'THIS AS11EVTLLE CITIZEN. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1920. BIG PER GENT. OF 1919 TAXES ALREADY PAID TO MAKE PLANS FOR WOMEN'S GAMP HERE LISTING OF PERSONAL PROPERTY THRIFT WEEK WILL UNDER THE NEW REVALUATION ACT! BE CARRIED TO SHOPS a JIEPORT MADE BY GRAND JURY TO COURT. SEVERAL THOUSAND EXPECTED TO TAKE TRAINING. Huiicombe Treasury Now Has on Miss Susanna Cocroft Will Be Jo Hunri $133,374.70 Offices of the j Charge of Camp -Conference to Officials Made Large Sum. Bo Held In Raleigh. The grand Jury reporting at this Mayor Gallatin Roberta has accept term of superior court for Buncombe ed an invitation to attend a confer oountv. filed a detailed stntement in i ence to bo held in Ra'elgh, Jan. 28 which it is shown that 71 per cent of the taxes for 1919 have been paid. This is considered good collections in that the first month's penalty of ono per cent additional for all taxes re maining; unpaid. Is January. On January 15 In the Buncombe treasury there were $133,374.70, ac cording; to the grand Jury report or dered made public by Judge Webb. In reporting the financial condition of the various courthouse offices the Jury filed the following: "We find the sheriff's office pays to the county a profit over and above expenses of about $6,000. We find the clerk's of fice made a profit of $3,500 over and above expenses for the year 1919. We found that the register of deeds office made a profit for the county of $3,000 over -and above expenses." The grand Jury flrrtt visited the county home when a tour of inspec tion of the public institutions was started. The Jurymen reported that they found located on the concrete road, five miles west or Asheville, a beautiful structure, and a county farm of 365 acres There are now 33 in mates who stated to the Jurymen that they are being well cared for nnrt re ceive a BufHcient quantity of well pro pared food. The home is in charge or Superintendent and Mrs. McHone, and they are fully discharging their duty, according to the Jurymen. They round 1,300 three-pound cans, and 135 gallons of berries which had been put up for use at the home. On the county home farm T57 bushels of wheat 700 bushels of corn and 52 bushels of rye, produced last year were inspectod by tho Jury and reported of a high grade and quality. Moro than 1,600 pounds of meat raised on the farm was found stored In the smoke house, and the jury in reference to this reported "it speaks for itself." At tho reformatory, run jointly by the county and city, the jury reported finding 10 boys who stated that the environment there is made as much like home as possible and that they are entirely satisfied With the treat ment they are receiving. Superinten dent and Mrs. R. B. Edwards, who have charge of the boys were highly commended by the Jury. "We also visited the convict camp and we found everything In such good condition that wo ate dinner at tho camp. We found in this camp 34 pris oners who are under the supervision of Captain Parker, whom we oom mend for his work," said the Jury in reporting the condition of the county kuhvici camp recently consolidated at .any mountain At the jail the Jury reported finding everything in good condition and said the prisoners spoke well of their treatment, saying they receive plenty of wholesome food and have good iea, ah ceiis were if una clean. The Installation of a new rango in the Kitcnen was recommended. to 30, In the interest of the proposed U. S. Training camp, which Susanna Cocroft will establish near Oteen, where she expects to train , several thousand women this summer. Miss Cocroft will attend the Raleigh meeting and many prominent men and women from various sections of the state will be in attendance at this time. Letters have been sent out by the Raleigh Women's club, at whose home the meeting wl'l bo held and re sponses have been very favorable, It' as slated. Miss Cocroft states that arrange ments are going forward to equip the ca High Value Personal Property Must Be Reflected on Tax Books A Real Listing of Solvent Credits Payment Cannot Be Enforced If Property Is Not Listed. SPEAKERS Willi CARRY SPECIAL MESSAGES. . Various Speakers to Apixtnr auMert-j ings Under Auspices of Local i Y. M. C. A. Committee. Personal property will be listed as of the first day of January, and will be actually listed between the first day of January and tho fifteenth day of May. Between these dates the county supervisor will publish notice of a schedulo of appointments In each township in his county to meet the taxpayers and receive their list. Any citizen who wants to get it on his hands before theso appoint ments can give In at any tlmo to the county supervisor at his office In the county seat town. How to Value Personal Property. At its actual cash value on Jan uary 1. . The state Is putting it up to you good