THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY-MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1920. Sincerely thanking all who nave so kindly favored us during the past year, wo can now offer Onljr very much depleted stock, but there are just lots of the most attractive and useful goods. ' SOME NEW GLASSWARE has just arrived and the other new goods will follow as fast as tore can get them. J. EL LAW J 21 HAYWOOD STREET MANY COUNTIES ARE PUSHING HIGHWAY STOVE EXPLODES AND TWO PEOPLE INJURED NEGROES FINED FOR YESTERDAY RECORD STREET CRAP GAME AS1IEVILLK . CHAIOOTTU WIIi-, Mrs. U Ci. JoIiiimii aud CbUil vt No. I AIUIESTED OX EAGLE STREET KINGTON HIGHWAY STARTED Great Interest la Three Meetings Held Fur Slate Highway Some of tho Work Accomplished. The following data, concerning the Ashevilln Charlotte - Wilmington 18 Adams, Hurt Karly Ycsterduy Moraine. The explosion of a kitchen range, caused when a Tire was started in the stove with the flreback frozen, yes terday morning at.7:49 o'clock caused injuries to Mrs. L. O. Johnson and little child at No. 16 Adama street. SATl'IlDAY AFTERNOOX Willie Penland Most Replace Post office "Dead Man" Which He Killed With Truck. of The room was also badly damaged by 1 n"r" i2,27l.. ' i-n w, "r.. h., "h '"r I Mheexplo.lon.and a can of kerosene. jT" "J- ..?'.? FOR COLD FOR YEAR The Official Tueremomcter S(ood at 4.5 Degrees Above at 8 O'clock Yesterday Morning. nignway. nrougnt nero ay ur. u. i. --.. wa lenitod bv the pxdIohIod """ iimr ana -nappy- ciarx, tended tho meeting of the executive " " '"""V. )'", bllng In police court Monday morn Charlotte iaBt,?""'" - ; lng. ludgment being suNpended on Mrs. Johnson received several very fmc"t f "J" cost ,'" ;ach cafe: painful Injuries, none of which Is be- ?.q"a?' 7' wg.?gJng a q,"let t,..j . i.. ...-i.,. h.i, .!, kii,i Uttlo game of "craps ' Haturday after- .v. nc, .uun, u. ...v ...... ,. , , . ..... - , I"- - .. wa badly burned and Injured, It was j While a number or accidents occur KM !UKfU Ltdles who are autoriminat tng In their selection of China and Silverware will find here everything one could wish for. TOE I-X-L STORE aa PATTON AVE. PHONE 107 What Optical Efficiency Means It means glasses properly made and fitted to relieve all forms of eye-strain. Our glasses are made right and "fitted right Our skill and experience is your guarantee. Charles H. Honest OPTOMETRIST Eyestrain Specials M Pattoa At, opp. PoaMsra INt committee, held at week, will be of Interest to all those who wish to see tho road put thrown: "The first meeting held In the In terest of the Ashevllle-Charlotto- Wllmlngton highway was held 8ep tamber 34. 1917, 10 oountlei repre sented, organized with 750 mem bers. The second meeting held In Monroe. May 29. It IS, 18 counties represented. 2.000 members enrolled. Third meeting, Beptember 24. 1919, at Lumberton, N. C. "The highway has received official recognition and has been designated as an Interstate highway by the sec retary of agriculture and state high way commission. Two hundred and eighty miles has actually been sur veyed and declared official projects. Over J 1,800.000 federal aid fund ap propriated. The road Is proposed to run from Wilmington to the Tennes see line approximately 424 miles to be built of hard surface material, road bed of 30 feet, hard surface part 20 feet. "The following work has been accomplished: "New Hanover, completed her part J or me worn; nrunswicK is punaing Asheville yesterday morning and Sunday night experienced 'the coldest weather of the year, the official then-: mometer standing at 4.S abovo sero at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. On January 4, 1918 the weather was zero hero, but yesterday holds the record since that time. 1 Calls wore received by plumbers from all sections of the city for help, many people having trouble with wat er pipes In their homes and offices. reported yesterday. . L '.J. . ? i . coloJPa lnetlr? red owing to frozen