THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MOKNIXd, FEBRUARY 1U, 1920. BOY SCOUTS START GOOD TURN PROGRAM HIKES TO BE TAKEW TODAY AXD TOMORROW. Scouts All Over America Are Observ ing the National Week Purl of tlio I'rograrn Given lp Ilcrr. Six member of the Boy Suouu of thla city will leave this morning- for Mount Mitchell where they will upend the night and come back tomorrow. C. Walter Johnson, community boy'x work secretary, will havo charge f the boya and they are expeeteil have a splendid time. - The boya of Troop No. 1 will Wednesday morning; at 8:30 nV at the Y. M. C. A. and will hik. Cedar cliff where they have plrne lo spend the day. W. A. Allen, s master of the troop, will acenmp.. the boya. and thla bike promise he one of the best one day hikes the members of the troop has ever lak:i. A large part of the program for the observance of the National Boy tjcout week had to bo abandoned on account of the health ban. These hikes and trips which the boys have planned to make are a part of the program and have been looked forward to with much interest by the boys for the past several weeks. Several other troops of the city have also planned trips which they will probably tuke before the week is over. During the week of February 8 to 14 hundreds of thousands of Boy Scouts of America a31 ovr the coun try will celebrate the tenth anniver sary of the movement, which will be observed everywhere as "National Good Turn Week." A feature of the anniversary pro gram will be the inviting through Dome channel of every man, woman and child in tho land to adopt for that week the Boy Scoiit habit of doing a good turn to someone each day. In many states the governors have issued formal proclamations in behalf of Good Turn Week , and mayors of many cities have taken similar action. During tho first ten yeara of scout ing In the United States there have been over one million, two hundred thousand American boys who huve re. reived training in citizenship through the "physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight" program of the Boy Scouts of America. Almost 17,000 troops ot scouts havo been organized, and the movement is now established in every state and in practically every county In the United States. Sunday, February 8, was observed nationally as Scout ' Sunday, and churches of all denominations every where held "Good Turn" services. On Sunday evening at 8:15, scouts of every city and every village In the ' land united in a renewal of their scout oath. I Wherever "he was at thfet hoiir, ' everyone of the 379,826 scouts and the 108,083 scout leaders stood at scout ealute and took anew his obligation to do his best to do his duty to find and to country and to obey the scout law. Definite programs for each day of Oood .Turn Week are being fanned by the 18,986 troops of scouts, and a feature of the week's celebration will, be the holding of fathers and norm banquets. "High as were the hopes of those of us who helped organize the Hoy Scouts of America ten years ago, the result have far exceeded even our eager vision," said James M Wtst. chief executive of the Boy Scouts of America, in commenting upon the ten years' history of the too ut move-i ment. I "Kvery scout and scout official looks back with pride and gratitude ever OLD-TtME COLD CURE DBnnCEOT TEA1 Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling' water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at; any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the gktn, relieving1 congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking up a cold, the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. ,It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. STIFF ACHING JOINTS Bub Soreness from Joints and muscle: with a small trial bottfe of old St. Jacobs liniment Stop "dosine" Rheumatism. It's pain only ; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating' "St. Jacobs Lini ment" right on the ''tender spot," and by the time yoa aay Jack Robinson out comes tha rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Liniment ia a-harmless rheu matism Cure which never disappoints and doeant burn tha skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from ach ing: joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, htmbafro, backache, neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 30 cent bottle of old-time, honest '"St. Jacobs Liniment" from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be free from .pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer I Rub Rheuma tism away, . . The Cathartic 7 v'p Break Up That Cold; Avoid Influenza Vm caa't aflbrd a tiiaa vita ooU. It r ana u) tafwnst other Mrioaa trouble Start IcbUag katoocawtta mothers jror HS&2Su SALVE II AppHae' rurally ta tbs throat and chMt, it iue to ta mm tat la. oatUiK.innB tag tad abao. lutaly hannlaas to the tcndcraN Urn. Doctors reoaaunean Hi Bay it ft your tmifJm those ten year of. scouting Just past, with their remarkablo attendant growth. In numbers, prestige. and op portunity of service. In all humility, I think we can truly say that tho Boy Scouts of America have Jim'lilert their existence as a vital factor In the life of the nation. "The war service rendered by scouts In particular proved beyond question that the scout-will to surve God end country Is no Idle boast that boy scouts hold themselves ready to five full measure of service at all times and in every emergency. "As we look back with pride, we look forward to the next ten yeara with hope, feeling .that what has been accomplished Is only the beginning oi what the Boy Scouts of America may vet do to I ave tho nation's boyhood committed to keep itself 'physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight' " SERVICES FOR J. M. BYERLY AT 1 O'CLOCK Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Avery's Creek Baptist church for J. M. Byer ly, aged 62, who died at his home Monday morning about 2 o'clock. The deceased was formerly of Ashe villo and hud been living in the Averys Creek section for the past four years. 