8 THE ASITEVILLB CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1920. Checks Sent To Ex-Service Men On Day Sweet Bill Was Signed Sum Totaling $799,580.61 Forwarded to Disabled Men 1,065 Checks Were Written In Advance Number Sent N. C. Was 27 Totaling $21,796.40. cen Lags of the compensation that for North Carolina In the Middle At would be payable for total und lontlc Statu Photographer' assocla- Uimporary disability, equul to th ds free of the reduction in f.iiicng ca pacity nuiiltine from the dls abR'tr. "If and while the disability Is rated a.i partial ami permanent, the monthly compcmtatlon shall be a per crnlnRo of the compensutlon that would be payable for total and permunent dlroiiillty equal to the du eduction tloi: kt Is tl winner of several prizes, including the Wollonsuk flup, offered at Klchmond. certltt ratos of merit from the New England uKsoclatlon, and other tokens of ap preciation testifying to the superior uuullty of hln handiwork." AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS IN PARIS TO BE KEDCCED in earning cn- fiom the dl- pcll s Th Citlztn) WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 Announce ' ' inant wu made yeaterday. Tuesday, by Director R. O. Cholmeley-Jonea, of the bureau of war rk insurance. ' ' that on December 14, the day the Sweet bill became a law by the slg- nature of the President, the bureau mailed out 1.0S checks for compen sation, totalling 17 .6 H0.61, and rep resenting adjustments In keeping) . with the retroactive features of thei new law for the benent of former service men disabled as tho result of. inluriea or Illness Incurred In act I vol ' service In line of duty. These .checks had been written in advance and wore ready for the malls the day before Christmas, the day the l'reBldent signed the bill. The largest number went to New Tork, which, of course, had tho larg est number of men in tho service. The number mailed to that state was 8. and totalled $85,885.88. The number sent to North Carolina was 27, andj the amount, 121,796.40. Houth Caro lina drew 24, for 119.633.35; Tennes see. 47 for 138,157.45, and Virginia ?7, for I1M07.82. Under the new amendment to the war risk Insurance act, which has been passed by congress and which became a law on December 24, 1919, when It was signed by the President, war term Insurance or United (Mates government life (converted) insur ance policies may be made payable to any of the following list of ' benefi ciaries: Parent, grandparent, step-parent, parent through adoption. Wife or hus band, child grandchild, step-child. Hdopted child, brother, elster, half brother, half-sister, brother through adoption, sister through adoption. step-brother, step-slater, uncle, aunt. nephew, niece, brothor-ln-law, slater in-law; a person who has stood in the relation of a parent to the insured for a period of one year or more prior to the insured a enlistment or Induc tion, the children of such person; ' parent, grandparent, step-parent or parent through adoption of the In- sured's wife or husband. United States government life (con . verted) Insurance may now be paid at death in a lump sum or In In stallments for 38 months or more, at the option of the insured, The rate of compensation for dis ability has been greatly Increased. A comparison between the amounts for - jnerly granted under the war risk in surance act with those provided by the new law follows: . Temporary total disability: W.R.I. As Act Amend- ad. With neither wife nor child .......... $ 30 With wife but no child. . 45 With wife arid one child S3 With wife and two chil dren (5 WKh wife and three or more children ....... 75 With no wife but one child ............ 4(1 ?Wth no wife but two ' children 60 .'With no wife but three children 60 .With no wife but four children ' 0 Kxtra allowance for de pendent mother or fa ther or both (each).. 