TTTE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1920. The Mammoth Furniture Store "My window shades always look nice." Go to your window now and ex mine your ihadei. See if they are tpecked with thoae tiny fcolea and little railed cracki that do ao much' to mar the look of your windowi. Ia hdei made of Rrenlin the long wearing window ihada material yen will find th. treat fruit or th. ordinary had orcrcoma. It U mad ot a doMlr woven cloth without that filHos of chalk which la the ordinary ahada ao aooo cracka and fall, out la unaiihtly atrcaka and pin hole. Sua woi't tad It nor water apot it. Made la mtay rich. Itutrelcaa tone and la Brenlla Duple one color oa oae aide; a disarm esa oa th olhtr. a.Ijj Complete Shade Factory on Fourth Floor, in charge of ex perienced, expert men. Let us solve your shade problems. Com It. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS 15-17 Broadway Phone 226 24-26 Lexington GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES Desk Calendar Stands and Pads Letter Filing Cabinets and Transfers Guide and Folders Loose Leaf Ledgers, Ledger Sheets and Indexes and many other ne cessities for office equipment. , ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 HAPPY NEW YEAR The spirit of v the season prompts us to ex press to you our appreciation of the business entrusted to us during the past year, and we most sincerely wish you a very happy and prosperous year to come. - Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. Phone 142. THE GREAT OLD WORLD When stormy weather Makes grief and moan I Tragedy jest world Lost unto rest world Still, still the best world We have ever known. Should the great old world's yield of coal become exhausted something would take its place but while we have it let's ap preciate and use it. CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. Phones 129-130. Cash Terms. ANTHRACITE COKE M. & W. Around Town Cliolr Rehearsal Thero will be a rehearsal of the Trinity church choir tonight at eight o'clock at the church. Will Return Tonight Rev. and Mrs. J. 8. Williams will return to the city tonight from Greensboro, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. T. it. Johnson, held at lirace Method ist Protestant church. WORKERS TO BEGIN CENSUS TAKING TODAY! SUFFERINGS HAD LASTED FOR 20 YEARS WILL 11X1811 IN ASHI.MI.1,1. IXl 1 I 15 DAYS. Parent-Teacher Meeting The lnr- ent-Teacher association of the Murray school will meet Tuesday, January 6, at the school building ut 3 o'clock. C. Walton Johnson, boys work secre tary of the Y. M. C. A., will speak, and a full attendance la requested. Chapter To Elect Oflleem The Rob ert K. Lee, children)' chapter of the V. L. C. will meet at the V. M. C. A.. Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and the annual election of ofneers will take place. The children' chap ter has a separate constitution and the children elect their own officers from the younger membership. Par ents are utked to send all children eligible for membership to th'.s meeting. 10 Meu to Work In City ami County People I'rjjeU t( the f'very As hlMaiK e. FOUR HURT WHEN AUTO RUNS OFF CLIFF Mr. BenlMiw. Wife and Children, Injured In Serious Accident Near Hot Springs Yoterdoy. When their automobile tumbled down an embankment near Hot Springs last night and lodged 200 feet below, against a tree, a Mr. Benbow, his wife and two small children were seriously injured and would havo been left there helpless had not the driver of a passing car heard tho cries for help coming up from the ravine. The driver stopped and within a second's survey of tho situation returned to Hot Springs for help. The four people were placed in au tomobiles and rushed hack to the re sort where they could be given medi cal aid. It was ascertained by the physicians that a little girl, apparently about eleven years of age, was the most ser Intmlv lniured of the nartv. whilo Mrs. 