9 THE ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. AN BETTERTI WHISKEY FOB GOLDS AND FLU Parent- Teacher's Association Notes. AsR for HII-L'S New Elixir, Called Aspiron al, Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Compli cations. Every Druggist in J. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count er if Relief poes Not Come Within Two Minutes. Relief, Quick Warm-Up. Tho sensation of the year In the drug trade .s Aapironal, the two minute cold and coush reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested, approved and most" enthusiastically endorsed by the high est authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye. or any other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. 1 All drug stons ar now supplied with the wonderful :.ew elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold la to step into the nearest drug store, and the clerk half a dollar for a bottla of Aspirdnal and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoonfuls of water In a glass. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back In two minutes If you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. Don't, be bashful, for all drug sist invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody'u dolns it. When your cold or cough Is reliev ed, take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable cold fcnd cough remedy for lntnnta and children. Adv. "Education is the most sacred concern, indeed, tho only hope of a nation." Galsworthy. Tl, ta ..nt .T.a nh.r a Rnf!n t lonfl of the various schools In .the city have joined lorcon una auuiuru li n,..,.., for the central organization ui executive council of Rarent- Teach-j era' associations of Ashevllle." Hyi so doing, Asheville has linked Itself in scholastic matters first with the at at a and then with the national or ganizations of this kind. To this executive council are pre sented at its meetings, once a month, the problems of tho dlflerent asso ciations, which cannot be worked out satisfactorily in the local organ izations. Tho help of all the asso ciations la In this way gained for any school in the city, when it Is in ariy particular need. "Construc tive Criticism" has been taken in formally as the working watchword of this earnest body of citizens which, It is hoped, will soon Include the fathers as well as the mothers of all the school children in Asheville. On Tuesday evening, February 10, a mass meeting Is to be held in the oiiHitm-lnm nf tha hlsrh school build ing, for the purpose of illustrating to the publio the beneficial results of the work of the Parent-Teachers' associations, A parade of the children from the A and 6 13 grades of every school in tho city will be an Interesting feature of the program. The uddree of the evening will be given by I.Irs. C. K. Gordon and will be a report of the state meeting of Parent-Teachers' associations, held at Charlotte recently. Dftv" and will ba fittingly observed by each of the separate Parent- Teachers' associations of the city. for its own the national motto "A little child shall lead them." It Is most earnestly destrea mat the purpose of our Parent-Teacher associations be clearly understood. It Is not to undertake a meddlesome iniA,f.,.nn. iiilti l.nnhpru minprin- tendents and school boards, but at Cigarettes " CONQUER CATARRH Relieve Head Noises, Deaf ness, Bronchial Irritations. Aid in Preventing Influenza Great rejoicing! Cigarettes that con tain no tobacco but are tilled with a healing herbal mixture, giving relief to those who suffer. Simply light one of the cigarettes. Inhale the medicated smoke, tben ex hale alternately from the mouth and through the nose. You will be aston ished and joyous at the relief. Fop catarrh or persistent cold In the head, as well as for those peculiar noises and for deafness due to those causes, also for bronchial or throat Irritations, as well ai. to aid In pre venting the fleadly Influenza, get a box of Dr. Blossor's Catarrh Kemedy. It comes In cigarettes. Or, If you pre fer, you may buy It for pipe or for smoking In a holder. No medicine dosing. A pleasant her bal smoking ,ellef which has com pletely cured many, according to their own voluntary reports. Go to any busy druc store and get Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy at once. Triple guarantee in every box. Ain't. little Friends of the liver The liver is the regulator of health. If the liver is active and well, good health and harminess prevail; but once rou allow Is only constructive, helpful end up building. Orango Street. The Parent-Teachers' meeting of Orange street school was held Tues day afternoon at 3:3u o'clock. A all times to carry on