THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN THE WEATHER: North Carolina, fair and continued cold Monday; Tuesday (air. CITIZEN WANT ADS -BRING RESULTS VOL. XXXVI, NO. 69. ASHEVILLK, N. C. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS DANIELS ANSWERS CRITICS OF POLICY ON MEDAL AWARDS Secretary Quotes From the Findings of Original Boards of Inquiry. LETTER FORWARDED TO CHAIRMAN PAGE Going Down! ,m By Bilh Borne Urges Highest Distinction for Naval Officers Who Met the Enemy. WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Secretary Daniels replied today to attacks on hi awards of navy decorations, in a loiter to Chairman Page, of the sen ate naval committee, which with the house naval commltteo probably will investigate the wholo row precipitat ed by the refusal of Rear-Admirals Sims and other officers to accept the decorations awarded to them. The complaint of the officers was that in some instances Secretary Daniels had changed the recommenda lions of the official board which sat on the cases, bestowing higher deco rations than the officers thought mer- I ited In some cases and lower ones in others. Besides reviewing tho details of ach case and quoting from tho And-, ings of original boards of inquiry in ' the cases, Secretary Daniels explains at length tho theory on which he dis- agreed with some of the awards as' linally recommended to him. The secretary explains also how lie dif ferentiated between awards for offi cers who served at sea and those who served on land. Mr. Daniels refers to his first communication to Chair man Page in which ho set forth the prlnclplo that the highest distinction thou Id be conferred upon officers and men who had come into contact with tho enemy and had by courage and Judgment under attack exemplified tho highest traditions of the service and distinguished service medal also should be awarded only to those offi cers on shoro duty, who in tho lan guage of the act of congress, had dis tinguished themselves "by exception ally meritorious service to the gov ernment iu a duty of great responsi bility." Officers out Shore Duty. "In thus following tho act of con gress authorizing three classes of Medal" wrote the secretary, 'honors less 1 than 'tho "distinguished service ineaai. should bo awarded to otilcers whose shore duty was meritorious but not 'of great responsibility.' "I stated, that the service worthy of the highest distinction is that ron-1 tiered afloat in SCORES ARE DEAD IN MEXICO EARTHQUAKE CONGRESS SLATED TO REGQNVEN EAT MKXIt'O CITY, .Tim. 4. (By the approximate estimates of tho casual AsMMjiaUi! Pross) Scores of pornoim tien iuinoHAlblo. 1 ui vi- Ihhmi killed in a violent earth-I The earthquake caused ureal alarm ! qiiuue tviucii occiirrea in ninny part in mo largo elites, marliitt citatum of Mexico last night. The center of nnees lime occurred olt Vera C'rur the disturbance in believed to liavo been near tho volcano of Orl.aba. Incomplete press reports Indicate that tho slate of Vera Cms siifferwl lion of property. olty unit there worn some catmaltlfM too, ulihnuuii the number is not known, wiili coiisldcrahlc destriw- moie tlian uny other section, al though seLsmle disturbances were fell throughout the entire republic Ad vices from Cordoba say that thirty dead hnvo already licen aeiHiuntetl for in Uie tillage of tnn Juiui Cosoomute ulo, uhei-o many houses were destroy - i il. There are uueonllrmcl reorW nrM slioek, Which oeonrred at 9:43 of similar calastropbo in tho vlllagu : o'clock Kalurduy evening, lasted Ave of Iluuluseo. I minutes. The mhoikI, at 10:33 was At Jalapo, further north, BO vio-. erv brief but of terrlho liitem-lty oud From Sun Jiiuii CosonnuUopec it Is reported that the shocks still con tinued Monday. Information secured from tho government observatory at Taeuhaya show that there wore three distinct shocks, the strength of which dcwntraliuxl the liiHtrnmrnts. The NOON HOUR TODAY Many Important Problems. Await Attention of the Body. SI EH IKE F ATTACKJi POLICE Band of 300 Storms Bar racks in Cork District. End of Building Is Blown Up and Policemen Are Made Prisoners. SHORTAGE