11 PHONE 80 Citizen Want Ads Bring Results Open Wide Your Portals Private Homes With Vacant Rooms Insert a Classified Ad.NOW IS THE TIME "Citizen Want Ads Bring Results" Haven't Failed, that's as much as can be said of anything PHONh 80 Citizen Want Ads Bring" Results THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. P WANTED WANIBI) Composera of verse or music to write me.at once. Brilliant opportunity,, for rood talent. Ad dress, Burrell VanBuren, A-7 Grand Opera House, Chicago, P2-8-3 WANTED At once, cleunors. Apply to Mcintosh, Grove Park Inn. 2-10-3 WANTED Instructions In Spanish. Private. E. W. G., Citizen. P-2-10-3 MALE WANTED 6 to good famlllos to work In apple orchards. Steady work for men. women and child ren, with Rood homes gardens, fuel, etc., and good wanes and chnncc to advance: Healthy loca tion. Also want good man for gas. eiwinea spraying. Address with references and full particulars as to family, etc. J no. 6. Bowen, Alta pa!W' N. C. 2-10-8 LOGGING teamsters. for horses arid cattle. Hawsers, mill and woods crew. Big Job. Pay twice a month. Houses for families. Good wages. Contractors to log and saw, one to Ave million each. Twenty teams to haul. Williams Fulgham Lumber company. Ashe vllle. N. C. 2-8-7 Railway mail, clerks $ no a month. Age, 18-35. Experience , unnecessary. For free particulars examinations, write R. Terry (for mer Government Examiner), D8 Continental Bldg., Washington. P-2-10-4 Wanted Good house and shop carpenters. Good wages for risht men. Union men need not apply. Rrmanent work. Broad River mber Co., SLackhouse, N. C. . 2-10-7T -Ti'ANTED Man with equipment to Log and Saw one million feet of timber. Saluda Land and Lumber Co., 816 Southeastern Life Bldg., .Greenville, B. C. 2-7-7 WANTED A first class white barber; will guarantee $35.00 per week. Nothing but first class barber need apply. J. W. Tlner, Box 280, Ben nettsville, S. C. P-2-6-7 WANTED At . once. Experienced vegetable man, good salary to right - party. Address Acme Fish Co.. Greenville, S. C. 2-8-3 WANTED A good band saw flier for small hand saw mill. Apply Rich ard P. Ball & Co., 420 Drhumor P"' P-2-10-7 a good hand saw tiler for small bandsaw mill. Richard P. Baer & Co., 420 Drhumor Bldg. 2-8-3 WANTED Man to attend furnace and work around house. Swan nannoa Hill. Telephone 1630. P-2-10-3 WANTED Good milker ut once. Ap ply F. S. Baldwin, Biltmore No. 2. P-2-10-7 WANTED An experienced salesman. Asheville Grocery company. 2-R-tf FEMALE WANTED Stenographer. must be accurate with fair speed for whole Kale business in city. Fine oppor tunity for eperlence and advance ; nient. "Opportunity," care of ' 'Citizen. 2-8-3 WANTED Experienced waitress Wanted at once. Steady position. Wages seven dollars week. Belve dere" 29 Ravenscroft Drive. Phone 2905. , P-2-10-1 WANTED White girl to assist housework small family. Good home and wages. Address U. G, care Citizen. P-2-10-1 WANTED Practical nurse; no flu, or contagious disease. Permanent em ployment. Address P. O. 1005, Asheville. 2-10-3 WANTED Girl for office work, one with knowledge of typewriting pre ferred. Address Box 1086, city. 2-10-1 WANTED Experienced woman for general house work; family of three, small bungalow. Phone 1868 2-B-tf COLORED GIRL Wanted to do gen eral nousework. pnone 1827. Mrs. Ehrlick. 