THE ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. LATEST NEWS OF NORTH CAROLINA IHOOVEII -SAT5GW: BICKETT He Is Essentially a Demo crat Says Governor. M'JIDDO SENTIMENT GIVEN NEW IMPETUS IN STATE Question Whether Dough ton Saw All the Political Signs In the West. MOflGjU MURDERS WOMAN BIG INCREASE Iff CASES . OF INFLUENZA IN STATE Women of Raleigh Volun teer to Nurse Children at Methodist Orphanage. Bloodhounds Placed on the Slayers Trail. Declares Mr. Hoover Would Make Powerful Appeal to the People. Br JCTiE B. WAItllKN r.ALEIGII, N. U.. Feb. 3. Declar Ing that Hoover Is the one man "en " dowed with the genius and grace to ' carry to glorious completion the un " finished window In Aladdin's tower," (iovernor Thomas Walter Blclcett 'threw a bomb Into the McAdoo senti ment here today when he gave out : an Interview or a statement be made to a representative of the New York V World. The New. York newspaper man cams to Ralourh lor the purpose of talking .to the governor about the - Hoover sentiment in tne state, ana ' es a result here Is the statement the ' crovernor Issued: "For some time prior to the world's . now famous pronouncement, I was of : the opinion that It would be wise 'statesmanship - for . the democratic party to nominate Hoover for Presi- . ; dent. v The' fact -that he has no en ' tangling political past Is certainly not a millstone around his neck In the present state of the public mind . There Is a widespread feeling among the ninety and nine that a little new . 4blood would : make for wholesome growth, ; , , a , ; "One, thing Is reasonably certain, neither the reactionaries In the re , publican party nor the runaways In the democratic party , are going to name the next President of the Unit ed States. 'Barring the President him self, Mr, Hoover makes a more pow erful dual appeal to the sanity and to the. Imagination of the people than any other man. He would seem to be : an answer to the prayers of the pious rlt 1 ten who said Lord, send us a man who can be a progressive without los ing Ms head, and a conservative wlth : out hardening his heart. : "In the finest sense Hoover Is es - sentlally a democrat. His record dur . ing the world war and his recent writ-- . tnts convince one that la adequately comprsnenas tne situation that today confronts America and the whole civ J Used world. ' "As President, Hoover would wise ly safeguard the foundations upon which our fathers built this republic, and at the same time would fearlessly meet the new and world wide obli gation we recognized and ' assumed when we entered the world war. In Hoover the nation would find a wor thy successor to our present Jrnmsr fal chieftain. He Is the one man en dowed with the genius and the grace to carry to a glorious completion the unfinished window In Alladln's tower." f Ashevllle Cltisen Bureau, i 401 Merchant' Bank I Building. JULE B. WARREN.) RALEIGH, Feb. 3. Political dis cussion at the state capltol la- center ing on which of the various candidates for presidential nomination will got the democratic nomination, and senti ment among officials is rather un evenly divided between Herbert Hoover and William Olbbs McAdoo, with the latter In the lead so far a tho present sentiment can be guaged. Until recently little was heard about Mr. McAdoo for the nomination. The former food administrator had it in North Carolina by long odds. Since the news came out from Washington that a number of the congressional delegation did not warm up to the candidacy of Mr. Hoover, there has been more talk of McAdoo. The more Independent democrats, that Is a number of those who have formed the habit of making up their minds irrespective to what the party leaders thought, still believe that Mr. Hoover Is tho best man for the place. and will support him until something other than the fact that he has not been a hard working democrat all his life, and has not voted the ticket every four years. Is brought up to prove that he la not the best man for the candidacy. There are some who believe Congressman Doughton, who returned to Washington from a stay with his home folks, and became con vinced that Hoover had ' the western part of the state, did not read all the signs coming out of the west. As a matter of fact a number of demo crats who vote in the west and hold office in Raleigh, are among the strongest supporters of the former secretary of the treasury and director of s the railroads. Home believe Mc Adoo will get the labor vote because of his record on labor while director general of the railroad rs. As to the- republican . nomination, local republicans insist that the boom for Judge Pritchard is not intended as a compliment to the Ashevllle Jur ist, but that North Carolina really In tends to push his