THE ASHEVILLLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY. 6, 1920. Rutherjordton RUTHERFORDTON. Ja. 4. A marriage of interest to the - friends of the contracting parties was that of Miss Pearl Jarrett to Mr. H Bumgarner, which took place on Thursday afternoon. January 1, at the court houBo at Rutherfordton. Rev.. T. C. Jordon. pastor of the Ruthor-, fordton Methodist church perform-, Ing tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bumgarner are from Golden Valley township, where they will make their future home. I Invitations have been received as follows: Mr. and Mis. H. IX Hamp-j ton, request the honor of your pres-, ence at the marriage of tholr daugh ter, Audrey Othella, to Mr. Lee Long. Sunday. January fourth, nineteen' hundred and twenty, at three o'clock p. m. Rutherfordton, North Carolina at home January tenth, Washington, Georgia. Their friends will bo pleased to learn of the announcement of the marriage of Mr. Ira Hodge and Miss Lela Kdwards, whioh occurred ati Ashevllle, December 20. Rev. W. F. Powell. paHtor of tho First Baptist' church performing tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ensley, of near Chattanooga, Tenn., are Hutherford-t ton visitors, the guests of his mother, Mrs. Emma Ensley. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. B- Qulnn are vis iting their son, Mr. J. Frank Qulnn. of Nashville. C. C. Buchanan, of Kylva, super visor of the census of the tenth dis trict of North Carolina, was In Ruth erfordton this week on a business trip. George Hill, of Western Kansas, has returned home to spend the hol idays with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Logan, of Col orado, are Rutherfordton visitors, the guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. P. IT. Crawford, of Marlon, visited the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Miller, during tho holidays. Miss Theo Twltty, the accomplish ed daughter of Dr. aud Mrs. J. C. Twitty, who is taking a course In Pharmacy at Chapel Hill, spent the holiday with home folks. James Scruggs, of Mars Hill school, spent the holidays hero with hi par-ents:-Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Scruggs. Miss Alma Miller, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mil ler is homo on a vacation from Da venport college, of Lenoir. Miss Rebecca Carpenter, of Flora McDonald College, of lied Springs, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carpenter, spent tho hol idays with home folks. Miss Alice Buokinster. of Spartan burg, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dobbins. ' BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR IS ID FLU C New Elixir, Called Aspiron al, Medicated With Latent Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a , Cold and Prevent Complications. Franklin FRANKLIN, Jan. 4. Mrs. L. B. Sutton and small son of Decatur. Ga., , are visiting the family of Mr. A. XV. Horn. Miss Amy Harrison of Blberton, Ga., Is spending the holidays at home. Mr.. T. J. Johnston and family are in Gainesville, Ga., spending "several days with Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barnard are visiting Mrs. Brown, of Raleigh, who was formerly Miss Maude Barnard. Mrs. M. D. Billings has returned from Washington, D. C, where she spent the holidays with her husband, who Is connected with the department of the census. - Miss Harriette Klnnebrew has re turned to Atlanta after spending sev eral days with her mother here. Miss Timozena Sloan and Miss Nor fleet, her guest, leave on Saturday for Gastanla after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Sloan. Miss Laura Jones leaves on Satur day for Cincinnati, Ohio, after spend ing two weeks with Mrs. George A. Jones,. Miss Florence Gray has returned to Ashevllle after visiting her homo at Cullasaja for several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. Weaver Gray of Robbinsville, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray . at Cul lasaja. MryJ. S. Robinson, Deputy Collec tor of Internal Revenue, is in Frank lin for a short stay. Mrs. IV. D. Hobart has returned from a three month's visit to rela tives in and near Boston, Mass., and will remain in Franklin some time before returning to her husband in Atlanta. Mr. R. H. Daugherty, of Winston Salem spent a few days in Franklin this week. . Miss Naoma Taylor will leave on Saturday for Winston-Sulem where she Is teaching. Mrs. Robust Brooks has gone to Florida to spend the remainder of the winter.. Mrs. Grady llerrington of Win ston Salem, spent "the holidays with her mother; Mrs. Jarrett. Mr. Henry Cube has resigned his Every Druggist in J. