THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASIIEVILLE, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1920. AT efficient and sturdy and dependable but It developed also a riding cm fort, readability and economy that place thla car In a class almost by It self regard Tess of price. PREDICTS COMING LESSONS NEW WQRLG'S rviARK WILLYS KNIGHT AUTO SHOW IN N. Y. RELIEF WORK PLAN AT GOODYEAR PLANT IS MADE BY ESSEX Goes More Than Mile a Min ute for 5,870 Miles. HARD WINTER TRIP SHORTAGE IN CARS Christian Girl Comments on Gen. Bullard Spoke at Open Outlook for Year. I ing of Big Event. j Made Run of 700 Miles in j 26 Hours Running Time. Foresees More Settled In dustrial Conditions This Year. Advances Made in Iudustry Emphasized at 20th Annual Show. In Endurance Run on the Cincinnati Speedway Weather a Handicap. 1UU1 X i Will VJ York Called for Great "Roadability." vrw vnrtK- lan 17 More K. ul"d: Ni:W YOItK. Jan. 17 . America's An Knntx stock chassis tinder Amer .JfJ .Irt'li'tan a ,,; , In- io mobile builder... their war work 1 Iran Automobile association observa Industrial conditions a . ... i 1 . m . embodied : Hon net a new world's mark for lon( of?ri In-TiK "Vr'i." s ; T ler.rro'd duYlng th.- strug- I distance endurance on th. Clncinnat v. fren for the motor car Indus- , gle in the venules 01 pr... try by Chrisllan t..rl, I'resldcnt of twentieth auton.ohllo show th. Standard Parts company of nov. - th.- largest in the world. threw op n l.nrf nt vlee-nresidcnt of the Motor Km .1 and Accessory Manufacture! HM. elation. At the Waldorf ycslerilay Mr. Girl dictated the following: "The signing of the treaty, which we hope In some correct form will bo accomplished durioK the next thirty day, will have a very boncllclal effect upon the social conditions In America as well as I he rest of (he world. In our opinion labor will be morn coi.Mtant and will accomplish more In the year 19-0 than In 1919. That prices will fall to any marked degree Is not to be expected for a ' number of reasons. All material pro duet Is based upon the work of I he hand and the brain, and the price of materials can only be lowered when there Is less demand for the labor of the hand and brain than there Is at this moment. "H will take some-years to restock the warehouses of the world und until (his occurs there can be no such thine as overproduction. Ther may be some unbalanced production but no surplus of commodities In the average. A.H our debts have been con tracted with a rising and Inflated market and cannot be paid with a Thousands of men and women. manv of rfhom had depended for their lives on automobiles It. overseas ser vice, came Irl examine and select t l.e m forSOiome or commercial use. Those looking for passenKcr cars went to the (inind Central palace, where four floors were lllled with cars, bodies and accessories. .Motor trucks were to be seen at the Klghth Const artil lery armory, Kli.Ksl.rldK.' road and Jerome avenue The llronx, on an unobstructed floor of ISO. olio aipiare feet. A venr urn. the automobile dealers of New York rltv bad an exhibit, but i in the the present show Is th It was the first time a car had. even been driven under official observation ai top speed for rlfty hours. Put on the speedway to prove its reliability In a Ilfty hour test, the Kssex at the end of 27 hours, 68 min utes and In the ,1790th mile because of rain anil sleet was forced to stop. A second start was made three days later but snow again ended the trial This time the run lasted 18 hours. 25 minutes, and covered 1042 miles. The third run startlnK the following day was successful, the nfty hour period being completed. Thus the proof of Kssex endurance Is even greater than that expressed The remarkable durability, dependa bility and roanblllty of the new Wlllvs-Knight models of the Wlllys- Ovrrand Automobile company have The manner In which It conducts relief work among the 25.000 employes I In lis Akron factories, "brings the , (loodyear Tire and Rubber company j many inquiries every week, from cor porations who desire to adopt a similar system. Over 15,000 employes, two-thirds of the total enrollment In Akron carry Insurance In the men's relief associa tion. They pay 'dues of 0 a year In return for which they receive a $1. 