THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920, glankets and Comforts ' t At 2:10 'O'clock yesterday afternoon raa solemnlied the marriage of Mien t.Uy Tryon Meriwether to Mr. 'George jj. Degge. Tne ceremony marKea with sacredness, solemnity and elm pie beauty of detail, was quietly per formed in the presence of thirty or more relative and intimate irienae . f the couple. In the . apartment of : the bride' parent in the Carolina apartment house. With a back ground banked with palm, an Im provlwd altar waa artistically nr " ranged, with garland of southern v iroilax flanked by ferns and potted plants, on each aids of which m.iod white standards holding threo tall ' and stately lighted taper. Through ' out the room were placed crystal rases filled with freeslas and anpura gus fern. The vows were apoken by . Kev. Willi O. Clark, rector of Trln . Ity Kpiscopal church. Previous to the ceremony, Mr. E. L. Wolslagel i played Barnby's "O Perfect Love." . and during the ceremony he oftly - ' rendered "Call Me Thine Own," on the violin. Mr. Degge had a his best man Mr. Robert K. Williams, of thl city. The bride, who was unatteml V nd, was given in marriago by her .' father, Mr. V. L, Meriwether. She wore a smart suit of French blue and a small hat of brown. Her corsage . was an exquisite affair of ireeslas end aweetpeas. Immediately afterwards, v Mr. and Mrs. Degge left for a short "honeymoon of a wee't, after which ' they will return to Asheville and will be at home in the Carolina Apart ment house. Miss Elizabeth Walrosley. of Wash - Ington, P. C., who has been visiting " .Mis Katherinw Horner at her home . on Haven aero ft place, was the hon or guest at,a small and informal aft ernoon tea given yesterday. Jt J Miss Marian Bailey was hostess ' Saturday evening at her home In the Carolina Apartment house at an ln- formal card party. During the even ' : lug the young folk enjoyed dancing . aiter several rounds or cards, ,tf. r The following from an exchange wui interest muslo lovers in the city . Extensive plan are under way for a great musical festival to be held in New York from April to Apr.ll 11 under tne auspices of the New Tork Oratorio. society and under the .. musical direction of Walter Dam' : roach, conductor of the New York Symphony orchestra. Forty year ago Dr. Leopold Dam roach, father of Walter Damrosch, directed the first Important muslo festival In New York. The two or- ganlsatlon of which ha wa founder, the New York Bymphony and Ora torio societies, formed a nucleus for the undertaking, as they do today. Audience of 8000 persona packed the seventh regiment armory nightly for , , six performance. People cam from all yr the country to attend. Even those whose interests were not musi cal were drawn m by the magnitude of the affair. Walter Damrosch, then a boy of It. drilled two of the 4 chorouse for thl festival. Walter Damrosch and Anne Louisa Carey, a great contralto of that day, are the sole survivors of the entire roster of . tne festival. The present festival In the word of , tne omcial announcement, "will nn. doubtedly equal and perhaps surpass ieuceor corn in scope ana , quaBty, Its avowed purpose la to . supply an impulse for the promo tion of musical culture by a pre sentation of varied and exciting pro gram of the best muslo on such a gigantic, almost spectacular, scale , that it will be bound to attract huge audiences." Jl J v Mr. and Mrs. Maurice K. Cotton returned to their home at Louis ville, Ky. after a stay of several week as guest at Orova Park Inn. Mr. and Mrs. g'. D. Sessions, whoj " oeen nere rqr several day, have , , returned to their home in Georgia. ' Mr. and Mrs. George. TV Degge left yesterday for a short stay after which they will be at home in the Caro lina apartment . house. Mr. fj ifn."aL.' Torrance and Captain Torrance have arrived from (.neir noma in Canada and are guests i ioe manor. . . ... Mr David Sheroh left Sunday for w lors'city, wnere she will spend Mis Grace Moore recently visited iruuas ai canton ror several days. Mr. D. S. Bennett, of Knoxvllla, im nere ror a oner stay. Mr. Ralp Aiken Is visiting her . eieier mi uurnara ror a snort while. Mr, Frank A. Waldrop and small on, of Atlanta, Oa.(i who have been in the city for a week or more, left yesterday for a stay In the north. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rees have ; come from their home at Cedarhurst, , L. I., and are the guest of Mr. Rees' parents. Mr. and Mr. Arthur F. Rees, at their residence on HI Km ore avenue. Mr. W. C. Greenwood has been at Charlotte for a brief stay. Mr. James Mitchell, who has been spending several days in th'o city as a guest at Margo Terrace, has re turned to his home at New York city. Miss Margaret Allen has returned to her home In the city, after vieltlng friends at Savannah, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Jr.. of Detroit. Mich., are spending some tfme in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson, who have been here for Rome time, have re turned to their home in Georgia. Mrs. T. A. Holder, of Canton, re cently visited friends In the city. Mr. Richard E. Mummaugh, of Parkersburg, W. Va., Is the guest of Mr. and Mr. J. H. Grogg at their home on Spear avenue. Mr. J. T. Penn.. of Brooklyn, N. Y.. came yesterday for a short Rtay here Mrs. William T. Morris, who ha been with relatives In Florida, has returned to the city. Mr. Paul Gearhart spent jerfterday in the city with friends. Mr. Roger Meriwether, who 1 at tending college in Kentucky, came the first of the week for a stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Meri wether, and to be present for the marriage of his sister. Miss Lily Tryon Meriwether, and Mr. George Degge, which took place yesterday afternoon. Res anoi the tested skin treatment "Resinol is what you want for your kin-trouble Kcsinoi to the itch ing and burning Resinol to heal the eruption. This gentle ointment has been so effective for years in treating eczema, ring worm, itching, burning rashes, and sorts, that It ha become a standard skin treatment It con tains nothing that could Irrftat the tenderest skin." Yoor druggist will also tell yon tha Resinol Ointment Is excellent for re lieving the smart, itch, and barn of cnosquito-bites, and Insect-stings, It soothe and cools skins burned by wind or sun. Ail dealers sell Resinol Ointment Mert wks utt Tteunol Shaving Stick' find seething btwnt lomectt-tary. Mr. A. L. Bhort, Jr., of Black Moun tain, has gone to Bristol, Tenn., where he will make his future homo, Mrs. William Hamlin Beattle, of Greenville, a C, arrived yesterday ana is with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Oates, at their home in Orove Park for a stay of a week. Mr. and Mrs. Whltnev. of Cleve land. Ohio, arrived the first of the week for a short visit In Asheville. Miss DeWItt Chatham, who him been visiting friend at Nashville and Memphis. Tenn.. has returned tn hr home at Wlnton-8alem. Mlm Chat ham I well known here, where she has spent' much time. Mrs. H. O. Enaford. of Phllmtni. phla, Pa., has been in the eitv for short stay before going to Florida for tne season. Mr. R. G. Munroe and famllv. nt New York city, are among the re cent arrivals at Grove Park inn. Mr, George Bhuford has been spending a week with his parents In the city. Mr. Merrlt Lum, of Chicago, m, 1 at Grove Park Inn for a stay. Mr. Louis Carr. of Pissah Vnrmmt spent yesterday in the city. W. B. Phllllns. formerlv Hill, a C., but more recently with the Observer at fhnflntto ho. ... rived in the cltv and trnea nrith h Draes' staff. Asheville on. passenger train No. 21 for a few weeks' honeymoon. Work On Building. The new store and office building now under construction by the firm of Gaston & Tate le beginning to neur completion. This building, which was constructed out of solid conorete for the basement, will be finished with nice pressed brick and the better order of glass front, and If mo present weatner prevails for a wnne, tne iaes of Murch will see Marlon with another A-l business building on Main street. J. M. ANDERSON DIES AT BLACK MOUNTAIN Mrs. Anderson Accompanied the Re main to Cleveland, O. (Special te The Cltlxan.l BLACK MOUNTAIN, Fob. 8 John McAhan Anderson, formerly of Cleve land, Ohio, who came to Black Moun tain with his wife about a year ago tor inn ( neaun, aiea (Saturday night. Short funeral service was held at the undertaking parlors, conducted by Rev. T. A. Cosgrove. of Asheville, Rev. Teague and Rev. Justice. Mrs. Anderson accompnnled the remain to Cleveland, Ohio, Monday after noon. Wayland Hmith, who came here several years ago for his health, died en Friday while , on a visit to his mother at Aydon. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. He was con nected with the Black Mountain Au S ORE THROAT or Tonailitis, gargle with, warm salt water, then apply- VICKS VAP0R1 YOUR BOOYGUABO-' - 30. 0. m urn, IjgectontMothers Relieves Discomfort; tRjumas smuuioR ca Dwr mh tium Oa Miss Mamye Norton United in Marriage to Mr. John Bolton. NO COLD IS TOO HEAVY FOR BELL'S It helps Nature quickly and thoroughly. Dr. Bell'a Pine-Tar-Honey does STOP totinj around a disagreeable and dangerou. eoid. Let Dr. Bell's Pine-Tr-Honey exert its ability as a supremely beneficial help in relieving phlegm, stufhness, in-' nammation, congestion, hoarseness, difficult breathing' Let it help you as it regularly helps thousands ol others lor whom its balsamic and heating antiseptic never fail to promote-result Safe for the little ones, too. An economical bottle can be procured from your druggist today. That's the wise thing to do. 30c., 60c., $1.20. . Flabby Skins Become Finn and Youthful With The patting in of the Muscle Oil daily and the application of the Skin Toning Lotion after Marinello Rest Facial A eingle treatment rests the tired nerves and improves the complexion. Information Free. Mr. Date Marim-llo shop S6 Haywood St, Phone U71. If you are in need of Blankets or are not fully supplied for the coming season we sug gest you see our stock of Blankets now. We have a full line of Cotton Cotton with Wool Finish, Wool and Cotton mixed and all Wool Indian Robe Blankets, a splendid sam Dle line, all Western Wool. SincrU R1anL-ra lrf v Tfl I 1 I .wv.....6, wuui buvcis ui cjiua ' , im nil u-a rwf-1 r i- .. 