TTTE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD BY WILLIAM T. ELLIS MATTERS OF RECORD. Duft-covercd cactus bushes all I Columbus, the great pageant-play, u round. No station an1 no houses ! "The Wayfarer." One incident, set except British military tentH. I'nl-lforth with consummate stagecraft, formed men everywhere. Soldiers portrayed, the healing of a blind running tho locumotlven and manning the, trains. A few civilian passengers, mostly members of Zionist commis sion. Limestone roads ground to pow der by heavy army trucks. Urlght fiiced Syrian children selling "mlah mlHh," or tho nativo apricots. That Is the Ludd of today, the Lyd Iii of Peter's time. Now It is the railway Junction where the new line up through the desert from Egypt meets the old line from Jaffa to Jeru salem (only the rails have been torn up between Jaffa and Ludd); and where tho other war-made line from Haifa, nt the foot of Jit. Curniol. meets these two. From Ludd one may go by rail dl rect to Memph lived; or to Je ruled: or to Damascus, where Paul uue int.; s., , .... "--mess, programmed lis. Egypt, where Moses ; pPUy proscription lerusalem, where DaUd plaL.e ot rrrKent man. The dramatic i"I"y ol the street soclato them with Sunday preaching. They were sensational and effective. Well does the record say of this cure of Aneas by Peter nt I.ydda, "All that dwelt at Lydda and Hharon saw him (the healed man) and turned to the Lord." Transformed lives are the real Christian evidence. The then bustling city of Lydda was deeply stirred by the wonder. On tho surface lies the lesson, now learned anew in the war and since tho war, that only a religion of positive power can hold or move men. What a slump the church has undergone since the days of 1'eter! I'erfunctorl ness, programmed conventionality and s so easily take the reality. It was a I Hhnrlr In darn IhHI miuit R, fllftru wag converted; or to L-onsiaminopie. i thought that being a Christian meant where Christianity first took Imperial ! abstinence from cirds, dancing and i"im, aim melius iu on .nv ' the theatre. Europe. Were It not for one break . -,, , ,, , . , .1 ' ; .!. i Mo.r,.moi,i As if to repudiate this narrow con il , r" ception of Christianity, the allied Z i,L , e churches themselves stage a trenieml ous theatrical performance In Madl son Square Cnrrien, thus abdicating formally tho position held by many denominations. It was a bold thing to do. Hut every Christian leader to day knows that the church cannot be true to her mission or her Gospel on arid Babylon The present Importance of Ludd Is military and railway. It does not eeni strange to hear common travel galk, ''chance cars at Ludd," or "you will have to wait at Ludd for the Jeru salem train," or "Ludd is a dead and dreary place, but you will have a i a nBls of petty prohibitions. She must stop-over there until the Egyption j display the present power of her Lord irain geis in. aiosr. iravcnou, I in hope and help and healing, on present affairs, give never a; Thn Harrmi-f Kii.-kii thought to tho I.vdrta of old. with Its lno aar0r ol beaslcltnesi. plled-up history and memories. Twelve miles from Ludd is the city i oi jana, ino ancieni juppa wnere j Peter raised Dorcas from the dead. ' Most modern visitors to Jerusalem British officers may mention that It was near here that the story of St. f.r .. .4 4V Tit... m.n V, A i,a rlan OveYoward Ramleh may be seen the : TJI'ti1"1? ."1 b.yJi rt ' ruins of the Church of St. George, one of tho successive edifices that mark this historic spot. They may muse upon the significance of the present return of British troops to the very place whence came the legend of Eng land's patrarr saint. Now these Brit ish forces are slaying the dragons of the untoward social, economic and political conditions under which the land has long groaned. America does not know the full story of the bene ficence of the British occupation of Syria. Here at Ludd, or Lydda, Peter, too, slew a dragon, and the story is to day's lesson. He met the old mon ster of disease and routed him; Anea the palsied man, was liberated by Christ's champion. His word "Jesus Christ maketh thee whole," is Jaffa, where the tumultuous seas and difficult landing made it one of the centers of seasickness if such a phrase may be permitted. Those old days have passed. Jaffa has been aban doned as a principal port of entry, and