THE ABBEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1920. FaOTEST AGAINST BIG VALHUT STREET ZONE PETrnOWS OIROUIiATED AGAINT I BENEFIT ZONE. A .1 Will Probably Curt $125,000 to Extend Jarf to Go on Matter February 4. Boston-Detroit Game Here Monday, March 29 The Boston-Detroit game will positively be played at Ashevllle on Monday, March IB, according to a BRYANASSAILS EDWARDS IN STATEMENT GIVEN OUT HERE telegram received 'yesterday from I Br&IldS GOVeniOr ChamPiOIl Walter E. Haprood, by Secretary I i ,. of Liquor Traffic. N. Buckner of the board of trade. The exhibition game will be played here at Oatee park and hae been guaranteed by several promt nent Aahevllle fan. A number of other ouLhrn cities will be visited llSaVfl PATtV Will Not De- Dn.fAM.nat.nlr e ass mas ..4 I W j j uiv wvevvu'itivi wiv vaiuei, auu a l flcend to Level of Saloon exhibition game will be played. "Petitions protesting against the ASSURE SELECTION . tone of benefit as adopted by the city gyn a CITTV'U'TT T 1? VflU tumtmlsaloner. for the oroDOsed ex- UJT AOO.l V Xixbl X Uii tension of Walnut street, from Spruce WOMEN'S CAMP SITE . iv vii eirvvi, are peing wiuumwu tu i Business. "I hope he will keen on talking. No champion of the liquor traftlo can the city and being freely signed, those . . talk long without Insulting the con- twhind th. mv. .t.t. " . muuumto jnoTO -ei.e. .nA of dunnm of th. It Is estimated that to open me nvnt fnr Mld-Stummer tfajnn. Sn 1 COOntry." street two more blocks, will cost about This declaration waa made by Wll Advises Asnevuie women Attending: nam J. Bryan here yesterday evn t,iik MMin. ln"' whB" hown the statement made 1125,000, -us the entire residences of tr. W. I. Whittington and Mr. Lowe n Vance street will be taken, and part of the old Allport residence On Oak, ' the new street eqmihg out on Oak within 140 feet of College street The gone of benefits, as presented by the engineer for the city and . adopted by the board, extends -from the 8ondley building, t the corner of College and. Haywood streets, to Hia wassee street, down that street to Woodfln, up Woodfln to Locust street .) aaa from the Sondley building, down College street to Locust street, being without doubt the largest sone ever laid out for any similar improvement i In the city. over no property owners are af fected by the ruling of the city com missioners In this matter. The com missioners state, however, that this son does not mean that every man or property owner In it will be assessed, as a jury has been summoned for Feb ruary 4, which will serve in the case and make its report back to the ;. board. la the opening of Market street to Woodfln, one block, the sone of bene fits extends from College street to Broadway, down Broadway, to a point naif way between Merrtmon avenue and South Liberty street, to Orange , Miss Susanna Cocroft, who secured the Introduction In con gress of the bill now pending which calls for the establish ment, of, training camps for wom en, speaking at Raleigh yes terday assured the Aahevllle la dles present that Aahevllle would be seleoted for the main mid summer season training camp which will accommodate the women of this section of the country. It is probable that the camp will be established on the government reservation . atv Oteen. - " Mrs. Reuben Robertson, of Aahevllle, was elected first vice president of the organisation of North Carolina women interested in the establishment pf a train ing camp for women, Mn the In ' terest of which a large number of the leading women of the state met In Raleigh yesterday. Mrs. Charles M. Piatt and a number of other Ashevllle la dles are attending the meeting in Raleigh. by Governor Edwards in reply to Mr. Bryan's speech at Bristol Wednes day. "The more Governor Edwards talks. the more ashamed Chairman Cum- mings will be of giving respectability to his candidacy and the more cer tain it will be that prominent demo crats will have other engagements wnen invitea to his meetings. "Three-fourths of the democratic senators voted to submit national pro hibition.; more than two-thirds of the democratic members of the house voted to submit national prohibition land every democratic state in the union ratified the . national amend ment. ' New Jersey had a republican aov. rnor when she refused to ratify. "The democratic record ts clean on the subject. The amendment is a part of the constitution and those who like Governor Edwards oppose prohi bition are 'encouraging