TIIE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. U S -ND PERSONAL ill Bridra tu again com Into Ha ., ewu with tha msmbsra of tha youna-er set and each venlnv at tha various raaldencas of , tha young- psople throuahout tha city may be round a labia of congenial card players pans. Ins an cnjoyabta hour or two. Owing to tha city quarantine thrss small . and Informal gtuherlnirs hive be. coma quite popular. Mra Oeorra Wllllamaon, who 1m at brlaado, Kia, for the winter seaion, nada high aoore at '.ante card nr. ty atven Innt Wednesday nflornoon at the Rosalind club, Orlando, under the auspices of the local chapter of the Daughter of tha American Hsvo- - lutlon. The affair waa benefit for i tha Children's Home society at Jnclt-i onvilla, tit., and over one -miidred dollars was cleared. Aftfr the cards a, splendid musical program "ia en joyed. The prises were gjven by I lie .local merchants of Orlando, and were handsome and suseful articles. During: the social hour when delici ous refreshments were served, the F'ayson orchestra rendered a pro gram of popular music, lint, wll Damson and her mother spend each winter at Orlando. villa, Fla., where they will spend the remainder of .the season. Mr. Montgomery Hill g loday to Columbia. CHILDREN should notbWosad for colds-apply the "outside" treatment" VICRS VAP0R1 "YOUR BODYGUARD' - SOf, mm. "LOBBY BUGS" ABE DEBATED IN HOUSE liug C'liargcd With Fating Books and I'apcra, Miss Catherine Owens, of Norfolk, WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. 'Lobby Va.. is with her neioe. Mrs. H. :. bugs" Invaded the austere pages of "'r- "r ' ino congressional record today while ... : . , i i. i . llie ho"e turned aside from debate Mr. Keith Fuller, of 'Raleigh, Is in tna doflrlency appropriation bill, the city for a stay of suveral days, to discuss their ravages and Uko a Mrs. W. I. Ingle, of Humter, 8. C, few laughs on the side. They have ruined a large supply Mrs." E. N. Bnow, of Greensboro, tiaa recalled ber Invitations to a tea , which was to be given this afternoon . : from four o'clock until six o'clock at the Orewnsboro Country olub, on ac count or the illness or her cousin. Mrs. owen worveu, or this city. A large and handsome picture of , Miss comeua vunderbiit wlin the following' was shown in Harper's Ba ser of this month: . aim curueiM va-nuwrpiu, onjy daughter of Mrs. aeerge W. Van derbllt, being closely allied with Washington,, practically commutes be tween the capital and New York in order to attend the -many parties given for her and her debutante friends. With all her sociul activl- ties, she keeps in close- touch with Blltmore. her mother's s estate In North Carolina, for the young heir- ess takes keen personal Interest in the welfare and handicrafts of the ltttla community., Mies Vunder bilt'e childhood and girlhood were spent almost - entirely within the bounds or the beuutiful estate, and It la only recently that she has bar vouie. juemnieu wjw jsew rone. ' On account of the Influenza situa tion the meeting of St. John's aux iliary or Trinity church which waa to Have been held yesterday afternoon was postponed. At a recent meet Ing tit the officers, president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the auxiliary, held with Mra. Frank At. jjinoHuy,, at her home, l4 Ran kin avenue,- on Saturday, the follow ing delegates and alternates were ap pointed to attend the annual conven tion which meets at Trinity church February H; Delegate, Mrs. Frank M. Lindsay, alternate, Mrs. Clara A. Stone; delegate, Mrs, atcCandlasa. al ternate, Mrs, Nle! Lee? delegate, Mrs. Hall, alternate, Mrs. Frank Waddell; delegate, Mrs. : Batcman, alternate, Mrs. Colin Campbell; delegate, Mra. Flud, alternate, Mrs. Boyd. Mri and' Mrs. F. t .Ferry and two small children, have been at Fort Mym, em tor a snort stay before going to- Hanibel, where tliey will be guests at Case Ybel for the re mainder of the season. Is with relatives In Went Asheville of etationiry which I recently got and for a fortnight or