1C THE ASHEVILLB CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. i' 'TOT AWAY MAY OR FADED HAIR taa BJk, Eazmlea Xethod By WMoh Thousands of Womsa Xoep Looking Yonoff. TRIAL PACKaVGB BEIT FREES. Tbara ara many hair Idyaa" and BO-oallMl Taatorara," but tber la nljr on "Biajwaatona" Hair Tint Ufa, haxmlaaa, Inatant In raaulta, eaay to apply and preferred by ovary, vomxa who bu tried It ananwUtoM tm T Beat Fries)-." This wondsrful preparation doea not rub or waah oft If you want a dallgbtful surprlss, Juaf bruah or aomb a llttlo -Brownatons" through yonr array, strsaked. or blaachad hair and aa It change ilka magic to gold en, soft or deap rich brown, or 'black: -any ahade desired the exact color t aat off y6ur complaxloD. Abaalately Harm It n. Urownatone" la not only odorless and greaselese, but la positively oon-injurloue. we absolutely, guar antaa It to contain no lead, sulphur, allvar, marcnry, sine, aniline, or coal tar products. Used for awltches as .well aa growlna; hair. Bold bjr all leading druggists. Two 11188. Ko and i.la, Special Frae Trial Offer Sand only llo with this coupon 'for Proa trial package and help ful booklet on tha care of tha hair. Mall Thla Cemaoa How. Tha Kanton Pharmaoal Co.. f Coppln Bldg;.. Covington, Ky. Enclosed And 11 cents (to cover F oat a ge, packing; and .war tax) or Trial Package of Brownatons. .... . .Light to Medium Brown or Dark Brown to Black. Mark with X had nnfi and lull with Zftnrfnll BinMHnd idilmtt. 111 ! ' DON'T OVERDO , OR OVER-EAT Bat If You Do, & Few Doses , of Black-Daught May Pre vent Serious Trouble- i Nowata, Okla. Mr. V. B. Dawson, ; of this place, aaya: "I have known ' of Clack-Draught ever since I oan re v member,- and .of all the-liver medi cines I ever uaed, Ui&'K-Draught Is . without doubt tha best. We would not be without it in the house. 1 used to take pills and different things, but after taking a course of atrong medicine I would be left in a r constipated condition, and would need . then to use a laxative. But after I ' began to take Black-Draught I did t not have any trouble of this kind. I take a, big dose at night and fol . low a few nights with lighter doset, v and I am like a new man until I overdo or overeat, and neglect to i take care of myself until the liver ' gets out of fix, when I have to go to ; Black-Draught again. r - Black-Draught I have round is all that Is necessary for the" bloated f eel ' lng In tha stomach, aour stomach or bad taste in the mouth so common in spring In the swampy country. I believe if more 'people took it, there I wouldn't be so many having chills j as da" I Try Thedford's Black-Draught. At 11 druggists. Advt. Iff Nil? hf M. Morning iccjy iuui Lyes i - Clear HwnltHV ! m. rwf.icsi.FWto.c.ci,iMtui!i i FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE lion a large new stock of PXAYEK MAN OS PL AY ICR ROLLS COLUKBIA RECORDS Clvr us your patromge. We nill appreciate It. . Pattern Avenue THEATRICAL MATT EltS OP RECORD AT Til K KTRA.ND Hiyant Washburn In "Too Much Jolinauu." I'aramouut Magazine. ' Hryanl Waalihurn has proven hlm Bflf a genuinely flno entertainer In roles that are full of laughs and fun;i ha la at the Htrand aguln today in a play that wan a wonder on: Broadwav for a very long time. "Too Much Johnson. How well aulta thin picture, you will never know until you have seen and en- Joyed It youieulf. Yesterday , the following reality transfers were filed for registration: Charlie Mum a r I, guardian, to J. W. Wolf, property on Broadway near Walnut street, $10 and other con siderations. O. K. Garland et. al.. trustees, to C. I. Oaatoii, corner of HuiiUihIUo and Blltmore avenues, $2D and other considerations. P. A. Donnahon and C. T. Itawls to U A. CreaHman, lot on lilawuaaee street, $10 and other considerations. Owyn Kdwards to Lawrence MII- he 'er, lot on Moody avenue. $10 and other considerations. It. 8. Miller to J. C. Miller, prop- on Ora street, 200. Max Heller to V. I Black, lot on Blltmore avenue, 11,000. J. M. Swain et. al. to Delia M. Swain, property In Leicester town ship, $10 and other considerations. U. R Garland to C. P. Gaston, lot or Blltmore avenue, $25 and other considerations. M. ft. Oomby to if. W. Owenhy, property In Kalrvlew township, $700. Martha B. Patton et. al. to John Acee, lot on Chestnut street, $10 and, other