nomination before the republican convention. Ellwood Hennessee While Drunk Kills a Sister to His Sweetheart. Delegations from Several Towns Beceived By Hen edrsonville Enthusiasts. (Special to The Citizen.) ' MORGANTON. Feb. 8. Blood hounds wore brought from Ashevllle this morning to be used in the search for Ellwood Hennessee, a negro youtn who escaped last night It Is anegea. arter killing Bess Tate, a negro woman, to whose sister Ell wood was paying attention. As the negroes leu tne story. Ellwood had gone to see Sadie Tate last night. About eleven o'clock Bess Informed the visitor, who is said to have been In a drunken condition, that It was me ior mm to leave. Ellwood re sented the older sister's action, it is aid, and told her In strong lan guage what he thought of her Inter ference. He proceeded to his noma to get his pistol. Not finding one there he went to his father's barber nhnn. rnin,i a window, secured a weapon, and re turning to the Tate's, fired at Bees several times, it Is reported, the first shot probably causing instant death. He left immediately and has not been apprehended. The rain this mornlns fnterfarrad with the use of the bloodhounds on tne trail, but officers in adjoining luwiia nave Deen nounea.or tho es cape. His father, -B. W. Hennessee, is a well-to-do and respected negro, who has been conducting a barber shop here for a number of veara. Yia knew nothing of the murder until ne came up town this morning. n.UX PREVENTS GAME (Seeds! te The fcltlian.1 PINEHUKST, Feb. 3. Heavy rains prevented the playing of the second 18-holes of the nuallfylne round In the St. Valentine tournament at Plnehurst toaay. REGISTER OF DEEDS FOB 9 YEARS, RESIGNS MEET AT STATESV1LLE IN INTEREST STATE HIGHWAY Morganton, ' Marion, Hick ory, Statesville and Salis bury Trade Bodies Meet. (Sseolat te The Cltisen.) SHELBY, Feb. 8 J. J. Lattlmore, , register of deeds of Cleveland county 'for the past pine years tendered his : resignation to the county commission, era today. His reason for resigning m given in uie statement to tne board as lack of sufficient pay In the job. He states that It has been practically Impossible to employ noeded help in the office for the present salary. ' The commissioners aooepted his resignation to be effective February If.? No xne has been mentioned as his successor. -j S. 0. NEGRO ARRESTED ! AT BTJTHEBFOBDTON (Sptelsl te The CltTzsn.) ' KLTHERFORDTON., Feb. 8. The chief or police from Hickory Grove, C, was In Kutherfordton Sunday uiu lueuunea me negro in Jan ar rested a few days ago as Robert Du vis, ana stated he was wanted at Jtlckory orove, charged with stealing. The officer stated that tavls had loft Hickory Grove about 18 months ago, and that the authorities had been trying to locate him. Davis will be given a preliminary hearing before Judge McBrayer within the next few days.." . , soeelsl te The Citizen.) MARION. Feb. 8. J. L. P. Cutlar and B. L. Lunsford, secretary of the Marion Board of Trade, who met with the representatives of the Morgauton Chamber of Commerce, Messrs. J. F. Bpalnhour, Mr. Chaffee and Mr. Co burn, today at Hickory at a meeting of the ohamber of commerce of that town lu the interest of the hard sur facing of the state Central highway, report a, splendid and enthusiastic meeting. . Many interesting speeches were made- by parties present. , Im mediately upon adjournment the ohamber of commerce at Statesville was communicated with, and Wed nesday, was decided upon the date to hold a conference at Statesville be tween the trade bodies mentioned, and from that point all these repre sentatives will proceed to Salisbury upon the same mission. A delegation from this place will go by automobile and will join Morganton, Hickory and Statesville, en route to Salisbury. Joe H. Tate, president of the Mar lon Board of Trade, reports that I.e has made arrangements with the Mar lon Veneer and Panel company where by suitable maufacturlng sites can be purchased adjacent the sidetrack be longing to that company. This com pany having several acres of land through which their sidetrack passes is able to make this offer to our board of trado in order to encourage any one imereatca in placing a manufao ing establishment here. IMEN TO ORGANIZE FOR THEH.C.L Meeting of Representatives to Be Held In Raleigh on February 10. (Special to The Cltlxsn.) . HICKORY, Feb. 8. Representa lives of the trade organisations of Marlon, Morganton and Hickory In a special meeting here today unani mously endorsed the proposed bond issue of f5O.O00.00O bv the nnnra.1 assembly for hard surface highways and resolved to enlist every town and city along the central highway from Ashevllle to Morehead City In the cause of permanent road improve ment. The action here followed res