THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. The Mammoth Furniture Store DINING AND BEDROOM SUITES FOR THOSE WHO APPRECIATE GOOD FURNITURE The more you know about Furniture values and Furniture styles, the better you will like our merchandise. We invite you to visit our store see these suites in solid mahogany and walnut and know for yourself that our furni ture is truly FURNITURE OF QUALITY J. L. SMATHERS & SONS. 15-17 Broadway Phone 226 24-26 Lexington t i1 Around Town I t i i 9 III at Home Sirs, i J. K. Prltchardl is very 111 at her homo oil Ashland avenue with influenza. Ill lit Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Henry urn i 1 at the Meriwether hos pital with influenza. 5lTS. Moore, III Mrs. Vivian Moore is very 111 nt her home on Magnolia avenue with the influenza. CLAIMS EXTRAVAGANCE IN CONSTRUCTION OF PLANT 'Report on Muscle Shoals Project Made By Col. Fred H. Wagner. j COAL STRIKE BODY HEARS GRAY HAIR IS YOUR APPEARANCE Each Side Given Five Days, to Present Brief on Evidence. the Mrs. Nichols Very III Mrs. O. J. Nichols, of l.'i North Liberty street was last night reported as being crit ically ill. Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer Makes Your Hair Beauti ful, Dark and Lustrous Again Improves Your Appearance. HERE ARE A FEW SELECT BOOKS OF THE HOUR THE MAN OF THE FOREST by Zane Grey dt QA A story of the glory of the mountains, ofpl.U love and life, with a joyful ending. , THE LAMP IN THE DESERT by "Ethel M. Dell C9 fift A thrilling story of India by the author ofvaC.UU "Greatheart." ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 Sirs. Xorvell Hotter Mr. Owen Norvell, who Is ill with the Influenza,, was reported last night as being slightly improved. Reported Improved Robort C. Hawkins, 176 South Liberty street, who has been confined to his home for several iluys with the influenza, has slightly improved. i A t WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. With con- WASHINGTON .Feb. 3. Reckless eluding arguments presented before extravagance in the construction of the coal strike settlement commission j the government nitrate plant at today, spokesmen for the operators Muscle Shoals, Ala., was charged in 'and workers In the central eonipetl a rcnort by Colonel Fred H. Waa-lttvo Hold, tho fate of the reiterated ner, formerly director of operations demands of the workers for a bo per)of being dull faded gray streaked or at the plant, filed today with the cent, increuso in wages and a 40 hour, fad-d ,'," Vallinr Secretary Here. Miss Nettie J. Brown, girls' work secretary of tho V. W. C. A. of tho south Atlantio field, is at the local association headquar ters in the interest of tluj girls work. Dnndrulge Wall Betler Dandridge Wall, who has been ill at his home on Pearson drive,. Is able to be out again. Francis Wall is ill, and his sister, Mrs. M. f". Stikelc.ither, is ill at the home of her mother. How many times have you stood be fore a mirror and wished your hair woule be evonly dark and lustrous like the young folks you see, instead house wsr . expenditures committee. Colonel Wagner related what he al leged to be tho story of Muscle iihoals, built on the cost plus plan with war-time speed, as the only consideration. With tho accusation that even in week was submitted to the final fie cision of tho commission. Each side, however, was granted permission to present within five days a written brief discussing tho opposing evi dence. In the closing statement for the United Mine Workers. John L. Lewis, icy patriotism it - ..... u... . .,.,i,.i Muscle Shoals w as forgotten, Colonel , ! 1!, ZlUin ( nfTh. mlni. protested de))andlJ not on, ,mve )ortralt of ,LBi,.n K i v. ..... rs not been evidence but Wagner told how he had against paying I3o0 for a po Prank S. yvasnbuin. or New oru,havJ bMll ov.erwhelmingly supported company, tho subsidiary of which;, summing p the position of the op the Airnitrates corporation, had the Lratora Ralph Crews, aorncy. told government contract for the 70,-(the commission that from all the evi 000,000 project. dence submitted, "it was apparent The biggest chapter was written I that what the miners noeded to irn Why Take Chances of Having Influenza when a CORBIN DOOR CHECK will keep your doors closed ? The draft from a carelessly left open door can easily cause a bad cold and influenza at this season of the year. There is no, need of having the doors left open. A CORBIN DOOR CHECK will close the door quickly, easily and noiselessly. A check for every door. Remember how this disease originated. "The door was left open and IN-FLU-ENZA." Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. Phone 142. New Company. A new real estate Arm has been organized in the city tho Virginia-Carolina Realty Com pany, with offices at 10 '4 north Pack square. This firm will handle city, suburban and country property. Official Local Weather V. s. nrnm hlr conditions was not on In creased wage scale, but a greater dis position to work, wnen tne oppormn-j ity to work Is given them. rrrrt I Disappearance of Two Sing Sins Solved. Prisoners under the caption of "extravagance with waste, inefficiency and irregular ities placed next in that order in the wholesale indictment that included hundreds of names. Touching on tho broad question of extravagance, Colonel Wagner de- J olarcd the Airnitrates corporation ! maintained a publicity bureau at the ' Dlant that cost S3, 000 a month. i "The only conceivable reason fori a privato enterprise advertising a ! j gnrvernment-owned project," the re-1 . , , 'port declared, "is tho expectation of1 impairment, or jgricuuiiro coming in possession of the property, Weather Bureau atlii having already thoroughly de- Local Weather Data For Feb. 3, lB20veloped it, being jn position to mar State of weather at 8 a. m.. rain-ket lt3 securities, ing. I "In this connection, tho strategic State ot weather at S p. m , rain-; position neia y tne government I... I unrein. a Oh. i IrnHmt.. fnrTinn(innl i.i. .,.- 1 1,11... ... o - At Dr,Kl Ka rtrnUAM a thnlr Oil-tttlO DriSOIl VSTd vaniaireouB contract unu vwnersnu "a - . of Datents automatically eliminates . most six feet deep, faded, as well as thin or falling. Don't envy them. You can have beautiful, evenly dark, lustrous, long, thick hair, ton. Just get a bottle of Q-Ban, the wonderful hair color re storer, and comb 't into your hair once or twice a day as per simple directions on the bottle. In a few weeks that ugly, faded, lifeless gray hair will have the beautiful, even dark color of youth back, and when you run your fingers through your hair and feel how soft and wavy it is, too, you Will wear a smile of real delight. Thousands of enthusiastic users praise J-Ban Hair Color Restorer as the greatest absolutely safe hair color restorer made. All drug stores have Q-Ban ready for you in handy bottles or by mall 75 cents. C. A. Walker, druggist, AsheviUe. N. C. Adv. AUTO BANDITS HIDE j DEPT. ATTITUDE ON IN YARD OF PRISON! SALE OP HUN SHIPS at rian Redelivery to Government In an I Emergency. OSSINING, X. T., Feb. 3. The dis arDea ranee last Sunday of two auto mobile bandits, Alfred Friedlonder and Pcrclval McDonough from Sing Sing prison, was solved today when thov wore discovored in a dugout am agents (the Airnitrates corporation)! provisioned, at the north end of .1 11.7 ( lav. ivi'. ,.- per cent. Relative humidity at 12:30 p. m., 98 per cent. Relative "humidity at 8 p. m., 08 per cent. . Wind direction at 8 a. ni.. north. Wind direction at 8 p. in., north. Time of sunrise, 7:29 a. m. Time of sunset, B:59 p. m. Local Temperature Data six feet deep, covered with any competition for purchase of the 'boards over which had been placed plant. loose earin, loppeu whii bhuw inn Colonel Wagner set down-a scries 'T.ho entrance was also covered with of conclusions for guidance of the boards and earth. Their hiding place inommUten .whose biir task is in try- was betrayed when Warden Lawes no- I lug to ilnd out what to do with the tlced a mixture of clay and anow near 'Muscle Bhoals properties. Amongtthe spot Thirty keepers with pick the conclusions were: laxes soon uncovered the fugitives. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 noon 1 p.m. s p.m. .46 .46 .40 .43 .4i .4S .30 3 'p.m. 4. p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. . .51 . .52 , .51 . .50 The prisoners told tho warden they expected to remain in the dugout for twu or three weeks, hoping that the search would be abandoned; then NEAR AGREEMENT IN STREET CAR STRIKE COLUMBIA, S. C, Feb. 3. With Governor Cooper "calling on B. E. Geer, a member of the South Carolina slate conciliation board, to come from Greenville in an effort to assist in ad justing the strike of street railway workers in Columbia and a confer ence in which alt differences but one were disposed of, the seventh day of the strike brought