THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. 12 JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of. English Ware Copenhagen Pattern DINNERWARE They were hard to get, and are offered at a very small margin of profit. Sea them at LAW'S 2 1 Haywood St. PLANS MADE FOR THE DEMONSTRATIONS Pruning and Spraying to Start Thurs day and Continue All the Week In This Section. L&dles who ars Jisorimlnat tng In their selection of China and Bllverwars will And her everything one eoald wish for. THE T-X-L STORE M PATTOlf AVE. PHONIC 107 In order to securs proper technical records, Paul T. Schooley, extension horticulturist, and M. A. Smith, ex tension entomologist, vlalted the or chard of James Coleman on the Dixie highway near Weaverville yes terday, and laid off the demonstra tion plots wljcre the pruning - and spraying demonstration of apple treer will be given at 2 p. m. next Friday I February 18. Mr. Schooley states that the tree and general lay of the orchard 1 most excellent Indeed and anticipate' a large crowd of farmer and those Interested in apple growing In thi section, present at the apple growlnj demonstration next Friday, At U:J0 a. m. Thursday, February 12, the pruning and spraying demon stration will be given In the orchard of P. II. Bailey at Saluda, and at 10:20 a. m. Saturday, February 14, will be given In the orchard of Solici tor' Prltchord, one fnllo out of Mar shall. Mr. Schooley and .Mr. Smith will go to Marshall this morning and take the technical records and lay off the demonstration plot In Solicitor Prlt chard's orchard near Marshall. SAW MILL EXPLOSION NEAR BLACK MOUNTAIN KILLS 3; INJURED TWO Boiler of Engine of Broad River Mills, Owned by Ashe ville Man,' Exploded, Killing Three Workmen Instant lyToo Much Steam Given as the Cause. YOUR EYES . are nature a great gift Your enjoyment of life depends upon their service to you. . CARE FOR THEM. . Charles H. Hones . OPTOMETRIST Eye-Strain Specialist 14 Patten Ave. ' Opp. Postofflce . Established lfOO. MAY ATTEND CITY T SECRETARIES MEETINGS W. W. Edwards, of Ijocal "V," May Take Part In the Sessions to Be Held Next Week. WE HAVE ;';.';:,i-';ir,;i'i": ' '' ' ' m few used Tires in our stock . which will go cheap. Also a few retreads. STITtON anvica ATISPIS ' STETSON TIRE COMPANY Brtsulway and Walnut Sts. and SouUulde Ave. "' 3noase tlTI add toil. W..W. Edwards, secretary .of the local Toung Men's Christian associa tion, Is planning to attend the con ference of the city "Y" secretaries in Washington, D. C. on February IT ana is. This meeting of the secretaries has grown out of several informal oonfer ences of city general secretaries, held during the Detroit convention, which tlve conference of the secretaries for the Duroose of considering some of tne vital questions which now con front the city associations. The opening session of the con ference will begin at 10 o'clock on the morning of Fberuary 17 at the T. M. C. A.. 1721 street, N. W., and, as many will want to get away on the 18th, the secretaries are requested to be on hand promptly. Prest-'Q-Llts batteries give quick starts and long life. Sawyer Motpr Co., distributors. tf In an explosion which occurred yesterday at the plant of the Broad river saw mills, six miles from Black Mountain, in McDowell coun ty, three men were killed and two In lured. The dead are: Harold Taylor, hand at the mills; Fred Garrison, fl reman, and Raymond Barnwell, lou ver. The injured are Frank Toung, miller, and one unidentified man. who l said to be only slightly Injured. The explosion Is said to have been -auaed by too .much steam In the boil er. The plant had been running all day, and Barnwell had Just come in with a trail of logs, and taken a seat near the boiler when the explosion occurred. Pieces of the boiler struck the Ave men, killing three of them instantly and Injuring the other two. The- bodies of the men were badly mangled, the Information states, and medical aid was summoned from Black- Mountain, Dr. Woodcock going to the scene, ' but throe men. were dead when he arrived there. Barn well Is said to be from Qrace, where his mother now lives, but thjgj other two dead men lived near the scene of the tragedy and their bodies were ta ken to their homes,, while Barnwell's body was brought to Black Mountain to be sent to Asheville. The plant was badly damaged, the reports state, much of the machinery being torn up and broken. The ex plosion was heard for several miles. It Is stated, many people living near by thinking' that the sound was rrom blasting In the mountains. The mills were located In the Lackey section, about six miles from Black Mountain, and are the prop erty of Edwin L. Oaaton, of Cumber land avenue, this city, who maintains wholesale lumber offices in the Drhumor building, and Is secretary of the Willlams-Browncll Planning Mill company, of Biltmore. Mr. Gas ton visited the scene of the wreck yesterday afternoon and last night. The lumber sawed at the mills Is brought to Black Mountain for ship ment, but the road Is a long, rough one and few Black Mountain Deople were familiar with the location of the mills, when