T HERN STATES Situation Is Improving Says Hines' Report. NEWSPRINT PROBE BE MAT REOPENED thus of the earthquake him hirn counted Including numerous dead. Ijuck of conimunlcailon with other small towns and villages In tho thea iro of Uie dlslurbiuico makes ceu was axcompanleil hy terrifying sub terrancan iioLhcs. Tho third shock, at 11:01 o'clock was not discernible ex- Continued on Po Two BRYAN AND PARKER TO BE PRESENT AT THURSDAY'S -RALLY FEDERAL OFFICERS EXPECT TO ADJOURN BEFORE CAMPAIGN Senate Will Begin Work on Senator Sterling's Sedition Bill. CONTINUE 1 ROUNDING UP REDS Convention City To Be! Plans of Communists Re Named at Democratic Jackson Day Feast. vealed in Documents Taken in Raids. WILSON EXPECTED ! TO SEND A MESSAGE Request to This Effect Is Made by Palmer. LONDON", Jan. 4. Three hundred armed slnn felners attacked tho po lice barracks at Carrtctohlll nt 10 o'clock Saturday night, according to a dispatch to tho Central News from Cork. The attacking forces fired vol leys for three hours and then blew up the end Marked Activity Shown in Business Conditions of South. WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Southern states business conditions as reflected In the report of director-general of Submits Questions to Fed eral Trade Commission as Report Basis. Presidential Aspirants Make Addresses, Out lining Policies. to NINETY-FOUR MORE ARRESTS REPORTED List of Those Taken Into Custody Approaching the 4,500 Mark. WASHINGTON', is Jan. 4. The na- I WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Plan of tfmi&I caul Lai in to bO the rallying I fhn nmmnn!ft nnii nntvimiinlMt lahnr ground during tho coming week fori rtl .gainst whom the great raids .tuuuio ...... .... ...... . , ! , ....,i liltj tourxOiat In ri.het I y suvui mucin ugcmva iuauuiitu , - ..,,... - WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Congress reconvenes at noon tomorrow after a. fortnight's holiday, will) months of hard work In sight and adjournment expected by few leaders before the presidential campaign next fall. The only recess looked for Is a brtof one In summer, when the national part conveniens are in session. Innumerable domestic and Interna tional problems await tho attention nf congress, with partisan politics of the coming presidential election prominently to the fore. Political speeches of presidential jcandldates and members of congress up for re election are expected to flood tho con gressional record. -..'..' Tho senate will resume tomorrow consideration of tho sedition bill of Senator sterling, republican, of North . Dakota, an dialer begin work on the house waterpower development meas ure. The Victor Berger election cose is tho principal feature of tomorrow's program In the house, when leaders plan to reject Immediately the re election certificate of the Milwaukee socialist, ousted in the last session and promptly re-elected. Tho senate returns tomorrow in the hope of disposing of tho German peuco treaty this month, but without substantial results ' from compromise negotiations during the holiday recess. Borne immediate move, however, la ex WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Tho fed eral trade commission has been ask- r.ratlc nartv. who will choose tho time . govcrnmei 'and place for tho 120 national con- Friday night are directed, to gain vention, talk over candidates and pol-1 control of all labor organizations us ,nnr.A .., ,i,.i . ....... .i.i. i od by Attorney-General Palmer to mr-itnmt etav Iovb fenst which many of the railroads unable to moet all re-1 reopen its investigation of tho nows- them believe will make party history were revealed tonight in documents quirements for box cars and open print manufacturers association. of one kind or another. made pubtlo by the department of bombs. Its ocounants wore nrlsoners while the raiders looted tho cent to the barracks. :" the export coal Tho barracks was occupied by a ment of coal west was very the presence of the sergeant and five constables, who re- hut arrangements have been enemy' and that tho distinguished ser- turned the raider's fire. Flndin to Issue permits for a limited ton vice modal should be awarded to the eventually that they were unuble to noge of export Coal. captain of every ship struck by the rain an entrance, the raiders threw Holiday travel, especially that of " -- " .