13 THE ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. $3,643.50 NEEDED FOR KNOXVILLE HIGH TO THE Y. M. G. A. DRIVE PLAY HERE TONIGHT TOTAL OF $1,727.50 SECURED UY Fast Tennessee Train Will TEAMS YKSTEItDAV. 1 TUree Gaines In the Cllj- Marries I Ixixv'tiHl. I'lny -Gootl The workers for the loi.ul Y. M. C. A., current expense drive were very successful In their soliciting yes terday. At luncheon yesterday, then report showed that their interest hnd not lessened in the camuaiftn. llie captains showed a total of '$1,727.50 hnd been secured during the innrn Iiik work. Dr. .1. V. Sevier in siill in the lead, his team hiving reportel in date ,i total of $2,06). There is a halnui-e yet of $3,643.."jI to bo rained. II. A. Dunham the director of the. campaign, stated to the men that he hnd. only nsked them for tne one full day's work, but that from the re ports made at least forty per rent of ihe people hod not been seen who had NijhKcribed hint year and that he fell If the workers could only Kive u short time this morning to the work ths amount could be secured. When he made the suggestion the workers A 1 1 stood up and volunteered to he at thn Y. M. f A. this morning to continue the drive. The secretaries of the association are checking tho cards already turned In, against the pros pects and will have the cards ready for the workers when they reach the building at 9:30. It In expected that a sufficient amount will have been secured at noon today to make the total which Is needed and close the drive. The workers nil report that they have been most cordially received and that all the regular subscribers of the association are renewing their subscriptions and that many are In creasing the amounts formerly given. It Is a noticeable fact nl.-o lhat many new subscribers have been secured. Tho program of the local association this year calls for a great movement and the friends arc rallying to the ELECT OFFICERS FOR TELEPHONE COMPANY Falrview ami Cane Citi'li Concerns to Offer Stock on the Open Mar kets Business Increasing. The basketball fans of the city Knoxville high team which will ar rive in the city today to play games with threo local schools. It is under stood that the Knoxville team is very strong one mid that they will give the locals a close contest in all three of the games. The visitors will meet the "Y" team tonight on the "Y" floor. Fri day night they will nioet the high school team at the high school, and Saturday afternoon they will play Bingham Military school on the floor of the latter. The members of thej visiting team will return homo Sun-! day. Heats are now on sale fori Thursday's grume at the V. M. C. A. The line-up for tho game tonight is as follows: V. M. V. A. Knoxville Position. Joe Mclntyre Donahue Center. G. Randolph Keister Guard. E. Coston . . , i. . Crittenden Guard. J. Median Forward. G. I.oughcrn Dean Forward. B. Murphy Shannon Forward. Tenncnt Ayres Limitations which hne existed heretofore as to the amount "of stock each subscriber might have were or dered lifted and ttie stock sold upon the open market, at the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Fair view Telephone company snd the Cane Creek Telephone and Light company. The resignation of IS. K. Miller, president, was accepted, and I'. . Merrill was elected to till the vacancy. Mr, Merrill having been vice presi dent, tills position wns made vacant and James G. K. McClure. Jr.. was made vice president. .1. it. I'inker ton wns elected as a new member of the board of directors. Through the sale of stock on the open market the management ex pressed n belief that the company would soon be considerably enlarged, and that a-great majority of the peo ple in tlie two big sections of the county could be served by the com pany. R. A. WATKINSTOINS NAVY FOR 2 YEARS T 1 the navy an excellent opportunity to Improve their education, if they bo desire, and to fit themselves for a useful occupation in civil life after u Iwo-year enlistment in the navy. Men who contemplate the study of medi cine, pharmacy or dentistry will find that the knowledge gained In one of the navy hospital schools will bo of great benefit to them in their later studies. The navy maintains hospital schools at Newport, R. I.. Great Lakes. Ill , Hampton Roads, Vn , and San Fran cisco. Calif. The school at Hampton Roads, Va.. Is the best equipped in stitution of Its size In the world and offers advanced training for men who ure interested. At these schools are taught, first aid. minor surgery, anatomy, physiology, toxicology, bacteriology. inHteila nic dlcn, pharmacy, chemistry, X-ray and typewriting. Young men who enlist as hospital apprentice second class. are sent to one of thess schools for a six noinths' courso of instruction In the duties of a hospital corpsman. REV. WM. JONES TO Ject will bo "The Parable of Jesu as a Guide to Living. The musical program will consist of a solo by Mias Luclle KiUgerald. The accompanist will be Mlas Virginia Whitfield. SPEAK AT Y. M. C. A. ROTARY CLUB WILL Chaplain of Ashevlllo School To Be Sunday SnottVer. ru-. Wm. Jones, chaplain for the Aslicville Schotl for Hoys, will be j the speaker at tne local I. . A. Sunday at four o'clock. Rev. Mr. Jones spoke recently at Trinity church and his friends here will bo glad to know that he will speak again in the city. He was nsked to speak here at the request of one of t hose who heard him recently in the city. His sub- MEET AT 1 O'CLOCK The regular weekly meeting of the Rotary club will be held this after I noon "t one o'clock fit the Battery i Park hotel. Matters of Importance will be disposed of and several com 'nilttecs will make their reports. Owen Non-ell, cashier of the Wachovia bank and Trust will addreaa the members In the Interest of the ! National Thrift week, which Is now j being observed throughout the country. p IMYI USE YOUR CREDIT BOY; JJPPAREL The ffind that snri ma mi TOWARD A. FARLEY. 