TIIE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. FIRST PATIENTS AT THE EMERGENCY HOSPITAL TAKEN IN LAST NIGHT Order Given at 3 O'clock Yesterday for Opening and at 9 O'clock First Patients Arrived Fifty Beds With Equipment Brought From Oteen. Exactly three hour after u final decision had been reached yesterday afternoon regarding the emergency hospital for Influenza victim. Vice chairman M. A. Erskine, of the lied Cross committee, announced ;hu Mom ford avenue school building, In which the hospital li located, wan ready for patients. At 9 o'clock the first patient, a Mlsi McDowell, of At- klnson street, suffering with , infra- enza. was admitted to the liodpitul. Shortly afterwards live others were taken in and later In the ni.ih: feix mote, making 12 patients there by . midnight. The Increase in the number of new ruses continued yesterday when 136 wore reported, this being the largest number since the middle of lust cik. No deaths have been oftlelul - ly reported to the city he-1th depart- tucnt since the last nolle:;. Twenty three doctors made the reports yes terday. At the hospital yesterday afternoon electric wires were strung and the school building for the first time was completely lighted up lad night. Fifty beds, with full equipment were rushed to the building from Oteen' hospital shortly after Mr. Krskine flashed tho news to Col; Lyster that the city was finally ready tor tho emergency hospital. Five wards were opened yesterday, ouo for white males; one for white females; one for colored males; one for colored fe males and one for white children. Ar rangements will bo made today to open a ward for colored children. Mrs. Wilson Siipt. Miss Hose Batlerhijm was In charge of the hospital last night, although Mrs. K. F. Wilson, who was superin tendent of the emergency hospital last year, will bo in charge, begln- nlng today. Ten nurses will bo on ! request of Dr. Reynolds. It will bo duty during the day and eight ut ! in charge of Mrs. E. F. Wilson, as night. The meals for the patients j superintendent. Dr. Reynolds will be will be served from the diet kitchen ! chief of stall and name the doctors in the basement of the school, to be ,' composing the staff, prepared by volunteers and the j The committee has received a num nurses will be fed at the Masonic , ber of contributions, perhaps $1,000 temple emergency kitchen for the in all, but has refrained from any in present, being taken to and from the'sistent appeal until the emergency re temple in automobiles, quired. The emergency does now re People who have no business nt tho quire, It is stated, and the public is nospitai are urged to remain away. and in order to see that those with out business do not go there, a city policeman will bo on duty, one for day and one for night. It was stated that only patients who cannot be taken care of at home in the proper manner will be accepted for treatment at the emergency hos pital and the health officials hope that persons who can get good attention ; ana iooa at nomo will remain mere, as the hospital is only for those who actually need to be taken care of, or j by reason of the. crowded condition i of the cases in their home, being un-to the very poor. On the contrary, it able to get in the other hospitals, will ' is stated, the service is for all who be forced to come to this hospital. ! need it. And the same may be said Dr.' Reynolds was not present at I of tjie public health nurse, these ba the Red Cross meeting yesterday, us ' ing ready to help" in emergency, re at former meetings, it being stated gardless of financial circumstances of that he was attending a life and I the applicants, although It is expect- death case. Those present expressed , the opinion that the situation seemed to warrant the opening of the iioi- : pital, especially after hearing reports Mrs. William 1L Redwood ex f rem Miss Weaver, Mrs. Rollins and i presses the thanks of the chapter to k2 r IN 1 III at! ' WteST. Miss Miller, who are intimately fa miliar with conditions. The general feeling, us voiced by Mr. Erskine and Mr. Lipinsky waa, however, that op ening should como only as a last re sort, since more than the cloning of the school building for weeks and large expense was involved. It was expressed that the news of the open ing would have a bad phyacologlcal effect, creating general depression and thereby an unwholesome