15 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1920. HONJF 80 Cttixen Want Ads Bring Results Open Wide Your Portals Private Homes With Vccant Rooms Insert a Classified Ad. NOW IS THE TIME "Citizen Want Ads Bring Results" Haven't Failed, that's as much as can be said of anything PHONE SO Citizen Want Ads Bring Results REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR HALE ; REAL ESTATE ! REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1 West Asheville Estates NOW Is your opportunity to buy i choice building lot In this up-to date subdivision and build a home: Stop paying rent. Be your own land-! lord. Dors wait for cheaper build-1 ing materials they will probably! advance. ' ' This addition has well gradod and' Improved streets, cement sidewalks, I cement curb and Butters all over. ! Complete sanitary and storm sewer systems and pure city water) through ample mains. Much the greater part of these Improvements are already comploted. Within a j square of the present terminus of the West Asheville ear line, which, i when extended along Haywood road, will pass right by tho property. I A MOST CHARMINO VIEW IN ALL DIRECTIONS. TERMS So easy you won't miss the money.) Only $10 to $20 cash down und 36! monthlv payments. NO INTEREST AND NO TAXES. Warranty deeds, or bonds for title; Issued at once. Discount tor cash. Prices from $400 and up. Liberty bonds taksn at full faco value. Call us up on phone 2916 and let us show you the property and help you inuke a wise selection. Zachary Development Co., Pack Square. Over Smith's Drug Store. 1-18-1 F X R M H 47 acres, 6 room cottage, paved road. 5 l-2niles out; IT.miO.flO He has tho Tenh. Bee In his bonnet. Nice place, some terms NOT TOO LATE 1.15 acres, mostly machinery driven farm. Dandy good place. Leicester township. Excellent grain and clover place, 2 small dwellings, 2 barns, sheds, etc., etc.; $13,000. 00. Hard to equal for real farming. 21 acres, new 4-room cottage, 7 1-2 nilliyj out. 12.200. Nice little place; I'robubly the Liest located and best Improved farm n the county (of Its size) 60 acres for 1 14,000. It's a regular humdinger. Juut a stone's throw from excellent school and so close to Asheville on improved roml. No, the prlee Isn't lilKh. It's cheap, considering what you are getting. No telling what you can raise on it. It is true there is u scarcity of houses "For 9ale" at this lime, but wo still have somo very good values to offer in medium slied houses, as well as lar. ! ger places, ranging In value from $2,500 to 125,000. 8eo us about the homo I you are planning to buy. NOW IS THE TIME, If you Intend buying this year. If we do not happen to have Just the place you are looking for, , i let us know If you aro In the market we are listing new places constantly. and will take pleasure In showing you tho place tit meet your require ments. LET IS HELP YOU SOLVE THE HOME PROBLEM. . This ono Is In tho city of Asheville 6 rooms, heat lights, 6 acreB, a lovely bungalow, with "11 th Cheap as nlggcr-toes; $6,300. Home term". "It Can Bo Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. plant, bath, rare views. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A very at tractive home. 8 rooms, large lot, on paved street, (Jrovo Park sec tion. Price $0,000.00. Terms. Thirteen-room house (nine bed rooms), two baths, six small bungalows ad joining with two baths, accommodate forty people, eleven acres of land, i good water supplf. an Ideal summer resort, about nine miles out. Offered; for quick sale for J 10,500.00. Oood terms. Building Now in Dolobran r.t'NGALOW Four rooms and largo sun parlor, In the Charlotte St. Sec tion, In perfect concision, ready for immediate occupancy, $4,800.00. Right close to the Rowland Road crossing of the Charlotte Street car line. Plans drawn by Charles N. Parker, architect call for one of the most attractive homes of the Spring season. For lack of a better name, and timing 1U debut; It may as well be considered 'The Easter Lily." It will be ready for occupancy then. When does your lease expire? Yes. we can generate terms here. Full description will be given later. This is Just an advance notice to let you know that there will be a new house in the market by Spring when that season is In its full lory. Phone 19i5. Isr.VijALCfW l'lve rooms and sleeping porch, Chnrlotte Section. $4,500.00. Terms. Seven-room brick house, close In, desirably located, could be easily con verted into apartment house, $s.500.00. Terms. BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED' Five rooms and bath, large base-1 . ment, Merrlmon section. Price j $4,750. Terms. I Henry Talbot Sharp 317 Drhumor Budding. 