THE 'ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. 12 Complete Again Our Most Popular Line of Rogers Spoons, and Knives Forks The price are just a little lower than these goods are usually sold at We have been selling this same "Rogers" for nearly 20 years, and never a complaint AT LAW'S 21 Haywood St. ML MITCHELL SALE OF STOCK STARTS SOON ALL T BASKETBALL GAMES ARE CANCELED Col. Cohen Says Gen. Carr Took iArge Share of Stock Can ra to De Made In City. lAdies who ars aisorlmlnai lnr in their selection of China and Silverware will And here everything one could, wish for. THE I-X-L STORE SO rATTON AVE. FHOWE 107 YOUR EYES are nature s great gift Your enjoyment of life depends , upon ' their service to you. CARE FOR THEM. Charles H. Honess v OPTOMETRIST Eye-Strain Specialist St Patton Ave.: Opp. Postomce listahliabea I00. In a statement given out here yea terday Col. 8. H. Cohen stated that he cam to Asheville to push the cam palrn to secure the needed number of eubscrlbed members to put overihe Mt. Mitchell railroad, the matter would be postponed until -next week owing; to the influenza situation here. Col. Cphen said that he bad return ed from Durham where he held a eon ference with Oen. Julian U. Carr, who is deeply interested in the proposed railroad, and he made a liberal sub scription of the stock. Oen. Carr told Col. Cohen that the people of North Carolina and Asheville especially could not afford to see this proposi tion pass up and if necessary he would lax even more or tne stocK. While a large amount of the stock has been subscribed, there still re mains much to be sold and Just as soon as the ban on meetings is lilted here and conditions improve, which It is believed will be only a few days longer, the active canvass for the sale of the stock will be made and the matter closed up. There seems to be no' doubt but what the road will open on April, 1, as scheduled and that the first sum mer under the new arrangement will be the heaviest in the history of the road. It is planned to buy new equip ment for the road Just as soon as pos sible, as It is realized that several more passenger coaches will he need ed for the large crowds expected this summer. CARSON RESTORED TO CITIZENSHIP Had Served Short Sentence for Manslaughter. 8. I. Carson, who killed Hiram Hurst, and who was sentenced to four years in the state prison on Oc tober 15, 1915, having served his sentence, yesterday made applica tion to the superior court here that his citizenship be restored. Owlug to the faot that he had ap plied through he regular legal pro cedure and that a number of promi nent citizens had signed the appli cation that his citizenship be restored, Carson was allowed his legal citizen ship again by Judge J. I .Webb Carson was tried for murder, But the Jury found him guilty of man slaughter and recommended, the mercy of the court,' whereupon he received only four years' sentence. The killing took place near Demo crat in this county during 1915. All the Activities In Fbyslcal Depart meat Have Closed Bat Baths Arc Still Open. The manager of the "T" basket ball team has cancelled all the games that were scheduled there this week with visiting teams. This will come as a surprise to all the basketball fans of the city, as they have been looking forward with much Interest to the games that were to be played at the association gymnasium soon All the activities at the association have ceased, but H. M. Dill, "Y" phy sical director, allows a small num ber in the gymnasium at a time to play and also in the swimming pool. A largo number of the local boys will miss the splendid privileges and pleasures which the association of fers to its members. All of the mem bers of the association who take an active part in the activities of the association are hoping the influenza epldemio will improve soon so that the regualr schedule will be in ef foot. NAME COMMITTEE TO SELECT TEXT-ROOKS Will Select Books to Be I'acd In the High Schools 'of Buncombe County During Next Term. GIRLS RESERVE AT WEAVERVILLE HIGH A corps of Girls reserves was organ ized several days ago at the Weaver vine high school by Miss Laura Man dery of the local T. W. C. A. Great Interest was shown in the movement by the members of the school and no doubt several other units will be or ganized as soon as the school is open ed again after the influenza epidemic is over. Miss Sue Dillingham is ad visor for the corps. The members elected several o Hi rers and also the flower and color of the corps, but the name has not yet been decided upon but probably at the next meeting it will be selected. The names of the officers elected fol