11 PHONE SO Cttiten Want Ads Bring Results Open Wide Your Portals Private Homes With Vacant Rooms Insert a Classified Ad. NOW IS THE TIME "Citizen Want Ads Bring Results" Haven't Failed, that's as much as can be said of anything HHONE 80 Citixen Want Ads Bring Results ; , THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1920. mci.p WANTED ! WANTED Colored couple on farm in MUla River section, man to do milk ing and care (or stock and smajl garden. Woman to do cooking and house work (or ama'l family. Re-1 ferences required. Mill Knob Farm, i Route 1, Fletcher. N. C. P1-17-7 , MALE WANTED EXPERIENCED! SPECIALTY MAN , TO' CALL ON THE RETAIL) GROCERY TRADE IN ASHEVILLE AND WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS POST OFFICE DRAW 627, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1-14-tf ENGINEERING Graduates or men partly schooled or experienced in technical work ore wanted for tele phone engineering, technical and administrative positions in the larg er cities in the Southeast. Imme diate opportunities for advance ment, good pay to start, and perma nent employment. Southern Bell Tel and Tel. Co. Telephone, call or write Morgan B. Speir, 12 East Third 8treot. Charlotte, N. C. 1-15-18 WANTED Tractoi driver and me chanic. Man must be an A No. 1 mechanlo and understand the me chanism of Caterpillar tractors. Good wages for the right man. Ad dress. Broad River Lumber Com pany, Btackhouse, N. C. 1-14-tf Asheville Railway Mall Clerk Exami nations coming. Beginners get $1, 300 year. Many needed. Common education sufficient. Sample ques tions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 81 1 A. Rochester. N. Y. Pl-4-80 WANTED Capable salesman for position as assistant manager, must have executive qualifications, neces sary to rise to management of busi ness. , Singer Sewing Machine Co., 18 N. Pack Sq. Pl-18-7 EXPERIENCED Bench Men and Cab lnet Makers. Steady work at good pay In steam heated plant, under excellent working conditions. Mont ague Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Va. 1-18-10 WANTED A. good man to take my mill and saw and stack lumber either by day or thousand. E. O. Gaston, Asheville. P-l-17-7 WANTED A boy to ride motorcycle, , must furnish reference. Apply- at once In person. Red Cross Phar macy. 1-19-tf FIREMEN,. Brakemen, $150-8200, ex perience unnecessary, railway asso ciation, care Citizen. P-l-8-12-19-28-4 COLORED SHINE BOY Transfer & Auto Co. -Hughes 1-19-3 WANTED Registered druggist. Box 764, Asheville. 1-18-3 FEMALE WANTED Experienced headwaitress and three waitresses. Address promptly with reference. THE KENNON HOTEL Goldsboro. N. C. Pl-10-30 WANTED A white woman to go to Virginia. Must understand house work. Gopd home and good pay. Phone 2878. 1-18-3 WANTED Woman for cooking and general mousework. Reference re quired. Ill Chestnut St. Pl-17-3 WANTED A cook and general house servant. Phone 2870 or call at 18 Orange Street, City. 1-18-3 WANTED An experienced cook; also maid. Apply, Bonievtew, 128 Hay wood St. P-X-18-3 BOARDERS WANTED Are You From Dixie? A TABLE like your Grandmother set In '1880. New furniture, running hot water furnace heat. THE AUOUSTA VILLA "la the heart of Ashevilla" El College Street 12-28-30 WREN-WOOD. 1 South French broad. Some at tractive south front rooms, excel lent table, reasonable prices. Phone 897. P-l-13-7 HARMONY HALL tO Oak, corner Woodnn, Charlotte car J inc. Hot water heat, pleasant rooms, excellent meals. "A Home." Phone 1698 P-l-ls-7 DESIRABLE ROOMS and board, in best locality. Private or connect ing baths. Hot water heat Closed cases accepted. Phone 939. 