1-18-2; night-room house, in the Charlotte Street Section, modern, possession Feb-1 ruary first. $5,500.00. Terms. i W I L L I A M COLEMA X Real Estate Investments. Home Sites on Edwin Place I $3,250. A splendid investment. 61LJVLil1,? TG-foot frontages alongside, .tan be bought separately. From! " O - .. . . . . , .1. . I. . . .... I, street to street tney run o mat wiey uiit:j to nutn noin iuiu;n avenue in the rear; a groat convenience if you have an automobile. The price is $2,500 each. No reduction If bought together. Our sign Is staked on the lots if the boys haven't been too mischievous. Closo to Charlotte j street and located on the broadest avenue in Asheville. Phone 1095 and j get the service of The Home Office. You will be repaid for taking the; time to look at this property. I 51-22 Electrical Itldg. ', I'alton Avenue Opposite PostolTtce. Phone :'49tf. ONE of the most modern homes in Asheville, en rooms, two baths, new electrical fixtures throughout. Hot air furnace, ideal location. Price $10,000.00. Attractive terms. Nantahala Realty Company Real Estate, Insurance, Investments. "Prompt and Efficient Service." 317-318 Haywood Bldg. Phone 710. 1-18-1 DONNA HOE & RAWLS 49 Patton Avenue. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, practically new, lo cated on Hollywood street, $4,850. 7-i'oom house in good condition, Vance street, $4,85,0.00. 9-room house located on Penlalid street, close In, $4,000.00. 6-room cottage, 2-acreq land on the iienaersonvtue roaa, near Biltmore Price $5,000.00. 7-uooni house, hot water heat, large lot, practically new, located . on Merrimon Avenue, price $10,000.00. 6-room house located on Clayton street; large low $4,850.00. 10-room house in good condition, lo cated on Motford avenue, $9, uOO.00. 6-room 2-story cottage, Annandale avenue, $3,760.00. We buy and sell real estate. Phone 649. DONNAHOE & RAWLS Temple Court Building. 1-18-3 ' 1-28-1 ) Good Desirable Homes For Sale j With builtiing material of all kinds and' labor advancing. The following; ) homes are moderately priced, and well worth your attention. ! Henry Talbot Sharp f-18-23-2 REAL ESTATE "f"o"Ti TaTTe" We Have the Houses to Sell (That's our business. We can please you tn anything from a 4-room cottage to a Grove Park mansion, according to your notion and your pocketbook. lou cannot tell much about these paper houses that we real estate sharks paint in such lurid tints, but seeing is believing. ana we want to show you. If you really want a home and have a cer tain amount of cash for the first payment and believe you can take care of the deferred payments, then jjhone us what size house you want ana mo nour you desire to see it. and one of our cars will be at your door while you are putting on your nat; service is where we shine- in fact, wo put tho serve in service. JACKSON & DAVIS American Bank Building; Phones 2871 and 2945. 1-18-2 Safe Investments REAL ESTATE is tho safest thing you can invest in and mere for tunes have been made In real estate than from any other investment. Asheville real estate has not yet reached the top. and there are still great opportunities to make money. Call and talk the matter over with us and let us show you what we have to offer. REAL ESTATE Two of the Best Located Homes in the City Under $15,000.00 FOR t A L K Real Estate & Liberty Loan Bonds. No 1. House comparatively new, elegant lot, located on tho north side of the city. First floor has large living room with open tire place, dining room, music room, kitchen and pantry, good basement with servants room. 8econd floor has large family sleeping porch, two nice bed rooms and open Dcrch on the rear, house has modern hot water heating plant. Garage, tine open views of Grove Park and Sunset mountifin. Tho price Is $10,000 and to appreciate this home you should see it. Bath on second floor, lav atory on lrst floor. B. H.' Sumner & Son HAVE FOR SALE somo very 3e-: sirable Grove Park residences. A j well located uumoerinna aeiTue!The No , haH 4 bed r00mgi Kiaga cnciosed sleeping porch and bath on second uwdiuhBi nut v o, I: i iii.a -, tii c s 15 Depot Section rooms, lot 170x260, $8,000.00. Small Bungalow 3 rooms on a small lot, new, $2,100.00. Near Charlotte Street 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, $3,500.00. 