THE ASteVTLLE CITIZEN FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1920. The Mammoth Furniture Store IRON BEDS f II II II II lY This bed is built for comfort but you will find it very neat and attractive, substantially built 2-inch posts, 3-4-inch fillers. We don't handle the light kind. Call and let us show you our line. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS. 1517 Broadway Phone 226 24-26 Lexington Around Town j I 1 1 i Son Bonv Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nelson, or Shadyslde, O., a son, Charles J.. Jr. Mrs. Nelson was formerly Miss Ella Bell, of West Ashevllle. H. B. Moore I1L Mrs. Nettle Moore Boatlck was called yesterday to Oas- ton la, on account of the serious 111 neaa of her brother-in-law, H. B. Moore. "The moet delicious food I evsr tasted" is the speech made many times a day by the patrons of The Four Stars Tea Room, on the square. If you haven t tried It. come today. 1-80- Of f icial Local Weather COVER THAT HOLE ON THE WALL With a Beautiful Picture If you have the picture we have the moulding to select for it Also we have many attractive pictures from which you can choose your own moulding. Picture framing orders promptly filled. ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Ashevflle, N. C; Phone 254 AFTER SO MANY MONTHS we have received a big stock of those celebrated CRESCENT WRENCHES in 6, 8, 1 0-inch. The best wrench you can get for your car. They are very scarce arid you had better get some while you , have the opportunity. We have a car of -NAILS on the way. They are due here now. Four hundred kegs in the car. Orders on file for over half of them. If you get your orders in quick for a limited quantity we can take care of them when the car arrives. We Want Your Business Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. Phone 142. Local Weather Data for Jan. M, ltSS state or weather it 1 l nr., clear. State of weather at 8 p. m., clear. Relative humidity at ( a. m., 88 per cent. Relative humidity at 1!:80 p. m it per cent. Relative humidity at 8 p. m., St per cent. Wind direction it I i m., north' east. Wind direction' at 8 p. m., south' east. - Time of sunrise, 7:81 a. m. Time of sunset, 6.84 p. m. Local Triuixratore Data. t a.m. . 88 t p.m... SO . I a.m. 28 t p.m SO 10 a.m. 38 4 p.m SO 11 a.m 40 6 p.m.. SO 12 noon 48 6 p.m.. . . . I . .48 l.p.m 48. 7 p.m .41 8 p.m..; Highest, BO; one year ago, 48. Lowest. 28; one 'year ago, 85. Absolute maximum, 8T in 1817. Absolute, minimum. 10 in 1807. Average temperature today, 89. , Normal, 84. Local Precipitation Data for This Monui. Normal, 4.87 Inches. ' Greatest amount, C.89 in 10.06. Least amount. 0.27 in 1907. For last 24 hours ending at 8 p. m hone. - TREAT VOUfi GOLD Oil GROUP , WITH CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT Cheney's Expectorant gives immediate relief to all colds. It Is the quickest of all cough remedies. It produces results now. It la famous as a cure for croup and Whooping cough. Cheney's Expectorant Is so Pleasant tnat cnuaren ssk ior it worn afflicted. Colds are contagious and so every member of the family should take Cheney's Expectorant on the appearance of the slightest cold or symptom of whooping cough or r-oun. dv. EVIDENCE AGAINST RADICALS LACKING Modification of Regulations Handi caps Officials' Task. 77k? JipemeY j NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Fear that some persons held at Ellis Island must be released because it will be im possible to prove they' were aliens, was expressed at Ellis Island today as the result of recent modifications of Immigration regulations by the de partment of labor. - By refusing to tell where he was born, a man arrest ed on a deportation warrant may be enabled to stay In the country it is feared. Proof of the nativity of aliens in deportation proceedings us ually comes from themselves and is difficult to obtain otherwise, it was ex plained. Of more than 600 men and women sent to Ellis Island, as the result of recent raids on communists, eight have been freed because there was no proof that they were communists: 225, most of whom refused to answer questions of inspectors, have been re leased on bail and 804 are left at the