10 THE ASITEVILLE CITIZEN. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. THE FINANCIER'S STORY (Continued from our ad of yesterday.) t "War" prices will go down. Lower prices or goods means a higher value for money. ' In a few months from now your dollar is going to have a higher purchasing power. Its value will be greater. It will do more for you." Here's the main point: Money itself is distinctly a good investment right now, and it's going to increase in purchasing power. Money need Banks. Battery, Park Bank Member Federal Reserva System MARKET NEWS OF YESTERDAY Wants IINUTE NOTE ON STOCK MARKET NEW YORK STOCK LIST. fSoulht BOARDERS WANTED Am. Bret Sugar... 12 Am. Cm it Am. Car A Fdy 15 Am. H. I,.. Pfd.. I Jtt Am. Int. Corp 1 S3 Am. Locomotive ...I 41 Am. Linseed j ''7 Am. S. It. 5 Am. Hucar I 14 corded After the Firm! a: I! Am. Tobacco bj An.njnff 'Anaconda Cop 60 upening. Atchion i I At!. Count Line... 1 . At.. G. & West I... 3ti Raldwln IjOco 4fi Progressive Reaction is Be nnies H ll'll Low I'l rm TTs I Ik 49 i NEW Vi'iKK, Feb. 9. Nervousness w;ih tlic dnmlnaiit note wounded by to flay'n apatclin Brock market, prices re cording rorre8lva reaction after the firm opening, but rallying irregularity wlirn mont-y ceuHed In the laat hour. Foreign exchariKe and local money con ditions were unrnlatakably better, the London rate retaining moat of ita recent recovery, wblle call money waa freely offered ut S percent after opening at 14 H rccnt. Homo Ftoclts were carried under lant week'a . lowest quotations, shippings dis playing conspicuous weakneaa as a result of Melllig Impelled by the relief that they are likely to suffer severely In any furth er curtailment of foreign trade. Motor, oil, leathers, tobacco and an admixture of unclassified Issues embraced the other heavy stocks, but covering by shorts In equipments led the tlnal recovery. I he general ootid market was hesitant, minor a reactions predominating In In vestment issues, the Internationals. Sales, oar value, aggregated tU.SDO.Ono. Old i t'nlted Ktates coupon and registered and i'ti advanced 1 on call. 19 160 16 1.-, 9 31 64 5 Baldwin & Ohio Beth. Bteel 'TV' . Canadian PaelHc . Central Leather . . Chos. & Ohio ( hi., M. & St. P.. Chi. n. I. tt Pac... Chino Copper .... Col. Fuel & Iron.. Corn Prod I 24 Crucible Kterl 11,2 Cuba Cane Sugar..! as Erie IB General Electric ; lit General Motors 262 C.reat North., pfd ..I 24 O. N. Ore Ctfs 1 15 Gulf States Steel... I 6 Illinois Central ! 6 Inspiration Cop. C6 Int. Her. Ma., pfd.. I 02 Int. Nickel ! 3 Int. Paper 1 78 Ken. Copper Si I.. N Maxwell Motors Mi. Petroleum ...US: Miami Copper I 3 1 M I 49V 4 '13SjllHai133 '1!0I 17V11 2 I 90 2 i I ll'i' 80 I 1114 MVti 2! 2i 12Sil274,127H .',! 84 'i I 5S t 7'l 97 VI tVii I 1 133 r,7!t! 57"i SI 74 1 81 is: 7 i 7 (104 145 lloO ni'ti;io9 iushj I .10 3ns, I MV flU EARLY COTTON ADVANCE Opening Gains Due to the Firmer Tone of Sterling Exchange. owl And f itcner lioom Din't. Hot and cold running; wateaj AT TUN ALuVSTA VILLA M College Street. Meals .optional "In the heart of Asheville." 