'II 15 THE ASUEV1LLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. PHONE 80 Cttiien Want Ads Bring Results LADY OR YOUNG MAN to assist proof reader; one with experience preferred. Apply at Citi zen business office or to foreman of composing room after 7 p. m. 1-21-tl WANTED Colored couple on farm In: Mills River section, man to do milk ing and care for stock and small garden. Woman to do cooking and, house work for small family. Re ferences required. Mill Knob tarn, Pmit. 1. Fletcher. N. C. P1-17-, M A Ii E ENGINEERING Graduates or men partly schooled or experienced In technical work are wanted for tele phone engineering, technical and administrative positions In the larg er cities in the Southeast Imme diate opportunities for advance ment, good pay to start, and perma- . - .inmHMt Southern Pell Iirilb riiijji.'jii.".... : Tel. and Tel. Co. Telephone, call; or write Morgan B. Spelr, 12 East j Third Street. Charlotte, in. u. 1-15-15 WANTED First class finisher. Champion Shoe Hospital. Gov ernment St. Pl-22-7 "WANTED Tractoi driver and me chanic. Man must be an A No. 1 mechanio and understand the me chanism of Caterpillar tractor. Good wages for the rlsrht man. Ad dress, Broad River Lumber Com pany, Stackhouse, N. C. 1-14-tf Asherille Railway Mall Clerk Exami nations coming. Beginners get $1, 100 year. Many needed. Common education sufficient Sample ques- tlons free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept 316 A, Rochester. N. T. Pl-4-80 WANTED Capable salesman for position as assistant manager, must have executive qualifications, neces sary to rise to management of busi ness. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 18 N. Pack Sq. Pl-lg-T EXPERIENCED Bench Men and Cab inet Makers. Steady work at good pay in steam heated plant, under excellent working conditions. Mont ague Manufacturing Company. Richmond. Vc. 1-18-10 WANTED Capable stenographer, good hours and working conditions. Salary $20 per week. Excellent op portunttes for advancement. Ad dress K. R., care Citizen. 1-21-2 WANTED At once man for woods commissary. References required. Address Woods, care Citizen. 1-22-10 WANTED A good man to take my mill and saw and stack lumber either by day or thousand. E. G. Oaston. Asheville. P-l-17-7 SALESMAN W ANTED Competent man to call on merchants of west ern North Carolina with high-class article. Salary or commission. Call room 49 American National Bldg., between eleven and one. J. J. Gladden. Pl-22-1 WANTED A man, to work on farm one who can drive truck and make all round man. J. Scroop Styles. 1-19-3 FIREMEN, Brakemen, $160-1,200, ex perience unnecessary, railway asso ciation, care Citizen. P-l-8-12-19-28-4 P E M A Ij K WANTED At once middle age lady to keep house for man and three k children. References required, ror particulars apply to J. W. Jacokes, Glen Rock Barber Shop. Pl-22-7 WANTED Experienced headwaitress and three waitresses. Address promptly with reference. THE KENNON HOTEL ' Goldsboro, N. C. ' Pl-10-20 WANTED Experienced Laundress by the week, also yard-boy, either whole time or out of school hours. Apply M20 Hillside St., between 8 and 9 a. m.. or telephone 573. WANTED A lady acquainted with city to make some collections for a few days. Apply in person, room 18 Technical Building, Asheville, N. C. P-l-20-3 WANTED Careful and speedy typist owning typewriter, to give all her time at home. Address E., care Citizen. 