considerations. on Broadway, $10 and other considerations. CALOTABS ARE BEST FOR GOLDS r AN nun; W. Owenby to J. B. Wright, j erty In upper llomlny lownahip loo Much Johnson is about ai ." ! mini who ullows u love for yachting , 'to leud him Into u 1 1 sorts of umus-! property In Kalrvlcw township, $10 lng complications, which his own uni1 other considerations, lnttenulty Is able lo untangle In thol John Sumner to J. B. Wright, end. Lois Wilson plays the lending 1 Property in Kairvlow township. $5 lemliilno role unil the rest of the i and other conslderutljns. I supporting company is also hlglu J- B. Miller to J. J. Miller, prop i das. iJonald Crisp directed thelcrly In upper Ilomnly township, I picture. it Is a I'aiainount-Ai t-' $5i0. ciaft. " Owenby to Hickory Nut A Paramount Magazine completes Gap Farm company, property ud I the Ua's offering. Joining tho lands of McKwen Lum- j ! bcr company, $25 and other cousld- i AT TIIE Ji.L. f Garland W. Taft to K. and O. Wll- I i.. i.., i ..tk. m-k;. .u'.''-'1' lot on Broadway, $10 and other EVERY WOMAN WANTS A CLEAR, SMOOTH COMPLEXION Doctors Now Prescribe Calo tabs, the Purified Calomel Tablets, That Are Nau sealess, Safe and Sure. A l.ady'a Tuil- Ltliel Olayton I C'oiuniaudment." i Ford .Sterling or." Kthel Clayton i never better than In this triumph of Kupert Hughes, "The Thirteenth Command ment;" It deals with a problem dear to all are you going to miss such a treat." An added attraction Is Ford Ster ling and Mack Somen's bathing ,girls in us line a comedy us has been here in a long time. It Is generally admitted that ery Paramount-Muck Hennett come dy acts as a nerve tonic and a "blues" chaser on the minds f the audience, but the latest one. "A Lady's Tailor," is a most excellent eye invlgorator as well. rh,rie,,th!vcl' .'ot " Broadway. j considerations. 8. Cloyd to W. M. Brown, lot I Skin Free of Blemishes and With the Tint of Youth. ' DON IE 01 LECT A 10 PAIN v j Buy and keep handy a bottle of pain- rnuiiiia; biouii s ummcnt. rOU need it when the unexpected rheumatic ! pains end ! nnsnre flclutlca. twinge starts the aches following ex- Uniiiiago, wire mus- Most of the action takes place at clcs, stlft joints, neuralgia. Forgot all a summer resort. u-Hllher Fold Kter- '""" ,u ling, playing the part of a weary ln ,u na"dv- dldn 1 vou 7 "?l " today city modiste, comes In search of re- ' "af,t you mav need It tonight! luxation from business cares and' Thls fa.Tou8 c'0ur'ter-iirltant pene- tho watchful eye of his mother-In-i ",Ll """ '" scatters law i the congestion. The pain or ache Is VL.nv n.ir innnvntlmia nnH rrMeloon relieved, leaving no plaster or are Introduced In this comedy. One ot tnese is a naming suit dunce on the l'euch in the moonlight, partici pated In by the pick of the beautiful Hennett girls. - Principle number one Is that any body cn live on nine-tenths of what he does live on. if you spend $l.so a year, you can get ulong on $900. Have the other $100. poultice mussiness, no stained skin. thousands of regular users keep It handy for emergency they don't suf fer needlessly. Three slr.es at all drag gists 35c, 7"c. $L40. Advt If you have a clear, smooth, vtlvety. youthful skin, free of pimples and other unsightly blemlslins. you nii never fear the Impression y ni make on all you meet, for a wcmin Willi a r.retty complexion always S'" charming and there is no joy li e Hint which comes from knowing that ,m loo:t your best. Some women are en 'o'""l by r.ature with a clear, smooth skl.i; others, not so fortunate, can acquire It by the use of the popular Black and White Beauty Treatment which consists of Jluck and White Ointment and Soap. You who suffer the embarrassment of a dark, sallow, muddy, complexion, pimples, freckles, liver spots and other akin blem ishes, can be happy with a beautiful skin, do to your nearest drug store and get a I5o package of Black and While ointment and Black and Whles Soap. 1 Just before retiring, bathe your face, arms or neck with tfle Soap and apply! the Ointment according to directions.1 ine next morning wash orr the Ointment. It's very easy to apply and as delightful aa cold cream and rouire. The m-k and White Beauty Treatment Is also safe anu uepenaaDie. Money pack if not sat isfied. Suppose you clip this advertisement and mail to Black and White. Box 913, Memphis. Tenn., for