THE ASITEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY .MOKNIXd. 1'ErtlU'AKY 10. !cu. 9 WANT VICTORY ARCH ON AVENUE REMOVED JUDGE WEBB WILL ! MANY VICTORIES FOR RETURN HERE MONDAY THE GOLF TOURNEY MKJtC HANTS SAY IT HAS SEll KDUIll Finish Civil Dokrt of Superior Mod's Modal Hand Lap Tournament Pl'BPOSK. ' Curt Next Wock Criminal j Will Start at Country Cluh Sauir- . Court In Marshall. tiny Others for Spring. FIRE DAMAGES THE TRIVERS STORE HERE MAN.U.l.KS SAY lM(.l WIIJ. hi: on sn.oco coral .Soldiers, However, Think It Ought to Remain I'ntll After the JlOth Division Rotiiiion. Askintf that the victory aruli he moved which wait erected across Pat ton avenue by grateful citizens, in honor of the returning heroea litKt year of the 30th Hnd 81st divisions, a committer of citizens and buslnesn men appeared before the ctty com missioners yesterday. The petitions they presented contained the names of more than a score of the leadlns merchants of ration avenue, In addi tion to many professional men. They stated that the arch had served its purpose and should now bo taken a wa y. In view of the fact that the arch was erected hy the free will labor of the local Carpenters' and Painters' unions, the lumber being donated by local lumber companies, Mayor Rob erts, suggested that these people be ffiven an opportunity to bo heard on the matter. Recently, the chief owcutive of the city stated, several Iota I boys, veter ans of that great world war, have been to him asking that the arch be kept standing until after the reunion hero In next September of the famous 30th division, This view seems to have met with the approval of a num ber of the city olltclalij and tho nrch will probably be allowed to remain where It is until that time. It will be necessary however, to paint the arch this spritiK, if it Is kept standing, and to place new flags on it, for the smoke and dirt of a year's accumulation have soiled the big white arch, under which scores of heroes from Ashevllle, Buncombe i-ounty and other sections of western North Carolina proudly marched to tho applause of their relatives and friends last year. Judue J L. Webb of Shelby will re turn hero Monday, provided the in fluenza situation continues to show improvement, and finish up the term ofj,Superlor eourt for th triul of civil cases, which ha adjourned last Satur day. There are a number of cases on the civil docket yet to be heard at this term and ho will probably remain In Ashevllle for another week. ' The next term of Superior, court following this, will convene on March 1. when a term of crlmi.iul cases will start. There are already a number of criminal cases, which havo been car ried over from the last court and a number of new onsen will probably be ready for trial by that time. J60 TURNED IN FOR THE NEAR EAST RELIEF j The Harniirtlsvillc School and Baptfet : Church Made Liberal Donation ' to chairman John Cntlioj. WILL NOT DISCHARGE RESERVE MILITIA NOW Now I nits Must bo Organized and Ac cepted by Government Before Others Discharged. John II. Catliey. eouniy chairman of I he relief for the near east, re ceived $60 yesterday from the Barn ardsville high school and tin Barnardsville Baptist church for the above fund. Considerable Interest has been ta ken in this fund recently and the in dications are that a number of churches, schools and Individuals will be turning In their contributions for the relief of the people of the near ea st. This campaign has been conducted for several weeks throughout tho country and no doubt the money that is raised for the fund will be used to a splendid advantage In relieving the suffering which tho great war caused In the countries of tho near caM. A Splendid Hair Grower and Wonderful Beautifier In a letter just received by Captain John H. Cathey, in command of the, Ashevllle Reserve infantry company, from the adjutant general of tho state, it is stated- that the Reserve militia will not bo discharged from the state service until the new militia units have been accepted by tho fed eral government. In other words In Ashevllle the reserve men will not be discharged until Troop B is again thoroughly re organized and accepted by the gov ernment. Mr. Ca they .believes, how ever, that this will not be but a few weeks, as the recruiting for the troop Is progressing nicely and will no doubt continue so. I TO AVOID THE "FLU" First of all, Make Sure Your Blood is Red and Rich In Fighting Trim. SAFETY INVIGOROUS BLOOD. I Here's good news for men and wo I men whoso hair is falling out, and liae scalps covered with dandruff that itch like mad. Smith's Drug I Store or any good druggist can now I supply you with tho genuine Parisian sage (liquid form), which is guaran teed to quickly, surely and safely 'abolish every sign of dandruff, stop ! Itching scalp' and falling, hair and pro mote a new growth, or money refund ed. Thousands can testify to the excel lent results from its use; some who feared becoming hairless now glory In their abundant hair; while others who suffered for years with dandruff and itching head got a clean, cool scalp after Just a few days' use of this sim ple home treatment. No matter whether bothered wi:h falling hair, gray hair, matted, stringy hair, dandruff or itching scalp try Parisian sage you will not be disappointed. It's a scientific 1 preparation that supplies all