pipes, only one Th firemen at 19:2a o'clock yester- " '" "" i "'o u;n enueu f a serious nature took place, when day morning answered another call ,.,f"me" . . , . a kitchen range In the home of L. to Sunset Terrace, the home of Miss w'"le. ,' drlverfor H. A. q, Johnson at No. 1 Adams street Rose Byrne, where a small blaze on fllf wea to ODserve ine neaa expioded yesterday morning, injur- the roof was extinguished with small ma" al the Intersection of Haywood lng hI wlfa and chlld. j loss. street and Patton avenue and as a cold wave lg 8ti on hcre bull During the first five days of Janu I result he was before the court on n the weather bureau states that the ary the firemen have answered ten ! charge or reckless driving. The case weatncr win probably bepin to get a calls, although none of the fire was a8,lef Pen until February 6. when llttlo warmer today and tomorrow, of serious nature. On New Year's Penland was Instructed to report to Peoplo ale warned, however to take' eve live calls were answered, but Ir. the court to show that he has re- no cnances witn frozen water pipes i every instance they were falso Placed the signal post, which wif and to cut off and drain all pipos. i alarms, turned In. it Is believed by , completely broken off at the ground boys bent on mischief making. by the Impact. Howard Smith colored, driving a Bible when tho speedometer of the " " r l.l.1 AH mllna In Itn SAYS SWEET BILL WTLIj truck for the Ashevlllo Transfer and ".. . i,. w-, c... Vuv. COST S92.S!M.iM)0 YEARLY ' VZ,-,. Jh. on Haywood road In West Asheville. ' make the turn from Southside ave- i.,a.r" " B.e """" V" KLI TrfiOTJTVrt't'rtV Tah C PAnnnsa AOilliiUiUiii till. U .- 1. w.-a rilli 1 iUCIlL Ul a, IliiO was Informed today by Director , " ? ,.""T.." T. ' .. ' t." J... for speeding. war risk In- "r.' " "mT- ""k"' One "drunk" Cholmely-Jones, of the :..:r;'"S""'-w.;,lVr: Val. Lannlng. The parties to the ac iLlCU owwi uji) liit'icaniiiB IJIQ lwv- . j , , . u-. 1 n r, ernment compensation to disabled f"" Jrtl.":," .L. "lZ..V"..t.Z e work; MrunswlcK is building 1 .ervc. men and liberalizing the In- ""y"' 14 miles, her part, six miles thereof . nmvi.inn. f th. war rlu am,ln ocing contmjca lor aays, hard surface: Bladen- has graded her iaWi wouid cost $92,950,600 a year..0" Paympnt or the copt. part of the road of 68 miles, built He asked thaMhe. f SO. 000,000 appro-! The cases against James Wilson. bridges and put underground drain-1 prlated to carry out the new law be the young man from Badin, who was age; llobeson Is grading ner part or 1 increased "to provido for this year's assaulteu by "Ked" BriK, wore con faced the court, pray er for Judgment being suspended on payment of the cost in his case. . - 3H Reinforcements Just Arrived ! Complete Assortments of Men's Winter Underwear Now Ready Express shipments just put in stock fill in all the broken sizes so every one may be fitted. Included are: Medium and heavy weight cotton rib in two-piece and union suits, priced at $1.50 and $2.50. Duofold silk and wool in union suits only; cotton and wool in one and two-piece suits, priced at $3.50 to $6.50. Vassar urjion suits, tailored to fit, mercer ized cotton rib and silk, $4.35 to $ 1 5.00. We Sell Men's Shoes the road, 44 miles; Columbus In mass meeting 10 days ago pledged herself unanimously to a million dollar bond Issue: Richmond is grading her part of the work of about 30 miles; Union has let a contract to grade her part needs. COTTON RATE ItEDTJCTIOV I tlnucd until Tuesday morning's ses- 1 sion. on account of the absence of. tirltt. A capias was Issued In the case against him for gambling. nr A OTJtvriTnv T e . on I "'IT.? ! charged soldier from Oteen. was re- of the road of 18 mll thrw leased from the city Jail late Katur- naru Burmce, imiuui g mm , ,nnMd fnnlirht hv Ulirr a lu ton within the next six or 12 months fh ,,f' h.rH tv,. rH,,tir. worker at Oteen had advanced th William A. Allen, tho recently dis- i -ya A Brighter World Through OUR GLASSES wM have complete, thelrpart of 'the JJ- e reductlon Weed or Rid-O-Skid .Chains Make motoring safer during winter months Vulcanizing and retreading. Agtata for Michelln Tires and Tubes. ST1T80N KRVICR ATiarica STETSON TIRE COMPANY Broadway and Walnut Sta. and ioutbxido Ave. raonaa tin and toil. Rutherford Is preparing to grade her road bed; Buncombe has built a part or her road. "The road proposed will cost ap proximately S30.00O a mile or $12,-720,000." We have moved our en tire stock to 47 Patton Ave., opp. Church St. Boston Shoe Store. 