- ........ .i .nt iiKuiuuuLurers wtnftuviaiiun, . , . , , , . , (n,,,-.,.,, - - . - pWMt 8ltUatln lm'r"ers of which produce a large. Tidewater coal dumping showed a ' production ut f he 'paper used by of th0 week, leaders of various mag- Oarvan made publlo tho doouments, ecrease duo to car short- American newspapers. , mtudos already were arriving tonigni wnicn were seusea in several ciuca, let hp ef shipping lndi- The attorhev-a:enerrs formal prepared for a . week of conferences with tna dosire, he said, that the ISS&S Jc .1 west was very heavy, ' llc today, was said to have been oo- Choice of the convention city and poses of these menacing groups and of the building With substantial decrease duo to car short' occupants wore made age ana uio let up of shipping lndi madeituated by scores of complaints from time la to bo the only OU8,n8 d'-!the nature of tho poison they wero newspaper publishers nserting that reci'y taa en uM Jr-hT. iJ ' P' tne agreement in settlement of the """;" , anti-trust Bulls against tho manufac- ?" l'"orl w, Prouamy oe nmae io Department agents In many cities mines or torpotloes of the enemy, if bombs, entered the breach made in schools, was large, oul military move- turers association had nut been com- llave 11 recommend that the conven- continued today the work of running his conduct was meritorious in tho the building and seized and hand- raent has now been reduced to nor- i plied with. This agreement primarily tion nominate a presutcni ana vice down and interrogating mwpbera of hour that tests courage and leader- cuffed tho policemen. They search- mal. Principal lines report travel provided that the manufacturers ob- president by n majority vote in plnne th- two organisations. OnfcVals said ship, i do not think the Amorican ed the buildings, removing tho arms, very good In the southern region. serve prices fixed by the trade com- of th two-thirds required in the tt was distinctly surprising that eoxh people can be persuaded to accept tho ammunition, accoutrements and Conditions summarized show: I mission until three months after the pBt r"r y8ars- .... ' 1 party numbered so many American idea, that thn HiMtlnirUlMhnd Service mnn.v onH hnn hoM a ontinll oq tr Continued lmDrOVement from the uav anil tl.nt email m.hlluhnr. nn 1... At tho banquet that nlgllt Sever- ltlnili In lt mamhurihln TVi. ineaai should not bo given to the cap- tho disposal of the poli -o and decided Birmingham district in the pig iron made the victims of preferential treat- al aspirants for the presidential tiom- TOlIs woro t0 carry the names lain of a ship, who bears himseif to leavo them bound but threatened situation, both production and do- ment i!"1"0? aro t0 P"11"10 Vl'!:, P01168- of many persons well known In their courageously in the supreme nour tor which an other hours in his naval career wero but preparatory if his ship is lost by submarine or mine at tack. "Ten commanding officers of ships torpedoed and sunk or put out of ac tion were selected as worthy of re ceiving the distinguished service mod si. These awarus, as I stated in my previous leuer, were made, without exception, to every commanding of- patch from Cork says: I'.cer whose ship felt the blow of the "A further sensational outrage is enemy except ono who was court- j reported from tho Cork district. The martailcd, and who, though fully ac- police barracks was blown up last tjuitted, had no recommendation from night. The police sergeant and his them if an attempt was mado to re- mand being heavy. Twenty-six fur-' Questions on which Mr. Palmer former nominees, William Jen- respooUve communities and American pair the building they would return naces wero in Diasi ana is, out. ' asked the trade commission to base Us "')" .v. ...... u. '- cltisenB. Although there is no federal and complete Its destruction. Production and movement of phos- investigation and