'Benbow was badly bruised. Dotal! concerning the accident and the full names of the parties could not be as certained owing to the fact that long distance telephone exchange at Mar shall and Hot Springs closes at six o clock. The only information reach ing here was brought in by persons who had only heard meager details. The accident occurred about two miles from Hot Springs on the road toward Marshall, at a place considered the most dangerous on the very crooked road. CARRANZA REMOVES GKN. MIRGCIA FROM COMMAND SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Jan. I. Newspapers received hero from Altil lo, Mex., say that President Car ranza of Mexico has ordered the re moval of General Francisco Murguia from command of the federal troops in Coahulia and has sent General Manuel Uqulzo to relieve him. The removal was ordered, It is said be cause Murguia failed to engage Villa in battle after the Muquiz raid Those 'Who know Murguia say that he will not relinquish his command RHEUMATISM 0 BY 1 Quick Relief Obtained By the Use of Padgett's In dian Herb Juice. Tho city and county census enum erators will begin their work this morning, going Into every home and. business house in the city and county. I In Asheville the census takers will finish their work In 15 du.vB. while I the workers In the rural sections will j have 30 days in which to finish. C O. Buchanan, of Sylva. district supervisor, stated yesterday that all I his plans had been completed and he eApi-cieij me ni'in iu uu im,im,i- ly this morning. The people are urged to receive the enumerators cordially .md to give answers to oil questions accurately and u,uiIy The workers for Asheville and Bun combe are as follows: Blltmore, Frank A. YTnlton Hazel, south of railroad, EnrI B. Goodie. Beaverdam an Haw. .1. Robert Stradley. Ward one, sub-division one. Walter R. Gudger. Ward one. sub-division two. C. M. Brown. Ward one, sub-dlvlslon three, Verne R. Johnson. Ward two, sub-division one, Chas. W. Malonc. Ward two. sub-dlvlslon two. Clif ford C. McCali. Ward two, sub-dlvlslon three, A. M. Uoodlake. Ward three, sub-dlvliMon one, Man ley A. Creasmun. Ward three, sub-dlvlslon two, W. II. Woodall. Ward three, sub-dlvlslon three, Mrs. Maggie I). Mathis. Ward three, sub-dlvlslon four, Goo. J. Douglas. Ward four, sub-dlvlslon one, Kd wln H. Peck. Ward four, sub-division two, Jo seph I. Adatns. Ward four, eub-dlvlslon three, Eu gene Cole. Ward four, sub-dlvlslon four, Thos. .f T?i-Vmln Ward four, sub-division five, Chas. I B. Ourten. Ward four, sub-division six, Albert C. Wood. Wards five and six, Jefferson I). Dernild. Avery's creek 8. O. Ingram. Black Mountain, Hugh M. Sloane. Falrview, T. J. Pattlllo. Flat Creek. Herbert Williams. French Broad, K. 8. Debruhl. Ivy, sub-division one, Thomas J. Maney. i Ivy, sub-dlvlslon two, Milford T. Ar- j rowood. I Ivy. sub-dlvlslon three, R. Lee Gar rison. Leicester, sub-dlvlslon two, LeRoy D. Brookshlre. Leicester, sub-dlvlslon three, James E. Martin. Limestone, Jesse Williams. Lowder Hominy, William H. Flet cher. Reems Creek, sub-dlvlslon one, Eze klel K. Roberts. Reems Creek, sub-division two, Wil liam K. Gill. Handy Mush, Chaa. A. Wells, flwannanoa, Wendell L. Patton. Upper Hominy, precinct one, Sid ney J. Joyce. upper Hominy, precinct two, Wil liam E. Brooks. Alabama Woman Says She Is Now Well and Strong Once More After Tanlac Relieved Her Troubles. "Tunlac soon proved to bo Just tho right medicine for me, for It soon relieved my rheumatism and other troubles,' aald Mrs. C. A. Canoles, wife of a well-known farmer whose hmno Is on It. F. I). No. 2, Adams ville. Ala.. "For twenty long years," she con tinued. "I suffered from rheumatism and other troubles and was ao nerv ous and restless I could hardly sleep My appetite failed and I was troubled with Indigestion and suffered from constant headaches, f ached with rheumatism night and day, espe cially lu one arm and shoulder. I lost weight and was so weak that the least little work would wear me out. Med icines didn't seem to do me any good and I saw no hope of ever getting any better. "Some members of my family had been taking Tanlac and were helped by it, so I decided to try It, too. Since taking Tanlac I never feel n sign of rhoumatlsm, my nerves are quiet, headaches are gone and I sleep fine every night. My unpctlte is splendid. 