000 policy and are paid 8 a week when laid up. by accident or sickness. Without additional cost the policy is Increased $S00 every five years until If reaches $3,000. The extra Insur ance is given as a regard for long service,. The women's branch In the relief not been better demonstrated In all work na8 1,300 members 50 hour run. The average car llrst of :i!'s driven' little more than 5,000 miles nation-wide scope since the armistice. I In the entire season. Hut this stock TO. .lie DUOUC r.rws I imonin win iii'm; iitan cl unit- It Is the first thane to find out In a large way how the war has affected the third most Im portant Industry of the country, in the reconstruction period. Lieutenant CJeneral Hubert L. Hul lard, commanding general of the east ern department, l. K. A., and Colonol Francis H. Pope, representing Major fleneral Shanks, spoke at the formal opening. . (leneral Milliard took as his topic "Commercial Development of Motor deflated market. This is another rea-1 Transportation with Preparedness in son for the general prices of materials remaining up. Demand for Roods will exceed the supply. This will be espe clally true of the wonderful form of locomotion and transportation known aa the motor car. In our opinion the -demand for cars this next year will far exceed tho demand In 1919 and should run from 3,000,000 to 3,500.000 cars, including trucks. Production wille limited by the ability or motor car manufacturers and parts makers to secure steel and other metals, and to secure labor with which to fabri cate the same. Production will be nowhere equal to the demand and if it should run at the rate of 2.250,000 cars for the year. It is possibly ail that can be expected. Cars aro being de signed better than formerly and last ing; longer. Replacement business will not amotfht to as much In proportion in the future as in the past, but this Is in the tendency of greater economy in the entire Industry and in the use of automobiles, and should be a bene fit rather than a detriment. ' "In our humble opinion, it will be Impossible for supply to overtake dn . mand within the next three years, after which the rehabilitation of other portions of the world and demand from them upon us for motor ear means of transportation will be suffi cient to afford an excellent market for. our products for many years to come." The New Tork Yankees have never won a pennant, but they are the champion big money spenders for talent. Stars bought by the Yanks in clude: "Babe" Ruth, 1100,000; Carl Mays, 155,000; Frank Baker. $86,000; lee Magee,$?5,000, and Fritz Maine!, $12,000. - View." He said that industrial effi ciency, like military efficiency, was useless unless a high degre of mobil ity was provided. He declared that military preparedness should be kept In mind In development of commer cial motor transportation and national highways. Kihty-four individual car manu facturers had exhibits at the palace, while more than 300 commercial cars, ranging from a giant fifteen-ton truck to a small light delivery wagon, and devices for quick changing a pass enger rar Into a commercial car. were drawn up in long ranks on the Bronx armory floor. Cars to Matrh Purses. Kvery roan's purse was catered to In the shiny models presented, and the little spick and span two-seater at $715 drew quite as much attention as the dignified touring car at $11, 000. According to an expert the cars did not exhibit tendencies toward re finements as in former years, but showed the war Influence plainly in the improvement in efficiency and, endurance. What changes were made were not Immediately visible, but were the kind that would prove them selves on every mile the car was driven. Streamlines were more pro nounced and more generally used, and the cam, without exception, got away from fris and fads, to a higher, standard than ever before New York Tribune. a minute for 5.870 miles. Almost as astounding as its endur ance was Its tire experience. The front wheel tires went through all three trials without change. Two rear tires were replaced because of dam age done by splinters from the board surfaced track. The tires were Good year cords. The car was driven by Davo Lewis and Tommy Milton, the noted racing driver, and DeLloyd Thompson, one of tho most famous "stunt" aviators in the country. The drivers worked in six hour shifts, making two stops during this period to till with oil and gasoline. " The American Automobile associa tion represer.atives nt the trials were Fred J. Wagner, the widely known official starter of practically all Amer ican speedway events, assisted by F. K. Kdwards, technical representative of the American Automohi'o associa tion contest hoard, J. K. Schlpper, of Detroit, assistant technical representa tive and R. A. Leavall, In charge of the electrical timlngtapparatus. of the thousands of miles of tests to which this our was subjected before It went into production than in a trip from New York to Toledo 11. ado last week. The Willys-Knight ear that made the trip is now at the Willys-Overland nalusrooms at Broadway and 59th streets and Is being used there us a demons! rotor. Officials of the Willys-Overland company, scheduled 10 be in New York in time for tho opening of the big autoniobilo show in ( Central Palace, decided to make tho trip in the Willys-Knight car. Throughout the trip, made under