submit a report arc: . aro to De Present and President aw un(ier Whlch the American com- xno raiders lert arter cutting tne pnuie rocs irom norma is reported i "Whether tho ninnuracturei-s who telephone communications but police very good. signed the settlement agreement have assistance finally arrived from Cork. Movement of cotton factory pro-1 actually producd the dally tonnage It wun frtlin1 thai nnnft nt thn nn. ducts are active and mills flrenerallv rf n.wanrlnt nanai- nthlh th.v unK- Jectcd to the terms of the agreement. uu" ,n "Whether the manufacturers have Six cities are in tho race for the offered tho amount of tonnage for; convention and talk among those to the list of those taken into cos sale to the trade." members of the committee who had tody, which is fast approaching 4,600. "How much of tho tonnage the arrived tonight Indicated that there Ninety-four additional arrests of manufacturers have sold to Jobbers, would be no walkaway. Tho six are aliens were reported to Mr. Garvan's dealers and other middlemen and ot, Chicago, already selected as tho con- office today, sending, the total against what prices, and whether the so- i vention city of tho republicans, Kan- whom the department believes it has licemen were hit. The sereeant's aro operating on full time. Construe wife and children, also in the bar- lion of a number of additional cot racks were uninjured. ' ton mills In the Carollnas is reported. An Exchange Telegraph dis-' The New Orleans rice market con tinues active but movement Is con fined largely to exports with re ceipts of rough and cleaned rico con tinuing heavy. Wilson is expected to send a message munlatH - b dealt with, dsnnrt- i ri wnicn many issuers ucubvb nu t may state his position toward a third ft case, wlii bo turned ove? t(?;m. i In af nf .imvAramflnt. Two hundred and eighty persons ar rested today in uotrolt were added any superior otiiccr for recognition of sny character. l ull Investigation. "Instructions havo been given for family miraculous escaped, a The Southern Pine association re-'called middlemen have observed the 'bob City, Ban Francisco, Indianapolis, "perfect cases" to S 729. Included WoI ipifar. Ml va nn . I . . . i -.. i ...... . . . ' i i i ... i .... ,1 1M ..-i... . . in i , v. .... v. v.ucia .v. ,uuo v.a,o wu uai, u uiHjKiinuiTi eommi&siuiiH iiacu oursu- lnrinnHLi una . lev l: j null. i,ibcubhiuii tnA rrutm wmnH... n The explosives having been placed December 19, shipments of 2,763 cars ant to the settlement agreement." generally centers on late June or Jacksonville, 8: Grand Ranlds 16' in adjoining stable. for the week and. orders for 3.952. I Newspaper publishers throughout1 early July as the time of meeting. "Sometime prior to the attack on Coaptwlse steamship lines report the country recently have felt keenly. Talk of changing tho time honored tho luliest investigation with, the view I the DarracKs large numbers of bloy- no cnange except mat tne occumu- the high prices or print paper. Many ' democratic custom of requiring a of further awarus to other officers and clists and motorists were seen cm- latlons at Norfolk and Newport News of the 'complaints made to the at-1 two-thirds vote to nominate, started men on these and any other ships verging upon the village Carrigtohlll, have been slightly reduced. Improve- torney general it was said, declared j some weeks ago at a meeting of the national committee in Atlantic City Continued on Puns Two who renaerea meritorious service by eight miles from Cork. They had' ment Is expected in traffic on tho the manufacturers had not lived up to leason ot -attaca by enemy ships. 