more developments than any previous one. At a conference between company officials and striking employes to night the men withdrew their de mand that the company should dis charge men expelled from the union and accepted a substitute but the conference failed to develop'an agree ment as to wages, a difference of two cents an hour still existing. The men are holding out for a minimum tvsge of 44 cents with 54 cents as the maxi mum, while the company offer is a minimum of 42 cents and maximum of 52 cents. Wet bulb temperature at S a. ni 46. Wot bulb temperature at, 12:30 p, nth, 48. ' Wet bulb temperature" at 8 p. m., 48., Highest, 52; one year ago, 43. Lowest. 45; one year ago, 33. Absolute maximum, 59, in 1914. Absolute minimum, 6, In 1917. Average temperature today, 48. Normal, 37. Local LITTLE MARGARET j SANFORD IS DEAD i Precipitation Data For This' Month. - Normal, 4.63 inches. Greatest amount, 7.02, in 1903. Least amount, 1.04, in 1906. For last 24 hours ending at 8 p. m, ,74 mch. DINNER IN HONOR OF 1919 HARVARD TEAM Backache and Kidneys Backache of sny kind is often -..a i. i:a JJ A1U11C.V disorder, which means that tho kidneys are not working proper ly. Poisonous matter and nrie acid accumulate within the body in great abun dance, over working the sick kidneys, hence the congestion of blood causes backache in the same manner as a similar conges tion in the head eftiiflen liAn(ifU.hA. ion become nervous, despondent, sick, feverish, irritable', have spots appearing hefore the eyes, bags under the lids, and lack ambition to do things. The latest and most effective means of overcoming this trouble, is to eat sparingly of meat, drink plenty of water between meals and take a single Anurie tablet before each meal for a while, Simply ask your druggist for Anurio fuuti-urio-acid) if you aren't feeling up to the standard. If you have lumbago, rheu mutism, dropsy, begin immediately this treatment with Amino. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. V for trial package. Memphis, Tenn.: "Dr. Pierce's Anurie is the best medicine for kidneys and back ache that I have ever taken; For somo time my kidneys have been giving me a lot of trouble. I suffered with backaches and rheumatism spread thru- my joints and limbs causing me"? lot of misery. On learn ing of the Anurio Tablets I. began their use ami they have given me ru relief when orjier kidney tnedieine had failed to help." MRS. l'J. C. WILSON, 660 N. 6th St, Memphis, Tenn.: "Ever since I had typhoid fever my kidneys and bladder have os used mo a great deal of suffering and inconvenience. I have used various ad vertised kidney remedies but until I took Dr. Pierce's Anurie Tablets I could get only temporary relief. IVan truthfully say thai Anurie has given mo more relief than nnv thing I have ever tskoB." MRS. EV ""' "' Thnmas St. Washington Forecasts. Little Margaret Sanford, tho daugh- i ter of Mr. and Mrs.'W. AL Sanford, ; North Carolina, South Carolina died at her home on Dinner Heights J Kaln Wednesday and probaly Thurs- Death was caus-. l. . t- a.. . i, K.iiio, -Kill II IT CUllCDUtty aim early this morning. ed by scarlet fever. Funeral arrange ments will be announced today. SIX MONTHS I COULD NOT WORK Lydia E. PinlAam's Vegetable Compound Made Me Strong and AUe to Work I Recommend It To All My Friends. Bayome, N. J. "I had pains in back and leirs so that Iconldno stand caused and probably Thursday, colder Thurs day. Georgia Rain Wednesday, colder northwest portion Thursday, probab ly local rains. Florida Generally fair Wednes day, except local rains in extreme north portion; Thursday fair, colder. Extreme Northwest Florida Fair and colder Wednesday and Thurs day. Tennessee -Fair and colder in west, rain-' east portibn "Wednesday; Thursday fair, colder in east por-: tion. i BOSTOX, Feb. 3. Football at j Harvard was officially put away until next fall tonight, when the Harvard club gave a dinner In honor of the 1919 eleven which defeated Tale and the University of Oregon. Odin Rob erts, president of the club, presented gold footballs to the players and the members of the coaching and training , force. I The attitude of governmen agents toward the ordnance depart ment indicates clearly that even in a national emergency patriotism was 50 1 forgotten anu aespue mo contract Sjiney wouia scaie tne prison wan at 4 9 ' promises, efforts were made to pre-ight They were placed in solitary 1 rV,'vto I inm "Extravagance not only was per mitted but encouraged, despite pro visions of the contract. "Irregularities were common and i when tiioy. .were uncovered it was j accomplished by the government, I not the agents. ' "There was unnecessary construc tion, waste an4 inefficiency." ENGLISH COLLEGES PREPARE FOR MEET LONDON, Feb. 3. The Oxford and Cambridge .university athletlo clubs are holding meetings In connection with the invitation extended by the University of Pennsylvania to them to enter teams In the event at Phil adelphia on May 1. -It is believed that they .will send teams for the mile and four mil relay championships. The combined clubs have Invited the University of Pennsylvania to send a team to England and also Harvard and Tale to send a Joint team in July ror a ten event snort meet similar to the meet of 1(11. In view of the fact that the Olympio games will be held at Antwerp In August, Harvard and late men may nnd it convenient to do part of their training in Ensiand. In such case tho new track which is now oeing prepared at the Queens club, WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. The war department's attitude toward the sale or the former German passenger un ers used as transports during and af ter the war is that they should be operated under the American flag, and that their purchasers should agree to re-deliver them to the government in the event of a national emergency. This was explained to the senate commerce committee today by Brigadier-General Klnes, chief of the army transport service, who said the army had tnilltons of dollars' worth of equipment In storage for refitting them as transports should the need ever arise. Bids on most of these vessels were opened recently by the shipping board, but aotlon on them has been deferred because of a war department protest against their outright sale. The matter is understood to have been referred to President Wilson for a final decision. FAILS TO SIGNUP "HOME RUN" BAKER Frederick Eoy Martin, of New London, would be placed at their !! Tork, assistant goneral manager of the Associated Press, was toastmai' ter. He read congratulatory telo grams from President Campbell, of the University of Oregon, the Har vard olub of Southern California. Ma' lor-General Leanard Wood, Thomas W. Lam'ont, Charlie Chaplin and the management of the Oregon eleven. PINEHURST FIELD TRIALS ARE OPENED uiinnip r unnni by female trouble. I felt go tired all the time, bad bad head aches, and for six months I could not work. I was treat ed by a physician and took other re medies but rot no relief. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e table Compound and 3it has helped me RATE OF EXCHANGE FOR PAYING TROOPS very much. I am well and atrone and now able to do my work. I cannot thank yon enough and I recommend your medicine to my friends who are sick." Mrs. Susib SacataNSXY, 25 East 17th St, Bayonne, N. J. It must be admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popular ity for over forty years, and today hold a record for such wonderful success as does Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, without possessing great virtue and actual worth. Such med icines must be looked upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking person COBLENZ, Feb. 3. The rate of ex. change for tho pay of American sol diers In the occupied territory has! been fixed at 100 marks to the dol lar,, giving the doughboys 3,000 marks monthly. This Is considerably more than tho pay of the German of ficials in Coblcnz. When the Americana 'first went -to the occupied regions they received 18 or 20 marks to the dollar. Thoasattae of wemea always have akexef DR. TUTTS LIVE rOJL8 In the heate. At the first alga at any irreralarlty a tbady la takes. These whe ase tfcess ree auaeai them. Hence, their sae cess for aver halt a eeatary. FOR CONSTIPATION THEY HATE NO EQUAL. ,.