198 Broadway. P-2-9-3 GIRL for office work, one with knowl edge of typewriting preferred. Ad dress Box 108. city. P-2-10-1 WANTED An experienced cook at once. Apply 24 Spruce St 2-10-1 WANTED A cook for small family. Phone 768. P-2-8-3 POSITION WANTED BT AN EXPERT bookkeeper and ac countant with reliable firm. Will consider any kind of office work or traveling salesman. Am now located but desire change for srood . reasons. Address, R. 8., care the , citizen. P-2-9-3 GOOD HOUSEKEEPER With all round business knowledge, desires position that requires not over 6 " hours work a day, unless part of time can oe spent in open. Not T. B. Address B. W care Citizen. ' 2-10-1 A MAN of long experience In cattle business, good health, wants work . on stock farm In Western N. C. ' Might rent small farm. Expert with chickens. Address, "Permanent," P. O. Box 811. Asheville. P-2-B-T WANTED By Experienced sales man, position in or near Asheville. Beat of references furnished. Em ployed now. Tryme, care Citizen. P-2-8-8 EXPERIENCED young man of good character desires position-as chauf feur for business or private family. - References. F. K., caro Citizen. ': P-2-7-7 YOUNG man 28, with five years ex- perlence aa agents' furnishing sales man. A-l references. W. M. Mc- Bride. 124 Haywood St, City. R2-8-3 -POSITION r.a night watchman, by man with experience. Can furnish . good reference. Gilbert Tallant, 38 . "enneu at. F-3-10-8 .WANTED work aa carpenter, cabinet . worker and. general man. In hos pital, hotel or school. Apply, Box P-2-8-8 "'WANTED Private pupils or tutoring by iad.V teacher from Cleveland. ;.. (h1n. Call 1779. P-2-10-3 is .OS! ONE LEFT HAND rear side curtain . for Oakland car on Hendersonvllle road. Reward if returned to Globe ;Shoe Store- - -P-3-1-8 0tT Bull tag S76, ' ''' 'ward. dog brindel and white Jack." .Phone )4J2r re- ' 2-10-1 LOST Tau glove, on Montford street . .car.' Finder return to Citizen office. "K ; p-2-10-1 vfTARY PUBLIC "TJorATrypuauG V M. MESSLER. room Library bmldir.g. Phone 3081 or $l. AUTOMOBILES von SALE WE SAID THAT SCOTT DILLINGHAM HAD THE BEST BARGAIN IN USED CARS THAT COULD BE FOUND IN THE STATE AND WE MEAN JUST WHAT WE SAID AND IF YOU THINK THAT WE ARE KIDDING, JUST DROP-IN-ON-US FOR A MINUTE AND WE CAN SATISFY YOUR CURIOSITY IN A SIGHT SEEING TRIP THRU THE GARAGE. FORDS RIGHT ON UP THRU THE LINE OF AUTOMOBILES AND CARS TO PACKARDS TRUCKS, TOO. Today your car ia here tomorrow it may be gone. FOR DILLINGHAM PRICES ACT AS A SELF STARTER FOR SALES. SCOTT DILL f N G H A M, Inc. South's Largest Exclusive Used Car Dealer. Cor. Lexington & Walnut. 3 Phones 901 -101 2376. USED CARS One 1919 Liberty Six, new paint, One 1919 Briscde 5 passenger, used for demonstrator. One 1918 Briscoe 5-passenger, good condition. One 1919 Maxwell 5-passenger, tip top shape. One Reo Speed-Wagon, best condition. One Stewart Speed Wagon, fine shape. One Maxwell one-ton truck, runs eome. Two Reo 2-ton passenger busses. Bargains for quick sales on these" as we need the room for new cars and trucks that are coming. J. R. SWANN MOTOR CO. 57 Biltmore1 Avenue. Phone 1437. 2-8-3 REAL ESTATE MR. YANCY COUNTY MAN: List your farm, orchard and timbler lands for sale with BROWN REALTY CO. Real Estate and 321 Haywood Building. AUTOMOBILES Car" LoadFAppersoi? 