.1 . I THE A3HEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1920. The Mammoth Furniture Store Intelligent, efficient, attractive ILLUMINATION for every home and every income You should select lighting fixtures with special care because when installed they become permanent adjuncts to your home. The comfort you derive is largely7 dependent upon your judgment in select ing the right kind of illumination. We have a large assortment of Table and Floor Lamps and will be glad to assist you in making a selection. V J. L. SMATHERS & SONS. 15-17 Broadway Phoney 226 24-26 Lexington i Around Town. i ' Circle to Meet The Ann of Ava etrole of the First Baptist church will moot this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. W. K. Held, J 97 Merrlmon avenue. Not to Open Murray Hill school will not be open today as had been J previously announced, owing to the ract mat me repair pari zor uie Don ers have not yet arrived. Announce ments will be made later when the school will reopen. You will find long winter hours shorter when reading GOOD BOOKS. . Hero are a few of our many choice new ones: The Great Impersonation, by B. Phillips Oppenhelra $1.75 Mammy's White Folks, by Emma Speed Sampson.... $1.50 The Ridin' Kid From Powder River, W. U. Knlbs, . . .$1.75 The Young Visitors, by Daisy Ashford . $1.00 ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 Firemen Called The Are depart ment was called last night at t:l o'clock to Munson's Grocery store on Broadway, where considerable smoke was being caused In the basement by the furnace. No damage was done. Elba Yates CircleThe Eliza. Yates circle of the First Baptist church will meet with .Mrs. Greenwood at her home, 92 Church street, Tuesday af ternoon at 3:80 o'clock. As thin Is a social and business meeting combined, all "members are urged to attend. Largo Hog N. M. and J. II. Rog ers, who live near Marshall, killed a hog last week which weighed 761 pounds gross and 6S1 net. This hog was two years old and la probably the largest that has been killed In the past year in western North Carolina, for its age. Cole's Combination High Oven Range The most satisfactory article on the market New Price $85.00 Our price until Jan. 30. . .$65.00 Without water coil $60.00 Give us your order now. Northup - McDuffie ' Hardware Co. f i Headquarters No. 33 Patton Ave. Phone 142 Washington Forecasts. WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. Virginia Fair, continued cold Monday; Tues day, snow or rain in north, rain south portion, somewhat warmer. North Carolina Fair Monday, Tuesday partly cloudy, and somowhat warmer. Georgia Fair Monday, warmer northwest portion, Tuesday fair, warmer interior. Florida Fair Monday and Tuesday, little change in temperature. , Kxtrome northwest Florida Ala bama fair Monday and Tuesday, slightly warmer Monday. Mississippi Fair Monday, slightly warmer north portion, Tuesday lair, I Tennessee Fair Monday, somewhat 'warmer, snow Tuesday, colder, prob jably rain east portion. Kentucky Partly cloudy and war mer Monday, snow or rain at night and Tuesday, probably' colder Tues day nignt. Bouth Carolina Fair Monday, Tuesday lair, slightly warmer. LOS ANGELES WOMAN Instead of Utilizing Regular Method and Employing a Campaign Manager. iilllUlii'iimiiiiuii.i -- 1 January Stock- MERRITT M. WILPOED IS DEAD IN TEXAS Brother of Bfrs. C. W. Balrd Was Well Known Here. ; News has been received in the city of the death of Merritt M. Wllford, Of Fort Worth, Texas. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. C. W. Balrd, of 7S Cumberland avenue. Mr. Wllford was a native of Kentucky and was well known here, having visited here for a number of years. r Funeral services will be. held to morrow at New Orleans, Xa. ' 1 m IGGEST SI EST st. ; s MITH'S ER'VICE TORE 60 YEARS IX KltTJGS fifr THE BCSV COTtXEB " su "THE POPCLAll FOCNTAIX HOME OF THE CAREFUL DRUGGIST v , 1 1 a Phonce 1 1 7 SMITH'S DRUG STORE V - N'o. 1 Bilunoro Avenue FUNERAL MRS. BONNiWELL THIS MORNING New Cavalry Platoon Will Be Mustered In Wednes day Night. ; (Special to The Citisen.) HICKORK. Jan. 18. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Bonnlwell, whose death occurred at her home on Tenth ave nue Friday night, will be conducted fror v"1 V'rs Bnptl"! church Monday TOO WEAK TO DO ANYTHING nvSeriont Feminine Illness Remedied By LydiaL Pinkham's Vegetable ' Compound- ' Casco, Wis. - "After the birth of etch . T hut rftanlaeement sad "J 1 I I w " " - - I couldn't do anything I found a hook about LydisKPink- bim'i Vegetable Compound so thought I would try it, and after taking it I soon felt bet ter. That was fif- I teen years ago and II bare xeHweu ever since except tnat 1 had a aught anaex ffTmrnmn L -I W -II I .J m i i- -.ma fiiM tm mi tsmlr tome more of your Compound and was toon all right again. I always recom mend your medicine and you may pub " ash my testimonial for the benefit ox other women, "lira, JrLES BEBO, Jr., R. 1, Box 99, Casco, Wis. LydiaE. Pinkham's VegetaW; Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the siost successful remedy for female ills in this country, snd thousands of vol mtary testimonials prove thu fact. If you hare the slightest doubt that ydia E. Ptakham'aegetabls Corn hound will help you, write to Lrdia K. Pinkhsm Medicine Co. . (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your tttar morning at ten o'clock. . She would have been tt years old had she lived until May 10 next, had been a resi dent of Hickory for more than 25 yearn, and was the oldest living- mem ber of the First Baptist church, of which she was a devoted member. Mrs. Bonniwell was married twice, her second husband being the late James C Bonnlwell of this city. She had no children of her own, but was a real mother and grandmother to her husband's offspring and was loved by them. She was a native of Milwaukee..- Capt Wade,- Bowman was in formed today that an inspector rep resenting the war department would be here next Wednesday night for the purpose of mustering in the platoon of cavalry recently organized in Hickory. There are 45 members, several more than the required number, but all men will be retained in the, ' hope that the formation of a troop will not be "delayed many days. Maj. W, A. Fair of Uncohiton writes that the formation of a platoon there and an other as Hickory makes these" cities the second to comply with the provi sions of the military law and to re ceive their units. , . - F. A. Cllnard. who. Is census enu merator for the city of Hickory, an nounced today that he had completed his work in half tho town, but no idea of the population could be had from him. Guesses .before the work began placed the population of the jlty proper at something like 5,000, though the growth of .the suburbs, where most . of the manufacturing plants are located, will bo great. An Increase of 100 per' cent is expected In some municipalities adjoining Hickory. v Rev. JT. P. Miller, a native of Ca tawba county and formerly professor In Lenoir college. Hickory, and in Lutheran college, Charlotte has re signed the pastorate of the First Eng lish Lutheran church, of Tyrone, Pa., to accept a call to Richmond. Ind. Rev. Mr. Miller Is pleasantly remem bered in Hickory and this entire sec tion. He is a brother -of Mrs. D. J. Suttlomyre, of Hickory.. ... HOTEL COMMITTEE MET ON SATURDAY ' 1 A meeting of the hotel committee of the Board of Trade was held Satur day' afternoon, at "which time several matters pertaining to the securing of a targe hotel for Aaheville were gone into by the members. No (definite decision was reached concerning these matters, but- the committee will hold another meeting in a few days, when the matter .will be f urther taken up. - SEAPLANES TAKING PART IN MANEUVERS OS BOARD a s. PENN3YL- VANLV, Jan. 18. (By -Wireless to the Associated Press.) A group of .sea planes, under command of JUeutenant- i Commander B. O. Lelghton, of the Atlantic fleet arrived at Guantanamo ! from Key West at o'clock this j morning to take part in the winter maneuvers' of the Aalantle fleet In West Indian water. The United States Shawmut, mother ship of the aviation detachment, commanded by Captain George Steel, entered Guantanamo Bay two hours before the aerial squadron. 'The busy days of the sail ors aboard the battleships and other vessels have been tempered by various forms of Atlantic games ashore and movies each night. HONOR FOB BEXSOX. 1 ROME," Saturday, Jan. 17. Pope Benedict has conferred upon Admiral William & Benson, chief of navar op erations of the United States the grand cross of L Gregory the Great, mili tary cross. ' The decoration of the orfler will be sent to Admiral Benson through Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore. a - look young; . . darken gray hair No Longer Xecessary to Have Gray, . Faded, Lifeless Hair. Q-Ban Hatr ' Color Restorer barkens So . lTvenly No Ono Can Till. f Ashevllte tltlzen Cureau, i 401 Merchants' Bank I Building. ( arias b. wakheni RALEIGH. Jan. 18. Cameron Morrison may leave the beaten path In handling his campaign, say friends, and political observers In Raleigh, In that he may put the campaign in the hands of a, committee, rather than select a campagn manager. This new method of handling a campaign has the advantage of getting several heads together rather than have ev erything In the bands of one man. Candidate Morrison, it is said, ex pects to come to Raleigh some time during the. next week, and In the conference here with friends "will come to a definite conclusion about the campaign managership and the Kuloleh neaaquarters. Mr. Morn