'Ho was well known here and also in the section where he lived. FKRNAID'8 BILL- PASSED. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. A bill by senator Fernald, republican, of Maine abolishing the housing corporation and transferring its affairs to the treasury department on June 80 next. was passed by the senate today. It now. goes to the house. Ftttnout Old Recipe for Cough Syrup Eesilr aad cheaply made at hams, bat it beiata them all tar Quick reaalta. Thousand! "of houfewlves have found that they can save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough prepara tions, by using the well-known old recipe for making cough syrup at home, it Sa simple and cheap but it lias no equal for prompt results. It takes rijrbt hold of a cough and gives immedisto relief, usually stopping an ordinary cough in 24 hours or less, r Get Va ounces of Pinex from any i druggist, pour it into a pint bottle and addphun granulated sugar syrup to make a fufi pint. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, ot corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly, and lasts h family a long time. It's truly astonishing hew quickly it acts, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lun?s loos ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely Die annoying throat tickle - and dreaded cough diss ppearentirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, coarseness or bronchial asthma. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, known the world over for Its Dealing effect on '.he membranes. avoid disanointment by asking your ilroggiat for "2Va ounces of Finer" with full directions and don't accept anything lse. Guaranteed to give absolute satis-' faction or money promptly refunded The Fines Co Ft. Wayne, Ind, Your liver Is Clogged Up Thai's Why You're Tired -Oof of Saris Have N Appcille CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER TILLS will pnt you right in a tew flay They act quickly CARTERS though gently and give na v tare a chance to renew vour health. Cor net const! Da I ITTLE IVER PILLS Hon, biliousness, indigestion and akb headache. Small Pin Satan Itaa) 8au0 irb DR. CARTER'S IRON 111X8, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Aneaata, Raaasat1sat, Nervaasaeaa, , Sieeplesaaeaa and Female WeaJcaess, SWtffctfllaaafenr (Wrf&C Mtw rowgiai M mf a, sad atdlnc ta Mm ouak It is MM a takw TMII 1,1 g I fkV i Cam Cram & Mi asmanmmaaaaw MANY PACKAGES OF SEED AT CITIZEN Canlcu Swd Keut By Congressman Weaver IW Distribution. A large number of people called at the bualneaa utile of the CltUen ye.s terday for the garden tc6a which were sent to (he Cltlzea for dutrlbu tion through the coiuroay of Coiigreks- I man Zebulon Weaver. There were Ave mall baus of the seeds and three uf them were given away .yesterday to the people that asked for them. These needs are In-j tended probably for a hot bed, as they i are the small variety of vegetables,! ineludlng lettuce, parsnips, onion, beet, and radish. MATTERS OF RECORD. - Yesterday the following realty transfers were tiled for registration: U H. tJlevenaon to W. W. O- Vtnrnii tnt r.u I. .In utiAAi Oil ,.n. other considerations. ! William Coleman to 1 II. Steven-i son, lot on Iola street, $10 imd other' considerations. Edward Sumner lo A. O. Hall, lot in West Asheville, $10 and other consid erations. J. U. Kamscy to J. 11. Ramsey, lot on Blkwood avenue, $10 and other considerations. '. A. Donnuhoe and C. T. Rawls to J. C. Fisher, et ul., lot on corner Burt lett and Blanton streets, $10 and other considerations. Woodfin Lttud company to J. O. Ramsey, lot on Elkwood avenue, $10 and other considerations. 1j. M. McCormick to J. F. Morrow, lot on Chestnut Hldge avenue, $10 and other considerations. F. M. Redman to Minnie 1 Red man, property In Asheville, $10 and other considerations. H. Frlsbeo to M. V. Friabee, et nl., property in 1-ielemter township, $10 and other considerations. J. M. Baird to J. M. Chambers, lot in Weaverville township, $10 and other considerations. I Mrs. Kmma H. Stewart to Guy Weaver, lot on Magnolia avenuo, $5, 200. Alice M. Ray to J. M. Rayfi lot In Norwood park, $10 and other consid erations. Holmwood Realty company to Paul O. Owsley, Tot on Kdgemont road, $16,000. MARRIAGK MCKXSKS. Licenses for the marriage of the I PEPSATED ASPIRIN BEST FOfl NEURALGIA GOLDS & RHEUMATISM Believes Pain and Does Not Upset the Stomach. The best form In which to take Pepsated Aspirin tho Aspirin is compound tablets of pure aspirin and pepsin. Pepsated Aspirin pqssesses all the medicinal properties of aspir in, and on account of the presence of pepsin, it can bo taken as freely as desired without upsetting; the stomach Pepsated Aspirin is used to advant age wherever aspirin would be ot benefit Buy it of your druggist. Adv, I -Fvery Roltl p- yWlffJL 'llillllllillH!;!''"