1-6-7 nSuSINBSS MAN, WHAT ABOUT IT? Dinner served in three minutes. Vegetarian Cafeteria. Opposite Postomce. 1-5-8 i stood. VOlXiIE SIIARRETT DIES BRISTOL, Tcnn.-Va., Jan. 5. Vol- d Are you groping through life in semi i.. . darknens as a result of weak, iadia- hls homo. Itiuct vision? Alice Bates and Ada Redmon. both'1' wwa Pr of our glasses and young girls of the city were before ct a ncw "P on Blllt happiness aud the court charged with vagrancy. w """rl- Ada Kedmon's case was transferred u Tu..... i.J .i. .i J, to the Juvenile court for trial Wed WO A Olio. I Cii ucu uuuv 1 jrritain, -ri,. v,.,- YJn t-( died hero late yesterday afternoon "edA ft?0?? from the effect of wounds received 1rnhr!ld.Jn flrc' ' "hi!,Z U"s on July 18. last. when, according to ?m.t,h chur'atu? tthoUBile the police, he was shot by Charlie r?1"10.", be ?lett8 4 phyaU Templln. a Mocal fireman. Tomplln cal condition. Her case wil be corn has been under 1,000 bond since the "'udred 'LI",6!?,1"8" w i after a report of the examining phy- " ' I Kiclan has been made to tho court. j v. -j. 17! Will F. Clark, a resident of Can- MOVeCt tO neW IlOme at 47 1 dler, explained to Substitute Judge 'Pottrtn A vet rtvin fSrnivriri Q"y Weaver that he was cold und w""v" trying to get home as quickly as pos si. jjosion onoe snore, i-o-v ; Ixok throntrh our crlasHoa Into a new and brighter world. "Becoming' Glasses Cost No More" DR. DENISON OPTOMETRIST (Eye-Strain Specialist) 25 Patton Avenne Opp. Kress Store. TT 44 33 .. T Z.L K3 THE HALLMARK STORE. Come in and let us show you our Peerless Washing Machine . and Vacuum Cleaners Best in the world. Easy pay ment plan WARD ELECTRIC CO. 13 Battery Park Place. Delco Light Products. PHONE 440 STERLING SILVER POPULARITY There is always a continuous demand for appropriate trfts for the home, and the present tendency of many pur chasers to economize, is evidenced by the selection of use ful gifts, combining quality and reasonable price; hence the demand for sterling silver. You will find our splendid display of silver gifts, fulfill the three requremenU of use fulness, quality and moderate coat, and you will also find i b our stock a wide range of selection. Arthur M. Field Co. THE HALLMARK STORE. Dependable Drugs ' Put the burden on us wben you are in a great hurry with a prescription and ex ceedingly anxious about its importance. You can rely upon our promptness and absolute accuracy. PHONC - lo BjaBsssasaassssBBBSBsasaaasBsaassBSBBal COMFORTS'! COMFORTS!! Soft, Warm and Serviceable 1-4 Off Former Selling Price. Just a Few More Left Call Before They're All Gone Burton & Holt Furniture. On the Square Let This Wonderful Machine Cut It Into TemDtlnsr. Nourishing; Food for Cows, Calves, Steers and Sheep Wlife smIIV hssttsw hssssf smA mal hri ltsriaisT arv BtB bTtoas) m eaa't afford to waate on alngio stalk of eon fodder. Thanki to tho Invention of Uiia woadorfaJ maohina, saoat nam bo .longer laav oomaialka la the Said to b IratoMrf down and waated. Thajr taka tha oonuUlka. mmrm arui all, and jam tnem into u im roacnina. z.idi Off noma thaoar (ia Biany localltlr 60 pr oeat of thm ar aotaali W i k ..j . .kun ! a ra rmttlnar tha tnAAm ' Into amaj). cnoloa saoraels tkat maka isnrprioad bottar-Xat and baaf. SMALLEY Cutter and Snapper It Snaps Off the Ears and Cuts Fodder Mi at Same Time ':.frSa J 33 t Bra u wesiner is no roia ior nviq ausnm. kanl In a few loada of cornstalk