THE ASHKVXLLLE CITIZEN, TIIURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. a ECONOMY OF TIME SHOULD BE TAUGHT Urvat Ship Builder Think Wearer and Other Colleges Ought to Take t'p Tills Matter. TESTING MATERIAL FOR COW TESTS SHIPPED COW TESTING ASSOCATION RE CENTLY FIKMI1D 11EKK. That "the economy of time" should be taught in every college In the coun try. In order that the young man would know how to use every minute of his time, no that he could have time und more' of It, In which to rest and Ki't rorreatlon. la the bcller or Kdward Skinner, millionaire ship billlder of Seattle, Wash., a graduate of Weaver college, who is here on a visit to friends. Mr. Skinner was the principal speaker at a banquet given in his honor Tuesday night by the members of the Cliosophie Literary Mau To Be Employed to Look After Work In County Will Help All Dairymen. Complete equipment and testing ma terial has been shipped to the Ashe ville Board of Trade from the Cream- I ery Package company for the Cow 10m association, wnicn was lomieu ui the board of trade rooms by the dairy men of the county about three weeks ago. Advice of shipment came last night from Earle Brlntnall, agent in dairy ing, North Carolina department of neWfiiltiii'A- who ntrent1rl pnnfprMnnM society of the college and it was Htjw(th the dairymen and visited a mini mis meeung inai ine great snip uuiia- ber of them in the AKhevllle district er urged the colleges to take into con sideration the value of teaching the economy of time to its students. Also attending the banquet was Mrs. Skinner, their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Skinner and Richard Rorlson, who is connected with the Skinners, in their work in the west. Charles U. Lee acted as toastmaster and others present In cluded H. A. Dunham, chairman of the board: . 8. Hogg, president of the college. Dr. If. B. Weaver, Rev. tr. Dan Atkins, J. Scroop Styles, Zeb F. Curtis, Charles R. Moore, James S. Coleman, Frank M. Weaver and sev eral others. Mr. Skinner has been invited to meet with the board of trustees of the college, at a meeting to .be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the pastor's study, of Central Methodist church. At this meeting will also be present a number of members of tho various literary societies at which several matters of Importance to the college are to be taken up. with Farm Agent E. D. Weaver dur ing the latter part of November and December. These associations have been established In various parts of the country where dairying Is an In dustry and In every Instance has proven a measure of economy for the cow owners In that the tests applied weed out cows that do not produce enough milk or butter fat to pay their upkeep and afford a profit. In effect the test association en ables the farmer or dairymen to re duce the number of cows, reduce the amount of feed and labor proportion ately and at the same time Increase tho amount of butter fat and prollt. The department will announce the name of the official in charge in the next few days. CONFERENCE DELEGATES Pan - American Delegates Guest of Secretary and Mrs, Lansing. ASKS FOR GUARDIAN FOR THEIR CHILDREN AUTO SHOW DRAWING INCREASED INTEREST Space AJIoted the Local Dealers Irchcstra Selected and Announce ment of Prize Offerings Made. With the allotlng of space for the exhibits of the cars handled by the IS local dealers, and with the selec tion of an orchestra the promoters of the Asheville automobile show, to be held here February 6, 6 and 7, are rapidly completing arrangements for Conducting the greatest automobile show ever held In Western North Carolina. Announcement was made at a meeting of the promoters that a se ries of prizes, one to be awarded each afternoon and evening, would be se lected and owing to their value, they are expected to be the center of con siderable Interest. A special committee has been ap pointed and is in charge of the deco rations. Elaborate decorations will be used profusely In making of the Millard, Jatton, Stlkeleather garage, a real automobile show-room. In addition to the general decorations each booth will be especially deco- raiea oy mo owners or the cars displayed. Many entries from dealers In the adjoining towns are expected and, there is no doubt but that the 1920 Show wIHte an unprecedented suc cess as an automobile show. Dr. John Koy Williams Wants Ap pointment of Wife as Guardian ot Children Set Aside. . WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Dele gates to the Pan-American financial congress completed today their In tensive