THE JLSIIEVILLLE CITIZEN, MONDAY MORNING, 'JANUARY 19, 1920. TOURISTS EXPECTED EARLIER THIS YEAR MRS. PATTERSON TO SPEAK TUESDAY COLLECTION TAKEN ROAD ASSOCIATION TO EXPECTING CROWD AT RECEPTION TONIGHT- L WORK FOR BIG PLAN CELEBRATION TODAY FOR DOKAY OFFICERS F 1 DYING AST IN SOUTH SPUING GOLF TOURXAME.VTS TO BE LEADING EVENT. Handsome Trophies, Medals and Large Cash Prims Offered Bjr tho Ashe rill Country Club. Asheville will be crowded with tour. ista this sDrina earlier than usual from all Indications. The local hotels have already received marty applications for reservations beginning: at early which time supper will be Berved tho spring dates, and the railway officials board of directors and the others who are anticipating an extra heavy in- intend, and following this Mrs. J'at croaso in the number of passengers, terson will make her address. The the reservations beginning about the public is Invited to hear the address, middle of February. ' Mrs. Patterson visited Europe and The largest spring golf1 tournaments the Balkans, and In her address here In the history of the city nro being will wear a costume presented her by planned and entries aro coming fast the queen of Serbia. She also was tho from many sections of the country, truest of the queon of Uoumania dur particularly Florida. From this H is.lng her visit to the lialkans. This evident 'that thousands of far south tourists who are spending tho winter nearer the equator, will early migrate back to the temperate climate. The big soring golf tournament, which is an annual event looked lor-1 ward to 'by enthusiasts of the sport from many states, has been set to open on February 14 by the Asheville Country club. On this date the men's handicap, an eighteen hole medal play, with a trophy for the winner., wilt open. This followed close-, ly by ths men's handicap announced for February IS to 21. In which' handsome trophies go to tho winner! and to the runner up. ! February 25, the first woman's j handicap for 18 holes medal play. ; with throphies offered to the winner, : will be staged. Secretary Uudger of: tho Asheville Country club has sr ranged a men's tournament, two trophies to the winner and runner upJ llJ ..t in each flight, for March 3 to 6. in-1 T..'S'.n'SS: oluelve. Then on March 9, a woman's handicap, eighteen hole medal play will take place. A trophy also goes to the winner in this, handicap. March 11 to 13 has been set as the ilatts for the men's foursome handi cap, with four balls to play, consist ing of three rounds of 16 holes each, trophies going to the winning team. The big event of the season will take placs on the country club links on March 19 to 20. This will consist of an open professional tournament 72 holes. In additional to a medal the cash prizes are as follows: First, $200; second, S150; third, $75; fourth, $50. and fifth - 125. An additional prise of $100 is to be awarded the winner in case ha should beat the club's record of 72 holes of 276, made by Jock Hutchinson in 1918. On March 27 the tombstone handl- cap. an 18 hole, medal play for both; men and women with a trophy to be awarded the winner, will take place. A men's handicap follows on April 1, and men's singles for 18 holes will be on April 3. Beginning April 7 and continuing for four consecutive days the fifth annual spring Invitation tournament will be held, A men's foursome will be played for a medal on April 13. This will be followed on April 17 with a women's handicap, 18 hole medal play. On April 24 a men's handicap 1 8 hole medal play with trophy to the winner, is scheduled. THEATRICAL It isn't? often that the management of a theatre is able to offer some thing brand new in the amusement line. This pleasure, however, falls to the heads of the Majestic theatre this week with the announcement that Milt Frankford's song and dance re vue is scheduled to furnish amuse ment with offerings that have new ness to commend them. The three bills as called "The Girl With the Golden Calf," "The Blackface Re vue" and "Fun In a Turkish Bath." all of them promising clever, clean, and thoroughly enjoyable entertainment. Reports from other cities show that Frankford's troupe has won a good reputation even though they have been showing but a short time. The star, and a mighty youthful one at that, is Baby Norlne. a little girl with a voice sweet enough and suftl-1 ciently powerful to win her ready ap plause In any house. Her personality la pleasing and she is rapld'y becom ing a master