3TIE A8IIEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY C, 1920. HOEY IS ACCOHOEO wmmm Mlllfl Emu CM - BY NEW YORK AMERICANS s MENTALLY RESPONSIBLE 1 ON IN HOUSE Is Presented to Gillette By Representative Pou. Casta His First Vote Shortly After Taking the Oath of Office. Col. Ruppert Refuses to Name Price Paid for the Famous Player. NKW YOIIK, Jan. i. The pur chase of "llubu" Ituth of tho Ilovton Americans, to tho Now York Ameri can club, wan nnnounred tonight by Husband Withdraws His Dr. Louis Bisch Submits Re- Answer to Noted Sopra no's Suit. port on Case to Governor Bickett. Ily JOE I.. BAKIOR (Ktaff Corrcindent Tho tlllwn) ' WAHHIN(iTON. D. C, Jan. 6 Jlepresenlallve Clyde It. Ilocy, tho jiow ninth district member of con fess, received quite an ovation when he appeared In the houite at the re convening of congress toduy to take the oath of office. He wa presented 10 Fpeaker Olllette, who administered tho outh, by Representative I'ou, and wayi escorted to the house by Hepre Hentatlvea I'ou, Btedman and Douifh lon. These gentlemen and Represen tative Tom Hefltn, who aided Hoey in hie pre-election campaign, led the cheering from the democrat side, which was Joined In even by a few republicans. Mr. Hoey was accompanied to Washington by Mrs. Hoey and llss Fan llarnett, of Bhelby, whom ha made his secretary. Alias Harnett was with Mr. Hoey in hi law office at Khelby. He wiui assigned to an office, as well as to a seat on the democratic side in the house, and is now ready to receive his ronstltu tint. Mrs. Hoey will in a few days, as they to abandon their North home. The new congressman cast his first vote shortly after taking; the oath, voting with the southern delegation CHICAGO, Jan. B Mme. Amelita' IIALEIGH. N. C. Jan. B. Louie M. Oalll-Curcl, noted soprano of the Blach, noted mental specialist cr New Chicago grand opera company, toduy York and Ashevllle, today sent a re- won a divorce from Lugl C. urel. port to the governor on the mental Colonel Jacob Ruppert, president of after a short hearing before Judge condition of Churchill Oodley, Bmlth- thc Now York club. Colonel Iluppt-rt McDonald In superior court. I field man In the penitentiary await- refused to state the prion paid. The proceedings, which promised '"K execution for criminal assault on toionti Kupport sain mat Manager ',0 b(, iengthv and sensational, were a nine-year-old girl, in which hV ex- brought to an earlv close when Curcl, plodos tho theory that Oodleyl is Viot in a statement filed with the court, mentally responsible. Tho exajnlna wlthdrew his answer to his wife's tion was made at the suggestion bf suit. The answer had accused her of the governor when Oodley's atWv Infidelity and named Homer Samuels, . neys and relatives apply for commu hor accompanist, us co-respondent. I tat ion of the death sentence. Juugo McDonald Indicated that the l (summarizing the examination, the Miller Hugglns of tho Yankee, Is now In lyoe Angck'S, Cullf., negotiating with Ituth. Ituth has a three year contract with . I the Boston club made last season, call ing for n salary of $10,000 a year. Ho I reported, however, to havo declared recently that unless this sum was boosted to 120,000 ho would not re turn to Boston. The famous homo run hitler de manded this Increase on the strength or nis last seasons batting record decree would be granted the singer mi the grounds of Infidelity. WITHDRAWS AK8WEB CHICAGO, Jan. 5. Lugi Currl, luiuha rwl it M nia fin Citr-ni nf Ihn wnon ne uroke an previous major lea- Chicago Opera company, this after guo records by hitting 2 homo runs. noon withdrew his answer to his in reiusing to name me price puia wife's suit for divorce ior num, ituppert aamutea tnat ne usderstood an offer of $100,000 for the t'yer was refused last summer, I by Harry Frazee of the Boston club. Ruth, who Is 2(1 years old Joined tho Raft Rnv tn 1 0 1 R nil n nlt.h.. nnA was used as a pinch hitler because of n ' cou,Ue1re1 wltn i'"lln'' '!ccu hls ability to send out long hits. Last tns, naming Homer Hamuels. tho season he was transferred to outfield gor s accompanist, duty where ho batted 322 as well as; The court room was crowded with establishing a new major league home members of thu opera company, so. run record. He made 12 three base , cioty women and curiosity seekers hits, (4 two base hits and received 101 ! when the trial opened'. s formal statement