study of particular national problems as carried on in group ses sions with American business men acting as advisers and tonight they were the guests of Secretary of State and Mrs. Lansing at an official reception at the Pan-American un ion. The national groups will report tomorrow to the congress as a whole at two general sessions. The national group conferences in a number of cases adopted resolutions directly or Indirectly recommending to Ameri can bankers the granting of loans to South American republics. Dr. Luis Borja, financial minister of Ecuador, reported to and obtained adoption by his national group of a plan for the refunding of the entire Internal and external debt of the country. Involv ing $50,000,000 end for supplying of a surplus to be used in railroad con struction. Nicaragua n delegates asked for a loan of $5,000,000 to complete rail road lines now under construction and the Bolivian representatives in addition to loan asked yesterday for railroads, suggested that further fi nancing bo attempted by United States bankers, for sanitary and transportation improvements within the country. The Cuban delegation reported un paralleled prosperity within the Islands, a favorable trade balance of $200,000,000 in 1919, and a national budget of expenses less than the to tal raised by taxation. A number of commercial recom mendations were decided upon by the Brazilian group, including the elimination of custom taxes on com mercial travellers' samples, exten sion of parcels post, and the estab lishment of improved communica tions by wireless and cable. The Dominiclan republic commlt- j tee recommended that negotiations be opened for a $5,000,000 loan from United States sources, to be secured by a lien on customs revenue, and expended on internal Improvements. " Developments within the country Justify the step, tho group asserted. HUNTERS EXPERIENCE SUCCESSFUL HUNT WANT ANOTHER NURSE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH City Asked for IYmrth Nurse Print era Want High License for Out-of-Torni Solicitors. THE BUSINESS MEN -OF MARSHALL MEET Co-Operatlon of Merchants and Farm ers Sought In Madison, I'rged by a committee, consisting of 8. Llplnsky, J. K. Rankin and Miss Tearl Weaver, the city commis sioners yesterday morning took under advisement the proposition to appro priate $1,500 a yenr for the employ ment of a fourth public health nurse. At present the Asheville Public Health Nursing association is composed of three nurses, Including Miss Weaver, who is the supervisor, and the com mittee members stated that tho work has so grown that these three nurses are unable to do nil that Is asked of them. It is believed that the board will look upon this request with fa vor. I Local printers, of Job printing of fices asked the city to place a heavy license on the outside solicitors for Job work. The printers claim that many solicitors aro coming hi here from other towns, whereas the local printers live here and employ local lHbor and should receive the support of tho local merchants. K. V). Bowditch, county farm dem onstration agent In Madison, has ar ranged a meeting ot the merchants of Marshall for the purpose of ac quainting them with the problems of I the farmer, and showing the advanta ges to be gnined from the co-opern-tlon of the business men of the cities and the farmers of the rural sections. Plans for marketing products, and many items tending to promoting thei business Interests of the entire county i will be discussed by those present. I CONTENTIONS OPENING TODAT: Abilene, Texas West Texas Cham ber of Commerce. Syracuse, N. T. Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of New York. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Swine Breeders' Association. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska State Flor ists' Society. LADIES' NIGHT' BY KIWANIANS JAN. 30 Will Bo Held at High School Verne Rhodes to Speak at the Weekly i Mpctlmr. Dr. John Roy Williams, has filed with the clerk of superior court a motion to set aside the appointment of Mrs. Clara S. Williams, as guardian of their two children, and petitions the clerk to appoint the Wachovia Bank and Trust company as guardians of the property. He would allow her to continue to have custody of the children. Following divorce' proceedings Mrs. ' Williams was awarded the c ustody j Rabbits arte Hard When Quartet of of the children and was appointed I guardian or several thousand dollars worth of property. Norma Ethel, Is about 13 years of age and the second child, Margaret Annie Is eleven years old. ' In his motion Dr. John Roy Wil liams alleges that Mrs. Williams is not competent to look after the es tate and that some other party should be appointed guardian after the ap pointment of Mrs. Williams is set aside. THEATRICAL V. 6. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau, local Weather Data for Jan. 21, 1820. State of weather at 8 a. m:, cloudy. State of weather at 8 p. m rain ing. Relative humidity at 8 a. m., S7 per cent. Relative humidity at 12:30 p. m., 73 per cent. Relative humidity at 8 p. m., 94 per cent. Wind direction at 8 a. m., south. Wind direction at 8 p. m., south east. Time of sunrise, 7:3$ a. m. Time of sunset, 5:45 p. m. Local Temperature Data. 8 a.m, 66. s p.m. .. . 9 aura. t p.m. ... Huntsmen Appeared. The K.iwanis club will hold their regular weekly meeting Friday at the Langrcn hotel from one to two o'clock. The attendance prize which Is given each week by one of the members who attended the last meet ing, will be given tomorrow by Robert-Moody. The silent boosler prize will be giv en this week by George A. Digges. Jr. An address will be made by Verno Rhodes, forester, who has charge of the I'isgah national re serve, on the possibilities of forests and streams of Western North Caro lina. Plans will be made for "Indies night," which will be held at the high school building on January 30. Thli will be a leap year debut party for the members of the club who are unmarried. John brake, Gaither Robeson, Will Creasman and Emmit Creasman, spent yesterday on a hunt in the Beaverdam section. They were indeed fortunate in' locating rabbits and from the number brought back there were some good shots in the crowd. The hunting party spent a part of the day upon the lands of Walter Haynes, near his dairy farm, and were entertained at dinner at the home of the Messrs. Creasman. MAJESTIC THURSDAY. .64 .64 .(1 .69 .6$ .5 10 a-m. bi s p.m. 11 a.m. 59 p.m. 18 noon ......60 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 62 8 p.m. s p.m t Highest, 64; one year ago, 84. Lowest, 55; one year ago, 20. Absolute maximum, 64 In 1919. Absolute minimum, 16 in 1918. Average temperature today, 58. Normal, 86. Local precipitation Date for This Month. Normal, 4.67 Inches. Greatest amount, 6.69 In 1908. Least amount, 0.27 In 1907. For last 24 hours ending it I p m .02 Inch. The democratic state central com mittee of Wisconsin will meet at Mil waukee today to elect a new state chairman and make preparations for the coming campaign. GOLDS AND SORETHROAT Nature's Warning of ' Infection. Never trifle with a Sore Throat, Cough or Cold. They are all Nature's warnings that infection has seized on the delicate mucous membrane lining of the throat, mouth and nose. Disease germs are at work and must be destroyed at once for they multiply with amazing rapidity. Sometimes a health. person Is able tp throw off unaided the multitude of microscopic germ life, but think of the needless risks you run! You "nave got to apply a remedy quickly for these symptoms are the , forerunners of more serious diseases, such as Tonsilitis, Quinsy, Influenea, Croup, Whopping Cough, Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria. Muco-Solvent Is the remedy. It is a pure, harmless vegetable compound and a specific germicide. It stops de velopments of disease germ life, dis solves all mucous and heals the In flamed parts. It may be swallowed or gargled, used as a spray or douche. Never be without this Household Remedy, A serious attack of many diseases may be prevented by its prompt use. Get a bottle today of your drug gist or write Muco-Solvent Co.. Dept. a:, Memphis, Tenn. Price 75c and 11.50. Adv. i If there are any slow movements in Milt Frankford's offerings at the Ma jestic they have certainly not yet come to light. From first to last the bills move with that snap, variety, and cleverness that Is attached only to high class vaudeville. Theatre goers have been thoroughly pleased with his presentation and have a right to expect the innovations he so bountifully provides. In the mid week show novelties abound. Featured by the singing of Baby Norlne and Smiling George, a small boy and girl whose stage pres ence Is delightful,' the entire bill moves at a pace that keeps the audi ence perpetually guessing as to the next turn. Disappointments are not registered there. Milt himself as comedian and trick pianist gives a good account of him self, ably assisted by Billy Mack, an acrobatlo dancer whose turns abound in cleverness. There are other roll ing skate clog dancers, no doubt, but it remains a fact that few of