1-17-8 WANTED Couple to board with private family. No sick or children, no other boarders, 126.00 per week. for the two. ' Phone 2099. ri-18-1 WANTED Boarders ia private fam lly. Warm house and splendid table. Phone 3440. 73 Cumber " land Ave. P-l 2-81-30 ON HILLSIDE Attractive room with : hot water heat, good board, no sick or children taken. Phone 1895. P-l-16-7 STEAM heated, well furnished rooms and board. Rates 310.00 and up. 117 So. Liberty. PI-18-7 ROOM and board for convalescent, in private home, furnace heat Phone 3422. P-l-16-4 FOUND AUTO BLANKET, by boy. on Patton Ave. Owner can havo same by call ing at Citiren ofTlco. proving owner Ship and paying for this ad. 1-19- tf WANT AD RATES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS insertion to per word " 4o ." " f " 8o " " .1 20 " 3o " -. tOR EXAMPLE: A 28-word Ad. costs (0 cents for one insertion, $ consecu tive Insertions 31.00. 7 consecutive In aertiotu. 12.00, 30 consecutive insertions $7.60. . Above rates are for Ads. set In 7-pt type (lower case). Want Ads. T In 7 pt. caps are 6 per cent higher. Want Ads set io 10-pt. lower case are double regular rates. 10-pt. caps are triple reg. ular rates. No black Cace type allowed. Want Aos. not run on consecntivs days are strictly on the basis of X cents per won. tur each Insertion. Position Wanted Ada, are one half the above raise. No Want Ad. taksa for leas than II Cents. Wast Ada. are payable la advance. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Slightly Used Automobiles Government Trucks Drays Transfer Taxi Service -j Gasoline and Oils Free Air and Water I Car Wash or Polish and Repairs I A Better Service Awaits You in Our New Home SCOTT DILLINGlf AM, Inc. Carolina's Biggest Dealer in Used Cars. 20 N. Lexington Ave., Cor. Walnut 3 Phone 2376-101-901. Our Service Never Ceases Night or Day USED One Reo Ton Truck One Reo 2 Ton Truck. One Republic 2 Ton Truck. One Overland A Ton Truck. ROAMER Phone 282G. USED CARS . One Five Passenger Roamer. One Seven Passenger Roamer. One Four Passenger Olds., 8 speedster. One Ford Roadster. One Dodge Roadster. ROAMER Phone 2826. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING CAR. IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. EQUIPPED WITH GOOD TIRES, FRONT AND REAR BUMPER AND TWO EX TRA TIRES WORTH $1,- 500.00. FOR .INFORMA TION ADDRESS BOX 779, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1-16-3 Used Trucks One Reo Two Ton Truck. One Republic Two Ton Truck. roamwr motor r.n Phone 2826 J Haywood Bldg. 1-13-7 Auto Men On account of our fast growing busi ness, have taken In W. D. Tolley as partner. Mr. Tolley was formerly W. H. Arthur's best radiator man. We can take care of your work now without delay. Asheville Radiator Shop 55 Broadway. Phons 84S0. Pl-16-7 DR. II. W. MORGAN DIES. NASHVILLE, Tenn. Jan. 18. Dr. Henry William Morgan, former dean of the dental department of Vander bilt university, died here today, aged 66. He was formerly president of the National Association of Dental Teach ers. Tho birthday anniversary of Robert E. Lee will be observed throughout the south today. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ASHEVILLE STATION Trains Arrive (ijast.i-n Tune) Train, ' From. Arrives 36 Now York, Washington. Salisbury, Local Stations 3:30 a. m. U New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washing ton 11:20 a. m. 41 .Nw Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta. . . . U:45 a. m. 20 Murphy and Local Sta tions l:IVp.m. 12 Chattanooga. Memphis and Knoxville g:10 p m 9 JackaouvLUe, Savannah, Columbia and Spartan burg 3;2( p. xzl 21 Chicago, Cincinnati, Ciiot laDoogu and ixwlsviile... 