and hard now, fr. Citizen, to do the square thing. It has given you an exemption of $300 in value, has ten in our lax laws llwit payment of credits could not bo enforced In the the courts If the credit were not listed for taxes, but there whh a loop hole, in that credits were listed In 0 lump sum and not Itemized. So a nominal sum could bo listed, and this used on which recovery was sought. The local Y. M. C. A.. In carrying out tho plan of tho National Thrift Week which is promoted by the in dustrial department of the V. M. O. , M1 parrv the mpHsaKO Of thrift to cover the particular credit ,,' tho jnjUHtrial plants of tho city, lich recovery was sought. The i ,,,, f (h r,.r -,rvlco held rovaluntlon act requires an itemized,,, , ,.,, u,. hi. week some luv- schedulo of all notes, with name of mn partiouiariv interested In the spo the maker. Bank accounts may bojcln, mcSHaK(, of the thrift program listed in lump sum. Liabilities claim-1 f ,,,, Ulty wlll g,.uk. The program ed as offset against credits listed are - ,ur,f, ,,.. I ..n Sunday afternoon i hiko requu-eu i ui-iiuz.-u. jv w,n a special Thrift message bcar- amp for 1,000 women but that she ...... , ,., . .,. .',. ance when the camp gets under way next duced tax rate, Personal property of practically all VE- LiB "eld.,tht ,he warlklnds his increased' in cash vTluo in ur,aiiiiriii will luiiiiaii loins una other equipment for he camp and that a fee will be charged for those that enter, which will cover the ex penses of the camp. Miss Cocroft, who is from Chicago. was commander of the V. S. Training Corps for Women during the war and as a result of her remarkable success with the corps, she was asked to take up ;hls work WILL PAY STUDENTS FOR USELESS ROOKS Parents Will Bo Compensated By State When Text Books Arc Ren dered rscfess by Change. THRIVE WORKERS WILL MEET TONIGHT Sapper Will Bo Served and Details Worked Out for Drive to Bo Con ducted on Tuesday. Supper will be served this evening at 6:30 o'clock by the ladles' auxil iary of the Y. M. C. A., which will be the beginning of the big one day arive tor lunds ror the local Y. M C A., ror the current year. II. A. Dunham, the director of the cam paign, has lined up with him about 7 6 or tne best canvassers of the city and these men will doubtless go out and secure the funds necessary. The association Is merging all their calls for expenses during the year into one campaign thus saving the city irom several cans during the year. The captains of the drive are: P. R. Allen, C. H. Honess, J. J. Nichols, Frank Smith, Chester Brown, B. C. Greene. E. E. Wheeler and Dr. J. T. Sevier. All the workers arff urired to be on time this evening and hear the plans ior tne a rive. GENERAL'S QUINT IS GETTING INTO FORM Arbogast Absent and His place Is De clared Hard to Fill. (Sneclal to The Citizen.) LEXINGTON, Va., Jan. 18. The Generals' qufnt la rapidly rounding into rorm. ine game witn Hampden Sldney gave Coach Raftery an oppor tunity to observe his new combination in action and to form some definite idea of what to expect from the blue and white team. Captain Bryanl. Hines and McCain are playing an ex cellent game ably backed by Engle tfy, the old reliable of the 1919 quint. Arbogast of the last year's team, has been declared Ineligible, and His ab sence will be felt considerably. How ever, Moore, of the Great Lakes team, is showing up In splendid fashion. He is an excellent shot and a fast and sure floor worker, scoring more points than any other man In the game against Hampden-Bidney. Raftery says that his varsltv team is not picked yet and this in spits of tne tact mat ail tne men mentioned above are experienced players. There are three men, Buskirk, Johnson and Harris, of the last year's scrubs who are showing up well and who may se cure places better this year, Buskirk and Harris were given an, opportun ity in Tuesday's game and both pleased the coach. Besides these old men there are several new players who have caught the eye of the coach. On the whole the Generals are in about as good shape as ever and every opponent of , the. season may expect a -lively game. tinder a new legislative act parents, whose xhildren enrolled in the high schools of the state, will be enumer ated for text books that have to be abandoned, when the children move from one county to another. The enforcement of the act is now In the hands of Supt. II. P. Harding, of Charlotte. "We have been called to meet In Raleigh January 28," said Superinten dent Harding, "to adopt a list of high school text books, and it is the nlan of the committee to make this list clastic, so that each county can choose from several books adopted, the text book which tho county committee, to be named for the purpose, shall select. "It is because of the probable differ ence In the high school text book lists