TUB ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1920. MINISTERS OBJECT TO THE CLOSING ORDERS BELIEVE CUCRCIIES SUOIXD HOLD BERVICE8. Order Changed By City to Request Some Will Hold Services on Sun day, They State. Following the appearance before the city commissioners yesterday morning of a committee of local min isters. Including Revs. Willis a. Clark. Charles Meroer Hall, Dr. R. V. Camp bell and J. O. Ervln, In which they protested against the order of the city authorities that churches must be In cluded In public places which would have to close during the Influenza epidemic, the commissioners modified the order to a request. It Is under stood that several of the ministers will hold at least one erVle Sunday, while others will not hold any services until the ban Is lifted. The petition presented by the min isters follows: "We, the undersigned, do hereby express our regret at the proposed elvlo order completely closing the churches and the suspending of public worship, because of the prevailing epi demic. " 'Nono can deny,' writes John Fiske, 'that religion Is the largest and most ubiquitous fact connected with the existence of mankind upon the earth.' The sole reliance upon ma terial forces and scientific moasures as far as any corporate action Is con cerned; the corporate approach to God denied to everyone, sanctuaries closed. In a time of great suffering, sorrow, and death; the tacit assump tion that the civil authority is su preme over the spiritual In all things is an intolerable thing. ueugion bids us to appeal to God at all times, and that not only privately, but by Dublic prayer In our churches. Such has everywhere been the custom for centuries. And people, even inose wno are not professing Christians, expect It. They look to us as ministers of God to lead them in public supplica tion. Tia nrmiment .that DCODle can pray In private, as weO as In public, is the old ana wen-worn argument against all church going. Public wor ship Is a part of our life as taught by the Master. "With due respect for those In civil authority, yet having In mind also the decision of Judge Connor, or tne iea eral court, that a municipality has no power to close a church on account of the present sickness, we desire to express our opinion that it is incon sistent to close churches, and, at the same time, allow people to congregate In the street cars, department stores, railroad stations, hotels, factories, etc. "In a time of mucli suffering and peril It is more important to pray to God, all the people being called to gether for that purpose, than to carry on business. There Is far less danger in a church, where people gather to pray for a- brief hour, than in any crowded place where the people throng all through the day. "One service appears to us to be the minimum of our public duty on the Lord's Day. We therefore, with the greatest respect for the good Judg ment of the health officer and of all Interested, express the hope that at present, at least, this may find ap proval. "W. F. Powell, Willis G. Clark, Charles Mercer Hall." I 232 NEW GASES WERE REPORTED IN "FLU" EPIDEMIC YESTERDAY Government Asked for 125 Beds and Equipment Per mission to Use Them Expected Today Soup Kitchens Open and Public Places Close Down Under Orders. n-ii!..in dm i.iirn nt the strict-I required to suspend all ratherlne of est ordinance ever enacted here, It Is any kind or nature, pending the revo bellevod, for the enforcement of the cation of this ordinance, closing order, us passed by the city section . That all stores operated commissioners yesterday morning, )n ,,4 c)ty are hereby directed and Ashevllle closed down tight, in tne requ(rei to close for business nd not fight to prevent the spread of the In- permit customers within their doors fluenza epidemic hero. Reports to tne not ator tnan g m each Q city health authorities . yesterday fthnwpri 231! new cases, tne lugncBi. " A " ....... ever reported in the city In one day, P" for the purpose of dispensing frThe present epidemic or during the ugs and other necessary medical Mnml nt 1918-1919. the highest "upplles. ,,mh..r fnr nnv one dav last year be- Provided, further, that the previs ing 212. While the number of cases ions of this ordinance shall not apply is much larger thnn those reported to cares, restaurants or careterlas dls- lust year, the deaths are fewer, ths penslng food only. disease being milder this year. Provided, further, that nothing In n..i ,v tha tnis ordinance shall be construed as board yesterday, all stores must close to allow any stores or other business , l m . nd no nrovlslon Is made enterprises to dispense soda water. rmalnln ooen after that cigars, tobacco, periodicals of any time on Saturday night; the exception kind, or anything else that might be jf!? -hih however, classed as unnecessary, after the clos- can "ell only drugs' after 6 p. . h".",'.... . rafcH and hotels. rNo social gainer- - " " - " lncs ef anv kind will be permitted motor busses, operating In said city, and the police will keep the move-on r mo purpose 01 transporting pas few In force, on the streets. over the streets of the city i.ri.v .v. 1,1, !