utmoaphere. Vui Work to Ont-u The vice chairman reported that the hospital could be opened on two hours notice, In a practical way if h , was notified by three o'clock In the afternoon. chairman Haoul. who has been very reluctunt to open the hospital 1 untl, tho emergency required, said it eeemed as If tho timo had about come. It was reported that all the hospital superintendents favored op ening. Mayor Roberta, who had been listening intently, statjd at this point with much positiveness that he was not ready to vote in the absence of the health officer. Tho chief execu tive eaid that the responsibility, so far as the city in concerned, rested with the health officer and he waa not going to assume thin responsibil ity of another. It being suggested that Dr. Keynolds wanted the hos pital opened, reply was made that then it was for him to say so, and that on the previous day he had said he did not know that the emergency then required opening of the hos pital. The mayor's view seemed to repre sent that of the others present. "We will wait until he comes," said the mayor. Then the motion of Mr. Llp iiinky was adopted that Vice Chair man Krskine open the hospital at tho : asked to send contributions to -Treas urer Chan, W. Brown at the Central bank. Money is needed and needed now, hospital or no hospital, but especially with the opening of the hospital. Nurses must be paid, other help provided, food and medicine fur nished and all this eats intp money. Liberal contributions and many of them are required by the situation, it is stated, and that now. Some people have the mistaken view that, food from the emergency Red gross kitchen in the Masonic temple ('phone 78) is supplied only ed, of course, that those who can, will make their own provision, fcr help so ! far as possible. a v-yan&I-wztlseetfm WATER BONDS BROUGHT GOOD PREMIUM HERE Bid, Received By Mall, When Sue cmsful Bidder Wit lid re w, to Allow City More Money. By speoial arrangements 'with J. S. Styles, who represented the success ful bidder for tho $350,000 Issue of city water bonds, bids for which were opened by the city commissioners Monday and continued to Tuesday, a bid submitted by Keane, Hlgbie and company of Detroit, was accepted and the bonds sold yesterday. This bid was received by registered and special delivery mail a few minutes after the time had lapsed, which had been set by the commissioners for opening the bids, although the postmark showed that the letter had been mailed in Detroit on January 31. The hid of the Detroit company was $3!i3500, for 5 1-4 per cent, bonds, it being figured that the city would save, by accepting this bid. nbout $18,000 during the life of the bonds. Mr. Styles said that he would be glad to help save the city this sum and agreed to allow the other company to take the bonds. The bond money will be used to build tho 16 Inch pipe line from the new Bee Tree water shed to Ashe ville. thereby doubling the present water supply for the city. Work on this line has already started and it Is expected that the line will be fin ished by fall. SERVICES TODAY FOB LATE MBS. SHERLIN Funeral services will be held this afternoon at three o'clock for Mrs. H. B. Sherlin, who died at her home. 6 5 Robejts street, yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock. Interment will take place at West Aslieville cemotery.' The deceased waa well known hero and Ih survived bv her husband, It. li. Sherlin, and her father, T. F. Moore, both of Asheville. KILLS WIFE AND HER SISTER; SHOOTS SELF NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 3. A domestic quarrel following his return from Akron, Ohio, is thought to have been the cause of the killing of his wife and her sister, Mrs. Ola Ben nett, by Charley Tibbs at Water Val ley, near Fulton, Ky., this afternoon. Immediately after shooting thsm Tlbbs shot himself. Physicians to night stated there was no hope for bis recovery. ASSEMBLYMAN DIES COLUMBIA, S. C Feb. 3. W. TV. Johnston, member of the house of representatives of the South Carolina general assembly from Clarendon county, died tonight at a local hos pital at 11 o'clock from an attack of influenza. those visiting, women who have aid ed Asheville women in the making of pneumonia jackets under the direc tion of Mrs. Chas. 8. Jordan. The Modern Woodmen have proffered not only cars but personal t services of members, and the night transporta ! tion service furnished Vice Chairman Mrs. T. 8. Rollins by the detail from the Klwanis club, under H. E. Oru- ver, is of great assistance, it is re ported.