11 t HON SO Citizen Want Ads Bring Results Open Wide Your IPortals Private Homes With Vacant Rooms Insert a Classified Ad. NOW IS THE TIME "Citizen Want Ads Bring Results" Haven't Failed, that's as much as can be said of anything PHONE SO Citizen Want Ads Brtnf Results THE ASiLMViLLK CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY G, 1920. for SALE POSITION WANTED building KnoWn as iti ArJ&KT ACUUUINlAiM. The M frnmn "Tlio Ozark, ' at 76 Broadway, nav Ing been condemned by Iho city, Is offered for sale to the highest bld ilr. Olds mini Include removal of all ma terial and trash from the premises, within three weeks from acceptance of Md. Said blda to bo filed with C. 1 Ambler, president, on or be fore January 15th. 1820. Right is reserved to relcct any or all bids. Masonic Tcmnln company. 1 -S Desires to nudit. Install and keep books liming sparo ttmo for con cerns where entire time of book keeper is not required. Also In come tax service. P. O. Box 461. Asheville. T-1-3-7 11ARUAINS IN USED PIANOS 1 Cable-Nelson upright pluno. J Opera upright piano. 1 1 7u stylo Kdison phonograph. Will accept c, reasonable caeh offer on these Instruments. Sec them. 12 South Pack square. 1-4-7 KOI; SALE l:i0 callon crinoline tank and pump, 47 ft. rubber hose, ni'nt kinkabJu. Two Old Sol spot lights, two pairs hip loiiRth rubber boots. Olio aulo robe. All In good condi tion ut reasonable price. Phono 309. P-l-Cl HAHDVVOOD TIMBER FOR SALE I havo 4 to 5 million foet of hard wood timber. Am not In position to operate and want to Sell. Oood portable mill proposition.' Cash or terms. Apply Timber, care Citi zen. Pl-4-7 WANTED Everybody to know they can buy stoves, ranges and kitchen cabinets for $1.00 down and $ 1 a week on any bill loss than $100 Oft. Kd wards Stove Co. 3S Haywood St. 1'hones 2066-876. Pl:4-4 WANTEK--Position as secretary to professional man. by woman ex perienced in this work, having hud several ears' CNperience In a phy sician's office, and who is also a good bookkeeper. References fur- Address A. 1'.. care Citl-Pl-4-7 nished. 7.en. Yl'LCANl.i;n and tire repair man wards position. Limited experience, flood all round man for shop. Un derstands bookkeeping and has had espo.riem.'o ;.s sulesman. No slacker. Model-ate salary to stult. Address 10 T. care Citizen. P-1 -''-3 ONK good third cook Colored. One who can cook vegetables nnd eggs. Address P. O. Box 200. (Jive ad dress nnL. where last employed. Asheville V. C. 1-4-1 17-- "S, HELP WANTED whos yinn ixnTon? Fif?uic7rTr It rrfilits no difference, wo can fill t,,",., viuU r rr. our prescription, purity and pc- B' s M r"r "W"'"!' curacy guaranteed. Register! Zim,a0., ltn,"n ,,,or, an'- T,,m h druggiM and pharmacist In char?-. 1 ,": ' ?? "n B- (IS years prescription clerk) f " i,,r,Ua'V' , 1 raV,ial V'0w Phone SOSU-Niglu clerk over store Zlu i in v, ' T rVrs', " t'ravens Drug Store. Lnd West lnP"". M ictorla Road. City. Ashevlllo car jn,.. 1-2-80 1 2.trli.o MmY T' Vmmon Gaston St. or phono 1032 Ashe- education sultlcieut. Sample quos- vlllc l'l 1 tions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, T'cpt. 31G A. AM'KD General lioiisewnrkor for Rochester. N. Y. IM-4-30 three lailies. N'n I ubei cuiosli-. no WANTKO-Two tloo, l,,F. uvn clean- u''""' " '."J ers also chamber !i;a.,N App'.V at """""j; P-1-t,-, olico to hi usekt epc- Lungrcn 1 WANTED Settled woman with good Hotel. l-ti-3 references for ciekin! and dovvn- stairs work. Apply .111 Washington " A ' ''- road. 1-4-3 AUTOMOBILES fords! i REAL ESTATE I' OH H A Ii F. WANTED Position as truck driver. Have had several years experience. At present employed, but want to change. Apply Truck Driver, care Cltlr.cn. Pl-4-3 DRUGGIST registered In Georgia, de sires position in Abbeville "at once. Five years' experience. References. Addross, Druggist, care Citizen. P12-TS-14 00 colored laborers. $-1.00 to $5.00 per day. 600 white carpenters 62'Ac per hour 1 year3 work. No labor