more. whiih la chariril un mraln.t m tu. iionery nccount," complained Kepre m utative Harbour, republican, of Call fornin, while the houne rocked with mirth, "they even havo eaten the cov ers off my books. "I have had the superintendent of the nlTlm buildings squirt a solution supposed to bo bug Juice, three or four times around my office and when lie got through they seemed to be more numerous than when ho started "They get fat on it." Intcrnonert noprpsemauvsj juul. republican, Illi nois. Representative Klnir. remit, limn Il linois, deularod that perhaps If there were anything "fit to eat" In the bouso orru-e building restaurant, ' the gen tleman's books would hot be dis turbed by cockroaches." The house debated the "bugs" until assured that the "maintenance fund" provided in the bill would supply a war chest for counter-attacks upon the enemy. Mrs. Walter Keith Klliott hn re turned to her home at Hpartanhurg, S. ('., after xpendlng several days with friends in the city. Mr. O. If. Floyd, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., lis been spending a few duys here. r Mrs. Pioiio hH returned ui her home at Knoxvllle. Ttnn., ufiwr an1 extended visit in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bramwell, of Cleveland, O., arrived the Ilret of the week for u stay in -Anhevllle of a month or more. Mr. Ben Hutchinson left yester day for Florida, after a short visit In this section of tho state. Mr. B. X. WoUlagel, who baa been jvort auyers, Fla., la now at Or land for several weeks' stay. Col. San ford Cohen, of Augusta, Ga., Is in AshevlUe for a few days. Mr. F. Citea, of New.Rochelle, N. i; Hmuog nu guests ta the city. ' 'Mr. and ijra. CV 8. Allman and daughter, - Mlsa Elizabeth Allman, have gone to their home In Tennes- and irr.J. Q. Pairham and srnaU daughter hare arrived here for a stay before going to Jackson- Mr. a. A. Thomasson has been spending several days at Charlotto as a guest at tho 8lonewaII hotel. Minn Eliza Davis, who has been visiting friends here for two weeks, has returned to her home at Wilmington. Mr. John Lee Horlson. who recent ly Visited here, is with his uncle. Mr. Charles C. Chadbourne. at his home at Wilmington, for a abort stay be- iore returning to New York city. Mra Henningway, of Georgia, has been vlskUg relatives in Aahevills ror several days before going north wnere ane win remain for some time. - Mr. Frank Minis, who 'liss been spending some time in Florida, has returned to Chapel Hill, where he Is a student in the University of North caromia jaw school. Mr. and Mra G. D. Kensey, who nave ueen aere ior some tune, havs gone to Miami, Fla., for a stay. Mr. 8. B. Wilson, of New' York eltv is here for a short visit. Mra V. n. Oldham, of N'ew ltav.n will arrive this week for a stav of some time in Asheville. Mies Katharine rturt of Rnllahurv hae arrived and Is with Mrs. Owen xsorveu at her home. on 8oco street Mra. CI. V. Prinju -w in is in Ashovlile for ' several weeks' stay. Mr. A. C. Heth. of OranaebuiK. H (7., IS spending a few dan in ih city, i , Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Keej and Miss Dorothy Reel, of Spartanburg, ft. C, were week-end gueots of Mra O. A. Kemp at her home hero. SPIKER AND MISS KNOWLES WILL WED FALL RIVEK, Mass., Feb. 3. Mar riage license blanks were nilef out late today at the city clerk's office- by Miss Emily Knowle.s ami onv s Bplker, and will be clven to thn u""j v "in i-iern, wnon ine five day period required by law of non residents, has been completed. They sought to have the time requirement waived but failed, it is expected they will be married on Sunday. The police tonight, said they did not intend to question Miss Knowles as to reports that she had been mar red In England to Perley R. Bplker. " iir issuea a statement deny ing there had been any such mar rlage. Mrs. Perley Splker and her brother- iii-iuw. icit toniant ror Maw VnrU T. . 