-jh-, : PINEHURST, Feb. 3. Harry Kir kover, of Buffalo; Mrs. I. F. Wanner of Meadowbrook Farms; P. 1L Pow oil, of Newport, and many' otho widely known owners ot well known dogs, were well represented in yes terday's first series of the mebres stake in the Plnehurst field trial. The Judges' decision, handed down today accord Annie Oakley the un qualified honor of bringing through no less than threo of the six surviv ors for ,the final series. The noted marks woman handled five dogs for absent owners, whose professional handlers were ineligible for the mem hers' trial. . posak JURYMAN-DEACON IS GIVEN SENTENCE COLUMBUS, Ga., Feb. 3. After sitting as foreman ot a superior court Jury and - concurring in several ver dicts of guilty for violation ot the prohibition laws in Harris countv. Joe W. noser, deacon In a church, was made defendant in a "moonshine" case himself, according to word here toaay worn the county seat. Rosier was convicted and sentenced to 13 months on the chaingang. but later Judge Gus H. Howard ruled he might pay a 1750 Ana and serve oi four months. The Judge declined to omit the whole sentence, holding that to let off with a fine persons con victed of violating the problbitions laws la in a certan sense a form of licensing the liquor business. ' CINCINNATI, Feb. 3. Miller Hug- gins, manager of the New lork Amer leans, on his return today from Trappe, where he went to sign "Home Run ' Baker, the- Yankee third base man, said Baker told him that if he decided to return to the diamond he would let htm know. "It's an awful time to talk base ball," Hugglns quoted Baker as say ing when they met. Huggina agreed with him. for It was many degree be low sero. and Baker had driven many miles In an automobile to meet the manager. "Gold View Gardens" Is the Name Given the j Wm. J. Cocke Located 4 1-2 mi let north of Pack Square, on the Asheville - Weaver ville road. Sub-divided into 3, 5, 10 and 20 acre tracts that will make ideal truck farms and suburban home sites. To Be Sold "is :AT: NEGLECTED GOLDS ARE DANGEROUS! D Ml MISS ALICIA MADDOX GETS DT7PONT ESTATE WILMINGTON. Del., Feb. 3. The entire estate of Mrs. Alfred I. DuPont admitted to probate here today, was left to Mies Alicia Maddox, daughter by a former marriage, at whose death lt la to revert to Miss Camille Du Pont, an adopted daughter. The es tate la supposed to be worth more than 11.000.000. . DEBS A CANDIDATE LANSING, MICH.; Feb.' 3. Peti tions were filed with the department of state today asking that the name of Kugene V. Debs be placed on the Michigan ballot as socialist candidate for President at the April primary. AMERICAN FLYERS STILL PRISONERS Dr. King's New Discovery soon breaks a cold and checks a cough "!HILLS fever sneeses and than f a hard oold develops. Take a little Dr. King's New Dis covery when the sniffles start It will soon check tha cold, the cough-pro voking throat-tlokle. Used every, where by people who know why it has been on the maricet xor nan a cen tury. Relieves oold, cough, grippe, croup. No disagreeable after-effects. All druggist 60o and 11.30 a bot tle. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Lieutenants d. L. Usher and L." M. Wolf, ' American aviators wfao made a forced landing in Mexico yesterday, were still pris oners of the Mexican authorities at Nacosart today. However, it was said their imprisonment is ' merely technical and they are being treated with the greatest courtesy., Constipate? a If so, you can obtain sure relief by taking Bowels Behind Schedule? Liver acting laity 7 Bring them to time with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Gentle but sure-acting system clean sers that are tonicity in action and pleasing in result tJtill 29c, a bottle at all drug stores. OUR MISSION is to give advioe about your eyes' and to fit glasses to them if necessary. . KNOW US BT THIS SIGN OPTOMETRIST. ' 78 Patton Ave. ; . Below P. O. BRINGING UP FATHER BY McMANUS ' pOl I tjPENO HALF S (oSfl 2i h-VflSJOWr.NITOEO r TOU POCRn-H- X .JAVEKS I SHOT MY LIFE WMTIN' CE-IF -rtJO HD IF fOO HADN'T J . ' f i C " ' ' ftmtmm Sin in S.' ' j SEE FULL PAGE OF "BRINGING UP FATHER" IN THE COMIC SECTION OF THE SUNDAY C ITIZEN - Tomorrow Thursday. February 5th, 11A.M. This is excellent proper ty and well located, right on the car line. - N Asheville 'city water, electric . lights and tele phone available. ' All of the city advanta ges and none of the dust. soot and noise of the city. The very place for a , chicken ranch . to keep 1 a cow. raise vegetables; in fact the place to sue-. cessfully combat the high cost of living. Asheville is growing to wards "Gold View Gar-. dens." Never again can one of these "gardens" be bought as cheap as at the Auction Sale Tomor- row. . , Sale on the Ground by SOUTHISRRI AUCTION CO. We Sell Lots and Lots of Lots, and Farms My! My! . .'. ..." - Be our guest tomorrow at a big, old-fashioned Georeia barbecue din- I ner, served at Gold View j Gardens immediately af ter the sale