THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY , 1920. APPLE GROWERS TO MEET HERE FRIDAY fcCHOOLKY OUTLINES KCBJECTS IX1X DISCUSSION. i. BecrrUirjr Kay Wotiteru North Caro lina Con Produce Apple Cn matched In Color and Tcturo. In connection with the meeting of pplc grow of Western North Car olina to bo held in the board of trade uasembly room nt 4:30 FrldaV, Jan uary 9, Paul T. Sehooley save a sug gested outline of the subject which will feature the meeting an follows: Pruning, spraying, new grado rules, market news sen-ice, plans for itanrt itrdlzatlon. freight rates, cold stor agn legislation, new plans for dem onstration in horlcultural work In apples and grapes. Mr. Sehooley Hays now 1h thp prop er time for winter spraying for seale. to destroy fungus growth and lichens, and to kill all spores of plant dis eases, to alve tho bark a good tonjo, and to curl off tho old dead bark so coddling moth worms won't have a chance to hibernate, exposing thorn to tho birds which eat them read ily, and to the spray that kills them. The winter solution is much strong er than the solution used when the lieo Is In blossom and leaf, and sug gests the following for use during tho dormant season: One gallon concen trated lime sulphur to eight gallons of water, for the commercial prep aration known as "scalecide" which : Is mlsclblo oil and is very good as a I dormant spray in that It prevents fire J blight or twig blight and is espec-' ially good for healing up old cankers. Tho followlng'letter has Just gone out from tho board of trade to a number of apple and grape growers, I and the Invitation is extended to oth-; era who may not receive me "Western North Carolina can pro duce the best apples in tho world unmatched in color, texture, taste and all-round quality. This state ment Is born out by fact. The. ap ple industry is at a point now where it can be mode one of the greatest Industries of these Western North Carolina mountains. I "There are now only a few com- j mcrcial orchards in this section : tool few however, to bring apple buy ers into this section, and yet enough to enable this section to send out a great many carloads of ver fine apples. "When the apple production In western North Carolina is such that several carloads or train-loads of any one, two or three kinds of apples an be offered, apple buyers from tho leading apple market of Amer ica will come here to purchase. "A big apple show in Asheville for next fall and the formation or a North Carolina Apple Grower's as-1 socialion or society, will be discussed at this meeting on January 9, together- with other subjects of interest to the apple grower and the would-be ap ple grower. Representatives from the Staff agricultural department will be present. Moved to new home at 47 Pattern Ave., opp. Church St. Boston Shoe Store. 1-6-7 Nasty Colds Get Instant relief with Tape's Cold Compound' Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usu ally breaks up a cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up-nostrils and the air pas sages of your Head; stops nose run ning; relieves the headache, dullness, feverlshnes sneezing, soreness, stiff ness. " "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes pice. Contains no quinine. Insist on "Pape's." ilvt- flMKYHAIB Tbs new hair dlnooT ery by which erery womau can now have lone, soft. pretty hair. No matter how Short, Kinky or Wiry your bslr Is OURP.M HUB DREQSINO will ii. k. It grow Inns ami straight. OUEEN also reoioros dandrnff unit Stops falling hair. Send 23c today for large box to Newbro Manufacturing Co. to.. Mm fa. Saaali aaahl. frikfailm "We Do It" VULCANIZING Give us si trial Up-to-date TIRE SERVICE Phone 136. Coston Motor Co. 65-67 Biltmore Ave. . AihevOle, N. C ' If MAGISTRATE'S TRIAL LASTS ELEVEN HOURS CoiUnm-i-hy Over .Vllegctl Breech of Contract Itemed! landlord nnd Tenant Kmls In a Blank Draw. KlcW'ii hours in a magistrate's trial mav not be a record breaker but It losrly approaches, that Is in longevity, any trial ever held in this city by ii magistrate. tittle did Magistrate It. L. Lyda, and those who Instituted the proceedings think i uifti i in j wuum I'xpoi'ience u nuurs , of conhtunl grinding in oue case, and it then result in absolutely nil, but i I such was the status when tho sun I went dnvn vesterdav. To further aggravate and complicate the lltiga-; I tlon, the crowd kept growing until Magistrate I.vda had to adjourn court In his otllce and betake himself to the sanctum known as Judge Wells', ni the city hall, to accom modate the witnesses, Jury und spec tators. It whs till cailsed by Charles H. Alexander, nn: of the most promi nent fanners of the Swunnanoa sec tion, and W. i Jones, assisted