1 . I - - W". iwiuraure, me latter saying that he would return on fiundav tn itr rtt rt ncu to misn Knowiea. Why Be Frirhtned By The Flu mat at isagemont Tea Ehnn ACCEPT INVITATION TO JOIN THE LEAGUE COPKNHAGKN. Feb. S. The fioan dlnavian premiers and foreign minis ters at a conference held hnr h,.m ed to accept the invitation to join the ,"!'"' i hhuuiib, it was learnea to day. The decision was arrived at with out enthusiasm, as It was considered that without the United Mtates the league did not guarantee much. How ever, owing to the conviction that small countries are unable to afford un independent attitude en foreign policy, it was considered best to Join SIXTEEN PER CENT. MAXIMUM PROPIT Ohe final Reductions of the Winter Season on Coats, presses and tailored Mis tfour Choice of Any and Svert Winter Coat Suit or jpress at One -half price Dresses 1 Price Satins, Taffetas, Tricolettes and Tricotines. An assort ment of colors and sizes. $35.00 Dresses .-.$1?.50 $45.00 Dresses $22.50 $55.00 Dresses $27.50 $65.00 Dresses - $32.50 Coat Suits i Price Size 1 6 to 44 $ 39.50 Suits -. $19.75 $ 55.00 Suits $27.50 $ 75.00 Suits $37.50 $125.00 Suits $62.50 Navy, Black and assortment of colors. Coats i Price Winter materials and colors, some Fur Collars, some plain tailored. $ 25.00 Coats $12.50 $ 35.00 Coats $17.50 $ 50.00 Coats $25.00 '$ 65.00 Coats $32.50 $ 75.00, Coats $37.50 $100.00 Coats $50.00 $125.00 Coats $62.50 Choice of All Furs Less 30 v Fox, Lynx and Wolf, Black, Brown and Taupe. ash engagements have occurred be tween natives and brigands and troops were compelled to intervene. The military post at Al-Hamman. on the road from Alexandretta to Aleppo wns recently surrounded by a Dartv of Bedouins. Aid was -sent to the relief of the beleaguered post. Dur ing the engagement ono officer was killed. To Overcome Winter Complexion Troubles. Wh.r5n'yf J-'eeas1.. the mrnr served. 10 Bdgemont Road, Grove fara. . Telephone itis. Carolina Craftslit Blltmors Ave. Open until June. , t0-3 ACTION OX "DKX" LAW NEW YORK, Feb. 8. The. board of aldermen today passed a resolution calling upon the state legislature to support Governor Smith's recommen dation and rescind ratification of the I8tn amendment, in order that the "wet' and '"dry" Question mav be put to a referendum in this state. RAINY DAY WEAR The modern woman has no idea of staying at' home because it rains. Necessity, inclina tion, or both, send her out in all kinds of weather and inclination sees to it that she is comrortaoiy and becomingly clad. , These attractive Raincoats make it easy for one w oc smarr. ana trim on the rainiest dav ; onu my as a cnip. 1 rirn eva CnolCU , . l t . , ...wv. xv- i-iigiiau craveneccea cloths, m )eited or cape b.ack effect, in brown, tan, ox ford and light gray. . Silk tissue coats are thoroughly waterproof, yet iguc eixougn to De worn over the suit. inese are in navy, gray, black, tan and small B ! ecu ana wnue and red and black. Coats of heavier texture come in straight, full SWeeD Or belrfrl mnrJlo rA ,V . r auu ni navy, tan and oxford. Sizes 1 6 to 44. Prices $12.50 to $49.50 for woolen merchant todav. h ir thur Williams, federal food adminis trator. Mr. Williams gave the firm of Binder and Hyman, who hnd made a profit of 11.86 a yard on 1,273 yards of woolen goods which they bought for 13,15, twenty-four hours to buy wen me gooas rrom tne complaining firm, H.. P. Belslnger ami company at the price paid and resell at a profit of not more than ten per cent.; return 11.25 for each yard to Belslnger and company or turn the $1.2S a yard over to charity. The food administrator declared that merchants should work on a basis of cost Plus fair oroflta re. gardless of market conditions. If the chill air causes your skin to dry and scale or$ become unduly red or spot ted, before you go to bed spread a thin layer of ordinary mercellsed wax over Voilr entire face, Remove, next morning wfth warm water. This is the Ideal com plexion treatment for the winter girl. The wax gently absorbs the dead particles of aunace SKin, so graauauy tnera s no dls- comioru J ms gives tne underlying! skin a chance to breathe