olutions adopted at Morganton Sat urday by the chamber of commerce there and at Marlon earlier In the week. The plan of the meeting here is 10 noia meetings at most convenient points along. thle central highway, probably at Hickory, Statesville and Salisbury, with a general meeting at Greensboro later. Towns and counties east of Greensboro also are expected to show interest In road Improvement and It In hHaval that if the sentiment for a hard surface nignway can be crystallized the gen eral assembly and the state high way commission will feel riInno,1 to take, favorable action. it was brought out here that the central highway advocates are not opposing any other highway and roaa construction now Is not the main point That happens to be raising the money to build roads. President Elliott called the road committee of the local chamber to gether In short order this mornlnir and all action was unanimous. The delegation from Marlon Inrlnlari Mayor L. J. p. Cutlor and n T. lunsford, secretary of the board of iraae; irom Morganton there were a. cnanree. president of tho oham ber of commerce; L. 8. Coburn, sec- rvuu-y, ana .1. spalnnour, promt nent lawyer. Mlsaes Capltola and Areola Beck left today for New York to attend ine runerai or Mrs. R. M. Isaacson rormerly of Hickory, whose death followed an illrfess with double pneu monia, one was a daughter of X jj. Bock, of Hickory, was a lovely young woman and had many .friends in xms city, where she was reared. The charter granted the Hickory Telephone company by the secretary ; "lam in iiaieign louay merely changes the name , of the Hickory Electric company, the old corpora tion that operated tho telephone business here. , (Special to The Citizen.) RALEIGH, Feb. 3. Reports from various sections of the state today snowea mat new cases of influ enza developed during Monday. Thif Is nearly double the largest number previously reported for one day. One of the boya at the Methodls orphanage, suffering from pneumonia and influenza, died today, and an other on of the little sufferers is li very critical condition. - Buperlnten dent Barnes has made an appeal t the people of Raleigh, asking thai they volunteer to help nurse the caW there, for it Is impossible to give tht 200 patients the attention thev should have with the attendants at the insti tutlon. A number of Raleigh churcl women have already offered their ser vices for the orphans and others wl 1 i M VAA I .... I .. . - 1 . . 1 a.u i"tiu Miiincuwiaiy. PLAN SCALE OF INCREASES IN TEACHERS SALARIES Would Pay Specified Sala ries According to Grade of Certificate Held. BETTER Til WHISKEY FOB COLDS AND FLU f Ashevllle Cltisen Bureau, j 1v iKtvrviivuia (wuk Rllllrilnv. (y JULE B."WARREN.) RALEIOH, Feb. 8. Superintend ent of Public Instruction K. C. Brooks Is mapping out a very definite plan for Increasing the salaries of tho jchool teachers of the state. . But he will insist that there be no general increase in the pay of all teachers, irrespective of their teaching ability and of the kind of certificates they zet. He will make an effort to see that the teachers who have had the experience and the training In their respective lines of work be paid a better salary than the young girl 1 who has Just come out of the high I ichool, and possibly has no normal I .raining at all. The superintendent Is working outi j New Elixir, Called Aapiron j al. Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a. Cold and Prevent Complications. Six new cases of pneumonia devel-! a scale of increases in teachers' oped during the night and this morn ing, making more than a dozen in all who have developed this more dread ed feature of influenza.- CONTROLLED BY BAPTISTS Buildings to Be Improved and Teaching Corps In creased In Each School. HENDERSON COUNTY IS FOR ROAD BOND ISSUE . .. f n' Endorse $20,000,000 State Good Roads Bond Issue. (Soeclal to The CltlzsnO RALKIGH. Feb. 8. The wnm.n rt North Carolina will organize for the reduction of living eosts at a meet ing of representatives of the various women's organizations In the state at the Yarborough hotel, Tuosday. Feb ruary 10. The meeting has been call ed by Mrs. B. II. Griffin, of Raleigh, j upon the renuest of Henrv A. pare. fair price commissioner for North Carolina. The meeting which will beirin at m., will be addressed by Mrs. W. O, Wade, representing the department or justice in Washington, . The wo men of other states are organizing against tne high cost of living and Miss Edith C. Strauss is the director of women's activities, II. C. L with tne department of justice. The meeting here on February 10 does not promise to be a large one, but if It Is attened by anything like a reasonable number or those who are expected, it will be a highly repre sentatlve