1-21-2 WANTED Quick, accurate stenog rapher, having speed. Address in own hand. P. O. box 66, Asheville, N C 1-21-2 AN EXPERIENCED colored maid wanted at Western Hotel on Pack Rmiare. Good wages. WANTED Maid to do baby laundry and housework. 4 adults. Apply No. 6 Aston Place. 1-21-3 "WANTED At once, white woman for house work, good wages, apply In person, 11 State St., West Asheville. Pl-22-1 EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework. Good wages. Apply 201 Charlotte St. P-l-19-3 WANTED A housemaid for half a day work. Apply 45 Hallywood St. 1-21-3 WANTED Young country woman to keep small bungalow on outskirts of Asheville. Only few hours of In door work a day. State experience regards gardening and household duties. R. C. L., care The Citizen. Pl-22-3 WANTED At once lady clerk with dry goods and notion experience, for large commissary near Ashe ville. References with reply. Ad dress Lumber, care Citizen. 1-22-10 WANTED A cook for whole or part of day. Phone 1689. 1-22-3 MUSIC AND ARTS. ALVA H. LOWE, teacher of piano and Voice. Endorsed by the great European master. Alberto Jonas, Residence studio at tl Chestnut St Phone. 603. P-l-1-80 LEONARD TO MEET DUNDEE. NEW TORK, Jan. ii. Benny Leonard, world's lightweight boxing champion and Johnny Dundee, of New York, wilt meet In an eight round bout In Jersey City, February t, it was announced tonight The pair were to hare root at New Haven 4 a 9A-mi!ul hnllt tA Sk dMSisiOB OB daauaxy 1. but the authorities ln- 1 AtrrMftMirc cu cir ' REAL ESTATE ' REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED I . .... AWOMOBILB SS 1 1 FoTfrrK 1 PoTTrr LerTereo. Classing we maun price figHt." No decision u er- pttal im Jfew Ann, . Open Wide Your Rortals Private Homes Wtth vacant itooms insert a Ad.-NOW IS THE TIME W II r ,- M.1 m- - ' - USED One Reo $i Ton Truck One Reo 2 Ton Truck. One Republic 2 Ton Truck. One Overland i Ton Truck. ROAM E R MOT O R C O Phone 2826. ' Haywood Bldg. USED CARS One Five Passenger Roamer. One Seven Passenger Roamer. One Four Passenger Olds., 8 speedster. One Ford Roadster. One Dodge Roadster. ROAMER Phone 2826. FOR 8 A Ii K Automobile Fords to Packards. Some very special prices for balance rtf tlilu WDAlt. 1919 Willys Knight . . . .$1,250 1919 Ford Touring- starter b' 1919 Ford Starter block 575 1918 Ford Touring ..... 450 1919 Napoleon Six 1,250 1918 Grant Six 550 1918 Hudson SuDer-bix. 875 1917 Hudson Super-Six. . 750 1918 Willys Six 650 1917 Stevens Durea oov 1916 Mitchell Six 450 1918 Ford Roadster ... 450 1918 Ford Sedan bbv 1918 Chevrolette 275 1919 Chevrolette Touring 450 1918 Jeffry Six 750 TRUCKS. 1918 International $1,450 1918 International 2-ton 1,250 1919 Vim 3-4 ton 750 1918 Overland 3-4 ton . . 450 1918 Smith-form-a Truck 6ib 1917 Light Ford Truck . 350 Scott" Dillingham, Inc. Carolina's Biggest Dealer In Used Cars. 20 X. Lexington Ave., Cor. 'Walnut 3 Phones 2376-101-901. Our Service Never Ceases Night or 'Day. 1-20-1 FOR SALE Buick Six Roadster 1918 model a No. 1 condition can be seen at Keith Auto Co., Hendersonville, M I". Price $1,000.00. 1-22-2 EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES. An Overland Country Club and an Overland Big Four, five passenger. If you are inter ested in cars of exceptional appearance and price, drop in and examine these models. OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. Phone 2967. 