son has already opened headquarters In Charlotte, and will maintain them there for the whole campaign, it 1 predicted. ' The establishment of camnalcn headquarters in Raleigh, also would mean that a great deal more expense would be Incurred and even though a man might be willing to- spend all tho money he couici get his hands on In the campaign, the law prevents the lavish expenditure of money to secure a nomination At the present time Morrison is personally looking after headquarters in Charlotte, but is expected to make some decision in the near future about the man or men who will di rect the campaign from now until the primary. Mayor Frank McNinch, of Charlotte, is being talked tor the campaign managership, If that type of an organisation Is decided on, or for one of the Pisces on the cam paign committee should this type of organisation be the decision of Mr. Morrison and hia political, rnenas. It is pointed out that McNinch was prominent in the Kitchen campaign. McNinch would hardly be lu a po sition to leave Charlotte so the Ral eigh headquarters, if they are es tablished, would be looked after by some other member of the commit tee. All of these questions have bothered the Morrison friends since the near year came, and they are hoping their candidate will settle tho matter some time soon. Boost Orphanages. The North Carolina orphanages got a big financial lift as a result of the ' Thanksgiving campaign for do nations, conducted under the aus pices of the North Carolina Orphan' age association. This is indicated in the incomplete reports which M. L. Shlpman, chairman of the committee, has ' received from the ' different or phanages. The amounts received from this Thanksgiving day offering were tne largest oi any. year since the movement was undertaken, and the figure particularly gratifying to those who aided in tne work. The amounts range anywhere from the $-385 given to the colored orphan age at Oxford, to the $80,000 turned over to the Baptist ! orphanage at Thomasvills. The Methodist orphans were given about f 40,000 at a Thanksgiving- offering, while the ' reports from the Masonic orphanage at Ox ford showed returns of about $80,' 000 the last time they were totaled and forwarded to Mr. Shlpman Nothing, so far, has been heard from the Barnum Springs orphanage. The Odd . Fellows have collected about $5,500 for their institution at Golds boro, with more expected, when the reports were made. , f nrnmiMinn to mm. Findlng it impossible to complete their work' in the time set aside for the first conference, members of the high school ' text book - commission. have adjourned to meet again on Jan uary ZH. at which time final, dispo sition will be mad of the text book list to be adopted for use in the high schools of the state. The members ot the commission went over the re ports of the various members, and came to tentative agreements on a large number or the books. . Final endorsement of' th commission will be made at the January 28 meet ing, in order to comply with the law requiring, the report to be made be fore - the 1 first' of February. v The commission says that the book companies have turned out a larger number of attractive books this year than ever, before, and for that rea son the task of agreeing on the ones for state adoption Is all the more difficult. 'Members of the commis sion found it necessary to examine over 600 books during the past three months in order to make a report at the mooting- held this week. AfterSendingHundredsofig AdlUStment baW Dollars Vainly Seekingip Health, Mrs. Parker Says j j TanlaC Has Restored Her.ilH I . Every Suit, Dress, Coat and Hat must be sold," e- -. Hf gardless of price. We must make room for our Spring merchandise, which is arriving daily. . "My troubles have been completely overcome since I began taking Tan lap and I am enjoying tho best health I have had In twenty years." said Mrs. M. Parker, ot 428 Kast Third St., Loa Angles, (Sal. "I- spent several thousand dollars for medicine and treatments," she continued, "but it was just money thrown away, for I never got Rny ro lief from my suffering until I com menced taking Tanluc. I was prac tically an Invalid for twenty years and all my trouble was caused by the awful condition of my stomach. A great part of the tlmo I was confined to my bed simply too weak to be up. I could eat but very little, and that dis agreed with me so I suffered trrlbly from gas.