a free sample, i;ter ature and copy of the Black and White Birthday and Dream Book. BLACKVHITE Doctors are warning the public that fclTYiulA enli1 an1 mIM raumn fit Influ enza often lead to pneumonia and I other serious complications. They say that every cold should receive Im mediate attention and that the first step in the treatment is to make aure that the liver is active. For this pur pose Calotabs, the perfected, nausea less calomel tablets are the surest, best and most agreeable laxative. ; One Calotab at bed time with a swallow of wateir that's all, no salts,1 no nausea, ary.1 no upsetting of the' digestion and appetite. Next morning' your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is purified and re-! freshed and you are feeling fine with, a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat 1 what you please, no danger. For your protection, Calotabs are ' sold only in original sealed packages, price thifty-flve cents. All druggists ! recommend and guarantee Calotabs and are authorized to refund the price ' if you aro not delighted with them. 1 Advt. i S. Sternberg & Co. Depot St Phone 333. WE BUY ANYTHING -and SELL EVERYTHING Structural Materials a Specialty All Sizes and Lengths of I Beams Finest Extra Sliced HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Packed in Heavy Syrup 3 Sizes 25c 50c 65c. SAWYER GROCERY CO. gneee ora to Sawyer M Btradltrj The STOKE Sanitary Where QUALITY to Panunemnt fltoua ISOO. M College Special recipes are not necessary tor using Mazola. Use any of your own- and with less Mazola than of butter or lard. Being .100 pure fat containing no water or air Mazola is not only less wasteful, but you use lA to Yi less Mazola for shortening, as in pie crusts, biscuits, etc. And after using Mazola for deep-fat frying you can use it over and over again it carries no flavors or odors. Another remark able economy feature that has made Mazola the most popular of cooking oils. FREE Evry housewife should have a copy of the interesting 63-page Corn Products Cook Boole. Beautifully illustrated and full of information for good cooking. Write for it today. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. P. O. Box 161 Au York City T. B. NORRIS Sale Representative Atlanta, Ca" Ll.lJilu fi i wn& immmm iois Hurt uidg ii i i n sf ill . 4iffiifiia k ill SST . wJ5,Sw..Jf. 38lMjrfrwTrr''iM,,l'Ji stU.iiaJnaiifflfl.i-ffAftfl, , ! f 'tn 'w't'T1f1-'"u-i" in i ii -- i - .ii hi i - - Tou Can Always Tell a Chalmers By Its Uninterrupted Ease of Action WHETHER vou have ever driven a present day Chalmers or not there is one thing about it you cannot help but observe: its uninterrupted ease of action. Drive alongside of one , in traffic or follow one in a country road and you will note a silence, a smoothness, an ease, an effortless action that will command your attention. This high efficiency in a Chalmers is due to a lack of vibration. The crank shaft, piston, and connecting rods are balanced, both in motion and static, to the fraction of an ounce. To make doubly sure QntitrtM noz apt vaporizes the raw gasoline into a"cloud" and RamVhorn furnishes each cylinder with an equal and even "charge." The result is there are no uneven explosions. This evenness makes for high efficiency in the Chalmers engine and pro vides an action that gives a new comfort, a new satisfaction, a new sense of security in a motor car.' Also it means not only better performance but more regular perform' ance, as vibration is the source of most trouble. Borrow a friend's Chalmers for a few miles, and you, too, will say it is one of the few great cars of the world "SERVICE OUR HOBBY The "4 c's" Garage CAZEL-CURRY CAR COMPANY Agents for Chalmers and Maxwell 17-19 North Market Street. Phone 3Q67 BRINGING BY IVIcMAIMUS MOXtVlO LOA.V 48 Patfon Ave. S Phone 26.8 , McFadden TAXI SERVICE Uiidson and Cadillac, Uicmi a;iU Ifawd Cars. Day or Mlgbt. JFJaone M and M74. OlOVOU tiEND "YES- WE CMJCHT THE BURCLM THAT COT IN XOUR HOUbE THE OTME.R NICHT- v n ! HvE , ( WELL YOU DON'T COT Hltv HERE 1 I AJPPOE. WE. COT HIM J ROOM ,N HOTEL- - v I-ie.to see.HiM'j VOLi rFT vim i r THINK HE A WONDER CROOK-ILL IV Mlri blMTt OAV I'LL CWE MIM tlyTY DOLLAR IF ) j HELL TELL NE HOW HE OT IN MY HOUtiE. WITHOUT WAKIN UO MY WIFE SEE fVU 9ACE OF 2i5lpZNa FATHER, RXHEMIO$ECIION pF. IHEStfltDAX CDJZEM.