THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. The Mammoth Furniture Store COMFORTABLE OAK ROCKERS The assortment of Rockers we carry is in keeping with the High Quality of Furniture which pervades throughout our store. ' Many attractive patterns in armed -Rockers, Fumed and Golden Oak with leather and wood seats that are genuine val ues at $15 to $25. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS. 15-17 Broadway . Phone 226 24-26 Lexington Around Town ! in E. L. With Influents -Mr. and VIrs. Winn aro 111 with influenia. BOYS CHARGED WITH TAKING GANNONS! A. Cooper Better Ab. Ooope-. j c.WSOXS KTOI.KX FROM I OI X- wnu nun own 111, wu icponen 10 Dei better yesterday. ! TV COlllI' MOl si:. Mrs. Boyd Improve M is. K. Boyd. I who ha boen 111 for the past several ! days, Ih reported to be Improving;. Here from Winston Ills Donnio Brown, of Democrat, hag returned home from Winston-Salem where she has boen ill with Influenza. Conrad Gillespie and Patrick Moody 1 Held for Trial In Superior Court lit Mureli. Three Drop Corn Killer nmm'U VALENTINES and BOOKS Valentines, large selection 3c to 25c The Great Impersonation, by Oppenheim $1.75 A love story of charm and appeal, revealing in a thrill- , . ing way the German espionage. Roosevelt's Letters to His Children . . . . . . $2.50 About one hundred letters; a volume abounding with fun and humor, revealing Col. Roosevelt in a light unfamiliar to the public. ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 THE PAST TENSE of "Flu" is presumably "flown." Let's hope so. "Flown" is often the case with your money. "Money has wings" is an old saying, bht nevertheless a true one. . Have you ever noticed that the person that does not buy wisely finds this out every time. WHY NOT look ahead and plan for the future? Place your orders now for HARDWARE and BUILDING MATERIAL. You will save money. Prices are going up every day. Goods are get ting scarcer as the demand increases. We will help you clip the wings of your dollars. ' Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. Phone 142. A. T. ? ? ? WBP Return Home Misses Ueiinie and Esther Allman, of titockvillr, have re turned home from 'lntn-Salem, where they havo been 111 with Influenza. At Wea venule Herman i'. Dil lingham, of Weavervllle, Ih home visiting- friends and relatives and expects to return to Wlnston-Sitlem within a few days, whore he has a position. Much Improved Wayne Ueach wood. who , has been at the Mission hospital for the post several das. will return to his apartments at the Asheville club today, and expects to be in his office by Thursday or Friday. Official Local Weather l. S. Department of Agriculture earner Bureau. Local Weather Data For Feb. 8, 1920. Male or weather at 8 a. m. clour. Plato of weather at 8 p. ru. partly cloudy. Relative humidity at 8, a." m. 88 por cent. Relative humidity at 12.20 p. m. 42 per cent. Rolatlve humidity at 8 p. m. 53 per cent. Wind direction at 8 a. m. north east. Wind direction at. 8 p. m. south east. Time of sunrise 7:14 a. m. I Time of sunset 0:05 p. m. Local Temperature Data, Charged with taking two Hiuall braes cannons, given to tin; county by tha federal government, to be used as ornaments on the court house lawn, Conrad Gillespie and l'utrlck Moody, young men, wero arrested yesterday morning by the county authorities, and at a hearing before Magistrate II. L. Lyda, proable cause was found and the men bound over to Superior court, under bonds of $200 each, which they gave. The cannons had been placed In the rear of the county court house, since their receipt, pending arrangements J to mount them In tho front. They weigh 210 pounds eoah and tho ma-i Jority of the parts aro of brass. Thei boys aro said U have taken the can nons, only trio brass parts to A. Black a junk dealer, in the west end sec tion of the city who paid $40.80 for them. With this money the boys took trips to Salisbury and Spartanburg before they were taken by the county officers. The cannons were rocovercd and are now In the possesion of the county officers, who will hold them, as evidence In tho trials, which will co mo at the March term of Superior court, fop the trial of criminal cases. Tho boys pleaded not guilty, when arraigned before the magistrate yes terday, it is stated, claiming that they knew nothing about tho ufTutr. The officers have been working on the case for several days and mude the arrests as soon as the boys returned from their trips. The wi; to handle corns Is the tried and proved "Oeta-U" way the way that millions havo found quickest, easiest, safest and most reliable. A few drops of "Gets-It" knocks the hurt out of any corn at onoe and soon loosens It so It lifts right off without any feeling. Oh, what comfort! How grand to walk and dance and Jump with out a single twinge! Why not? "Oets-It," the never failing., guaran teed money-bade corn remover, oosts but a trifle at any drug store. Mf'd by K. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Sold In AehoviUe and recommended as the world's bTst corn remedy by onions j.rug Diore, i . a. itaysor, Asne- vllle. vlllo. Advt I New Millinery Modes j For Spring gfj Many expressions of artistic originality are revealed in , the Gadison display featuring ' V ! 11 Street Hats of Cellophane, Raffia, Taffeta, Satin. ff Novelty Straws and Fabric Combinations in small Hf and medium sizes, trimmed in unusual styles, many IH embroidered. HI Sports Hats of Ribbon, Novelty Silks, Rough 1 H Straws, Batavia Cloth and combinations of materials in all the smart sport shades and White. 1 CADISON'S 1 A FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES H Fourteen Biltmore Avenue K2 JUST ARRIVED A NICE LOT Or UHL ART STEEL TYPEWRITER DESKS TYPEWRITER STANDS TYPEWRITER CHAIRS Call and see item. The MoodyJefferies Co. Phone 2966 - J8 Haywood St 8 a. m 26 3 p. m 55 u, m i!8 4 p. m 56 10 a. m 32 6 p. in B0 11a. m 37 6 p. ni S3 12 noon 44 7 p. m SO 1 p. m 48 8 p. ni. . 45 2 p. m 63. Wet balb temperature at 8 a. m. 8 p. m. , 35. Strength Power-Ability Durability THE FOUR 'THINGS YOU SHOULD INSIST UPON IN TRUCK YOU BUY. MAKE SURE OF THEM BY CHOOSING A GRAMM-BERNSTEIN TRUCK 1,-1. 2. 2, ZVz, 5 Tons ERSKINE MOTORS CO. Slate Distributors 78-80 N. Lexington Ave. Wet bulb temperature at 12.30 p m. 36. Wet bulb temperature at 38. Highest 56; one year ago, Lowest 26; one year ago, 19. Absolute maximum 66, in 1918. Absolute minimum 12, in 1917. Average temperature today 41. Normal 38. Iiocal Precipitation Data For This Month. Normal 4.65 inches. Greatest amount 7.03 In, 1903. Least amount 1.04, in 1906. For la 24 .hours ending at 8 p m. none. ACCEPT INVITATION TO ATTEND MEETING- BIG DECREASE SHOWN IN INFLUENZA GASES after an Illness of 10 days of in fluenza, followed by pneumonia. The body of Dr. Tremter will be E BEST FQFT COLDS GALOTABS taken this afternoon at S: 30 o'clock to Portsmouth, Ohio, and will be ac companied by the parents of the de ceased, Dr. and Mrs. W; I. Tremter, where Interment will take place, 132 PARIS, Feb. 9. (Havas) Thci three Scandinavian nations have ac cepted the invitation of Holland to a conference at The Haguo on Kebru-J ary 16 to discuss participation in thei permanent court of International jus tice provided for by article 14 of the league of nations covenant the Chris tianla correspondent of the Temps says it was announced In Norwegian official circles. Switzerland under present plans also will take part In the conference. i The Temps say the proposed court 'apparently is Intended to try offend ers against the laws of war and believe It would furnish a basis for solution of tho problem arising from tho allied demand for the extradition of Ger mans accused of war guilt. Case Sunday and 60 Monday 16 Pneumonia Cases and 3 Deaths Are Reported. Washington Forecasts: WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Forecast: Virginia, rain and slightly warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, partly cloudy ana not mucn cnange in temperature. North Carolina: Fair, slightly warmer- Tuesday, except rain In ex treme west; Wednesday, probably rain. South Carolina: Fair Tuesday; Wednesday, probably local rains. Georgia: Fair Tuesday; Wednes day, partly cloudy, probably rain In northwest Florida: Fair Tuesday and prob ably Wednesday. Extreme nprthwest Florida, rain Tuesday; Wednesday, unsettled. Alabama: Fair Tuesday, except rain In extreme northwest; Wednes day, probably rain. Mississippi: Probably' local rains Tuesday and Wednesday; cooler Tues day In west. Tennessee and Kentucky: Fair, colder in west, rain in east Tuesday: Wednesday, unsettled. SAUNDERS QUITS AS CHAIRMAN OF CAUCUS WASHINGTON Feb. 9 Represen tative Saunders, of Virginia, who will soon retire from congress to accept appointmentos judge In the Virginia supreme court tonight resigned as chairman of the democratic caucus. Representative Dewalt, Pennsylvania, was elected as his successor. Tho week-end showed a big decrease In the number of new influenxa cases in Asheville, 63 new cases and 10 pneumonia cases being reported for Sunday and 80 cases and six pneu monia cases for Monday. Two deaths were reported for the f.wo days. This makes a grand total of. 1,425 cases and 15 deaths for the epidemic. At the Emergency hospital there are 39 patients, four now cases be ing admitted yesterday. Ten of the patients are suffering from pneu monia and two of tho number are in a serious condition. The two ladles in charge of the diet Kitchen at the Emergency hospital announce they wish to give up the work, owing to the strenuous hours observed and Mrs. Wilson, . superin tendent of the hospital states that Supt Weber of the city schools Is now looking out for others to take charge of this work. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen end movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking; COLD MEDAL OHIO MAN'S BODY TAKEN BACK HOME Dr. William J. Tremter died at the home of his brother, Vr. Hugh Trem ter, In West Asheville Sunday night Doctors Now Prescribe Calo tabs, the Purified Calomel Tablets, That Are Nau sealess, Safe and Sure. Doctors are warning the public that simple eolds and mild cases of Influ enza often lead to pneumonia and other serious complications. They say that .. every cold should receive im mediate attention and that the first step in the treatment is to make .sure that the liver Is active, For this pur pose Calotabs, the' perfected, nausea less calomel tablets are the surest, best and most agreeable laxative. ,-. One Calotab at bed time with a swallow of water that's all, no salta, no nausea, and no upsetting of the digestion and appetite. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver Is aotlre, your system Is purified and re freshed and you are feeling fins with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please, no danger. For your protection, Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, . price thirty-five cents. All druggists I recommend and guarantee ' Calotabs and are authorised to refund the pries If you are not delighted with them. Advt Vigorous Men and Women are in Demand If your ambition has left you, you happiness has gone forever unless you take advantage of C. A. Walker' magnificent offer to refund your'rrton. ey on the first box purchased if Wen dell's Puis, Ambition Brand, ao not put your entire system in fine con dltlon and give you the energy and . vigor you have lost. tie ambitious, be strong, Do vigor. . ous, Bring the ruddy clow or health to your cheeks and the righjt sparkle iu your eyes. Wendell's Pills. Ambition Brand, the great nerve tonic, - are splendid for that tired feeling, nervous trou bles, headaches,- restlessness, trem bling, mental depression, sleeplessness nervous indigestion, and loss of . ep- petite. xou tsKS tnem .wuh in is under standing that: In two 'days you will feel better. In a week you will feel nne, ana arter taxing one cox, it not . benefited, the druggist will refund the price of the box. Be sure and get a 80 sent box to day and get out of the rut.. Remora- ber C. A. walker and dealers every where are authorized to gnnrsntoe. . McFadden TAXI SERViQEf Hudson and Cadillac, Open and . Closed Cars. Day or Night, i t'bone and S374. STOP ITCHINi IG NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S BALK . TO CLOSE ESTATE Valuable Timber. Farm and orchard land at auction. At" the6 door of the Jackson County Court House, at Sylva, North Caro lina, between the hours of 1 and 8 p. m., on Wednesday, March 3,1920, the undersigned Administrator With the Will Annexed of William' Johnston, deceased, late of the County of Bun combe and State of North Carolina, wi" sen ai puouo outcry, to me nign est bidder for cash, lands belonging to- tne estate or tho said . William Johnston by virtue of twp adjoining state grants, Nos. C73 and 573, Issued to him Dec 5, 1859, and recorded in Book 4, pages 121 and 122, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Jack son County said lands lying on the waters of Cane Creek and Way-ye-butta Creek in Cullowhee Township, Jackson County, North Carolina. Further announcement will be made at the time and place of sale. Also see note below. This advertise ment is posted at four public places; in jacicson county, and appears in the Jackson County Journal and Asheville papers. WM. JOHNSTON, JR., Administrator With the Will Annexed of William Johnston," deceased, Asheville, X. C. , This January SO, 1920. , ' , Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There 19 one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, jJtaples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes .most skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The . W. Rose Co Cleveland, O. NOTE It Is estimated that we hold aboout one thousand acres, free from all adverse claims, udder these grants 672-573. The land is practl eally all covered with its original Um ber except for some poaching. Large quantities of saw . timber, acid wood, pulp wood, tan bark. locust timber, poles, cross ties and miscellaneous stuff. ' Prospects of mica and other min erals. The Way-ye-hutta Copper mine lies within nailing distance. A fine grass, orchard and stock farm propo sition. Fnr further sa th property, &c, apply to SUTTON gmiXWEM Lawyers. Sylva, N. C WM. JOHNSTON. Jr.. Box 848, ' Asheville, N. C - THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND NEVER ' SUSPECT IT Applicants Por Insurance - Of en Rejected. IS BURNED TO DEATH IN BLAZE AT FRISCO One Killed, Many Hurt in Apartment House fire. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. Mrs. Mary E. Donoho was burned to death and 82 others received burns and other injuries in a fire Which destroy ed the Berkshire apartments, a five story building, here early today. . The origin or the fire has not been de termined. The property loss was es timated at 1100,000. CITIES IN 'SCHEDULE. WASHINGTON. Feb. B. The war department announced today- the southern cities at which Lieutenant Maynard will give flying- demonstra tions and lecture on airplane con struction and maintenance. - as fol lows: Norfolk, Fayetteville, Colum bia, ' Jacksonville, Savannah. Bir. mingham, Jackson, New Orleans, Lit tle Kock, JXasnville, Louisville.' Knox. ville, Greensboro, Raleigh and Rich mond. The world's standard remedy for kidney. uver, Diaaaer and uric acid troubles, famous sines 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. Ia three sixes, all arugguts. Guaranteed as represented. t the mm GeU MWel ea every Ua YOUR COMPLEXION CAN BE MADE WHITE, SOFT AND YOUTHFUL 'Judging; from reports from drug. gists wno are constantly, in direct touch with the public there i Attn preparation tfiat has been very suc cessful in overcoming these conditions The mild and heallnv inti Kilmer's Swamp-Root la soon rulli' It stands the hishut fftf itm a fin able record of secern. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Com panies, in an interview of the sub ject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many appli cations for insurance are rejected 'is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose are declined do not even suspect that they hare the disease. -Iw. Kilmer s owirap-nmt is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. ' Howewr,.f you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton. N. I -J for a Sample bottla Whan writln. be sure and mention th Anh.trin. Mlsen. lAdvt), Nasty Colds Get instant relief with 'Pape's Cold Compound" By the Use of the BLACK and white Beauty Treatment. 'Pon't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling"! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usu ally breaks up. a cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas sages, or your neaa; stops nose run ning; relieves' the headache, dullness, feverlshness, sneezing, , soreness, stiff nees. "Pape's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only few cents af drug stores. It . acts with .Hit assistance. Tastes nice. Contain no QUinlae. Insist onj Tape's." . .- A4vt Every woman wishes to appear beau tiful. The ' savage . maiden tattoea her skin, fixes lings in her nose and uses other crude ornaments to make herself more attractive. An example or present ly Deauty among .civuixeo women is i soft, velvety skin and a radiant comDlex. ion. To : tm Drove your complexion, van should not use anything that hides your laaea, pimpiy, oioicny sain, nucn ap plications last only a few hours, and are injurious to tne aeucate win tissue in many cases. You can make your complexion beau- ,1 ... I h . ..I .w .1 ! , UtU " J I.IIIV,III III. WUWI. K. low, blotchy skin with the BLACK and whitk uesuty Treatment, wnicn con sists Of a creamy ointment and soao. This beauty treatment will not Injure the skin and Is easy to apply. Before retiring you thoroughly cleanse the skin with BLACK and WHITE Bonn: then mix and apply BLACK and WHITE Oint ment accordingly to directions, The BLACK and WHITd Beauty Treatment will also remove pimples, sun freckles, insect bites, skin blotches, liver spots and other unsightly blemishes of the skin. Remember that the BLACK and WHITE Beauty Treatment Is dif ferent from other cosmetics In that it re movesdoes not cover or hide thai blemishes. Tou can buy BLACK and WHITE Oint ment and Soap at all good drug stores for 26c each a psxkage, or the manu facturers will send bojh postpaid on re ceipt of 80c Tou can get a free sample, literature ana a black, ana whith Hirtnoay and Dream Book. If you will clip and mail this advertisement to -BLACK and WHITK. Box til, Uemshia. Teni). DLAC.fe7IIJTE COURTESY One of the Assets of This Business Courtesy is a virtue of which we may all be possessed. It is a virtue that costs us nothing to acquire; and one of which we can not have too much. . .'' ' ' t It is more than kindness. It is kindness plus dignity and refinement. It courts the good opinion of others.' Courtesy from one to another begets respect and ad miration. It is a prominent guidepost on the highway of advancement. . - People who favor this store with their patronage have every right to expect and receive courteous attention. That's an essential . instilled into every ' one in the Anthony Bros, stores. S v 35 PATTON AVENUE