of the various counties, that the stato has provided a reasonable remunera tion to parents or pupils who move to a new county and have to buy new high school-books." - .. The committee has examined nearly 500 books and has held one session in Raleigh. The meeting January 28 will complete the work of this committee. Members of the state committee are N. A. Walker, of ChaDel Hill, state high school Inspector; H, B. Smith, of New Bern; Superintendent Holton, of Durham county; Principal Dry, of the town of Cary, and Superintendent H. P. Harding of Charlotte. Each county In the state will have a con oooks rrom the Interchangeable Ht that wil. be announced by the state committee from Raleigh. list indebtedness to U as an offset If he fulls to list hi credits against A. All Property Muxt lie Lasted. Our supreme court has said that the legal fiction that personal prop erty follows tho domicile of the own er has no application to mutters of revenue, and our tax laws provide that it shall not apply to tangible personal property, but that such property shall bo listed where located. There are vast quantities of per ing on the thought of "Hliaro witn others." Tho members of tho Underwriters association of the city are taking sperlul interest In the programs and will preach the gospel of insurance on Monday In shops of the city. The following places will be visited on Monday with insurance speakers: Southern Hound house Dan Hill. Carolina Machine company Thus. Hume. National Casket company Col. about tho same proportion as real properly. nuiitti jiruju-i iy in nm oiuii jJohn Under The tax lister Is expecting you to to non-resident owners. All such ' lnlmeryj r Martin have this standard of value In mind property muxt be listed where lo- HtrMt ..ar barn Mr Taylor when listing your personal property cated. cither by the owner or some ,,,llna WoHd- proaUcfs company conservative actual cash value, Jan- one as agent for the owner. j u v wnion.i uary 1 basis. , . Solvent Credit. I -"; Nola ml Ho also exDects you to have a good The general rule that personal memory and return a complete list, property follows the domicile of tho of all the personal property owned owner does not even apply to sol or which you may be under obllga- vent credits in many cases. (Itcd tlon to return as trustee in any enpac- moml vs. Commissioners, 87th N. C.) ily for another. I If the owner maintains an establish- The administration of this rcval-led business agency, all credits in uatlon act will bo a great disappoint-1 cldent to such agency in this state, ment if It falls to disclose the listing and extended in the course of such of u, vast amount in quantity and i business located in this state, hae a value of personal property, both tan-1 taxable situs here and must bnf so gible and intangible. listed. In all cases of non-resulent Listing of Solvent Credits. corporations doing business in' this The revaluation act anticipates a: stato. report of such credits will be full listing of solvent credits. No citizen can hereafter satisfy his con science by dodging this issue, for tax rates that confiscate Income from sol vent credits wlll no longer prevail against them. Any ono who here after evades his legal obligation in this matter becomes a plain tax dodger, and with the knowledge that a real effort will be made to locate him if he does dodge. It has for several years been writ- made to the stato tax commission and certified to the county in which agency is located. Who Are Residents? Our tax laws establish a definition of citizenship for purposes of taxa tion that is clear and simple: "When a person. has two or more places in which he occasionally dwells, his residence shall be the place at which he resided the longest period of time the preceding 12 months." LOCAL HIGH WILL PLAY RUTHERFORD Basketball Game Scheduled for Vcb. 3 at Local School Trip to Knox vllle Next. The next game on the schedule of the Asheville high school basketball team is on Februarys, with:Jtutner SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO AUTO NEAR ARDEN Flve-Posseugcr Car Turned Over Kin Imnlunent and Woman Hurt The Names Could Not Be Learned. sentatives of their special companies but will explain the need of each per Bon carrying insurance for tho pro tection of their homes. Tins other subjects to be presented during tho week and their speakers as well as places meetings will be held arc as follows: Tuesday Carolina Woods Products company "Own your own homo day." Speaker Charles R. Moore. Wednesday Southerni Round house "To emphasize the importance of making a will,", speaker Zob. Curtis. Thursday National Casket com pany "Tho interests of employer and employe" N. Bucknor, secretary Board of Trado. Kriday Hans Rees tannery "Fam ily Budget Day" Edwin Gill, speaker. In oarrying out this program the association will carry the message of Thrift to hundreds of men of the city. A number of business houses of tho city are carrying large ads in tho in terest of tho National Thrift programs. 