- 2 13 coMcms DAICV Jihitots 'ssumfaofio: BAND If II II M ' CAMPAIGN AGAINST DOPE USERS IS ON MAN AND WOMAN WITH MUCH DOPE TAKEN. General Roundup of All Who Have Drugs Without Permission, Will Be Made By Officers. Tn whni fa half AVasfl In Via a nu m . palgn for a general roundup of all!nav" t""'n forwarded to state head- dealers In narcotics in defiance of the Harrison national law. local fed eral btnoers have started to work In this city. The first arrest mndo In tho general campaign was that of Mr and Mrs. T. H. Coley, alias Mr. and Mrs. Garret, who have been boarding at No. ti Oak street. Yes terday before Judge. Wells In police court, they appeared on charges of violating the national act and lar ceny, receiving and concealing stolen goods, and probable cause being found In the latter cases they were ordered held to superior court, while the federal authorities are also hnMlnff thnin for violating- til 1-Tnr- ! rison act. When their rooms were raided, morphine sulphate, tubes, tablets and herlon, in addition to many syringes for giving tho dope, were captured and are now at the mar shal's office, being held for evidence before the federal court. The dope is believed to have been stolen from Grant's pharmacy, which was broken into Saturday night, as Mr. 8 1 oval I, the manager, identified several of the bottles as coming from his place. The officers have been unable to And out much about the Coleys. as they appear to have been living here without work, and the couple will not make any statement regarding themselves. While these are. the first arrests of the kind In some time, the officers say that they plan to conduct a thorough Investigation In the city and other arrests are expect ed to follow at any time. CITY TO PAVE COXE STREET DURING YEAR Paving of Street Would Bo Great Help to Business Section of City, Officials Told the Board. Coxe street, which was recently op ened and graded from Southslde ave nue to Patton avenue, will be graded this fall, or next year surely, the city commissioners told a committee of Board of Trade officials and other In terested citizens, at' the meeting yes terday. The officials pointed out the paving of the street would make a closer connection, with better gruda between the depot and uptown busi ness sections. The commissioners told the com mittee of business men that the matter had been thoroughly Investigated by tho board and the' members were in favor of the paving, although they did not know just when it- could be dono, but probably In the fall. It was point ed out that the street, when graded, was not rolled and that it had settled considerably, the street curbing hav ing given away in several places al- . I 1 li PUSH CAMPAIGN FOR RELIEF IN NEAR EAST Over Half the Quota for Buncombe County Has Been Forwarded State Headquarters. John H. Cathey, chairman of ihe campaign In this county for relief in the near east yesterday reported that more than half of Buncombe county's quota had been mlsuU nnd that $6,083.01 of the $12,000 quota quarters at Raleigh. Every effort Is being expended to put Buncombe "over the top" this week, and If the churches and Sun day Brhools continue to send In as good reports as were received dur ing laBt week tho quota will be raisod. i A large number of Individuals have given Mr. I'nthey their subscriptions and in making up the statement sent Raleigh yesterday several hundred dollurs were included In the person al column. Subscriptions from the following churches and Sunday schools, the most of which has been paid at the time the pledges were received are as follows: Ulltmore Melffodist Episcopal Sunday school, $61.50; Chestnut street Methodist Sunday school, $878. being more than its quota; Balm Grove Methodist Sun day school. $120; Haywood street Methodist church, $600, over the quota: Trinity Episcopal church, $1,020. and the First Frolbyterian church, $1,640, or over the quota. ready, but these conditions will be looked after, it waa stated. Several small building permits were granted and J. C. McCurry of Annan dalo avenue was granted a permit to erect a five room residence to cost $2,900. u MITE" THEIR BODIES Yet, There Is a Gentle, Bet ter Way. When the body clogs don't try