11:25 a, m 11 New York. Washington, Richmond 3:10 p. m. 18 Murphy Waynesvllle and Local Stations s.jo p m Spartanburg ............ 8:30 p.m. SI Goidsooio, Raleigh. Dtir ham. Greensboro. Win-ston-SaJem and Loch! Hta tions 11 so i. 102 Bristol, Kaoxvlfle, Mor- ristowa Jt:S5 p. TRAINS DrPART (Uaslern .inuj Train It Salisbury, Washington Departs Richmond :oo a. oa. 101 Murrtotowh, Bristol and KBosriile J0 a. m, ' 43 Local Stations to Colum- bta S:30 s.a. St Wlnstvn-Salan, Greens boro, -RaleUrn, Goldsboro M local Stations. .. g;j -.vvnTlll. Murpfcy and ' Local buttons ....... ..;. :) a, m. U tiu&riaiiburs,, . Columbia. Charleston . . -. . . . . 11 : . as. 11 Salisbury, Richmond. Nor- folk and Local Stations.. 1:19 m. liNw York. Philadelphia, . Baltimore and Washing- 'to 4:50 m. IS Murphy aad Local Sta tions 8:M sm. 10 Columbia, Savaanah sod Jacksonville 3:3S a. as, U KnoiTiU Chattanooga. Bristol t jt p. as, tT'-C h I e a g e, Otncinaatl - and Louisville trt p. as, M, m. SeNaSyle flgerse printed as taw Ssrsaatasa anS net guarantees. CARS MOTOR CO. Haywood BIdg. 1-18-7 MOTOR CO. Haywood Bldg. 1-18-7 AUTOMOBILES EXCEPTION ALEY GOOD VALUES. An Overland Country Club and an Overland Big Four, five passenger. If you are inter ested in cars of exceptional appearance and price, drop in and examine these models. OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. Phone 2967. 12-16 E. Walnut St. 1-17-tf Leaky Radiators. Repaired, rebuilt, guaranteed not to leak. Metal bodies built any design, also take the dents out. All kinds welding, soldering done. Look for the Radiator Sign. Ask for Wil liams. Asheville Radiator Shop. 65 Broadway. Phone 901 11-15-tf CHEVROLET FOUR NINETY Touring Car Good condition 5 good tires. For further information phone 1136. P-l-15-3 AUTOS FOR HIRE First class closed and open cars, reasonable price, with good clean drivers. Telephone 177, Chambers & Weav er Co., cor. Aston St. and Lexing ton, Ave. P-l-7-30 FOR SALE At a big bargain, nice Ford Sedan, or will exchange for other car. Phone 8396. Pl-17-3 FARMS FOR HALE WANTED TO BUY Well lo cated farm 200 to 300 acres. Give full particulars con concerning type of soil, im provements, etc. Address P. O. Box 931, Knoxville, Tenn. 1-17-3 i FOR SALE Two good mountain farms foa stock lviislnK or dairy products, near Ashevlllo on good roads; one SO acres no buildings, the other 75 acres with 5 room house. About 25 or 80 acres of clear land on each and the other in full timber or would sell the whole 155 together as they loin each other. Will sell at a bargain if taken atWA"NTEI' once. Mee or write Vt. Si. JarviH. Asheville. X. C. P-l-18-3 FOR SALE 550 acres of fine tobacco land at Midway, N. C Randolph county miles south of Asheboro oh National highway and Norfolk .Southern K. R. y, million feet of saw timber, 6,009 cross tics, 2 four room houses, cow barn, 100 acres under wire fence. A real bargain at $35 per acre. Terms. Address, Sain Walker, Asheboro, N. C. . P-l-16-7 FOR 8ALE; 130 acres of timbered land 8 miles of railroad in Black Mt. township; for further Informa tion write or seo.- It. U. Jarrett. Sylva. N". C P-l-18-7 LOST LOST One ring of. keys with name "J. P. Goodman, AshevtMe. N. C" on plate. Finder return to five six teen Legal building for reward 1-19-tf LOST Japanese leather wallet con - tainlng money and cards. Reward. Telephone 940. , Ihiig Elisabeth gteuer. -v -i 1-18-3 REAL ESTATE KOItTSiNT" FOR RENT New 3 -room bungalow, near cars. West Asheville. All Im- - provementa. .Ready Feb. 1st. Ap ply 32 Michigan Ave. Pl-17-2 OAiUUU XU KENT In Montfurd school section. Phone 1430. 