THE ASHEVILLLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1920. WOMAN DETECTIVE IS TILE PETITIONS FOR URGE AUDIENCE SAW ON THE BABY CASE BELIEVES SHE SAW MOTHER OP ' BABY YESTERDAY. One More Day Likely to Bring Out Startling Facta In Uic Case, Which Puziles Officers. , HARD SURFACED ROADS LOU TEUEGEN HERE CltUcns of Haw Crock and Cliunn s' I C-OTA A&lr fV.nnf rMimltalnnm tl Improve Highway rid By Them. Willi ha t.irt that a woman de tective was vesterday found worklnB lug that tho on a clue which it la benoveu win crock road befrlnninc at tho city lim- Tlirco petitions, each carrying the names of a number of tho citizens of C'hunn's Cove and Huw Creek, sections of this county, were presented to tho' county commissioners yesterday auk- portion of tho Haw bed Actor WeU lleorived Last Wight Other Members of the Cast Also Did Splendid Work. lead to tho person or persona who left tho pretty two-weeks' old young ster on a porch at E.luaoein street last Friday night, introduced Into the attempt to solve the problem its and extending to tho intersection of the Asheville-Black Mountain high way at Frank Hood's store, bo hard suriaceu. A largo and enthusiastic audience last night saw Lou TellcBen, the cel ebrated romantic actor at the Audi torium In "The Lust of Qold", his own production. It was tho first ap pearance of the distinguished actor in Ashovlllo and his wurk was received with great enthusiasm. Mr. Tellogon'a Interpretation of the French-Canadian landowner, the re- cluso, Armatid Tremont, was Indeed WILLIAMS PROBABLY IS FATALLY INJURED W. M. WILLIAMS VICTIM OF AC CIDENT IN HAYWOOB. Haa Sknll Fractured In Two Places and Several Serious Bruises IJttlo Hope for Recovery, into me au-mpi iu buic wio .w.t.... ,,,,,., . . . , ciuso, .nrmauci iremont, was inaeou as to the Identity of the "mysterious 0esftmm ??Jr" S?i,7in SSiiJ splendid and his acting at all times woman." believed by authorities to PP- nd ed tho pe ltion pending Btooa out as work of the highest char- bo connected with tne case, ABiievmo ,.iHahiiltv "," did not exoerlence any new angles in ) !8a "f "UcmP.tln at. the baby case which has attracted considerable attention here. The woman detective last night re ported that she saw the woman she t'rm , laentmea as me one, who mai in day had a child wrapped I blankets in which the little one nestled on Mr. Lawtngs porch inn on a certain street in me uuj Bideratlon vesteraav. DUt witnout tne uuuuiu she carried Friday. Shadowing this the ad- orosent to hard surface this stretch of road. People of these two sections main tain that tho present road is an added expense to them In getting to and ho city, and presented tho fact 1 actor,- The play waa- one of ..the best that has visited Ashevllle this season and the work of the various perform ess was liberally applauded through out. The cast was well selected, each per son fitting into his or her part with AfVi.'ir all t.( tr tt . ... v. ... i. i - n tnef,,,v " '"".;; " 1 "ch success as to place the show tar a eithe? Chunn-H r; oV'ltnw aDova the average production that , walk-rrh. . ," ," " ".'... '' comes to Ashovllle. Tho play was won lav . Till I .1 I 1J DUI IUUB l.UU- ... ,. by the commissioners but no information concerning the pro woman and some other persons who out PLANNING TO OBSERVE THE LEE-JACKSON DAY nls bable dlsposul of the request was given on! are presumed to be Interested In tlio Jl JT. .1.1 . Knh -h- ltwtlvn UID(JVB1L1UI1 111 UiU uuuji . v ......... believes they are nearing tho end of a chase, when made public will stag ger a large number of prominent Ashevllle people. While tho officers who aro con ducting the Investigation ha con siderable Information they kept it to themselves save by dropping remarks, which warrant the assertion they are Hearing the end of tho chase. The automobile in question has not yet been locatod, but the detective is of the opinion that with informa tion from Raleigh today they will e able to trace tho car. A theory that the woman came from Detroit was1 exploded yesterday! In the information obtained by the authorities, but they doemed it ex pedient to not make their informa tion public lost night. staged. In addition to Sir. Tcllegen the cast included: Zola Tolma. who played Florena. the W. M. "Williams, a young white man of Haywood county, was seriously in jured when he was hurled from a tram car at tho plant of the Hann Clay company yestorday and is in tho Meriwether hospital with a fractured skull, and the outcome Is considered doubtful by the attending physician. He Is suffering with a fracture In the left side of his skull: also one at tho base of the skull, and Is in an un conscious condition, as he was when brought here for medical attention. In addition to the more serious in juries he