8-Stock Models to Arrive Next Week. Whitmire Motor Sales Co. We have for quick sale one real good Maxwell touring car in A-l shape, 1918 model. Cash or terms One 1919 Wood wheel Anderson six. in fine condition. Cash on terms. One 1919-50 H, P. Anderson six wire wheels and cord tires. Cash or terms. ' All the above cars are too good to be called used cars. We call them used but not abused. Come on and get one and pay as you ride. Whitmire Motor Sales Co. 2-10-3 New Cars on Hand. One Anderson 6 5-passnger. One Paige 6 5-passenger. One Paige 6 i passenger Sarchmount. One Dixie Flyer 4 5-passenger If you want one it will pay you to come at. once, as prices are advancing almost daily on some one of our lines. Whitmire Motor Sales CoJ 2-10-1 DEPENDABLE CARS The mechanical condition, the appearance and prices of these used cars are sure to appeal to you. We invite your inspection r 1919 Model 90 Overland. Overland Big Four, Five-Pas senger. Overland Asheville Sales Co. Phone 2967. 12-16 Walnut St. 1-23-tf TO UNLOAD Monday another car load of Liberty Six. 5 passenger touring cars. Phone 1437 for demonstra tion. J. R. Swann Motor Co. 2-8-3 K OR SALE LATJ1 MODEL FORD CAR, FIVE PASSEN GER, GOOD CONDITION. R. M. MORGAN, 38 HAY WOOD ST. 2-10-3 A FORD TON truck for sale. 1918 model. New bock solid rubber tlrea, splendid bed, perfect condition, es pecially good for hauling "or farm ing. Price $400.00. McFaddsn Gar age. Lexington Av. f F-2-9-3 W.A Y N E ? onext Measure Pumps and Tanks EDW." R. SUTHERLAND, Ashe vllle, N. C. Pl-25-30 FOR SALE Ford touring car, good running -condition, new top, new casing.. Reasonable.' phone '2141. ' .'" .... ' 2-10-8 SPECIAL LET MB -give you an estimate on your carpenter . work. J, R. Ray, S Cones tee avje. Phone 2962. P-2-10-7 -JUNK. Sena your Junk to the Southern Junk .irid Hide Co.. 11 Eagle St. Phone ' ""ti . . J-i-2-3e AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS. looks like new. RFAl ESTATE FOR HALE Fire Insurance. Phone 19. 2-10-1 SPECIAL THE ASHEVILLE SALVAGE CO., Inc. 29 Biltmore Ave. We are preparing togive the Asheville ' and Buncombe county folks some real bar gains, having bought a stock of merchandise at a low price consisting of clothing, dry goods', shoes, ladies' ready-to-wear, etc. THE ASHEVILLE SALVAGE CO., Inc. (WATCH FOR DATE OF SALE.) Buyers of Stocks of Merchan dise. Prescriptions That's Our Business PAY your doctor and have your prescription filled where you please, your . preference 'Is your privilege. Our drugs are fresh and of standard strength, purity and accuracy, our motto. Prices reasonable. Registered pharma cist In charge. , Phone 8091. Craven's Drug Store. End West Asheville Car Line. Night Cferk Over Store. i 2-4-7 WE BUY, SELL, RENT AND REPAIR ALL MAKES, ALL SIZES AT ALL TIMES. WE CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. TYPEWRIT ER REPAIR & EQUIP MENT CORPORATION, 38 HAYWOOD ST. PHONE 3251.' 1-30-tf Baggage Transferred, Furniture Moving, First-Class Auto Service. Hughes Transfer & Auto Co. "The House with a Keener Under standing." W. T. Keener. Mgr. Opp. Paasenger Station. Phones 1405 and 1415. Branch Office. 87 Patton Ave. 19-4-tf FURS made, remodelled, re paired by expenenced fur rier. Miss Cook, room 10. 32 Patton Ave. Pl-25-30 PRACTICAL gardener and florist, planting all kinds ornamentals, pruning orchard, grapevine. O. Campiche, Biltmore, N. C. R. No. 8. . P-2-10-7 WE BUY second-hand furniture. graphophones, records and all household furniture. Phone 3064. Pl-14-10 DR. E. L. SHUFORD, JR., Graduate Veterinarian, office Smith Drug Store. Residence Phone 11$. Pl-22-30 FOR RENT FOR RENT Store, No. 7 Hanover street, West Asheville. Grocery or meat market, etc Cement base ment In rear. ,Rent $15.00 month. Apply 7 Hanover street or J. R. Law Realty Co. - - 8-10-$ FOR RENT After 16th February, ( room house unfurnished; all mod ern conveniences. 12 8. French Broad. Phone 1882. J. E. Smathers. . 