great harbor improvements have been planned for Haifa. The railway between Jaffa and Ludd is not likely soon to be restored; although the nor mal business of the thriving Jewish colonies around Jaffa Insures the eventual resumption of the line. This city wag the scene of a miracle I that awakened the people to potency of the new Christian faith. Here was situated the beautiful story of the raising of Dorcas from the dead by the hand of Peter. Dorcas the name meaning "Gazelle." In tho flowery j oriental fashion '"was full of good slogan for our time. Wholeness, which ! "u ainm-ueeus wnicn sne oia. is real holiness, is what this sick and! wnat-a monument that one woman smitten world needs; and it will never : erecte1 for herself! Nobody can use get it except in the name of Jesus. All! the name Dorcas without thinking of sorts of lopsided and half-developed i nPr- Countless thousands of "Dorcas and distorted theories are being pro- Societies" have ministered after her pounded today; but the distinction of' fashion and in her name. The very Christ, who is the world's Healer, Is i marvel of her restoration to life is ob that he makes wholes whole in body scured by the memory of her humble as well as In spirit; whole In estate as ' ministries of love. "Cleopatra's needle" well as as in destiny. Sarah N. Cleg- I an oDensK or stone, nas Deen trans- horn wrote in "The Congregationalist" gome lines which recall the symmetry of life: "Body and soul are married lovers God was their witness when they ... :V - VYCU - Besides the tree o. life In Eden: 'These twain sh,all be one flesh,' he said. "Yet man hath put them oft asunder. And not alone by fire and sword, But duped bf lying metphyslcs, He oft denies, in deed and word, "This marriage between earth and heaven; While ever, to the steadfast skies The prayers of these old Constant lovers In patient iteration rise: "O, riiest, my little love remember My love and bride, the Body see; What thou canst do to ease her bur dens Shall greatly lift and comfort me!' O wise Physician, now no- longer Neglect my Lord and Love, the Soul! While he lies sick in pain and fever No drugs can make the body whole'" As it Seemed on the Stare. Recently there was shown by the intercnurcn world movement In New Vork. as earlier it had been presenter by the Methodist Episcopal church at PROMPT RELIEF for the add-diatraued stomach, try two or tbxa ItMiOIDS after neats, dlflMrred on the tongue keep yoar ateaiech eweet try Ki-Mla1s the sew id to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT 41 BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION j ported from Egypt to London, but it Is no such monument as Dorcas' needle. After all, there Is no "career" possible to a woman or to a man equal to sincere goodness and com sistent helpfulness. . Yesterday tho following realty I transfers were filed for registration: i E. F. Wilson el. nl. to James How ell, lot on Rector street. $10 and other considerations, i 1'lne Burr Tark company to Mary J. Sevier, lot In Pine Burr park. $600. Haw Creek Healty company to Ra chel Howland, property on East $10 and other considerations. K. J. Mtronp to w. H. Linker, prop erty In lower Hominy township, $10 and othtr considerations. J. K. Ray el. a I. to J V. Sevier, Jr., and i '. Sevier, property In I'rench Broad township, $10 and other considerations. 1 B. Kennedy to K. If. Itevis, property In KeeniM creek township, $10 and other ciinsiderntions. I. P. Black to Charley I.edbetter, property In Sandy Mush township, $40. Mrs. Caroline C. Eug.-in to J. 11. Earle, lot on Haywood street, $4, 300. N. L. Crisp to W. H. Edwards, lot on Haywood roai' $10 and other con siderations. B. K. Fakes, to liunnld Qlllis, lot on Livingston street, $3,150. W. M. Jarvis to Weir-Greenwood company, inc.. property in lower Hominy township, jl'l anil other considerations. Martin W. Noblitt to S. L. Ray. lot on Murdoch avenue, $10 and other considerations. Daisy C. Wright to S. M. Stevens, lot on Coxe street. $L',766.7n. Addle H. Hughes to L. L. Hudson, lot on Montford avenue, $10 and other considerations. B. Frank Gudger to S. M. Stevens, lot on Coxe street, $393.75. j Mrs. A. Frazier Brltt to J. W. Bryan, lot on Blake street, $10 and other considerations. Ma rrlage I Acrnnrn. License for the marrlaRo of the following were Issued: S. L. Everard to Ira MeNclly, both of