8-room house, lot 50x200, $5,500.00. etc.. $10,000.00: six rooms and sleeping porch, nearly new, Cum berland ' section, $6,500.00; ten rooms, six rooms and bath com plete, Victoria section, ten minutes walk depot, $6,600.00; two resi dences on Asheland avenue, price respectively, $5,500.00 and $5 floor. Living room, large dining room with glass enclosed sun parlor, kitchen and pantry. New hot water heating plant, stone foundation, gar age. Same views and eastern fexposuro ns No. 1. The price is $10,600. You should compare these two homes with others that aro priced $12,600 and some at $15,000. We would like for you to go see these places. B. H. Sumner & Son Close In 8 rooms, 2 baths, lot 50x140, $5,600.00. Victoria 'Section 8 rooms, large lot, steam heat, $8,-000.00. 5-room bungalow, hot water heat. fruit, shrubbery, flowers, garden, poultry house, large lot, $9,500.00. FOR SALE Modern seven room bungalow, with "run ning water; only two miles from Hendersonville on good road? Twenty acres of land, half under wire fence. Ex cellent place for raising truck or running dairy. Price $4,000. About half purchase price can be carried five years balance in easy monthly or yearly payments. Address P. L. Wright, Hendersonville, N. C. . 'Phone 2221." 1-18-1 JOHN ACEE & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. Rental and sales agents for the better class of business and residence1 property. Practic ally everything on the mar ket. Business-like service and a square deal is the aim of this office. Ask some of those who have tried it. No. 10 Battery Park Place. Phone 315. On the Ground Floor. 9-14-tf Near Biltmore Avenue 12 rooms, furnace, elevated lot 108x .112, $8,600.00. 50.00; some good business lots near We offer fur male at one. larr brick residence, eood lot. closn in. for 18.500. depot. ' T-i i l-wmna n - . 1 1 M p,,ut nvBr 19 thnnunil ,1 nT 1 a ra , rAHutlH Vhlm la n mnH ORYrBOIND8tTY LAN VI" i i, c P'P"!?. an'1 lven ua fr at once sale. Let us show you. j ' E. ZEPH RAY is. U. bijmner & bon 12 Temple Court rhone 631. i Three Bed Rooms and Bath .'Living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first. Right at Merrimon car line on Chestnut street. No better residence section in the city. Just a little paint will add at least a thousand dollars to tho looHs. Only 5,750; one-third cash, balance 1 and 2 years. B. H. Sumner & Son ! J. T. BLEDSOE & CO, FOR SALE We are planning to build three new houses. One to be located on Edge-, wood avenue. Grove Park! One to: be located on Balrd street Just oast of Charlotte street! One to be lo- i cated on Hillside street corner of And sruh a Grove Park Section 7-room bungalow, hot water heat, $9,500.00. 6- room cottage, lot 126x195, $7,600.00. 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, Iarg lot, $26,000.00. 7- room house, hot water heat, $12,- ooo.oo. Cornelia. Plans and specifications at this office. If you aro interested j in a new home corao In and talk it over with us. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. FOR SALE 1-1S-1 This Home for $12,000.00 fine location, most wonderful views, near Biltmore car line. House comparatively new. Four bed rooms, two baths, two sleeping porches, large living room with open Ore places. Steam beat, fine con creted basement, large lot and (Ins oak shade troes. A splendid buy at the price. B. H. Sumner & Son Cumberland Avenue 2 nice homes on large lots, S rooms each, $10,000.00 apiece. ' Boarding Houses 16 rooms, near Merrimon avenue, hot water heat, $12,000.00 16 rooms, Montford "section, $15,000. 20 rooms, large lot, close in, $13,600. 12 rooms, close in, $16,000.00. West Asheville rooms, 2 baths, furnace, stable, acres, $"25,000.00. rooms, lot 270x300, $15,000.00. 10 acres, acres. Sanitonums 16 rooms, $20,000.00. 