8-10-tf FARMS FOR BALE & acre lot near .Con crete Bridge at Craggy or will trade for Ford car. E., F. Fisher, 1L 3. Marshall, N. C. P2-6,7 OWNER Offers two productive, -well located farms near Asheville, Mod erately priced. Terms. U. F., care Citisen. " P-2-10-7 TI.MKER LANJJ A thousand acres et Auction, in Administrators notice In this paper. . Win. Johnston, Jr. v -. .. --U-U. REAL ESTATE WE AHE BUSY, HOWKVKH, WM CAN ATTEND TO YOUR WANTS, IK YOU WILL PHONE US. WE WANT 8 Oil 10 HOMES FROM 5 TO 15 THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR CUSTOMERS THAT WILL BUY. i WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? IF YOU PLACE YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE IN OITR HANDS WE WILL DO OUR B EST Foil YOU. NO. 1. Wo offer for at once sale good home near high school, splendid St., $5,500. NO. 2. Another line homo on one of the best avenues in the city. Owner asked $30,000 for this home 2 years ago. Wo can offer same for at onco sale $25,000. No phone Infor mation. XO. 3. Is a splendid small home near Merrimon Ave.. $5,260. NO. 4. Is a real good homo. 4 bed rooms, near Charlotte St., $5,600. NO. 0. Ia a modern steam heated home with grag good lot, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch, servants room and A-l residence section, $11,000. NO. 6. Has 4 master bed rooms on second floor, 2 baths, 3rd floor has! 3 nice rooms and bath. First lloor has all that is necessary for first' class high grade home. Fine base-! merit and heating plant, very large lot with garage. The price is under 20 thousand dollars, and well worth the -price asked. NO. 7. Here la a tine home that can be bought much under replacement cost, and well worth the money. 4 bed rooms with this home. Lot 120 ft. front, about 301) deep. Car line and fine residence section, occu pied by owner. The price is under $18,000 and is much better home than somo others listed at 20 to 22 thousand dollars. NO.. 8. Forest Hill home. 4 bed rooms, two sleeping porches, steam heat. line open views: near car line, $12,000. . Fine basement, concreted and garage. ISomo others In Grove Park at llfl nftn j $22,500 $32,500, and as much as : ioy.uou. B. H. Sumner & Son. American Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 2971 : 2-10-1 TWELVE LOTS 100 by 150 feet, South Biltmore. Close to paved road. Will sell cheap as a whole or separately. Kitchen. Sykes & Carland. owners. Box 828. P-2-10-8 WANTED wX5TDNAinrr HAVING ONE OR MORE SAW MILLS TO CONTRACT FOR CUT TING EITHER 1 INCH BOARDS OR 2 INCH FRAMING, SIZE OF TRACT TWELVE MILLION FEET LOCATED NEAR FLORENCE ON SEABOARD WITHIN TWO OR THREE MILES OF SIDING, ALL LAND HIGH AND DRY, PLENTY OF WATER, GOOD MEDIUM SIZE OAK LONGLEAF. AND SHORTLEAF. STATE IN FIRST LETTER HOW SOON CAN COME, CAPACITY MILL AND FULL PARTICULARS. SYLEECAN MFG. CO., ROCK HILL, S. O. 8-7 WANTED TO BUY 50 STAN DARD MAKES OF TYPE- WRITERS. WE PAY CASH CALL 3251. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE. TYPE WRITERS REPAIR & EQP. CORP., 38 HAYWOOD ST. 1-30-8 THREE furnished rooma wanted by couple in good health. No children. Here peramanently. Want In good section. Address, full particulars to M. H. R., care of Citizen. WANTED. White Oak, Chestnut, Poplar White Pine Logs 14 inches and up In dia meter, 10 to' 16 feet long. J. W. Woodard, Asheville. N. C. P-2-10-7 WANTED Small bungalow or three room unfurnished apartment In vicinity of prange St. school. Mrs. W. J. Barton,- 79 Central Ave. Phone 1374. 2-8-8 WANTED Your circular saws ham mered, also b rasing new backs for teeth. Work promptly done. M. M. Benson,- 78 Broadway. 