this tribe have ever shown in the city a greater ability and skill than was demonstrat ed by Billy Mack at the Maiestic. Lanky Art Newman, known on the boards as six feet of fun, fills a droll part to perfection, his advice to those about to wed being a clever bit of song that registered to good effect. The offering opens with a well staged tableaux . with fur. and wit sparkling as at an after, dinner scene. This opening if quickly followed by the specialty turns, worked In good variety throughout. The second episode of "Lightning Bryce" clinches the favorable im pression created by the Initial chap ter of this big western film narra tive, filled as full of the great out-of-doors as a moving picture story can be crammed. Adventure, thrilling scenes of bravery, brawny two-fisted stand up and knock down fights, all have a place upon the screen in this fast, interesting section of the west .placed where all can see it.i "Wolf Nights", the second episode, is cleverly staged and well photo-j graphed. Have you heard that Jack Dempsey naB nnisnea a Dig si,ooo,O00 serial? Well, he has, and It will be released soon in Asheville for the first time. trie story going under the title, of "Dare Devil Jack". It's in keeping wiui mo Digness or xne man from start to finish. Watch for the news or its arrival. Matinees, 3:80 p. m.: nlrhta. 7:3ft ana p. m. Sir Oliver Lodce." "the eminent Hn- ' gllsh - scientist, ' is scheduled to open his American toup with a lecture In New York city tonight on the sub ject, "The Reality of tho Unseen." An Atlantic coast conference oh the cost of living, with special reference to minimum wage commissions and eight-hour laws, has been called by tho National Consumers' league to meet today at Newark, N. J. PRODABLY!! ITS ;ri. us M l NEED tA Most children have worms, K sometimes, ftypmtoma are ' K2 lack of color,' peevishness, restlessness at night, etc m Dr. Thacher's O Worm Syrup it ft ... . . . i t. ffli will go Biier kuu set iuo 3 worms, II worms are there, ej Harmless; children love it gf Old doctor's nrflscrlntlon 9t in use ball a century. At your drug store. Mat by TFTACHKR MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga, Teun., V, B. A. PEPTO-WIANGAN In Many Homes Better Health Is Simply a Mat ter of Better Blood. Pepto-Mangan Improves Blood. ' Composed of Approved Blood-Making Elements -Put Up in Liquid and Tablet Form. TODAY'S CALENDAR OF SPORTS Racing Winter meeting of Cuba American Jockey Club, at Havana. Winter meeting of Business Men's Racing Association, at -New Orleans, Bowling--Entrles close for Interna tional Bowling Assn. tournament at St. Paul. Skiing Tournament at Mankato, Minn. Curling Annual bonspiel of North western Curling Association, at Duluth. Shooting Annual Midwinter Handi cap Target Tournament, at Pinehurst, N. C. Golf Annual January Tournament at Belleair, Fla. Boxing Battling Levinsky vs. John ny Howard, 8 rounds, at Perth Am boy, N. J. Max Williamson vs. Abe Friedman, 12 rounds, at New Bedford, Mass. Inter-city amateur contests at Cres cent A. C. Brooklyn, N. Y. The Manitoba provincial legislature assembles today. The trial is scheduled te begin at Taooma, today of a number of alleged I. W. W. who are charged with crim-, inal syndicalism. Are you tired and weak and "blue " Do "you say to yourself, "What's the use of living? What do I get out of life, dragging through this drab ex istence in this unhappy way?" You don't feel well and you don't know why you have so little energy to do anything, and you get all tired out before it is done. There are mil lions in busy America that have such feelings now and then, and they are to be pitied. But there is help. Unless some serious malady Is at the bottom of their trouble, a few weeks of Pepto-Mangan will work a wonder ful change. Pepto-Mangan puts new vigor' into the blood, and the blood is the life fluid. With plenty of rich. red blood coursing through one's body one Is pretty likely to feel good and vigorous and be strong and look nearly. Go, to your druggist and ask for "Oude's Pepto-Mangan." Be sure to say- "Gude s." Jf "Gude s" is not on the package ifje not Pepto-Mangan. It is put up in both liquid and tablet form. , Tell the druggist which you prefer. : There is no . difference in medicinal value. Adv. To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness ' And Head Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deaf ness, or who are growing hard of hear ing and have head noises will he glad to know that this digressing affliction can usually be successfully treated at home hv an Internal