1t1S-S SPECIAL NewhrnentoT U. S. ARMY GOODS 100 Army Wool Blanks ii Khaki, Blue and Gray a $7.50. Well worth Ten Dol lars large and heavy. U. S. Army Reclaimed Quilts, SI. 50 to Sl.'JO each. U. S. Army Sweaters, reduced. U. S. Army Shirts, reduced. U. S. Army Leather Jerkins, I $7.50. ,U. S. Army Tents, reduced. 1 100 All-Wool Auto Robes, as sorted colors, new, $6.50, $7.50. iU. S. Army O. D. Pants, some are new, at less than half price. U. S. Army Overcoats, lonpj ana snort, irom $iu.uu to i $20.00 some are new large i assortment. 'U. S. Army Shoes, all new, at ! 25 percent to 40 percent re j duction. Hundreds other articles too i numerous to mention. Buy them now save money as we are going to sell them. Asheville Salvage Co., 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1497. tf "Want Advertisements" Save a lot of steps. They do the initial investigating and bring back something tangi ble for the advertiser to work on. Let the Citizen save you time. "Citizen Want Ads Bring Results." 1-18-3 Baggage Transferred, Furniture Moving. First-Class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. 'The House with a Keener Under standing." W. T. Keener, Mgr. Opp. Passenger Station. Phonea 140S and 1415. Branch Office. 87 Patton Ave. 10-4-tf North Carolina Detective' and Collecting Agency, Incor porated. All criminal and civil Investigation, Revell Bldg., Room 14, Phone 23; night phone .1346. P. O. Box 258. P-l-14-7 P. M. HOLCOMBE WALL PAPER 25 PER CENT OFF. PAINT AND KALSOMINE. PHONE 452. Pl-18-7 CONSTIPATION r!!n7"""57ign7T,are' stomach diseases. Lungs and kid neys get sore and Inflammed be cause the stomach falls to send them good blood. Free "Your Health and a Spoonful of Brains. John Norwood. Norfolk. Va. P1Z-27-30 .Wanted Irish Potatoes Paving 4c nssr pound. Selected stock Delivered to our warehouse. Depot St. McConnell Bros. 1-18-tf LARKIN. Dalrymple and Smith Pa per hanging, painting, calclmining and house cleaning. 31 Y. M. Phone 3017. . P-l-4-80 WE BUY second-hand furniture. graphophones, records and all household furniture. Phone 3056. Pl-14-30 WANTED WTntTd-TO renTa SMALL UNFURNISHED COTTAGE OR BUNGA LOW, CLOSE IN, IN A GOOD LOCALITY, BY A COUPLE ENJOYING THE BEST OF HEALTH. P. O. BOX NO. 281. P-l-18-3 THREE furnished rooms for light housekeeping wanted by well cou Die here Dermanently. Must be in desirable neighborhood. Will eX' chance references. Olve name, lo cation and terms in reply. C. H. H., care Citizen. 1-8-3 WANTHSU To buy four or iivo room bungalow: good condition and loca tion; near car line; early possession desired: muwt (leal with owner qi rect. P. O. Box 278. PI-18-5 WANTED By 3 adult. unfurnlnhed house or three or four unfurnished rooms, furnace heat and bath pre forred). preferably near Auditor ium. Box 154. l-19-f To buy from owner four or live room Dungaiow -in goou w neighborhood. Ktate best cash price, I location In first letter. Homeseeker, care Citizen. r-i-is-a WANTED Your circular saws ham mered, hIso brazing new. backs for teeth. work prcmptiy done. M. M. Benson, 76 Broadway. 