to clean out the accumulated poisons by using strong physics that rend their way through the tender intestinal tracts like so much dynamite. Use Sloan's Relief Tablets. They're gentle as nature and yet do the work unfailingly. Body gripe and pains which accompany the use of physics of the "dynamite" class, are never felt when Sloan's Relief Tablets are used. Besides, they cause no habit. Tn fact, they will release any one now In the tolls of a habit forming physic. Demand, buy and use Sloan's Relief Tablets always. Distributed by The Bloan Products Co., IS Factory Street, Derby, Conn. ' Adv. Pile Sufferers Ctin You Answer These Questions? I Do you know why ointments do net j give you quick relief? Why cutting and operations fall? do you know tne cause oi pnes is Internal ? That there is a stagnation, of blood In the' lower bowel? Do you know that there la a harm less internal tablot remedy discovered by Dr. Leonhafdt and. known as HEM. ROID, now sold by Smith's Drug Btore and druggists generally, that Is guaranteed? , HEM-ROID banishes piles by re moving the internal cause, by freeing hinnd circulation ttt the lower bowel. This simple home treatment has an almost unbelievable recora tor sure, Afc. end lasting relief to thousands of pile sick sufferers, and saves the needles pain ana expense ui nj opera tion. There s no reason why It should not do Uae me for rou. Hart, Schaffner & The Supremacy of Hart Schaffner and never more apparent. PREVENTION IS E FOR Every possible Effort Is Be ing; Made In Affected Lo calities to Stop Further Spread of Disease. OUNCE OF PRE VENTION WORTH POUND OF CURE ' Persons Who Catch Colds Easily and Who Are In Run-down Condition In Greatest Danger. Influenza continues to spread; and tne aieeaee is now prevalent over many sections of the eouiftry. It has baffled the medlonl skill to an unusual extent, and although lt has been held in check In most local ities it has gotten beyond control In others. The germ has eluded bacteri ologists, mid medical men now agree that the best cure Is prevention. The surest prevention is to build up the bodily powers of resistance, and to get the system Into the best physi cal condition possible. It is now uni versally agreed that It Is possible to perfect the powers . of resistance of the human system so that it can throw off almost any infection, not excepting Influenza. It has been observed that persons who are weak and run-down are more BRUTE STRENGTH combined with flexibility the utmost of per formance combined with economy. These have enabled users to get the most ton-miles out of them, and have given Gramm-Bernstein Tracks ' the good reputation they enjoy. ERSKIM MOTORS "CO. State Distributors NEW STYLES 37-29 HAYWOOD ARRIVING TODAY A LARGE SHIPMENT Clothes BEST NFLUEhZA SAY PUBLIC AUTHORITIES susceptible to the disease than per sons who ate in robust health, and if you are in a generally run-down con dition and below normal weight this warning should be heeded promptly. If you are In this condition nothing on earth will build you up and strength en you like Tanlac. which contains the most powerful tonic properties known to science. As a reconstructive -tcnlo and system builder it is without an equal and contains the very elements needed by, the system to give you fighting strength to wnrd off .disease germrt. This is a statement of fact and 1m supported by the recognised authorities and reference works in cluding the V. 8. Dispensatory, tho Encyclopedia Brltanlca, and also by standard text bonks used in the schools of medicine. This statement . j is further proven by the fact that millions of persons who have actually taken Tanlac have testified to its ex traordinary merit as a medicine and by the fact Tanlao is today havlnur the largest sale of any tonic on the American market. Tanlac Is also an Ideal strengthen ing tonlo for persons who are suffer ing from the after-effects of colds. Influenza, ordinary Grippe, and bron chial troubles, and hundreds of thou sands are using it dally with most gratifying results. In connection with the Teniae treat- , ment It is very Important, to keep the bowels open by taking Tanlao Laxa tive Tablets, samples of which are eu- closed with every bottle of Tanlao. Tanlac is sold lyr all leading drug gists everywhere. 78 North Lexington IN WAISTS Marx Marx was

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