10 'Under the new law there la an at . Iowa nee to a man temporarily totally disabled, and with no wife living, of $5 additional for each child (in excess of one) without limit as to number. Total and permanent disability: , As Amend, ed. Under the war risk Insuranqe act the same scale applied for to tal and permanent disability as ' for temporary total disability. t A distinction is made between , the two in the new law. Under the latter ' the compensation monthly for total and perman- ent disability is 1100 NOTE (a) Under the new amendment, If the disabled per son is so helpless as to be in constant need of a nurse or at tendant, an additional allow ance Is provided. In the discre tion of tho director, not ex ceeding . 20 greo of tho re pr.city resulting ability. I NOTK In no case In compensa- Hon pnyable for a reduction In earn ing rapuclty rated tit Wnt than 10 pur Under the V. H. I. act the ame cent, provision was effective, " except thiitj a man receiving lino per month (uxi PHllTnnHAPHII'R Tsl' FEATURED IN ARTICLE be. outlined In (b) below) could not given nn additional allowance. fb) Both uiKl'T the W. n. I. art and under tit new law, compensu Hon for the loss o' both foet or built hands or the sight of both eyes, or for be coming helpless and I permanently bedridden ! is $100 . $100 In addition, the new low provides that compensation for the 16S of one foot and one hand, or one foot and the sight of one eye, or ono hand and tho Eight of one eye, shull he $100 (c) The new luw provides that for double, total, permanent disability the rate of compen sation Hhall ho $200 The new luw provides that each of the Impairments mentioned in b) srall be deemed to be total, per manent disability. Partial Disability. Tho new law provides: "Jf and while the disability is rated as partial and temporary, the monthly compensation shall be a per- His Photograph on Cover of Trade Muxn.lno "Partralt", With lions .Story of Ills Work. KORULY WINS HANDICAP. N'KW ORLEANS, Jan. 1 Korbly, a 10 to 1 shot, won the New Year's handicap, $5,000 added, the feature race at the opening day here m the fair grounds. Korbly Is owned by SI. Shields. Jockey H. Thurber wim up. Time for the nillo and sixteenth wus 1:45 2-0. The University of Chicago football team made a barrel of money the pilot Benson, and the vtirnlty busohall team will spend It on a trip to Jupan. l ino for the Maroon gilders. I'AItIS, Dc.i. at. (Uavas.) The American organizations In Paris will be reduced following the establish ment of n state of peace, It was an nounced today. Only one military attache will remain at tho embassy. The American troops left on the con tinent will be distributed among tho zones of occupation. STUDENT'S CONVENTION. DUS MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 1. Thlriy-sevcn foreign countries, and every state In the union, are repre sented at the convention of the stud ent volunteer movement of foreign missions, which opened today. Cana dian delegates number 435 students, of whom 138 are from the University of Toronto. About 1.OQ0 of the dele gates were foreign born. The f ctul)or-No'cmbcr number of '"I'otralts" n trade niHgazlne for pho- ingraphers, has a photograph of I.. L,. Iliggason, prominent photographer of this city, on the outnldo cever and a long article on his work in the, maga zine. Of The article regarding Mr. Klgga son's work, In part la aa follows: "Mr. Iliggason Is serving an vice-president 3SS OPEN TODAY SHORTY HAMILTON "SHORTY IN TIGER'S DEN" and COMEDIES "MEXICAN MIXUP" and . HAM and BUD "ALASKAN MOUSE HOUND" AUDITORIUM 6th JA . KLrv cEdanger w George Crler present The Glad Play AUDITORIUM Monday. Jan. Stli nrro UHCWm a I CWtSHOLM CutHMO tamd m mm kMS Sw s i .by uttaot H. Farter A Comedy fct Giorn Tips Hut Youhft TolSss Enjoy Boxes $2.00 I Ureas Circle $1.50-$1.0o Orchestra $2.00, I Balcony $1.00-.76-.50 Scuts On Sale Saturday I tee mDwi I ugb wmmmj EVERY ONE WHO EARNS Should save some of it and DEPOSIT HIS EARNINGS IN A STRONG BANK That is Gospel We invite you to place your earnings with us. Battery Park Bank Member Federal Reserve System (I SEATS ON SALE AT PARAMOUNT DRUG STORE. Prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c THOUSANDS PROCLAIM THE MERITS OF PE-RU-NA iMiTktirUUtri Mrs. Martha C. Dale, R. P. D. 1, Cannon, DeL, write: "I am en tirely cared of chronic catarrh of