lows: Annie Ader, president; Eflle Buckner, secretary; Mabel Maney, treasurer; Lucile Carmichaal, record keeper; and color, red. NEW COTTON CONCERN RECEIVES CHARTER The Rutherfordton Gin company, of Rutherfordton, has received a charter from the secretary of state, giving the new concern an authorized capital of $25,000 with $5,500 paid in by D. T. Mcciam. w. M. and J. O. Orlswold and others. The new company will operate a cotton gin, and engage in buying and selling cotton and cotton seed. The commute to select the high 'school text books which will be used In the county schools next year haft been appointed and Is composed ,of yie following: M. K. Weber, superin tendent of the city schools; Miss Ethel Terrell, county superintendent of public Instruction; A. J. Hutchins, principal of the" Asheville high school; Miss Blanch Penny, BUtmore high school, and Miss Eleanor Strat um, Asheville high school. So soon as the state commlUee has completed the list it will be sent here and a meeting of the county committee will be 'called by Miss Terrell and Mr. Weber, and the books to be used in the Buncombe county schools will then be selected, The selection of standard , text books for all schools in this state is made obligatory by an act of the leg islature to secure uniformity of high school text books within each county for the different types of high schools. Under the law the unit for the adoption of high school text books shall be the county, and the law also provides- that a list showing the books adopted by the state shall be sent to the county superintendents by the state superintendent of nub ile instruction and that from the list submitted the books for use in each county shall be selected JERRY DALTON HAS "FLU" IN JAIL HERE Taller Ed Williams Reported 4o Be Recovering. FUNERAL TODAY FOR LATE JAMES E. JOYNER Well Known Contractor Died at West Asheville nome at 5 O'clock yes terday Morning. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at one o'clock for James E. Joiner, aged C6, who died at his home in West Asheville yesterday morning at five o'clock. Interment will take place at Mt. Pleasant church cemetery The deceased was a well known contractor of the city and had the distinotlon of having con structed some of Asheville's largest and prominent structures. The deceased la survived by his widow, who was Mary Rose Palmer, and three children: James E. Joyner, Jr., Mrs. Grant Basset t and Charles B. Joyner, all of Asheville; four brothers and one sister; Henry Charles, Allred and George Joyner, and Mrs. Rhoda Eller, all of these residing in Buncombe county. xne panoearers are: Jesse D. Penland, Mark I. Reed W. O. Fortune, K. M. Weaver, R. E. Bowles and Mark Erwin. The hon srary pallbearers will be: E. B. At kinson, Jamos McDowell, K. Stern berg, W. H. Westall, B. B. Jones, N. A. Reynolds. . 3 OFFICE WORKERS REQUIRE Perfect Sight THE HALLMARK STORE. WE HAVE few used Tires in our stock which will go cheap. Also few retreads'. STETSON BRVICE ATISFIM STETSON TIRE COMPANY Broadway and Walnot Sts. and Southside Are. , ' ; Pbonsa tin aad 1011. m I u I When the Little Folks Eat Cradle days, high chair days, on through the years to old age- the cup, the spoon, the alluring lustrous silver of childhood retains the' glisten of its youthful beauty to be handed down to succeeding generations to delight the eyes and caress the sweet lips of little folks to come to be treasured as the silver which, "mother used when she was a baby, and when I grow up, my baby will use it, too." In piece or set, our Children's Ware presents a wide choice of charming designs. ,''' Arthur M. Field Co. IS I I I S) pat THE HALLMARK STORE.' I 6 rlCfeuy Hi nwaiwiMfiii in 1 ' oUthopgou. tirs grossed. I Herri VfemeitftiuwiKj m EDWARD A. FARLEY . 16 S. Pack Sq. ' Ashevijle, N. C. LOGIC The Thing Done Right Today Means Less Trouble Tomorrow If You Need COAL ORDER COAL TODAY PA RDEE Phone 25-981 ' Terms Cash CITIZENS TRANSFER & COAL CO. . Freight and Furniture Moving Transfers Jerry Dalton, convicted in Macon county of murdering his sweetheart and her beau, who was sentenced to the electric chair and has been granted a new trial by the governor is In the Buncombe county lail awaiting tho tftal at the March term of superior court in Macon. Along with two other prisoners, he is con fined in an Isolated section of the Jail and is suffering with influenza. None of the cases among the pris oners is reported as serious. Jailer Ed. Williams, who has been ill with the influuenza for several days, is reported slightly improved. Bob Roy Jenkins, convicted for vlolatinc the liquor laws and who. is serving his