12-16 E. Walnut St. 1-17-tf T.A!rv Radiators. Repaired, rebuilt, guaranteed not to leak. Meiai ooaies uum uy also take the dents out All kinds welding, soldering- done. Look for the Radiator Sign. Ask for Wil liams. Asheville Radiator Shop. 65 Broadway. Phone 901 1 l-io-i i Auto Men On account of our fast growing busi ness, have taken in w. u. ioney partner. Mr. Tolley was formerly W. H. Arthur's best radiator man. We can take care of your work now without delay. Asheville Radiator Shop 65 Broadway. Phone S460. Pl-16-7 AUTOS FOR HIRE First class closed and open cars, reasonable price, with good clean drivers. Telephone 177. Chambers ft Weav er Co., cor. Aston St. and Lexing ton, Aye P-l-7-30 BOARDERS WANTED Are You From Dixie A TABLE like your Grandmother jet in I860. Jsew rurnuure, running hot water furnace heat THR AITOITHTA VILLA "In the heart of Asheville II College Street HARMONY HALL CO Oak. corner Woodftn, Charlotte car line. Hot water htat. pleasant rooms, excellent meals. "A Home." Phone 1698. Pl-21-14 IN PRIVATE FAMILY, board and room, with' sleeping porch. Hot water heat. Choice location. Grove park section. Phone 382. I Pl-21-2 DESIRABLE ROOMS and board, in best locality. Private or connect ing baths. Hot water heat. Closed ruses accented. Phone 939. 1-17- WANTED Couple to board with - private family. Io sick or cnuaren, no other boarders, $26.00 per week, for the two. Phone 3099. ' 1-21-3 WANTED Boarders In private fam fi Winn house and aolendid table. Phone-344. 73 Cumber land Ave. -12-31-3 ON HILLbII)i Attractive room with hot water heat food Doara. no wo of' children taken. Phone 1896. P-l-K-T STEAM heated, well furnished room! and board. RaUa $19.90 and up. at aTtibertr. . !-- AirrnMncnF? SPECIAL j. ai wiTiwiyiMi CARS 1-18-7! J MOTOR CO. Haywood Bids. 1-18-7 TO CLOSE OUT U. S. Armyj reclaimed quilts, 5G bales, 30 to bale, at $45.00. Will sell lot or in single bale. All these: goods are clean, in tine con- dition. Well Worth double theHE JANI-ARY L;hT of new records price. The reason of selling thorn vi'f TIPPH ine ruum lui i l i I . . . other goods. Act quick The Asheville Salvage Co., Inc. 29 Butmore Ave. Phone 1497. A. J. BUNN. Plumbing Repairing. Phone 847 ' ,..,.J ni? v T. SVH'FORD. JR Veterinarian, office Smith Drug Store. Residence Phone 118. Pl-22-30 Baggage Transferred, Furniture Moving, First-Class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer tt Auto Co. "The House with a Keener Under standing." W. T. Keener, Mgr. Opp. Passenger Station. Phones 1405 and 1416. Branch Office, 27 Patton Ave. 10-4-tf P. M. HOLCOMBE WALL PAPER 25 PER CENT OFF. PAINT AND KALSOMINE. PHONE 452. Pl-18-7 CONSTIPATION a Brlgnfs are stomach diseases. Lungs and kid neys get sore and inflammed be cause the etomach fails to send them good blood. Free "Your Health and a Spoonful of Brains.' John Norwood. Norfolk, Va. P12-27-30 Saddle Horses Carriages, Buggies, prompt service. reliable drivers. Kvereu n. c.eniry Livery Co. Successor to Chambers and Weaver. 44i-46 S. . Lexington Ave. Phone 18. Pl-20-7 Wanted Irish Potatoes Paying 4c per pound. Selected stock. Delivered to our warehouse, Depot St. McConnell Bros. 1-18-tf LARKIN, Dalrymple and Smith Pa- per hanging, painting, calcimlning and house cleaning. 31, Y. M. 1. Phone $017. P-l-4-30 FREE All dry sand and lime free for hauling away; fine for gardening. Applv Ozark Bldg., Joins Masonic Temple. P-l-19-4, WE BUY second-hand furniture, graphophones, records and all household furniture. Phono. 