1-14-80 I WANT to buy a 5 op 6 room bun galow or house on good street, around $4,000 or $5,000. Address Anxious, care Citizen. 2-8-3 LARK1N SMITH Painting, paper and kasomlnlng work our specialty. AH kinds help furnished. 88 Eagle St. phone 8017. P-8-7-80 WANTED A nice . room in private home with board or near boarding house. Good location. Address M. Z., care Citisen. ' P2-8-8 WANTED A pair small second-hand oaiance scales. Must be cheap. Phone 2347 or address A. A. A., care Citizen. P-3-8-8 FIFTY to one hundred milch cows. Holsteln and Jersey. John Hender son, 06 Orchard St. Phone 2145. ' P-2-10-7 WANTED Two or three second hand floor show casesmust be cneap. ynone 4, 2.10-tf WANTJCD Room and sleeping porch tor open coae oi tuoercuioais. (Jive rates. Box 124. j.g-3 WANTED Room and sleeping porch, iur a person noi vuoercuiar. Hox 8. 2-S-x WANTED Scotch collie pup. No. 11 evergreen une. 1'none zisi. -'- - ' P-2-10-8 WANTED To rent small truck farm on good road. Phone 1808. P-2-8-3 POULTRY AND EGGS lFEfh'olcebeeing cockerela. Buff Wyandnttes,. Silver ' Laced Wyandotte. Rose and Single Comb White Leghorns. Heavy laying strain, very -vigorous stock. Hatch ing ggs. $8.00 an '-$5.00 per 18. E. L. Withers, Waynesrtlle, ii. G, -s-7 ('OR SALE Thorobred Baron White Leghorn cockerels; the large egg ' strain. With 288 egg" lineage guar . anteed' finest stock around Ashe ville. See or write 8. J, Lawrence. " 81 Patton ave. P-2-10-7 hGGS for hatching from Campbell's1 Kever-Stop Laying Strain of Buff Leghorns and Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. C. B. Campbell, 148 Victoria v Bead City. i-2-s-ao REAL ESTATE V OK M A It K Magniflcient Home We have for sale one of the most complete private resi dences offered ia Asheville in' a long time, in one of the best sections of the city.i View is magnificient, on paved street, near car line.1 Seven rooms and two large; Bleeping porches, equal to two additional rooms, hot wa-j ter heat, two baths, cement' basement with laundry. Lit tle over 100 ft. in front run ning back over 200 ft. This fine home can be bought now for the very cheap price of $12,500. See us and see us now. VARNON REALTY CO. American Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 90 and 2320. 143 2-5-5 Donnahoe & Rawls. 49 Patton Avenue. j For Sale: 6- Room two-story cottage, large lot, j Clayton etreot, price $4,950.00. 5-Room stwo-story cottage, practically' new, located on Woodfln Place, price $5,000.00. j 5-Room, two-story cottage, praetieally new, located on Annandalo Avenue,, $4,500.00. 1 7- Rom house, close in, $5,000.00. 7-Room house, close In, Vance street, $5,000.00. ! 10-Room house, close In; newly paint ed, price $11,000.00. 6-Room house and 2-acres land In suburbs. We can give you good, easy trra on any of the above property. We buy and sell real estate; list your prop erty with us. Donnahoe & Rawls. Phono 649.. Temple Court Bldg. 2-10-3 City Property For Sale. Apartment house, completely furn- lshed. large lot $5,800. $75.00 month. Rents 8-Room house, large lot, 3 blocks of square $6,300 for 10 days. 6-Room house near Charlotte street Lot 50x150 $5,600. 6-Room nouns, good lot. close In $4,750. F. T- H. Woods. Phone 346. 18 N. Pack Sciuare. 2-7-4 FOn SALE. 5 Room house on Southslde near de pot $3,000. ' 3 Room house on View St. $2,500. 8 Room house on Haywood Road, W. Asheville $2,500. 5 Acres in West Asheville and 6 room house $4,600. 7 Room house near depot $2,000.' 