to tho states that the charges made In er were based on a "misap prehension of the facts." tin action noted alienist says Godloy Is "suffer ing neither from any form of phycho sIk nor from any degree of mental de fect. Ho is somewhat emotionally un stable and psychobathy but those va riations from the normal do ntt make him an Irresponsible individual nor ono who cannot distinguish bo- Hearing of tween right and wrong. He may be the case In continuing in superior, a sexual pervert but sexual perver court as an uncontested case. slon In not Incompatible with men- Curcl, replying to charges of in-1 tul. normality fidelity.. In which Mmo. Qalll-CurclJ named Melissa Brown as eo-respond- i his ro'nstltu- hlt"' ,w0 base hits and received 101 ! when the return honitt blim on ba,la from Pitchers, who pre- Curd's do not InYend " '", "" 'court mat .rth Carolina yielded an average of ; nlB aniwe 2.97 runs. As an outfielder ho erred only twice In 258 chances. FRAZEE'S STATEMENT. ugalnst a pension Increase for union .. -. u. i-resicient. jiarry soldiers. During the afternoon, he i :,i"fX, ,h t h. h". Iicftt": ,. .....,i.,in.i ... said tonight tpat he had so d "Babe iuEJ ? 'ZSl .h. Jl?P,' ' Uut" to the New York Americans bo im SJ w-r J ? tnrZJIlu fJ " he thought it was an "Injustice" 5 m. T .J rT f "Ptt,k" Clark ,0 kfop hlm wllh ,he Re(J so'x, who i. tw.th1 j!?.? JeadrS- "wcr9 t!Uli becoming a one man team." Blx members of the North Carolina w. hii nni .hn. . delegation are still at home. They are price. hTOiiiuiB Diiiiniuiis ana uverman, wno ar expected tomorrow, and Repre-1 sentatlves Robinson, Kitchin, Drlnson und Godwin. Kitchin Is 111 and it Is noti known Just when he wlU return that ho "profoundly regrets." I '1 am now convinced that thje in chargos made in answer reflecting in "The examination did not reveal any mental abnormality whioh might havo rendered hlm irresponsible at the time of the commission of the crime and of which he may now be cured. Nor is he suffering from any mental abnormality at the present time which might have rendered him irresponsible previously." Dr. D. Blsch Is an A. M. A. gradu ate of Columbia Medical college of physicians and surgoonn; a lecturer on abnormal phychology at Columbia, atienist at New York post-graduate hospital, consultant at Clarence Ba ker hospital and owner and medical director of Hillcrest Manor, a sanl- ' .u" u". , Z ' torium for mental diseases at Ashe He made the examfnation on De comber 26 and seventh. Tho governor has not yet studied win back her alToction and esteem He denied charges eontalnod In liln wife's bill that he had boon guilty CASE CAPTURES HIS SIXTY-EIGHTH STILL Raise Subscription to Rebuild Wi , dows Home Destroyed By Fire. at Capital. (Special to The Clttten) HENDERSON VI LX.B, Jan. 6. Bherift M. Allard Case today brought la his sixty-eight still and made his twenty-fifth arrest for blockading. . Tbo sheriff found John Hlarkwoii busy at a modern llttl tm in WASHINGTON. Jan. S The Amor LiUls Hungry country, with 600 gal-i,can nav' was host" tonight at a re lons of beer ready to be transformed coption given to Admiral Viscount Jel Intto a colorless liquid for which there ,k'0' ot Scapa, commander of tho Is a marked demand. It la aald. Black. well will be given a preliminary hear T TO VISCOUNT JELLICOE nt miurnin Attest urlt tl M a) Hrnwn it Kloisi-hman'M. Xeur Vnrir. nn,i ntb,.r ,he report and mado no comment on irD OUIIIIIIOI Vt'WIUJ IB UUW . tenced to die on January 6. Jl WEAR BELIEVES REPUBLICANS ARE RIDING TO A FALL Continued From Pags One LEWIS AND GREEN ASSAILED AT MEET A GIFT of Ten Days INTEREST Upon all deposits made on Savings Amount before the close of banking hours on theenth of January, we allow full interest from the first of the month. Perhaps one does not realize that this extra inducement means a gain of more than ten per cent in the interest yield on his deposit for the quarter? First Savings Period of 1920 Now Open ONE DOLLAR WILL OPEN AN ACCOUNT 4 Interest Compounded Quarterly Central Bank & Trust Co. South Pack Square Continued From Page One Reception Given For Ad- wr tomorrow. The Rhodes Auto Company has been dissolved as a corporation,' and the principal stockholders, F. & Wetmur, Will Continue the hnatnnaa In a and modern building he will ereot onBnd navaI attaches of the various em Main etreet near the nrasent loinn , bassles and