16 S. Tack Kq. Asheville, 7. Navy In Need of Many Men In Va-1 rious Bra nv lies. I support of the work. The building of the association han been used this 'year to It.s fullest capacity and has ! touched the greater portion of the boyii of the city in some of its activi- I ties. U A WATKINS le K. A. Walklns. of ClilTskle, was ac cepted for enlistment In the navy yes terday, at the local navy recruiting station, and was sent to Raleigh for further transfer to a naval training station. He enlisted for two years as apprentice seaman. Y oung men leav ing school who are unable to attend college will find the hospital corps of TlBle, Nervous People Need! Bnttro-PBuospBiiatte What It Is and How It Increases Weight, Strength and Nerve Force In Many Instances SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED BY EVERY DOCTOR AND USED IN EVERY HOSPITAL Says Editor of "Physicrans' Who's Who." Take plain bltro-pbosphate is the ad rice of these physicians to thin, deli cate, nervous people who lack vlin, en ergy and nerve force, and there seems to be ample proof of the efficacy o this preparation to warrant recommen dation. Moreover, if we judge from the countless preparations anil treatments which are continually being advertised for the purpose of making thin peo ple fleshy, developing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and an , tries by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thou sands of men ami women who keenly feel their excessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are often due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained In modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this dellciency o. well as the organic prosphate known among druggists as bitro-phosphate, which Is inexpensive and Is sold by Smith's Drug Store in AshevlUe, and most all leading druggists under a guar antee of satisfaction or money back.' By feeding the nerves directly and by sup plying the body cells with the necessary phosphoric food elements, bitro-phos-phate should produce a welcome trans formation in the appearance; the Increase in weight frequently being astonishing. Clinical tests made in St. Catherine's Hospital, N. V. C, showed that two patients gained in weight. 3 and 27 pounds, respectively, through the ad ministration of organic phosphate; both patient claim they have not felt as strong and well for the past twelve years. Increase In weight also carries with it a general Improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, should soon disap pear, dull eyes, aught to brighten and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of per fect health. , Physlclsns and hospitals everywhere are now recognising its merits by its use in ever increasing quantities. Frederick Koile, M. D-, editor of New York Phy sicians, "Who's Who," says: "Bitro Phosphate should be prescribed by every doctor and used In every hospital to increase strength and nerve force and' to enrich the blood. Joseph D. Jlarngan. Former Visiting Specialist to North Eastern Dispensatory, says: "Let those who are weak, thin, nervous, anaemic, or run-down, take a natural, unadulterated substance Buch as bl tro-phosphato and you will soon see some astonishing results In the Increase of nerve energy, strength of body and mind and power of endurance." Bitro-Phosphate is made entirely of tho organic phosphnte compound re ferred to in tho National Standard Dis pensatory as being an excellent tonlo and nervine and a preparation which has recently acquired considerable reputa tion in the treatment of neurasthenia. The standard of excellence, strength and purity of Its substance is beyond ques tion, or every Bltro-Phosphate tablet is manufactured in Btrict accordance with the U. S, Pharmacopoeia test require ments. Bitro-Phosphate Js therefore not a patent medicine and sh'mild not be con fused with any of the secret nostrums, so-called tonicsj or widely advertised "cure-alls." CAUTION Although Bltro-Phosphate Is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness, ow ing to Its tendency to Increase weight It should not be used by anyone who do's not desire to put on flesh. Adv M II m II '11 m i - Flour Made From Good, Strong, Select Kansas Wheat Costs More. In KANSAS EXPANSION FAMILY FLOUR ' filly . i HWICHITA fLOOR MIUS CO IT WnWA KANSAS &.. . ONLY THE CHOICEST WHEAT IS USED Ask Your Grocer 'naW! Your Grocer Has KANSAS EXPANSION FLOUR Or He Will Get It For You vS . .'wrtt ..'..-,.7, V naJOSPS .'irX Distributed By The Adams Grain & Provision Co. Asheville, N. C. Blackwell-Bushnel! Co., Wayneaville, N. C; Slaydert, Fakes & Co.. Bryson City. N. C; Byers Bros.. Hendetaonville, N. C r Because-'- I maintain three very extensive chemical laboratories in which all materials are thoroughly tested. No harm ful materials can ever enter into Royster goods. Our home and foreign markets are picked over for the choicest raw materials; then I formulate them in just fhe proportion which my life-time experience has found to be best for each crop for which the fertilizer is in tended. The results of all this care is, naturally, a complete mixture which is really the "last word" in fertilizer. So, you see, I am justified in feeling proud of the Royster Products, which come from our fifteen up-to-date plants.. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY t Norfolk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchborg, Va. Tarboro, N. C Charlotte, N. C Colombia, S. C. Service is a Pleasure Washington, N.C Spartanburg, S. C Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. 1 Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio I . O THE man who dislike the com monplace, who will not build a home like his neighbors nor wear a suit like his Mows, the Roamer make it appeal Every Rotmer possesses individuality. Its patrician poise seta it aloof from corv ventional automohues. Its finish pro claims the taste of its owner because the choice of coke, upholstery and top mi' terial is optional without added expense. .,, , , - ' L i i - BaklitMotc Cae (,KiJaiiuuo,Mich. mer Motor Co. Phones 28261171 Asheville, N C. J I