- To make matters worse I was attacked by rheumatism In my arms and legs, which caused me no end of paid and misery. I never got a good night's sleep and became ex tremely nervous. . Well. I have Just Snished my fourth bottle of Tanlao and it is wonderful tho way I have Improved. Why, I feel o well and strong I do all my house work without the least trouble. Last week I actually did the family wash ing, and it has been many years since I Sid anything like that My appetite Is nne and nothing disagrees with me. I sleep restfully and get up feeling refreshed every morning. The rhcuma h iniimlv disappeared and T..I., Hoanrvna every bit of the credit" ' Tanlao is sola in Ainoyui. . , riniPffistH. Advt vv' " BIOARMY AND NAVY ADVOCATED BY WOOD t- MAlir-fieneral Leonard Wood.- speaking to member. of the American ui""' . "ri . ,.i, for a large navy and asserted that au we have now Is a floating death trap." .. 5 "I'U T Tone. ana an army the nation in times of peace. We need a good navy, I'T Z iood ships." He also advocated a large merchant marine. a won ured the adoption of a "law ana oraer aioan. jjy , ) III I II "' OFFERS NEW M TO PHESENT 1NFLUENZR Prominent Kentucky Pharmacist Says Simple Home Made Mlxtare . , Is Splendid, mkn.. la t nil much mystery floating around about Influensa. " Whv not ei o ' i. "fi ih vinious rsrms DISH H-nui mwsmwj r- - before they can do any damage ? People with catarrh and acute co ds . i.- u numintnni microbes Of in- I y vw aSSw w w"w t fluenza, so why not make the mem hr&na of the nose and throat proof against germs. '.- ',.''".'' '-- If people wno nav cuius v tarrh will Just get three-quarters of j HffttrifhAllttail ArellM And BO V UW " mix it with a pint of water that has been boned, tney win nave a very generous and not costly supply of medicine that will quickly soothe and heal the sore Inflamed membrane and make It so healthy that the most am bitious germs will have a hard time finding lodging. Snuff or spray this prescription Into the nostrils and gargle the throat two or three times a day as directed. up nostrils and makes the entire nasal tract clean and healthy. Leading pimnimcuui rverwueni anpenw begun to learn of Its-wonderful vir tue. . . v . . ' i . AdV. 3 Come here today or any day this week. You will be delighted at the remarkably low prices we offer our patrons on every article in this store, CADI SON'S A FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES Fourteen Biltmore Avenue in s'.n i Hi .. ami TO LEASE SUPPLY BASES TO CONCERNS You can have a full head 'of beautt ful,-evenly dark, soft and lustrous hair, no matter if you are middle aged and your hair is now gray, faded and "worn out". All you have t do is to cOmb Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer into your hair once or twice a day. and in a few weeks the beautiful dark color your hair used to have will come bark. You will actually see new- beautiful aarK nair. . It is no trouble whatever and Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer will do what many others rail to accomplish because it is made according to scientific orinclDles which guarantee that the original dark coior or your nair .win be restored if you will just use Q-Ban as directed. Try Q-Ban at our risk. Sold by drug stores or oy man, 7 a cents. u. a. Walker drug store, Asheville, N. C. - - Advt f,l WEIB BODIES Yet; There Is a Gentle, Bet ter Way. ; ; When the body clogs don't try to clean out the accumulated poisons by using strong physics that rend their way through the tender ' intestinal tracts like so much dynamite. i Use Bloan's Relief Tableta They're gentle as nature and yet do the work unfailingly. Body gripe end - pains which accompany the use of physics of the "dynamite" class, are never felt when Sloan's Relief Tablets are osed. - Besides, they cause no habit In fact, they will release any one now in the tolls of S habit forming physic. Demand, buy and use Sloan's Relief Tableta always. - - Plfrtributed by The Ploan Products PLAXXIXrt TO MCSTER IV DURHAM COMPANY TONIGHT RALEIGH. Jan. IS.- The adjutant general has been Informed that the Durham machine gun company will be mustered into the federal service on Monday night unless there Is some unlooked for hitch. ; This will be' the first company In the newly organised national guard in North Carolina to be given federal recognition. The -Lln-conton company of cavalry will pro bably be mustered In sometime next week.-:-:- CHEST CLOGGE UP WITH HEAVY COLD? Don't give it a chance to "set in" Use Dr. King's New Discovery. f I " HAT dangerous stage 'where a Icold or cough or case of grippe might get the better of you may be nearer than you think. Prompt action with Dr. King's New Discovery will avert a long siege. Por fifty years It has loosened con gested chefes, dissipated tight-packed phlegm, broken vicious colds and coughs. Give it to the youngsters take it yourself. There will be no dis arreeable after-effects. Oo and 11.30 a bottle at your druggist's.' r ' ' - BLISS NATIVE HERB TABLETS .Don't ' be a health slacker and allow yourself to yield to the dangers which are a sure result of neglect. As soon as you feel the nrst pangs of rheuma tism, or suffer from Constipation, Sick Headache, or Biliousness, take Bliss Native Herb Tableta and you will find marked improvement in health and vigor. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are recognised as the standard herb rem edy for cleansing the system, regu lating the aotlon of liver and kidneys, pu-lfying the blood, and warding off disease. A dollar box contains loo tablets, and lasts the' average family six months. Money back guarantee on every box. None genuine v"JV wltheut the trade mark. ; Put J) up in two slsss. Mo. and $1.00. Sold by loading druggists every where. Made by Alonso O. Bliss Co Washington, D, C- ' - . WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. Portions of the army supply bases and termi nals located on the Atlantic and Oulf coasts will be leased to commsroial Arms as they are released from mili tary use, Secretary Baker announced today. The decision, it was said, is It year Stomach Is weak and yen sailer with Isdlgestiea, - doa't sacrifice onr healtk and comfort Yea taay sat asrythlng yes like, sad relish It. rfyootsAssaesrtws . OB. TUTTS UVEB PILLS whea required. will digest year feedi Bearish and bfllld as year System eliminating all se4 soaew wiists matter and strsagth ca as stoauck. y ,; in Jlne with the war department's pol icy to "offer all assistance and every facility at Its disposal for the devel opment of American commerce and a large American mercantile marine." ' The ports at which terminal facili ties are now or soon will he available for lease are Boston, South Brooklyn, Port Newark, N. J Philadelphia, Norfolk, Charleston. 8. C New Or leans and Hoboken. 1 ' ' m m -Mg-e--3 MUlss's Axis tie Oil, bm a - qCio E Will PosiUnlr Rslleve rata la pew -. SUaatss) . Try It right Bew. for Shenmatlsm, Kenrsl gls, Lnrabago, sore, stiff and swollen Joints, psln in the head, back sod limhs, corn!, boulons, etc. After one appllmUoa Paiu usually diss ppesrs ss if by magic . A new remedy used intsraslly and t teroslly for Coorhi, Colils, Crsun, Inf In ert ts. Bore Throat, Diphtheria sad Tou siHtis. .... . TUli Oil Is conceded to be the molt bene, trallng remedy known. Its prompt snd lrn. mediate effect In relieving psln is due tm tbe fact that It penetrntes to the sfrwffl parts at once. As an illustration, poor "a drops en tbe thickest piece of sol leather and It will penetrate this snnatance torouga and through in three mlnntss. Amwpt no stibatltute, Q'his crest ell is golden .red color only. Manufactured by llerb Juice WodlclueJtotnenJ'v ! . ' Every 'bottle guavanteed : at the Dr. T. C. Smith Drug Co.. , Advt. A. D. Watts J. B. Glover, Jr. Sam N. Johnson J. H. Courtney W. H. Ross "C. E. Priok f The Federal Tax Service Company of The Carolina. OFFICES: 103 Trust Building, Charlotte, N. C . 1-2 Palrrietto Building, Greenville,' S. C Columbia. S. C, , INCOME and EXCESS PROFITS tax returns can not be properly prepared in accordance with the LAW and REGU LATIONS except by TRAINED . EXPERTS. The large number of returns which are daily being revised and over hauled by the Internal Revenue Bureau bears out this de claration. - . Our company is composed of SIX FORMER GOV-. - ERNMENT OFFICERS, each of whom is equipped with that knowledge, of the Law, Regulations and experience in the preparation of return which can be obtained only by many ' years of close study and application in execution. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY Our MONARCH coal burns with a hot steady flame and causes exceptional host to radiate throurhout your homo. Your thermometer tells tho story. But not only does It give you greater heat; it saves you money by so doing, for less eoal Is required to do the work. Ordor one ton 1 and convince yourself. . SOUlUtRNCOALCo. PflOXE 7(0 10 !f. rack So, Bowels Become Normal liver tlvens up. bile flows freely head-ache, biliousness, tongue-fur, stomack-aoumeea, disappear when Dr. Kings New Life Pills get in their natural, comfortable action. - Purgatives, never pleasantly cor rsetlve. . somvtlmes iiabit-forming. should not be taken to rack the sys tem violently. Natures way is tne way of Dr King's New Ufa Pais gently but firmly functioning the bowels, eliminating the Intestine-clogging waste, and promoting the most mtirrhir results. Cleanse the sys tem with them and know tbe boon of ASHEVILLE BOOTERY'S $30,000.00 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE SHOES Ifesitore M Tlie Economy Sample Shoe Store 12 Biltmore Avenue Hundreds of eager buyers crowded W store daily last week and today. . We have every table, rack and counter replenished and fill ed to overflowing for your early selection. vV" Come today early today and get your choice of the specials for this week.

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