3056. Pl-14-30 ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Reasonable, two nlcoly furnished connecting rooms and sleeping porch for light housekeep ing with modern conveniences, near car line. No sick. Apply 3 Vic toria Road. P-l-18-7 ROOMS AT 207 Charlotte St. Good meals. Phone 8235. Pl-22-8 VERY desirable tied rooms, in new bungalow, breakfast optional, 1 Edwin place. Grove Park, opposite Manor. Phone 128. 10-12-tf FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No chil dren. Apply 65 Victoria road. Phone 2432. Pl-21-3 FOR RENT Two completely fur nished rooms and sleeping porch adjoining bath apply 6$ Pearson Drive. Pl-21-3 FURNISHED, sunny apartment, con necting sleeping porch, close in. 26 Starnes. Phone 880. 1-21-3 FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, one, two or three. Phone 282 after t.P. M. P-l-21-7 FOR! RENT Newly furnished room, conveniently located. 74 College St. P-l-19-6 ., ,.;FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent 1Z-2B-30 I ,ln..t.lM 7S Rlarn.i iva P-l-Sl-1 UK FURNISHED FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms first floor apartment. Hot water furnished. Phone 280. P--20-7 TWO First floor rooms, connecting, one ironi equal inree. unn verj large. 97 Church St Pl-21-3 JUNK Send your junk to the Southern Junk and Hide Co., ll Eagle St Phone 2234. r P-l-20-30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNrriES WANTED Business m&a T-ilh ability to open district sales office for o:d established well rated manufactur ing Arm. Wonderful opportunity for the right party to connect with en- , tlrely new line of business, without competition. L0O to $1,000 capi tal rasulred. Should net at least $10,001 first rear. Meobaaloal Ma ' caiaa TeU Wemn, Baltimore, Md. uwwjku we deliver kindling, whole "n1 roof for $50 today. Lumber of alt, sizes for mile. Doom and IiiUows aim OtiiI'W Hll ir lit MlLHonic Tela- nle ' ri -:'2-3 I FOR SALE Tim I lion. 1 bour, Z If taken at oner. Wonlsey. it. i: Mu m power, 1M-19-7 FOR SALE Nice mare 7 years old, spring wagon hiuI harness, flrst cluss shape. Cheap for quick sale. Apply E. H. Hiunner. 66 Hirtn ,. IM-K2-7 li'.HT Housekeeping furniture for tiale. with nrlllluK of renting , liuuie. Call 69 1- Hlunton St. P1-22-J i ! DAIRY for sale or lent 19 cows., ', homos, cine dairy wagon. 1 two. horse wagon, one one horse wagon. farming tools. For information ap- plv Richmond Hill Sunset Dairy, ' Anhevllle. It F. D. No. t.. PI -22-3 1 SMALL WATER POWER OUTFIT 10-inch Turbine Water Wheel, with Type D Woodward Gov ernor. Capacity 110 h. p. Built for either direct or belt drive. Is well suited for mountain water power hav ing small stream and high head. Would cost new about $2,500. Price f. o. b. Char lotte, $1,500. Address George Stephens, care Citizen. 1-18-5 T? f r n r d s are here. Come In. 10 Inch records Tf,.. each Order bv mall. Records i i .. . . , I . . , . . i ! ..H anvniham I imcseu nvc uiij Postaee about 1 5c on 5 records. Phonograph Shop. 12 South Pack Square Next Central Bank. 1-21-7 FOR SALE For quick sale One lot 75x120 near West Asheville. First Ji 100.00 takes it. Has the amount in I wood. If you want a real bargain I come at once. S. D. Hall. Patton A P-1-19- Drv Firewood. Cut to order and delivered, $7.00 per truck load. i Grove Park Office. ' Telephone 1583. 1-21-7 ! KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) M. R. Starnes Wood Co. Phone , ,37i PI-17-31 PIANO Upright Grand, in fine condition. Cost new $500. Will sell for $150. Spot cash. See piano 12 Smith Pack snuare. 