THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1920. FIRE WARDEN FOR MT. MITCHELL STATE PARK MONTREAT SUNDAY TO BE OBSERVED TODAY COL. ROOSEVELT WILL VISIT CITY IN MARCH $75,000 DEAL MADE ON PATTON AVENUE The Mamofh Furniture Store i COMMISSION" MKT FMO.W GRKENSBOltO. IN I AI'l'KAIi WILL Bfc MADK IXR AS-j YOC3MJ COLONEL Ie TO MAKE j 200 FRONT FEET NEXT TO 1X SEMBLY GROI N0S. i THREE ADDRESSES HERE. PRESS OFFICE SOLD. Gen. J. . Carr Advances the Money for Warden, Penitentiary funds From tho legislature . Southern rrtub) terlan Church N M ' Act-opt in,tatlon to Speak In Ashe- ltt Want Lola on ration Avenue) Ralso $1:00,000 for Montreat, Lo cated Near Here. vllle May Bo In the City for Two Days. Between Tack Square and AM'ie land Avenue Esccpt Two.' 'g' j- Living Room Furniture to serve the purpose for which it is intended must not only be good to look at, but it must yield the maximum of service when in use. The construction must be substantial, but not cumber some. Comfort and utility must be carefully combined with beauty. That our displays aptly offer both features you will quick ly realize if you will take the time to inspect our present stock. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS 15-17 Broadway. Phone 226. 24-26 Lexington. ' Oen. Julian R Carr. of Durham.' Today an appeal will bo made to j chairman of the Mt. Mitchell Park ! the member of the First Presbyte I commission, told tho members of iho:ran church for "Oreater Montreal." commission, at the meeting In Greens- i , , . ., , .,,, horn l-rlrfav th.t he -c.nlH dvnrlTh Montreal association U conduct- itho $:.B00 necessary fur the reten-1 In" campaign for $200,000 which Is known as the "Greater Montreut I Klwanls club, Klffln Rockwell post of It was learned hero last night that i x deal Involving about $75,000 Meut-Col. Theodore Roosevalu Jr., i worth of valuable property, located will be In Asheville about the middle ' between the uptown oltloe of the of March, coming here In the Inter-; Houthern Kxprrsa company and Otis est of politics and while here will 'street, facing on I'stton avenue has make three addresses, before the local been closed here. The property wae M on (rent was a gift to the American Legion and a conference tion of fire warden on the Mate park, unm me leo-isiaiure meets, it in ex- peeted that the amount will bo ro- Z "nl""1 w"" " "1 ,l of local and western North Carolina funded by the genernl assembly ! ,he ' resbyterlan church 12 ye" republicans, or mayhe this will bo Immediately following this meeting j " " munuiu. . '"" turned Into a mass meeting. a Joint session of the commission and I r""" " " us" """"moiy grounu the Mount Mitchell mqnument com At that confer- Montreut has grown so in tho past several year that Its hotel and greed that a campaign boarding houses are unable to ac- tliere in tho summer time; the roads In the grounds are In need of exten mission was held. once it was would be conducted In North Carolina in tho immediate future for the pur pose of obtaining $2,500 to defray the cost of a tablet to'be erected on tho ' "i1v . rrlJBl1r"' nlo the 'ctirc light L,nl,ve(J ho ,, no noubt b h(1(trd crest of the state's highest mountain in honor of Dr. Elisha Mitchell. plant la Inadequate. Montreat has been the place for the Presbyterian Attending the meeting of the Mount ' . , . kV 3..m i .(,.., rs - has been a large number of notable speakers who visit It each summer. It is in tho center of church astern- C. A., and are just few miles away, the Baptist - as- Mltchell park commission were Gen eral Carr. of Durham: Charles A e . ..I .11, t- . . r 8. Holmes, of Chapel Hill, who is b,' ro"nd!V hZin hia, also state foreater. These gentlemen ) ... i j I; , a raw miles away, the B; - t v. t- -im., it6mbly rrounds are also locata Kltn Lr v Tvn.r n 'I" m"es Of Montreal. Both Lverm ? Wnn.U.r iyw ri nV' ,h abov0 institutions have added SuQT w?S; ' I several hundred thousands of dol nyim m" o.hVr .m o?'