trouble, working seven days to week. Apply UNITED EMPLOYMENT OFFJCE 104 S. Central Street. Knoxville, Tenn. P-12-16-30 W A NTKI ' Housekeeper Sanitarium. Telephone, write Box -led. l!iltm-re or small 1(130 or N. f I'M KXPLRIKNCKO housework. wages. ONK PA1K mules, one pair horses, 1400 lbs. rcEistored Poland China Pigs, registered Duroc Jersey pigs, -Mammoth Bronze. Turkeys. Jef fress Farm, Fletcher. N. C. 12-31-7 KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) M. R. Starnes Wood Co. Phone 137 f. P-12-17-30 NlCE. pretty seven -year-old blui.k mare, at a bargain. Also two light delivcrv wagons and harness. Phone 2411. 328 Southskle Ave. Pl-4-3 PRACTICALLY NEW Mor.ler Iron Stiff. Medium size. Can be seen at 111! Pntton avenue. P-l-G-1 NICK FRKSH country butter. Full Bixteen ounces doc pound. Grace Supply Co. l-W-3 WOOD .and Kindling, cries.. Hays Wood 2338. prompt dellv Yard. Phone P-12-16-10 FOR SALE Brand oil heater. Cheap. new Perfection Phone 15!). Pl-4-3 NAVAL STORES. BOOKKEEPER Experienced In all branches of office work, doslros po sition at once. Address W. C, care Citizen. P12-31-7 A YOUNG Iidy experienced In book keeping and general office work. desires position. A-l references. Box 132. P12-31-7 CO.MPKTKNT nurse wishes position in Sanitarium or . N., cars Cltlren. patient K P-l-6-3 EXPKRIKNCED CASHIER Lesire I'onition: select cafo preferred. Phone 2742. Pl-4-3 EXPERIENCED liitssinaker wants ' go out bv the day. Phor.e 1DHJ. P-l C BY practical nurse who'can give lie.ft Chicago references Phone 2490. P12-2S-4 JACKSONVILLE. Flu,. Jan. 5. Tur pentine firm. 16.1i'. sales. luO; receipts 138; shipments. 165; stock. 11.193. Rosin tlrm; sales. 1,648; reec-ipts, 1,137; shipments. 830; stock,' sl.937. t'tiote: H. 1$,SU;D. E. V., 16.60; ('.. 18.63; H. 16.70; I. 16.90; K, 16.33: M, l'J.00; N. 19.7.j; Xg, S0.23; Ww, 21. 00. LIBERTY BONDS. N i:w Liberty first in. Y MtK. Jan. 5. Final prices of bonds today- were: a'.is. s.6: 32 20; second 4s. 92.D0; ttrst 'i'us. M.64, second 4',4s. 92,74; third 4's, 74.76; fourth 4V,s, H2.80; victory Zf, 99.18; victory 4s, 99.06. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE . UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST ERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CARD . LLVA NO. 1035, AT QREENSBORO. BOARDERS WANTED Are You From Dixie? A TABLE like your Grandmother set In 1860. New furniture, running hot water furnace heat. THE AUGUSTA VILLA "In the hoart of Asheville" ii College Street. 12-28-30 WREN-WOOD. G! South French Broad Ave. Phone 397. New management comfort able, clean rooms. Splendid food: reasonable prices. PI -2-7 LADY with very comfortable cottage in Grove park section would like to board two convalescents; north- ern people preferred; best of cook ing. Telephone 1210, Asheville. N. C. P12-31-7 WANTED sell the market. -Six best And makes or standardized pas senger cars. A first class proposition to offer men of real selling ability. Address Salesmanager, care Citizen. Pl-6-3 Salesmen fo'W'TED Woman for general house i 1, x 4u J W(1rk. two i:i family; good pay. truck on the! phone 1510. l-r.-i! al30 several i WANTED Chambermaid answer bells. nono.i Hill. RAILWAY MAIL clerks examination Asheville. Jan. 17. Hundreds needed. 51..100-Sl,r.00. Ase IS o 35. Ex perience unnecessary'- For free particulars, write It. Terry (furmer Civil Service Examiner) 61 Con tinental Bldg., Washington, D. C. P-l-4-7 'WANTED Oood man, owning cir cular saw mill fifteen thousand feet capacity per day, to contract saw ing twelve hundred thousand foet timber located four miles from rail road on good dirt' road. Address Luther O. Griffith. FtaeUhouse, N. C. l-4-.'i WANTED A bright young man i eoun'y representative for All Weath er Polish. Eliminates car washing Leaves a hard dry surface Hi tr commission and exclusive lerritorv for hustlers. Address A. W. lioss, 449 Fourth Ave , New York Citv. P-l-6-1 That you can afford. Are nl-i ways found at Scott Dilling ham's. By having representatives in a great many cities in the sur rounding territory we are! able to pick up Fords at un-1 heardof prices. We pay cash and buy them cheap and sell them at prices to suit the buyer. '"iv $50,000 stock of :) 1-2 and o-j ton Fierce-Arrow and Pack ard trucks at prices that air right. 