1-21-7 FOR SALE 1920 Ford Sedan. Self starter, demountable rims, perfect condition. $800.00. Phone 297. Post Office Box 762. P-l-19-3 FOR HALF. 3 Registered Duroc hogs, 1 bore. 2 sows. A bargain if taken at once. R. E. Mumpower, Waverly. P-l-19-7 FOR SALE 25 cases of Marmalade jelly and Jam. See J. A. Grove Grocery Co. for Information.- 1 - l v - WANTED WANTED To lease circular saw mill complete, ten to fifteen thousand feet daily capacity, for a period of twelve months. Will pay liberal i... . .1 . . I M,li.n t, . i 1 1 ri ir where JJIO.C. yiuv.oa i. ... . ....... 0 - - - - ' mill is located and Row soon it can be loaded. Broad River Lumber Co.. Stackhouse. N. C. 1-21-7 WANTED to buv cheau for cash medium size office safe. Address P. O. Box 303. P-l-za-a WANTED To buy young mare weighing eight hundred pounds, must be good family horse work any where. Phone 1056, or see J. M. W. Frisbee. Electric St. 1-19-3 WANTED Furnished room for two adults, with use of garage, close in. Address "quiet" care Citizen. Pl-22-1 WANTED To buy four or five room bungalow; good condition and loca tion; near car line; early possession desired; must deal with owner di rect. P. O. Box 278. Pl-18-6 WANTED To buy a number one good second saw mill outfit. Engine must be modern. State best cash price In letter. W. M. Wright. Canton, N. C. 1-19-3 UNFURNISHED house or 3 or 4 un furnished rooms (furnace heat and bath preferred) well adults near Auditorium preferred. Box 154. 1-21-3 WANTED Your circular saws ham mered, also brazing new backs for teeth. Work promptly done. M. M. Benson, 75 Broadway. 1-14-30 WANTED Immediately, house from owner! six rooms, sleeping porch, cash oV terms. Address. F. G., care CItizen Pl-21-3 MRS. SONGEY', 4 7 Cumberland Ave. Dressmaking and remodeling a spe cialty. PI-2--'-7 WANTED Table ana Cow Peas. Mall samples, state price, quantity. Jeffreys and Sons, Goldsboro, N. C. P-l-8-20 WANTED Seciaid hand roll top desk. Must be cheap and In good condition. Phone 924. 1-21-tf WANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 349. P-l-21-3 WANTED To buy chicken manure. R w Kelloeir. Asheville. P-l-19-3 POSITION "WANTED wa vTirn Position ji salesman for wholesale or retail house by young man now unaer l.. is. jepi. com merce on account change of loca tion. A No. 1 reference. P. O. Box 3 it. U. S. B. F Orangeburg, 8. C. P-l-18-7 WANTED Secretarial position by woman .of ability, college graduate. ' 8 yrs. experience in office work. Will go out of town. Address M. M. W. Box 442, Biltmore, N. C. Phone 1618. P-l-19-8 LADY experienced in housekeeping, . , 1 . t Jt Kn.(.lnn In or out Asheville. Addrees, Mrs. B. M. G., 330 Sou t held e Ave. P-l-20-7 WORK WANTED By the day. Also lr-undrv. Phone 2611. Pl-21-3 EXPERIENCED dress-maker wants .to go oat by the day. Pbonel62L WANTED All or part Urn olerloal work by young" woman experienced la shorthand and typewriting. In- , auraooe preferred. Address O. TJ, para aUMQ. JPMJH "Citizen Want Ads. Haven't Failed, that's as much choice Merrimon Ave. Homes - attractive homes In. .,. , Aheville 8 rooms and i sieepint. . hmt double izar- a. beautiful grounus, Another of 9 rooms and very large sleeping porch and nun parlor, ini- ineiice living room, hot water heat. 2 baths. X lavatories and toilet, large lot and panoramic views. $'JU,- ' 000. . 1 Another of 8 rooms and sleeping porch hot water heat, gnrage. Rood lot. , , I.. Pari Inn views. tlO.000. 