."" to their orginal institutions, and Burnsville. the other members of Ik ,.,, ,, hi. nnihii,m Mount Mitchell park commission.. , .h tend the meeting. ; " . ".17"" were unable to attend The other two members of the monu- purchased by a new company from Miss Maude Coxe and is a part of the former Coxe estate, which was recent ly divided by the heirs, Thr. lots front 200 feet on Patton Since ho recently announced His in-iaVenue. with a depth of 85 feet, with tcntion of entering politics, following 4 5 foot allev in the fear, running in the footstepa of his father, Col. i fr0m Otis street, towards Haywood. Roosevelt has been greatly in demand to ,n6 rear f the property on Oov- for addresses In many sections of the country, and owing to his war record and the reputation he has already here by large audiences, at all three addresses. Being unable to appear at a recent meeting of republicans hold at Greens boro, Col. Roosevelt wired that at the first opportunity he would pay a visit to North Carolina and would In clude Asheville in the cities he pro posed to visit. He now writes that he will be able to come Ticre about the middle of March, the exact date to be set during the next few days. Further details of his appearance hero will be worked out by the vari ous organizations, before which ho will appear, during the next week or two and he may probably remain In ernnirnl street. To the rear la th new street which connects w-lth But tery Park hill and tls street and would conneot with tho second floor of any houses built rtn this property. This property, with the exception of two vacant lots diagonally aeroe-i the street on Patton avenue, are the last vacant lots on Patton avenue, between Pack square and Asheland avenue. Nearby Is new Coxe street, which will probably be paved by the city at an early date, giving a new and direct route to the Southern de pot and, the lots are" nearer the' post office th'an Pack square. Other recent purchasers of prop erty in this section are the Smith brothers, who will Boon begin the erec tion of a large wholesale drug house at the corner " Patton avenue and ment commission. Col. Joseph Hyde This 200,000 will be spent to neip , Aalieville for two days, visiting sev- coxe street; Piedmont Electric con- i Pratt and Dr. F. V. Venable. of the ! Montreal to accommodate its vis- eral sections of the west while here. pany. who recently purchased two State university, could not lie pres-' ,tor- to repair the roads in the os- You will fine! long winter hours shorter when reading GOOD BOOKS. Here are a few of our many choice new ones: The Great Impersonation, by EX Phillips Oppenheiin . '. $1.7S Mammy's White Folks, by Emma Speed Sampson $1.50 The Rldin' Kid From Powder River, W. II . Knibs $1.75 The Young Visitors, by Daisy Ashford $1.00 ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N..C; Phone 254 Around Town ent. At the meeting of the park com mission General Carr read a letter which he had received from Frank Watson in which the latter urged that action be taken to protect the trees of Mount Mitchell. The lumbering operations on the mountain, ho point-, ed out, would be completed during the next 12 months, and then it would not be so difficult to prevent forest fires as at present. The lire hazard during the next year will be partlcu-1 larly great and protective measures i are absolutely necessary, it was stat ed. Mount Mitchell state park was pur chased under an act of tho general l assembly of 1915, an appropriation of' .,.,. nn i i i , r, r. i f v,uuu Having utreu iiiuviuvu. ov- j , cause of the luck of f undo, the services j i of the forest warden. In charge of the1 protection of the park, Iihto been . sembly grounds, to enlarge the olec trie light plant, to build a much need er laundry and many other minor Improvements. This Is the appeal made by Mon treat and the appeal -the church makes for Montreat. This appeal is ono of necessity and it is expected that the members of the church will answer It by vending in their dona tions to R. C. Anderson, treasurer, Montreat. N. C SISNEY VINDICATED . OF MURDER CHARGE MRS. P. W. HALLOCK DIED LAST NIGHT Mrs. F. Will Ilailock died sudden ly lust night at eight o'clock at her residence in Albermarle park. The deceased la survived by her husband, two sons and two daughters, they are: Mrs. Leslie Boone, of. this city; Mrs. Hammet, of Sydney, Australia; Donald Hallock, of New Haven, large lofti enjoining the T. 8. Mor rlson ccmparry and C. 1L Honcwa who will erect a three-story store and of fice building ncross from the postof flce. It Is understood the new own ers of the property will probably offer several of the lots for sale, keeping the other4 for Investment. Conn., and Frank Hallock, who la in school In New York. Funeral services will be announced later. Daughter rn Horn, to Mr. and Urom a( fund which aceruftl from the Mrs. Wllhnr riovonrlnrf ri.nie-iitor sale oi aeaa iimoer. mat tuna now paid for in part by the state geologl- K(.d Joungon , Kffort to Helen Carver. Son Born Born, C. W. Wingu, Hi sou, C. W. Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Park avenue, a C 1 1 1 . tlf JjlPljO Cole's Combination fll tMmU Hiffh Oven Rancre i f e mo8t satisfactory article on iiiiiiifc jr New Price $8500 Jfyy", Our price until Jan. 30 . . . $65.00 Without water coih . . . . .$60.00 t IffFll Give us your order now. ms0$ Hardware Co. j fe!V Isrjjfei). ' Headquarters No. 33 Patton Ave. Phone 142 ' . ' i Miii iw iiMfTi-n n ri r - I Dance Wed iichiIu y A dance will be given at the Knights of Columbus Uall Wedr.usduy night, at 8:20 o'clock. Fire Alarm The fire department whs called last night ut 6:58 o'clock to N'o. l Spring street .whore n chim ney was burnng out. No damage was done. HI Own Life Scarf SlHiiey from Peath. Fin Saved Funeral Held Funeral services were neio yesterday ariernoon ai , a f A TVST rTiTTVTV rung Keeuis crock cemetery for Kugene I 0 1 lU UX1 X X JUjN JJO Hrignian. two year old son of John Brigmuii. of Ulltmore. Tlic child' Mrs. Mary (ary Paid 9150 for Sheep died ut tho home of his parents Fri-! . . day night in Riltmore. ! , tunea bv IH3. 7 Indies' Altl Society The Ladies' Aid society of the Bethel Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon ut ine nome or airs. a. a. laie. on South French Broad avenue. This being the Hint meeting of tho year a full attendance or members is de sired. Merchants to Meet The . Mer chants' association will hold a meet ing Tuesday Aight at 6:30 o'clock at the associaticrii rooms on Broadway A full attendance is expected as there are several speakers on the program and matters of importance will tome Up for discussion. Special Music At the morning service at Central Methodist church today C. P. Iferfurth, of the Ashe ville School for Boys, wfll render a violin solo. At tonight's service Mrs. Frank Johnson will sing a eolo. These will be In addition to the reg ular anthems by the selected choir. AUTO ACCIDENT ON WEST HAYWOOD ST. An accident occurred laBt night about eight o'clock on West Hay wood street when Dr. Adams, driv ing a Dodge five passenger automo bile, turned over In front of S. P. M ears' store on West Haywood street It is understood .that the driver of the car was-corning down Spring street at a fast rale and a freight trains was on the street crossing and keeping from having a collision with the train, he attempted to turn Into an alley a short distance from the train and . In doing so his car turned over. It was stated that Dr. Adams was unhurt and when the- car turned over he was pinned under and iieveral people were nearby Jacked the car up so as Dr. Adams could get out from under it. It is undertrtood that Dr. Adams lives In the West Ashe ville section. Up to midnight last night no re port Of the accident had been made to the police department and no ar rest had been made. however, Is practically exhausted, and the need of money to insure protec-1 tion of the valuable property is acute. ' The campaign for a fund of $2,600 j (Iow ft ,lr(f(J ,,rf pi aveJ hill Ufe to be used in the erection of a tablet , and (le8crlptlon cf nn aUempt by his honoring Dr Mitchell will begin at brother to assume the responsibility once under the direction of Chas. A. of a murd.r cimrge, were brought Webb and Dr. Cobb. t , superior court here yesterday It is planned to Interest the pupils n j0ePs,8ney, colored, was tried U,Thi r J!l. nMh nKm After the taking of the evidence m.l.on MiTrohSw uZi t m Pritchard stated to nl, m, inTt VMrchn a cort th believed the case f"1"11' "'Vf1 rh ni. question to be one of the very few th Jhfiln. reached later by j JulflabIe kllUn Bnd Btated that he tne c"alrma"- j would -"not resist a verdict of not . , guilty, In that It appeared- beyond jrlXVOX OUXiJSir UiiOl. ! doubt Sisney shot to save his own life.' Judge J. u. Debb then Instructed the j jury to return a verdict of not guilty, j The shooting affair took pleoa on j Kagle street, after Johnson had ac-! costed Slsney and began firing. One I of tho balls struck Slsney's scarf pin I end glancing, penetrated his chest. ! The first bill charged againet the! He then emptied his revolver, as did1 county under the new sheep and dog j Johnson, but Blimey proved the better' law, which was filed by Mrs. Mary 1 marksman and Johnson staggered to Cery. of the Mt. Meadows Inn farm, the curb falling dead. whose sheep were .destroyed by dogs1 "Hen Brown, charged with tree-1 running at largo, was paid yesterday. 