8 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. LATEST NEWS OF NORTH CAROLINA CfJE IS SLAIN AND SEVERAL WOUNDED f, ! HOOVER'S BOOM IS GAINING MOM ENTUM IN THE STATE l iUfJTl F EUD . Ifenoir Mule KiUe4 Out right Five Others Ser iously Hurt. McAdoo Supporters Worried Over Growing Sentiment PAGE SUPPOR T TO MEET TUESDAY L BUILD! J.C., The Loss is Estimated at About $24,000 Nothing is Saved. the building and the loss much valuable equipment. . Includes William O. (Ditty) Evans, well known Amorlcan, league basoball um pire, burn tn Chicago, 36 yearn ago to day. ! ear DOSE AND IN BOTTUS JO. JO'lM' for Hoover Many Independent Voters Declare They To Discuss Campaign Plans Are for Former Food Administrator. at Conference. PISTOLS AND AXES ARE USED IN FIGHT Andrew LeFevdr and Fath ' er Severely Injured in Bloody Encounter. Snealal a The Cltlien.) MOROAMTON. N. C. Feb. 9. The details of one of the moet horrible and blood-curdling fights and murder that hae ever occurred in. Burke county have been slowing coming to light today. They reveal old feuds, family difference and the tffects of blockade liquor. Lenoir Mull la oeaa, Andrew LeKever is eald to have about one chance in a hundred to recover, JJack LeFever, Tom Mull, Alf. Mull and Toole -Mull- are cut and beaten . . with heavy degree of Seriousness. Some of the participants of the fight are in the Itespltal, some in Jail, hut with those able to attend a hear ing and with What testimony hag been secured Solicitor R, 1. Huffman, who hu been examining witnesses and ' working on the case all day, has set ' the preliminary hearing for 10 o'clock . tomorrow morning. .;-; : vr As early as the facts can be secured and put together at this time it seems i that trouble between the lFever and Mull families has boen growing for some time. , The Mull family for a century or more have lived- five or all miles from Morganton between the town and the South mountain. The LAFeverera are neighbors. Mack la- i'ever and his son Andrew were em- pljyes at the state hospital, the latter being a truck driver for the institu tion. Tom Mull married a daughter of Mack IaFever and about a year, go Lenoir Mull and' another daughter of Mack LaFever were reported on . their way to Marion to get married but the father had them intercepted and prevented the marriage. It is also said that bad feeling had been en- gendered between Mack LaFever and . the Mulls on account of some disputes over land boundaries. - On Way to Saw MUX . Sunday afternoon Mack LaFever and his son Andrew went to the home : of Mike Branch who. lives about four miles from Morganton for soma pur' nose that has not at this time been 1 famed though the report is that thoy v era on their way to a saw-mill they nr. ,;ed In the neighborhood. While - they were there the story goes, Alf. ; Mull.! Toole Mull and the tatter's son Lenoir and Tom Mull came to the Branch home, ' Boon Toole, Lenoir ; ' and Tom Mull were in an "argument . with the younger LaFever that led to a tight. There is evidence it is tald that the Mulls were drinking but whether the LaFevers ware or not has not yet been brought out. In the three to one fight LaFever "was soon worsted an axe , being one of the implements used . against him, it is alleged. He was . beatea,and cut dangerously, Maok La j ever attempting to take his eon's part but Alf. -Mull, engaged him in a light and soon had him down. As soon as he naa recovered sufficiently to try to get away from the scene, it is - said, Mack - LaFever, supporting his . ,-. son, wnose wounds were very serious, started for home. They had gone about three hundred yards from the branch place when the younger La. 3''ever gave completely- out and the lather could get no- further with him, They were -resting by the -roadside trying to regain strength to go on, when all four of the Mulls who had been fighting with them at -; the Branch's reappeared, armed it is al leged, with a pistol, a shot gun and an axe.