of her art. In her turns she receives able assistance from Smiling George, a lad whose tender years have not kept him from making a favorable impression wherever seen. Milt Frankford has mastered the difficult art of trick piano playing and will delight his hearers with some thing novel in this line. Blx feet of fun Is the appelation applied most fittingly to Art Newman, who registers prompt applause from the house with his droll manners and lanky form. Billy Mack, an acrobatic d&ncer, has the ability to turn clever tricks in his eccentric steps that will be well worth watching. i -The four wooden shoe dancers hare created as much racket, figuratively speaking, as they are able to create upon the boards with their unusual pedal coverings. This Is a feature that proves highly interesting and amusing. High speed action continues to pre dominate In "The Midnight Man," starring Big Jim Corbett, in a mystery adventure story that grips the specta tors the moment each episode is ' Dashed upon the screen. As Bob Gllmore, alias Jim Stevens, the big athlete leads his enemies in a thrilling chase that keeps one guess ing every minute. The outcome of each episode plunges the mystery Into even deeper gloom and paves the way for daring feats that none but a heart Of steel would care to undertake. Aiaunees at the Majestic, 3:30 p. .: nights, 7:30 and t p. in. AT THE GALAX. Mabel Jformand In "Jinx." Here is a snappy, interesting pic ture that has an appeal that is al most universal; lt deals with a poor wm wiiu seeinsa always to nave hard luck, to have a "Jinx" that followed her around then, too. It is a circus picture with all the sights that have made, the circus such a wholesome Institution. Inwardly, everyone likes the circus, so here is the time to see one that will arrive on time. Although grownup theatre pftrons always enjoy Mabel Normand's inimi table type of comedy, and the novel touches which Director Victor Scherts. inger Introduces In every picture which falls to his lot, there is no doubt that "Jinx" has unusual appeal for Juvenile audiences. The story plot, the atmosphere of circus and orphans home, and the clever tots in the cast, all contribute to the special delight ' of achoolchlid audiences. - 1 , , '. - - . AT THE STRAND. Mar Allison la "Pair and Warmcf- ' Pat he News. . . One of the greatest farces of all time has been picturised featuring a Mr af the first rank: the combinatloa. Will Deliver Her Famous AddreM on 'World War at Y. W. C. A. Meeting at the Masouic Temple. Ahhrvilfo people generally are greatly interested in tho appearance here Tuesday night of Mrs. Llndsey PnttArinn ct WinMtnn.Hnlrtiii nrha Will deliver her famous tnlk on the world war, before the annual meeting of the local Y. W. C. A., which will be held at the Masonic temple. 'Thai meeting is scheduled for 7 o'clock, same address will be delivered later by Mrs. Patterson In Philadelphia, and Chicago and the Asheville women feel that they are fortunate In being able to secure her for the first address. She is considered one of -the bright- j 681 women in the state and has ap peared In Asheville before, speaking before a large mass meeting at the AiMltorlum. where she was received . wl" Sr vor oy tne targe audience. SELECT QUESTIONS vri'D fV" A TUTTV A TTflWO UK X AAJUJ.I4 A 1 1U 0 Standard Set of Questions For Sov- , . . , , cnth Grades la Adopted. At a meeting of a special commit- I "T "r"u"l.."i" . ' " lions have been drafted and adopted. The teachers of the county will use these questions in giving seventh grade examinations this spring, and the use of these questions will make possible the correct grading of all examination papers, and will standardize the pro motion eyslem Heretofore, it is said, some children have been admitted to the high schools when they should not have and that the adoption of a standard set of examination questions for the seventh grades will alleviate this dif ficulty encountered In the high scnoois. CHUECH CANTEEN TO OPEN CLUB TODAY Tho Church Canteen club will be opened this afternoon for tho soldiers at Uteen and Kenilworth hospitals, and it is hoped that a number of the soldiers at those Institutions will visit the club house in Blltmore. The club was opened with a silver tea Saturday afternoon, at which over $60 was taken in and the tea was a great success, several score neonla visiting me .ciuo. . ine bouse will be open each after noon for the men of the hospitals. aim meaiB win oe served, ana a read