lawlessness. His candidacy Is an offense against the democratic party and the sooner he find out that he la going up against a stone wall and settles down to companionship with those who used to be engaged In the criminal business of which he has become the most consplouous champion, the soon er the party will be able to turn Its attention to the Important work be- lore it "We have great domestlo problems to soive and a hla-h position to nil in world affairs. It la unthinkable that the party should, descend to the level Of the saloon business." Mr. Bryan exDected to leave Ashe vllle yesterday, but decided to extend hla visit a day longer. EDWARDS' STATEMENT. JERSEY CITT. U. I.. Jan. It. William Jennings Bryan waa accused oi wanting to establish "the harmony or death" in the democratlo party, in a statement Issued tonight by Gov ernor Edward L Edwards in reply to an attack made upon the New Jersey executive ny Mr. Bryan at Bristol. Va., iasc nigbt. Mr. Br van had charged Governor Edwards with being an agent of the liquor Interests and with trying to disrupt the democratic party. In his statement. Governor Edwards said: "The harmony Mr. Brvan wants is the harmony of death. . If he has his way the democratlo convention at Ban jrrancisco will be the morgue from whloh will be picked the corpse to appear at tne November national funeral. What I wish is to disturb no harmony, but an Intelligent sxau pung witn tne situation so that we wiH have clearly defined the issue of liberty against sectionalism. I would sooner be the Angel Gabrlal to call the party to life than tthe smug un dertaker to preside at Its funeral." RHEUMATISM CAUSED BY IMPURE BLOOD Quick Relief "Obtained By tne use or Padgett's In dian Herb Juice. street, to Central avenue to Woodfln. HAMBY MAINTAINS It Will take the Anandale dairy build. i Ing facing on Walnut street and part o ma property or Mrs. Clara Feather stone on Woodfln street. The extension of Walnut also calls for the widening of this street to 60 : rest, which means that from Broad - w i wiu urn maas xsn loeii ma a HIS COMPOSURE TO LAST HOUR OF LITE RUMOR THAT LYNCH WILL SELL THEATRES DEATHS FBOM 'FLO' ON . f IKCfiHSE IN NEW YORK (Continued From Page One.) time he said: '..'."Nothing ever bothers it all. The sooner the end comes, oetter. it's immaterial to me. LOCAL OFFICIALS DO NOT KNOW - OF THE BEALl Be Included Could Not Be As. 'certain taut fright , the I'd (sooner have It all over with than wnetner Asnevuie Theatres Would have this fuss. This Plaee Is nice. Everything here Is very nice. There isn't anything I -want that I haven't got here. ., ..,"" Judge Fawoett ot Brooklyn, who MMtanMI Uamhv -maM h. ih "worst'! criminal of 0,009 who had , Tn A. Lynch Enterprises, Inc., come before him In his entire career ilr'00, .. on the bench. Hambv's "nhiioaonh nterprlse In the south is about to lATv.vleninrtnM1anJ D.A of, life" was embodied In the follow. n!l". arrangements for - selling ruu.TUwyV1uufis. , statement he made just before "oiaings to tne Famous Flayers- T-''-r. r..t.nelng sentenced to die: K '".,,n ILIUba XllUl BlHa AH numnfiri "It In nnthlnff fn tna ti Aim Ksi. I v,t,w wurwi. imu ui v I g.m Aftmlntf hfanlr T mav I lw of Cases. I cause take a few years or It may take sev erai thousand years, of course, but a weekly publication devoted to the entertainment profession. Officials of the Lynch concern here wnen questioned last night, stated time does not em.nt H.n. hM..M .wn?". l"neo iasi nigm, awea f"wrt. , into (his wortd 1. like ii In. 11"? " J""!7J?fW? leaaeg In New Tork city wis predlotH!?ch B-f .P,.U!,1 moun onsldsrationr Involved In . . ; " ."IT. v . line reported deal would undoubted- REVALUATION AC T 15 EQUALIZATION MtunuiUiu, up recently ascer tained, Is dus to the presenoe of poisonous matter Jn the blood. Thar Is one way to positively relieve this aiseaee ana mat is to purify the blood and the disease will go. Thous ands of people who were sufforers front Khsumatlsnt and kindred dis eases havs found In Padgett's Indian Berb Juice Immediate help and posi tive relief. The average persons measure their physical condition by their heart, kid neys or lungs, rarely do they take tlttrtr stomach into sVinslderation when casting up aauount of health. If their heart action be weak or their kidneys disordered they run straight to a doctor. The stomach la siever taken Into consideration. Anything win aa tor tne stomach, yet the stomach la to the body what the