Island. In addition about CO who have been ordered deported are on the Island their cases not having been completed when the Buford sailed. These include 43 from De troit Twenty reds are in the hospital, mostly with colds, according to officials. Washington Forecast, North Carolina Fair, warmer Friday: Saturday fair. Virginia -Fair,' ! warmer Friday Saturday fair, polder at night, north ana west portions. - South Carolina Partly cloudy Friday, warmer interior: Saturday fair. Georgia Cloudy south, warmer and generally fair -'north portion Friday Saturday fair. Florida Local rains Friday, ex- cept fair southwest portion; Satur day fair. Extreme Northwest Florida- Cloudy Friday, probably local .rains Saturday rair. Tennessee. Kentucky Fair Frl day and Saturday, somewhat colder Saturday northwest portion. FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS NERVOUS STEAMER SERVICE WILL BE RESUMED Apprehension is avoided by HoiIIEI&FltlEND A preparation of penetrating oils and tnedidnal ingredients which is used to Tender the muscles, cords and tendons pliable thus greatly reducing tension. Tho period should be one of calm, repose ss the new dawn draws nearer. Mother's Friend is used extemaUy. At dH pracfua. '. Seeds! nookUt on Motherhood sad Baby nee, PisdsUJtcgalancCo DpC.F-U.Adama.Oa. STOP CATARRH! OPEN ' NOSTRILS AND HEAD Bars Cream Applied In Nostrils . Believes Head-Colds at Once. J. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you eant breaths freely because of a cold or catarrh, juit . get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug' store. , Apply a little of this fragrant, antissptis cream - Into your nostrils and let - it penetrate through every sir passage of your head, . soothing sad healing the inflamed, swol len mucous membrane and you get in stant relief. Ah I how good it feels. '.Your nos- - trite are open, your head Is clear, no more hawking, snuffling; blowings no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just -what sufferers from head colds and ca tarrh need.. It's delight. ROANOKE, Va., Jan. 29. Nor folk to Havana steamship service, which was suspended several weeks ago because of the stevedores' strike in the Cuban port will be resumed February 10, according to official In' formation received today at the head' quarters here of the Norfolk and Western railway. A communication from the Mer chants and Miners Transportation company states that the steamer Ore clan will, leave Norfolk for Havana, February 10, followed by the steam er Ontario. February 20. - Sailings then will be conducted every 10 days. tne communication says. Changes, However, Mainly In Direc tion of Betterment. ! NEW YORK. Jan. 2 . -Although foreign exchange markets In London and Paris were ajgain very much un settled today, "such .changes as oc curred here were mainly in the dlrec rection of betterment. "' . .... This was due, according to dealers to a heavy offering or the preceding days of the week, especially for lo cal account. Few bankers were in' dined to believe, however, that any' thing' like actual readjustment of the situation was hi sight. The representative of a prominent International banking bouse was au thorlty for the statement that con' certed action to correct existing con' dltions Is contemplated, but the move' ment. it was added, la not - likely to crystallise unless bondon offers some thing mors than "passive assistance.' Demand bills on London rallied from yesterday's low of 83.48 to 83.58 14 but reacted to after tne close of the market. Francs rallied about 20 centimes and Belgian francs also registered slight improvement but the Italian rate hung around yesterday s minimum of 1650 iires to the Amer ican dollar. Pressure against Scandinavian was renewed during the day but In that quarter also, final- quotations were variably above lowest rates. ACCRUED INTEREST ON EUROPEAN LOANS Quick Relief For All RheuniatJcs If So Crippled Ton Can't Use Anna or ( Legs, let Rhenma Help Yon. If yon want relief .from agonising rheumatic pain (no matter what form) la two days swift, gratifying relief take a small dose of Jlheuma once a day. .. If von want to dissolve theurln add poison in your body and drtve it out through