1 jcai u ii utuiuvcx vyui v .nil 1 1 nr i unp is nrprrinrv Annrr l 111 U..t 1 1 i e i i wui me vtiiuca arc wonaerrui CQnsiaenng present prices. i I r--..-- Dl 1.-.- f - en . . ( J w.taKMB IllIll J J miy 111 y iw , . . vv j wooi rinisn Dianitets, rrom 93. p QQ JBianitets pUe I O Part Wool BlankeU, from $3.40 fT f"A to $7.50 Wool BlankeU, from $9,00 $18 75 Wool and Cotton Mixed, white or rfQ rA plaid PO)7 I I 1 1 i H COMFORTS Cotton Comforts, from $2.95 to Wool Comforts, from $10.00 to . $7.25 $11.50 tomobll company for some time. Mrs. Howard Curly and daughter are 111 with Influenza. Mr. IT. E. Alford is seriously ill and was taken to a hospital In Ashe- Ere. If they Tire, Itch, 1 fa Smart dr Bum. if Sore. OUR ti CO Granulated, usa Murina Often, Seothea, Bafreafcee. Safe fox Infant or Adult At aU Draggista. Write for (Soeelal to Tha Cltnnn Marion, Feb. 9. A' very beautiful wedding; was- solemnized Saturday evening at the home of Mr. J., C. Nor ton in Park Mill. Marion, when his daughter. Miss Mayme Norton, was unnea in marriage to Mr. John S. Bolton, of Charlotte. The wedding took place at 6 o'clock n. m. nv. W .B. Lassiter, oaator of Marion Episcopalian church, officlattnar. A number of close personal friends were present. Mrs. Bolton has been em ployed as stenographer for several years by the la.w firm of Morgan and Chambers, and Is one of the most popular ladies of Marion. Mr. Holtnn Is a superintendent for the Power company at Bridgewater, at present. The happy couple went to Just Try E2B2I52 To-night .iui "0"uWy It relesm and Incrcan tfcjbll and Kts ti luifi'b Hver and tmrTy bowjli ilu aetloa. Jutt tmooth, comfortable nlM for men, women, boys and girl .aS NEW SILK SWEATERS In All the Late Styles and Shad es Recent shipments include the popular coat effect with either shawl or square collar and with, sash ends or the smart double-belt effect. Shades featured for spring are purple, navy, eppenhagen, medium blue, Nile, black and tan; also tan with brown trim, white with black and black with white. Prices are from $39.50 to $72.00 extremely reasonable for aU-silk Sweaters this season. GROWING DEAF WITH DEAD NOISES? TRY THIS KRYPTOK GLASSES for OLD eyes that wiah to be YOUNG again. "KNOW TJ3 BY THE SIGN" OPTOMETHI8T. 78 Patton Ave. Below P. O. If you are growing hard of hearing and fear Catarrhal Deafness or if you have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises In your ears go to your druggist and get 1 ounce ' i-Brmini taouoie sirengtn), and add to It 4 pint of hot water and a little granu lated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a duy. This will often bring quick relief from the dlRtreanlng head noisea. Clogged nos trils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the , imuav. 11 is eusy io prepare, costs little ,and is pleasant to take. Anyone who la i threatened with Catarrhal Deafness or i who has head noises should give this pr , acrlptlon a trial. Advt 1 ' I rT?i Fau "WtiTt PARELl fiay mental . EDWARD A. FARLEY 16 S. PackSq. Asheville, N. C. AVOID THE :FLU" KEEP DOWN the DUST APEX ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaner Phone 3409 for Demonstration Percival Shuttles. Repr. 132 Spears Are. . vllle on Saturday. Mrs. Ham by I critically 111 at her home In Black Mountain. J. M. Mason's family are all 111 with influenza. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Has a large new stock o( ' PIAYEH PIANOS PLATER ROLLS COLUMBIA RECORDS Give n yoor patromise. Wu will appreciate It. 16 Patton Arenas) William O, (Billy) Evans, well known American league baseball um. plre, born in Chicago, 34 years ago to day. . WAYNES VILLE, N. C. SUYETA PARK HOTEL Only Steam Heated Hotel in Waynearflle . AH Modern Conveniences. Open AO the Year Special Attention Given the Commercial Trade Spring Coats Wonderful Styles in Beautiful Materials Priced $16.50 and up !' The lsu Find "' II , These Suggestions For I 11 II PALM BEACH HAS ACCEPTED THEM " J Jj g Youth and gracefulness are expressed in these 1 ' gnB modes of the new season. Suits that possess the Ig - newest and smartest touches. Gowns of pleas- ing richness in the seaso 1 ; IS x ti -:- 27-29 HAYWOOD 1 4

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