has many bruises and his In ternal condition could not bo deter mined on account of the great degree of the shock Mr. Williams had ex perienced. Few details concerning the acci dent could be ascertained here, but It is understood he was upon a tram BEABDSLEY NOW IN ASHEVILLE OFFICE Is Transferred From Greensboro Re cruiting Office to This City. D. M. Beardsley, ot Salisbury, who has been assisting the U. 8. Army re cruiting office at Greensboro for sometime, has been transferred to the Ashevilie office and began his duties here yesterday. He will assist Sergeant Kuppe, in securing recruits from the western district of North Carolina, llecently the Ashevilie office sent a oontigent of men, who were recruited from several counties in this section of tho state, to Fort Thomas, Ky., and sev eral of them will bo transferred to the Panama Canal 'zone while some went to tho Coast Artillery service In the Philippine Islands. Locke, as Felix Warner, a mining en gineer; his wife, by Margaret Linden; Kobert Stevens, who played Peter, the servant: Tellegen, as Tremont ts found in the opening of the story, happy In his se clusion, after his wife had betrayed him. With him Is his housekeeper, who Is his best friend. Felix Warner, I the mining engineer Is thrown into J his world, through accident, and with I him comes his wife, who is recognized by Tremont as tho woman who be trayed him. I The engineer discovers copper on ' the land owned by Tellegen and tho .' plot arrows as the engineer and his wife plan to get a part of the metal. Stiriam, the engineer's wife, believes .hi) pnn hnnrllA Trnmnnt and finally While detailed programs for tho Tnileron ncreea to cive the enirineer a observance ot Lee-Jackson day hero part nf the profits of the land if he on January 19, have not been complet- i wjh divorce his wife, tho engineer lat ed. it was announced yesterday that ter claiming that his wife tricked him the Ashevilie chapter U. D. C of and he leaves her with the French which Mrs. E. S. Clayton, is president, . Canadian. and the Fanny Patton chapter, Mrs. Falling to got Tremont to work the Martha Kepler, president, will Jointly mine, because he Is afraid that the celebrate the occasion. money would luro him back to civili- A feature of the meeting will be the nation, and away from his contented housekeeper; Ralph, car which had been hauled over a Warner, a minlncr en-lnie -.),. ..- .i,.ih -I..- Ashevilie and , Fanny ration Chap ters V. D. C, Are Arranging Pro gram of Merit for the Celebration. awarding of crosses of honor to six Confederate veterans by the Fanny Patton chapter. It is expected that tho veterans of this section will attend the celebra tion, and the event will be made a memorable one. PROPOSALS FOR THE BEE TREE LINE They Will Come From Hands or Printer Today. MEMBERS OF SCHOOL BOARDS RESIGNED J. A. Pons Elected Committeeman for ' . ' the Emma District. Will H. Patton having filed his res ignation as school committeeman of the Emma district, the county board of education in regular session yester day, nccepted the resignation and elected as his successor, J. A. Pons. T. L. Trantham. a member of the school board In the Skyland district, filed notice that he had moved from the district, therefore his resignation had been made necessary. His suc cessor was not named. Proposals outlining the terms of a contract for the new Bee Tree water line will go. into the hands of the printers today and within a few Says will be available to contractors who may wish to submit bids for tho work. Tho roposals cover pages and go into detail concerning the system to bo Inaugurated, and for the construe- lot, the woman becomes a wanderor. BUSINESS MAN, WHAT ABOUT IT? Dinner served In three minutes. Vegetarian Cafeteria. Opposite Postofflce. 1-5-3 pit, when the car tipplod over, plung Ing into tho pit, carrying tho injured man with it. The victim of the accident was ac companied here by his sister, who on account of the shock was unable to give nny details concerning how the unfortunate affair occurred. At a late hour last night there wore only slight hopes for his recovery. TURKEYS TROUBLING THE COMMISSIONERS REALLY WANT TO BREAK THAT COLD? You lose no time when you use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey LOOSEN that hard-packed phtegm. Easa that labored breathing. Allay that distressing Inflamma tion. Get rid of that hoarseness, that constant coughing, that irritating throat-tickle. Freedom from theie unpleasant things is what Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey helps promote. And it is safe tor anybody from kiddies to grandma. Its ingredients re noted for their healing, antiseptic properties. Thousands of users would never consider a substitute. Econom ical. A bottle in your medicine cabinet ts playing safe. 30c, 60c.. $1.30. jam .