foundation is to a building, the basis of strength and eupoort. If the stomach is not working properly It Impairs the power of every other organ in the body. Ninety ner cent. of all diseases can be traced to dis orders of the stomach, blood, liver and kidneys. Padgett's Indian Herb .Juice is purely vegetable preparation made from roots, nerb and bark that work in harmony in cleansing and toning the system and removing the cause of disease. Thousands of southern people have testified that it is un equalled in the treatment cf disor ders of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Sold and guaranteed by leadlna aruggisu everywnere. Advt IN USINESS B For Your GOOD It is merely circumstance that every indi vidual bank is a money-making enterprise. The genuinely fine thjng about the bank is that it exists for a worthy service to the entire human family. ..-,.. The bank is in business for YOUR good I Do you fully grasp the wonderful personal sig nificance of this fact) Are you making full use of the bank not because it might pay the bank but because it would surely profit you) CEN TRAL BANK & TRUST Company - t sT ef z c u r. n rack z q is a r a atal tnnffrfe few. Uaalih MnMMiu..u Copslaad whe declared that the KSlwi? my,lf lr mount well Into the millions as -peak" er ins, epidemic Would not 'r ' : '.. 1 ' tne Lynch oncem owns numerous be reached for a number of daval ' "" ' theatres In Various southern cities. In Atlanta they recently vurchas- number of new oases teday, 'tie ad-1 " .- ' "f' led a string of theatres front Jake ded that the-reports Indicated em . nrTTlHflTf flPfcVTfYPfll We,,, of nond, Va., which In. Increase in deaths. - - ' , vzu1,1''1 OJUaYXUJUO eluded the Lyrio. Forsyth. Kialto The total number of new Influensal "''"' ' ; I strand and Vaudette. v They ! also eases reported today was 4.TO0, a de- Central Methodist and First Bantlst own houM in Knoxville, Ashevllle, monia cases reported totalled t4t. I Make Announcements. I In addition to the theatre hold- a decrease of 17. Thure mn Ings, the S. A. Lynch Enterprises are Inftuensa deaths, an lnoreaee ef III ' ' distributors in 11 southern states for over yesterday and 13ft front' Dheu-I aii services at in central Metho- me j-aramount,Artcra picture re- monla, an increase of 110. al" enuron nave been discontinued isasea Dr. Copeland in a statement said !?le?n'l'r u WM announoed by Dr. Details as to whether or hot the 4 the health department la prepared E. K. MoLarty last night. He stated entire Lynch holdings are Included to open additional hospitals if neces- tnat aom an would 'be In the study in the reported deal are not given ary ana mat a training school fori""" acuviues oi tne cnurcnim tne variety story, and. aa stated nurses would be established 1mm would not cease, but that he expected no information - eould be secured , diately, In an effort to relieve the Ith members of his oharch to assist front" local -officials. It is surmised t snortage in nurses. 'n every way possible tn preventing that the transaction will-Involve the " naoKnoiM Broken. I generav epiaemro or mtiuenia nere. I transier or tne entire biocx or thea - , NEWPORT NBWB, Va., Jan. . I on-.Wt F. Powell, of the First Bap-1 tree, at least. Inasmuch as the con The director of the Newport News de- (l"t church, gave out a notice yeeter- text of the story in which the an partment ef health tonight declared I "that mil services at the First Bap I nouncement appears deals with the that the backbone of the Influensa tlBt would 'be Indefinitely dlscontla- ewnership of various circuits of the , epiuomie nasi oeea broken and In hlau"a e nas issuea an appeal to all aires, r v i; opinion from this Mm enti I Visa hlim)t members of hla nuimMiiiut that I 'It: was state last nlcht . that y of ease reported WUI steadily dwindle. tn,3r worship In their homes, and con-Uoln announcement in regard to the He doe not anUclpate. from the report I tlnu their contributions to the matter would-probably be made by , maae to. him by local physicians that cnurcn work by sending them In to I if1" 01 frrnon-jaiaterpnses ana ins any more deaths will occur here from Miss Capltola Craig at the charoh. Fam?, Players-Lasky corporation " the diseaaev I A number of the other ehnrahea In within the neat Jew ffaya. Adrtt All told there are not more than tn cltr e- expeeted to dlsobnUnue Zukor " president of the latter com ,vs eases in uie city, say official mr servioes until tne prevalence of '",',''-. , ' . - the influensa has subsided, while It is - "Variety" states, in part:- FTVB MORB AKafn-a understood thsra r. a .w .hik I "jramous. f layers-LasKy is com K'Me WIMllllwil UIB WIWI U take over the ft. A. Lynch Enter prises invths south. A heavy stock holder in Famous himself, Mr. Lynch nas always wonted in harmony with f Ashevllle Citlsen Bureau, aOt Merchants' Bank I Building. (By JULK B. WARREN.) RALEIGH. Jan. Following the conierence r the budget commission the governor today in a statement to the ."people of North Carolina" save out tne gist or what he will recom mend to the special session of. the leg islature regarding the new tax rate. The statement Is probably the most important and Interesting yet made In connection with the reform of the tax system) It follows: After heatinr the reDorts made by the d 1st riot suoervlsors In charm of the revaluation act and after a full conference with the state budget com mission, the stat tax commission and the state treasurer I And that I will be Justified in giving to the neonle oi tne state tne following Informa lion: ... , "I propose to submit to 4he special session of the general assembly, which' is expeoted to meet In July, the fol owing recommendations: "1. - That the state take no ad van. tags ot that part ot the revaluation act which authorised a ten per cent Increase of revenues for the year 1I0; bot that the general assembly nx a rate lor xszu tnat will yield for all state purposes exactly the same Coughs and Colds ROANOKE, Vs., Jan. t. Five will continue to have services. more a ruins irom influensa were re- ,y;-ai"thTrotal number Tt' Y. M. 0. A. ACTIVITIES . lumgm is piaoed at 114. Three of - the deaths,, it was said, occurred in one family. Nineteen cases of pneu monia havs been reported. An "alarming shortage" of trained fi ABE ALL POSTPONED th 2uk0 ' w his how In general, all meatlnra nml Asaanltod HIS Wife. ''Babe" Ab hiimm tmtm h i, .... ..7--i; classes ana oasKet oall games eon " ourea, waa arrvaiea urn nigni, h thl h..i7i. J:,rf- -.! Muoted by the Y. M. C. A., will be barged with an assault upon his J " . suspended during the present Influen- wife. He will be grrea a hearing In VmmvTHwa Marv-nn, MM Plaemic. Thlswi include shop e eoun. (iaOAMO VAAiAubA iy meetings, sunaay aiternoon xneotlngs, . MEET HERE SATURDAY LA w .nSTunior ' M well as the boy scouts will trans- rnnf.4.M. -J ' fer their meetings to the outdoors and v Cojfederaw wteraae, jnembers of turn them into hikes, taking the op ;J! eb Vance camp,, will meet at portunlty to get out into the open. It-.' room at the court house Members of the four junior clubs v -k. rl' mornlnsj t 11 o'clock, for will meet at the association Saturday tne Purpose of electing offlcera Com- morning at nine o'clock and leave for .. maiea yesier-ia niKe in cnarge of their leaders. day that the presenoe of every vet- taking dinner with them. q eran is desired. I w0!0',88" hM as thousand dollar damags suit instlttrb- Look at tOHffU! EemOYo aaiutant. and his successor win i Hi hr waiinu.. 1 . . . . . . w vunxr 10 oe namea. i una wood prndnnta SYRUP OF FIGS -CHILD'S LAXATIVE r- " f" . utucers win naine, snouia not De confused With DC selected. I th mnrntrn IimiI.iI In A .k.nt. w... the concern located in Ashevllle, but poisons from stomach,' liver ana Dowels c II 1 1. ,L .11:.. I bbj i i i .in lanHBi i mmmmwmwmmtmmmwmmmmmmmm BEST FOR HOIvfE SHINES SAVE THE LEA'fHER " THE BIO VALUE PACKAGES J PASTES Al LIQUIDS SSrS- J Thb y. P. PAUJT coejopj-naefg ltd BUFfALO.RT. Oatarrd. Croup, Bore Throat bantehod by Hyotncl The ffftrnu nf ea.frrh An nnf -(, I. n m aunoapnere wftn antlseptlo . Breathe Hyoniel and relief from ca tarrn, ootrrha, sore throat or cold will wmv in two- minuiea. Breathe Hyomei and that stomach training hawking in . the morning will 4essa,ina u (aaaa U oau . ' t ' Breathe Hyomei and kin the catarrh germs; neai ine innameo membrane, step the discharge of muous and prevent Crusts from forroln if in the nose, for a few mini yourself of contemptible Breathe Hyomei for a few minutes each no day and catarrh. Breathe Hvoml lv It faithful trial ana men, u you are not satisfied, you can have your money back. Hyomei la sold by drqggtats every where and by Smith's Drug Store. Advt Ends tzdktestim It relieves stosaaea nuaery, soar atom sea, beleklnf sod all steatack disease ef snonev baea. Large box sf tablets 80 seats, Praffisu ia all towaa amount of revenue from real and personal property as was