mid-winter conditions, the Knight performance was wonderful. There was speed In plenty w hen opportunity offered. There was always nn abun- In the six months ending January 1, 1920, the relief association paid out $12,000 for deaths and $11,988 for ac cident and sickness. Over 7,000 employes Joined the re lief association In the past five months and It Is expected that 1,200 will lie tome members during tho first month of 1920. PREUSS' VIEWS ON .U. S. CONSTITUTION FOUR DOOR SEDAN OwflandASedsft The sensation of the season. Never before has a small Sedan been so beautifully finished. OVERLAND-ASHEVILLE SALES COMPANY 12-16 E. Walnut Phone 2967 BERLIN. Wednesday. Jan. 15. ! Hugo Preuss, former minister of the Interior, today said that one of the: chief reasons for framing the Ger man constitution differently from the, American charter was that under the nance 01 po... ..,.... ontlution Hie cabinet balance of the car. Its .road a V n,,,,,, orcupied positions as mere under the most "Averse conditions president and were were pronounced remarkable. nf)t arrountable J tn0 parilam,n, ,,f The entire 700 mile trip was made,..,- ro,jntrv. He was discussing a I In 2 hours running time, the car Blatcrn0nt ascribed to him that Amor- averaging 17 miles per gallon. That is an average of 28 miles an hour not withstanding that no attempt was made for a record run. The run was made under tho most lean great headquarters had sought to Influence the shaping of the Ger man constitution. "I submitted a written statement of my contentions, chief of which was SERVICE STATION KliECTRICAli AOCIiSSORLES ASHEVILLE BATTERY CO. Phone 3437 College & Market Sis. "Threaded Rubber" Insulation igrifelllng of road conditions. For 200 . that I preferred the introduction of a miles the roads were practically a, parliament system opposed to mo sheet of Ice aggravated In the rough j status of American department sec places by the frozen ground. Yet, retaries, who are merely aides to the tho riding qualities dlsp ayed by the i president and aro not responsible NEW REFLECTOR LIGHTS car were pronounced as splendid Despite the fact that the car was new and had only gone through the regulation factory tests, It was not necessary to halt a moment for ad justments or repairs of any kind. The new standards of operating economy 'claimed for the new Knight cars was emphasized. If possible, on this 700 ; mile mid-winter run. The trip realized to the full the j hope of Willys-Overland engineers to match tho wonderful Willys-Knight motor with a chassis and body of J equal merit. The trip stamped the jnew Willys-Knight car as not only congress, said Herr Preuss. Here,, I claim, lies the root of one of the j greatest drawbacks of the American i Constitutional organizations, which In so many other respects I consider most excellent and worthy of copying." A Tire Saved Is Many Dollars Made We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modern our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 12 E. College St. j. VAIiGER AWARDED DECISION BALTIMORE. Jan.. 16 Beeny Val ger, French featherweight, was award ed the decision In a 12 round bout with Matt Brock of Cleveland. Ohio, tonight. Valger had it all his own way. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Trunks, Hand Bags and Suit Cases H. L. FINKELSTEIN 23-25 Biltmore Ave. Phone 887 Battling Nelson, former lightweight champion, claims to have picked Johnson to win over Jeffries, Willard to beat Johnson, and Dempsey to take the heavyweight crown away from Willard. And the Battler adds: "And then they say old Bat Is nuts." At The Vapor Treatment FOR Influenza, Croup and Pneumonia Motheri who know ths anguiih of waiting helpleiily through see-lonr houri tor the ohvaician who may not arrive in time will hard ly fail to keep on hand a bottle of thia effective croup remedy. Vapo mentha is a certain preventive and specific for colds, croup, influenza, grippe, pneumonia and other respiratory ailments. Will NOT STAIN THE CLOTHES It is applied externally to the chest, throat and nos trils and is quickly absorbed through the pores of the akin. Its healing vapors rise and are inhaled directly to the infected membranes. A double-action remedy, it is doubly certain to produce satisfactory results. It has this characteristic that distinguishes it from other salves, it will not stain the clothes. Buy a come 01 vapomentha 1 OIJAY. It is an invaluable protecuon for an insignificant price. 