Today Only BESSIE LOVE IN "PEGEEN" - She had inherited nothing on earth but a little pinch of good humor and a whole lot of hope. COULD ONE WISH FOR MORE? . . " A REEL JOY Picture You'll REALLY ENJOY.' PATHE NEWS.' .' ."""'i, ine cov;. m."":j rONCIt ance of reasonable m vriiuanee law Fia ciunpln ' , v eessiE t-ove -n keep necessary seni Hour sf v j St Broadway , Phone m ' Hat, ,.. . . 4N4 -) ifcWCTlawlL Freedom'fdca ? ' LXniU.Vlrs in 1 1 y JT days of twrtant ' I - . . "-nod L

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