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count er if Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensallon of the year In the drug trade .s Actional, the two minute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested, approved and most enthusiastically endorsed by the high est authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye, or any other cold and cough remedy tlroy have ever tried. All drug stores a.' now supplied with the wonderful i.ew elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, --and the clerk half a dollar for a bottt.i of Asolronnl and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoonfuls of water in a glass. With your watch In your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within tho time limit. Don't he bashful, for ail drug gist invito you and expect you to try it. Everybody's doing it. When youfcold or cough is reliev ed, take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by tar the safest and .nost effective, Ihe easiest to take and the most agreeable cold and cough remedy for Infanta and children. Adv. position with the Bank of Franklin and has accepted a position in tho Cornelia Bank. Mr. W. C. Smart of Wayncsville, was In Franklin this week. Messrs. R. F. and H. II. Jarrett have been visiting their mother, Mrs. 11 H. Jarrett Mrs. N. XV: Oennett is spending a few days in Atlanta with friends. sick wTlh diphtheria Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Cozad of Andrews, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. If. O. Cozad, The following announcement was made in Franklin this week: Mr. I and Mil. Edwin Riley Taylor an 1 nouncc the engagement of their daughter Naoma Alma, to Rev. Clif ford W. Beach, of Hartwick, New York. , Tho 1915 McDowell Club was en tertained by Mrs. B. C, Kingsbery and Mrs. Andrew Oennett at the Klngs Bery home, Summerhlll,' on Monday night In honor of Mrs. Lyle Jones, A CLEAR COMPLEXION RuddyCheeks SparklingEyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician Dr fM .Edwards far 17 years treated scores of women for fiver and bowel ail ments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. You will . know them by their olive color. . These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly to a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women and men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep them fit. 10c and 25c EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THIS PACKAGE It contains a well-known and dependable remedy for croup , colds, coughs, soreness in chest, neuralgia, asthma, and kindred troubles. . You just apply it externally, and rub it in the more the better. 1 1 is warming and sooth ing, and absolutely harmless to the tenderest skin. It will surprise you how quickly an appli cation of Mother's Joy Salve will relieve soreness and congestion. f Keep a jar of Mother's ' Jot Salve on hand for an emergency, and use it free ly at the first signs of croup or cold. Doctors and nurses recommend it: good dealers sell it. v who was the club's president last year. The guests were met at tho door by Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kingibery, Mr. and Mrs. Gennett and Mr. and Mrs. Jones and in the living room by Mrs. Coletaiaa. The hall, living room and dining room were appropriately deco rated with mistletoe, cedar, spruce and Christmas wreaths. During tho evening the following program rendered: golo "O, Llttlo Town of Bethle hem" Miss Eleanor Taylor. Piano Solo "Btabat Mater" Mrs. Gilmer Jones. Solo Mr. E. C. Kingsbery. Solo Miss Clara Stiles. Piano Solos "Two Chopin Pre ludes" and "Indian Legend" by Mc Dowell Miss Irene Weaver. Quartet "Silent Night" Mrs. Kingsbery, Miss Stiles, Messrs. Porter and Kingsbery. After the program coffee, chocolate ami cake were served by Mrs. Cole man and Miss Weaver In the dining room. Later In the evening the guests were invited to the