1-30-20 Wants mR SALE HAKAIONJf HALL. 60 Oak. corner Woodlln. Charlotte car line. Hot water heat, pleasant rooms, excellent meals. "A Home." Vhone 1 698. 2-2-30 LOAKL) AND KOOM ICooms with Bouthcrn exposure. Two gentlemen preferred. One block from Char lotte car line. 43 Chunn Bt. Phono 3232. P-2-8-7 83i S4 26 '4 26'i 3!l 81 121V 82 Vi 52 32- 32 39 8.1 U irs ... I Mldvale Hteel 4 81 r.o 32H 26', 3f, 38 80 14'4, 209Vi!21 (6 I 4 13 Vi 13 I 13 166'.4 i;3 -IS 268 2T.8 265V, 7S I 74Hi 74 3;f 3S; 8V4 s''1! svj 65 80 85 85 K?ul r,U!.l i,i r.v 8" ! 83 Vi ' 22 I 2J'j 21', : 78V! 7Si 77H 285.! 28Vi! 2Vi 25! 2 . 171 '174 224: 22 THE b'LORIHA under nv munaBe- inunt, would like 3 or 4 board oh. Plenty of fresh, mlllt and but ter. 151 Woodfln. I'lione 3362. I'-2-8-: 50 and 62 Orange St. Attractive sunny rooms porches Phone 2633 ! 85 CHICAGO GRAIN AUDITS Hooka Ojeae4 mkS Closed J. E. WILSON eET" Public AixounUml Kooma 303-204-295 Drlnunot Bldx. I'hoo 1S7 i Missouri Pac. N'ew Vork Cen. . . . N' Y.. N. II. H. . Drastic dei linea , Norfolk A West..1, corn market today. Northern Pacific .. that railroad Ohio Cities (ias.. here I Okla. P. & K Am. Pet. ... CHl'ACiO, Feb. took place in the largely owing to notices cars unloaded at grain elevators could not be used for shipments from I Pan Chicago to the east. The close was nerv- Pennsylvania ous at 3'4 to i net lower. Oats lost i Pitts. W. Va Il78 ! 22V4 ! 23 4 XKW YOKU, Feb. 9. An early advance In the cotton market was followed by a shurp break under reports of southern selling and talk of an easier spot basis. May sold oft from 82.90 to 32.17 or 48 points net lower but recovered part of the loss in the late trading, closing at 32.65. Tho general list closed barely steady, net 5 points lower, to 4 points higher. Tho opening advance was due to the firmer tone of sterling exchange and the advance In Liverpool which pri vate cables attributed to a better spot demand and Increased trade calling. Liv erpool traded both ways here but bought by balance, probably to cover the short end of straddles and there was scattered covering by local and WiMI street trad ers. March eold up to 35.10 and July to 31.02 making advances of about 1 35 to H5 points from the low levels of lust week. The market seemed to be meet ing a good deal of southern selling, par- tlcularly from New Orleans, which was relatively easy at thu opening however J LARGE sunnv furnished and prices soon turned easier under a Blpeplnff porch, irf nTA,iT.r .ri.i. T, ..it :; street section, on car lino nd sleeping; P2-5-7 ROOM and board. Hot water heat, one block from square. 24 Spruce street. Phone 1350. . 2-8-7 Sl'PEKIOIl board, privath family, steam hoat. Reasonable rates. 79 Merrlrnon ave. F-2-10- ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED JV J6V, . ordt.ri) nftpr tn ciollc of Liverpool and1 for two people. T4 SIfti Sli'1 1 March and 30.31 for July, making net i the midday break extended to 34.44 for bedroom. Charlotte suitable Phone 2586. 2-8-1 26Vi 25 Vi! 2S4 declines of about 32 to 51 points on the FURNISH ED ROOMS 3 or 4 for S to I j, and provisions 27 to 8oe. (Open i High Ijow I Clout KEEP WARM AND AVOID THE "FLU" USE OUR Electric Blankets NAIMAN ELECTRIC CO. 29 W. College St. Phone 340 CORN': February MHy July .... OAT.S: May July .... POI1K: i May i July LARD: May .... July IUB8: !May ;Ju!y 1,S2Hi 1.28HI 1.2SH 1.