questioned yesterday. The capacity of the mills was said to have been betveeen 15,000 and 20,- 000 feet. The coroner of McDowell county visited the plant yesterday afternoon, but it was understood last night that he did not hold an Inquest over the bodies, as the statements of the two injured workmen, the only live men left after the explosion, being clear ly to the effect that the explosion was accidental and happened when the men were several feet from the boiler and engaged In different work. It is understood that the mill -will be rebuilt and the work continued, as tne company owns a large amount of timDer in that section. ESSAY CONTEST FOR CHILDREN IS OPEN War Department Wants Children to Write Best Essays on Enlistment in .the Army. The national essay contest inau gurated a short time ago by the war department offering prices to the school children who writs the beat essay of 400 words on the advantage of an enlistment In the United States army, is arousing great national as well as local interest It has also been entyiuslaatlcally endoreed by the leading business men of the state, who are offering many local and state prices. 'Many of ths children who expect to compete for the prizes have written the war de partment requesting literature. The requests were so numerous yesterday that telegrams were received at the local recruiting station to have chil dren Informed that literature Is avail able and all Information relatives to the rules of the contest are to be had more quickly from the local recruit ing station or the state general of fice, which in North Carolina, Is lo cated at Greensboro. BURIAL SERVICES FOR A.M. GOODLAKE TODAY DOGS TRAILED MAN FOR STEALING MEAT Tom Inman Arrested Near Sunburst and Held For Court. 453 BOOKS WERE ISSUED SATURDAY High Record Reached at Pack li brary JTew Books Shelved. J. A. Lyerly returned yesterday from Sunburst where he went Sun day .following the robbery of the smoke house of F. D. Roger's there. The dogs followed the trail for three miles up Big creek to the home of Tom Inman. Although the meat which was stolen from Mr. Roger's house, was not found at Inman's, the evidence by which the dogs followed the trail pointed to Inman as the party wanted and he was arrested and brought to Waynesvllle. Inman is about 22 years of ace and was arrested a little over a year ago, charged with stealing a hog out of a neighbor's pen. He being under age at that time and his case was drop ped from the court and was dis charged. Inman was tried yesterday before a magistrate at Waynesvllle and was bound over to the next term of criminal court, which will take place there within a few days. THE HALLMARK STORE. I Hi tffiff keep gou tvat drossed. rtertSWbmerrffcCHiLDRtKr CLOTHING' I I 4 m BUY IT TO USE You ought to use your Silverware. Every piece from the largest silver- tankard all4he way to the tiny vanity box, was made for utility. You should use it every day, just as you do your dining table or your living room furniture. One great difference you will notice of course silver does not depreciate. Articles made of silver grow more valuable as the yeara go by. Every silver article we sell you will give,; you service, and be worth more and more later on. '." v 1 ' Arthur M. Field Co. ' SI I I I Ipsa THB HALLMARK STORE. I A new high record in circulation wan reached by the Pack Memorial Public library Saturday, the number of books Issued then being 453. The previous high mark had been made the previous Saturday when the cir culation was 435. A number of new Juvenile bookB were shelved yesterday, most of them being soon taken out. With the clos ing of the schools children are mak ing extensive use of the municipal library. Will Take Place at Riverside Ceme tery at It O'clock. Funeral services will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at Riverside cemetery for A. M. Goodlake, who died Sunday night at his horns on Central avenue. The deceased was 60 years of age and was a well known contractor and builder of this city. He Is survived by his wife, five sons and four daughters, all of this city rind county. The- following members of the local Carpenters' union No. 384 will act as pallbearers: Joseph Shook, C. G. Worley, Will Kuykendalt, Jesse Moss, Irwin Garland and H. P. Clayton. . "COURTESY FIRST' That' the Motto at Thu Store When you come into our store do not feel obligated to buy. just look as much as you wish. ' Take your time. Nobody will rush you. And don't hesitate to walk out without buy ing if you don't find exactly what you want. The mere fact that you called pleases us. We regard is as a privilege and a pleasure to show our merchandise. Just now we have some unusual offerings ia SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES Dominant, forceful styles without exagge ration. Workmanship that is careful to the last degree. Patterns that . meet the mo3t exacting taste. Come in and see them. We Sell Men's Shoes DlskBeforePlowIng and after plowing. This method of tillage leaves do clumpy strata under the seed bed to cut off tubaoU connec tions to cut off crop yields. With , 3a Our Glasses RELIEVE Headaches Thousands of people dnur themselves for headaches, while Eyestrain is really tb? trouble. Our examination will disclose the trouble, and our glasses will relieve the strain. "Becoming .lasses Cost No More" DR. DENISON OPTOMETRIST (Eye-Strain Specialist) . 