30- DRESSES -30 Excellent Styles and Materials Selected from our Stock . $25 to $37.50 Values Special Price $15 Today Only Our January Clearance Sale is without a doubt the opportunity of the season for you to obtain high . grade merchandise at so low a price. J. J. BRITT SPOKE AT BARNARDSVILLE Meeting Held for Enforcement Prohibition in Country. of An automobile aceidenf occurred yesterday afternoon about five o'clock, movement when a five-passengor Bulck automo- A meeting was held yesterday morn ing at B.arnardsville and one yesterday afternoon at Democrat in the interest of the enforcement of prohibition. Considerable Interest was shown In the and among those who ford college, and will be flayed at the bl'e ran off a 10-foot embankment on local high school gymnasium. This the road this side of Arden. Up to' game js being looked forward to with midnight last night it had not been much interest by the local basket- learned who the parties were, but it ball fans, as it is understood that tho was stated that the car had a North Rutherford team is a strong one, and, Carolina license number on it which the local team will no doubt put up a splendid contest with them. The second event on the schedule is a trip on February 8 to 10 to Knox- ville. Tenn., where they will meet . . . . . W s-, . t I. , 1- ,.,-.,,!., m . . , tne learns vi me vemiu.. m&u oT'o'm? the Sonant TS i F?"nta'n 9 ! f .thAl irip win uuumieoa ira mi cujujuuio one, not only a a basketball trip but also as one of pleasure. This trip will probably end the basketball season for the local high school. So far the season has been a very successful one, although the lo cals have lost one or two games, they have won the remaining pnes with high scores. SCHEDULE OF GAMES OF STATE COLLEGE Sixteen Contests Have Been Contracted By Manager Stafford. ASK COMMISSIONERS TO RACK MOVEMENT Board of Trade Seeks Support; of the County Board for Proposed Good Roads Legislation. v KJx Isass-MurinsforRcd. J2 ness. Soreness, Granu- I m LTvTV . " sicningjanc UN 1.1 LJ ErfUdsi t Drops After the Bumlnff of the Eyes o w Maries, Metorki I4asiM jre Hexasdjr Co Cblct . The county commissioners are ex pected to endorse officially the pro posed legislation for srond roartu which means the authorizing of bonds for the building of highways in all sections of the state, when they meet In regular session this morning at the courthouse. Secretary N. Buckner, of the Board of. Trade, has p'aced the matter oeiore me commissioners and their endorsement of the 'movement nas been sought by many other mo. pie. Neither of the three commissioners would commit themselves whrtn questioned concerning their attitude lowaru tne project, but it Is under stood they are all favorable to the good road legislation. -' Other than this matter nothing of copeuim importance is exnnctMl tn command the attention of the com missioners today. LEAGUE TEAMS TO PLAY HERE MAR. 29 ATLANTA, Ca,. Jan. 18. Klhrn games will be played in the Joint ex hibition series between the Rnitnn Nationals and the Detroit Americana, according to the schedule announced here tonight by Walter E. Hapgood, business manager of the Braves. i ne scneauie follows: - March 23. at Columbus. On.: 24th. Moultrie, Ga.; 26th, Valdosta, Ga.; 26th.' Eastman, Ga.: 27th, Macon. Ga.; 28th, Atlanta, Ga.: 29th. Ashe ville, N. G; 80th, Spencer. N. C; Jlst, Greensboro, N. C: Anril 1st. Goldsboro, N. C; 2nd, Durham, N. 3rd, Bluefleld, W. Va.: 4th. Charleston, W. Va.; 6th, Huntington, W. Va.; th, Parkersburg, W. Va.; 7th, Clarksburg, W. Va.; 8th. Klkins, W. Va.; 9th. Cumberland, Md. On April 10 Detroit plays in In dianapolis and Boston at Jersey City. MEMPHIS CLUB GETS GOLF TOURNAMENT 19 was 48-859. It is understood that there were five passengers in the tear, three men and two women and the cause of the accident has not been ascertained. It was stated that one of the party had received a bad cut about her face when she was thrown through the windshield of the oar wheh It turned up on Its side. None of the other members of the party were hurt, it was stated. spoke was J, J. Brltt, who read the 18th amendment, (he history and tne adoption of the prohibition law. He also explained the legislation and the enforcement of it. A large attendance was present and much Interest was shown in the meetings. v Under the auspices of the American Business Man's Committee a dinner is to be given In New York city today In honor of the United States senators who on November 8, 1919, voted for reservations to the League of Nations covenant. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. The western amateur golf championship tourna ment was awarded to the Memphis Pntintrv nlnh tonlrht at th annual meeting of the Western Golf associa tion here This is the first time the western amateur championship has been awarded to a, club south of the Ohio river. The directors set . the amateur championship for July IS to u, but left the dates for the other two events until later to avoid conflict with the United Slates Golf association, which has not yet announced its tourna ment dates. WEST RALEIGH. Jan. 18. A par tial schedule of games for the Stato college basketball team, announced by Graduate Manager T. H. Stafford, calls for 16 contests with six exhibi tions of the popular indoor sport stand on the Kalelgh auditorium court. An exchange of games with j every college in the state is a feature while nines with V. P. I., 8outh At lantic champions of 1919, Washington and Lee, and the strong quintet rep resenting the Lynchburg Athletic club wtu be played on foreign soil. Another game with Carolina will be arranged for the University court and the management is negotiating with several other strong; teams for games in Raleigh. The schedule completed to .date fol lows: Jan. 21 Elon at Raleigh. Jan. 27 'Davidson at Raleigh. Jan. 80 Guilford at Raleigh. Feb. 2 Wake Forest at Raleigh. $b. 7 Trinity at Raleigh. Feb. 14 Wake Forest at Wake Forest. Feb. 21 V. P. I. at Richmond. Va. Feb. 2S Elon at Elon. Feb. 24 Lynchburg Athletic Club at Lynchburg, Va. Feb. 26 Washington and Lee at Lexington, Va. Feb. 29 Guilford at Guilford. ! Feb. 27 Charlotte 'Y" at Charlotte. Feb. 28 Davidson at Davidson. March 6 Carolina at Raleigh. Coach Crosier, the former wily men tor of so many famous quints at Wake Forest, is now. directing the Tech play. The' preliminary work of the squad before the holidays gives promises of another great Red and White team this year. Captain Cllne, Ripple, Groome, Park, Ourley, and Deal, all members of former championship teams, re ported for practice last night. In ad dition to these men there are a num ber of promising candidates from last year's squad with several likely look ing lads from the freshman class pushing, the regulars hard for positions. WILL OPEN OFFICE AS ACCOUNTANT Announcement is made by W. 11 Zimmerman that he has opened a public accountant's office at room No. 217 Drhumor building, the for-! mer quarters of D. G. Dovenish. Mr. ' Zimmerman has been connected with! business concerns in Asheville sl"ce I 1905: and Is well known in the city. He ' was formerly with the coxe ! estate offices on Government street and- for several months he has been j with Gude and company and Grude- Krebs and company, as auditor, on the Job at Oteen. NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost Asheville Welding Co. Phone 1116. 63-66 Biltmore Ave. The Leading Corporation in an $800,000,000 Industry. Purchasers of Famous Players-Lasky Corpo ration 8 Preferred Stock enjoy a preferred interest in the leading corporation in the mo tion picture industry, Figures compiled by The Wall Street Journal indicate that more than $800,000,000 is invested in motion pic . ture theatres in this country. As the largest single factor in the industry. Famous Players-' Lasky Corporation supplies 75 of these the atres all or part of the time. Famous Players-Lasky Corporation Preferred ' is an 8 Cumulatiye Stock and has tho valu able privilege of conversion into Common Stock (now listed on New York Stock Ex change) at the holder's option. The Corporation's net earnings (after taxes) . , are at the tate of five times dividend require- . ments on the Preferred Stock. Net assets, $223 per share. ' ', Subscriptions received at tlOO per shato and accrued dividends, yielding per cent. lCxempt front Normal Federal Income Tax. DURFEY & MARR INVESTMENT SECURITIES RALEIGH, N. C. Genuine Imported , , ROCQUEFORT CHEESE Securely packed in foil to retain its rich, delicious flavor SAWYER GROCERY CO. Bneeessnrs to lawyer A Stttaawy OTie STOKE Banltary Where QTJAXJTY la raraeBonat Phoas tSOft . S Crtliea NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Blue Ridge Building Loan Association will be held on Wednesday, January Slat. 1920. at 4:30 p. m. in the Board .Room, No. 30 Paragon building. EDWIN h. RAT. Soc-Treas. ' .. . 1-11-1 Arnold (Chick) Oandil, first base man of the Chicago American league baseball team, bora at BC Paul, tl ears ago today. The Beauties of Springtime U Sot Told Alone In Flowers and Foliage - Mew ppM . Stlylles In Dainty Footwear Advanced styles of our New Spring Pumps and Oxfords have arrived and each express will each day from now until Spring, add styles and modes that will easily distinguish and thoroughly establish our claim for leadership in newer and better qualities. To See These is to Know the Styles for Spring SHOE. STOKE Easy to Find ' . 4 Bfltmore At. " , Worth Finding