and to allow ltlf In a week or so the new and younger am m wnouy in evidence ana you nave a really matchless complexion. Naturally all its defects dluunir with th. rlia. carded cuticle as chaps, roughness. blotches, pimples, freckles, blackheads. Usually an ounce of mercolized wax, pro curable at any drug store, in enough to renovate even the worst complexion. Advt. M UUfi AaUseatle OU, Kawwa mm WW Positive!? .Relieve Pal la a Pew nwwea CLASHES REPORTED IN AINTAB REGION BEIRUT, Syria, Feb. 8 (Havasl Following in the wske of extremist propaganda in Anatolia, Asia Minor, clashes have occurred in Cllicla. Irregular forces from the mountains attempted a sudden attack in regions occupied by the French and a band attocked a station on the Bagdad i railway. Troops sent from Alntab repulsed tha latter attack. I In the region of Alntab and Mar. ! INFLUENZA was so successfully treated with this excellent "CUMMINQB' FAMILY 8AL.VE," that it ia be ing used for Colds, Croup, Pneu monia, LaOrlppe, and allied ail ments. No one should be without a las of this useful remedy In the house. To prevent the "Flu" gargle the throat with warm ealt wa ter, place "C0MMINO8' FAM ILY SALVE" in the nose, and sniff up tho nostrils, morning and night. In treating, the "Flu," mas sage the body with "CUM MINQS FAMILY SALVE" each night before retiring. Directions come in the pack age. At your druggist, of direct, 30c and 60c. Cummings Chemical Co. Winston-Salem, If. C. Bunions, etc. After one application pla usually dissppeurs as tf by magic. A new remedy used lateraally and ex ternally for Coughs, Colds. Creep. InflS feore T hrt.rDlHtlerla aid a'oa- traiiiig remedy known. Ita promot snd im. 82H8S& ?ef..ta wta psi? la die to Parts at once. As au Illustration, pour ea flSPi1Bi,Jhe tnJckest piece of sole lesther D I "HI penetrate this enbstaace taroogh and tbrongh in tbree minntea ""a , .vuw nnaoiactured br ..erb Juice Medicine Comnsay, T Every bottle gwavanteed at the t)r. T. C. Smith Drug Co. Advt &hv Easy Way WOMEN S" LREIa ' EDWARD A. FARLEY 16 S. Pack Sq. AtherOle, N. C. ErafclftbcyTlra.Itcb Smart or Burn, if Sore. tilw. J T 21 1 Z IUR ElLJGranuiated. nsa Murina pften. SthM. KalMaaaa. Safe fat Infant or Adult. At all Druggista. Write for FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Han a largo new stock of PLAYER PIAKOS PLAYER ROLLS COLOMBIA RECORDS Give as your patromga. Wu wilt approciate It. 16 Patton Atbm PHONE service j ALWAYS good when you call SEVEN-ONE-EIGHT. In time of sickness, call for a mes senger and a speedster comes after the prescrip tion and returns the medi cine in RUSH order. That is the Goode SERV ICE the same now as before. Use the Phone Call 7-1-4 . JUST ARRIVED A NICE LOT OF UHL ART STEEL TYPEWRITER DESKS TVPrwpnTD CTAune TYPEWRITER CHAIRS -ali and see them. The Moody-Jcfferies Co. Phone 2966 38 Haywood St NEW UMBRELLAS in colors and bkclt. All B;iL- . . ia miAiurcs; attractive handles of natural wood, ebony. leatner, etc. . i)torm and sandal rubbers in all sizes. We Sell LairdSchober Shoes fof Woi men Designated Prescription Depot For The U. S. Gorernment. CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING EESULTS STYLISH DEPENDABLE SHOES There is a quality of. dependability in OUR SHOES that rises above price, that brooks no comDro- mise a dependabil ity that is virtually a tradition. Our shoes can be depended ud- on to always render the highest satisfac tory wear and serv ice they re the best styles, too. Boston Shoe Store CLEMENTS AND CHAMBERS 47 Patton Ave. i" . I,. if ' ........ ' QUALITY HAS ALWAYS SOLD KANSAS EXPANSION FAMILY FLOUR Always the leader in every, market where sold. It is Kansas' most popular flour Trade Builder v3t I Your Grocer Has- KANSAS EXPANSION FLOUR Or He Will Get It For You- Distributed By The Adams Grain & Provision Co. - Aaheville. N. C . . ' ' " ' Blackwell-Bushnell Co., WaynesviUe, N. C; SlayrJen. Fake & Co., Bxyaoa City, N. C; Byers Bros.'Hendersonville, N. C ' 0

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