medicine that In many instances has effected complete relief after other treatments have railed. Suf ferers who could scarcely hear have bad 1 heir hearing restored to such an extent that the tick ot a watch was plainly audi ble seven or eight Inches away from either ear. Therefore, if you know of someone who is troubled with head nois es or catarrhal deafness, cut out this for mula and hand it to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. The J description can be prepared at home and s made as follows: Secure from your druggist 1 oz, Par mint (Double Strength.) Take this home and add to it H pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dis solved, Take one tablespoonful four times a day. Parmint Is used in this way not only to .reduce by tonic action the Infiamnia tldYi and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pres sure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in ,the middle ear, and the result it gives are nearly always quick and effective. ' Kvery person who has catarrh in any form, or distressing rumbling, hissing sounds in their ears, should give this recipe a trial. adv't. Famou Old Recipe tor Cough Syrup Xaelly and cheaply Brad a4 basse, Set U bata mam am lor quirk raulta. Thousands of housewives hnve found that they can save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough nrepara tinna Kv uairnr the well-known old reeina for making cough syrup at home, it) I it simple and cheap but it bas no equal i for prompt renulta. H takes rielit bold of a cough and gives Immediate relief, usually stopping an ordinary cough in SI hours or less. Get 2'j ounces ef 'Finer from sny drnccist, pour it into a pint bottle and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly, and lasts a family a long time. It's truly astonishing how quickly it acts, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lungs loos ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough disappeareniirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, hoarseness or bronchial asthma. Pinox is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway -pine extract, known the world over for Its healimr effect on the membranes. Avoid dissnointment by acting your (druggist for "2'i ounces of Piaez" with nil directions and don t accept anything lie. Guaranteed to give absolute aatis-i faction or money promptly refunded Ths.Pintx Co., i't. Wayne, Ind. OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Affords your last opportunity to secure stylish, seasonable merchandise at , prices reduced from 25 to 50 Prudent shoppers are taking advantage of these reductions to buy their require ments for not only this season, but for fu ture wear. Visit our store, inspect our stock and you'll certainly be convinced of the values offered. 05 D Relieve that Cold and aching feeling with PEPSATS 3 the compound tablets of (tare aspirin and pepsin that relieve pain, but Doe Not Upttt the Stomach. Retains all the medidnal properties of aspirin. Con tains no' narcotics or other dangerous drugs. flak srf S ffNfea "ft1 aja. 'SJflfck r ' ' atfiS Coughs and Colds Are removed by Vinol, our Cod Liver and Iron Tonic, because it is a constitutional remedy. -aailliill MSI Maai Taor Ha Laaafc Tm ISCCSSSaPSTTSaKESSBErSaCf 'OR lM Iff If II lift AliinlllAIn " Tmry women ea Vsre flic. Inn aalr sirs Mar Gilbert, "sty hair aes frvwa n inches lens by Bains 7W wonaarnu EXELENTO WJIZl Dmt b ;MV fata Kh ...,.. Tea aaa'l atraisnun oar aalr Mil Ifm rft a4 lane. Oar aiaiaja fiw jiaaW. faa tfca mota tka kaar an aukae M s asaa mmi mlkj. Wa tnhak Hklm Wiaailflw mm totaac-a for aWrh. aallow akim. laatf la CmntanamA aata unaMaa ruci or uci a. n ntm ot cow - .aST CZELEKTO mm CL, Ittati, ft. I rilllanaillaaaaaaa a THAT COLD WON'T BOTHERYOU LONG Not If you let Dr. Bell's Pine.' Tar-Honey help relieve It GOLD-DISCOMFORT is some thins no man, woman, or child should be bothered with for any length of time. The pleasant ingredt tents of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey help wonderfully in loosening phlegm and congestion, easing the breathing, and relieving cough, bronchitis, cold in flam mat ion, hoarseness. ' The test of time has favored Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It helps speed-i lly, safely, to start cold-sufferer oa the road to normal. No medicine cabinet shoeld be without it. AU Uruggists. JUC., ouc CostJT Children sad Grownups Catliiaua ktnu the aretes, amaaxe roe nil liMlraa aaabitionlaaa. Comet it with raDo-Lax. Nature' able bripar. Po-Do-LX b artai sot tboroasiur