25 rooms, $27,eoo.oo. Here's a Good Lot investment A frontage of 200 feet on French Broad Avenue by 149 deep. ' The out-of-town owner writes us to sell quickly for $2,760 an average of $550 each for 6 40-foot lots. A splendid aparrtnent house site for; a song. Or you can build qn one! and clean up on the others. This! property was advertised last week! for $3,200. Very easy terms. JACKSON & DAVIS American Bank Building Phones 2671 and 2945. 1-17-3 Buildine Lots We haVe tbem In all parts of the city at all prices. MESSLER REALTY CO. "On the Square" Real Estate, Insurance, Bonds. Room 9 Library Building. Phone SOgl and "John Will" show you. 1-1 $-1 GREENE & GOODMAN On the Square. Phone 738 Five-room cottage with glass enclosed sleeping porch. Paved street and good section. $3,760.00. Seven-room house in first-class condi tion. Nice level lot. Montford sec; tion. $6,600.00. Possession ut once. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. FOR SAL A real home, ideally located, fine view and several oak trees. House has reception hall, living-room, dining room, kitchen, four bed-rooms and bath. Third floor has servants room, bath and large storage room. Cement basement, laundry trays, servants .toilet and heat plant. Lot is (5x185 with double garage. Price $16,000.00. Terms. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. Np. 4 N. Pack 8q. Phone 461. 1-18-3 Lots Lots and They are Cheap 'Also in tlii: best seetion for at once development. "Norwood" is right at Grove 1 Pork, in fact the location is in every respect as desirable and for one-half to one-ililrd the cost. We oner one on Woodard avenue; $400- 40 foot front. VVe offer two on Woodard avenue; $1,360 each 60 foot front. . We oflfsr throe on Wood lay avenue; $1,250 each--50 foot front. We offer two on Virginia avenue; $1,600 each 60 foot front. We offer two on Virginia avenue; $700 each-40 foot front. We offer two on Linden avenue; $1,000 each BOlfoot front. We offer one on Annandale; $60050 foot front. Wo offer one on Merrimon avenue; $2,600 $5 foot front. We offer three on Edwin Place; $2,500 each 70 foot front. We offer two on Victoria; $780 each 60 foot front. We offor one on Lexington avenue; $18.000 46 foot front. We offer one on Oak street; $10,000 70 foot front. The one has 10-room residence on it and will sell inside three years for about double the price of today. B. , H. Sumner & Son 1-18-1 M e r r i m o n A v e n u e North A BARGAIN 90-acre farm 6 acres old apple or chard, 5 acres young apple orchard, 20 acres cleared, 12 miles from Asheville. Price $2,600.00. ! Howard-Shinn-Hare Co. : 58 American National Bank Bldg. ' Phone 3487. x Pl-18-lj Very attractive home, this house: splc and span. Hot water heating system and garage are necessary accessories in home comfort these days. The! view Is a very vital asset. The appointment will please any woman. It I is not a large home but there la a sens of roominess with all that. , Eastern outlook. The sleeping porch is simply ideal. The drawing room , and the music room are features also. The price is $10,000.00. Yes, you ' will like It. To tell you that there are "millions In It" Is sheer nonsense. It's a good value but this house Is not paraded as a bargain. It is sug- j gested as a home that compares most favorably with other like offerings in the city. Possession within two week's time. Phone 1996; ask for Mr. ' Ferguson or M$. Humphreys; cither will gladly show you. i Henry Talbot Sharp Orhumor Building. 1-18-20- We have a very complete list of large and handsome furnished and unfurnished private homes In the best residential sections of Ashe ville. Wtuld be glad to make an Appointment to show you these. Aiao all kinds of properties for sale. FORBE9 & CAMPBELL. 4 Pntton Ave. Phone 3SS. Agents Grove Parle Properties. ',ist your property with n-'g-tf j Seven-room house with glass enclosed sleeping porch. Largs lot. Garage. $8,500.00. One four-room bungalow with lights, water and bath. Lot 60x160, $2,-000.00. FOR KALE House of rooms with furniture. $6,800. Could be used as rooming house. Close In. J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones 12U or 31 -l7-S GREENE & GOODMAN Real Estate and Insurance. 1-18-1 IF YOU WANT the best buy in Ashe ville write at once. 12 -room house, 1 baths, ( minutes from court house, 6 minutes from Orange St. school; good location, good house, good terms, $6,600.00. P. O. Box 901. - ' . , Pl-18-1 List ynr propr-r For Rent With MOALE & MERI WEATHER 4v shii Bid. h.f. ai J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. ! FOR SALE Seven-room house, sleeping porch. I level lot, close in. Price $5,860.00. 