THE 2LSHEVILLE CITIZEN, THUESDAY MOBNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. . Japanese Trays ,' Choico Variety Thin Glass Sherbets Low and Tall Quality and Price Both Right ; LAW'S 2 1 Haywood St. ADVERTISING MANAGER FOR ANTHONY BROS. W. H. Daria, Formerly With IxxU Paper, To Be Locatde With Finn In Asherttla. LOCAL BOY SCOUTS TO HOLD BIG CELEBRATION Lcdis who are dlscrtmlnat fair In thslr (election of Chma and Sllrarwars will find hsrs orarythlnf oca could wish for. THE I-X-L STORE v 0 PATTON AVE. PHONB 107 YOUR EYES are nature's great gift Your enjoyment of life depend upon their service to you. . CARE FOR THEM. Charles H. Hones OPTOMETRIST Eye-Strain Specialist M Patton Ave. Opp. Postoffloe Established 1000. Announcement la made that Wil 11am H. Davla, formerly advertising manager of a local newspaper, haa taken a position as advertising; man agar of the chain of stores conducted by Anthony brothers. Mr. Davis will come to Aaheville, June 1, where he will have headquarters. The Charlotte News, in referring" to the change, give the following account: "William H. Davis, for nine years a Charlotte advertising man and for more than a year In the advertising department of The News, will leave Charlotte Wednesday for Dayton, Ohio, -where he will become adver tising manager for a 1600, ooo mens furnishing business operated by An thony Brothers. About June 1 Mr. Davis Is to be transferred to Ashe vllle to become advertising manager of the entire charn of stores operated by Anthony Brothers. "Anthony Brothers operate atores at resorts, appealing to the high- class resort trade. The company has stores at Ashevllle, Palm Beach, Dayton and Fort Pierre, Fla., and at Hot Springs and White Sulphur Springs, Va. plans are now under way for the opening of store at other points. "Mr. Davis is a native or rock Hill. 8. C, Jut has been a resident of Char lote for the last fifteen years, except for the time he served as advertising manager of The Ashevllle Times and the Miami Herald, of Miami, Fla. . In Charlotte Mr. Davis haa served with The Observer and was advertising manager of The Evening Chronicle when that publication waa taken over by The News." NATIONAXj BOY SCOUT WEKK TO BE FEB. 8 TO 14. SUPREME CHANCELLOR OF PYTHIANS COMING BOND ELECTION FOR SCHOOL IS CARRIED Includes Review , by Mayor, Belay Races, Church Services, Enter tainment by Rotarians. VAGRANTS NOTIFIED TO FIND POSITIONS County Will Find Employment for the Persistent loafers. WE HAVE ';'!' V;';' i; "1;.",V t 'V' , ' "'' '' ' . V a few used Tires in our stock which will go cheap. Also few retreads. STETSON I BKVICH ATisFiia STETSON TIRE COMPANY Broadway and WsJnot fits, and SoatlMlde Ave, Phone tin and toil. County Welfare Officer Thomas It. Parker yesterday Issued final warn ing to vagrants, and notified those who are loafing around Km ma that in the event they did not And a suit able Job and stick to It. the county had some work over on Early moun tain, -where the convicts are station ed, that needs being looked after. Officer Parker stated that he has had a large number of complaints that boys and young men above the compulsory school age are spending tneir time loanng, cursing and tight lng around Emma station. The offi cer has secured the assistance of some deputy sheriffs and a round-up of the vagrants win be conducted unless complaints atop reaching the welfare officer. Benjamin' Franklin saidj "Remem ber that money la of a prolific, gen erating nature. Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more and so on." - Ashevllle boy scouts will observe "National Boy Scout Week" with an elaborate program, covering seven days, beginning February 8, and con tinuing to February 14. The local program has been arranged with a good deal of care and attention, and It la believed that the week will prove of the greatest Interest to the members of any celebration yet neiu here. The program Is announced as fol lows: Sunday, Feb. 8, Anniversary Pay. 11 A. M. Boy scouts utlcnd local churches In body in uniform. (Seat reserved.) Suggested: Scout Hprinon on "Scouting, A Training for Citizen ship." Afternoon, troop good turns. 7:80 P. M. Union churches serv ice for scouts. All scouts attending service at some church. 