1 One of thexe places should sun ;u If vou want a really modern nonm In one of the most desirable sec tions of Asheville. Don't wait until the spring ruf.li if you want nhome to your notion. . ., ,, n v & DAVIS J v- xv j v American Rank r.uilding. Phones 2671 and 294u. WHY NOT Invest I" u tobacco, vege table and fruit farm at Black Moun i v (- ? We have therii from 10 to' 200 acres. We have thous-i a n Js of summer visitors. Our market is never dull. No hetter everybody knows that tobacco Is j ready cash and a good price, see us now while we havo these farms for sale at a bargain. Terme to all ,I?neN C Vl -7 1 We have a very on.'"rt. I large ana riirawmo , unfurnished private homes in the I best residential sections of Ashe ville. Wculd be glad to make an; appointment to show you thesq. Also all kinds of properties for sale. ! FORBES & CAMPBELL. I 48 Patton Ave. Phone 2J. I Sales Agents Grove Park Properties. I List your properly with us ! 13-1 g-tt ViClU HAI.K 5. room bu ungaloW, with nent onpaved line, inNlpod bath and large basement lrAt and street rAr lint nalfhltorhnnit Thin hnilXA i mod em in every particular, and built of picked and the very best of ma terial; it Is conveniently arranged, the grounds have concrete walks and steps, flowers, fruit trees, grape vines, aiifl electrically lighted K- mrii. i.ot is auDroximaieiy su feet deep. Phone 282H. 1-21- MR. PROPERTY OWNER We can secure each other's confidence and good will only in return for sat isfactory service "We guarantee to give It." List your property with us today. NANTAHALA REALTY CO. Haywood Bldg. Phone 710. 1-22-2 FOR SALE 105 acre farm, with dwelling, mercantile building and Grist Mill, near Weaverville. For price and terms call on Reeves ft Weaver, Agents, Weaverville, N. C. 1-22-7 Close In Investments. PAYING 15 on the purchase price. Eighteen room nouse nnea up mm nine apartments. On paved street, close to town, lot 66x128. For a quick sale, furniture and all for $2,000 cash, balance very easy. Price is only $13,000.00. Messier Realty Co. "On the Square" Phone' 3081. 1-21-3 MR. PROPERTY Owner We have buyer for six or seven room house; prefer Merri mon or Charlotte section. See us at once. Nantahala Realty Co. Haywood Bldg. Phone 710. 1-21-2 North Carolina Realty Co. 10V North Pack Square, (over Southern Coal Co.,) Asheville, N. C. Phones 3681-2981. Buys, sells a rA Tfhin all kinds of real es tate. "Anywhere." 1-20-tf FURNISHED HOUSES Comfort in Winter Homes THREE COTTAGES in Albermarle Park at monthly rentals of $126 and $226 per month, respectively Others on Holmwood Road, Evergreen Lane, Edgemont Road and In Grove Park, up to $826 per montn. in me moderate priced homes, I recom mend 83 Elizabeth St. at $90.00 per month, and house on Blake St. at $85.00 per month. In unfurnished houses, 1 can cite only two for rent. One at $60.00 and another at $100. per month. Henry Talbot Sharp 1-20-3 FURNISHED five room bungalow sleeping porch; south-eastern ex posure. $60.00 permonth B. Frank Gudger. 32-33 Electrical Bldg. Phone 228 1-21-8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bun galow. 6 rooms and S. P. House, No. 27 Henrietta street. Phone 39. Call for Mr. Williams. 1-16-7 jc'OR RENT Elegantly furnished Carolina Apartment. J. M. Camp bell. Phone 1529-829. P-l-H-7 LOST LOST Saturday about 6 p. m., a black hana-oae- containing Cana dian and American money. Nurses Training school gold badge, antique Jado ring, etc. Reward. Rreturn to Box 172 or photre 408. 