the natural channels so that you will bo free from rheumatism, be gin the Rheume treatment now. It's Inexpensive and positively harmless. . . Rheumatism is a powerful disease strongly entrenched in Joints and muscles. : in order to conquer It a powerful enemy must be sent against It Rheuma Is the enemy of rheuma tism aad must quickly give Joyful re lief or money refunded. Smith's Drug store, and good druggists everywhere recommend It. ' AdW . WASHINGTON, .Jan. 29. Accrued Interest on loans to European coun tries totals approximately 8225,000, 000. according to a table, submitted today to the house ways and means committee , py . the treasury depart ment, which plana to defer collection for a few years, pending reconstruc tion. Great Britain owea the most In terest, the total on loans to that coun try, being- ' 81tM0,887, Interest owed by other countries is: , France, 874.021,748; Italy,; 854.IJ8.688; Rus sia. 818.882.882; .Belgium,' 811.4(8.- 278; czecho-siovakla, 81.887,088; Sertua, 8817.288; Roumanla. . 2800,- 878, ana -uioerta, tis. ., . VERDICT REACHED a ? , IN DETZER'S CASE NEW YORK, Jan.- 29. The court' martlet of Captain Karl H. Detser for alleged cruelties - to - soldiers - of the American expeditionary forces at LeMans whlck began at Governor's Is- land eight weeke .ago fended , today.' j. no ounrers comprising ' . m coun agreed on a verdict In less than Ave minutes but in accordance with mili tary regulations, their decision will not be announced - until , it has been forwarded to- the war department in Washington. ;. ' . ' : . . REVOKE THE: SALE OF : : G. AND F RAILROAD . AUGUSTA, Oa-. Jan.- St. The Georgia : and .. Florida . railroad ' was saved from ; being, scrapped today wmn a, court uraer wis signeei re voking the aale,ot th- railroad' at publlo outcry to satisfy ., the' holders of 2708.000 reoelvers-. certificates. Lo eal business) men, resident along; the railroad.- whloh operates.' from Au gusta t to 1 Madison,, Fla.,' aad bond holder agreed ' to underwrlto . the outstanding certificates, v -.. , - ESTATE DEPRIVED OF ; d ' $700,000 INSURANCE NEW ' TORK,- Jan,: ll.r-Influonsa not bnly caused 1 the- death, 'of Rich mond Lrovering," wealthy oil operator, at his Homo hers early today, but de prived his aetata of $700,008 tnsur ance because of his' falrure to. sign and pay premiums on policies for that amount 'which" he had ooatracted 'tor before he was' strtekssv -. BELIEVE GOXE STREET SHOULD BE PAVED Valnablo Property Near the New Street Has Recently Changed Hands and Big Developments Promised. ' The recent action of several of Ashevllle's progressive business men In ; acquiring property on the west end of Patton avenue, below the post- office, indicates that the time has finally arrived - when the merchants of Ashevllle realise that the shop ping district of the city must be ex tended. In the opinion of even the most conservative, Ashevllle is Just beginning to start on Its real growth toward being a sure enough city. Among Important things which mean .much for the Patton avenue section la ths matter of paving the new highway from Patton avenue to Southside, known as Coxe street. With wonderful grade, with the sav ing of a half mile In distance from the depot to the center of the city, to say nothing of the relief to the congestion in the other streets now used in going to and from the depot, this Improvement means more than a great many people realise. Her is a splendid throughfare placed In the hands of the city, some thing that means convenience and economy to tho average citizen, mer chant and even the tourist, in getting to and from town. Instead of labor ing up Church street or struggling up Blltmore avenue behind a street car, hero would-be a short cut. under Ideal conditions, for both pedestrians and automobiles. Another interest ing possibility would be to Use this new street for a parking place for the many machines which already find it impossible to get room In the center of the city. TO APPOINT A. P.DIGGS POLICE COURT CLERK OTHER DELEGATES TO ROAD METING NAMED Swain, Haywood and Cherokee Men Named to Attend Meeting of South era Appalachian Convention. P. Ii. Stone to Be Made Night Desk Sergeant Expect This