1 can eat almosl anything 1 want and nothing hurts me at all. I have gotten my strength back again and it Is easy for nie to get around and do my work." Tanlac Is sold by all leading drug gists. Advt. SECURING TEACHERS FOR COUNTY SCHOOLS Lest You Forget- If Our Great New Year 's Sale HI tjf Low prices still prevail. Take advantage of H the remarkable reduction which we are of . fering. C Practically every Suit, Coat and Dreas in H the house included in this sale. 11 J They are moving fast don't put off buying j now, and miss this wonderful opportunity to H save fifty cents on every dollar you expend. I CADISON'S A FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES H Fourteen Biltmore Avenue the smaller schools of the county will ty, and there ia no fear that any By Monday. January 6. the open ing dale of the majority of the schools of the county for the spring term, enough teachers will have been se cured to properly carry on the work In every school, is tho opinion of Miss Terrell, county superintendent of schools. Owing to the fact that several of be over by the first of February, a few teachers always accept positions elsewhere so that they will have a po sition for a longer period of time In the spring. Hence the apparent shortage here In teachers always around Chrlatmas time. However, Miss Terrell has secured a number of teachera to make tip for vacan cies by the end of the week It la certain, owing to the large number of appllcatatlons received, that teach ers for all the school will have been obtained. U la known to be a fact that sev eral counties had to Buapend schools during a part of the last fall owing rell has been able to prevent this drastic occurrence In Buncombe coun selled will be suspended on account of failure to secure teachers. TO ADVOCATE ABOLISHING V A. l'HOHIIUTlON OFFICE) ROANOKE. Va., Jan., 1. Aboli tion of the office ot state commle sloner of prohibition as a means ot nullifying the dry law will be advo cated In the next legislature by Del. egate E. I. Buford, ot Lawrenoeville. Mr. Buford has declared his intention of Introducing a bill to abolish tha office aa soon as the legislature meets on January, 14. He was recently sleeted to ths to the teacher shortage, but Miss T?rfboiise of delegates after a bitter cam paign in which prohibition enforce ment was a prominent issue. DOUBLE HEADER AT BOWLING TOURNEY Splendid Games Staffed on Local "Y" Alleys Last Night. MR. BUSINESS MAN: If you value your correspondence, why not start the New Year right by using the v NO. 801 SECURITY STEEL LETTER FILE WITH GENERAL LOCK. ' It will protect your letters against fire and the curious. MOODY-JEFFERIES SALES CO. Phone 2966. 38 Haywood St. Rheumatism, as recently ascer tained, is due to the presence of poisonous matter in the blood. Ther Is one way to positively relieve this disease and that Is to purify the blood and the disease will go. Thous ands of people who were sufferers from Rheumatism and kindred dis eases have found in Padgett's Indian Herb Juice immediate help and posi tive relief. The average persons measure their physical condition by their heart, kid neys or lungs, rarely do they take tttslr stomach into M nstderation when casting up account of health. If their heart action be weak or their kidneys disordered they run straight to a doctor. The stomach is never taken into consideration. Anything will do for the stomach. Yet the numauii i iu tuts uuuy wnai the foundation Is to a building, the basis' of strength and support. If the stomacn is not working properly it impairs the power of every other organ in tne body. Mnety per cent. of all diseases can bo traced to dis orders of the stomach, blood, liver and Kidneys. I'aageu s innian Hern juice Is a purely vegetable preparation made from roots, herbs and bark that work in harmony iu cleansing and toning the system and removing the cause of disease. Thousands of southern people nave tes tinea that it Is un equalled in the treatment of disor ders of the blood, stomach, liver and Kidneys. Sold and guaranteed by leading druggists everywnere. Advt. There was a double header in the duck pin tournament at the local Y. M. C. A. alleys last night. Honoss' team played Hannaman and Kice's team also played Hannaman's men. In the first game Kice's men took two. out of three. The- second game went, two for lioness' team, and one for Hannaman's team. Itlce vs. Hannaman, scores: jDevault 66 67 7 200 U. r . Stradley, Sr. 84 H.i H8 L'7 Smith 73 70 AO 2 3 3 Rice 81 100 74 265 Totals . Howell . . . Ogle ... . Creasmun Hannaman . . 