1 Terms. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. ! No. 4 N. Pack Sq. Phone 461. lrl8-3 AUTOMOBILES, ELECTRICS AND FORDS Liberty 6, run 6,300 miles. Red Seal Continental motor, know what that is. Attractive price. You A PERFECTLY 8KNH ItiLE ADD ( 7) Wo will admit that Its an nwfully hard to do. B-U-T any old ph. can write a sensible ud on ASHEVILLE DIRT . LISTEN TO ME BROTHER SISTER AND OTHERWISE For every WOMAN-man that you'll produce who has ever lost one cent.on ASHEVILLE DIRT, or buncombe County land, as for that mutter, I will show you ono hundred who have mad u profit. ANOTHER LISTEN I'on't Miy one bit of uttentlon' to tho fellow who tells you the country is going to the HOW-WOWS A very attractive home In the Cumberland Section Is offered for sale tiinei rooms and sleeping porch, furnace heat, servant's quarters, garage beau- j liful grounds a real home. $10,000.00. i I Seven-room house in the Merrimon Section, hot water heal, corner lot, i ' splendid location. $S,000.00. Terms. i Ford Sedan, looks brand new, in excellent condition, No hand-me-down. A cracker-jack dressed-up Lis. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. I FOR SALE i Close in 5-room house, metal roof. ' Price 84.350.00. Bargain. J. t. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq. Phone 461. ! 1-18-3 A $3,500 Detroit Electric in A-l running condition. Looks good Is good. Newly painted in summer. Owner left suite. Will sell for $700.00. V If we can't sell you real estate we'll take a shot at you with a horseless street car. IDEAL TWO-STORY California bun galow, sight rooms Including two sleeping porches and sun parlor. Hot water heat, garage, garden and 'summer house. Grove Park sec- tion. Phone 381 or address "Resl dentlal" care Cltteen. Pl-18-1 "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND A CO. Lots Near Hillside Street NORTH CAROLINA REALTT CO. is f.ortn Pack Square. (overt Kouthern Coal Co..) Asheville. N. C' Phones :s$l-$81. Buys, sells' and exchanges all kinds of ral es- i e "Aflywhere." i-15-tf Adjoining paved street with all modern conveniences, a frontage of 120 fret is offered for sale. This plot Is susceptible of sub-division Into two (0-foot lots or two 40-foot lota. The pries is $20 per front foot. Terms ms b negotiated. Call 1995 and ask for Mr. Humpbraya or Mr. Ferguson, ou will get service. " Henry Talbot Sharp The Home Office. NOTHING TO IT Only one thing that CAN'T he done. ASHEVILLE CAN'T GO BACKWARDS We've got stuff for suls hero every inlnut in the year that the WHOLE WORLD NEEDS and needs i G bad Health, peac (no strikes) and an abundance of happiness and prosperity Makrs one feel like making love to a mother-in-law. A FEW RESIDENCES, WHAT NOTS, AND 80 ON ROVE PARK home, not a big one. in fact, only 3 B. Rs. and large S. P. but It has the squlggerments that go with a REAL HOME. H. W. heu, highly polished oak floors, beau tiful viewy lot and In tho right spot. Offered furnished on mors or less terms, $17,000.00. This kind seldom offered at any price. JUMP DOWN A PEG Improved St. Just out of city Umlts near Grace Ch. 5 rooms and bath, nice lot, good community; $1,900 spot kaaooma or $2,100 on tick. Can you beat It T NOW YOU'RE GOING SOME The very choicest location In all Asheville. The S. P. looks (i. P. Inn In the fac,. night and day and takes cars of 6 or beds. Tho view cun never be hurt. There's tho basemeofc Hervant room, two toi-lets, 4 bed rooms and so forth to match. The lot is over an acre, fronting on the best block of Merrimo Ave. 237 ft. that's right ;$21, 000.00. $55.00 THE FRONT FOOT Pick out the choicest 100x200 ft. lot In Asheville and you can have this bird shaded level corner community second to none you've been fussing about the proper lot to build a house to suit you and Mrs. Hardterpleas. Hers she mrm. $5,500 cash Ooesn't mean one thing in the pries. 