THE ASHEVTLLLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MUlttUXU, JANUARY lij, 1920. ft SPLENDID ADDRESS ON SDBJEGT OF ZIONISM MERCHANTS CONSIDER THE W. C. C. S WORK $20,000 DEAL MADE $3,795 RECEIVED IN i BILTMORE DEFEATED IN CODNTY YESTERDAY; 'Y.' DRIVE YESTERDAY THE 9TEEN QUINTET! MISS ETHEL GREEXBEIU; .sPOKU AT MEBnXG II ERE. Appoint Committee- to Confer With Hamptou Heirs Sell Farm lands to 8TIIJ. ABOl'T 3,000 TO HE KISEI ; JUistetlmil Teams Slaiul at Tie .Now- Board of Trade Today, on the Sub- j Jrot Brltt Spoke. I H. M. Weir and Geo Greenwood i 843 Acrea In Real. TODAY. The Kuliher Early Dale. To He I'laied til1 Jon lh People Present Bill of Rights! to Beoome One of the Smaller Nations of the World. ' Dr. Miss Ethel Greenberg. a, prominent j l" merchants to me puoue. representative of tha Zionist organ-' Important business was disposed of iuatlon of America, made, a moat! and a committee was appointed mm- before, poaetl OI uun ureen, ji. j. juvcr anu The members of the merchant's as-1 Property, known as the While Rock: sociation held an interesting meeting boundary, comprising- 845 acres ot last night at ther association rooms I land has been sold by O. M., and C. )., on Broad wav. .1. J. Brltt delivered an Hampton to If. M. Weir and Ceorge A interesting address on the relation or I Greenwood, ino consideration oeing aiouna .u.uuu. Other really transfers Jim- Sevliw's Team Lead All (lie Workers Yesterday, Bring ing in $1.67(1. The campaigners for budget for the Asheville runout M. I'. A. eloquant and moving address a large and appreciative audience at the Asheville Jewish Community club Sunday night. Miss Orecnberg pos- Morris Llolnsky to meet Willi the Board of Trade committee for the purpose of working out a plan to eon aesses unusual gifts as a apeaker anditlnuo the work of the National War handled her Interesting subject in a skillful and convincing manner. Dr. Bertha ft. Shohan presided at the meeting. Miss Greenberg was in troduced by Mayor Gallatin Roberts, who took ocfcaslon to express his great Interest In Jewish national as pirations, and to offer his co-operation in enlisting the support of the people of Asheville lor the move ment. Among those present at the meet ing was Philip Henry, of Washing ton and Asheville, who is a member of the national committee for the Palestine restoration fund. This is a. $10,000,000 fund now being raised in the United States for reconstruc tion work In Palestine, and some of the most prominent Jewish and non- Jewish citizens of the United States' are serving on the national commit tee. , Miss Greenberg said In part: This is the happiest hour Camp Community Service. These committees will meet at the Board or Trade rooms this afternoon ut o'clock. The National War Camp Commun ity service will close the places which are in all of the large cities of the country on February , and an effort is being made In the city to have this service continued here on account of the soldiers stationed at Oteert and Kenilworth hospitals. It is under stood that local contributions will be raised to support the service after the national committee has given it up. filed with I he count v reelstn of deeds vcaLerdav follow: I were very enthusiastic :it ihcir nieet- Canle Chambers to Henry Plem- ing yesterday at the luncheon hour, mons, property in lower Hominy jTne workerlI WPle p,.esent almost to luniioii.l', f vniiu ul 111 M'llBlueiHui'iia. A splendid basketball g.kine us played last nifi-ht at the Y. .M. C. A. between Oteen and Billmoie trams. The scorn was unusually close, being 1 to 20 In favor of Ulllmore. This' Is the second game to lie played be Iwren these two teams and they stand a lie now. the Oteen quintet hnving. defeated the Biltmore team several Dave Bailey to Mrs, V. Laughter, jlhe man. and were eager to see how'dli.vs ago at the local court. It Is im properly in, Asheville township, $660. 1 much each team would report. Dr. Laura R Leftwitch 1 J. K. Mel- J. T. Sevier's team was banner five ton, property on the HendersonWllc . , , , . road. 110 and other rnnMratlon, ! tCam' Und receU ed continued Op- 8. D. Hall to .1. C. Lvnch, lot oniPlause from the workers, when his Haywood road, $lu and other consid-: report was made, showing both the largest number of subscriptions and j eratlons. on Haywood road. 1750. ' largest amount secured during C. W. Howell, commissioner, to Ada , day. His team reported a total T. McKlrath et al. three tracts of land! $1,670. The other team reports were in Hominy township. $2,580. as follows: Frank Smith, $44; C. H. Woodfln Land company to Addie L.Honess, $165; R. K. Wheeler. $180; Brom and Emma H. Wooten. lot on i R C. Greene, $182. GO; Guy Weaver, Walnut street, $10 and other consid- i 1.1S2- i. it Alien i 7 :i -hntr MEMORIAL BOOKS ABE RECEIVED HERE The local army recruiting station has just received a supply of the ' ' French Memorial books, which were in issued by the French government to American history, when the thoughts ; the American soldiers who served of men are given to the elevation or "t. ! erations. 