- It seems when they reached . their enemies that Alf Mull was , stirred with pity at the sun-i- f Andrew LaFever, and commanded Le noir Mull to leave him alone, idiui. lng it la said that he was nttarly dead anywaj', '- ' Turns on Kinsman At this, Lenoir Mull wheeled upon his kinsman with an open knife and he did so Alf Mull sent a pistol . bullet straight 'into the forehead of Lenoir and killed him instantly. En raged at the death of the son and . brother Toole and Tom Mull forgot, :,. for the time, their enemies of afew .,, minutes previous and both turnnd on ,; au uuu, orauuw a shotgun, over mi neaa ana otherwise beating and - cutting him. When it was over a terrible aight greeted the eyes of the neighbors who finally ventured close enough to see , what was happening. Lenoir Mull was burled this afternoon at ISother - church in the Mull neighborhood. Andrew Lafevera will probably die. The whole affair is one of the most . confusing when it comes to learning the details and causes for the trouble - wia ai ui same time one of the inoft shocking that ever occurred in the sommunlty. f Asheville Cltisen Bureau, 4 402 Merchants' Bank I Building, (y JULE B. WARREN.) Ilalelgh, Feb. 9. Sentiment among democrats in all parts of the state is crystallising for the nomination of Herbert Hoover for the democratic standard, bearer, according to infor mation that reaches the capital from many sources. There has been a very decided favorable reaction from the statement of the governor that Hoover was the most logical man to nil the place now occupied "Immortal crlef- lain." The chief of sins of the former food administrator, according to. those who are not warming up to nis nomina tion by the democrats, Is that once upon a time he voted trie republican ticket. It . Is pointed out, - however, that he likewise voted for Mr. Wilson and worked for his election. The party Irregularity, which makes the old guards shy at the suggestion of his nomination by the democrats, serves to boost him In the minds of a large number of other beople who are more interested In th' man than they are in the fact that he has voted the democratic ticket since the year of his majority ind has never scratch ed a ticket. There are some Independent souls who have openly stated that they 'In tended to vote for Hoover no matter whether he was nominated by the democrats or not; but the members of the party who continue to believe is the necessity of party rule, say they ere for the former food administra tor for the nomination of the demo crats. Of couse, failing to get the nomination, these men would vote the ticket made by the San Francisco convention. There isn't any doubt about the fact that there Is a strong sentiment In the state, and it prevails largely with the old guard, that McAdoo Is the man on whom the nomination should fall. They have been some. what worried over the magnitude the Hoover boom In the state is assum ing. Tne boost by the governor, which was one of the stronrest the iMew xortc world naa collected, he o ed fan tho Hoover fires in more than smouldering action. There Is drift ing into me capjioi reports that a number of counties are to reorganize Hoover clubs some time In the near ruture. That Is more than has been done for any of the other candidates. All the Candidates for Gov ernor Are Now Ac count For. (Special te The Citizen.) FRANKLIN. Feb. . The Franklin high school building burned to the ground about six o'clock this evening The loss Is estimated at about 124, 000, with about 18,000 Insurance. Practically nothing-was saved from For Liver and, Bowels Dr. Carter's IUB. Tea A Mild, GenUe Vegetable LaxatWe and Heclthftil Drink. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL TO Twenty - Two Pneumonia Cases to Be Received Applications Pending. OR. J. CROWE DIES AT HIS HOH SALISBURY Had Been HI of Influenza and Pneumonia for About Ten Days. it (Speelal to The Citizen.) WINSTON-SALE Jf,' Feb. 0 was. announced this afternoon' that the emergency hospital for the treat ment of pneumonia patients will be opened Tuesday " morning. ' Twenty two patients will be received as soon as fhe hospital is opened. A num ber of applications are already pending.-.;,. ; 1 One hundred and thirty-elgh new cases of influenza and 12 cases of pneumonia were reported up to noon today. -' Reports for several days In dicate that the epidemic is on the decline. An urgent call was issued this aft ernoon for iron beds and matresses for the hospital. Governor T. W.' Blckett arrived in the city this afternoon from Raleigh for a conference with Solicitor Por ter Graves, of' Mount Airy, who also arrived on an afternoon train. The nature of the conference is unknown. The governor having called the solici tor to meet hlra In this city. It has been suggested that they are meeting to consult each other concerning some applications for pardon from this judicial district. Commissioner of Public Safety D. Hlden Ramsey, who has been a pa tient at the city hospital for several days suffering with Influenza, is suf ficiently recovered . to leave for his home in Asheville to spend a week recuperating. He expects te leave tomorrow. ( "i i'i i in i A RAW, SORE THROAT - Eases Quickly When Toil , Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster, just spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the. congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole? is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back oi joint sprains, soremuade,bruise,chiI btains, frosted feet; colds on the chest. Nothing like Musterole foacroupy chil dren. Keep it handy for instant use. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. (Special to The Citizen.) SALISBURY, Feb. . Falling victim of pneumonia followlng"nu Rev. J. C. Rowe. D. D.. died at his home here at 10:40 a. m. today. He had been ill about 10 days and his death was expected for several days. Dr. Rowe was 77 years old and was one of the best known members of the Western North Carolina con Terence, of which he had been a member since 1S7T. During his min istry tie naa served as pastor or a number of the leading churches, be ing a great favorite at Asheville. He had also been presiding: elder of a number of districts, and at his death was pastor of South Stain Street church, to which he was as signed at the last conference. He was a native of Rowan and In early life was m'arrled to Miss Nancy Adell Brown, of this county, who survives. He Is also survived by the following sons; , Dr. Rowe, of Winston-Salem, Dr. H. D. Rowo, of Mt. Airy, C. W. Rowe, of New York, and two daughters: Mrs. A. M. Fry. of Bryson City, and' Miss Eugenia Rowe, of Asheville. The funeral and burial takes place here Tuesday at 8 p. m. Foley's Honey and Tar COMPOUND IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, and sooths the raw, inflamed Surfaces; stops the rasping, strangling feeling la the tnroai. it is maoe ot we parcel, tresn est sad finest ingredients to be had, con tain! no opiates or other harmful drugs and costs twice as much to make as say imitation of It. Every User a Friend "My little bar had a severs attack i cm and I BaeMtly Wim ha weaM kmUtl if it lad sat baaa lor Falay's Hmr aaa Tar. Twa Sosae raliavad bin end ka want ta alias and waa troubUd aa sjora." Mra. W. H. Tfearotaa. 1521 W. 10th SU Uttle Rack. Ark. "1 am in my alttityaarant vaar mm4 I was Srauhlad with a sfoklias la ar thraat. I aa vary SlaS ta tall yea that Folay'e Honar and Tar has itaapaS that." Gee. t. KanUll. buries. Nav. Foley's Honey and Tar is recom mended for coughs, colds, boerseaess, tickling of the throat, spasmodie croup, whooping cough, la grippe end btnachial roughs. SOLD EVERYWHERE ME A Safe and Speedy : Rheumatism Remedy That Offers Two Weeks' Treatment To Arty Sufferer on Money Back Plan. GHUl USED S.6E TEA TO DARKEN HAIR She mixed Sulphur 'with it to Restore Color, Gloss, xoutuulaess. Y IS USELESS When You HaVe Bad Health f Asheville Citizen Bureau, j 01 Merchanta' Bank , Building. . (By JULE B. WARREN.) RALEIGH.' Feb. JtobertN. Pare, of Biscoe, and some of his friends will hold a conference here on Tues day for the purpose of discussing the plan of campaign which they hope to land for Mr. Page the nomination of the democratic party for the gover norship. The Page folks have said very Uttle about the conference, other than the proposition of naming the manager for the campaign would be discussed at this meeting. The num ber of people who will be called into the conference was not intimated. and there has been nothing dropped to Indicate that It would be as large as the delegation of 60 men wb came down for the Gardner conference, or would be a much smaller and more personal confab of the Page lead ers. For the past week Mr. Page has been searching Raleigh for office space in which to open up state head quarters tor his campaign. So far he has been unsuccessful in getting the offices but he will rent hotel rooms for' the time being, if that is necessary in order to get the Ral eigh headquarters opened at once. Page supporters declare that their man has been carrying on a very ef fective campaign from his home in Biscoe, without making a great deal of noise about it. Every man, inter ested In politics, who comes into Ral eigh from the outer sections of the state, tell of the Page letter cam paign. The Sand Hill candidate has been sending these personal letters to a mailing list that Is evidently com prehensive. With Max Gardner's selection of Judge J. Crawford Bi.Tgs as cam paign manager, and Page meeting) here on Tuesday for the purpose of selecting his campaign manager, all the