5 Room bungalow W. Asheville, near car line $3,600. Hall. Fortune, Ingle Land Co. 1 . Phone 91. P-2-6-3 We have a, very complete Hat ot large and handsome furnished and unfurnished private homes In the best residential sections of Ashe ville. Would be glad to make an appointment to show you these. Alao all kinds of properties for sal. FORBES A CAMPBELL. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 868. : Sales Agents Grove Park Properties List your property with ua. ' 18-18-tt Just Look at This, A nice five room bungalow that you can move right lhto, not over ten )nlnutes walk from town, very easy terms, paved streets, wonderful views. See this one and you will not look any further. Messier Realty Co. "On The Square." Library Building. ' ' 2-8-3 Cozy Home Close In". Five rooms and bath within sight of the High School, close to car line In a nice neighborhood for only $5,150.00. One thousand. cosh, bal ance easy. Messier Realty Co. "On The Square." Phone 8081. . - . 2-8-3 FOR SALE . Houses and bungalows In every sec tion of the city. A man ready to show you at any time. GREENE & GOODMAN On the Square. -Phone 738. 2-4-tf LlsT your property with for rent j MOALE & MERIWEATHER Haywood Bldg. Phone 667. . 2-5-tf FOR SALE "Bluemont Inn," V60 feef from station, 14 rooms, with ; furniture. Very desirable location on half acre Int. Price $3,600.00 cash. The "White House," well built 4 room houses with furniture, half acre lot, about 1.800 feet from station. Prtoe $769.00 cash. IL B. Craven, Rldgecrest. N. C. P-8-7-7 FOR SALE House of eight rooms, . large sleeping porch. One of the best residential sections In Asheville. On car line. Beautiful view of Grove Park and Sunset Mt. No real estate man need apply. , Apply A. F. B., rare Citizen. P-2-10-7 For Sale. All kinda city property, houses, lots and business property. B. H. Sumner & Son. American Nat Bank Bldg. ... . f-7-tf orth Carolina Realty (Jo. 10 North Pack Square, (over South ern Coal Co.) AshevUlle. N. u. Phones 1581-2181. Buys, sells and exchanges all kinds of real oatate. "Aaywhere." 2--tf TIMBER LAND A thousuud acres at Auction In Administrators notice In this paper. Waa. JehnsltiTi. Jr. S-10-tf REAL ESTATE V O H S A Ii K The Merrimon Section. Close to Hillside Street and Merrimon Avenue. At tractive bungalow with level lot and trees ia good neighborhood. Well built. Possession in June. Price under $6,000. Near Liberty Street, architectural lines. Hot water heat, under $8,500. On the thoroughfare. This new, clean home with eastern outlook, vistas of Sunset and the northern hills, will enlist your interest from the very start. The floors are good. The sleeping porch, with the tapestry; brick 'mantle, is boundto appeal. The appointment of the house leaves nothing to be desired. Nice lawn. Garage. Good basement. Price $11,000. : v . Right on Merrimon Ave. near Coleman Ave: Newly renovated home with bold eastern outlook. Large house in splendid neighborhood. - Good heating sys tem. Immediate possession. Price $12,500. The II e n r y A Great Fifty acres, fronts on AshevUle-Weavervllle Highway, Beautiful plateau t end of Goldview Ridge. One of the most wonderful views in Western North Carolina, embracing city, mountains, valleys, and miles of river. 