1 J. J. Amnions to James R. Jones, property in Ivy township, $560. Marrlagv LI censes license lor me marriage 01 tne 101-(nerve on account of illness lowing were issued: home sacred principles In the highest plane of democracy. Zionism, the greatest factor for tho development of Jew ish national feeling, is not incompat ible with Americanism. Zionism aims for the creating of sympathy and kinship for- the Jews In the Jew ish commonwealth, but with fond loyalty and Individual political alleg iance to American on the part of the American Jews. Our patriotism cannot bo questioned. The fact that some of the greatest leaders and thinkers of Great Britain, France and other countries are Zionists, and their patriotism Is not questioned, is sufficient to warrajit- similar safety on tho part ot the Zionist of Amer ica. "A man may be a loyal husband and a devoted son al the same time. There are two forms of statehood: Cosmopolitan tends to citizenship' of the entire world as one's country. Internationalism based upon nation alism, tends to the cultivation of the highest national feeling, with the power of Individuality and Initiative expressed in the fullest capacity as a right endowed by national privi leges in duty to one's nationality and thus to all humanity. "On the basis of internationalism does the Jewish nationality which has the essentials of a. nationality in hav ing Ideals, traditions, characteristic. history, religion, language and once, upon a time a home and with thej confidence or tnis restoration, now for a permanent one in the future, wish to develop the best there is In hen not alone for the Jewish people In ithe commonwealth, but for all the world. "Let us clearly understand that we are Americans first and then Amer ican Jews. Today, when the war Is ended. Into which we Americans in tended to create everlasting peace and freedom for all Is It not the duty ' of every American citizen in the ac complishment of world justice, to. de mand of ourselves and our non-Jewish friends co-operation to establish the status of the Jew for all times, on the basis of freedom and equality The best expression was given by the British declaration of November 2, 1917, signed by Balfour, endorsed by France. Italy, Serbia, lastly by Amer ican legislation , In concert with the glorious expression of president Wil son, who has pledged himself to fa cilitate efforts for a Jewish nation. The Jewish commonwealth will be made under the trusteeship of Great Britain and the supreme leadership of the league of nations. "The Jewish people are presenting their bill of rights, sane and just In their demands. It must be accepted as a potent force accentuate the lib erality of the smaller nationalities.1 In the ends of Mazzinni, 'We have a right-to. add a corner stone to the pyramid of history.' When the Jew ish commonwealth shall have been established the inhabited Palestine It will be not for the Jews alone, but like the sun. will give warmth of welcome to those who enter and be the seat of the highest and noblest principles of law, justice, brother hood of man and inspiration to all the people of the world." SUIT INSTITUTED TO RECOVER $1,000 H. G. Miller Files Complaint Against Former Partner, W. W. Atkins. For those soldiers who served over seas this book can be obtained from the office by applying to any member at the station and presenting a dis charge certificate. These books will not be presented at this office to any memoer or ine American legion as those who belong- to the legion can ! r secure them at the legion headquar-1 General ters. L. If. Howard, ot Hendersonville, to Zena Galllmore, of Buncombe. derstood that the third game will be; played at nn early date between the' two contestants. j Lanninp played stir ball for Hie! Biltmore team, he being credited with i five field and two foul goals. De-) Voting was the star of the Oteen j . . ... 1... 1.-1 !... ...