-11 1.24'V 1.2fiVb . 1.31 .! 127 I 1.22V- ! .74-ti I -67 ,.14.50 34.60 23.69 1.24il 1.21?, I 75!'n I .73V4 ,68V, I .66 21.40 21.D0 .U8.20 .U8.75 21.40 21.90 18.35 18.75 I IS0.95 121.42 Il8.00 118.53 1.234, .7444 .TS 33.75 33.60 21.07 31.55 18.07 18.62 COTTONSEED OIL. Kay Con. Copper.,. Reading Hep. I. & S Royal Dutch, N. V. Seaboard A. L. ... Heah. A. L. Pfd b Sinclair O. & l. ... tiloas- Khf. S. & I.. Southern Pacific ... Southern Ky Southern Ky., Pfd.l Stude. Corp Tennessee Cop Texas Co Tob. Producta Union Paclflo TJ. 8. Ret. Stores. . United Fruit U. K. Food Prod. .. U. S. Ind. Alcohol. , L. . KUDOOr THE SWANNANOA-BERKELEY A Ifodnrn Brick and Conrrcto Hotel O.ic Mock from publlo s truant Aabevllle. N. C Table Uo Uoto Breakfast Dinner or 8tipper 75 Europeaa Plan Kates tl per day and np W. c H HVk. Mcr. U. S. Steel ... I". S. Steel, pfd.. Lath Copper 46 76 :102 n 312 I 51 5 265 136 46 4r.o 5- 83 45 48 16 21 611 142 3 192 I 91,: 914. 1 morc active positions. The continued i light housekeeping, by husband and 'v. care 75441 74 41 I 43 88 I 8 81 'ij 79 41V. 46?; 2H I 24 204 72 107 ioo 7 H H 96 21 U 54i; 93 10 Ul 180 20 69 V, 105 99 '4 4Vi 44 8fr4 41 V, 26 20 7014 107 V4 100'i wife. Must be llrst class. Citizen. P-2-10- flrmness of sterling exchange and easier ruling of cjill money during tho alter- : noon leu to a renewal or covering in ine . later trading and last iricoa showed FOR RENT Nicely furnished loom rallies of 35 to 55 points from the lowest.) suitable for couple. Well people Private returns published this morning i only. 66 8pru.ee street, Phone 2207. Indicated domestic mill consumption on P-2-.8-3 uoo.'ui; oaien lor wie uiunili OI jhii -ihi y 1 36 ! 87? 70 i 71 P3V4I 94Vi 19 against 511,58fS during recmbcr. ant: 656.721 during January last year. These 13i enrlv huvlnr. hilt the itemand w:i. at - 58 89V4 10 175 54 91 10 178 trlbuted largely to covering of shorts and the Liverpool buying on straddle account. Cotton closed barel steady. HlghLowCPse March May .. .Tulv 4 VI 7434 October 118V, 116 117H i December ,:iLBU6 I spot coTT 135.10134.44 34.99 32.9032. 17:82.65 131.02130.81 30.71 '29.00i28.3528.70 28.4o28.00!28.15 Il82"4:i7 '178 59 U I 58U! K9V4 93 V0H on iulet; middling 38.00. I NEW VORK, Feb.' 9. Liquidation on I the weakness on lard forced cottonseed oil aown 4ti to points. Buying by cot- vir Caro Cheni i ton houses, supposedly for account of re- 'Western Union fillers checked the decline and with short j Westing Elec covering efTected a partial rally towards Willys-Over the close. Final bldM wero 27 to 44 points Coca-Cola in'i 7'jwe:. oaieK u.innj oarreia. l'rliue . crude 18 '!. 18 50: prime summer yellow I spot l(t.3020.6n; -March 20.40: May' 20.40: ' j.uy -.!.. .Prime winter ycllov and I siimnicf whilo mtiiilli.'il. ..'825 ::i 4$ ..I 62 . .! 15 63-i 63-V tiH ! NAVAL STORES. JACKSONVrLLE, Via.. Feb. 9 Tur pentine nothing doing; 1.96V4; sales none; receipts 173; shipments loot stock 7.611. Koeln nothing doing: sale3 none; re ceipts 811; shipments 1400; stock 81.008. TRADING IN COTTON! ,uiV m 120.00: N 20.25: W'g 20.75; Ww 21.00. 