1 no lights, and when challenged by lines Dctween inow x ora-bavannan their agreement either in the matter "1 am appending a bnet statement the police patrols escaped into the and 1 Boston-Savannah. ' of supplies or prices. t t the cases where distinguished ser-! neighboring fields. The patrols, an. prehensive, returned to their quar-' 1 ' r,orwr URGES PROMPT ACTTON ON RTIJ. They manogod, how- vice mouais were announced where ships were torpedoed or came in con tact with mines and were either sunk ur put out of action. A mere reading of the piain recital in each of these 11) aitacK and tho demeanor of the commanding omcer will leave no had been cut. ever, to get news to Middletown that something startling was afoot, and armed police wore dispatched to the room to aoubt that if awards are to scone." be given for coolness and juugment in j The press association confirms the .innun. HtHrnvard tt iinmnnn i uufnrv main nutlinAR nf thA rnrk Htnrv Kill una spienoiu courogo to any men who says that one hundred men were en-: AttOmeV-G6U6ral ISSU6S EH .ra.m cr.nv t (i th. now in I h n ii-. .r m . PHiPrl Minor JLttfLrkK on tha nnllnn t Darracss aiso occurred saiuraay nignt at Inchgeelagh and South Kilmurry. The. wires were cut in both in stances, but nobody was injured. DRAFTED TO CURB PARLOR BOLSHEVISTS' war, they snouid go to tneso com manding ouicers and men under at tack. "We cannot give too much honor to the commanding oihcera of surface t-hips which were abio to sink or de stroy a bu omuri no. The truth must aiso be rocogmzed, however, that the courage, bkui, determination, re sourcefulness, foresight uuu juugment ci ouicers whose snips were lurpe tloeu anu suuuemy suiia are put to quite as severe a tout as in the cases of 1'uuim.uiuing ouicers ot auriace snips see and sis a the eneiiiy." lucoiporatcd in the tetter were the reuorus ot all the bmcers who lost the.r vesseia, inciuuing u, W. iiugjey, brother oi -urs. uau.ois and com- tnunuer fercy VI, NO STATE BOUNDARIES Appeal to Congress. Seeks Power to Deal With Seditionists Who Are Citizens of U. S. WAflHrSOTON: Jan. 4 ITnahln to j prosecute the so-called parlor bot- shevlst, long-haired men and short hatred -women who encourage agita tors and promote sedition as a Palmer WASIHMfiTOV .Inn A. Th frr, . nnnLm i .nir.. d pastime Attorney - General ognlzes no national lines or state tod inel m appeal to congress for knna.M.a h .in.. .....if... .v.- prompt action on the bill submitted i.'oote, tho secre-1 .'.m .h-n.h ,?kii..-, by him several months ago which tail's pei-soual alue about whom i , . "iiirf0r,r,iT. nt nritrii, would strengthen the hands of the mue-n ol tho controversy Jaas cen- COrdlnir' to th "essenc of aovi'etlam department of Jutlce In dealing with tcreu. rnrrt.hv h hUhviv-hm.t. American ciusens considered oangcr- -t . nut tn -t h natlnn Bsgley's Case. F B VOfWr . lnnlnrla1 In a inllMAlInn In ConimiuiuBt Buxjey s case, MrJ ri." - ! -x THEY ARE GOING BACK, NAMES AND ALL ritmlfiff am thA hAnla ftt thtk mntxt Uanie.8 quoieu irorn a .eacr by Rear I w " for tne ..,. deDartment. 1 successful nation-wide raid ever made 1 Aunnrai oims in connection with his The memorandum, which nresenS '. In this country on centers of radical! VV ' y6 ' lA . 'yV, A h,r,u8 .i..f?"rt.Ki q.u,,ev.en:ln' indictment of bolshevik terrorism Propaganda, r. Palmer's. "Utement wnrM revolution, was. martn I unu nwr, u" lr id to investigate the loss ot iiagiey s ship. liagicy's handling of tho situation alter 0.3 ship was torpedoed was tvoiyih.ue mat 1 expected in the way ot euuency, goou juugment, courage ad cnivairous action," Aumiral Dims n rote. The finding of the court of Inquiry r. ere that "the commanding omcer, jmcers and men of the u. a. a. Jacob ) ones bore themselves In accordance with the best, traditions of tho Ber ries and no biamo or responsibility for tho loss ot the vessel attaches to them." becretary Daniels said that Rear Admiral Sims recommended Com mander Bagley for a navy cross, the Continued on Poe Tws , today and has been transmitted to the senate and houe committees dealing with foreign affaira Four American radical organiza tions were Included In the original list eligible for representation and full membership In the third Inter national, according to the full text of the call issued by wireless in Jan uary, 1919, which was reproduced In the memorandum. These organisa tions were the socialist labor party of America, the "left elements of the so cialist party of America, especially that group which is represented by Debs and the socialist propaganda as sociation." the L W. W, of America? and