1918 Willys Knight $1250 1917 Hudson Supar Six. . 850 1917 Hudson Super Six. . 750 nenerai 11919 Starter Ford 750 "i-o?"',"',1, rT"y.- 1 1919 Starter Block 630 -01 thailolte street. Iir., . ........... -.A -1-0-3 i ' ruru juuruig lvVJ l ord touring with Liberty starter, slightly used , 1918 Ford shock absorb ers, bumpers and vent ilating wind shields, looks good, runs bet ter 1917 Ford Roadster, cream wheels and shock ah sorlwirs 1918 Ford Roadster 1917 Oakland Six 1917 Maxwell 1918 Willys Six REAL ESTATE What Are Your Home-Owning Plans? its assist you in the selection of a honf . not moil your requirements, call onyway every purt of the city. If those advertised by ug db -wo have others to offer, in .Maid for -room collage, in the Merrimon section; two sleeping pure-lies, modern' construction. $.1,s; buys this nice little home, nod it i going to be solil this week. Five-room c.ottuge in the Charlotte section, has a sleeping porch, street, largo garage, $4,850. with good terms on paved Bungalow I'lvn rooms und sleeping porch in the Merrimon section good lot. garage offered for $4,500, terms WANTED Three gir's colored. To wait on table. J6.00 per week. Ap ply to head waitress. The Winyah. 1-4-J WANTED For family of two. or inuid for inorulng work. 204 Hillside. cook Call 1-6-3 Phone lt3 ). girl to WANTED 'A maid. Come prepared to work. 268 Chestnut. Phono 615. l-t-3 12S JXPERIKVCKD cook at once Hiywood St. Boiinlvlew. p. i Tjj 191 Stevens Durea WANTED Maid to do hou 17! Montford Ave 750 550 nttiaciivo homo In the Montford section, excellently located, convenient to cars, eight largo moms, modern In every wny, In good condition. well worth considering. Price $6,000 ulth lerms- Closo lot. in, six-rooi Price J I. , sec i ii minutes' walk from Pack square. NIc WILLIAM COLEMAN. Real Estate Investments. 21-2J Lin ri 1 W ANTED Maid ut Swannunoa-Bui k ley Hotel. P-1-U-:! A COOK and five ma:, Is. 428 BiTt" more Ave. l-6-l 450 175 U75 650 750 150 950 750 SPECIAL WANTED A lugging and saw mill i ontractor, or both. Approximate- '.? 1,000 000 feet of hardwood near. Old Fort, N. C. Only experienced j men with good mill need apply. N'oyea Land and Lumber Co. Old Fort. N. C. P-12-17-30! WARM, well furnished, heated, large rooms, with hoi and cold running water in e-ich room. A-l location, two blocks from postoftlce. No. 37" Ravenecroffc drive. Phone 468. P12-20-28 THE ULEETA United Stales vs. 1148.87 Acres of Land'"110"8 140 nicely turnlshed rooms Situated in Avery County, North Caro- with hot water heat; meals op- iimi j. waiter Wright and Others i tional. 5 Flint St. P.1.4..1 1 Notice. ON HILLSIDE Two very attractive south front rooms, with hot water heat. ' Good board no sick nor children taken. Phone 1893. P-1-I-" To J. Walter Wright and wife. Blanche Wright. Mountain City, Tennessee; Buck A Snodgrass Lumber Co., 'a Tennessee corporation. J. M. Buck. Jr.. trustee. S. E. Miller, trustee; Charles A. Wcller and Alice B. We.ller, Knoxville, Tennessee; Kertha Terry, widow of Itob't. S. Terrv, Lynchburg, Virginia; Anna A. Stewart, widow of J. W. Stewart, and J. S. Stew art. Knoxville, Tennessee; Carolina Mln- , . . . ,,,, erals Corporation. Hrriet j. Maxwell, I ATTRACTIVE Punny rooms prt Marianna Maxwell, Knoxville, Tennessee;, vate and connecting bath, hot water .1. S. McLean, It. L. Johnson. Frank L. ! heat. Closed caees uccootod. Phnno WE NEED two high-class Hardwood Lumber Inspectors at once, If you are a No. 1 hardwood Inspector and can oomo at once telephone or tele graph for particulars Andrew Mfg Co.. Andrew. N. C. 12-81-7 U. S ARMY GOODS Special Reduction Sale starts this morning everything must be sold. U. S. Army Wool Blanks in Khaki and dark Gray, $6.00. U. S. Army Reclaimed Quilts. $1.50 to $1.90 each. U. S. Army Sweaters, reduced. U. S. Army Shirts, reduced. U. S. Army Leather Jerkins, $7.50. U. S. Army Tents, reduced. 