Action By City Commissioners Today. It is understood that Alex P. Dlgga. present desk sergeant at po lice headquarters, will bs made po lice court clerk with rank of lieu tenant to succeed Hugh Sowers, re' signed, when the city commissioners meet this morning. Also it Is under stood that P. L. Stone will succeed Sergeant Dlggs at the desk. Lieu tenant Sowers resigned some time ago, his resignation to take effect February 1, and gave as his reason that he would enter private busi ness. - Mr. - Sowers has since accepted a position with the J. D. Earle Feed company, of this city, as office man ager. ' Mr. Dlggs has been destc sergeant at headquarters for some time and during his service in this capacity has made an , efficient ana capaDie or fleer, according to the Information given ' oat by his superior officers, and his nams was pVomlnently men tioned as, Mr. sowers' successor tne dav the latter offered his resigna tion. Mr.-Stone has. been connected with . ths department for several months - and- has a record as an ef ficient officer. .The Dollee officials are said to have heartily endorsed the promotion of both Messrs. ' Diggs 1 and Stone, whlls friends in the city have Joined in with the support of the two In their applications for ths promotion. A. S. Patterson a prominent cltl ten o Bryson City recently appointed by Governor Blrkett as a state-wide dele-Rate to the Southern Appalnchaln Good Roads association meeting In Ashevllle, February 28-88, wrote the Board of Trade Inst night that he will attend the meeting. At the request of A. D. Williams, president. Parkersburg, W. Va.. he has appointed T. Lenoir Owynn, of Springdale and O. B. Walker, An drews, as alternates; these gentle men being extended the privileges of the convention by President Williams. Mr. Gwynn is on the board of county commissioners of Haywood county and also a member of the executive committee of N. C. Good Roads asso ciation. He is vitally Interested in the matter of building better roads and along with Mr. Walker will be in terested In the question of providing necessary funds for the building of a statewide system of hard surface roads and the various tvnea moat suit. able to the traffic throughout the mountain section of western North Carolina. It is such men u T. L Owvnn and O. B. Walker co-operating with ths county authorities and state highway commission that has made possible the 284 miles of federal aid project in western North Carolina during the past year. With the completion of the construction of this mlleon and additional projects now under consid eration, western North Carolina bids fair to become the Menc& tnr tmiri.t. tnrougnout the entire country who will be enabled to see these marvel ous mountains over its net-work of matchless hlghwaya AIR DEPARTMENT BILL IS ALTERED WASHINGTON. Jan. 28. The new Independent air department bill suf fered its first serious alteration in ths senate' today, when the nronnsn.1 to make the director of the service a cabinet ' officer was eliminated on motion or senator Sraoot, republican of Utah. A second amendment by tne uian senator, ' reducing the di rector's salary from $12,000 to $8, 000 a year failed of action for lack or a quorum. . Shrap opposition to the bill de veloped during the debate. Senator Borah, republloan,-Idaho, contended It would increase air service expen ditures and Senator Gerry, democrat. Rhode Island, asserted that it would foster red tape, while Chairman wadsworth. of the military commit tee which reported tho measure, ar gued that It would increase efficiency and cut expenditures from $60,000,- ooo to a year on th4 sep arate air services. , Do You - Need a Dress? If So, Just Stroll Down to CADISON'S A FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES Fourteen Biltmore Avenue Here you will find what you have been looking for, and fave from $10 to $25 on your purchase. s Our new Sport and Polo Coats, as well as Jersey Suits, are the finest in town. , 1 3fl S3 - 4 If ilUiHat SEIZE THREE MORE NEW TORK, Jan. 80. The wide spread distribution of "kitchen stills" with which many New porkers are reported . to be 'making moonshine beverages at home has been traced to Blnghamton, federal