the Workers' International In dustrial Colon of America. the reconvening of congress tomor row. At least one of the men taken in the raids Is a city official and numer ous others are natives of this country Here are three fair examples of the types of "reds" Uriels Sam Is sending ;back home." These three were recently arrested in New York, and will . be passengers on one of the next "soviet arks" to leave the V. 8. on January 6, will enact Into a law a measure adequate to meet the grave situation now confronting us. "There exists no reason for further delay in the enactment of such a luw. or have taken out citizenship papers , and I confidently except that there aiier ions; u ia mrae mairwlll be none. That seditionists should Mr. Palmer desires to handle through be punished is denied by no loyal citl the federal courts, rather than to sen and that our present laws are In- leave their punishment to state trl bunals. and in the absence of a fed eral law he ia unable to do so. "In order that the department of justice," Mr. Palmer a statement said. adequate Is denied by none familiar with the facts. "Several months ago, in appearing before a senate committee. I made clear the fact that the department of "may deal forcibly, effectively and justice was unable to Droceed nron. quickly with seditionists who arelerly against seditionists becauso of a American citisens but who are seek-1 lack of statutory definition of the ing to injure or destroy the govern-1 crime, and I also suggested the kind ment, I hope very earnestly that eon- of a law which I thought would cress. Immediately upon reconvening mee the situation. , " . Omaha, 11; Courtland, N. Y 16; wooaiawn, l'a., a; ues Moines, if; Spokane, 10; Portland, Ore., 9, and Toledo and Pittsburgh, 2 each and Denver 1. Among those arrested in Portland was Victor Saullt, who attracted at tention by hi activities as a delegate to the August convention ot the com munist labor party In Chicago. In Spokane, federal agents took into cus tody Poter Kodorchuk, who, officials Raid, had been one of the most dan gerous agitators with whom they had to aeai in tne northwest. More than 1,700 alleged radicals rounded up in the recent nation-wide raids will be brought to Kills Island shortly to await deportation proceed ings it was announced tonight at the federal bureau of Investigation here. The reports received show that De troit would send 600, Chicago 221, Phllidalphia SOD, Buffalo 136, and Nashua, New Hampshire 1(1. These, together with B60 already arrested in this district would make a total of 1,769 federal prisoners to be accom modated at the island. FLYNN'S ANNOUNCEMENT. NEW YORK, Jan. 4 Announce ment that the great cation-wide round-up of "reds" is not "anywhere near through," was made tonight here' by William J. Flynn, chief of the de partment of Justice secret service. "We are going to continue gathering in reas, said cmer Klynn, "for we are not anywhere near through. We are just resting up so that we can renew our work with Increased vigor." Five hundred and fifty aliens ar rested during the raids in this and neighboring cities on Friday night and Saturday were held on Kills Island tonight for deportation ' pro ceedings. The few American citizens taken Into custody and found impli cated in seditious nroDsiranda. will ha turned over 'lo the state authorities for prosecution under the criminal anarchy .statute. The ' number of prisoners oa the Island probably will be increased Monday and Tuesday, when too war- "Since that time the bill X outlined In the house by Representatl tt Davey, of Ohio, and It is now in the hands of a sub-committee consisting of Rep resentatives Hues ted. of New York. a?, hy department agent, in Property dVflnVnr acts of "sdTuon , VL 1? "m.a"!L ""TJ" iJ'VWoJW guilty f "mr Benton, of sedition; a fine of not more than w. vl $10,000 or Imprisonment or not more than 10 years, or both for any per son pleading guilty of promoting sedi tion; for the deportation of any alien A corps of clerks and stenographers was kept busy at the island all day today checking and registering the prisoners. Importation