2 BATHS AND HOUSE FOR TWO FAMILIES 8 rooms paved St.. good double house, nice section, close in. cheap; $5,500. Same terms may be yours Dirt THIS GROVE PARK DREAM AND ITS FURNISHED Woll the lot has 150 ft. frontage, facing on two streets. Its a perfect dream from cellar to attic. No pea can bull It up. You simply have to walk inside and then turn it out side and then skin it back again. HANDSOMELY; yes handsomely furnished; $25,000. Terms. AN INVESTMENT ROYAL 6 rooms, bath, lights, S. P., furnished in one of the best block of Asheville, paved St., virtually on C. L.; $3,700.00; pay ten per cent interest on $5,400. Yours for $3,700 on terms. DOUBLE GROVE PAR LOTS WITH FINW NEW HOME" This is another place that you'll hatter see to know what It looks like. Printer's ink smears up Its real attractiveness. Its called "The cutest thing In town," so you may know "Its going some." $20,000.00. Terms. NORWOOD PARK LOTS I'll he doggone If you can touch them with a twenty-foot pole, great values. Just out of the city limits, odjolnlng the gojf links .and G. P. Wonderful views, fine sections; f 1,000 to' $1,600 each. THE BEST BUT IN ABHEVILIJB . 4 toilets, 2 baths, 8 servant rooms, laundry. H. W. beat, S B R.. S. P., large living room .wonderful lot with cerreet view, Fruit, flowers and ' shrubbery. Garage. . Splendidly built home. $14,000 cash or terms. NOW LISTEN TO MY STORY v The floors are hardwood from start to finish. Very few like this ever built. It has the sun parlor, the double S. P., the. heat plant, the eastern exposure, flowers, shrubbery, etc; Yes It has 2 toilets, servants room and 4 booT rooms; 118,000.00. Another thing It has is the swelleet location and terms. . LET'S GO FROM HEJHE AT 12 1-2 . t No vfws superior no community better A B, Rs I baths heated garage $12,600; terms. , SOUNDS EX CELLBNT, DOSEN'T ITT 12 rooms, 2 baths, etc., etc. Lot 107x350., Wonderful Views, Immediate possession and on good terms; $7,000.00. JUST TO SHOW YOU HOW IT STANDS The price today is $3,500.00 on more or less terms. rooms, btt) and lights, paved street, near Montford school. Certainly worth the money and then some, As a widow said to us in a letter 'tother day: "Oh shucks." t What's the use? We could just keep right on pouring It into you, but you ere from Madison or Missouri and will want to look right down into It, so you'd better feel down In your jeans, be sure you have some cash, then decide to turn It over to us and then look our tricks over. We've got what's citable. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. 218-210 Drhumor Bldg. NOW KEEP THIS UNDER YOUR SHIRT W. T. has broken ground fpr the erection of three nice dwellings in North Asheville and Norwood Park. They will be NICE! alright and no time nor expense will be spared to put them through before early spring. The building permits call for 8 residences at a cost of $7,600 each, but Golly only knows what the final cost will be. As the old mat. said: "They come high but I must have one" We don't know what she was alluding to, but WE refer to NEW, NIFTY, well located houses for good people who de mand such in Asheville. They will have the hardwood floors, heat plants, garages, etc. "IT Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. ALRIGHT MR. M You Just let me know what day you want to go with W. T. ' to Ellljah, Ga., and we will light out. By the way, if you can get hold of a little Madison corn Juice please fetch It along ae 1 understand times are dry down there. UNCLB JOHN Been expecting a letter from you since we took that long trip. Very anxious to come up and inspect your farm,' but as the Journey Is a long, muddy one, I want you to say when you will be there to show me around. Good luck, old boy. Yours trui "It Can Be Done." ROWLAND. BUSINESS PROrZRTY Go down and look It over. Its the corner of S. Lexington Ave. und Willow St. 110 ft. on Lexington. 80 ft, on Willow. All assessments paid. About one-half improved with brick build- Ing. brings 7 per cent interest on $11,500. Will sell for $11,000.00 on terms; $. 000.90 cash, balance liberal terms. Chance for a quick turn of several thousand dollars. We have given you good unheeded advice time and again. Title , is as good as the beet. We have another parcel of 74 feet frontage, near Pack Square. Can be had now at $300 ft. Our guess is $$00 for it In years, Has a splendid building on It to help carry the Investmeat. if you have some dough and mean bis we know where you can make some easy change In seme business dirt. JTor the love of Mike, wake up! "It Cn Be Done." .' '. '. T. HOY' :i A CO.. .

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