Knoxville. WILSON HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM "FLU" Grayson Says ' President Is Slowly Making l'rogre. WASHINGTON, I'eli I President Wilson contracted a cold several days ago and had a narrow iM-.ipe from In fluenza, his physician, Rear Admiral Grayson, Nald today. Every precau tion Is now being taken to protect the President. Dr. Grayson said, and no person with even the suspicion of a cold is permitted to entt r bis room. ir. Grayson sal.i the President Is steadily, although slowlv. Improv ing, and Is now permitted to walk about the second floor ot the white house unassisted. JYlakes the fatigue q day seem Jar away M'CORMICK SPEAKS BEFORE G. 0. P. CLUB NEW YORK. Feb J. --England. France Hnd Italy were advised to lay heavier burdens upon (heir taxpay ers or drastically curtail their expen ditures by Senator MedtM McCormick, of Illinois In discussing the abnormal exchange situation In an address be fore the Young Men's Republican club here tonight. I'ntll the relation be tween Imports and exports Is restored to normal, he explained, there can be no resumption of the normal rate of exchange. The value of foreign currencies will continue to fall In New York markets, be .said, until the foreign countries can present a balanced budget of revenue and expenditure ASPIRIN Introduced by "Bayer" to Physicians in 1900 You want genuine Aspirin the Aspirin prescribed by physicians ' for nineteen years. The name "Bayer" means the true, world famous Aspirin, proved safe by millions of people. Each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' con tains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuritis and for Pain generally. Always say "Bayer" when buy ing Aspirin. Then look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack age and on the tablets. Bandy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cost but a few cents. Drug gists also tell larger packages. Aaplria It trade nark ot Bayer Manufacture Mone-acerlcacla'etter of SalkrlicacM ,t,4,t.,,,,M.4,4,,Hi.4.4.t As Dead Dodo The next time you buy calomel ask for A? alotabs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c mmr etsmfflBBm AmmiHimi mmm ,.t.WHfc fm,. ., ( MM NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one nt a fraction of its cost. Asheville Welding Co. Phone 1118. 6 S -6 B Blltmore Ave. ALOHEL Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cants, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish aest 'and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone ii a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or oonstipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause In convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose, a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine,' full of vigor and ambition. WAYNES VILLE, N. C. SUYETA PARK HOTEL Only Steam Heated Hotel in Waynesville All Modern Conveniences. Open All the Year Spec'al Attention Given the Commercial Trade McFadden TAXI SERVICE Hudson and Cadillac, Open and Cloeed Cars. Day or Night. Phone 06 and 8374. REMEMBER THE PLIGHT OF THE FOOLISH VIRGIN NOW TAKE "3-H" TONIC NOW Cleanse and Fortify Your System Against Influenza 50 Cents the Bottle AT SMITH'S and OTHER FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORES. NOW NOW KISSEL "Every Inch a Car. Phone 136. Fireproof Storage Trouble-proof Service Coston Motor Co. 65-67 B'ltmore Ave. Tax Listing Personal Properly MOTECE V All persons in Buncombe County are noti fied that they must list all personal property at once under the new revaluation act. Our of fices are now open in the County Court House and at other points throughout the county. Come at once, as the time is limited. . Under the new law it is a misdemeanor if you fail to list. 1 E. B. ATKINSON, County Tax Supervisor, MONEY TO LOAN AT XSW 48 Patton Ave. Phone 26. F. A. HI LI R. P. FOSTER HULL & FOSTER Public Accountants Audlu Systems Income Tax Return Room 0 Medical Bids. Phone 1(39. THE SWANNANOA-BERKELEY A Modern Brick and Concrete Hotel r One block front publlo squar AshtrvlUe, If. OL European Plan Table do Hot Breakfast Rates SI per day and op Dinner or Kappa 7te W. O. HAWK. Mr. MUTT JEFF-Jeff Adds to His Stock of Knowledge Day by Day BY BUD FISHER ewT0TM x7jA ?ZT CDEwCoS THAT THeftC AIN'T J 'lilllMllH' . lIM) " ' 7, 3 !

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