1-14-30 WANTED To rent u milch cow three months for feed. Must give nice quantity of milk. Phone 1422, O. F. , fltradloy, l-18-3t WANTED Ct'ws Ore. or more flrst- class milk cows. Fawn colored Jer : sies preferred. Dairy. , Telephone 2604. P-l-13-7 WANTED Table end Cow Peas. Mail samples, state price, quantity. Jeffreys and Sons, Goldsboro, N, C. P-l-8-20 WANTED! To lease lot end of West , . Asheville car line. 1 to 6 years. Ad dress Floyd Brown, West Asheville. . -, P-l-17-3 WANTED To rent small furnished ' bungalow In good location. Address Box 747. City. Pl-18-3 WANTED -To pay cash rent for a good lot to cultivate. Call phone No. 8333. P-l-17-3 MRS. fcONGEY, 47 Cumberland Ave. . Dressmaking and jeraodollng a spe cialty. P-l-16-7 NOTARY PUBLIC MJTAK X fUBJUlU. , r.-M. MESSLER, room building. Phoos 4061 t Library I 2116. I t-M-U' FOR SALE SMALL WATER POWER OUTFIT 10-inch Turbine Water Wheel, with Type D Woodward Gov ernor. Capacity 110 h. p. Built for either direct or belt drive. Is well suited for mountain water power hav ing small stream and high head. Would cost new about $2,500. Price f. o. b. Char lotte, $1,500. Address George Stephens, care Citizen. 1-18-5 FOR SALE Perfectly beautiful full blooded, pedigreed Persian cat. Male, young. The only full-blooded Persian cat In the city for breed ing. Sweet disposition and lovable pet. Owner leaving city reason for soiling. Phone 1263. 301 Morrl mon Avw. P-l-17-3 HAVE tine lot Red Durock pigs, all ages for sale.- Any parties interest ed please write mo at once how many wanted. Am selling entire lot J. Frailer Glenn, 214 Drhumor Building. 1-15-7 FOR SALE Stock and fix tures, Feed Store, 600 Hay wood Road, West Asheville 1-18-3 KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) M. n. Btarnea Wood Co. Phone 1871. P1-17-J1 SEVEN year old black mare at bargain, also two light wagons and one harness. J. II. Everett. 828 Routhside Ave. Pl-18-3 TIMBER for sale 100 acres of orig inal Pine forest. Further infor- matlon write John K. Harablin, Un ion. S. C. P-l-8-12 FOR SALE Player piano, one of the best, bargain for cash or terms. Call at 83 Chestnut st or phone 2692. Pl-17-8 DUROC Jersey pigs for sale, about eight weeks old. Apply Mrs. Rob ertson's Farm. West ABhevllle. . Pl-18-3 FOR SALE 25 cases of Marmalade jelly and jam. See J. A. Grove Grocery Co. for Information. 1-18-7 DENTAL 'OFFICE, fully equipped for sale: centrally located. Box 814 Asheville. N. C. Pl-17-8 FOR RENT Delightful furnished rooms. Apply 60 Vance St Phone 1408. i-is- BARGAIN Light housekeeping fur nlture. Apply 69 1-2 Blanton St Pl-18-3 $60 WHEEL, comparatively new for sale, reasonable. T. C- care Cltlsen. P-l-17-3 ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Reasonable, two nicely furnished connecting rooms and sleeping porch for light housekeep ing with modern conveniences, near car line. No sick. Apply 23 vic toria Road. r-i-m-7 ONE or two very attractive front rooms, well furnished; desirably lo cated. Large porches and grounds. Private home. Close in. Phdne 2036. Apply 182 Rankin Ave. P-1-17-8 ' - VERT desirable bed rooms, in new bungalow, breakfast optional, 1 Edwin place. Grove Park, opposite Manor. Phone 8128. 10-H-tf FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Hot water heat, southern exposure, rood loca tion. Phone 1209. Pl-18-3 FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms for , light housekeeping. Lights, water and bath on asms floor. Ap. ply 96 Btarnea. Pl-18-3 THREE furnished rooms, use of kit chen In modern bungatow. Desir able section. Call 11 Herron Ave., W. Asheville. P-l-18-3 FOR RilNT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, no cnuaren. Apply 66 Victoria Road. Phone p-i-ie NICELY furnished front room, suit . able for 1 or 2 gentlemen, employ ed. No sick. 129 Pearson drive. Pl-18-3 ATTRACTIVE rooms, private home, hot water neat: no sick or children 84 Elizabeth St. P-l-18-3 FURNISHED sleeping room, attrao tlve and