-A. TaV a poftOfAK )a , Famiy Medlcina EffccUrcl removes accumulated watts sntur snit puts tlM Hver in hftHniul action. Ceod lot vry member of your family. MUd, tlinm. Po-Do-Lu throuoshly clesmea the tnUia aad retuUte the bowel. 60 c. Drurfltte Visit Our Store Today , JANVARY CLEARANCE SALE of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery j at a Saving of From 25 to 50 County Called Fpon to Pay for Tur keys Alleged to Have Been Killed By Neighbor's Dog. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder end uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they giv that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL n 11 WILL EE-OPEN iSHEEP KILLING CASI! HEBE t'ommlK-loner Notify Jury and Wit hcwcs to Appear Monday. COAXJEM Stop Whipping Bowels into Activity, but take "Cascarets" Several bills have been filed with t ""orW t"""rd 'dT the county commissioners for sheep aiaontora, wilt oftsn ward off thssa dia killed by dots since the doe; and sheep and trenfthsn the body against law enacted by the last leftixktture farther attack. Thrsa sirs, ail druggists. went into effect, but yesterday was Umk tm k mm GeU Medal aa m tne rirst. lime tne attention or tne 1 the law In reality Is not a dog and . ' sheep law, but turkey, dos; and sheep law. This fact was silently, though! toroeaoiy, impressed when T. B. Brooks filed a claim for his turkeys, alleged to pave been killed by a dog: owned by D. H. Shook. Henry Jackson, Mark Gorman and Troy Muse, were drawn an Jurror to Investigate the case and report the extent of the damages by the next reg ular meeting of the commissioners. The county commissioners yesterday re-opened the case in which Mrs. Mary Cuney. of Mt. Meadows Inn, was awarded $90 damages by a Jury who Investigated the charges that dogs had Killed so mo sheep belonging to her. The caoo was reopened,' the eommls stoners stated, i . ' 1 had arisen regarding "" the - proper amount of damages which should have been accessed and the number of oheep killed. On former report of the Jury Mrs. Caney was allowed 190 for sheep said to have been destroyed by a doff, and this Jury composed of Bd Hall, Gun, Stewart and Dan Stewart, will be nov tified by the sheriff, as well' as th witnesses In the case, to appear be. . before the county commissioners next Monday for a new hearing. , Put aside the Baits, Pills, Castor Oil, Hon of which bids will be advertised . or purgative Waters that Irritate and for by tho slonera. mayor and city commis. Washington Forecasts. Virginia, fair Tuesday and Wednes day with slowly rising temperature. North (Jarolina, fair Tuesday and Wednesday, with slowly rising tem perature South Carolina, fair, slightly warm er, Wednesday partly cloudy and i warmer, probaMy local rains. Alabama, rain Tuesday or Tuesdav Several matters of only .routine im- nlg?.t an.d P"olably Wednesday, warm- . . .... . or uoMrinv no nan co came oerorft tn rnnrri nr wi. i ' llfQ t !- ttnA vr ItaMB m..t.ll. est. other than the resignation of the'da.y: Wednesday cloudy, probably lo- two committeemen, were disposed of. DAVIS PEICIPAL MUEPHY HILL SCHOOL I. D. Davis has boon elected prin cipal of the Murphy Hill echool. which is located beyond Weaverville, and ho will asume charge of the school at once. Notice of the selection of Mr. Davis was given out yesterday and the school will start immediately. I Mississippi, rain and warmer Tues- cal rains. Tennessee, snow or rain Tuesday In west and Tuesday night in east por tion; warmer Wednesday, local rains. Georgia, fair east. Increasing cloudi- ' ness west portion Tuesday; warmer Wednesday rain and warmer. I Florida, fair Tuesday, warmer north and central portions; Wednesday fair south, local rains and warmer north nortlon I Extreme northwest Florida. Increas ing cloudiness and Warmer Tuesday; lash the bowels into action but which do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage organs, and j have no effect whatever upon the liver ana stomacn. Keep your "insldes" pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the undi gested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from . the liver and carry out of the system all the con stipated waste matter and poisons In thAbowels which are keeping you half i0, headachy, and miserable. Cascarets tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep nover gripe, sicken or causo inconvenience. Cascarets cost so lit tle too. AdvU SWAMP-BOOT FOR CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Of Those Unsightly Skin Blemishes. Use the Guarantied BLACK and WHITE Beauty Treatment. rain by night and Wednesday. Kentucky, cloudy and warmer Tues day, snow or rain by night and proba bly on Wednesday. A Real Remedy For