by his four mils ami a son-in-law, who were suing each other for damages, the suits having grown out of a con troversy whether Mr. Alexander had i fulfilled his eontrm t with the Jones lanilly, which the latter denied, ami whether the I'amlly as tenants had produced as much on the land as they should and whether they had carried out their contract with Mr. Alexander. Mr. Alexander instituted a damage suit against each of the Jones tenants, I for approximately $200. alleging breach of contract, and his tenants then started a counter suit for the name amounts against Mi. Alexander, alleging he had broken his contract. Jones nnd Williams representing Mr. Alexander, and Mark Brown anil J. Scroop Styles representing the Messrs, Jones, argued pro and con until the spectators were familiar with the affairs of all parties con cerned. It was brought out in the course of the trial that Mr. Alexan der had engaged t he services of the Messrs, Jones ns tenants and had agreed to furnish tool, supplies et cetera, for the tenants, who in turn had agreed to properly conduct the management of certain tracts. by growing specified crops, keeping things in repair and other obligations generally attached to tho duties of a tenant. Kach party registered direct con flicting testimony and when the mag istrate's Jury of six got the raso; about 6:30 o'clock yesterday after-1 noon, they returned a verdict that nn nnfi wn a Antltteil It, reenvprv Whether or not tho cases will be ap pealed was not announced. In California the woman arc form ing leagues, the members of which will wear mourning .bands on their sleeves on the date of execution of each murderer in the state, in pro test against capital punishment. CALQTABS ARE BEST FOB COLnS Doctors Now Prescribe Calo- tabs, the Purified Calomel Tablets, That Are Nau sealess, Safe and Sure. Doctors are warning the puDlic that simple colds and mild cases of influ enza often lead to pneumonia ami other serious complications. They say that every cold should receive lm-1 mediate attention and that the firs' step In the treatment Is to make sure' that the liver Is active. For this pur-( pose Calotabs, the perfected, nausea-, less calomel tablets are tho surest. ! best and mosi agreeable laxative. One Calotab at bed time with r- j swallow of water that's ail. no salts. ; no nausea, and no upsetting of thtM digestion and appetite. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is! active, your system is purified and ro-' freshed and you are feeling fine with,' a hearty appetite for breakfast. Ba; ; what you pleae, -no danger. j Kor your protection, Calotabs are I sold only in original sealed packages,! price thirty-five cents. All druggists i recommend an,1 suaranteo Calotabs' and are authorized to refund the price' it you are not flighted with them. Advt. 1 For two generations the Buffering women of Ameri ca, particularly of the South have found relief from "woman's Ills" through the famous prescription of a famous old Southern doctor 1 "STELLA V1TAE." Women know when tVy need remedy for weakiVi and misery In body and mind. Mothers know that their young daughters, at the critical age, need a harmless regulator anil a wholesome tonlo. STELLA VITAS supplies this need. Sold by your druggist. "1 esa eherrfuuV Tamiiiisisl I jranr STELL V!TE. Before I iu4 n a suseiM wiu paiafui periods, severs backache aad mrna acroaa my abdomes. I de r1dd to try your STELLA VtTAE. aad now all the pains and acbta ban dinneeand. and I no longrr ttmr rav mm"ilr acftoda. Mrs von Ei4isae aim. ThacherMex jcineCo. Chstteawega. Tn U. S. A. AND NPLUENZA ri . t mm STRINGFIELO GOES WITH ECONOMY HOME AMtuiiiek Duties as ('orriNiilliig Sec retary f the IiiMllullun Present Buildings Are InnduiiHtr. Rev. O. L. tiprlngfii M, of Mars Hill has started his duties as correspond ing secretary for tho Keonomy Home, an institution for the motherless child, at Kings Creek, S. C. having been elected to that position at the last meeting of the, board of trus tees. The Reonomy Home Is the first home In the I'nrollnns with skilled nurses that take infanis and small children, whose mothers nre dead and prepares them for college. The home Is now one year old, and while it la now caring for 2," children and Is completing a building to accomo date 20 more, there are appli cations on the waiting list. Over Z'.'l acres of land, two good tenant houses, three cottages, besides the dining room and kitchen, and the superintendents home, now consti tute the ICconomy Home property. The newly elected corresponding secretary, How .Mr., Stringfield, as sisted in raising the funds for the erection of Meredith college at Ral eigh, and was with Kurman univer sity, Greenville, H. C. for