100 All-Wool Auto Robes, as sorted colors, new, $6.50, 7 Kh u. b. Army O. D. Pants, some are new, at less than half price. U. S. Army Overcoats, vloug WANTED Competent lumber buyer and Inspector reference required, state age. salary expected and when can commence. Cortrlm Lumber Company, Bristol. Tennessee. P-l-2-7 1850 1250 175 p-i-6-8 1916 Mitchell Six 1918 Buick Six 1918 Dodge 1918 3 1-3-ton Packard thoroughly overhauled 1918 2-ton International overhauled and painted 1918 3-ton Pierce-Arrow. 1914 3-4-ton Vim........ 1918 3-4-ton Overland... . 1918 1-ton Ford 450 1918 light Ford truck. . . 375 This is just a few of our trucks as we have trucks of practi cally every size, model and make. If you do not see what you want listed above come and tell us what you want and we will get it for y,ou. Cbme, phone or wire. Scott Dillingham The Used Car Dealer. We Never Close. 55 Broadway Phone 901 Telephone 54H 1-4-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6-room house, close In $5,100 B-room bungalow, Victoria section, on car lino $,825 6-room house, with sleeping porch, near high school, close in. . . .$5,800 5-room house with S. P., close in $6,800 6-room house. Iliirhland St 14.800 650 ' ,"ro'm h,lfi''. Woodnn St $6,800 .--IG-room house, Broad St., near Char- '. lotto IS.500 9-room house, Atkln St., with fur nace $8,600 5-room house, West Ashevlllo. .$2, 100 J. R. I -aw Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones 1200 or 3191. 1-4-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses In Drove park section, available almost at once; have all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porches, heat,, ga rage, eto. Prices unfurnished, $32. 000.00, $20,000, $20,000, $16,000, etc. In Merrimon avenue section, beautiful home, $31,000.00. Chest nut street. $20,000.00. Montford section, $20,000. "We Have Othors." "See Us for Nice Homes." J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones 1206 or 3186. 1-4-3 FOR SALE . I i i. r dm Arc j. r"i .J.The following winter tops for assortment. U. S. Army Shoes, all new, at 2o percent to 40 percent re-iQne used winter top for Buick Automobiles at greatly re duced prices. WANTED Boarders In private fam I ily. Warm house and splendid table. Phone 3446. 73 Cumber land Ave. P-l 2-31 -30 i FIREMEN, Brakemen. $16O-$2O0, ex perience unnecessary, railway asso ciation, care Citizen. P-l -C -1 V-lf-2f!-4 WANTED Colored man for porlor and general house work. Asheville Club. Cor. Broadway and Walnut. 1-fi Washburn, Florence, Alabama; William Cochran, deceased, hairs at law of, names - and residences unknown; L. F, Oratrg and wife. S. A. Gragg. State of Tennessee; .1. H. Gragg and wife, M. C. Gragg. State of Tennessee; John M. Gragg and wife. Heist er B. Gragg. State of Tennessee; Hannah Uragg, State of Tennessee: Elisa beth Gragg and husband, name unknown, whose residences are unknown,' Margaret cJrsgg and husband, name unknown, whose residences are unknown: J. W. Stewart., deceased, heirs at law of. whose names and residences are unknown; Har rison Gragg, deceased, unknown heirs at law. of; 'William Tato, .deceased, heirs at law of. whose names and residences are unknown. And any and all other persons, firms. corporations or associations who mav have had any right, title. Interest, claim tracts of land. . YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the District Court of the L'nlted Stafes, for the Western District of North Carolina, at Statesville, for the condemnation of certain real estate sit uate, lying and being In Avery Countv, orth Carolina, and are known as trie ,f, Walter Wright lands, comimsed of two tracts, on? being situated on the head waters of Wilson's Creek, adjoined on the north, south and west by lands of the Caldwell Land Lumber Company, and covered by a State grant No. 592. irsued to Harrison. Gragg and S. C. Dug ger. June 24. 