93 TIT TTnmTT A tTlTMTrt WIDTT 1105 I1024 '104---4IX AjUUI UAllUllO JIU1AA HOOVi, 98T, IHS i ' 1 1 ?- 1 tnL 'i to,:. ! 7:i : 71V,: 72 ii 1 8544 85 85l4 ! NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 9 Rapid flue- SPOT COFFEE. I 514' 60 D04 , tuations within narrow limits marked! NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Spot coffee neg I 26S' 5 26tt!ie trading in cotton today. The market I lected; Rio 7s 14U: Santos 4 s 2!'ifc ! i 0-1 I .l...,l.l ..... .... .1... n-ou 1 ..r L.l. I f,S ft I 1 Ol w 11.111 II" urtn.ru .IV.II. nil.. v..vjuv ,. w io I(,IJ1 1 im 1, h Bid. Total sales 7S8.900. NEW YORK BONDS. The Swift Year BoqIc is Out Send for Your Copy Swift & Company was a favorite topic of conversation last year. Committees investigated it, commissions attacked it, law makers threatened it, many condemned it. Presently people began to think about it; began to realize that Swift & Company was performing a necessary service in a big, efficient way; began to wonder whether it could be done as well in any other way. Read what Swift & Company did last year, and what it meant to you, in the Swift & Company Year Book, just issued. It's a fascinating narrative simple facts in simple words. There is one ready for you. Send for it. Address Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago Swift & Company, U. S. A. Asheville Local Branch, 131 Roberts Street C R. Bargeron, Manager i r. s i u. s. 'Southern) 2s. registered 0 loo1 2s. coupon h 100ia 4s, registered b 106 88 S8 (.'. Si. 4s. coupon b 10 i ranama .is, reifisiereu o i Panama 3s, "fcoupon b I American Smelting & Refining' 53.. j American Tel. & Tel. ev. 6 i AnKlo-French 5s j Atchison (ten. 4s " 76'i 'wired In bite I Atlantic Co.ist Ltno 1st 4h ! Baltimore & Ohio cv. 4is .... ' llethlehom Steel ruf. Ba 81 Cen. of Georgia Consolidated os Central leather 5s Chesapeake & Ohio cv. 5s Chicago, B. & Qulncy Joint la. Chicago, Mil. St. 1'. cv. 4H- Chicago. It. I. Pac. lty. ref. I City of Paris 6a lorado & Southern ruf. 4'js... : lienver & Rio Grande cont'ol. 4. Dominion of Canada 5a (1931). ; Krlo gen. 4s Illinois Centra! ref. 4f Int. Mer. Marine 6s Kansas City Southern ref. 5s... , Liggett & Myers 5s ' Louisville & Nashville nn. 4s Missouri. Kan. & Tex. 1st 4s.. Mistouri Pac. pen. 4s ,Vev Yuri; Central dob. 6s .Norfolk & Western cv. 6s Northern Pacific is , Pennsylvania gen. 5s Reading gen. 4s ! Republic Iron & Steel 5s (1940). ' yt. Louin & San l''ran. adj. 6s.. Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s Southern Hell Tel. 5s Southern Pacific cv. 5s Southern Railway 5s Southern Railway gen. 4s Texas Company cv. 6s Texan & Pacific 1st I'nton Pacific 4s C. K. of O. U. & t. 6-is (193 t'. S. Steel S Virginia-Car Chemical I.s . . Wabash 1st t . Wilson Co.. cv. 6s 5TI. 1 lw.1 ild.'lb.l fp,.i,H ntiH tlir. ,lwr n-fl M 1 3 points down to 7 points up net. At ; one time in the early trading prices : :' were 12 to 13 points over Saturday's tlnal i prices but later they were 27 to 36 points under. The recoveries late in the