lawn for a display of fireworks. COLDS breed ad Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD ONCE WITH HILL'S CASCARAfcMUININ i I I K VXSUDdti i m B ft.' Ill I ll Hn m. t ENTERTAINMENT BY PHILATHEA CLASS cold remdv fat 19 tun ho tablet form alt, tar, a opiMs bnake up a (old in 24 ours rauavaa grip ta a oars. Hour back u It laua. Tha R4 HUl'e rtnuloa boa p wita Mr. picture. At AUDra Star FLETCHER. Jan. 4. The Phlla thea class of Patty's chapel, here, en tertained the Baraca class at a so cial given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sales, and during the eve ning several games were played and dainty refreshments were served. The following were present: Misses Gutsle and Louis Lance, Georgia Singleton, Luclle Varrce. Stella Taylor, Eunice Logan, Eleanor Walker, Sue Livingston, Hattle Liv ingston. Willie Mae Logan, Raven Hildebrand, Joella Ward, Lucy Lo gan. Lavada Cagle, Elizabeth Mc Minn, Allis Drake. Meta and Dorothy Walker. Mrs. Charlie Lance, Mrs. Nelson Cunningham, Messrs. Charlie Lance, Wlllard Lance. Harvey Lance, Horner Livingston, Roy Baldwin, Bryant Russell, Joe Baldwin, George Livingston, Ebb Baldwin, Horner Ward, Frank McMlnn. Loyde Ward, Nelson Cunningham, Kreeno Docklns, Lawrence Walker, John Claud Bales. BRICKTON SOCIAL EVENT IS ENJOYED BRICKTON, Jan. Miss Willie Mae Logan gave a delightful party at her home here Saturday night, dur ing which games were played and de licious refrcahments were served the following: Mlssfes Joella Ward, Raven Hilde brand, Gussle Lance. Lois Lance, Eunice Logan, Marie Logan, Lucy Lo gan and Virginia Sorrells, Mrs. M. Logan; Messrs. Willard Lance. Har vey Lance, Horner Livingston, George Livingston, Roy Baldwin. Ebb Bald win, Joe Baldwin. W. P. Bhook. Bryant Russell, Coran Smith, 'Edgar Whltaker, Fred Whltaker, J. John son, Cariand, Loyde Ward and Ed ward Sorrells. 3 SiEi:lMgJ REPUBLICAN GOLFERS DEFEAT TUE DEMOCRATS PINEHURST, N. C. January 4. One of the closest golf affairs that has ever been staged at Plnehurst came to an end today when Klinu Root and Supreme Court Judge Kdr ward R. Finch, republicans, defeated Judires John M. Tlerney and R. P. Lyndon, democrats, by a margin of Just two golfs of play at the end or seven daya of the most strenuous con tention that politics has ever engen dered. The republicans selected trophies to their liking and assessed damages and costs against their erstwhile opponents. I iiJ 1 1 Fiilimml ffnl l7 h; BFU "Hi .cpiiii 0 - " trademark" REGISTERED The same Mellow and Exquisite Flavor that smokers look for in a lt)-Cent Cigar are found in the EL-REES-SO, which has become the favorite of thousands of long-time smokers in every section where it has been introduced. It has all the Desirably Qualities that men demand in their favorite brand. And it costs only 8 cents. Barbee-Clark Cigar & Tobacco Company Asheville, N. C. to id a . 1 1 gs rr 111 attlllillll tillmlilieSZ?. "''HTWf "li..wirn ri i - ., Urt Contents 15f told Praotmi M ." JToni -n PS.R CENT. .MsftenantiotftfAf i sinum ""-- "j. 4 La i I'LIH A.I i rjwrfuftes3 ukJ B'l Mineral- surtBy-, 5 nr I 9 a clnAif BmefYfcf ConftipWDUfTo J nt SLEEt For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of A i ff ft aW m m m m mm 1 1 In For Gvor Thirty Years 1 B , slOHS II Bffillli TTMGGEST ffiMITIrS TORE 1LU ESTT 50-:YEARS in drugsso THE BUSY CORNER- -THE POPULAR FOUNTAIN HOME OF THE CAREFUL DRUGGIST 116 -Phonw -117 SMITH'S DRUG STORE No. 1 Biltmore Avenue ' SERVICE STATION ELEOTRIOAXi.. ACCESSORIES ASHE VILLE BATTERY CO. Phone 343T Collet Market fit. "Threaded Rabber" UMutoUon CRAVEN'S DRUG STORE Prescriptions Our Spednlty. Agents for American Bed Cross Remedies. Nyal's Family Bemedies, s Kodaks and Supplies. 1 x , ', Night Clerk Over Store. ' ' ' Knri Wt Ashprille Car Ijine. Phone S091. nufdmaf ically , ml H flsiu After the Chero-Cola Bottle is uniformly fiUed it passes to the automatic crowning machine, where it is hermetically sealed with the famous Chero- Cola crown which keeps all the goodness in and all impurities out. This gives you Chero-Cola as pure, wholesome and refreshing as it is delicious. This is another of the many reasons for the universal popu larity of Chero-Cola. A7MMfT- frD "1 II. X ri fv I , 'I . ! ...... f :t GOOSE GREASE 'CO. GREENSBORO, 'V z7