1 Passing, and which case involved nj Upon the filing of the original bill t dleputo as to who Wad the right to against the county, a Jury was ap- allow cow s upun certain pasture land. pointed to Investigate the case and 1 WM vindicated. It appeared that she access the damages. This Jury re-1 drove a neighbor's cow from among, turned a verdict that $90H)hould be ! a herd . belonging to her. and the. paid Mrs. Cary ad losses for sheep 1 neighborly row tnsued. . (i killed. This amount reemed small to: ' Mrs. Carvr and large to the commis-j sioncra, whereupon a second Jury went forth to settle the sheep case. This Jury returned a statement of 4ho wooly animals whose throats had beon f cut by wandering dogs, estimating the lows at ?i so. in accordance with the decree, Auditor E. M. Lyda pinned a! second voucher tb the one already! filled out, and now the responsibility Is upon the mall man to end the dls-! pute. IPjpl New M ' y Hats J For Southern ' Tourists i and Early Spring , Wear including Raffia Cipper Braids, Satins, - Taffetas, Straws and many others with " delightful coloring. SEE THEM ID DELIVERS A LARGE ISS17E COUNTY BONDS' B. A. Patton Returns from Business Trip to New York. The delay by the Germans in signing the protocol presented by tUt Allies has coincided with t recrudescence of the HlndeDburg worship which -wjs so strong during the war when the Marshal was Germany's favorlt bero. When the country realised that sbe was beaten tns national Idol fell from his pedestal, and for om tlue was by no means nopulaf with the people. Latterly, however, be bss taken bis old place In their affections, and wben be returned recently to Berlin to give evidence In connection wit b the Inquiry Into tbt conduct of tue war. he was received wltb cbeera and gar lands quite 1n the old manner, wblcb U signlTcani of the revival of the militarist splrtt In Germany. The crowd Is here seen outside Marshal Hln denount's house, and 4n tlw Insert h Is see lesring the former -telchstatf building carrying a boo- t flow--. j . PARIS, Jan. lV. Georges Metayer, of Bordeau, was' the only - passenger rescueoV,of the 474 aboard the steam er Afrlque when she was wrecked last Sunday. In the Bay of Biscay. M. Metayer said that many others might have been saved but that Stey refused to enter the boats. He de scribed the scenes aboard the vessel when terror stricken Senegalese prayed while many passengers took matters calmly, believing that sight of the steamer Ceylan (which was summoned to the scene by wireless, on Saturday) meant safety., j B. A. Patton, chairman of the board of county commissioners, re turned yesterday from New York, where he and Charles N. Malone went to deliver bonds totaling $460,000. These were the bonds purchased by the Battery Park bank here. They were delivered to the Hanover Na tional bank In New York, Mr. Ma lone will return to the city within a few days. - .Mr. Patton said yesterday that the weather In New York Is very severe and cold, and the returning to Ashe-, vllle was like hitting the "Sunny South for fair." BOY'S CLUBS PLAY BASKETBALL GAMES In the Employed Bpys' clubs at the "x the Yale followers headed by Frank Oossett. still hold the lead with 189 points over the 168 points of the Princeton club headed by Barnett Hollingsworth. In the Inter-club basketball game Wednesday night the score was, Yale 10, Princeton, 7. The standing In the Junior clubs Is Tigers 135 Wildcats 4 104 Buffaloes $8 Rattlesnakes SS In the lnter-club basketball games for the week the results were: Rattlesnakes 7 Wildcats , 10 Tigers 8 Buffaloes 2 TUBERCULOSIS ' It was wben physlclai Sid It wss impossible for ii M. Miller, Ohio Drug gin t. to survive the ravages of Tuberculosis, ho began ipfcrlriUo on him self. - and discovered '.he Home Treatment known as A DDI LONE. Anyone with coughs showing tubercular tendency or Tubmroulonts. ay use It under plain directions. - Send your name uad -4Jrss to . LDD11JNE . 101 Arcade Building Cbhunbos, Obi . Pmssi ,; a rusts WntHM, Merchant Tailored Clothes- V Produced under the watchful eye of an expert cutter and fitter, give the wearer that assured sense of being well dressed, whether in business oy society. From our generous assortment of imported and do mestic fabrics we can suit the most fastidious tastes. Make your selection one day and have a fitting the next. If All of our work k designed, cut apd finished on tho premises. " I And, along with our reputation of being Asheville' s exclusive tailors, we are proving ourselves as being a style center for Haberdashery, where Men's Furnishings of the Quality Appealing Kind, can be had at a worthy saving. LOGAN & MOORE Tutor to Latdiea and Gentlemen 6 U. Pack Square Telephone 797. Directly Opposite Vance Monument "The Shop That Keeps the 'Dash' in Haberdashery . D

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