gathering. AH tho women clubs In the state, together with all the patriotic and civic organizations of the women are asked to send repre. sentatives. The afternoon meeting wtll be fol lowed by a bigger one at eight o'clock whon representatives of business in terests In the state, civic and patriotic organizations, will be addressed by Mrs. Wade and Mr. JI Gl Weatherly, also or tne department of justice. Talk about Good says Have you ever tried thebesiof all corn flakes . IPO TMMS fi I LI V a II ST 1 FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MORGANTON MAN Wltherspoon Howard, Who Pied In Chicago, Is Burled. (Spselat te The Cttlzsn.) MORGANTON, Feb. 8. The funer al of wltherspoon Howard, son of H. A. Howard, who died last Thursday in Chicago, a victim of Influenza -pneumonia, was held Monday morning at V0:s0 o'clock at the First Presbyter Ian church, conducted by Rev. J. A. MacLean, pastor of the church. The body reached Morganton Sunday af ternoon. Accompanying it were Miss Leah Howard, who went to Chicago immediately upon receipt of the news of her brother's Illness, and Hugh Howard, Jr., a brother, of Asheville. Wltherspoon Howard was one of the brightest young men who ever left Morganton to take a place in bus iness activities a way frorn home. He had bright prospects of rapid promo tion. His record as a soldier in the world war was one of pride to his family and friends. He volunteered early in the war, served through the struggle and was one of the last re turning home. Acting as pall bearers! at his funeral yesterday were young soldier friends. (Special t Tne Citizen.) HENDERSON V1LLE, Feb. 8. The newly organized Henderson county Good Roads association trill ... squarely behind the proposed million dollar bond issue for hard surfaced roads and will start with a definite program designed to serve the Inter ests of the largest possible number of people. At the last meeting-of " Miwuiran, auenaea oy delegates pnnjuuauy an sections Of the uuumy, it was discovered that sent! mem ior nara suriaced roads had al ready crystallzed to a surprising de C N. Allison, one of th ih. .nU ty road trustees, is president of the Mmuuiiiuon a committee' was ap. pouueu to secure exhaustive data irom aiirerent counties in the state 5 . j metnois and specifications auupiea. xnis committee, composed " -viorse, N. Aillson, 8. i. tiryson, ueorge Kershaw and George Justice, will make a detailed report to the association at an earlv - pussiuio. n is or interest to note that more paid members of ins association, which Is now of the state organization, were re ceived at this reorganization meeting ing ever held anywhere in North Car olina. The association endorsed the proposed fifty million state good roads i'ujiu issue. VERY FEW FLU CASES AT HENDERSONVILLE Fire Destroys Storage ghod and Sev eral Machines. ATLANTA. Ga. Feb. 3 AmDlifica itlon and improvement of theh physical plants or the schools maintained by uie southern Baptist convention in the southern -highlands will be immediate ly begun by the Baptist home mission board, announcement to this effect has Just been made by Dr. B. D. Gray, eorrespondolng secretary and execu tive head of the organization. In con formity with the general policy to greatly Increase the efficiency of the educational Institutions established by southern Baptists and over which the nome board exercises either complete or partial control. There 'are now thirty-nine of these Baptist mountain schools with an at tendance of approximately 6,000 stud ents and a corps of some 200 teachers. They are scattered through the moun tainous districts of nine states em bracing the Cumberlands. the Blue Ridge and the Ozarks across the Miss issippi, The physical value of the plants Is estimated at 11,000,000 and it is now' planned to considerably in crease this figure by improvements and additions. 1 Other denominations are also en gaged tn educational work amone the southern Highlanders, but the Baptists, aietiioaists and Presbyterians are most prominent. The Baptist mountain schools are secondary in character, their curriculm including advanced grammer sohool, high school and Junior college work, while agricultural and vocational training is also being taught. This phase of education is receiving more attention in tho new program of the homo board. The mountain girls are given special train ing in domestic science and care of the home, the board having completed plans to erect at several of the insti tutions model homes where the girls can be given practical Instructions in home life. The acquisition of farm acreage at many of the fchools will make it possible for those students who wish to do so to work their way through and finance their own education. The mountain schools are