25 Pat ton Avenue Opt. Kress Store. Doable Action Disk Harrows yon caaprae. ties this method without extra cost. They doabis cat every Inch) they leave ths land level; they are light draft j they save st least one aorss and one bud; they cost sur prisingly little ( and there's a size for every .farmer! sif tm .n C I ;utawt Cuu) Double Actum Harrow. k doesn't Mil lka writatu. Wherave Sa as ago ws this and. d 33 a UUUBLE-DIbC HARROW is a great time-saver, one driver and team doing the work of two, and leaves the ground smooth and ready for the planter. T. S.MORRISON & CO. A GOOD INVESTMENT Good jewelry has a permanent value, not only from a monetary standpoint, but from the standpoint of ser vice and satisfaction. Cheap jewelry is seldom service able and therefore the expected satisfaction is lacking in its use. Our policy is not to sell the cheapest goods. We strive to merit your patronage and that of your friends by the service we give and the goods we sell. The giving of jewelry, such as rings, pins, lavallieres and necklaces violates no law of thrift, for in each is found an invest ment of proven worth. Their beauty and value are con stant reminders of the giver. You can always have the assurance of getting just the right quality and service at HENDERSON ... . Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Opp. Postoffke EDWARD A. FARLEY 16 S. Pack Sq. Asheville, N. C Oyancinlhs Tulips and Narcissus Bulbs Already started in pots with fibre. Will bloom in two or three weeks. Just the thing for a friend who is sick. , Call and See Them. These Bulbs are potted, root ed and sprouted. Ready to tart into instant leaf and flower. M try ti-ib FURNITURE AND DRAY HAULING SATISnED That's All AFTER USING ONE TON OF OUR PARDEE COAL We know our hard work ia done there, for we have won a customer. We assure this customer of our added service and courtesy, and we strive to maintain these standards. PHONES 25-981 CITIZENS TRANSFER & COAL CO. FIG P.RESERVES-(Tea Garden Brand) Preserved, with care and packed with greatest cleanliness in cans that are enameled on inside, therefore causing the fruit to retain its natural color and flavor. Let us send you a 50c can today. SAWYER GROCERY CO. The STORE Sanitary Where QtTALIXT Is ParnmotiBt Pboos 1S0O. i St Cut ten GOOD COAL ONE OF LlislECESSITIES Have You Ever Found Any Better Than ANTHRACITE THE ARISTOCRAT OF COALS. We Have it at a Correct Price Phone 129-230 CAROLINA COAL AND ICE CO. MEMBER OF Just Received a Fresh Shipper Rhode Island White Threaded SOUR KRAU EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market All Bulk Coods Kept in Sanitary, Dust-Proof Bine. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING The Celebrated THOR ALWAYS ROOM AT THE TOP Matters little what the state of business Is. or how mftiy are out of work, fraduates of this school manage to keep actively employed. Toung; men and women trained here readily qualify for better positions and work their way tip. .Ability and Industry, backed by ths knowledge .always command recognition especially for graduates of EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Oldest and Best Equipped Business School In the State Over Walker's Drug Store Phone 1100 Washing Machines have advanced in price $15.00 on each machine, making the total price now $140.00. We have limited number that we will sell at the old price $125.00. Buy a "Tho" Today and Save $15.00 $10.00 puts one in your home today. Quick action is necessary. Phone 478 64 Patton Ave. Electrical BIdg. Opp. P. O. For Sale for Beautiful Floors Beautiful floors are largely a matter of prevention the great secret is to put them in perfect condition and then keep them that way. Doorways, stain-treads and other parts re ceiving hard usage should be polished frequently. This re quires no great amount of time or effort, if the proper finish -is used. JEWEL WAX POLISH it the Proper Wax to Use One Pound Cans ........60c J.I. YATES 37 Haywood St. Groceries. and Serrtea. Phones 1715-1716 A Tire Saved Is Many Dollars Made We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Ouraequipment is modern our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 12 E. College St Swift Premium Hams, small, per lb 38c w Roberta -Oake Quality Brand Hams, small, per lb 35c Kingan, Virginia Hams, small, per lb 37c THE AUTOMAT Cash and Delivery E. J. Edwards, Mgr. Haywood Bldg. . Phone 3036 m Prime Rib Roast, Loins y of Pork, Veal and KAAafino. STAR MARKET three phones? ft "Wi are sKweasful caterers to variety of appetites." YOU Are invited to call and hear Hungarian Rhapsodic by the great RACHMANIOFF the greatest living pianist ' - on the NEW EDISON No obligation to purchase ' Service) and Satisfaction guaranteed Dunham's Music House The Home of High Grade Pianos

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