candidates for governor are ac counted for. In the final plans for the campaign drive, except . Cameron Morrison, who has not yet completed his arrangements for running the campaign up to the Juno primary. Mr. Morrison has bee,n scheduled to come to Raleigh for the past two weeks for the purpose of conferring with his friends, but various things have prevented him getting here Lo cal Morrison men say, however, that he s expected daily now, and that when he comes he will have the plane pretty well mapped out for the fight. Many Complaints. j Despite the fact that provisions in both state and cltv flro Inspectors. State Fire Marshal James R. Young. says that hardly a day passes that some mailed complaint is not received of fire peril, which could not exist a day, it complaint was made to the mayor, or to an efficient bulldlnar and Are chief or inspector. Commission er Toung placed a ' double emphasis on the word "efficient."- Then he said that in aome cases investigation of complaints by the state department had shown that In two cities, at least. tnis omciai was but a salaried figure head. ' The latest complaint speci fied a dangerous fire peril in a loft business, involving dally waste' of in flammable material, removal of same not being made once a month. Com-1 plalnant said he prevailed on city in spector to investigate. He reported it a perfect fire trap, but stated he had ho authority to remedy It until he had reported on same to state insurance commissioner or Fire Marshal Tbung at Kaieign. The irate merchant neighbor wrote to know why this re port, made a month ago had not been acted on, saying conditions got worse every day and he was fearful that not only his laree department store. but a whole city block Would be burn ed If something wasn't done. The merchant received a prompt reply, saying no such report had ever come to the state Insurance department, for the law on ths subject was plain enough for any Inspector to read, even when running from a fire. "Laxative Bromo Tablets" For the stomach, liver sod bowels sad to purify the blood, there's nothing more reliable. Give it to the little ones when they get feverish end csn t est. They like it sad it does them lots of good. NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken -casting or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one nt a fraction of its cost Asheville Welding Co. Phone 1118. 6S-6S Biltmore Ave. Wire, Phone or Write Taylor Commission Company 1510-11-12-13 Hoaley Bldg. Atlanta, Ga: For price, any car lot quantities, any deliveries on 20.00 COTTON SEED FEED 36.00 COTTON SEED MEAL COTTON SEED HULLS " 38.62 COTTON SEED MEAL Also on NITRATE OF SODA (Feby. thru May) ACID, KA1NIT, Manure Salts, Lime Stone and Other Fertilizer Materials XT WILL PA Y YOU TO GET OVR PRICES BEFORE BUYING -drlvfohth List of Jlu.( o bu Ain't Heard Nothin'W Till You Hear AMolson , Al tells you all about his sweetheart oi almost all in this latest Sinbad hit. The famous laugh of this exclusive Columbia artist is featured twice, and he keeps you laughing all the time. Coupled with Billy Murray's speedy, tuneful song, "Come On and Play tfithfae." A-2836 - 85C son E NESS 0 Ohahat a Jazz is led JLewis Jazz oands Just as these exclusive Columbia artists seem to have tied themselves into a musical knot in this syncopated fox-trot, Introducing "THE VAMP, they extricate themselves by a melodi ous miracle and jazz merrily on. Coupled with Gorman's Novelty Syncopators' fox-trot "Barkin Pog.'r A-2844 85c TIGHTNESS 0 T Be fall to yourself, yoq sufferers from rheumatism, no matter what form. Oat Trora your drucflst a package of ttheuma, the roaranteed prescription. I'm tho en tire bottle, and Jf you don't think it has riven you quick and satisfying reMef. say so, and jroo can have your money back. Isn't that a fair offerT Then start the Rhauma 'treatment to day. It's a reputable physician's pres cription, altogether different from reme dies usually prescribed free from nar cotics, and perfectly barmk-as. Rbenma acta on the kidneys and helps to force the uric add from the swollen Jlolnu and other kxlKlng places. It Hhouid please you In a day and make you l opeful and happy In a week er money lefunded. Kheuma has released from suff Tins . Common garden aasra brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will torn irrav. streaked S tmA v.i beautifully dark and luxuriant Just a aw applications win prove a revala- uu u your nair is radlng. streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and 8ul- pnur