comfortable, pood loca tion. Phone 86. P-l-14-7 NICELY furnished poom. Well peo' pie only. 66 Spruce street Phone 2207. Pl-18-3 TWO NEWLY furnished, sunny rooms ou second door. 30 Montford. P-l-17-8 ROOMS FOR RENT 24 Soco 8t 1-19-1 IT N p V Tt N I 8 H B D FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent 'p-1-17-8 POSITION WANTED PU.SITION WANTED Young mar ried man desires position as onlce manager or private secretary in or around Asheville. He has over 12 years practical training In commer cial and legal work. Expert ste nographer and office man. Not here for health. Any firm desiring such a man will please address. K. M., pnra rifllon. WANTED Position as salesman for wholesale or- retail nouse Dy young man now under U. 8. Dept. Cora- im' . i-oAnnt rhanrn of loca- tlop. A No. 1 reference. P. Q. Box . n . v- a n n V. 1 P-l-18-7 WANTED Middle aged lady, good character and good health, wants to do housekeeping for one of- two. No laundry work. - Apply phone 75T P-l-18-3 LADY WILL 1X any kind of office. patency. -Can furnish typewriter If desired. N. J., care Citizen. Pl-17-3 MOTHER with two children wants a cottage, would do maid and laun dry Work.; Address Good Samaritan IKnlnn P-1-lft-l YOUNG LADl with good refereuoe. aesires position m nmkii.iu miitiiir. Address Milliner, care Citizen. Pl-17-3 PRIVATE pupils or tutoring by lady teacher from Cleveland, tnio. can J. E. H.. Y. VT. C. A. Pl- 183 .... - - WANTED Job as collector. ST ener geUo young masv AaWbsss, Collee tar. ears CKis JTs lV-3 REAL ESTATE iTTPTTATTir "My City and I "MY CITY is tho place where my home ia founded, where my business ia located, where my vote Is cast, where my children are educated, where my neighbors dwell, and where my life is chiefly lived. ' I HAVE CHOSEN IT after due consideration among all the cities 'of the earth. It la the home spot for mo. ' ' MY CITY has a right to my civic loyalty. It supports me and I must sup port it. . . MY CITY wants my citizenship, hot partlzanshlp; friendliness, not offlshness; co-opcratlon, not dissension; sympathy, nt criticism; my intelligent sup port, not indifference. MY CITY supplies mo with law and order, trade, friends, education, morals, recreation, and the rights of a free born American. .1 should believe In my city and work for it and I will." Published In tho Rotarian, the words of Edward Carson of the Raton, New Mexico Club, are applicable to Ashevlllo, just as much as any other city , in the lund. When you Invest money in this town, there ought to be a good deal of sentiment mixed up with It Clvlo spirit should be ths mv ing Impulse of your Investment If your Interest in your town is weak; to Just that degree is your Investment weak. If you buy a horns in Ashe vlllo or a lot for speculation, investment or as a building sits; do It be- ' cause you believe In your city. Faith in their city mads for Its oltUens ths ' city that Los Angeles la today. Asheville has Infinitely more to commend it as a city of importance than the California city aver had. It depends -upon our clvlo patriotism, our clvlo consciousness, for a city to be truly great; more than our physical potentialities. . Henry Talbot Sharp The Home Office 317 Drhumor Building REAL ESTATE Real Estate & Liberty Loan Bonds. HAVE FOR SALE some very de- sirable Orovs Park residences. A well located Cumberland avenue dwelling, hot water heat garage, etc., 310,000.00; six rooms sad sleeping porch, nearly new, Cum- berland section, , &uo.no; ten rooms, six rooms snd bath com- plete, Victoria section, ten minutes walk depot 86,600.00; two real- donees