a work which tribute to W. J. Barton was read and a silent prayer by all the members of the association was conducted in appreciation of Mr. Uarton's work. Walton jonnson gave a npiuuuiu address to the association on tlx subject of "Boy Scouts." He dis cussed the life of a boy In his period of adolescence. Kour strong points were: Home, school, church anu state. Work to keep the boy busy; piay to keep the boy butty. Fathers and mothers. Interest .,,i.UAlf In (ho linvn ;f home. at school In his work and in his piny. A picture has been given to the Orango street school by the Parent Teachers' association. The picture hangs In the room for a period of one month, providing tluit grade has the largest number or motnera aucnu ing the mothers' meeting of each month. Last month tlns Mamie Wright's grade won tho picture. This month Miss Josephine carr s 5 A won the picture. A larger number of lunches during January have been served Utan in any other month. The lunch room was visited by the mayor and the commissioners, also a commit tee of ladies of the association. They wero well pleased with the lunch room service, food and conduct' of the children in the lunch room. Thrift. rrd.r. I a r. hpn 1 R ft wnrth O f thrift stamps bought since January 5. The home study hour from five to six o'clock is to be kept in trial for another month. A discussion of the children at tending picture showa not suitable for them or unfit for them to see was given much time and thought. The mothers of this association urge that the children not attend too many FIVE MILLION PEOPLE USED IT LAST YEAR HILLS xX N CASCARAkJ? quinine v 'X Ob if XX XiW 'Wat Standard cold rtmadr for 29 ara -M ttDm lorm.aic, urv, nv pplataa braaka up a cold in 24 Ueaar h II It laua. i na feaulne Box mi a Ka ep who sr, nui a picture At A II Drmt Mru Old Sores, Ulcers and Eczema Vanish ii r el iiln... .. mv Iactm Dnctara wanted to cut off leg. Peterson's Oint ment cured me." W'm. J. Nichols, 402 Wilder Street, Rochester, N. Y. Get a large box for only SO cents at any druggist, aays Peterson, of Buffalo, and money dsck ii it isn l -uio uchi j c, used. Always keep Peterson's Ointment bruises, sunburn, chafing and the surest remedy for Itching eczema and piles the world has ever known. "Peterson s ointment is tne dbsi tor hiAoHinir unit ttrhlne nllea-I have ever found." Major Charles B. Whitney, Vineyard Haven, Mass. Peterson's Ointment has given great satisfaction for Salt Rheum." Mrs. J. Weiss, Cuylerville. N. Y. All druggists sell it, recommend It. Jtall orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store will sup ply you. Adyt. picture shows. One picture show a i. i.. .v.n,,0-ht ,- ,. Mitfllcicnt and I 0 l""". " ; - . be sure that thia ixie is ono that is good for your 'child to see. The as sociation is greatly concerned about this matter of picture shows. DOYLE WINS VEUUICI' PHILADELPHIA, Jan. "1. Wil liam T. Doyle, of Portsmouth. Ohio, i former baseball scout, won an $S0 verdict against the Philadelphia Na tional league baseball league club in common pleas court here today. n..,.u fnr hftrk snlarv and ni- J. '1.1 J 1 " ou.- - terest to be due him on a contract with Phillies, which whs cancencu by the club when the national "work or fight" order went into effect in August, 1918. Doyle is now with the Milwaukee club. And James J. Hill knew a thing or two; he said: "If you want to know whether you nro destined to be a success or a failure in life, you can easily find out. Tho test Is sim ple and it is Infallible: Ate you able to save money? If nut, drop out. You will lose. You may think not, but you will lose as aure as you live. The seed of success ia not in you." LATIN-AMERICAN CLUB IS ORGANIZED l'lrst Mcctlnir at tho Illlunore High Ki'hool Tonight. students of the eleventh nud twelfh grades of Biltmore high school have orgunlxcd a Latin American club for the purpose of atudying the geography, soclul and political con ditions of South American countries. The first meeting will be hold this evening with the following program: "I.u Polama," by Urandllle Harris. Harold Harris. Rosltrr Wallace Kttr.. hugh Israel ; ."Customs of Chile." Maude Gatlin; "Industries of Chile," Kitxhugh Israel: "Ueograpliy of Chile." May Crook. The club will study under direc tion of Miss Maude Minlsh. The of ficers am Maude Gatlin, presidont; Lucy Stevens. M-cretary; program committee, Myrta Thomas, Itositer Wallace. Urandillo Harris. The oth er members of the club are Harry Gatlin, Arrington Thomas, Charles Clapp, Elmer Moody. Y A Message to Mothers OU know the real human doctors right srtmnd In your neighborhood t uu K" . j" .a a v 1 Inat lika vnn! tha doctors With) th doctors mauo ot " v mw. j - --j . , . , Inula and hearts : those men who are respond np to your call to the j -j -kf aa readilT as in , J broaa aayiignt; ny vuj to telf VW 7 Pletchei ? CMtorla na, done, is doin, d will dofrom ihefr experience and their love for children. Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We are not kine; yoa t try an f experiment. We just want to impress upon you the importance of buying Fletcher's. Vnnr nhvsician will tell you this, as he knows there are a nnm ber of imitfilons on The market, and he is particularly into rested in the welfare or your uuy. Gennlne Castnrla alwaye bears the signature i VA. ASSKMBLY ACTION today to reject the Susan B. AnthonT 1 amendment to the constitution grant .Mil PICHMOvn Va., Jan. 20. A reso- ! lug equal aunrage ' intton "ae offered Tin the state senate j olutlon was referred to a committee. . i ' " " III ll l DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, yoa will find relief in COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1690. Three sitae, all druggists. Guaranteed. I., a far the aaaa CaM MeJal m W ft lyour lhrv to get tnTCDTC IITTUIi IVER torpid aud slug- comes a mis- Sj ery. Dyspep- A ia, Indiges- j HOP, 1W . . .... , neaa, Conxtipatton. Heaaacneeano momomi aaaO yoo. reaultiek in lack of energy, loaa of rnamorr and ill health: but remember Cartar; Lite Um PilU touch the liver and correct all liw ills. Sssall Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Aaeaaia, Rhenmatlsm, Nervtwsaeas, Sleealessatess and Female Weataeaa. '.Imliiaii aSe4 Of Utmost Importance Pure, mukiffed cod-liver oil is not medicine as many arc prone to think of medicine. SCOTT'S EMULSlOr 13 a form of growth-nourk!irr.c-Ihct h cf utmost importance I OCn- iHdren. That raoc .... f r it.,A Sao: is a "truism acce, J the world over. Civa Scoff's to the duHre and wtcii them grow strong I BcsU & Bowne. Bkxanficld, N. J. HAVE COLORJN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take To have a dear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must keep . your body free from poisonous i wastes. br. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege table compound mixed with olive oil) act on the liver and bowels like cawrnel ' -yet have no dangerous after effect, jake one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome eonrtipation. That's why nullkw of bmmiaro. sold aunuaJJy. JQpaadcj For Colds or Influenzm and as a Preventative Take "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableto" Be sure you get the Geuin Look for this signature cm the box. 30c A SAFE TREATMENT FOR CROUP Theoaaad of eMkhca die every Mr from thia aartH nA tmtfyiaa dam ETatyaMMberaBaaJdkaapaai baad reliable nnt aid KDudjr.sad then is no aafor or mnr tnatamu tot craaoaad ooascatioa than toapply ft U hmiahai a4 aoefj Tea )oatimbtiaJ eaapf It to the taaafcnat akal w Inftatis: eaaeta. Kae Moth. era joy tie M kaad for tatri tier caaea. Doctor Look Who's Here TONIGHT America's Greatest Humorist MistahIrvinS.Gobb 4 WILL LECTURE At the AUDITOR! This Evening at 8:30 o'Clock Tickets On Sale at Paramount Pharmacy Reserved Seats. . ; $1.00 Plus 10 War Tax Auspices Asheville Rotary Club m QmmGnmZ CAROLINA COAL AND ICE COMPANY PUBLICITY may make the name of a thing FAMILIAR; but SERVICE is the sole basis of REPUTATION. Anthracite Coke M. & W. Grades JUST SEVEN MORE LEFT THREE AND FOUR LIGHT FIXTURES Our Price Speak for Themselves . NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO, ANNOUNCING AN INTERESTING SALE OF BLOUSES! FALL BLOUSES AT DISPOSAL PRICES At Close to the Present Actual Cost to Us. Countless lovely fashions indescribable in their dainty originalities of detail and line. A Complete Line of Sizes. PRICED SPECIAL FOR SALE 90 AT A REDUCTION OF faV u . CLEARANCE SALE OFVURS A Buying Opportunity for the Shrewd Woman who realizes that the coming next year's prices will be prohibitive. ALL FURS,, INCLUDING COATS ?5 NOW REDUCED , ... ALL FALL MILLINERY NOW GREATLY REDUCED 38 PATTON AVENUE There's a Little Sparkle, Snap and Dash of Style in Our Spring Footwear That's Characteristic of Guarantee Shoes Our spring line of Pumps and Ox fords have attracted much attention among the lady shoppers and visitors who have seen and bought them. In their entirely different lasts from last spring they are indeed striking and beautifuL Infact this store-as a shoe store has already established its position among those demanding correctness in" quality, style and fit as the one and most satisfactory place worthy of their absolute confidence. 11 . Worth Finding ! ' ' J ' " " ' t . ' -.- " fil0B Easy to Find 4 Biltmore Ave.'

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