-, Purv - are hereby required to keep open one- enue school completely overrun yes- half the windows in such street cars terday with calls for food, the local or motor busses at all tlmos while In Red Cross . committee nas compieiea arrangements for opening anotner . "u soup kitchen In the Masonic temple or l.her Pcs, where soda water or this morning. Members of the can- soft drinks of any kind are dispensed. teen corns are distributing the food are requirea to serve such soda water to the destitute sick or the city. i ui.j tui,. A committee yesterday, consisting eacn cu to be Immediately destroyed of Mayor Roberts, S. Lipinsky and T. a"er use. xv r,i,i viKitBd oteen hosnltal and Provided, that Ice cream must also were given every assurance by Col. served in paper cups or dishes, and O J . I snirtVk no HAP Anno fw Aiam AitimiiAn Lyster. the commenaing omcer, inau-"v" , , ; 125 beds with lull equipment. . ,. ambulance, or anything else at the ' " u puouc gainer ,oifai rni,M h fnrthnnmln? lust Ing". of any kind, character or na o. o. .nnrnv.nl is BBcured from lure, are hereby prohibited, whether the war department at Washington, specifically mentioned In this ordl The committee wired the secretary of nam?e or not. pending the revocation war and Senator Overman yesterday, .uin. v,o thi. rwrmlmlnn be arrant- -mat any person, nrm or corpora- ed and confirmation of the matter is y pv'u"" expected at any time. ' f thls lnaJc be nd sueot Arrangements are being perfected to a penalty of fifty ($60.00) dollars for onenlns the emergency nospiiai every ium f the new Hiirh school building. Just That this ordinance being for the as soon as it is felt tho hospital is Immediate preservation of public needed I neaun ana safety la hereby declared Tho Ordinance. I an "nrg-ency urainance, enrective im The ordinance as passed yesterday mediately upon Its passage. R. it ordained hv the board of com- oocuun i. inai an cnurcnes ana mlssioners of the city of Ashevllle: religious organisations or an Kino. Hotin i That all moving nle- character or nature, are hereby res- ture shows, vaudeville or other thea- Pectfully requested to suspend all ters within the corporate limits of gatherings of any kind, until, in the the city of Ashevllle, are hereby re- opinion of the health officer and the quired to close and remain closed un- board of commissioners of said city, til the revocation of this ordinance uch gatherings may be had without Section 2. That all schools con- damage to our citizens. ducted irf the city, both public and Section 2. That the police depart- prlvate, are required to close Immed- mem oe insiruciea inruugn me com iately upon the passage of this fdi- mlssioner of public safety, to devote nance, with the exception of schoolF eynr attention to t.he enforcement of operated as boarding schools. tne orainance adopted today relative DvrtirlrlAfl Blinrl crV nnl will Tint to the prohibition of gatherings of allowed to operate for the purpose of a" kinds. . ,, Instructing pupils residing without DWl "ie aia ponce as- through the said commissioner of public safety, to energetically enforce the municipal ordinance prohibiting oaflng or Interference with traffic on TWO DIET KITCHENS WILL BE OPENED TODAY OAIX FOR AIDfcS AND HELP ISsrKD. OTIltll Pliysluians Hx plain Nerd for Trained Nurses and Ask for Their Release If Pustule. ' said schools. Section 3. That all social or frater nal organizations within said city such as fraternal orders, lodges, rlnn.ao nifhlf St nrtVAtf nl II H fit anv kind. Dartles or receptions, and an? street or sidewalk in said city nil nthn Bolal eatherlnirs are hereby Section 4. That all parents are Leading Ashevllle physicians have recommended and are urging ull per sons having trained nurses la their employ that wherever possible their services be dispersed with so that the nurses can assist in rendering aid to Influenza patients. It is pointed out that a nurse who is retained to at tend one patient for ordinary dis eases, can be working under the di rection of physicians In emergency hospitals, or when placed