Falling Hair Keeps Scalp Clean and Healthy Prevents Dandruff. When your hair becomes faded, dry. streaked and ecraggly, when It fall3 out badly and pew hair cannot grow, the roots should be ' immediately vitalized and properly nourished. To do this quickly, safely and at littls expense, get fiom your druggist some Parisian sage (liquid form) and apply as directed. Parisian sage is guaranteed to abolish all dandruff stop scalp itch and falling hair and promote a new growth or money refunded. It's In great demand by discriminating wo men because It makes tho hair so soft, lUStrOllS. AAHV (A Arninn nftmtiu-lt. and appear much heavier than it I really la A massage with Parisian sage is a real delight easy to use, not sticky or greasy, and delicately perfumed an antiseptic liquid free from all dan gerous ingredionts. If you want good looking hair and plenty of It by all means use Parisian sage a little attention now helps In sure your beautiful hair for years to come. Smith's Drug Store will supply you and guarantee money refunded if you are not entirely satisfied. Adv.- asasi i wit iiiwiiism j common garden sags brewed iato a A tL '.t.eV. ; heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol A mother WnOSe StrengUl IS added, wlU turn gray, streaked and over-wrounht or who is thin, t u"r""r JJ L DaleOrnerVOUS,ShOUldnndre- Phur recipe at home, though, is r ' . j troublesome. An easier way Is to get newed energy Ul every drop Ot the ready-to-use preparation Improved I oy me) aaaiuon or omer ingreaients HEAL SiDISEASES Apply Zemo, Gean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or $1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing' to the most delicate skin. It is hot greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today arid save all further distress. The E. W. Rom Co., Cleveland. O. "Laxative Bronyo Quinine Tableto" j dome people dislike to use face j powder, creams or rouge, but they cannot suner tne emDarrassmeni or a I dark, sallow, blotchy, pimply skin. They therefore depend on powders There is only one medicine that real- an"J. rouf0, to ?ov,er, "P .r A JJjelr ly stands out pre-eminent as a medl- "ji!S?i?fe 2 fJWS!: ., i. ?J&llZnt th9 kl1' con& neys, liver and bladder. trouble becomes .uDL'. ?1lm?r'8.v8wamp"R?t. t?Js Why don-t you clear your eomplex the highest for the reason that It hoe ion remove those unsightly skin proven to be Just the remedy needed ; hlnrrtishns which so distress you? It's in thousands upon thousands of dis- , easy no' more trouble than Applying , creasing cases, owamp-noot manes i cold cream or rouge, you cleanse the friends quickly because Its mild and skin with Black and Whlto soap just immediate effect is soon realized in before retiring and then apply Black most cases. It Is a gentle, healing ; and White Ointment. In tho morning vegetable compound. 1 you wash off tho Ointment. Ivo Start treatment at once. Hold at all drug stores In bottles of two sizes. medium and large. Matinee 3:30 15c and 25cl Majestic Theatre MUSICAL COMEDY A&D VAUDEVILLE. Night 7:30-9 , 30 Cents 1 The Show That's Worth While JACK KING'S American Beauties Company ? PEOPLE 16 16 Mon.- Offering for- JUST A MINUTE PLEASE Tue8. A screamingly funny comedy with music. , A chorus of pretty girls, that can really sing and dance. Beautiful wardrobe Four comedians that keep you laughing. Special scenery. " trouble and tho results are satisfac tory. Go to your nearest drug store nnmr If von wUh tn i toilet counter touny ana get you a this great preparation send ten cents Package of Black and White Ointment to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T., for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention the Ashevilie Citizen. Advt. COUGHED NIGHT AND DAY FOR TWO YEARS LIES! SECRET TO GRAY HI DRINK MORE WATER F KIDNEYS BOTHER 2tt Urn seat sad, take Belts te Bed ache or Bladder trosbls VsutraUcesaeidi. with Grandma's Sage Tea Kecipe. SCOTT'S EMULSION tTrla trie la neat excites tfcs kidneys. Qcy become overworked) pet slugfrih, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The , nrlae becomes cloudy; tne bladder is trrl tabuL and van ma- be obliged to seek re Bring Back its Color and Lustre lie' tares tunes during the aigbt. naen um Kianeys nog yvu su w snip them flush off the body's urinous watts) or you'll be a real side person shortly. At Irst you (eel a dull misery in the kid ney region, you suffar from backache, sick headache, rUTrinsss, stomach gets sour, tongue ooated aad you feel rheu ms tie twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lota of water t also get from any pharmacist four oudom of efad Baits: take a teblsspaonful is. a class of water before breakfast Mr. Parkhurst Found Quick Relief From Chronic Bronchial Trouble. and a bar of Black and White Soap. Tou can buy both for BOo. Beauty Parlors would charge a hundred times more for the same results. If you cannot find the Ointment and Soap, accept no substitute, but send Sue to the manufacturers for the complote treatment A sample, literature and a Black An1 ft m TlMhflnv .nd n,nnm lrr,r ' free If you will clip and mail this ad vertisement to Black and White, Box sis, Memphis, Tenn. Advt BLACilTfHTE jU J Special Vaudeville Features. 