prohibition agents declared , here tonight. They said the ' stills, which are crudely made of tin pans, were delivered by parcel post. ' The 180.,, federal' agents who are now engaged in Searching the city for Intoxicating beveraaes seised three mors of the home made moon shine plants today. One of them was. In full operation on a kitchen gas stove.' ANNUAL EARNINGS OF BETHLEHEM CO. Amounted to 3?,J,il According to Preliminary Report. NEW TORK. Jan. 28. Net earn ings of the Bethlehem Steel corpora tion for 181$, according to the pre liminary report Issued today, amount ed to $17,441,218 against $57,188,788 In 181$. To what extent the com pany's earnings were affected by the steel and eoal stnkss was not disoios ed. Net Income failed to reflect the dis parity in net earnings, totalling 816, 258.880 or only 8588.520 less than in the previous year. According to. the statement of President Graoe, the net Income represented a profit of 5.45 per cent, on the volme of bus iness transacted. . Orders on hand at the close of 181$ amounted to 8252,448,000. New bus iness booked during 181$ amounted to $204,144,000. President Grace stated that all plants of the corporation,' both steel and ship, are operating at virtually full capacity. Orders in all commercial lines are at a maximum and the man agement believes they are of sufficient volume to insure full capacity opera tions throughout ths year. New bus iness, it was added, is offering far ' in excess of ability to produce. , STRIKE IS LAUNCHED BY WINDOW WASHERS ' CHICAGO, Jan. 18 Window wash ers in Chicago have gone on strike demanding $4$ a week for experi enced washers 'Who work on exten sion ladders and $44 a week for ap prenticesmen who have served, less than six months in the business. The washers demand pay for 44 hours a week regardless, of whether or not work is dons. . , . v - E TO' E Tender Intestinal Tracts Can't Stand Power ful Physics. When a 'physio or miscalled "laxsv Mrs" causes the slightest pain ' or gripe you may Know tnat insieaa or helping nature throw off the poisons accumulated In the body, it is getting rid of them by force. 'This rending, tearing action is ex tremerly harmful and painful to tho tender membranes of the bowels and intestines.'. ,-.,:'. ' Sloan's Relief -Tablets, ' gentle as nature itself, work in a soothing,' helpful way. The eliminate all poisons and end constipation, yet do it with out gripe or pain to the body. They are not habit forming;, Get a box of 80 tablets today and uss no others, Sloan's Relief Tablets are safest Distributed by The Slosn Products Co 18 Factory Street, Derby, Conn. TAILORS' MEETING PAYORS OPEN SHOP ATLANTIC CITT, N. J- Jan.' 28. Resolutions in favor of the opsn shop were adopted at the closing session : of the annual convention of ths Na tional Association of Merchant Tailors hers today. It was decided to raise a fund of 1500.000 at onoe for the purpose of "freeing the industry from the dictates of labor unions." ' MONET TO IOAJf . AT . V Patton Ave. Phone 168. Vphoducts- 'K'f rfi lis-- Always Serve 7 Ovf Lmhil tones tkm fUuuMtk mmt or" baying and ths nana? sserA oaf or cooking ( mnJ flmnninf mtaU. 1 t t Breakfasts THE thrifty housewife who has a well stocked Armour food shelf in the pantry.can quicklyprovide an Armour breakfast mat will satisfy any taste or ap petite and can be either elaborate or simple. Here are a few Armour foods for your menu: Uilttlf Crape) Jules FrMStarHamerBoeeawha HWUT Caamed or Dried ' iftaWEggs (Aaystyia). Frails. Fried Sweat Potatoes. re Coevals. Wheat Cahao with Om9n A Depasture Fstm 'Bailer or Nat.ela a. Kforgaiuss. - laaSf Csffeoaad Evaporated fcCTh. ' Your grocer has these Oval Label Foods in sock,tf canquJcldy a isttarby Annotrr branch. .1 : Keep your Armour Shelf well stocked with Oval Label foods. They provide easily prepared, de licious meals for breakfast, luncheon and dinner. Anr.ioooncBT3Erimr Armour's Profits Are 2 on Each Dollir's Trantaction ; This la a small fraction of a cent DOtmd. or leas than SL0O on enough meat to supply tne veraoe for an entire year. High p i to packers I not due t i profits. prices are W.J. BRIDGES w , Phone 670-671

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