ing and -writing room kept open for them. -Musicals will be held ait the club and everything possible done to malto the men who attend enjoy the club. May Allison the star and "Fair and Warmer", the play are sure to prove worthy of splendid patronage. Those who enjoy a really funny picture that is unusual and attractive should cer tainly see this treat. The ladies, we fear, are prone to believe that men are full of faults as shoes are full of feet. But in this extraordinary and hilarious farce w have a husband whose wife goes fair ly frantic because he Is so perfect. You may come baek at us with the observation that perfect husbands are only seen in the movies. At any rate you ought to see this one. A Pathe News, the pictures today of what you read about a few days ago, completes the attraction for to day and tomorrow. 0 Jsserti ISr. Presbyterian Cfaurelics ntitullng $200,000 Fund for the Assembly Grounds Improvement Plans. Montreal Sunday was observed In the First Presbyterian church .yeater lay morning. A collection was taltsn for the Improvement of the church as- , ijembly grounds which are located near here. There was no quota as- signed to the local cnurcn ana ine amount that was coninnuieii to inia nt,iuno nas noi uu nniiounvru uui It is understood that an additional sum will be asked. Tho assembly ground of Montreat is composed of 4,000 acres of pictures que and beautfful mountain and valley land, located in one of tho most beau- tiful sections of the United States. It is geographically situated almost ifi the center of the I'resbyteriun church of the United States. This fund, asked foe is to improve the grounds, to enlarge the hotels so as to accommodate the large number of people which go there each sum mer, and to enlargo the public im provements. Part of this fund will go to ths building of an auditorium, where many -noted speakers of the church lecture during the conferences In the summer. This appeal was made by the Mon treat association to the church and In turn the church has made an appeal for ftfontreat. No doubt this fund will be oversubscribed as It Is a great cause especially for the young people of the church. Each summer a visitor may find a number of young people who spend their summer in the asso ciation grounds, by swimming, moun tain climbing and many other amuse- Any' one who wishes to contribute to this fund are requested to send in their donations to R. C. Anderson, treasurer, Montreat, N. C. JOHN ELLIS ARRIVES; IS SEEKING PARKER Wants to Arrange Match at torlum Friday Night. Audi- John Ellis, of Clevelund, the Greek wrestler who has issued several chal lenges to the local wrestlers, arrived in Asheville Sunday and signified his desire to meet "Bear Cat" Parker on a mat where all tho local fanH could see the match. Ellis, In a conference with John Drake, a wrestler of considerable reputation who has several good wins to his credit, said he would like to arrange the match with Parker for Friday night bf this week. It Is known that- Parker Is not in trim and whether he will meet the Greek on so short notice Is not known, but lt is believed that he will accept -the challenge and that satisfactory terms can be agreed upon. In the event the two men agree to meet, an effort will be made-to secure the city auditorium where the fans can be accommodated and can witness the match. Wrestler Drake expects to get tho men to terms or to induce them to arrive at some conclusion and end the challenge-issuing without any matches ensuing. BENARD B. COHN WITH THE CITIZEN Well Known Advertising Man Joins The Cillzen Staff. Bernard B. Cohn, well known ad vertising man of the city, has Joined The Citizen advertising staff and be ginning today will be with this news paper. Mr. Cohn has been with the Asheville Times for several years and has a large number of friends In the city who will be interested in his change. Mr. Co:m came hers from Hot Springs, Ark., and has met with much success in his work. Men who have "won their spurs" 5 QsJ I JB a tnW .were built for Blended in a new way from American and Imported tobaccos, to bring out that good old to&acco taste. Crimped, not pasted, making a slower burning, easier-drawing cigarette. Satiny imported paper. In a smart brown and silver package, three-fold, to preserve Spurs' delicious taste aid fragrance. Spur Cigarettes are maim and Priced to be the public choice and "bring borne the purse." Try Spur. STATE BODY WANTS TEN MILLION YEAR. Will. Employ Full-Tlino