1857, and the other tract lies on Gabe Prong of Wilson's Creek and Gragg Prong of Lost Cove Creek, a tributary of Wilson's Creek, adjoined on the north, east and nest by lands of the Caldwell Land & Lumber Company, both tracts In the aggregato containing 1148.87 acres, all of whlcn same having been selected by the Secretary of Agri culture, with the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission and found I necessary for the purpose of carrying out an Act of Congress of the United States, approved March 1, 1911. being Chapter 186. Page 061. Vol. 86. Stmt, at Large, as nmended by tho Act of August 10, 1912, 37 StaU 263-300, Chap. 284. And tho said non-rosldent defendants above named, tind nil other persons whomsoever owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or Interest of any kind nr character Ip and to the premises de iarlbed In the petition jn said proceedings. defendants namea as nroresaid, wim, 039. 1-1-7 WANTED Two first-class moulder men at once. Tho McCabe Lumbei Co., Newport. Tenn. 1-2-7 T. B's CALL, 2865. or write Box 4:'. I Blitmore, N. C. for board and room. No objection to ed patients. 1-3-7 WANTED 3 waiters. Colored boys. $8.00 per week. Apply to The Winyah. 1-4-3 WANTED WANTED To invest three to five thousand dollars with services in some established paying business proposition. Give full particulars in first! letter. Address BUSINESS, care of Citizen. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Sunny front room in furnace heated bun galow. Prefer business man or woman; no sick need ap ply. Phone 3286. 1-4-3 WANTED Your repair work. If we can't fix it, why just give it up. We don't ask you to take our word fot it. bring us your work and let us prove it J. M. Hearn & Co. Phone 448. 1-4-3 ii: . u r .....ii f i t i . . , . r 1-1-0 1 rooms, with hot and cold runnine water In each room. A-l location; two blocks from postofflce. No. 37 Itavenscroft drive. Phone 468. PI 2-20-28 WHO'S YOUR DOCTOR? It makes no difference, we can fll your prescription, purity and ac curacy guaranteed. Registered druggist and pharmacist in charge. (13 years prescription clerk.) Phone 3091 Night clerk over store Cravens. Drug Store. End West Asheville cnr line. . t-2-30 MANAGING PARTNER to invest a few hundred dollars with mo .In a grocery storo. One who can do buy ing, and run the business on a pay ing basis. Silent Partner, care CHi aen. P-l-6-8 TRUNKS repaired and re-built like new. J. M. Hearn & Co. 1-4-3 TWO attractive, large sunny rooms, completely furnished for house keeping; southorn exposure; splen did location. Phone 1022 or 530. Pl-4-3 VBKf deslraole beo rooms, in new bungalow, breakfast optional. 1 Edwin place. Orove park, opposit Manor. Phore 2188. 10-12-tf duction Hundreds other articles too numerous to mention. Buy them now save money I as we are going to sell them. Asheville Salvage Co., 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1497. tf small Fwir. One new winter top for Over land Country Club. Ovrland Asheville Sales Co. 12-17-tf Baggage Transferred. Furniture Moving. First-Class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. "The Houso with a Keener Under standing." W. T. Keener. Mgr. Opp, Passenger Station. Phones 1405 and 1415. Branch Office, 27 Patton Ave. 10-4-tf Leaky Radiators. Repaired, rebuilt, guaranteed not to leal:. Metal bodies built any design, also take the dents out. All kinds welding, soldering done. Look for the Radiator Sign. Ask for Wil liams. Asheville Radiator Shop. 55 Broadway. Phone 901 11-15-tf J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. For Sale 5-room house close In, good level lot. Price $35,000 with terms. Considerately reduc tion for cash. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq.Phone 461 1-4-3 To A MAN UP A TREE A small truck .farm, only 4 real acres, rooms, barn, etc. Residence wired, ' city water In yard. Fixed tor bath. Price $5,000.00. $3,500.00 may be strung; out -$400.00 the year. SMALL COUNTRY MERCANTILE B US IN ESS Th e residence has six rooms, store 13x33, also noat market . and drink stand. One acre well fruited. Water at house. $4,000. Oo. Terms, $2,500.00 down, then 1, 3, 3 years. WOULD there be as many weddings If a fellow wasn't skeered somebody else would vet his gal? NOW you'll probably reallt what you bought for "Xmas." OO TO BUYING and selling- Asheville real estate and make th other fellow pay your bills. "tt Can Be Don" ; W. T. ROWLAND A CO, ' , 218-219 Drhumor Bids;. " ' WHO'S YOUR DOCTOR? It makes no difference, we can fill your prescription purity and ac eurancy. guaranteed. Registered druggist and Pharmacist in ohargo. (Itj years prescription uleri;.) Phono 3091 Night clerk over store Cravens Drug Store. End West Asheville car line. 1-2-30 BOWSER Gasoline and Oil Tanks. Self measuring pumps. S. O. Bradley, sales agent. Phone 1747. , 6-17-tf FOR SALE Huffman truck two and half tons. Box 664 (new) Pl-1-7 CONSTIPATION nnd 3rlgnt's ere stomach diseases. Lungs and kid neys get sore and inflammod be-1 r en use the stomach falls to send FOR mem gooci uioou. rree lour Health and n Spoonful of Brains." .Vohn Norwood, Norfolk, Vo REAL ESTATE. FOK KK.VI P12-27-30 NKATLY FURNISHED bed rooms, privnte home, furnace heat, mod ern conveniences, no sick. 5 Aston place, phone 3188. P-1-6-3 NICELY furnished room with :lass enclosed sleeping porch. Private home. Board optional. 113 Arling ton. Phone 1!85. P-13-30-7 FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING S neatly furnished rooms. Lights, wa ter and bath on same floor, at 06 Staines Call 1 -0-S A GKNTLEMAN in good health, best references, want room and board In private family of adults. Address If. W.. care Citlten. Pl-4-3 WANTED U. S. Army overcoats to dye and put on roiled collars. Poole & Cortipany, Inc. Phone 1234. P-12-31-7 WANTED Old hats to clean and block, make them lco like new. .Poole & Company, Inc. Phone 1234 P-12-31-7 Fl;lJTl1KK TAK.K NOTICE tnat they are required to appear In said District Court of the United States for tho Western District of North Carolina at Ureensboro, nr. the 3rd dny of January. l2ii, and (i newer or demur to the petition or com nlHlnt in said action, or the. Dlalntlff will ripply to the Court for the relief demanded in md petition. This notice Issued by order of Court, Siree lnp that publication bo made once h week for four successive weeks In The Asheville Citizen. This 10th day of December. JP13. (SEAL) It. L. BLAVUJCk". Clerk, District Court of the United States I WANTED Three or four rooms, fur for the Western District of North ' nished for light housekeeping. Coal c sromia. i rsnge. Phone 8043. 1-4-3 nv 11 M CAUSEY. TV f!. 1!-"3."9.r..V! I ' " . 7 i-e-s I WANT A FEW, IS or 30, good ducks for laying; and raising. Phone 1443. ' P-18-3 WANTED Use or piano for storage. Best of caro taken. Mahogany case preferred. Phone 3150. 1-4-S FOR RENT Elegantly furnished apartment for not less than three months. John M. Campbell. Phon 3:3 or 152!.. P12-31-7 'fWO-very luig. "eonnectinc rooms! completely rurnlsiipd. Also one large sleeping rno;-.i. Phone 2230 P-1-6-3 TYPEWRITERS Wanted to buy 50 good second-hand typewriters. . We pay cash. Phone 448. J. M. Hearn & Co. 1-4-3 R E N T 5 - ROOM BUNGALOW, COMPLETE LY FURNISHED ON MER RIMON AVENUE, PRICE $65.00 PER MONTH. PHONE 649. DONNAHOE & COMPANY. 1-4-3 We . have a very complete list of large and handsome furnished and unfurnished private homes In the best residential secUons of Ashe ville. Wtuld be glad to make an WORTH appointment to - snow you tneso. Also all kinds of properties for sale. FORBES & OAMPllRTL AH Pllttftn ACA Pknn. OllS i Sales Agents Orove Park Properties. List your property- with us. 12-i-tf B. H. Sumner & Son. Offers For Sale. C-room steam -heated bungalow, paved street, near Grove park. Some chaneo and buy, $4,500. House and heating plant could not bo put tin for $5,000. B. H. Sumner & Son. i--i JOHN ACEE A CCv Real Estate and Insurance. 