sentence, is reported to be suffer ing from an attack of the Influenza also, but his case is said to be a mild one. Office avocations subject those thus employed to eye strain. To be 100 efficient in your work, good sight is vitally essen tial. Wear glasses if your eyes tire easily, or become watery. Our glasses are sight savers "Becoming Glasses Cost No More" DR. DENISON OPTOMETRIST (Eye-Strain Specialist) 25 Patton Avenue Opp. Kress Store. Rainy Days Call for Waterproof Coats ' We have them in light and medium weights, single and double textures, and most import ant of all with Hodgman vulcanized taped seams, which makes them absolutely water proof. Plain or belted models-r-in tan or grey At $12.50 Up. t Men's Rubbers in the Shoe Department 'CUTAWAY Double Actio for two horses Harrows LJ This Harrow will double disc the land at one op eration, leaving it smooth and thoroughly ; pulver ized. Write for descriptive circular. T. S. MORRISON & CO. RINGS Wearing of rings has been a custom from the begin ning of the world. Ancient rulers conferred authority by. giving their subordinates rings. The form of a ring can never change but its design will vary. For many " years wedding rings have been the same plain gold band, varying only in the j'idth. The wedding ring in the time of Louis XVI was a work of art. The new wedding .ring, chased, set with diamonds and otherwise embel lished, made in gold and platinum, has surpassed the . ancient ring in its beauty and perfection. We have these rings in all the new designs made in grrn, white and yellow gold, or platin -m set with diamonds. HENDERSON - Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave Near Postomce To Keep Off Colds and the Flu By Taking LIV-OKIDS They act on the liver and kidneys. Does not make you sick or upset you. One Tablet Does the Work Price 35c Per Box i mi K pNONfcl MEMBER OF Fancy Large Bloater Mackerels . All sizes 20c to 60c each EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market All Bulk Goods Kept in Sanitary, Dost-Proof Baa. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Cherokee Permanent Pasture Grass PRODUCE A LONGER PERIOD OF GRAZING AND MORE HAY FOR UPLANDS OR FOR LOWLANDS Cherokee Permanent Pasture Mixtures are composed of grass adapted for our peculiar soil and climatic conditions. These grasses are mixed in the proper proportions and perfect ly balanced to produce a rich green turf of hay or grazing from early spring to late fall, thus giving a longer period of usefulness during the season than the grasses sown separately or mixed indiscriminately. Price, Postpaid lb, 35c; 10 lbs., $3.40; 50 lbs., $15.60. Price, Express 50 lbs., $15.00; 100 lbs., $30.00. ASHEVILLE SEED COMPANY Call for a Calendar. Cot . College Sc. Lexington. Phones 2177 and 2178. Stimulate Vitality In these days of strenuous activities good health is absolutely essential. Good health means vitality the STAR VIBRATOR helps both gives you that invigo rating feeling and livens sluggish circulation. STAR VIBRATORS. . . $5.00 D 64 Patton Ave. Electrical Bldg. Opp, P a Clam Concentrate One teaspoonful in cup of hot water makes delightful broth. The delicious flavor of the deep sea clam with all its valuable nutritive and digestible properties. 50 Cents... a Jar SAWYER GROCERY CO. ' The STORE: Sanitary- Wlwre QVAISVX Is FaraoKrant f bona 110O. gB Gartlegs STAY AT THE TOP LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR A PROSPEROUS CAREER Prepare yourself for some specific work. Our entire organ ization is ready to assist you to success. Certainly you're in terested enough to let us explain. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Oldest and Best Equipped Business School in the State Over Walker's Drug Store Phone 1100 Wicker Settees; price .... .$25.00 to $65.00 Wicker Chairs; price $16.50 to $27.50 Wicker Rockers; price ... .$17.50 to $30.00 Wicker Tables; price $10.00 to $27.50 KINCAID-SWAIN FURNITURE CO. 27 Broadway Phone 373 Where Values Prevail CHICKEN HADDIE is the white meat of large haddies. It makes the most appetizing fish balls or creamed fish. One-Pound Flat Cans.,... .,. .50c eJ. sJ. 37 Haywood St. Phone 1715-1716 Groceries and Service. A Tire Saved Is Many Dollars Made We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modern our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. ' 12 E. College St Prime Rib Roast. Loins of Pork, Veal and r Lamb for Roasting. STAR MAPKRT THREE PHONES-1917 "We are sMxeastnl caterer to a variety of appetites-" The Hobart M. Cable Piano Will Please You V Satisfaction and Service Prices reasonable Dunham's, Music House The Home of High Grade Pianos