two years. He has assisted in financing several Institutions, tho one at Boiling Cleansing Antiseptic Pevder II clcaaaea thoroofkly, la aaothiag and hcalitif. Far Juptrior to Bichloride, or Antiaeptic Tablna. Inaiat on Alborum. Sure R 6 BtLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief B E LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Springs being among the latest ones which he helped to secure funds for. He was with the Antt-Balnon league of North Carolina for about three years and is well known in both North and Houth Carolina. MucliRIieumalism Local DruQQlat'a No-Cure. No-Pay. Offer Attraota Many Suffsrera. ! IT thero are any rheumatic sufferers who have not uviiileil themselves of this gt-norous offer they should do o ut once. T. C Smith Prog Co.. elate that If Kheiima, tho guaranteed proscription for rheumutlam In any form, does not give any purchaser quick and Jovrtil rvllef they will gladly return tin. coat without any nuibhling or red tape. Hhi'Uinatlsm Is a diinKcroos disease, nnd anyone who has the slightest lulnt of It should drive It out of the system n quickly as poasible. This In what Kheums did for many. It should do ns much for you. "I have been laid op for one year with chronic arthritis," says one sufferer. "I had doctors gslore. also spent for months In a sanitarium, hut had practically no relief. Then 1 slarled taking Itheiima Now I can go without crutches or other aid which I could not do fur the last nine months. 1 highly recommend it, nnd would gladly answer any iiiestlons asked on receipt of Ktanip for postage." Thom as H. Kddy. Scliuylervllle. N. Y. Hheuma .is nhnolutely harmless and thoroughly reliable because it Is one illscovery thnt has foiceil rhemnatlHm to yielil and disappear. It's not expensive had doctors galore lto spent four months everywhere. adv't. j ESS WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING the Opening of the Aslievilk-AiiOTCffl MOTOR COMPANY Distributors for Asheville and Buncombe County for the Well Known AM The Balanced Six The Car With "Miles of Smiles" TODAY The American Will Be on Display at Our Salesrooms, 50 Biltmore Avenue, where we will be pleased to explain " i and demonstrate to you this wonderful car. Our up-to-date repair shop, in charge of ex pert mechanics will be opened in a few days, where we will be equipped to take care of all makes of cars. The Ashcville-American Motor Co. 50 Biltmore Avenue WILL COST $75,000 TO OPEN WALNUT ST. Jl HV TO BR PLACED ON THE PROPOSITION: pKoMriy Owner Willing If Damages j re Paid Better C ar Seritce ; nr West Ashe tile. I City officials estimate that it will cost, $7ii, 000 to open up, pay dam ages and pave Walnut street for the distance of two blocks, as now pro posed. The matter riu be further taken up by the work of a Jury, May or (iall.i'.ln Roberts yesterday issuing a writ for a Jury to Investigate the niaitei. It will probably take 30 days before tho Jury can be summonsed and do their work mill report hack to the city board. At tho hearing before the commis sioners yesterday Morris Meyers, rep resenting Intersected roperty own ers declared that be approved the plan, as did Dr. W. T. Whlttlngton, NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken catt ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost. Asheville Welding Co. I'hnne 1116. 63-63 Biltmore Ave. mo provided he Is paid reasonable dum-j ages for his property, consisting of, a t n nu m knua. U'ltfo mil nuitn,.. ; improvements ami a garage large enough for three cars to be stored. This same attitude was taken by a Mr. Fisher, who owns property which will he affected by the extension of Walnut from Rpruno to Oak street. A petition filed by residents of West Skin troubles need immediate and proper attention Don't wait thinking they will dis appear in time. Perhaps they will, but in the meantime .you are suffer ing from the homing and itching, and allowing roar nerves to become badly effected, when a linle Resi nol Ointment would doubtless re lieve it all. Resinol AM Asheville, in which tliey ask for bet ter street car service in that car1! will run earlier in the morning u.t later at night. This matter was argued by several tltisens of West Asheville, who sis to that the present schedules are bard to meet by on working and living In West Asheville. The board took the matter under advisement. Unless the skin affection is caused by some internal disorder, Kesinoi Ointment usually clears it away because It contains harmless, and soothing antidotes for such condi tions. It en be used easily for it is so nearly flesh-colored it does not attract attention. At all drugguh.

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