301 321! 3 1' 9 953 . 611 .108 . S.l . 66 67 81 SSI 67 87 224 278 24 7 200 Totals .... 393 304 322 949 K. A. Ogle was high man with 278. lioness vs. Hannaman, scores: Howell 106 85 US H04 Ogle 89 89 92 261 Creasman 62 78 69 209 Hannaman 66 67 67 200 SERVICE STATION ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES ASHEVILLE BATTERY CO. . . Phone S4ST College tarket Sta. 7 ' "Threaded Rabbet" Insulation NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost. Asheville Welding Co. Phone lilt. 6J-6S Biltmore Ave. WHY PAY THE OTHER MAN MORE? SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, PER LB. 50c THE AUTOMAT E. J. Edwards, Mgr. . Haywood Bldg. Phone 3036 J V ! MONET TO VOAT. - AT S. j Totals .... 32.1 318 841 074 Kilerease 6 6 69 75 210 Humphries 61 67 67 200 Sowers 94 128 1 15 387 lioness 88 73 98 259 Totals .... 314 337 355 1006 Sowers was high man with a score of S37. Ws ANY WEAR sV ANY WEAR You'll Find Belter Styles and Higher Qualities Here A more complete line of nation wide, high grade shoes for men, women and children cannot be found in any single store in the state. We have six or eight lines of shoes, either of which any merchant would be glad to get. N The fact that this store carries the numbers of standard lines that it does, makes it an exception an ideal place for lovers of cor-, rectness and quality to buy their shoes. (Graraitee Shoe Store Easy to Find 4 Biltmore Ave. Worth Finding LEVINSKY GIVEN DECISION. TORONTO. Jan. 1. "Rattling" Le vlnsky was awarded the decision over "Wild Bert" itenney in the eighth round of a scheduled 10 round bout here today. Both men are light heavy weights, of New York. Kenney broke a bone in his wrlght wrist in the eighth round. MILLIONS IN OIL $50,000,000 Offered For One Man's Oil Holdings In Texas. Tou ran share In fortunes similar to those being made by thousands ot smart Investors in oil shares in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana Oil Com panies. Learn of wonderful opportunities for huge profits and of fortunes made by people In all walks of life who are making big profits from in vestments of $100.00 or even less. Tou may get In on these big win nings. There is a chance for all. rnr KREB copy of thr OIL GUSHER it shows you how to in- .elis you of great money-making chances in oil, the world's Quick est fortune builder. It tells how others have won and gives you valua ble Information regarding the mar velous oil fields which open to YOU the snort est cut to prosperity. Don t delaj elmpjjr . . send your name and address on a postcard while FREE copy Is available.- Address Oil Gusher 81I-S20 fitahl- ran etailernK. NaehrtUa. 1 FOR 1920 -PEACE AND PLENTY We wish our patrons, one and all. a happy and prosperous year. May health bless them, thrift guide them, fortune be their goal and success their reward I PEACE AND RECONSTRUCTION are here. There are favorable signs all about us for 1 920, and if these continue to multiply we shall need have no fear regarding the character of the year that is ahead. The prescription that has been given for making the year a notable one is simple. It is that we work more and save more. Work, that will produce a large surplus of goods for export; economy, that will permit those goods to be ex ported instead of being consumed at home; these are the American necessities of 1 920. Save here and we will, add to your savings four per cent interest, compounded quarterly. Save here and be assured safety and service and convenience and our per sonal co-operation. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. Capital Surplua $2,000,000. Member Federal Reserve System.