collected in the year 11. There may be one exception to this recommendation and that is that it may be necessary to Increase ths fnnds provided by the state ror tne puniic schools to the ex tent of Ave per cent, certainly not more than this. This increase will be only half the amount contemplated by the general assembly of Kit for this specific purpose, it will thus be seen. In the light of this reooommendation.' that the revaluation act becomes ene of equalisation, pure and simple, and with the vast quantities of property now going on the tax books that war not taxed at all heretofore, both pf lands and of Intaxable personal prop erty, it Is certain that many thous ands of tax payers will actually pay less taxes in nzw than they paid in 11. "2. I will also recommend that there be inserted In the revaluation act a clause providing that In any year at any time before the taxes are actually levied by the county author! ties, , any property owner may ask for a re-assessment of his property noon rmng an affidavit supported by two disinterested freeholders that 'his WE LOAN MONEY AT 6 INTEREST RESULT OF HOME PURCHASE LOAN IN ASHEVTLLE Loan Made November 1st, 1(15.. .$S,0O0.ft6 - Borrower died December 1st. 117. Mortgage cancelled by the Equitable.... $1,000.01 Cash returned to widow- 40.2J Doesn't it pay to borrow inone from the Equitable on the Home Purchase Plan? J. J.CONYERS, Agent W. H. ZIMMERMAN Public Accountant Practical Commercial Systems Installed. Jl7 Drhumor Bldg. . Successor to .'0,')evenfeh ''f. Phondl69T LET "DAJNDERINE" BEAUTIFY HAIR i ..... . , ,. (Girls ! Have a mass of Ion;, thick, gleamy hair fill Let Danderlne'mve your hair and double its beauty. Afott can have lota of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 16-cent bottle of delightful "Danderlne" ' at any drug or toilet oounter to freshen your scalp: check dandruff -and failing hair. Tour hair needs thle stimulating tonic, then its life, color, brightness and abun dance will return Hurry. Advt. property Ys on the tax books at a sum greater than its then marked value. "I. I will also recommend to the special session of the general assem bly that ' there be. emboJIod in the constitutional amendments now pend ing and to be voted on ia November, a provision greatly reducing the pres ent constitutional limit. A taxation of 66 2-1 cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property; it was the purpose of the finance committee of the house and senate the regular free slon to revise this 'limitation down wards, Is now apparent "that the re vised valufc'ione will be latiro enough to permit a substantial reduction of this limitation, and still leave a reas onable margin for the necessities ot our future development Just what figure will be a proper limitation can not be determined until the total status under the new assessments are ascertained. Three facts In - regard to the revaluation act are now out standing and no longer the subject of controversy." NORFOLK, Va., Jan. 2. The coast 'guard cutter Manning tonight reached Hampton Roads with the U, S. 8. Opellka, disabled, at sea, In tow. The Manning answered the Opellka's eall for assistance early this morning, off the Virginia, capes. Engine trouble forced the Opeltka to ask for a tow. NAME "BAYER" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Safe and proper directions are in every "Bayer" package "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked' with the safety "Bayer Cross." Then you are getting the true, world famous As pirin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. . v:. - Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions , to safely relieve Colds, Headache. Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and u Pain rnArai11v. Handy tin boxes- of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" ' packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Ballcylicacld. SKOOTERS lc SKOOTERS lc SKOOTERS lc Accept "California" Byrun of Pigs only look for the name California oa the package, then you are sure your! child is having the best and most! harmless laxative or. physio for little j stomach, liver and bowels. Children! love Ha delldoue fmlty taste. Pull! directions for child's dose on each bot tle. Give it- without fear, Look HERE'S YQUR CHANCE mm. Ceimfl That's All Has EaKEli CHILDREN'S SCOOTERS A z3 . ') -;.', ,11; -J I WATCH ANNOUNCEMENT IN SUNDAY'S CITIZEN

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