In a family where there are several cases, ad minister unto the needs of several people. If those who can will dis pense with their trained nurses dur ing the epidemic here it is. assured they will have been Instrumental In saving several lives. Nurses have been known to caro for from 15 to 20 Influenza patients nt a time. Of course the physicians do not ask that very ill persons bo deprived of their trained nurses, tut this request is for those who could be cared for by some other than a trained nurse. Mrs. T. S Rollins, In charge of re lief work being carried on by the lo cal chapter American Red Cross yes terday issued an appeal for volun teer nurses' aids, stating that the need is Imperative even at the present while there are less than 600 cases In tho city. Also those who will assist In pre paring food at the Park avenue school diet kitchen. In charge of Mrs. W. T. Randolph, are asked to telephone Mrs. Rollins at No. 147 early this morn ing. The kitchen at the Masonio temple will be opened today on ac count of the fact that the Park ave nue school kitchen was overrun yes terday. NO NURSES TO SPARE CHAIRMAN REPLIES THREE SCHOOLS IN Q THE COUNTY CLOSED SWANXANOA, BtiACK MOINTAIX AXD OAXLKY Hl'.srENDKD. Rural Schools Will Bo Closed as the Need Arises luMucnia Reported In the County. Southern Division of tho Red Cross Sends Requests Here. A telegraphic request for a num ber of nurses to aid In the epidemic In the southern division was received here last night by the chairman of the Red Cross nursing committee. In addition to this general request a number of nurses have also re ceived Individual notices. The chairman here wired head quarters that no one could be spared irom mis district as at present more are needed here, and in the event the epidemlo becomes worse in this district there will be a need to im port trained nurses to help cope with the epidemic in this Immediate ter ritory. Tho Black Mountain, Swunminoa and Oakley schools were ordored closed yesterday by the cbunty board of education acting upon tho advice of County physician W. IT. Scruggs. This action was taken because a number of rases of Influenza were found to exist In the two towns and and In tho thickly settled Oakley schools district In Ttlltmore town ship. Dr. Scruggs stated last night that tho cuses wero not very serious and that m nncount of the large number attending these schools the action has been taken as an effort to suppress the spread of the dis ease. No general closing order will be Is sued by tho board of education Chairman J. D. Murphv said last night, and the, board will In all prob ability continue to net upon the rec ommendations of tho county phy sician. The rural schools will bo closed where It Is found that several cases In that particular community exist. and Dr. Scruggs Is keeping in com munication with, the various com mltteemen to ascertain the preval ence of tho disease in the several districts. It is probable that some other schools will be closed but as yet it has been found necessary to closo only tho three. Yesterday Commissioner O. F. Stradley and County Welfare Officer T. R. Parker while In the rural sec tions of the county found nlno homes in need of help. In all these homes neighbors were Induced to render the proper assistance. It was stated that while about half the number were found in destitute circumstances that several families In moderate circunv stances only needed personal atton- tion. In one home all members of a family of nine were found confined to their beds, save one who had died and whose lifeless from had been moved by the sick sons and daughters to the hall. The county will render assistance to this family, and when neighbors were told of the serious plight of these people they went to their aid. Three More Days of Our JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Yes, there are only three more days left in which to take advantage of our sale prices. Don't pass up an opportunity like this. Spring Dresses. Suits and Millinery Of Superior Beauty D mm u HAD I TAKEN CALOMEL I WOULD BE SICK, WEAK NOW But I took "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead and Feel Grand Calomel Nauseates Salivates! STOP ITCHING ECZEMA Prest-O-Lite batteries give oulck starts and long life. Sawyer Motor Co., distributors. tf hereby requested to co-openate with the health authorities to the extent of keeping their children at home and off the streets of said city, and to prohibit gatherings of any kind, char acter or nature, during the epidemic. Penetrating. Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You- Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo. Furnished by any druggistfor35c. Extra large bottle. $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and lf4imilar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy.al ways use Zemo. tha penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kinds. Tb E W Roa? Co.ClmUwt O You're bilious! Tour liver Is slug gish! You feel lazy, dlssy. Your head is dull, your tongue coated, breath bad, stomach sour and bowels consti pated. But don't take salivating Ca lomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day. Calomel ts mercury which crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping. To enjoy the nicest, gentlest llvef and bowel cleansing you ever sxpeU enced take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight' Your druggist sella a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tons for a, few cents and guar antees each spoonful to clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty Calomel, without making you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone can not salivate. Glvs It to the chlldren.Adv ' Citizen Want Ads Bring Results ( BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE: SECTION I. That all moving picture shows, vaudeville or other theatres, conducted within the corporate limits of the City of Asheville, are hereby required to close and remain closed until the revocation of this ordinance. SECTION 2. That all schools conducted in the City, both pub lic and private, are required to close immediately upon the passage of this ordinance, with the exception of schools operated as Boarding schools. PROVIDED, such schools will not be allowed to operate for the purpose of instructing pupils residing without said schools. SECTION 3. That all social or fraternal organizations within said Citv. such as fraternal orders, lodges, dances public or private, clubs of any kind, parties or receptions, and all other social gather ings are hereby required to suspend all gatherings of any kind or nature, pending the revocation of this ordinance. SECTION 4. That all stores operated in said City are hereby directed and required to close for business and not permit customers. within their doors later than 6 o clock p. m. each day. . PROVIDED, drug stores may remain operi for the purpose of dispensing drugs and other necessary medical supplies. PROVIDED FURTHER, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to cafes, restaurants or cafeterias dispensing food only. PROVIDED FURTHER, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as to allow any stores or other business enterprise to dispense soda water, cigars, tobacco, periodicals of any kind, or any thing else that might be classed as unnecessary, after the closing hour named above. SECTION 5. That all street cars and motor busses, operating in said City, ror the purpose or transporting passengers over the streets of the City are hereby required to keep open one-half the windows in such street cars or motor busses at all times while in op eration. SECTION 6. ' That all soda fountains or other places, where oda water or soft drinks of any kind are dispensed, are required to serve such soda water or soft drinks in sanitary paper cups, each cup to be immediately destroyed after use. PROVIDED, that ice cream must also be served in paper cups or dishes, and such paper cups or dishes destroyed immediately after use. SECTION 7. That all public gatherings, of any kind, character or nature, are hereby prohibited, whether specifically mentioned in this ordinance or not. pending the revocation of this ordinance. SECTION 8. That any person, firm or cornoration violating any of the provisions of this ordinance be and is subject to a penalty or rirty (dv.vu) uouars tor each and every such offense. , SECTION 9. That this ordinance being for the immediate preservation of public health and safety, is hereby declared an emer gency ordinance, effective immediately upon its passage. " V. Ipfe 1 rsvml&m&h 1 On the Square Between the Avenues COME TO OUR STORE TOMORROW - WE CONTINUE OUR January Special Value Sale SUITS and OVERCOATS fi?J VALUES No Odds and Ends No Old Styled Left-Over Garments ! 411 Newly Arrived Direct From Our New York Factory BE SURE YOU SEE THESE WONDERFUL VALUES BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE 1 I SEE OUR WINDOWS SEE OUR WINDOWS I move the adopt! day of January, 1 920. the foregoing ordinance, this the 29th Approved as to form: CEO. PENNELL, Corporation Counsel GALLATIN ROBERTS. Commissioner. I St G

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