1-19-6 LOST Between Elfxabefk street and Vanre street. DaDys dvick crrn trlmed In fur. Drug Store. Return to tloode'ar FOUND FOUND On Woodflti ' St., sme cheese, can Kincaia own u for Mclntvre. Pl-22-1 L03T Small handbag in Bon Marche Library or on ine sireei, cuiiumhu, money. Reward. Call 3424. Pl-22-1 LOST Tuesday about S P. M. on Merrimon Ave., between Chestnut and Hillside, child's white wooi stoeklnr cap. Itewara. Return to T Merrimon. Pl-33-1 VfvfTiSV PUBLIC r. M. ME88LER, room 9 Library buUdlnc fMM iut ear . Bring Results" as can be said of anything . NOT TOO It is true there is a scarcity of houses "For Sale" at this time, but we Still have some very good values tt. offer In medium sized houses, as well as lar ger places, ranging in value from 12,500 to $25,000. See us about tbs boms you are planning to buy. NOW 18 THE TIME. If you Intend buying this year. If wo do not happen to have Just the place you are looking for, let us know if you are In the market we aro listing new places constantly, and will take pleasure In showing you the place to meet your requirement-, I, !;' I S- HEM' YOU SOLVE THE HOME PROBLEM. , A very attractive home in I lie Cumberland Section is offered for ale-nlns rooms anil sleeping porch, furnace heat, servant's quarters, garage beau tiful grounds a real home. $10,000.00. ' Seven-room home in the Merrimon Section, .hot water heat, corner lot splendid location, tx.noo.00. Terms. Thliteeu-iooin house (nine bed rooms), two baths, six small bungalowg .ad joining with two buhK. accommodate forty peoplo, eleven acres of land., good water supply, an Idoul summer resort, about nine miles out Offerei for quick salo for $ lO.iuO.OO. Good terms. BUNGALOW Four rooms and largo tion, In perfect condition, ready for BUNGALOW Five rooms and sleeping Terms. , , k Ue.irab,v located, could be easily con- verted Into apartment house, 18.600.00. Terms. Bight-room house in the Charlotte ruary first. $5,600.00. Terms. WILLIAM Real Estate :i-2i Electrical Bldff. Patton Avenue- FIVE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF" LAND To be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION by ua during 1920. That Is the goal w have set for ourselves, and wo confidently expect to reach It , . We sold almost $2,000,000.00 worth during 11, and WfKare making our n.nA than rtniltilA lnftf VAArfl hUSlneSS. We are very much gratified with our of the large volume of business, Dut more especially ooun i ui that those for whom we sold as woll as those o whom we sold land re ceived a "square deal" at our handa. They are both our friends, and' we believe they will recommend ua to others. WHY SELL Because the "Auction Way" la the quickest way. Because, with favorable conditions, which is sometimes more than you Because, more land was aold In this 1920 and in ine future man ui any uwier And there are other reasons. ' ' If you hava a farm for aale and expect to sell anytime during the year, , we believe it will be to your Interest to allow ua to tell you of Our, methods and submit terms. It will cost you nothing to have our representative look over your property, and tell Just what we think we can do with it Write us now, even If you do not expect to sell before Spring, Summer or Fall. We are booking sales alx month ahead now. The longer, we have, the better we can advertise your sale. THE INTERSTATE LAND AUCTION COMPANY , A. L. Osborne, President. References: Any Baiik In, Bristol. General Offices: Bristol, Tenn. S. H. Thompson, Manager, W. O. Osborne, Adv. Mgr.' JUST TO StioVv TOU WEJ ARB 'ROUND HERB tiavm Bmnif MniTHW Tvd street, small lot. close In. c - iV w vs. - . . - - - . most your' terms, $4,000.00. i . ! A WONDBRFTjX NEW HOMES i ' OAK FLOORS 3 servant rooms, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch.- . Furnace heated, large lot with the million dollar views, $12,600.00. Cash or good terms. ' CRACKER JACK BOARDING HOUSE LARGE GROUND and out buildings, nicely located, 31 rooms, sev eral baths, $16,000.00 or furnished for $18,000.00. Some terms. .4 r -.:.;; 20 MINUTES OUT FINE HOME 7 bed rooms. It's extra nice couldn't be repro duced for $10,000.00 soarly one acre,' good terms, $5,600.00. 12 ACRES AND A WONDERFUL SPOT IT IS HAS A CHEAP RESIDENCE In city of Asheville 'cross the river. Dandy Truck Farm. Easiest terms, $8,000.00. v WE HAVE ANYTHING FROM A BILLY GOAT TO A GIRAFFE ON TERMS. "It Can Be Done" ( W. T. ROWLAND Cp. 318 213 Drhumor Building. AS ONE OF OUR ESTEEM CONTEMPORARIES WOULD SAY "WE HAVE DEVELOPED A PRICE" Developed Is a perfectly good word, henee we say we have developed a price of $12,000.00 on a bakers do-en beautiful, in faot, wonderful lota in Norwood Park. Good terms arranged. These lots should , net' you several thousand in profits within the next few months. When Norwood Is built up, where will you ever find such an op- Weva'another block of ten Norwood lots for $10,000.00. Then ws have 'em from $750.00 up to $1,500.00 each. Don't sit back with that wise look and. say: "They're too high, I knew when I could buy an acre for that." Forget the past and and do better In the future. We are building two real homes in Norwood Park. They will be pippins, having, the regulation views 'nevrything. -"It Can Be Done" W. T. ROWLAND ft CO. 218 219 Drhumor Building. ' REAIESTATE I.' O II SA1K ' JOHN ACEE & CO. Real Estate and Insurance . Cents for the "-V het er class T of business and resi dentlal property. Practically every- . thing on the market .u fin.?"I m jt .niuri deal la the aim service mio " i " . . ef this office. Ask some, of , those who have tried . ' - NO. 10 BATTERY PARK . PLACE. , , Phone 315 ... On the Ground Floor l-20-tf , JJJ gALE 7-room house on Hill side St.. and also 6-room nouse on Highland St. botn nouses m su ' condition. These are a rood bay. Bee me at once If interested. W. L. Hart Real Estate. 3S-33 Iw bm. Phone - Pl-22-3 FOR BALE Seven room dwelling with large lot,. WeavarvUle. good location, easy terms. Kesras Weaver Jjcsai "r phone: so Citizen Want Ads Bring Results 7. " LATE sun parlor, In the Charlotte St. Bee-, Immediate occupancy. ,o.vv. . porch, Charlotte Section. 14,600.00.' Street Section, modern, possession Feb COLEMAN Investments. Phone 34S. -Opposlte PoHtofllce. 1-ll-t record for 1919. Not only fceoauM AT AUCTION? your land win Di'inf its full value, have been asking. i way during 91 and will fee' durlnf vAl- REAL ESTATE WORTH THE MONEY Two store rooms 6n paved street and car line and on a corner lot. 10 living rooms up-stairt. Ask us about pries and terms. Western Carolina Realty Co., 10 N. Pack Square., 1-21-3 FOR SALK 130 aeres of timbered land 3 miles of railroad In Black ML township: for further informs- ; tion write or see, R. V, Oarrett, Sylva. N. C. , P-l-l$- FOR SALE At Inanda N. a. near Brevard Road. 18 H acres, 3 seres in timber. 31.50O cash.; G. Camp richa, BUuuore. N. C. R. 2. ... P-l-19-6 List Tour Property For Rent With MO ALE &MERI WEATHER HaywooJ Bldv . nan Ml