1 No more ' attractive building aitea can be found n the Southern Appalachian region Looking out from a home here, one might well exclaim: . . t ... , , , r , , "Through the window, , i , Through the window of the world, , . Over city, over lea, v v t , , Down the river flowing free, , To its meeting with the tea, - - I am looking, t .Through the window of the world." Less beautiful pictures than this have for $18 000.00. ' George S. t- . ..Phpne 24T HIGH CLASS CENTRAL - LOCATION. I am offering for the first time that valuable block of 10 lots with four, new ' bungalows, having a frontage Of 112 ft on Haywood Street. 848 ft m Haywood Place . I extension of Cumberland Ave.) and 118 ft on Cherry 'Street The Haywood street front to one of the most desirable lots In Asheville for a hotel, or apartment .house. This Is high class business property and will be sold either as a whole or separate. - ' GEORGE S. Phone 247 FARMS A , Res 1 408 Acres located .in Ave and one-half miles of Lenoir City, Tennessee, and In 800 feet of the Memphis to Bristol Highway, about' 160 acres la Wheat, , Oats, and. Grass, about 85 aorcs that waa in corn lost year, about 70 acres in pasture land, about 126 acres In wood land, and about 128 acres- of this , farm is fresh cleared land, this is a good Stock, Groin, or Dairy farm, ' , and about 200 acres of this farm. caw be easily handled with a tractor. ' The buildings consist of one five-room good barns, stock and wagon scales,; bined. It is watered with five good springs, and there is 200 acres fenced with good woven wire, and the 'remainder of tho fence on farm la barb wire. This farm ia in one mile of good School and Church and in a good Neighborhood, and can be bought for 860.V0 per acre one-half cash, and remainder on good time. If you are Interested come and see It as it must be aold in 30 days. For further Information see or write owner. J., H. Riggle. Lenoir City, Tenn. REAL ESTATE JOHN ACEE & CO, Real Estate and Insurance RENTAL and. Bales agents for the better class of business and resi dential property. Practically every thing on the market Business-like service and a square deal is the aim of this office, Ask some of those who have tried It. NO. 10 BATTERY PARK PLACE. Phone 315 . On the Ground Floor l-20-tfi FOP BALK -One 8-room house and! 4 lots in West Asheville te first i buyer from owiier for $1,600, in hands ot real estate for $3,000. This house rents for $8.00 per month. One house at Casket plant rents for $10.00 per mnMi',-at si.ewer- -u. u, Hendrlx, Route . 4Aaheville, N. G P2-8-3 Pearson Drive. Six room house, lot '50x200, can be rented fdr $18.00 a month. If taken - this week .owner will sel) for , $1,490.00, with ion terms. , , Messier Realty Co. , "On The Square." . Phone 3081. ".' -$-$ REAL ESTATE Hm2 r Another small house. Good Stone chimney and fireplace. Hardwood floors. Garage. Price Home Office . Talbot Sharp 2-8-2 Combination. gold for $100,000.0,0. This all goet - ' Powell- 1 or V ." 8-4-7 POWELL or 1(11. ' 8-4-.T FARMS Bargain, dwelling, three tennant bouses, two corn crib grainery and tool shed com ' P-2-T-T REAL ESTATE F0 It 8JAL K ' WORTH THE MONEY One acre land. Good young or chard. Fine well of water. Good 3 room cottage situated on hard surface road 3 miles , from Pack Square. $1,800. $1,000 cash, balance one year. . 8 Rooms and bath, lot 60x140. Located on Charlotte1 St. Price $6,500. Easy terms. WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY CO. i 10 N. Pack Square. 2-8 2,000 Acres South Mountain, eut-ovei timber lands. In Burke county, suit. . able for Orchards and Oraalnf landa. Five mites of station on Southern Railway. Price $4.00 pel acre. Terms. - Realty . Loan & " Guaranty Co. Morganton. N. C. " . ' 1-28-34

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