legations. of the company. Mr. Wetmur la not I Viscount Jellicoe, who arrived here believed the commission' of three men will elect a man as president who will elder increase In wages and iinprove tontinue these policies. The talk ment of working conditions of the about electing a republican by the minors, to be fair and above re republican bosses Is faHt assuming pronch. tho rhflrflltnr nt nlirA InniiH.tipM nn,l ,n . .... . .. miral By Naval Officials, lnBOlence- ,Xlth fooling, these mission that we are entitled to i rnimn rnniih nnu hnowi. u.'lll Hlntnta e .1 . ., ... - . . .... .... iUuacI increase, saia iewia ar.a the nomination of an old-lino reac- if wfl prove, I believe we will get tlonary candidate. 'it." he declared. "The democrats have plenty of ma-1 D. J,. I.einel, of Illinois, was the teriul from which to druw. There first of the radicals to oppose the Is no reason why any democrat endorsement of the settlement. Ho should be discouraged.- Wo have declared tho officers " should hive heard republican talk before. Let him gone to iall like Gene Debs and all ' look at the record of 1ila party and sincere Americans." ..-., i,.i.it i.iw .1- - a uv uiuuu, iiu uvKin 10 giro on nis a iiuiuKaia iron! xnaiana oeciareu Jutland The wentTon whlh Z., iarmor for the coming conflict. We he believed the organization had lost a bnS Aav for FlffltfiS Sv5!rf caB wln lf Wf) WU PreHent the record e right to atPike,,becauso of the ap a Dusy aay ior mo visiting ntvrtif. ... .. nRrtv m.k. , ii.,ntinn nt lh. u n- n. OF FATALITIES CONFIRMED CONGRESS GOES TO IRK AFTER HOLIDAY RECESS ... .t.- - . 1 vi uur Joiiy 'I'"?"?".1 .""."- earnest, which we will do. Theeoan- dieted that when this iVuA.lS.Ll::tiM (runs in this fight will be fired there would be another similar law. dinner MEXICO CITy. Jan. 5. DIs- j WASHINGTON. Jan. 5 Congress patches received here this evening went to work immediately today up- mTr.1 ta'are S"""8 after lu "rtn,-ht hli' property over wide areas as a re- suit of Saturday night's earthquake. Without formality, both senate and Tho bodies of 25 men and womenl house began disposition of bills on were recovered Monday from the i either calendars and within ah hour river Rio Grande at Kluconala, state ' or so both bodies resumed their nor of Vera Crus, according to a message 'mal appearance of scant attendance received by the astronomical obscrv-j during speech-making. Miscella- i neous bills only were' considered and Coscom- a few of the less Important passed. cialist. reelected after being refuse a seat by the house, n.u .i .. ..e today but tomorrow, or immediate ly upon his presentation of re-election credentials, house leaders plan ned to refuse aguln to grant him a seat. Representative Mann, of LIU nois, former republican leader, sur prised house members by announcing ho would support Borger's claim. Many committees of both senate and house got into action today and prepared to grind out the endless procession of bills and resolutions which are expected to hold congress here for the next nine or ten months. art -pxnireil " "?l.,?fP,?.. atory here. Advices from San Juan night.' prepared to . late thecost of the new !yrday from New York, tarted the I tenth district about L jenkln" ' i uuii i" iiib Miiiicis mrme wouiu nave .. , ir 4...n,.j Tho in .h ,),. ti, -"..V-1 .'" 0hi0 ' .. ""led rhdomoTmon of a hu, Thuwh M. on he : eYpower de ooment h la n ,i , n hi . ... . . . - ... thnrn but are Incklnar in details re- bill, consideration of which nrom- gardlng scores of persons . reported Ises to continue into next week. The ! North Carolina democrats in Wash- right" if Washington officials had not Ington have been getting a good deal acted when they did, was the assor f quiet fun out of reports from tho tion pf-Oovernor Cox, of Ohio, in TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES constantly in. hr"".n'7 r v 'D .T' . ; Sunday schools, churches. . "V.., " . '-r." l the tenth distriot. Mr. o(a nttxt ou l uv cn v ClU Ult tllU to handle the Arm's creasing business. r Thk mnitHt hnra. . lr.. jt a urn llame, a widow, was deetroyed by flro'flo." , the ,"nat0 an hou"o- .Tho a few nights ago. while Mrs. Williams I ""landing feature, however, of tho vai sick In bed at the home of a lay twaB the offlc'a' InHpecton of the neighbor. The Hendorsonvllle News 1 "-fi-.Y",..:7 y . siariea suoscnptlon to replace the building, upon