8:15 P. M. All scouts stand at salute and Recommit themselves to the scout oath and luw. This will be done simultaneously by all the boy scouts of America.) Suggested: Scout sermon on dally "Good Turn." Monday, Feb. 0, Mew Member Day. Scout literature to reach every boy. All scouts to work for new members and to help candidates to pass their test All school teachers to say a word in favor of scouting in their school rooms. Individual good turns. Tuesday, Feb. 10, Community Day. 8: SO P. M. All scouts to report by troops to mayor of Ashevllle In front of city hall to be assigned troop good turns for the community. May or Roberts will address boy scouts and suggest a ptece of service that each troop can render the city that afternoon. 6 P. M. Banquet for all scouts at T. M. C. A. Wednesday. Feb. 11. Fathers' Day. Scouts to lunch with fathers at noon and to go on hike with father in the afternoon. Thursday, Feb. 12, Rotary Day. 1 P. M. All scouts who have pass ed tenderfoot tests are lnvtted to lunch with the Rotarians from one to two o'clock. Battery Park hotel. Afterpoon, special good turns for the Rotarians. Friday, Feb. 13, Mothers' Day. Scouts to get breakfast for mother and help with home duties. (Oood cooking test. A Special good turns for mothers. Doing that Job about the home that mother has been want lng done. 7:30 P. M. Mothers of scouts to attend scout meetings as guests of honor, Saturday, Feb, 14, Play Day. 8:80 A. M. Two mile troop relay eight entries from each troop. 10 A- M. Field meet. Biltmore. Noon,' dinner prepared by scouts outdoors. Afternoon, troop hikes. Will Be Guest of Local Lodges at Big Gathering on Feb. . Three Visits In State. Charles a. Davis, of Denver, Colo, supreme chancellor of the Knights of lJytnias, will be In Ashevllle Febru ary 4, and will be the guest of the local Pythian lodges. Orand Chancellor Borrell will ac company Mr. Davis on his tour of North Carolina, during which. In ad dition to Ashevllle, the two great lee turers and fraternallsts will visit Greensboro, Charlotte and Wilmington. Arrangements will be worked out here for the reception of a large num ber of Pythlana from tver Western North Carolina, who are expected to come to Ashevllle to hear the su: prcme chancellor. Mr. Davis Is reputed to be an ex cellent speaker, and his knowledge of fraternal lam and his position place him in a position to highly entertain with his lecturers not only the mem bers of the Knights of Pythias but the laymen as well. Citizens of Turkey Creek District De cide to Spend $13,000 In Fretting New School Building. COBURN WINS FIRST DAYS TARGET RACE (Special to The Citizen.) . PINEHURST, Jan. SO The Pine hurst introductory comprising the first 150 targets of the great 450 tar get race, was shot at Pinehurst to day, and won bv C. D. Coburn, of Mechanlcsburg, Ohio. Coburn broke 72 in the morning and all 75 In the afternoon and led the great field at 147.3. Darkness fell before some of the late squads could finish but none of the members were In a position to achieve 147. All had lost more than three birds when they stopped shooting. The first election held to decide the Issuance of school bonds since Miss Terrell became superintendent of public instruction last fall, was held in the Turkey creek special school ta district yesterday, and. the majority voted to Issue $12,000 In bonds for the punrfise of erecting a new school building. This special tax district Is located In Leicester township and in one of the most progressive communities In the county. Agitation for a new school site and building was started some time ago by the people of this community, and it was learned at the close of the election that a great num ber of the citizens favored the imme diate issuance of the bonds and con struction of the building so that all students may properly be accommo dated at the next term. There were 31 votes favoring the bond issue and 15 cast objecting to the isuance of the 12,000 school bonds. William Z. Penland, acted as register for the election and J. M. Plemmons and H. N. Hawkins were the Judges. The "Kansas" Improved TREE PRUNER E 31 It means to make money with energy, to spend money wisely and to save money systematically. Come in and let us show you . . our -' Peerless ' Washing; Machines and Vacuum Cleaners Best in the world. Easy pay ment plan WARD ELECTRIC CO. 1 Battery Park Place. Delco Light Products. PHONE 44 I ICS THE HALLMARK STORE. IN DESIGNING JEWELRY We always make it a rule to adhere to conservative and dignified lines that form a sensible basis of design, in order that the result may prove a lasting pleasure to the wearer. Should you have an old piece