day , were not expected by short element and : some covering was seen toward the end. lOurly strength was due to the rise in sterling exchange rates but the tighter money situation soon offset any buying that was haded on foreign exchange. The weather map was favorable, showing' warm and dry weather in the belt, but the SI1. ' outlook was for rains In the west where' 971 ' nioslture Is tho last thing wanted, eo that s.i'H , weather news anout Daianceu. J exas n the day,, tolling of ralnp In sections that have been complaining . C0V2 of moisture. Reports from Mississippi were that little work preparatory to the 83 K i new crop had been done 94V4 Kxports of 18,284 bales of cotton from C.-ilveston to England caused comment, I office of the Board of County Com Diit no sustainen trailing arose rrom tnis ; ,jssloners of Buncombe county, X. or any of the other features of the day. w, trrh tMh i't"n ,, fr March closed at 35.91 which compared ?n -Urcn 1 jlfi ltt-0 noon, lor with the Fpot quotation on middling of 1 improvements of about eight miles 38.50, spots being reduced 25 points. i of the Ashevllle-Leicester. highway. Cotton closed steady. 3 points down to to-wit: A concrete header 1-2-4 mix- t8 V6 lo of Surplus Government Uoods. YVKANIVn APPAREL. TJ. S. ARMY Leather Sleeveless Jack et $10.o U. S. ARMY Khaki Suits. Suit com plete, coat, breeches, web belt and canvas leggings. Uooo conanioiu 1 Very strong materia.'. Special. .$8.26 If. . ARMY Wool OvercoaL Velvo. eollar, only sllihtly used and will give excellent service. A special bargain nt $9.9i V. 8. ARMY C-llfO Urab Wool Macki naw. Deslrablo coat for wintor $9.60 V. fi. ARMY Raincoat Good condition. Selected, 136 per dozen or each $3.50 CI. H. ARMY Wool Underwear, clean and sanitary. Very desirable. SGe per garment. $1.85 (suit, or $1.75 suU in doi. lots. U. S. ARMY Wool Breeches, dyed, brown, bluo or black. Splendid condition. A grade, $2.95 eacli, or $29 diz. ; B grade, $2.50 each, or $24 dozen. V. S. ARMY Marino Black Heavy Rubber Raincoat. The coal for long; wear. Good condition $9.95 U. S. ARMY wool shirts, seen service but in good condition. Olive drab. Been repaired. Grade A, $2.95 each or $29.95 doz. tirado B, $2.60 each r $27.50 doz. Grade C, $1.95 each, or $21.50 doz. IT. 8.-ARMY Field Shoes NEW. Good heavy shoes for general wear; pair $8.00. BEDDING OUTFITS. V. S. ARMY regulation Comforts. Olive drab. ' Renovated and steril ized. Full size. Weight 5 pounds. Good condition $2.45 V. S .ARMY Olive Drab Blanket. Brand new. 64 by 84 4-lb. blanket. $9.25 etch or doz $106 V. S. ARMY Gold Medal cots, folding canvas, excellent for hotels, com missaries, camps, etc., $2.95 each: $2.60 each, dozen lots; $2 each 100 lots. IT. S. ARMY Blankets. WOOL. Clean and sanitary. Better order a few of these excellent blankets, as they will be scarce, $5.95 each or $70.00 dozen. IT. H. ARMY Steel Cots. Almost new. 72 inches long, SO inches wlao $4.95 U. S. ARMY Cot Mattresses. Cotton. In good condition. A grade.. $6. D5 HEATERS TJ. S. ARMY Heaters. "Cole" Blast No. 15-B. Nickel trimmed; In good con dition. An excellent stove at a real bargain $18.60 IT. S. ARMY Heaters. "Monica" No. 15; 37 inches high. 38 Inches inside. Good cordition $15.00 U. S. ARMY Heaters. "Magic" No 18. 