which there was no in surance, and already a handsome sum has been given for that purpose. A local paper boa started a boom for james j. arm ror uovernor of North Carolina, and advances what It says are convincing reasons why Mr. Britt is sure to succeed uovernor Bickett. addressing the minora" convention to day. etc.. in : The governor s declarations for the e tenth district. Mr. Jenkins, of principles of collective bargaining. course, Is a candidate for tho repub- evolution In government as opposed llcan nomination for congress, and , to radicalism and revolution and his the report here is that It Is all framed '. statomerits on Americanization were tor him to be nominated at tho con-1 received with groat enthusiasm. The killed there contained in special dis patches Sunday. Various tewns in Vera Cruz state, especially Teoceol and Cutilan suf fered heavy property damage. It is reported that there are huge fissures in Pedregal. a huge stony waste near Mexico City from .Jkhich td'..WLVlW-J,,-.th? h ".-y P"e to tho nomln yention on February 7, no matter convention voted to have his speech eases are exuaing. To Ileal A Donirh Take HAYE8" HEALING HONEY 35c LET POSH START NOW TO CLEAR YOUR SKIN Would you be entirely rid of that dis tressing skin trouble; Would you drive way those pimples? Do you desire u clear, fair skin free from aggravating eruptions ? Posiam, tlion. is for you. It awaits your hardest task, tho most stubborn and difficult condition of diseased skin you have to overcome. It Is oualillnrt ami ready, its makers can put no more of perfection in it to make It more val uable to you. So let it serve you; utilize its splontlid beating help. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency laboratories, 243 West 47th 8t., New York City. Poetara Soap, medicated with Poslnm should be used If skin is tender and sen sitive. Advt. new gun shopa. the shrinking of Jacket on a 14-Inch gun and the "lin ing" of a 16-lnch, 60-calibre rifle. They also were shown an experimental lv-incn ririe. The visiting admiral was the guest of Assistant Secretary Roosevelt at tea and dined with Secretary Daniels. His staff were tii guests of Roar Admiral Nlbluck, who has beon desig nated as his special aide. Tomorrow the party will go to An napolis to inspect the naval academy and returning in the afternoon, will leave at 8:16 o'cck for Key West. Fla., and thence to Havana, whore the British cruiser New Zealan'd is waiting. XOTCCE. CAPTAIN DETZER TELLS COURT HE WAS 'FRAMED' NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The court- martial trial on Governors Island of Captain Karl W. Dotzor of the 308th military ponce company, charged with cruelty to prisoners In LoMans, France, was enlivened today when the court warned Major Wm. V. Kelly, Judge advocate, that ho must conduct his cross-emalnation of the defend ant "in a calm and decorous manner" and Major Kelly a few minutes later) asked Detzer directly if ho thought he had been "framed" bv the 1udKl utlon. By the process of elimination, at the direction of thoee In control in the district, the nomination can be effected at tho convention. It will be seen to that there is but one can didate, so that no primary will have to be held therefore the danger of a party schism at a primary will bo avoided. In the meantime Mr. Jon kins who of course is a man ot great wealth Is said hero to be helping all tho church causes that are presented to hlm which Is meritorious Indeed, but which arouses more or less sus picion when it is known that one so philanthroplcally Inclined has poll tlcal ambitions. Note to Weaver. The following note appended to a letter Mr. Weaver recently received rrom one or his constituents, was good for a laugh: "No truth in report that Honor able Jenkins is to start an organ factory here. Understand he is mere ly contracting for a total output of a factory up north until November, 1920," It Is suggested that tho Aheville chamber of commerce ought to get behind Mr. Jenkins and urgo him to help his own city grow industrially by establishing an organ and piano factory, rather than give all Ills busi ness to a plant In another stute. i, rl n tin an1 t.i 11 i ll . .....ni I . . .. I union. Colds Cause Hcadaciiee and Pains Acting President Lewis and Sec- Feverish Headaches and Body Pains rotary Green met tonight with officers caused from a cold are soon relieved of