of jewelry you wish changed, possibly we can suggest some alteration that will make it a most prized and admired piece. Arthur M. Field Co. NOSE GUARDS That Stay In Place Our mountings are carefully ad justed, conform to the bridge of your nose, with guards that cling without binding. The wind won't blow off your glasses, when held with our stay-in-place guards. Our dependable eyeglass ser vice should appeal to you. "Becoming Glasses Cost No More" DR. DENISON OPTOMETRIST (Eye-Strain Specialist) 25 Patton Avenue Opp. Kress Store. The boy who comes up to your expectations needs clothes that come up to our specifications. See Them in the Boys' Department Third Floor Will cut a diameter in or limb 1 !4 inches the smallest twig. Strong and Well Made This Tree Pruner will save its cost in a few days work. 8 feet long. Price $3.50. Write for Circular. T. S. MORRISON & CO THE HALLMARK 8TOR. WARM AIR FURNACES Car load received. Get yours now. Prices are advancing on these. We can save you money and guarantee satisfaction. W.H. ARTHUR 75-77 Broadway - Sheet Metal Works PHONE 2116 Wattclues In every class of merchandise there is a Standard that is always spoken of compared to and judged by. Our policy in every case is to secure just that line of standard merchandise for our customers. Until recent years it has seemed the policy of each European watch maker to pro duce a watch peculiar to himself. The Swiss watch makers of established reputation have, like their American broth ers, standardized their models. The manufacturers of the celebrated Gruen Watches have now in their works watch makers from Switzerland to the end that they may furnish American watches made under Swiss supervision. We are now showing the most dependable makes stand ard watches that have established reputations for accur acy and reliability. HENDERSON : Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Near PostofBce WomenihitKnovr" Say That Our Line of Hot Water Bot tles Cannot Be Beat. We have a complete line of , Metal. Rubber and Stone Hot Water Bottles. Just the thing to keep you warm.. Prices from $1.50 to $5.00 V1- , Jfllj J" II 1 p V jjjj A DINING ROOM SUITE That Will Add Charm to the Meal Moderately Priced From our stock you can select a suite that you will be proud of when your friends dine with you; and one that they'll ad mire, too. We have a large stock in Colonial, Jacobean and William and Mary designs. Walnut or Mahogany finishes. Call and let us explain our Morris Plan payment system. Burton & Furniture. Molt On the Square MEMBER OF Ferndell Brand MINCE MEAT A very high grade Mince Meat 55 Cents Per Jar. EDWIN C JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market All Bulk Coeds Kept in Sanitary, Dust-Proof Bine. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Lamb, Veal, Pork, A TURKEYS Broilers and Fryers HENS STAR MARKET three phones-mi? .A "We are successful caterers to variety of appetites." Q YOUR HOUSE WARMING Lasts the winter through if you have your coal bin filled with our Coal THAT'S THEPARDEE For cleanliness, warmth and slow burning qualities they are there. i ' . Don't think of Moving Vans without recalling our Service. Phones 25-981. Terms Cash. CITIZENS TRANSFER & COAL CO. TOBACCO SEED Improved White Burley Little Oronoko Lancaster Broad leaf. These varieties avere grown by the largest and best grower of Tobacco Seed in the world. This seed is the pride of his business, and we know planters everywhere have found' this grower's seed true to type, of strong germination, and pro ductive. ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY Call for a Calendar. Cor. College & Lexington. Phones 2177 and 2178. MAKE YOUR ELECTRIC IRON WORK OVER-TIME ! We have a small rack which sells for a dollar. It will convert your electric iron into a ten dollar cook stove. You simply turn your electric iron up-side-down and presto, change I You have a dandy little electric stove which would cost you about ten dollars. We have a limited stock. Get yours today. PRICE .$1.00 Each Just Received Our Shipment, of NewJPack CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS Ripe, Sweet Fruit in Heavy Syrup Per Can ....... . . .60c J. J. VAXES 64 Patton Ave. Electrical Bldg. Opp. P. O. ' h A Good Piano Is a Companion THAT IS WORTH WHILE THE HOB ART M. CABLE PIANO IS THE CHOICE OF MANY MUSICIANS Dunham'sMusic House The Home of High Grade Pianos 37 Haywood St. Phones 1715-1716 Groceries and Service.