46 Inchef? high, 18 inches inside. Good condition $25.00 IT. S. ARMY Heaters. Ione Star No. 5, 36 Inches high, 16 inches Inside. Good condition $16.50 M I SCE LLA N'BOtTS. L'. S4 ARMY regulation BREAST Col lar Harness. Brand new. "IT STOOD THE TEST." Double wheel set, $79; double lead set, $58.60. Limited number left. r. R. ARMY Rawhide Whips, 8 plait, in feet, each Rn r. S. ARMY -Cable Traces $2.95 i V. S. ARMY MeClellan Saddles, brand i new $32.95 U. S. ARMY Capes. Blue. Wocl. Kx j cellent condition; splendid irar- ! ment $4 95 !U. S. ARMY Leather Halters. Good. I serviceable condition. $12 dozen, I Otich Jl 25 I U. S. ARMY Canvas Haversacks. No better bag to be had for carrying tools, provisions for camping, hunt, lng. fishing, hiking, etc. Comnlete ( with strap $ .85 Sealed bids will bo received at the i ENGLISH Heavy Leather, wide belt. Brand new, very attractive. . .$1.4 5 C. S. ARMY Denim trousers; blue, seen service, but repaired and in p;ood condition; washed and sani- TWO ROOMS, bath and bleeping porch. Private family. Apply 1'. O. Box 535. 1-2-8-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 48 Spruce street. P-2-8-3 1' X P C R N I 8 H E D THREE Starnes unfurnished avenue. rooms. 90 P-2-S-S notici: -3i PI 4(1 7U 70 S644 70 Vi 544 ; 32S. H'0-s 74Vj I 89'i , 7!) 91 i 58 -32 U points up net. March . . . .May July October . 1 ' ceniher ! ture on cither side, also all holes 1n Hlgh,Low t.Tse present road to be filled anil rolled .. 35.95 35.60 35. 91 i and a surface of Asphaltio Concrete .. 33.56 33.08 33.41 i (Topeka specifications) rolled lo two . .3i. 56 31.10 31.45 : inches in thickness. The finished sur ' 52 ;5 n,4 ' face of tho roadway, including the ..:.g.,.J8'-.j' . noajerj shan be paid for at the price 2.) points lower, bid on Asphaltic Concrete, width of Soul cotton miiet. ;iirs on snot. :on oaies. lo arrive none. - .; . ,D 1a,w middling 81.00: middling 38.50; good 'u"tl, niiddling 40.50. Receipts 7.156; stock I'cbruary .'. J2 414. 35U. ' MONEY MARKET. A. PATTO.V. Chairman. 10-17-24-2 .b 83 .. 100 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. NHV YORK. Feb. 0 Mercantile paper 6al-2. Sterling 60 day bills 3.3:i?4; coni- ,........1 .1.,., I. ill.. Kn K....I... " .? - ? i merNul 60 day bills 3.33-).; demand 3.37. '" ,-3 ; caMM 3.37;i:i. Francs demand 14.52: V 'i., 8 i .rnhlea 14.511. Itclian francs demand li 14.07 ; cables N.O.'.. Guilders demand Jul 137.80; cables 37 90. Lire demand 18.52: 1 .-iihles 18.50. Mark.-i il -.:and 1.01; caljUv l-r'gi'eniment bonds Irregular: rail- 2,T i mads bonds Irregular. Time loans strong 4 ! 60 days. 00 days and six months 8M:. Cull money easy; ruling rate 14; bank acceptances o'i. tary. Special $8.00 dozen or 85o pair. U. S. Army knives, 5c each, 25c for six, 60 per doz., $5.90 per gross. LT. S. Army Forks, 10c each. 40c for six. 75c per doz.. or $7.00 per gross. L S. Army Dessert Spoons 5c each, 25c for six, 40o per doz.. or $5.90 gross. U. S. Army Tool Boxes, small wood chests, with extra tray, suitable for doll trunks, tools, etc., 95c each. Pocket knives, brand nw, high grade, $1.50, $1.75. $1.85 and $2.25. BRADLEY' BONDED WAREHOUSE COMPANY. 