on Asheland avenue, pries respectively, $6,600.00 and 6,- 760.00; some good businsss lots near depot CASH for LIBERTT LOAN and VIC TORY BONDS. E. ZEPH RAY 13 Temple Court Phons 631. -'- Here's a Good Lot Investment A frontage of 200 feet on French Broad Ayenue by 149deep. The out-of-town owner writes us to sell quickly for $2,760 an average of $650 each for 6 40-foot lota. A nl.nill aina.,.MAMt Iiaii.. .It. I a song. Or you can build on ons and clean up on the others. This property was advertised last week! for $8,200. Very easy terms. - ACKSON & DAVIS American Bank Building Phones 2(71 and 2945. 1-1T-J J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. FOR SALE : real home, Ideally located, fins view and several oak trees. House has reception hall, living-room, dining- room, (utchen, four bed-rooms and bath. Third floor has servants room, bath and large storage room. servants toilet and heat plant Lot I Is 85x186 with double garage. Price fis.ooo.uo. Terms. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq. Phone 461, 1-18-3 J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. -.FOR SALE Seven-room house, sleeping porch. level lot, close In. Price $5,850.00. Terms. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack Sq. Phone 461. 1-18-3 J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. FOR SALE Close in 6 -room house, metal roof. Price $4,860.00. Bargain. J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 4 N. Pack 8q. Phone 481. . 1-18-3 List Tour Property For Rent With MOALE & ME KI WEATHER Hsywo3 Bldg. ' Phone 1 STEEET CAS SCHEDULE IN KFFKOT JLINSI . tstB. ZILLICO AND BaTEDBi s:s, sa I 8:30 a m. RrVERSrDB PARK 3:13 and an II minutes unui ii p. 0BPOT VIA BOUTIISTDB AVBNTTB- 6:30 a. m. and every 16 minutes untu 1:16 p. m, every 7jt- snnutes satu 1:41 p. m., tbao every 16 fitlautes until 11. U4 DEPOT VIA FRENCH BHOAS AW. SUK-4 a. m., and every 16 ailnutes until u p, m. MANOR a. an. ana every II minutes until 11 d. m. CHARLOTTB HTKEKT TURMJNtlS s a m. eng every is sonnies natu 11 s. ss.: 11:8 car runs tnreusbs retornloa mvi ma di cmr un V sa. PATTON AVENUB S S it minutes nntH 11 p. BAST 8TREBT 4 a m. and ersry II t.lnutm until 11 D. m. GRACE. VIA MEREI1ION aVUNuB. f a m. men srery is mieajtes untu ll hi. BILTMORB $ a m., and thap svery 18 in In 11 im, until 11 D. m.. ast ear. DEPOT AND WfJST ABHBVILLsJ VIA ROUTHSrDB AVKN1TB t a. m. aa4 every 16 minutes uatll a 8UNDAV SCHeOULB DIFFERS IIS THI FOLLOWINQ f AHTIOUkAMa. ' Car leaves Square Ibr Manor s and I 18 a as., un Bqiwv ana wmt, lata every 10 minutes until 6:10. Cars leave Sq tiara for Depot via South side avenue 6:30. 6:46. :0o. t.U, 4 1. t:00. 7:30. 8:00 and 8:30 a . Cars leave Square for Dspot via Freneh' Broad ave see 8:16. SC. 6:46. 7:U. 7:46 and 8:1k Car for Depot leaves Square 6:48 a as. both Bouthslds and French Bread. First ear leaves the Square Cor Char, loite street at a m. snd every SS mla " until 8:30; nest 8:46., m FUnt car loaves the square (or Bits, aide 1:30. next 8:4$. yirst ear laaves the Square for , Asheville :16. 7; next 8:3s. First oar las res Square for Biltmore 1:10 a m aaa every 10 sslautes uatli First ear leaves Square far Oraee 1:8s a m., and ' every 30 minutes until I a as. I Wltn I.O spots aiuxiaay schedules ceramenee st a. n. aad seat- Unne same as waek Sale 1 rw, Mtsiu whid entartalnmeata si ts mrai at the Aadltorhiia the laet trt a all lines will bar from swtartaUiaia saavtng Square at rrular lias aad 6mm Sjsi eras at Aaditartais. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL K 1-10-1 REAL ESTATE . "ToTrTAlTtr DONNAHOE & .RAWLS , 49 Patton Avenue. . , FOR SALE B-room bungalow ana I sleeping porcn, practically new, io-. ted on Hollywood street, 14,850. 7-room house in good condition, Vanes . snrew, se,sew.u. -room house located ' on Penland , vio ,i,.v, , -'"?on cottage. I-acres land on the Hsndersonviiie road, nsa Biltmore, . IS.000.00. l-om house, hot water heat large Jo, practically new, located , on . Merrlmon Avenue, pries 110.000.00. v-ruuut uuum luuniw un viayion street; large lot, $4,860.00. 10 -room house in good condition, lo cated on Motford avenue, $l,-y 000.00. - , , 6 -room 2 -story cottage, Annandals mv.nn tit 9KA AA Ws buy and sell real ssUts. ; Phons S49. DONNAHOE & RAWLS Tempts Court Building, v l-l-$ We Have the Houses to Sell That's our business. We fan please you in anything from a 4 -room cottage to a Orovs Park mansion,' according te your notion and your pocketbook. You cannot tell much ' about these paper houses that we real estate sharks paint in such lurid tints, but seeing is believing, . and we want to show you. If you really want a home and Have a cer tain amount of cash for ths first payment and believe you can take cars of the deferred payments, then phone us what sise house you want . and the hour you desire to see it, ; and ons of our cars will be at your , door while you are putting on your hat. Bervice is where we shine . In fact, we put ths serve In service. J A C K SQ N & DAVIS American Bank Building j-nones zti ana 3946. JOHN'ACEE & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. Rental and aales agents for the better class of business and residence property. -Practically everything on the mar-? ket. Business-like service and a quare deal is the aim of this office. Ask some of, those who have tried it. ' No. 10 Battery Park Place. ' Phone 315. On the Ground Floor. v . 9.14-tf We have a very complete- list - of large and handsome furnished and unfurnished private homes In ths best residential sections of Aihe- c vllle. Wtuld be glad to make an appointment to show you these. Also all kinds of properties for sale. ..; FORBES A CAMPBELL. : . 4 Patton Ave. Phons 28. Sales Agsnts Grove Park Propertlea fwHf iyivyy WflH US. - : l-t-tf FOR BALE Heuss of t rooms with rurniture, $0,800. Could be used as rooming house. Close In. " J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phones i 1204 or 1186. 1-17-g FUORNl HOUSES DESIKABLG house on Biltmore Ave nue. 6 rooms, 'glass enclosed sua " parlor, best localitv. near Knnll. worth Inn, on oar line. Immediate possession. Phone 2430. or write Box 897, Biltmore, N. C. P-l-18-8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bun galow. 6 rooms and & P.- House. -No. 27 Henrietta street. Phone 888. Call for Mr. Williams. 1-18-T FURNISHED home, furnace heat. ' garage. Desirable location. 274 Hillside Bt.. Phone Jtti. Pl-13-3 . FOR RENT Six room furnished house, very nice and clean. Apply 126 East Bt. Phone 674. Pl-16-1 FOR RENT Elegantly furnished 'Carolina Apartment J. M. Camp- , bell. Phone 16.-S-328.- P-l-16-7 SALES MEN WANTED SALESMAN1. WANTED By old re liant house to sell our new ts punch boards to merchants In small towns and country stores, . either regular or sideline salesman. Ter ritory now open. Big eommiaaScaa Writ for salesman outfit. Empire Manufacturing Co.. T26 W. Plums SL, Norfolk. Va. Pl-ll-s MUSIC AND ARTS. Avyivvi ALVA H. LOU E, teacher of pla.ni and Tetcau, Endorsed by the great . Eiirsnssn master. Alberto - Jonas. Residence studio at $1 Chestnut Bt." Phoas 60S. . r-1-1-8

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