7 Piece 7 6 of the --6 Jazz Orchestra n . Gretert,. It is a riot Buck and Wingr Dancers The American - On the stage today . Comedy Four That Jazzy Male Quartette Ruth King 1 1 In a class by herself Klark and Klark . Somewhat different George HaiTlS vaudevillians The xylophone fiend . James J. Corbett The Midnight Man BBBlSBBBBSBlSSBBWeHBM DAVENPORTS Price .$45.00 to $75.00 LIBRARY TABLES Pric .$10.00 to $45.00 KINCAID-SWAIN FURNITURE CO. Whew Varne 87 Bndwny PtHHH ST j a large bottle, at little cost, at drug' f- a few days aad your kidneys will ueuaeSSne. This famous salts is meoo I stores, known as "Wyeth'a Sage and Buipnur compound," thus avoiding a J lot of muss. I While era-, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful I aDoearanca and att-Letlv mmm r- 1B turn VOlir cL-Qv 1 o-rkenlng your hair, with Wretb's LXX 11 neip mm your auy g. nd 8u)phuP compound, no one tasks from aburden tO pleasure. can . because it does it so natnral " , V, . . . t . I IT. so evenly. Tou .Just dampen a Scott MEjnul&lOn. IS abundant sponge or soft brush with It and draw i uiw ivh0h uui nm u, xaaing one small strand at time; by morning in those nourishing ele ments that every mother bl the land needs. ' is-4 all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair Becomes Deauuruiiy dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. from the acid of rrapaa and lemon juice, combined with 11 this, and has bees used for generations to clean dogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the aeida la urine, so H so longer is a sou roe of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, eaanot ia far makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take bow aad then to keep tho kidneys cisau Ben acuve. irnggiBM s-w wmj they sell lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe in -sreonuag kidaey. tre-Ms I k0 it la saly treubV "Two years e.go, I had a If grippe which left me with a bad cough. Fin-, ally this became chronic bronchial asthma, and four doctors said It could not be cured. I "I commenced takin&T everything; my friends rtecOmmended, but I sot worse Instead of better. For two years, I was unable to do any work except to cough constantly night and day, which was the hardest work I ever aia. i "Flnallv I aot hold of Milks Emul sion. It benefitted me so much, right from the start, that It came as a God send. In two months I was perfectly cured. I (rained In health, strength and flesh rapidly." J. M. Parkhurst, I Lepn St., W. Torre Haute, Ind. Coughs like this seldom yield to local treatments. The surest way to reach them Is to build up and streng then the whole system. Per any obsti nate cough. Milks Emulsion ts a re markable remedy. I Milks Emulsion It a' pleasant nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It restores healthy, natural bowel ac- 1 tion, doing away with all need of pills j and physics. It promotes appetite and quickly puts the digestive organs In shape to assimilate food. As a builder of flesh and strength. Milks . Emulsion is strongly recommended to those whom sickness, has weakened, j aad Is a powerful aid in resisting and ' repairing the effects of wasting dis eases. Chronic stomach trouble and , constipation are promptly relieved j usually in one day. j - This is the only solid emulsion I made, and so palatable that It is eaten ; with a spoon like foe cream. Truly, wonderful for weak, sickly children. No matter bow severe your case, I you are urged to try MItke Emulsion under this guarantee Take six bot tles home with you, use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price 6bo and 11.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co.. Terrs Haute, Ind. Sold, by drug gists everywhere. , uuaranteeo oj i: v, emita ana an rst -class druggists, -Advt. WHY PAY THE OTHER MAN MORE? National Rolled Oats ....... 11c Grits, Hudnuts, 2 Pounds ...10c SPECIAL ON COFFEE WHITE HOUSE, PA Per tt eJUC MAXWELL HOUSE, Cf. Per lb elUC TULANE, CAr Per lb mmmimiiimm JUV CLUB HOUSE. Per lb AUTOMAT SPECIAL. Per lb GOLDEN BLEND, Per lb 55 c 47c 36c Sweet and Ten der Sugar Corn, PerCah ....19c Rob't. Oake Best White Bacon, Per Pound. 27c Nice and Streaked CASH AND DELIVERY E. J. Edwards, Mgr. THE AUTOIVflATF Haywood Bldg. ) Phono 3038

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