14 Government T'ace. Asheville, N. C. I Feb 1. 5 '4, 6. 8, 10, 11. 1G, 15, 17, 1S i 20, 22. 24, 26, 27, 1 Tt. i EGGS Place your orders early for E. B. Thompson Ringlet Barred RocV i eggs. The Barred Rock is the best all round chicken in the world. C , have birds direct from Thompson's yard. Amenia, ,. i. Can Turnisu you their eggs at $5.00 .per 15. Cockerels $5.00 each. S. O. Ingram, Arden. N. C. P-2-6-30 JACKSONVILLE LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Feb. 9. Hogs weak lie lower than Saturday's average. Hulk, .JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Feb. P. Hogs 14.254il4.9; top 15.25; heavy 14,1011.65; ' prospects steady; choice heavy 12.50'ti medium 1 4.25 4 14.90: packing Sowa 13.00 : 12.75; good heavy 12.5n 12.T5; rough 13.50; pigs 13.00014.00. 'heavy I i.5Pj 11.75; lights n..Mjit!.7r; Cattle weak; b ef steers, medium and heavy pigs l'i.50S(,10.75; light pigs 8.50'a heavyweight, choice and prime 15.001J ; :u 00. 17 00: medium and good 11.00515.00; ; rattle prospects steadv: s'eers 5.50W butcher cattle; 6.50(12.50; canners and , 12 U; bulls .0t37.-dO: yearlings 5.00 cutters 5.25'3!6.50: veal calves 16.25& I -.mi; cons 5.50S,7.,-;o: veal calves 8.0"ff 17.75: feeder steers 7.86'ill.75; stocker, I2.W; canners 3.50 up. iieui-s 7.0O&10.50. Slieep strong: larr;bs 84 pounds down. LIVERPOOL COTTON. lS.oii$21.0i: culls and common 15.00'i ;8.00; ewes, medium, good and choice; iJYElSPOuL. Feb. 9. Cotton spot :.',.7r,5Ji3.i5; culls and common 6.50'tf . ,juiet; prices steady; good middling 30.37; i .2'.. fully middling 29.37: middling 28.12; low I - maioiing -..j: goou oramary ZL.&r. or NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. MJW YORK, Feb. . Ceeve.i steady:' ordinarv to rather good steers 9 ti.'-'ft U.80; medium to choice bulls 8 00W1I.25. common steers 6.50fij7.50; common to choice cows 4.50lI0.50. Calve-i steady; common to fairly prime veals 11.00924.00; culls 14.00 it 17.00; lit-' tie e.ahes 14. 00& 15.75; fed calves ll.OOft" 1.00: barnyards 8.OO19.IO.O0; yearlings, o.ev'W i.eu. Sheep and lambs firm, common to good sheep, ewes. 8.0012.00: culls 5(i0i7.O0: yearlings 14.0018.00; common to prime lambs 18.00ii22.50; culls 15.50ruU6.00. . Hogs steady: medium to lightweights l8.oo, heavy 15.75; pigs 15.50(515.75. dlnary 21.37. Sales 7.000 bales. Including ...ii'ii American. Receipts 12.uao hales, including 1.U0 American. Futures closed steady. DRY GOODS ' NKW YORK. Feb. 9. Cotton goods m.irke'. opened quiet today with further easing reported in gray goods prices. Yarns held steady but iiuiet. Men's wear lines for fall opened steadily and trade was not as active as In some recent ses sions. Burlaps tnd raw silks were quiet. LIBERTY BONDS. es f f S-6.98; ! NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Final pr LH'ertv bonds touay were: 3Ns first 4s 90.90; second 4s 90.18; first 4'i's 91.50; second 4V 90.48; third 4U's 93.48: fourth 4'i's 90.52; Victory 3''i's 97.80; Victory 4-Ys 97.88. Stock,' Bonds, ' Grain, Cotton. CLKSU-TT