30c, 60c, and $1.20 Bottles at All Drug and General Stores. If your dealer cannot supply you order from BRAME DRUG CO.. N. Wilke.boro, N. C New Cadillac Lamps Tilted by Little Leve.r on the Steering Post. tle I J NO. 3 CAN BARTLETT PEARS Per Can 39c THE AUTOMAT Cash and Delivery E. J. Edwards. Mrt. Haywood Bid. Phone 3036 THE SWANNANOA-BERKELEY A Modern Hrick and Concrete Uotel One block from public square. AsherlUe. Jf. c. European Plan TbIe de IIote Bpeakflst Rates $1 per day and up Dinner or feupper 7a W. C. HAWK. Mgr. t-AUNDRY TRIAL ir A I f. Wll ARK 9 PHONES mi "Difficulties In night driving; occa sioned by the elements such as fog, rain, and snow, and by natural condi tions such as Curves and hills are gradually being overcome by auto mobile engineers," says John Lange, local Cadillac dealer. , "Lights devised to meet these prob lems are the tilting; reflector lamps of the Cadi:iac. "The solution of obtaining adequate road illumination when driving in fog, rain and snow lies in the narrow ing o the atmospheric wall to be penetrated and directing the lights to the spot where it will do the most good under circumstances. j "Cadillac's tilting reflectoi-Si oser ; come the difficulties to a large extent When Cadillac reflectors are tilted by means of a little lever on the steering j post, they necessarily combat the nar j rowest possible wall of atmosphere for 'safe driving, illuminate the road ahead ! for a safe distance, and at the same I time confine the projected beams. Changing of tfie direction of tho rays is instantaneous so that when the weather clears or occasion de mands the light Instantly can be put into tho upward position. "These lights also solve the prob lem of sharp curves and hills, at night, problems that are menacing with the fixed lights of most automo biles. "The fixed light ordinarily Illumin ates the fields when a turn is made, forcing .the driver to much guess work as to whether he. Is making the turn properly. With Cadillac tilting lights, the road directly ahead of the car is always lighted when the lamps are in the down position. The rays of light, through the movable reflec tors, are concentrated on the ground immediately ahead of tho car, elimi nating all guess work as to where the oar la going. On hills the lights have a downward angle as tho brow of the hill Is crossed, instead of shooting straight ahead Into space. "The tilted or two-way lamp does away with the necessity of dimmers or lenses. "lUmmeiM or lenses with the two way system, are not necessary. For when the lights are in the down posi tion, the beam or projected rays of light cannot get high enough to reach the eyes of the driver of an approach ing ear. "There is nothing left to the Judg ment of the driver of the car as to how far he shull deflect the projected beams to come within tho law. There are only wo driving positions possi ble. The projected beams are either full ahead or in the down position, these positions have been pre-deter-mined and comply with the provisiops of the New York law which was drawn from recommendations of the Society of llhiminatlng Engineers who solved the locomotive headlight prob lem. If the driver should neglect to deflect his lights when parking they would be automatically deflected when the motor stopped. "The greatest illuititnating author ity in the country, the Society of Illuminating Engineers, which co operating with the S. A. K. in framing the recommendations for the New York state anti-glare law, conceded to be the only scientifically drafted law outside of California, has said in its report containing the recommen dations that the ideal solution to the blinding glare problem is the lamp I capable of being operated as to ac- , fcorrfpllsh results obtained by the re- ! movable reflector lamps. Cadillac at! I large cost, and simply in the interest I of eliminating the glare menace, has I made ths tilted lights standard, equip i ment on the ears." C H A WDLE SI X Famous For Its Marvelous Motor 1 Efforts are being made in New Jersey to have the limit of boxing bouts extended from 8 to It rounds. Thousands Choose The Chandler Dispatch MANY admirers of the Chandler Six choose the Chandler Dispatch. For two years this model has outsold all other cars of the so-called sport type. Its popularity is one of the high spots in motordom. The new series Dispatch is a snappy, handsome car, seating four adults in perfect comfort. It is of most beautiful design and finish; mounted on the standard Chandler chassis, famous for its mechanical excellence. You are asked to pay much more for cars which might perhaps be compared with the Chandler. And cheap cars sell for but little less. SEX SPLENDID BOD Y TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, SI 895 Four-Passenger Roadster, S189S Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 97 5 Seven-Passenger Sedan, $ 2895 Four-Passenger Coupe, S2795 ' limousine, 13395 (AU Price J. o. b. QevtUau ' BROWN MOTOR COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO CENTRAL GARAGE Chandler Show Room, Cor. Market and College Sts. Phone 2413 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. CLEVELAND, OHIO