and do part of your fauaklnc and fodder uattins in the barn. With this maohlna yoa will always here plenty of frWh feed Uut will keen your took la flrsi-olaaa ooadluon Oapaoltr, l&toftObvshele anappad com and 1H to V4 tons dry fodder; 1 to IS tone oorr bay per hour when tthredder head in need Small ffe eaa;luo furulsUea niODle DOwtr The iWerful Rmellerforrafaedrnttarwll) eJaw (ire ou flnaremilta In dry feed cutting. Tow east rwirnaae the plain macninanowandUsa blowar ana rooks next fall. Cart-too; Ffwe Xonk Into this winter cuttina; pmpoaftlon. You'll be am axed at what a moneymakar the Sroalley (tonblnad Snapper and Gutter la. Joat ennd yonr mime on postal and by return nanll ou'H pt our Uteat r eta log skowlng the entire Ine of ameliey Uaoninea. ( Anticipation of the pleasure of giving has been upper most in the minds of the many friends that have visited our store during the beautiful weather we have all en joyed so much. This anticipation has now become a reality and the countenances that greet us on every hand show that this pleasure has been realized. We hope that it has measured up to their every expectation. If we have in anywise contributed to this pleasure then we have been more than repaid since we have shared in the same. HENDERSON : Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Near Postoffice T. S. MORRISON & CO. Distributors for Western N. C. FOR ROASTING: Veal, Lamb, Pork and Larded Pot Roast STAR MARKET THREE PHONES-MIT "We are successful caterers to a variety of appetites." WARM AIR FURNACES Car load received. Get yours now. Prices are advancing on these. We can save you money and guarantee satisfaction. W.H. ARTHUR 75-77 Broadway Sheet Metal Works PHONE 2116 COLD WEATHER COMFORTS FOR THE HOME AND AUTOMOBILE AND FOR OTHER THINGS Electric Warming Pads $9.50 Electric Radiators, each $11.00 Auto Steering Wheel Hand Warmers, pair $3.00 Auto Engine Heaters $4.00 and $5.00 Ford Pruning Spark Plugs, special, each $1.00 .Ford Hood and Radiator Covers . . . . . . .$3.50 Auto Lap Robe Locks $1.25 THE NEWEST AND BEST IN EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE t 64 Patton Ave. Electrical Bldg. Opp. P. O. P A R D E E C OA LIS COAL! OPPORTUNITY dees business on a strictly cash basis. The first question is, "How much coal will I need, and how much coal can I get," is the next question. Call on CITIZENS TRANSFER & COAL CO. And Let Us Help. Phones 25981. T FREIGHT AND FURNITURE MOVING. THE SPIRIT OF GIVING From year to year has the heritage of giving come down; yet with the slow passing of years has the finer spirit of the word been slowly ground away on the stone of selfishness. At all times must we be happy to give if we take holi days and every day. Labor must freely give introduction what it takes in wages. We, who merchandise, must be will ing to give in quality and service for what we take in profit No gift can be a complete one unless we give ourselves. Therefore, remember, when we when anyone wishes you well, such wishes will carry you but to the bridge which only the further gift of yourself will enable you to cross. CLYDE T. MORGAN. J. J. YA' 37 Haywood St. Groceries and Service. Phones 1715-1716 LET GLOBE EGG MASH HELP YOUR HENS , LAY MORE EGGS Your hens should be laying well now; you can help them to produce more eggs and at a low cost if you will supply them all the GLOBE EGG MASH They will eat ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY Call for a Calendar. Cot .'College & Lexington. Phones 2177 and 2178. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Trunks, Hand Bags and Suit Cases H. L. FINKELSTEIN 23-25 Biltmore Ave. Phone 887 MEMBER OF SPECIAL PRICE on all COFFEE Ferndell Brand EDWIN C JARRETT 12 N. Pack Souare and City Market AO Bulk Goods Kept in Sanitary, Dust-Proof Bios. THE BBST OF EVERYTHING cMrUUJAS. THE HIGH-GRADE HOB ART and CABLE PIANO WILL PLEASE YOU SATISFACTION and SERVICE x GUARANTEED Dunham's Musk House The Home of High Grade Pianos '4