1 Rental and Bales agents for the better class of business and residence property. Practic ally everything on the mar ket. Business-like service and a square deal is the aim : of this office. Ask some ot those who have tried it. No. 10 Battery Park Place. Phone 815. On the Ground Floor. ' S44-tf THE MONEY 11 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, CLOSE IN, GOOD LOCA TION; LOT 60x120. BUY THIS AND START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. PRICE $6,000.00. TERMS. , ' WESTERN CAROLINA, REALTY CO. 10 N. Pack Square. 1-4-3 Want to Sell Your House? Want to Rent Your House? For prompt and courteous service list it today by phone with JACKSON & DAVIS " Real Estate and Rentals American Bank Building Phones 2871 and 2945. 1-3 J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. For Sale Immediate Possession -6-room 'house close in, newly done over inside and out. Price $4,500.00. Terms. Good buy. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq.Phone 461 - 1-4-3 LARRIN. Delryplo and Smith Paper hanging, painting, calclmlnlng and house cleaning. Si Y. -M. I. Phone 1017. Pl-4-30 'c-MygjC AND ARTS. MltSTKATrHERP OANS A graduate and experienced teacher of piano and pipe organ, will open a studio at 92 Church St. for a limited number of piano pupils. Phone 3403. Pl-4-7 FOR RENT Small new threo room cottage with bath. Merrimon sec tion. $20.00. Call or write 40 Aniiiiiidalo Ave. P-l-G-3 FOR RENT pcr month. A. Miller. -A liirge gurago at $ 33 Montford Ave. Otis P-l-4-3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TWO rooms, nicely furnished, for light housekeeping. No sick. Close in. 39 Carter St. Phone C24. Pl-4-3 xv larf light ana airy rooms, with bath; private family. Apply ino. z snort tt . tniimore. Fl-4-3 FOR RENT Tw0 bright, sunny rooms for light housekeeping, flas range.' 2 Charlotte St. P1-4-3 FURNISHED room, one on second , floor, two on third, floor, furnace heat. 243 Chestnut St. P-J-2-V ADMINISTRATRIX'S NO. Tho undersigned having finals fled as Administrator of the hite CI. R. Horton, uotioo is hereby given for all persons to presont any rtulnis they may have against .ho estate of said i. R. Horton to me. within twelve months from the date here of, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons Indebted to Hid estate are requested to make settle ment with me at once. y's-the th day of December, 191. MRS. SADANIA MORTON, Admx.. 11 West Main. Dam 111, l a. 12-1-W-2.1-1S WANTED Second hand cyphers In cubator. Phone 1854. Pl-4-3 "i xotice. Having qualified as executrix of tho estate of the lata Dr. E. Reld Russell, al persons indebted to the estate are notified to make immedi ate settlement. Mrs Fannie M. Russell. '. South I'rench Droad. . I3-!1-14 FURNISHED connecting housekeep ing rooms, with or without sleep ing porch. 2 Stamen, Pl-6-3 FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen ette adjoining bathroom) gas range, lights. Phone 2290, Pl--3 TWO nicely furnished Vance fee r:j rooms. P-l-3-7 UNFURNISHED FOR KENT--One or two unfurnished rooms. ; Men preferred. Call phone : !'). P-l-C-3 SIX UNFURNISHED rooma Apply -'-'5 DUtmgrer avenue. t'-l-ti-i ALVA 11. LOWE, tescher of piano and voice. Endorsed by the great European master, Alberto Jonas, Residence studio nt 81 Chestnut St. Phone 603. P-l-1-30 Mr. C. P. Herfurth, teacher of violin at Ashevlllo school, will accept a limited number of pupils. Address Box No. 4 24. Biltmore, or phone 1913. Pl.2-27-14 HAVE A BUSINESS ALL YOUR OWN We furnish capital, you get your profit first. Wp havo a fine op portunity for a good man with good character, who can furnish horse and buggy or automobile, selling Singer sewing machines and collec t ing on accounts In city or county. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. l?i N. Pack So. 1-4-7 SALESMEN WANTED A MAN with own conveyance to sell new map in rural district. Free field training. Minimum commis sion 37 day guaranteed. No limit for hustlers. Address National Map Co.. box 871, Charlotte. N. C. Pl-;3 UMBRELLAS Recovered at one-half the price .of a new one just as the factory does it. J. M. Hsarns & Co. Phon.e 448. J-l-3 SOUTHERN RAILWAY ASHEVILLE STATION Trains Arrive (Eastern Time) Train. From. k, Washington. Local StailonJ!;J0 a. m. ChildIs' CI T FURNISHED HOUSES JUNK Junk Bend your Junk to the Southern Junk and Hide Co. 11 JSaci St. Phone ???4. P 12-14-30 NOTARY PUBLIC KOK RENT Furnished house. Orove park section, modern, ail conven iences, new house, 1250 month. An other new house, 3260 month. House Montford section. 3200 month. One facing golf course, SI 2a a month. J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones 1204 or 3193. 1-4-4 NOTARY PUBLIC. IT. M. MESSLEIi. room t Library 7--u Cor. Paalacd juid Walnut Sts. Tiddy ii THafi . Fhone 29'J4. High Grade Auto Painting. The on I) steam seated. Duet-proof flalihUii rooms In Anasrt! e. Arrive li New York, Salisbury. lSNw York, Philadelphia, Wiumori ana wanning- ! w. v. .11:20 a.m. 41 rcw cnrMns. MODlle, Montgomery, Atlanta 11:15 a. tO Murphy and Local Sta- . , ; i:is p.m. and Knoxville f ;io p. m I Jacksonville, Savannah. Columbia and Spartan burg 2:20 d. m. hlcao, Cincinnati. Chat tanooga ami i-ouihvuie. . .ii:Zo a. m. Richmond 3:10 p. m. )B iBUi IJUJ najuvE.uiq auu lyOCUI OCBCIUIM f ;3Q p 21 Charleston. Columbia and Spartanburg ... ........ 8:10 p.m. ham, Greensboro. Winston-Salem and Local Sta tions 3. -fin n 102 r.rlstol, Knoxville, Mor- risiown 11:65 p. TRAINS DsABT tEastern jinra) Train TO S Salisbury, Washington & Klchmono 101 Morrlstown. Bristol and Knosvide 42 Ixjcal Stations to Colum bia 9j vvlnaLcin-SaJcm. Creens- boro. Raleigh. Goldsboro and local Station. :U Wavneavllle. Mursfiy and Local Stations V4-) . m SI t3Daranburf , Columbia. Charlesioa l!;l v m. 1 Salisbury. Richmond. Nor folk and Local Stations.. 2:10 n.m. jgN.w York, Philadelphia. Baltimore sad Washing ton 4:M) u. m. It Murphy and Local Sta- tlona 8:30 9. a. 10 Columbia. Savannah and Jacksonville I'M fx as. 11 Kno1!l9. Chattanooga, Bristol S:M 9. aa. 31--C Ii I el 1 ft ClnoinnaU and Ixtuisville ............ 3:00 r. no. N. sT Schedule figures printed as In. formation and net Buarantaa. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. For Sale Immediate Possession 6-room house, large living room, heat plant, level lot. Price $8,000.00. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq.Phone 461 1-4-3 Deport :00 a. m. :10 a. m. I:S0 a. m. FOR SALE Lotain Orove park, west side. 00 ft. lot. 18.500. Another lot SO ft. front, $2,750, with a number of nice trees: and one corner lot for fl.800. East side of ' Grove park, corner lot. 34,000. 70 ft lot for 33 325. Also one for 35,000. Lots In Norwood. One on Merrimon Ave., 15,050. See J. R. Law Realty, . Co,,- Law Bldg. Phones 1306 or 81. 1-4-3 7 ROOM HOUSE. Splendid, lot West Asheville, near car line 84,600. 30 ACRE FARM: Fine orchard small house. $2,600. For quick sale. S. D. HALL Phone 91 84 Patton Ave. 1-1-7 FOR QUICK SALE Brand new bun galow, five rooms and bath. Merri mon section. Immediate possession. Price $4,850; $2,000 cash: balance . terms. Act quick. Address N. R.. -care Citizen. Pl-4-3 FOR SALE House. Grove park, 9 rooms, with sleeping porcn. Il. 6o0; furnished. $18,750. See J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones 1208 or $1. 1-4-S- List Your Propefy For Rent With MOALE & MKlWfcAiti.K Hay-wood Bids;. ' Phrao 1 LOST LOST Pocket book containing 340.88 nnd lodge card, fit) reward for re turn tt clerk Langren Hotel. -' - . . -- LOST Red and white velvet bag con taining two puree, letter, money, . etc. Reward. Phone 877. . . . . , n-4-3