the miners' organizations in Iowa, by taking LAXATIVE BROMO Colorado, Wyoming and other west- QUININE Tablets. There is only ono orn states outside of tho central com- "Bromo Quinine. E. W. GROVfc'8 petitive Held to consider the matter signature on the box. 30c. of presenting to the President's com mission for adjustment, grievances, relative to the 14 per cent advance. Owing to the difference in the cost of production in some of the states outside tho central field, it is said the miners have not received the full BAIL OF $100,000 IN ALCOHOL CASES Sterling sedition bill, which ' senate I leaders expected to take up today went over until tomorrow. There wore few developments and only perfunctory discussion of the peace treaty in the senate. Senator Kingr. democrat, Utah, presented form ally his set of compromise reserva tions and many senators were engaged nil dav in nriva'te conference on thA treaty situation, but nothing tangible little and is pleasant to ta ,i,ij who has Catarrhal Deafn Victor Bcrger. the Wisconsin If you have Catarrhal Deafness or art hard of heuring or have hoad noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce or far mint (double strength), and add to it ',i pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take one tablespoon four times a day. Tins will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become oasy and the mucus stop dropping Into the tnroat. It is easy to prepare, cosia take. Anyono ho has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. Adv. .' -B! sat Raids Against Radicals Are Resumed In N. Continued From Page One To ,ee Wood, Martha Turner. W. H. Strickland, Irlson Monteath, John R. Sartor. Guv Weaver. C. Falk. (1. w. Lowless, T. R. Voungblood, (;. w. I Beck. Mstt Burleson, Frank F. Brown. I Mrs. G. W. Brill. Hose Lee Anderson. J. B. Frady, J. H. Harper, J. L. C'ol.b. Cora L. Brunner, II. C. Britt, Goo. Kvans, W. K. Howe, J. M. Sprulln, Z. W. and W. Israel, J. M. Williams, Alice Stepp KM., Pansy Glonn, Bethel M. E. Church, .J. W. Arthur. W. O. Brveon. D. H. Hawkins. A. L. Tom Deriin, C. 8. Burgln, W. B Nixon. 1. L. Blanstein. A. P. Burgin. T. L. MoCall. Lela 1L Sumner, N. H. Grady. D. A. MofTett, B. IL Thompson. J. M. Qudger, J. A. Boll. J. M. Thrash, T. L. Isaac, and all Other persons Interested Injhe report of the City Engineer (lied j 111 the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the City of Ashevllle, assrtoilng tho cost of constructing a certain ' Con crete paving, Blanton St., against you. which paving runs from Silver St. to Southaide Ave. In said city. You wla' take notice that said report has been I niea according to law. and that the I Mayor and Board ot COmmlnsioners of 1 fald city, at their meeting to be held lth day of January, 1920. will oon-i slder aald report and take such action aa they may deem proper. Any ob jection to me aoove report made in writing under oath la the office of the Secretary-Treasurer at least two days prior to above Aate. This January 2. 1920. G. C. HUNTER advocate's department "Do you believe you wero framed up?" Kelly asked Metier. "Absolutely, yos." "By whom?" ' I don't know, hut it's self-evident." "Was It the judge advocate's de partment." "I will make no statement to this court which 1 cannot prove." "Was it Captain John M. Weir?'" .(Captain Weir, of Indianapolis, who is assistant Judge advocate, investi gated tho charges against Detzor ut LcMans. . "I cannot give any evidence ut this time," answered Captain Detzer. ENFORCEMENT ACT UPHELD IN OPINION BY SUPREME COURT Continued From Pag One nitely determined and demonstrated by experience." The question whether 2.7S per cent beer tan be sold after the 18th amendment is effective must bo de cided in the future," said Mr. Buck- ner. l oaay s decision affects Its status only under war-time prohibi tion. Today's decision relates only to the war powers of congress.. When the enui'tment Is effective questions will be raised not only as to ih v. mn hJlld"' of ll" l,aas but also whether and filed ! r, ,nut "on-'ntottng beer can be ann med 0, unar It." committee. This federation way en gaged in spreading soviet propaganda through its 11,000 members through out tho country, Mlsleg admitted. Take to Cover The renewed raids by federal agents In continuation of the national cam paign to rid tho country of aliens sedition mongers, revealed the fact that there has