hearings be' convicted of either of the foregoing j 'ro special boards of Inquiry will not crimes, ana lor tne denaturalization l . tw...iug iliyron n. un commissioner. tomorrow. The motion of Senator Un derwood, democrat, of Alabama, for appointment of a conciliation com mittee is awaiting consideration and on the calendar, as Is the resolution of . Senator Knox, republican, - of 1 Pennsylvania,- proposing ratification of ail peace terms except the league or nations, vlt i ,', Oihor Treaties. . ' Other treaties to be considered at tho present session . of congress are the French, Austrian, Polish and Pan ama canal settlement with Colombia and possibly the Turkish peace treaty. Congress also must consider: many measures affecting American com mercial, financial and other relations abroad, arising as war aftermath. The railroad re-organisation bill and the oil, coal, gas and phosphate land leasing bill, both in conference, are scheduled for final , action this month. v Unusual committee activity Is on the program. Any re-organization plans of the two military committees aro complete and differ only in de tails, except that the house, bill is to be silent on universal " military training projects. The senate commit tee will take up next Friday , the bill drafted by a sub-committee, antici pating an early report to the senate. Shipping legislation will be taken up January 12 by' the senate com merce committee, with wooden ship contract adjustments slated for Jan- -uary 10. J , - Many investigations will be prose cuted by both the senate and house. : Besides the house war expenditures inquiry, senate committees will con tinue the Mexican Investigation here and on the border. Mrs. eturgess, whoso husband was murdered at Chi apas, will be heard tomorrow. To Begin Inquiries. Inquiry into navy awards of decor ations will be begun at a joint hear ing of the senate and house naval committees. Plans will be laid next Tuesday by tho senato committee. Investigation of bolshevik propa ganda and activities of Ia C. A. K. Martens, soviet "ambassador, ' Is to begin next Friday by a foreign, re lations sub-oommittee, headed by Senator Moses. - reoubllcan. of New Hampshire, under a resolution adopt ed last month. Other senate Investigations plan ned Include the coal situation; by the committee headed by Senator' Frellngnuysen, republican, of New Jersey; the Ford-Newberry election ; contest from Michigan; Investigation ot the federal trade commission ami charge of Senator Watson, republi can, of Indiana, that some of Its em ploys are Booalllst propagandists, and the news print paper situation. Oeneral tariff or internal revenue lax revision legislation Is not plan- ned during the present session of con gress although minor house bills ef fecting individual tariff schedules will reach the senate. Repeal of the war luxury taxes on soft drinks also is, planned before hot weather sets in. The Kenyon-Kendrick bills for fed eral regulation of the meat Industry, are to be taken up tomorrow by the senate agriculture committee testi- mony of the "big five" packers ami other Interests having been concluded v Next Friday the committee will hold . . hearings on a bill to extend the maxi mum limit of federal farm loans. Americanization Bills The senate plans to pass next week, the first of the remedial bills urged by the senate labor committee providing . for Americanization of foreigners and committee work on proposed federal tribunals to consider labor disputes also will be taken. Laws to deport and exclude unde sirable aliens are to be considered im mediately, including the Johnson de portation bill passed last month by the house ana toe administration meas- . ure extending power to veto undesir able immigration by denial or pass ports. -.. Senate Democrats wilt meet la cau cus January 15 to elect a minority leader to succeed the late Senator Martin, of Virginia, with Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, administra tion leader in the peace treaty fight to controversy, and Senator Underwood, of Alabama, former democratic bom leader, in contest for the readership. --1