uider the immediate supervision of Dr. Aloert E. urown, nimself a mountaineer with twenty years' experience in the work. Headquarters are maintained In Ashe ville. Statistics compiled in 1914, the latest figures available, show that the mountain , schools have sent out 3(0- uiunuunaries, ana z.ouv DUDllo scnntil teachers. More than S.000 have re turned to the form, 00 are engaged in mercantile pursuits and 18 havo serv ed as members of the statu legislature There are upwards of 4,SOO,6UO In the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas. BILL FOR. STATEHOOD WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. A hill providing for the arantlna- of state hood to the territory of Hawaii under qualifications to be determined by congress was introduced bv Hawaiian delegate, Kalanlanaole. salaries which will get at least the pay of a stenographer, that is II, 200 a year for the teachers who have qualified for the higher grade cer tificates under the certification law of the state. Other teachers will be psld in proportion to their services. their teaching ability, their experi ence and their training. Provision will be made for a teacher to in crease her own salary by stepping from one class to another under the certification plan. The teacher who begins school worlt without partlc ular courses and otherwise, Into oth er classifications until she can get into tho highest class. It Is pointed out that this scheme of Increasing teachers' salaries is eminently the only fair way to go about this probleir It will Insure the better prepared teacher getting the better pay and will hold out . to the poorly prepared teacher an in ducement' to fit herself bettor pro fessionally for the work. This plan will also be more economical than that of giving a blanket increase to every teacher in the state. Economy, however, is not the salient feature of the scheme, but it is well worth consideration. There are but little over 2.000 teachers in the state who have qualified for tha highest cer tificates issued by the state board of examiners, and that included those who have the life certificates as well as those who have stood the exami nation!!. The other teachers either have not secured their certificates or have other certificates of a lower grade. In five years' time the bill will grow, provided, of course, as teachers take advantage of the pro vision. . Armenian Drive Starts. Reports coming to state headquar ters from all sections of the state Sunday and Monday indicated that the drive for the relief of Armenian j ana cyrian cnuaren was wen unaer way. The plan is to extend the cam paign over a period of three weeks if that is necessary in order to get the amount of money allotted to this state, but the indications are that a great many of the counties will complete their work before the end of the present week. . North Carolina has been asked to adopt 3,334 ef the homeless orphans of Armenia, whose mothers ana children met their death in the un equal fight against the Turk. It has been figured that $5 will feed an or phan a month, and on this basis North Carolina is asked to give enough money to provide for .. the number allotted to tills state for the i year. The relief organization Is al-1 reaay on tne Held, and all that is needed is the money with which to do the work. . In Raleigh the ladles are doing the soncting. xney win begin the can vass this week, and expect to make snort worn of it. Bellamy Leaves. The much-talked of removal of the office of the federal marshal to Wilmington was accomplished todav when the Duke of Brunswick. Mar shal George 1, Bellamy, moved bag ana baggage to Wilmington. He took only his chief clerk with him, and Mr. Fonvllle. -who' has -been chief cleric in the, office for several years, has promised to remain in Wilmington only until the-first of March, ' during which time he will break another man In for the work. Deputy C. C. Cunningham was the oiner man connected wlthithe cleri cal force of the marshal. He reslm- eu Decause ne ciia not want to leave Kaieign. and will aro Into the office of the clerk of federal court, as special deputy, to aid in the clerical work connected with holding courts in various parts or tne district. He will attend sessions of the court held out ef Raleigh. Deputy Marshal Bud Stell will remain in Raleigh, representing the marshal in this sec tion of the state. Every Druggist in J. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count er if Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation. of the year in th drug trade is Aspironal. the two minute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested, approved and most enthuclastlcally endorsed by the high est authorities and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as oulck and effective as whiskey, rock and rye. or any other cold and ennrh remedy they have ever tried. All drug store in now supplied with the wonderful i.ew elixir, so al) you have to do to get rid of that oold la to step into the nearest drug store, r.ard the clerk half a dollar for a bott:a of Aspironal and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfula with four teaspoonfuls of water in a glass. With your watcn in your hand, take the drink at or.e swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. Don't, be bashful, for all drug gist invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody's doing it. wnea your cold or cough is reliev ed, take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable, cold and cough remedy for lariats and children.' Adv. DENVER. Colo., Feb. 2. The le gality of the action of the Colorado legislature in ratifying the prohibi tion amendment to the federal consti tution without submitting the question io a reierenaum vote was upheld in the supreme court today. JSL Seborrhea kills the hair and causes dandruff. FAMO stops seborrhea by de stroying the seborrhear microbe. FAMO nourishes the hair roots and lives the hair health and beauty. It comes in- two sizes -35 cents and an extra large bottle at $1 at an" toilet goods counter. From the laboratories of F. A. Thomp son tt Company, Manufacturing Pharmacists, Detroit, Mich. Smith's Drug Store 1 Blltmore Ave.. and Pack Square. Grant's Pharmacy 5 East Pack Square. Carmichael's Pharmacy r- Pattoo Ave. and Pack Square. C. A. Raysor 31 Patton Ave. BVaps Sborrim - CrwMr Healthy ttmtr , ' POSTPONE TRIAL OF GREENSBORO LAWYER Hearing Will Be Conducted In Ral elg-h February is. (Special te The Citixtn.l RALEIGH. Feb. 3 The hearing of the Greensboro lawyer, whose Hcenr waa held up by the supreme court be cause of trouble with his wife in which he was alleged to have whipped his wire upon his return from Raleigh where he stood the bar examination before the supreme court, has been postponed until February 12. The supreme court made an Informal ex amination of his witnesses this morn ing. The wife offered no witnesses in her behalf, so that the court now ha heard only one aide of the case. The license will not be Issued until (Seeelal o Tha Clnn HENDERSONVILT.rc. 'K ipv .orBe snea or tne utoney Mountain uiupuuy, n-iin an its contents, was ueairojea dv nre last nleht in nea were a Dig truck, a Ford truck and different nieces of The loss Is supposed 'to be between o,uu ana 4,uoo. The origin of the nre is unanown. Henderson count? anA TTanrioAn vine so rar nave escaped a return vsit rrom the "flu." The different piiymciana nere report each from one iu mree cases. The total number in me couniy is probably less than uozen. The schools hava nnt ciosea ana at present there is no rea son to suppose they will be dosed. FUNERAL OF J. CALVIN BEAM ON YESTERDAY (Special te The Cltlxsn.) SHELBY, Feb. 3. J. Calvin Beam died at Mornnton nutunli., h.u he had been undergoing treatment 'or the past several months. He was wmeiy Known in this county and in numwiuru county wnere ne was oorn. ne too a an active part in re ligious and civlo work here, being a member of the First Baptist church. The funeral was held at his borne here this afternoon. Surviving are his wife and two children, Orover C. Beam, former manager of the Shelby Tele phone exchange and Mrs. Oscar Palmer. the bearing Is completed next week, building DONOVAN Of HELD ON MURDER CHARGE CHICAGO, Feb. J. Bernard Don ovan, 33 years old, waa being held by tbe police tonla-ht in nniM.tiu with the shooting to death today of Henry T. ewerman. chief claim I agent of the Pennsylvania lines, and tha wounding of Harry L. Clausen.' a clerk, durinc a etrnrrla In flwav. man's office . in a downtown nffina Why Not Today? It is unwise to bequeath", without proper safeguards, an inheritance to anyone who is inexperienced in the man agement of money or investments, or who is careless of his financial future. You may desire the distribution of your estate to be ex tended over a period of years; or only the income to be paid; or you may wish to dispose of your property in other ways." By designating this Company in your will, as trustee of your estate, you can be assured that your directions as to the disposition of your money and other property will be carried out faithfully and exactly. This Company, in its twenty-six years of experience in trust matters, has assisted in' solving many problems. It . , will be a pleasure to discuss with you how we may help to solve YOUR problem. . Wachovia Bank & Trust Company Member Federal Retrrrc System - Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 '1

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