Secretary Important Matters to Como up at Aahcrille Meeting. The minutes of tho meeting of the executive committee of the North Carolina Good Koads association held at the Yarborough House In Halelgh last week, were received at the board of trads last night, the featuro of the meeting, outside of selecting Asheville unanimously as the meeting place for June 1920, wns tho decla ration for a $10,000,000 fund a year for 10 years for hard surfaced roads ; in North Carolina, , After careful consideration the mombers present voted unanimously to continue its campaign for a stale system of hard surfaced roads con- and the presentation of 10 crosses .or nectlng county scats and principal i honor to veterans and descendants of towns. Such a system would cover j veterans by the Asheville chapter U approximately 5,000 miles and will Id. C, and of four cresses of honor Involve an expenditure of JIO.000,000 j by the Fanny Patton chapter U. D. C. a year for a period of 10 years. Re- will bo the main features of an ex ports read from all sections of ths tenslvs program. state Indicate ths very strongest aen- Tho ladles in charge of the celebrn tlment throughout the state for the i tion have Invited the pupils In all tlx construction of hard surface high-1 city schools and the faculties to be ways and ths completion of a state present, and have insisted that a wel system. 'The program as outlined by cosho be extended tho public. the North Carolina Oood Hoads as-' soclatlon will call for real construe-1 Bishop John Louis Nuelsen. of tin tlve statesmanship on the part of our .Methodist Episcopal church, born it legislators; but officials of the asso ciation point to every other progres-, slve state as evidence that quick ac tion is necessary If we are to Iceep pace with these states. The farmers and merchants of every county in i tho state are demanding good roads l" Teet tho ,n!?ds ofJmo,"r vehicles The association advocates an ad valorem property tax supplemented by serial bonds sufficient to yield $10,000,000 a year, this money to bo used in the construction of the state highways. The automobile license fees should be used exclusivly for maiming the state highways. It was, pointed out that such a program would relieve the counties of any partjtn the lowei bowel? 1 of the construction or maintenance j Do you KHow that there is a harm- ; of the main state highways and would allow the county commission ers to use their funds in building lo cal roads which will serve as feed ers to the state highways. The pres ent road law was declared wholly In adequate to meet the state's needs. The executive committee decided that in view of the urgent need of more constructive legislation that lt would not be amiss to have the not ing secretary communicate with the governor to ascertain if any . road legislation would be sanctioned at the special session of the general as sembly. W. A. McSstt, president of the as-; soclation, presided and Miss H. M. ; Berry acted as secretary. The mem- j bers of the committoe are: W. A. Mc-j Girt, of Wilmington, exofflcio chair-! man; W. C. Boren, of Pomona; T. L. i Gwyn, of Waynesville; P. C. Whit lock, of Charlotte; Hugh MacRae, of1 Wilmington; D. D. Williams, of Ker- nansville, and Joseph Hyde Pratt, of: Chapel Hill. ! Reports wore made by the acting! socretary ' which showed a remarka- j ble growth In membership of the as- j soclation, an Increase In the last two months of over -a 1,000 members. I Owing to the remarkable growth of1 tho association and the interest gen erally In good roads, it was decided that tho association employ a full time secretary and enlarge tho work ing field force. ! Prior to the adjournment of the meeting Ashevillo was selected as the 1920 convention city, the. annual meeting to be held In June. NOT DR. J. L. ADAMS IN AUTO ACCIDENT Dr. J. U Adams, of No, 40 Watauga street, wishes The Citizen to state that he is not the "Dr. Adams" who was in the accident on Spring street Satur day night, in which an auto turned over, injuring a man. The police last night were unable to throw any light on the accident. in their country'a service they love a Winner, for they were the world's great est winners themselves ! They'll revel In the rich blend of Spur Cigarettes--that good old tobacco taste. Nobody ever beat that. top-notch popularity. US. 3 I'nlted Daughters of the Confederacy Have Planned Special Olrbrallon of Ice-Jarkson Day. With the attendance of all members of the Zuh Vance, camp