(.I. 1 the i neniK nu ivui j j field and two foul goals. j of The lino-no for last night follows: Biltmore Oteen Position. Lanninir le oung itigbt Forward, lledfcrn Neph Brown. 1550. Chester Hrnwn was Left Forward. second in the rarn and (inv Wenver I Wttllis Glass third. Mr. Weaver is serving in the Center. j place of J. J. Nichols, who could not Greenwood hliope j i.ij, i ien i, uarti. ' Kuykcudall Spcarn OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Affords your last opportunity to secure stylish, seasonable merchandise at prices reduced from 25 to 50 Prudent shoppers are taking advantage of these reductions to buy their require ments for not only this season, but for fu ture wear. Visit our store, inspect our stock and you'll certainly be convinced of the values offered. D GRAPHITE CO. FILES BANKRUPTCY PETITION Graphite Company Liabilities of $22,000 and Assets BOYS ARRESTED ON TRESPASSING CHARGE I The total amount set tired during! !the day was $3, Taj. Do. The central! i committee had already secured in i large subscriptions $8,068.50 and with i I yesterday's work the total amount lood at $10,363. I The balance to be secured amounts i ,to $6,000, and the teams to a man' pledged their support to work during the nftemonn vestetvlnv awA tlii.! morning, to secure the amount need-' d, in order that the association might carry on its work for the year un-jGeo Uas: hampered. Several of the workers made talks stating how splendidly the people of the city received them and ltight Guard. WAREHOUSE TO COST $20,000 FOR THE CITY Claude While and Dan Meadows, two young boys, were arrested yester day 'and tried before Magistrate B. I. Lyda charged with trespassing. It is understood that White and Meadows beat their way on a South ern train from Morristown, Tenn., last Monday night and were caught here in Asheville. The two boys were found guilty at the trial yesterday afternoon and Magistrate Lyda continued the case until today, and will try to get In touch with the boys' parents in Mor ristown so as to return the boys to them. of S.lMiiiii i;inr.L- l iori v- i ithe liberality shown toward the -work ' After checking the cards by the teams ! 'it was learned that perhaps not morel than flftv ner cent of th cnr.iu hn.i ' A voluntary pelitlon in bankruptcy been seen. There ai-e several large was filed yesterday in the office of subscribers to the association out of . S. Hyams, clerk of United States the city and these have been wired, district court, by the General asking for their subscriptions In order Oraphitc company, a Delaware cor-1 that they might be counted today. The poration, with principal offices i" men who are out of the dfv have al Asheville and mines in McDowell ways responded very liberally and the C0JJ.u ,i l,iv 'workers aro expecting liberal re- Iiab'la";!, aIC 8'ven as $22 - sp'on8es froIn them n ,g pomted out 2o0.51 and the assets $37,790.52. k ,h b... !, ... a, Listed among the assets Is $17,444.50 I, n IarB(, amounls wlll be avnllabfe H tlon to t of stock nyhich a notation on the peti-!that tshia wilI ju8t ,eavo th worl?" is fast as. "n,hBVn rea"y Wrth "ly 10 cent8to secure about $3,000 during the! In thls S. Powell ami V.. U Ray lo Put Vp Three-Slory Building Near Con crete Bridge. on the dollar The company has been doing busi ness here for sometime and the offi cers are well known. Work will begin soon on another large building in Asheville, George A Powell and Kdwln L. Ray, owners of a largo lot on the Hoberts street side of the concrete bridge, connecting Asheville with West - Asheville, to erect a warehouse there to cost about j $20,000. The structure will be of concrete and steel and will be three stories in height. It Will be modern in every respect and will be an addi- he wholesale section which i hsu minx largo proportions. i s Immediate vicinity S. Stern-1 morning. berg 1ms recently erected a. diock or I The workers will meet again at one I wholesale houses and warehouses and o'clock for luncheon and make their I tne section, which was for many years reports. I only waste land. Is now the center of 1 ;a large and thriving wholesale busi- i PITCHERS SOLD. ! , , , The owners of the property on MIN'XEAPOLTM .lan "a which the new warehouse will be' GOOD COAL AT A GOOD VALUE Creates its own market. Such for the ANTHRACITE The Aristocrat of Coals. WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. Phones 129-130. Terms Cash. CAROLINA COAL AND ICE COMPANY V I take when headachy, sick) Bilious" j