been a stampede for cover, on the purt of tho "reds" who were not caught in the great dragnet thrown out last Friday nl;ht. Rein forced by a large forco of city detec tives, with army transport wagoni manned by soldiers In reserve, tlu federal agents raided 28 houses whlc I had been marked dow.1 us hcudquur tcrs or tne conspirators against Ui. government only to find that the ma jority of those they sought had goi. into hiding. Up to midnight less than 50 person had been taken into custody. A number of those arrested nen later released, about 25 being bei. for further examination. William Flynn. Ivad of t department c Jui-tiee secret -.vice, who euporli. tended the raids, gave out a stau ment shortly before midnight it which he said: f "I think the reds have taken t cover. They have read about ti. raids and at least realize that we me.. business. Chief Flynn expressed the opinio, that the result of the nights "hau would net the authorities about I "wanted radicals.'' NEW YORK, Jan. 5. Bail of $100.- AOa Aanh waa rlamn n rlert hv TTnitod benefit of the 14 per cent advance, states Commissioner Relfschneider to me residents commission is ex- day when John D. Romanelll. an un pficted to adjust these differences, dertaker: Samuel K. Saleeby. a drug That Bi4n of the International ri8t, and Edward Q. Ware. Saleeby's officers in effecting a settlement of brother-in-law were arraigned before tho strike will be approved by an him on charges of selling alcohol in overwhelming majority was the con- violation of the law. The trio are al- censuo of opinion of leaders tonight, leged by federal agents to have been,. , .......... 1 1. 1 .Ua. .II..I -U...,ln In Old People Who Are Feeble and Xew York. New Jersey and New Eng- iiiiiiren nnu mv ana neaH iani. or wooa aiconoi wnicn laier was Would be greatly benefited by the colored and sold as whiskey, causing General Strengthening Tonic Effect of more thun 100 deaths. It is under-' GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, stood that tho men will be taken to It purifies and enriches the blood and Connecticut and tried on charges of, builds up tne whole system. A Gon- manslaughter. I eral Strengthening Tonic for Adults Dramatic scenes attended the ar- j and Children, 60c. I raignment, Mrs. Saleeby protested tliut her husband was Innocent of the crime and fainted when bail was fixed at $100,000. Mrs. Vare, mother of an- defendant. also declared that (Special to The Citizen) ,,tM, . '"P"1"1, HKNPKKHONVILLK. Jan. 5 a e llaJ to be carried from tho, 'onneit Talloy. "white, and Jim Thorn- courtroom. l ai. colored, waived examination here . i t?iclay before Magistrate R, M. Outos ASKS FOR SESSION I on the charge of murdering Will AT? T 1T1TOT A TTT"D "P Krwin and were committed to Jail. UJJ ijJ!i WlO-LiA 1 U KJU They will be tried at tho March term CHARLOTTE, N. C, Jan. 15. The of criminal court. executive committee of the Wilrtiing- While tho courthouse room and ton, Clmrlotto, Ashevllle Highway as hullding were completely filled by soclatlon has decided to ask Gover those anxious to see the alleged mur- nor Bickett to convene a special ses dorors thoro was no disorder. It is .slon of tho legislature to pass a fifty jndeistood there will be two more million dollar road bond 'issue to fi irrests of suspects In this case In ihi nanco good roads projects In North near future. Carolina. Money to Loan at 6 Simple Interest ON THE EQUITABLE HOME PURCHASE PLAN No Bonus. No Attorney Fees. J. J. CONYERS & C. B. LYNCH, Agent.. Phone 682 -Room 27, American National Bank. Bldg. TALLY AND THOMAS WAIVE EXAMINATION SANITARY HANDKERCHIEFS 15 and 25 cents each at the PARAMOUNT DRUG STORE 43 PATTON AVE. if i Mr. Buckner saw a ray of hope in the fact that the court was divided on I i.,u, , uri-ision. out. was not encour. ' enforcement. Ho did not tare to pn aged by that oortio nof the mi,irt ' rfi h.iii.r ihu t . . i,i...uir.n .!.,., .1... ..;. v' 7, jlT." .1 Ktj' t.iiT.Tr-o.iir.., i . ....- uauiiug iinrvwiDi w.iom mo conn came t toeuttarj -Treasurer, power to 6x a standard of alcoholic pass on the validity of t.lm ur . content for th purpose ot effective! under conetituUonal prohibition. Made Quickly In The Cup Instant Postom the healthful table beverage now used so much by former tea and coffee drinkers. There's a Reason SERVICE IS A PLEASURE ROAMER MOTOR CO. Phones 1171-2826. Aaheville, N. C 1