!St 112 Millions used last year to KILL COLDS CASCARAQUININI 'Standard cold remedy for 30 years I uoiet lorm uie, imre, no ilatca breaka up a cold in 24 hour relieves grip in 3 dayi. back if It laila. The ulna box hat a Red top with Mr. Hill'a picture. At All Draw Am following were Issued: William Stepp. ot lilaek Moun'.uln. to Susie Davis, of Mortal. tun. James V. Uurim, uf Tule.h. Ohio, to Bertha Carolyn, of Waierhurv . Kj. Willie Oreen. uf Asheville. tu liessie Xllen. of Marshall. James C. Kitchens, uf Greenville, S. C, to' Marie Capron. of l'neolet. S. C. William Proctor, colored to HatUe Mason, both of Greenville. ADOPTS Sil'W .SCHEDClil. CHICAOO, Felt. 9. The American association bum ball league today adopted a 1C8 game sehednlo at Its meeting here. Th season will open on April 14, with the following games: Columbus at Louisville; Toledo nt Indianapolis; Minneapolis at Kansas City, and St. Paul at Milwaukee. v. m. l ih ,flH I (Sffsx mm t (.ll IV I HI E III I I a i I III l K I I H tf 1 1 1 V f mi II IVAi 111 At the first chill! Take Genuine Aspirin marked with the "Bayer Cross" to break up your Cold and relieve the Headache, Fever, Stuffiness. ' Warning! To get Genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 19 years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," and look for the name "Bayer" on the package and on each tablet. Always say "Bayer." Each "Bayer package" contains safe and proper directions for the relief of CokJs also for Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis and for Pain generally. D Boxes of 12 Bottles of 24 Bottles of 5yer-TabletsofAsDirin JUplrtn la tha trsda mark of Barer Manufacture of Moaoaeetleaaldaatar of falfcrllcacls What Is Rheumatism? Why Suffer from It? Soffarara Shoold Realizw Thai It U Blood Infection. boabtiess like other sufferers, yoa he often asked yourself this question, which continues to re main nnaiwered. Scieact has proTCtt that Rheu matism is caused by a fern ia your blood, aad the only wav to reach it is by a remedy which eliminates and removes these lit tle pain demons. l CASE CHILD DIED ON MONDAY NIGHT ! Funeral services will be held thin ' nun iiIiik at SiU'dis chureli In lower I Vlominy township fur K.ilph Cane, ! who died nt his home on the Ililt- I iiune estate Monday night about . 7 . o'oloek. The child was the non of Mr. uiul I .Mr Arthur Case, of the Uillmure es ! tllte. LE AQUEPLANS TO 1 ABOLISH SPITBALL ) CHH'AliO. Fob. a. -The spltball ; ' will bo abolished In the American I league after the close, of the 1920 j ! season, tho board of directors meet- log here today decided. ! i During the coming seuson each club will he permitted to carry two spit- hall twlrlern. who?ie names niUHt he ! placed on tile at league headejuu rters ' prior to the opening of the seuson. ) j JOCKEY AND MOUNT KILLED IN A FALL I NKV ORUKANH. Feb. ! - Jockey j Jack Sullivan, It yeara old. and his ' iftount. Kory O'More, were Instantly killed in u bad spill rounding 'the last turn in the third race at the fair grounds here today. Alula, fin ishing tlrst was. held responsible for the accident and was disqualified. Flying Witch with Jockey Coltilet tl up also fell, but both escaped in jur). Sulllvuu was a New Orleans boy. ' pelegutes from many parts of the United States will gather In Boston today for the thirty-second annual 'convention '' 'ho Christian and M's slonury alliance. 100 Alio Cspiulct All druggliti S. S, S. has been toccessfnlry used for Shemnatism for mora thaa fifty years and many volon tary testimonials are on file from those whom it has benefitted. Try it to-day, aad yoa will find your self at last on the right track ta ret rid oi year Rheumatism. For treatment of your individual case, address Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specie (j Co Dcj- 43, At lanta, Ga. Children Cry The Kind Ton ITaTo Always Bonsht haa borne th strnsv tore ot Chat. 11. Fletcher, and baa been made under Ida pernonal aupervislon for over iO yeara. Allow no one to deceive yoa In this. CoantereiU, Imitation and 'Just-as-ffood" are but experiment, and endanger tlie jieaitn oi CDOitiren jcjprnencc ngainss Kzpertmenu What is orla Is a harmless i C'antnriu, la a, harmless substitute for Castor OiL Pare- Sorlc, Drops and Mootnln ynrp. It contains neither pltun. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. For ' more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Collo and . Diarrhoea t allaying FeTerlshness arlalny therefrom, nnd by rfjrnlatlng; the Stomach and Dowels, aids the as slmllatlon of Food; irlrlnjr healthy and natural sleeps Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend , Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought 'Bears the m w a In Uso For Over 30 Years , Count the Needless Footsteps An Extension Would Save ' ' '..'..-. ... How about the time lost by you and your; office force in running to the telephone? , Not only the lost time and lost energy, but the prolonged interruption from work which one or more extensions, conveniently placed, ould save for you. ' Most offices have expanded and we are now able to furnish extension telephones in connection with your present service. The cost is only a few cents a week. Call the Manager's office today. s- - ASHEVILLE TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY L b After being sterilized, filled and sealed, each bQttle of Chero Gola is labelled with the famous four-color label. This label is your guarantee of a pure, wholesome drink! Without this label t it isn't Chero-Cola. The automatic machine labels bottles at the rate of two-a-second, or 7,200 each hour. Nov you know some of the rea sons why everyone admits " There 's Non So Good". 3 for Flotchcr'o Signature of 3 CASTOR I A

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