hair needs. The flrft application should make your hair and scalp look and feel 100 per cent better. If you want beautiful, lustrous h.iir and lots of It, by all means use Parisian sage. Don't de lay begin tonight. A little attention now helps to Insure abundant hair for years to nome. Adv. If You're Listless and De pressed Don't Delay a Minute Get a Good Tonic. If you get the influenza, sec a doc tor at once but why get it? Isn't it worth while, instead, to take every precaution now, against getting it? Probably the best and first thing to do is to make sure" you are in good physical condition. During an epi demic, almost wherever you go you are exposed to influenza. As long as you are really well, the red corpus cles of your blood fight off and defeat diease germs. But when you are tired and run down, when you feel all right except that you haven't much energy or entnusiasm, your blood Is tired out too, and you are an easy victim. Pepto-Mangan has become famous os a builder of rich, vigorous blood. It helps you up when you are run down. It helps you avoid illness. Or, it helps you recover, if you realize your poor physical condition too late. Physicians have been recommend ing Pepto-Mangan for years, In cases of anemia (bloodlessness). It is reli able, effective, and has a record of over twenty-five years success. Take no chances with a run-down condi tion. Get Pepto-Mangan today. It is good health insurance. Pepto-Mangan is sold in liquid and tablet form. There Is no difference in medical value. Take either kind you prefer. But be Bure you get the gen uine Pepto-Mangan "dude's". The full name should be on the package. Advt. EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salti be fort breakfast IT your Back hurti or Bladder bothers you. The American men and woraed must enard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood is filled with mia acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, besoms sluggish ; the eliminative tissues olog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a, general deoline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of Jead; your bade hurts or the urine is cJoudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if yen suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, sold stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather Is bad, get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jsd Salts; take a tableepoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then set fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been' used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is ft source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive ; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithla-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good, kidoev flush tng-any time j The tirst of the spring golf tourna ments will be held at t lie Ashevllle Country club next Saturday. This will be an 18 hole, men s medal handi cap and number of enthusiasts of this sport are expected to lie present at the links Saturday morinnn. A large number have already signified their intention of beitis present and this promises to bo one of ihc larg est men's tournaments I hut lias been held for some time. A trophy will be awarded to the winner of the tournament, and no doubt a large number of visitors will be present. Following this tourna ment closely, the men's handicap an nounced for February 18 to CI will take place. In which handsome tro phies go to the winner and runner up. A large number of other Interest ing tournaments are scheduled to take place during the season, and it Is expected that a number of expert players will be present from many of the atates of the country, in fact, this season promises to be one of the best In the history of the club. XolloiOkt to Hne Started From " ftvtlvi" Smoke I'lpe One l ine of IIom 1 M'd. iimliieil on the seme loiiKer than that in onler to make sure dial no lurtlier inbreak would o.ein vVheii die alarm ,i; turned In. tin hi, lout gained eolitildei ,i nlc headv;t. ilililb- lllg 'l I be Ml P ' A hirge crowd milliiicd on Pack seiiare to see (he lire. dl!s belllR the largest lire of ihe oar. ami die seeond loi; tnv to or, ur Mine Christ ni.s. The hoarding house oeeiipled by Mrs. Car rie Carr M 1 1 . lu ll mi Aston place br ing damaged lo about l.ooa a few ll.ts JlKo. The maauer o( Trivor' lo, at store. .1. .M. Coeoei-. .-late,! last nielli that i hi' store would not be opened for a !e pending lld.lllst mellt h die insurant e people and decoratint; in I he store 111 front of No. 2 Aston place. Dr. Sin III' had i topped there for a few minutes to attend m patient and when she was through discovered that her cur was gone. The car Is an Owrland loadster and the Hate license number Is llilH X c. police were notified and the authorities in SpHrlanliurg. Charlotte and several other plaos were asked lo he on the lookout for it. A re ward as offered of till for the return of the ear and another one of ISO for the p.irtv who found (lie thief. Up to a late hour last night no trace of die ear had been found, but the "piilne were using every diligence in trying to locate the guilty party. DR. SMITH'S CAR IS STOLEN LAST NIGHT No. Taken From Front of Plnee Xo Trace Aston Fire, estimated by the manager of tho store, to havo done damage, of 17,000 to $8.0(10, was discovered last night at 9:27 o'clock In Trlvers' cloth ing store on Pack square. The lltc men say that the lire was caused by a defective smoke pipe, from the hot air heater, located near the stairway.. in tho basement of the store. , i'r. Elizabeth Smith had her auto- When discovered the (Ire had ' '""bile stolen Monday night between climbed up the stairway to the llrst ! s Ml11' S: ll) o clock on Church street floor and stacks of clothing on tills door were burning, ll was necessary for the flrement to lay one line of water hose and considerable damage j was done by the water. Croat damage was donn to the stock ! and Interior decorations by tho smoke; which poured out of the store for; more than half an hour. The firemen! had the situation under control In about 20 minutes, although they re 1 . .lji i mmwrwmm-??-.- .. -J HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS : i SCIATIC PIS QUICKLY RELIEVED Be Better "Looking Take Olive Tablets To have a clear, pink skin, bright ees, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy i;i. iiiuiuwl tnvo vnu mu&t keen I line v i ii nil " u,jt, j your body free from poisonous wastes, br. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege- ; table compound mixed witn ouve on; ; act on the liver and bowels like calomel i L.-.. rtnr mnM I after pffart- yet nave i iv, uuii.iuw - - : I.. an rnl a moult. ' A BSC UI1C uigliuy ait iivi. - They start the bile and overcome constipation. That's why rniUions of boxes are sold annually. lOc and 25c FORCED LANDING IS MADE BY MAYNARD NEW YORK. Feb. !. Defective motor Ignition compelled Lieutenant Kelvin W. .Maynard. the ''flying par son." to make a forced landing one I mile Trom Mltehel field, Miueola. to day, after he had "hopped off" on a 2,000 mile fllgh In Ihe interests of army enlistments. He landed at Ha telton field. L. I., but will start again tomorrow. It waif said tonight. 8er gcant Jos. P. gaxc, an army photog rapher, will accompany Lieutenant Maynard. They will drop army re cruiting literature from the Deilavl land four plane in which they will flv. Washington, t. C., will be tho first stop in the Itinerary which will take Ihe avlntors Into nearly every south ern state. ROBUST CIIILDRtfl A child should not look pale, thin or worn. Such condition denotes malnutrition. To keep up growth and robust ness a child needs a plenitude of food rich in vitamins. Keep Sloans, the World's IJnJ. mcnt handy to allay aches. EMULSION abundant in growth-promoting properties, is an ideal supple mental food that could well be a part of the diet of every growing child. Children always do wall on Scott'a Emulsion. gmtt Bowm. EkxxnMd. N. J. i-U THOUSANDS of men and women, when tho lenst little rheumatic "crick" assails them, have Sloan's Liniment handy lo knock It out. Popular a third of a century ag-o far more popular today. That's because It. is so wonderfully helpful In relieving all external aches and pains sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia, overstrained muscles, stiff Joints, weather exposure results. A little in all thst Is necessary, for It soon penetrates without rubbing to the sore spo'.. leaves no muss, stain ed skin, clogged pores. A bottle to day is a wise precaution. Keep it handy. AH druggists c 70c. SI. 40. MONEY TO LOAN 48 Tattoo Ave, Phone 9SH. NEWSPAPERS are indispensable. What would Asheville do with out newspapers? They se cure and distribute the happenings of the world and at an insignificant cost to the reader. They also tell the people of the community of the "Won ders of the Asheville World" not the seven wonders alone, but all the others. One wonder to many people is the re markable service given by the Goode Drug Store haveyou tried it? oth ers have. Phone Service Good Call 7-1-8 Designated Prescription Depot For The U. S. Government. BEFORE YOU TELEPHONE MAKE SURE THE CALL IS ESSENTIAL Thousands of calls a day have been added to the heavy telephone traffic in Asheville as a result of sickness. There are 20 operators absent from the Central 1 Office on account of sickness. The girls remain ing on duty are meeting the emergency with a line spirit of service that merits the highest praise and the most kindly co-operation. But there are limits to what they can do. Every unnecesary call places an unnessary burden upon the opera tors and may delay vital Important messages. Co-operate! Help keep the lines open for car rying the messages to physicians, hospitals; nurses, health department workers and others directly concerned. Make Only the Necessary Calls and Make Them Short ASHEVILLE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY - - V For Ages SHOES HAVE MET THE MOST CRITICAL TESTS and with our careful and exact fitting, none will please you so good as these. GUARANTEE SHOE STORE 4 BILTMORE AVE. mm mm o n j 1 1 1 1 um Are You One of the Readers ? Since the influenza epidemic broke out, records show that the majority of th people are reading more than usual. If you are one of these, you should be sure to have a good light, o as not to hurt your eyes. A Mazda globe will give a fine light for reading, and if it is in an electric table light, it will also improve the beauty of the home. We have all designs. ASHEVILLE POWER & LIGHT CO. PboM 879 Sales Room 102 Pattoo Av. V'

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