D CATES 4 CO. BROr'RS Pr-vito Wires to all Markn Ccnlort 14-15 tiloctrleal Bldg.. PhM ,V ,J. C. DAVIS, Manager. If You Want to Buy, or Have REAL ESTATE ? Oil iAL2 PHONE 19 Vtawn LI41I14, r.i.m "The Farm and Home Agency" 321 Haywood Building Aheville, N. C. You name the price, We find the buyer The Phonograph Shop. For records where you can get the, good lively songs, better take some good records homo instead being I out evenings exposed to the dread -I ful "Hen-Flu-Zeze. j Phonograph Shop. 1 On tho Square. Next Central Bank. 2-8-7 WANTED AT ONCE Lady for gen ' eral office work. Prefer one who can uso typewriter and has had ex perience, although not absolutely necessary. Good opportunity for someone desiring to learn a profit j able and pleasant business, and 1 who is accurate and good worker. Apply Box 338. Asheville. N- C FOR SALE Beautiful fTjIl-blooded Jersey heifer, two years old, will bo fresh the 15th of February. Extra fine. Can be seen at D. H. Hughes, 330 Southsidc. phone 1S47. 2-8-3 WOOD FOR SALE. HAYES' WOOD YARD. Phono 2938. P-l-27-30 KINDLING FOR SALE (Pine) M. H. Starnes Wood Co. Phon j371. Pl-17-31 REMEMBER THE PLIGHT OF THE FOOLISH VIRGIN NOW TAKE "3-H" TONIC NOW Cleanse and Fortify Your System. Against Influenza 50 Cents the Bottle AT SMITH'S and OTHER FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORES. NOW- NOW SERVICE STATION CWilliMD ELECTRICAIi ACCESSORIES ASHEVILLE BATTERY CO. fbone 34S7 College & Mai Lot Sl. "Threaded RuMrr" Insulation Straighten Your KINKY HAIR Tbe . Best Prepa ration is famous HEROLIN Pomade Hair Dressing Berolln Pomtde Eitr Dressing will riesD rear scalp of dandruff, stop niiin nair. mat Tour nair srow Iionf. giotty, sirmiguc ana Beauti ful, so that jon can dreas It up In moaern siyie. Ilrrella Pemavda Hair DtMilif I works on the roots of the hair, cam-1 ins? a natural growth of Ions, soft,! latraigot oeaatuui nair. Koia dj Nrarsata r sbS br mall far SSe, I itima r eoia. I HCROLIX MED. CO., Atlaata.' Ok. I I Anin wanted. w r"p nf or npfnit. 1 1 'J IS t ltte 9 ' LraayMUni HEMHTITCHINO and Picotina; at- ! tachment. works on all sewing ma chines. $1.50 instructions. Ad dress J. F. Light. Box 127. Blr I mlngham. A In. P-2-1-30 ' KDU SALE Heavy wooden boxes, would be excellent for shipping. Phone 2S47 or address, R. H., cara Citizen. ' P-2-8-3 l'"OK SALE Pony, with or without saddle, reasonable price. Phonn 1872. 2-8-3 WANT AD RATES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 1 Insertion Zo per word t " 40 " 7 Sc " J0 " 0c " " . FOR EXAMPLE: A 25-word Ad.costA SO cents for one insertion. 9 oonaacu tiT insertions 11.00. 7 consecutive in sertions 2-00, 10 coaaecutlve insertions a'dovs rates are for Ads. set in 7-pt. type (lower case). Want Ads. et la 7- Dt. caps are & per cent higher. Want Ads set in 10-pU lower case are double regular rates. 10-pt. caps are triple reg uisr rates. So black face type allowed. Want A is- not run on consecutive days tr atrlct y on the basis of S cents pc? 'or tor each Insertion. Position Wanted Ads. are one -half the ibove rates. No Want Ad. laken for less thaa 2S oents. Want Ads. are psymbls la advancs