smaen. A a MuTwartkr remedy. aOc AU drueiMa. Here is Proof: Manistee. Mich. --"I was in a weak, run-down condition as the result of a chronic cough and cold -so that I often had to stay at home from work. Vinol stooped the cough, broke up my cold and built me vo after other medicines had failed;" Margaret Dale. It's the beef and cod liver peptone) iron and manganese perrtortates arm bypophosphites contained m Vinol that makes it such a successful remedy for Chronic coughs, colds snd bronchitits. It is not a paiiative like cough syrups, but a remedy of the cause.. Try it on our guarantee. Your money back if it fails. SMITH'S PnCG STORE AND 1BLGGISTS EVEKYWHEIIK How Many Women Are like This? Can anything be more wearing for xromentiMntlie ceaseless round oi household duties? Oh! the monotony of it all- work and dredge no time to be sick) tired, suing, yet can . not stop. There comes a time when something "snaps" and they find themselves " simply worn out," and to make matters worse, have contractedserious feminine disorder which almost tlways follows, the constant overtaxinj of & woman's strength. Then they should remember that there Is no remedy Ilks ; Jjydla JS. Pinkbam's - Vegetable Compound-the ezpe rlenoe of these two women establishes that fact t . Cedar Rapids, Is. "After tfcs birth ot my last child I bad such painful spells that would nofil me entirely tot my homework. I aut I ered for months and the doctor said that my tmubls was ergsnis miosis and X woald hare to bars sn opera tion. That wss an awful thing to me, with a youn g baby and f 6n other children, so one day I thought of liydia X). Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and bow It bad helped tne years before and I decided to try It again. I took flye bottles ot Vege table Compound and tued Lydis E. 1'inkham'a Ssnatlvs Wash and sine then I hare been a weU woman, able to take care of my houae and family without any trouble ore day's pain, I emreedyaad thankful toswear by your medicine any time. I am forty. fonryearsoldsndnaTenothadadsy's illness of any kind for three yesrs.' Mrs. H. Kobkio.017 Ellis Bltd, cedar Jiapiaj, iowa. Sandnaky.Ohio. "AftettheWrtli ot bit baby I bsd ergaale trouble. Mr doetee tail it was eeoasd by too beery lifting sad I weald nave t vsts an epanugn, would not consent to as opera tlom , and let It go tor ever a year, haTU my sister de my work for me as I was aot able te walk. One day mr , ant cams to see me sod told ms about your medicine it Id it cured her of (be tame thing. I took Lydia ; E. finkham'a Vegetable Compound and need Lydla B. Finkham's Sana tire Wash and they bare eared me. Now I do my own houae work, wash, ing andai racing end sewing for my family and also de sewing for etbes people. I Still take a bottle of Vege table Compound erery spring for a tonle. I recommend your medicine . to others who bare troubles similar to mine and yon eaa ate my letter if you wlab." Mr. Pxei, FAraa. STOS,132a Stone St.,Sssdusky,Obia. All Worn Out Women Should Take Where Can I Find Relief From ' Itching, Terrifying Eczema? Question ea Lips of Afflicted. There it S harrssiing discomfort cauted by Eczema that alraoat be come! a torture. The Itching- Is al anoit unbearable, and the ikia leemi on fire with the burning ir ritation. A cure from local appli cation! of talves and ointment! is Imponible, because tuch treat nent can only allay the pain tem porarily. The disease can only b reached by going dees down to its source, which is in the blood, the disease being canted by an Infec tion which breaks out through tho akin. 'That is why the most satis factory treatment for all so-called skia diseases it S. S. S., which acta by cleansing the blood. Get a bot tle to-day, and you will tee results from the right treatment Medical advice free. Address Medical Di rector, 48 Swift Bldg, Atlanta, Ga, OPEN AGMIt ACC0EJT JUUQtt1flB CLOiniNG ytu wanr M..a a.M ksta a St in IS 6. Pack Sq. r Ashevll X. C DBAD A. kAKXEX mi rr a a mm FT All dm "SICKER'N A' PUP" NEXT DAY Salts, Oil, Calomel and Griping Cathartics Shake You Up "Cascarets" never Sicken ! ' . v Cases rets end biliousness, bead ache, colds, and constipation so gent ly you're never even Inconvenienced. Tiler is no griping and none of the explosive . after effects of cathartic like Calomel. Balls, sickening Oil or cramping pills. Tonight take Cas carets and get rid ot the bowel and liver poison which is keeping you miserable and sick. Caecarets coat little and work while you sleep Citizen Want Ads Bring Results ' f

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