recipe at noma, though, la trou-i!?m-. As easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready jwr . mis is tne old-time recipe irmTN or mm aaaiuon or other in gredients. While, wispy, gray, faded hair la not sdnful. we all dee ire to retain our youthful appearane and attractive aeaa. By darkening your ' hair with Wyeth a Sage and Sulphur Compound. Bo one can telL because It tr. i naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponre er soft brnah with i draw this throurh tout hair. vin ana small strand at a time; by morning CL" J?' who thought nothing U,, halrTlve dlaank fr you-lt seldom fade. T. 0 Hmllh tl, !I tPPll'tl" or ,wo- our 1 Tua; Co.. will supply you and suarauiee ' lr becomes beautifully dark, glossy. 10 u ae cstiafied. au aoa luxunaat. .. The pleasures of life are denied those who suffer with rheumatism, scrofula. eivatpctas, reuptive exin and other dis eases caused by an Impure state of the blood. Bven though you seek enjoy ment In the many ways possible to your station in life, your achea and pains will noi permit you tne measure of happln io wnicn you are entitled. You are necessarily miserable and discouraged, and when your morbid condition becomes known your friends and acquaintances win aomeiimea avoid you. Your success, your happiness, all de pend on what you get out of life. Tour health and strenath therefore denend rtn pure, ncn oiooa. As a purifier of the blood. - modern medicine offers no ramadv of imai.p inn i-reacnpuon t,'-zzics. This treat ment stanas above all other remedies as an alternative of great power. It chances diseased conditions into conditions of neeun. THHOATHATURES II 1 If you are SUfferlnr from anv InuihL. caused by Impure blood, or If you fear that the poisons have never been elimi nated from your blood you should begin now and take Prescription C-222S. To stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels a mild cathartln la nMM..n There is nothing better than 2121 I.lver 1 urn. All drursists sell and emarantaa rv. scriptlon 0-223 at 51.50 a bottle, but if it happens that you nnnnt find it i.,a lor a larze Dome ami n twx or pilla. Write Dept. iSl for sample or pills, litera ture anu a ivtv Almanac lklUI I 40)S Sore Throat Is Dangerous. Soreaaea and tightness of the throat la Naturo's Alarm Signal. It signifies an Inflammation of the tender mu cous membrane lining of the throat. nose and month, a condition that lays open your syareiu xo tne meiani - at tack of many dangerous disease germs To neglect this warning la only play ing with Provldenoo. Mu co-Solvent is the ona best rem edy and should ba used promptly. , It has many uses in the home. Espec ially recommended for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Tonsilitis and Quinsy. The prompt - use -' of Muco-Solvent win In many instances prevent the ap pearance of Influensa, Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria. . These dreaded dis eases usually result from the lack of prompt attention to - minor troubles affecting the nose' and throat. Oet a bottle of Muco-Solvent promptly. It is a pure, harmlesa vege table compound that destroys and dis pels deadly germs. It effectively soothes and heats the inflamed parts, dissolves mucous dlschararea and re lieves congestion In the air passages. Do not ba without a bottle of this splendid family medicine. Oet a bot- I tie .'tndev nt anv nmlM . mtv4a r r frlca ?.caau and 11.00. Advt. . M w w. bmsv- anil .w . aw irwt v. aw BT M as Hickman Trio Hits the High. Spots The Hickman Trio, from Art Hickman's Orchestra, which makes records for Columbia exclusively, jazzes the fox-trot "Nobody Knows" and the one-step "Wonderful Pal" in a way to make an aged cripple forget he even A-2839 85c e had the gout. A Few More Mid-Month Hit$ Where the Lanterns Clew Joat LBea a Rosa . I jj 1 284X SSe . Campbell and Burr James and Harrison AM I Has Asa Suaay Waaler Friends Campbell and BurrtAlw Naw I Kaaw a . a Ob, What a Pal Was Mar Carafiaa Seutsbiaa . . fas Forever Blewiaa Bobbles coumaiA ORAPOHOLAS rasafar? afoselh mp re $300 Pesterf Ceetfne um re HIOO a . Lewis James Prince's Orchestral A-613: Prince's Orchestrsj ,f 1-25 . Torch a oeidell : Cst'Uta Now Columbia Novelty Record Booklet Evaty Celoatala Dealer has It Hmm CeasiMe AaaaVes aa SU a lOtk m'JZif- t EirwM COLUMBU GRAPHOPHONE CO., New York Columbia Records Are Sold in Asheville By FALITS MUSIC HOUSE 78 Patton Ave. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE N. Pack Sq.

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