th stomach and bowels by PERU-NX." Mr. J. Bayer, Glendale, Oregon: "There li no medicine like PE-RU-NA for catarrhal deafness." Mrs, Kate Marquis, MiddUbury, Ohio: "PE-KU-NA cured me of catarrh of th head and throat." Mr. J. B. Collins, Wesson, Mis sissippi: TE-RU-NA makes me feel rigorous and able to work without that tired, weak feeling; I usually hsT otherwise." , jars. r. LudTtgsen, Austin, Min nesota: MI got rid of my lrrer troubl and can eat anything- since taking; PE-RU-NA." Mrs. L. Hearinsr, 283 East 169th St, Kw York City: "For catarrh of the head and stomach, I have found PE-RU-NA better than any other medicine." Mr. W. H. Edgar, 49 Cooper St, Atlanta, Georgia: "PE-RU-NA cured me after I had suffered fifteen years with rheumatism." Mrs. Leona Dodd, R. No. 9, Medon, Tennessee: "PE-RU-NA i' -rand medicine lot couall JJd SHsT -5r : So many" diseases are due to ca tarrh and catarrhal conditions, snakes PE-EU-NA the best medi cine la the world to have on hand for emerg-anciea and general health Snvtection. Thousands of families are sever without a bottle of PE-RU-NA or a box of PE-RU-NA Tablets in the medicine cabinet That la the safe way. You can buy PE-RU-NA soy re is tablet or liquid form 1 " r nSTBJATWlB I TODAY and I c a i i. isW h ei m. m n -u m m i Tax n m af"v i- v m m t X I 1 10 jh I i ' iPvarAysv Wf YJxjK'jf' 1 1 - 11 Matinee 3:30 15c and 25c Majestic Theatre MUSICAL COMEDY and VAUDEVILLE. Night 7:30-9 30 Cents HARRY MEYER'S SYNCOPATED REVUE WITH LOUISE WRIGHT IN THE MUSICAL FARCE "ALL IN FUN" WITH ALL NEW COMEDY, SONGS AND DANCE NUM BERS, A CHORUS OF PRETTY GIRLS, GORGEOUS COSTUMES ONE OF THE BEST MINIATURE MUSI CAL COMEDIES IN THE SOUTH. AUDITS Honks Opened and Clueed Public Accountant Booms 208-20 J-205 Drbunior Rldg. J. E. WILSON .TSJ' Phone 1ST A NEW WONDER LAMP (t provides bright, cheerful light, eo well diffused that glare is avoided an ideal lamp for the home. NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO. 29 W. College St Open Evenings Phone 340 teeke, ' enSs, ' Orel, ; CLSOOXT D CATEri Cettsa. si nrv : . .-, A, ROr-'HS rtvsw Wires an Market Centsr . 14-1S EleetrteM wa, snsm 1M7 J. C DAVIS, Mansf sr. VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTIES By THE GARDINERS LOUISE WRIGHT AL. RIDGAWAY CLAIRECHURCHILL CHARLES MURRAY IN HOCK THE LADIES' MAN HANK-MANN COMEDY A TIRE SAVED Is MANY DOLLARS MADE We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modern- -our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 12 E. College St. CAtRlED" MS A 1TAILES or B OELDEW WCSTT The trou, tne strife, the dance hall glare. The blood of youth adventuring. And through it all a soul, as only Grif fith can paint it on the screen. Presented by a great cast, including Richard Barthelmess, Garine Seymour, Carol Demster and Ralph Graves. A flarfting epic of love and life in the days when the West was younf ! -Also PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE -in- "TOYS OF FATE MAS M A. L G TODAY l: THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan, with electric starting and1' lighting system.dcmoun table rim3with3)4 -inch tires all around, is the ideal family car because of its general utility and refined and comfortable equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass windows. An open car in the spring, summer and early fall. A closed car in inclement weather and winter. Rain-proof, dust-proof. Ia the city or the country, a family car. The low cost of operation and maintenance is not the least of its charms. Won't you come in and. look it over? RICHBOURG MOTOR CO. 52-60 Broadway Asheville, N. C. n5? BRINGING UP FATHER BY MeMANLJS By ou-y: i Movr Y THW TOOK BROTHER ir A WONOCR- 7 r IT1UAOfOO ARE COMMENCING w t irriB-. . . ' 1j wrnci-IATE i i l . . A MAN CROKE lTO A JEWELRY VTOUE AN' wuz RUNNIN' AWAY WITH Ut- DIAMONOr HOLOIN'TME COPt RACK WITH TWO ON- "TOUR BROTHER- WNLE HANDED f BUT NOW THE' U CWSSEO HIM -CALKHT HIM -THREW r L1T PIMPk VnMB HIM OOWN AN HAOP HIM HANO CANT FIND TOUR OVER t. THE. DIAMOND- 5H SEE FULL PAGE OF "BRINGING UP FATHER" IN THE COMIC SECTION OF THE SUNDAY OTJZEK