Davis, Intleldcr and Molly Craft, and ' Clarence Fisher, pitchers, have been obtained from the Washington Ameri cans by the Minneapolis American association team, it was announced today. erected state that they have already received a number of applications to rent it and will probably let It to a company to use for the storage ot packing house products, although this has not as yet been determined. Genuine Portuguese Boneless Sardines Packed in Pure Olive Oil .. Full Half Tins ...... .... ..... . .65c SAWYER GROCERY CO. Sncecaaora to lawyer A Rtntdlvy Tb STOtUS Sanitary Where QVAUTV la Paramount , Fbona UOO. is tolles There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few- cents buys Dodson's Liver Tonea perfect substitute for Calomel. Ik. "Dodson's Liver Tone" is a pleasant, Tcgetable, liquid which will start your liver jujc as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not a aii rate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, became it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you wlll feel west, sick and nu seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day'a work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will waks up feeling great. No mora bilious ness, constipation, sluggishness, head ache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money it wait ing for you. Alleging- that he is due $1,000 by Virtue of the sale of the Atkins Groc ery company, H. C. Miller yesterday filed suit against W. W. Atkins seek ing to recover that amount. The plaintiff in his complaint stated that he had purchased a one-third In terest in the concern for $3,000 at the time the business was valued at $9,000. Following; his purchase of a third of the stock the entire business was sold for $12,000, or a profit over the estimated amount Invested of $3,000. Mr. Miller now alleges that he is due a third of the profit realized in the sale of the business and further r lieges that he has been put off from time to time by the defendant, whom he now believes to be in possession of the money derived from the sale of tha business. RELIEVES GOLD ' AFTER FIRST DOSE Cheney's Expectorant Also; Advised for -Croup, i Whooping Cough. Clears! Your Head and Throat. Relief comes at once when you take Cheney's Expectorant. It sooths the lin ing of the throat, stops that tlckllnr sen sation and a few more doses breaks up ine worst kibu or a cola, uneney ex. pectorant has been the standard remedy for years for croup and whooping; ooujrh. ' Nothing- else rives such prompt relief aod comfort. Don t continue to wheese and continue wHh a stuffed-op noes or head whea Cbeaey'a Jbsweaataat will M nsyl re you. It wlll stop headaches from' Ms, frrariaiiaess, sastslsg and rSasca, i AdT. Let us solve your delivery problem with a Truck that is economical and dependable. Worm drive and Timken Bearings through out. Everything from ton to 5 ton capacity. See Them Now at CHAMBERS & WEAVER CO. Cor. Aston St & Ipungton Ave. Telephone 177 or 1479 Visit AahevHIe Automobile Shown, Feb. 5th, 6th and 7th F. A. IICLIi 15 . FOSTER HULL & FOSTER " Public Accountants : ; i ' . Asuliu fijatpms Income Tax Retarna. Room f If ed leal Bid. Phoae l UsY Unusual Value In Tires for Small Cars 1 Not only is characteristic Goodyear merit conspicuous in Goodyear Tires for small cars but ordinarily the first cost is found to be not greater than that of other tires; often it is actually less. The combination of unusual value in first' cost and very low final cost, of course, is a result of Goodyear experience, expertness and care employed as insistently in the making of 30x3, 30x3 and 3 lx4-inch tires as it is in the construction of the famous Goodyear Cord Tires used on the highest priced automobiles. For this reason more carsusing these small, sizes were factory-equipped last year with Goody ea- Tires than with any other kind. Get this unusual tire value to enjoy on your Ford, Chevrolet Dort, Maxwell or other small car at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Get these tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes at this station. V 30 x3ft GooJyear DouMe-Oara Tf00 Fabric? All-vrather Tread ZU 30x314 Goodyear StnglCurc -t ry ftS Fabric Anti-Skid Traarf , 1 2- Coodyear Hmtrf Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce caatacs properly. Why risk a good casing with a - cheao tube ( Goodyear Heavy Toorist Tubas coi than tubes of las merit. 30z3Vx n iMfer $390 i

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