Confederate veterans, the local chapter Sons of Confederate Veterans, all members of Robert K. Ixse Children's Chapter U. D. C and a large number of inter- ested persons, the assembly room at the Masonic temple will In all proh- ability be taxed to Its capnclty till morning at 11 o'clock for the cele- Ibratlon Of Lee-Jackson day. which has been arranged by the two local chop tens of the United Daughters of thr Confederacv. The presentation of n mounted ntifitnui'Biiti nt tYtn Into Hid'Arnnc ' 1 k,,inH taii.n the dav before he was inaugurate'' governor: a principal address by Cap- I tain W. K. Weaver, , of Woavervllle 'Zurich, Swltserland, 53 years ago t' day. Pile Sulleren Can You Answer Those Questions? Do y;m know why ointments do n give you quick relief? Why cutting and operations fall? Do you know ihn cause of piles It tnternul? That there is a stagnation of bloo less internal tablet remedy discovered by Dr. Leonhardt and known as HEM ROID, now sold bv Smith's Drug Btore and druggists generally, that 1 puaranteed? HEM-R'IID banishes piles by re moving the Internal cause, by freeing blood circulation in the lower bowel Thii simple home treatment has ar almost unbelievable record for sure, safe, and lasting relief to thousands Of pile sick sufferers, and saves the needles pain and expense of an opera tion. There l no reason why II should not do 'lit ume for you. TALK'S iyiusic HOUSE Han a large new stock of PLAYER PIANOS PLATER KOIX8 COLUMBIA RECORDS . Give its your pationtc. nil! nppreiciate It. fS Patton Avdim nj I oonnnnr uuuuu Use PinMGFQ& LXr aO- o5 SI I Mmfci! e Two Past Imperial Princes In City for Short Visit Dokays Are Crgod to Attend Meeting. A reception will be .held this eve ning at 8 o'clock at the Plsgah lodge ( rooms by members of Bagdad Temple , No. 213. I). O. K. K., Tiey. of Cincinnati, anu J. i Aaicr, f Sidney, Ohio, past imperial princes of ,1110 order, who are in the city en. mute to Charlotte. Sues Temple No. 73. of Charlotte, will hold a recep- tion Tuesday evening in order that a Jewel of past Imperial prince can Df presented to Votary JJ. A. McCaus- and. Mr Kuminey Is forniarly of Ashe- vllle ami Is well known hero. This Lfia,n,mii m i ttVlnpk the nlflrers of I he Hagdad temple will entertain the I two distinguished officers of tho order 1 ,t luncheon t a local cafe and tne reception will bo held this evening. All members of the order nere irged to bo present for the reception onlght. We are the appointed Cuevioiet Dealers for this. Territory. We have a full line of all new models Chevrolet Car and "We have opened a temporary Service Station and Sales room at 78 and 80 North Lexington Avenue. We are anxious to have all Chevrolet Owners bring their cars to our Service Station and have them inspected without charge. We hav efficient and experienced mechanics. We carry a full line of all parts. 1920 "490" Touring.Car $735.00 FOB Flint, Mich. ERSKINE MOTdR COMPANY 78 and 80 North Lexington Avenue, FOR TODAY Heinz Mince Meat, one pound netper can ...31e THE AUTOMAT Cash and Delvery C J. Edwards, Mgr. Haywood Bldg. Phona 3036 nopp Grandma's Powdered Soap takes the labor out of this heart-breaking, back aching job. No need to scrub acrub tcrub. Just ft tablespoonfui in hot water Imme diatelj glorious SUDS that dean the stairs. Merely fine cake soap POWDERED. That's the magic of it Nothing to scratch Nothing to cut Does the work of both wash ing powder and soap. Goes further than any soap you ever bought Cheaper to use. Let Grandma) ssre your work. Buy a package from your Grocer today I Powered SAP Tni This fatdered Soeplbdatj "Your GiHcexHa3 JhjjCbtoSosj) CbmparaA Orcinnatl. "Dodson's Liver Tone" Is Taking the Place of Dan gerous, Sickening Drug. Vou'ro liilloui. sluggish, consti- tw nun I 3imi- ' paieu u a neueve you neea vno, uii for Dan L. Sum- ' ,-,, , ;,Br, Vnir liv.r and , .,in your bowels. iirf- godson's guarantee! Aslc your dnigrist for a bottle of Dodson'B nver Tone and take a spoonful to- nl(!nt lt it dorsn't start your liver nd stralifhten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sirk I want you to gol back to the store and get your . money. Taite calomel today and tomorrow ' umi wtn rel weak and sick and nati aeated. lxn't lose u day's work. TakS a spoontui or imrmi, c.ji.ui DndMon's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It s perfectly harmless, so give It to your children any time, lt can't salivate so let them eat anything afterward Adv. ... . i i.hi. lit