12 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1920. Picture Frames 4 Hand-Carved JAPANESE HANGING WALL VASES Unique, Handsome Very moderate prices always prevail at DEFINITELY DECIDED TO BUILD BIG WING 10 MISSION HOSPITAL Advisory Committee, Meeting Yesterday, Decided to Raise $150,000 With Which to Erect Wing Present Struc ture a Fire-Trap, the Committee Reported. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS COMPLETING WORK llavf Been Taking; Inventory of Aslio vllle Power and Light Company's Outside I'roprrty. At a meeting; of tho advisory board of the Mission hospital, held yester day afternoon in the directors' room of the Hattrry J'ark bank, it was def initely decided to build a new fire proof wlnft ror the hospital, to replace the present frame structure on cnar room wine be constructed ttt the ear liest possible date, fur tho accommo dation of the ward patients, all of whom aro now housed In the frame building, and that for that purpose a fund of at least 1 130,000 whs needed and should he rained at oneo by sub ! lotte street. It was tho sense of the srrlntlon. Tho roport was directed to LAW'S 21. Haywood St. Ladles who are jistirlmlnat Ing In their selection of China and Silverware will And her everything on .could wish for. TOE I-X-L STORE 0 PATTOJf AVE. PHOXK 107 YOUR EYES are nature's great gift. Your enjoyment of Ufa depends upon their service to you. CARE FOR THEM. Charles H. Honess OPTOMETRIST Eye-Strain Specialist 14 Patton Are. , Opp. Poatofflee Established 100. WE HAVE a few used Tires In our stock which will go cheap. Also a few retreads. STITtON KRVICI ATlSFlM STETSON TIRE COMPANY Bmdmr and Walnut Sta, aa4 tooths! do Ave. Phones am and ion. ! gentlemen who attended the meeting ' that the minimum sum required to be i raised is $160,000. The meeting was held on the call I of a special committee of the advis ory board, appointed some time ago, to study conditions at the hospital and report on the urgency of the need for a new building. The committee, con sisting of VV. Vance Brown, Samuel V. Durton, Thomas W. Raoul and I B. Rogers, presentod their report to the full board, in which Immediate action was insisted upon In view of the conditions which their Investiga tion revealed. The report reviewed the beneficent work of the hospital since its founda Hon some thirty years ago and then went into a detailed survey of condi tions, at the present time in the old frame building. While the commit tee found that the work was being I carried on with the highest efficiency by the ladles who constitute the hos pital's board of managers, It also found that there were certain handi caps, Inherent in the construction and I condition of the frame building. which prevented the maintenance of Ideal hospital conditions in that por tion of the hospital even under the most efficient management. The point which was especially stressed in the report and which de veloped the most interested (discus sion at the meeting was the statement that the present building is a fire-trap, so constructed that a serious fire would soon become a conflagration and that the loss to property in such a case would be insignificant com pared to the possible loss of life of those under the hospital s care, most of them bed-ridden and many of them located on the third floor of a build ing of this type. The report further pointed out in detail tho high cost of maintaining and operating the frame building compared with tha model private' room wing built about flvo years ago. Tt was also pointed out that accom modations were already taxed to a point that the frame building was often overcrowded to such a degree as to be Insanitary, while the plan of the building with kitchens, laun dries and food store-rooms below the level of the street was contrary to all modern hospital practice, which requires these essential parts of the hospital to be so located as to have a sufficiency of fresh air and light. After a full discussion of the report. the. odvisory ' committee concurredj unanimously in tna committee's rec ommendations that a new wing, In all respects equal to the present prlVate- bo printed for Uio purpose of circula tion. No detailed plans as to tho method for raising this fund were adopted nt the meeting, but coTiald, ciatlon of tho matter was referred hack to tho same committee for early report. , The matter of an addition to the Mission hospital was first brought to the attention of tho public several weeks ago by fi. Mplnslty. who Intro duced a resolution to the notary club, tout tho matter be given attention. Following this other local clvlo or ganizations took up the matter and approved of the plans, appointing members on the advUory board of the hospital committee. It was this board, representing all the local or ganisations, which reported yester day. There has been a crying need for many months for an addition to the hospital, the conditions of the pres ent structure being such that patients were turned away every week. Tie-1 tails of the campaign to bo waged i will be worked out during the next few days and In the meantime Spald-, Ing Frailer, will have a desk at the Board of Trade, where he will be in charge of tho campaign. The fifteen high school boys and three teachers that hove been work ing for the Ashevilln Power and Light company since the school was closed, on account of the health ban, will probably finish their work for the company this week. The boys and teachers have been counting the number of wires on a post, measuring the distance between the posts and tholr height, counting tho number of transformers, insulators, and other equipment on the posts. After the work is completed on a post, the boy who takes this Informa tion marks it down in a book that Is furnished by the company, and also puts his number, each, boy having a different number, on the post, this is done In case, of further reference. The party of the boys and teachers have covered nearly all. the streets in the city where there aro wires of the electric company and have also been Into Cunn's cove. West Ashevillo and other places. The boys have enjoyed their work very much as it hus kept them out nearly all of the time, and only two of them have taken the In fluenza, and these two became sick during tho first two days of the work. MANY GIRLS ARE IN THE CAMPAIGN Girl Reserves of City at Work on Their Honors for Corps. I girl reserve book and that they In tended to enter for the prise that is given by the association, for the girl that passes the test on the largest number of honors for the month of February. Miss Mandery stated yesterday that she will be at th.e association rooms on Church street between 9:10 and 10:80 o'clock each morning, except ing Saturday, to take the names of those who enlist In the contest. It is expected by the association officials that a largo number of the young girls of the city will be interested in the contest, as there has already been twelve corps organized in the schools of the city and each of the corps is expected to be well represented. Governor Henry A-llen of Kansas Is to be the chief speaker tonight at the annual lanquet of tho Lincoln club of Salt Lake City. Prcst-O-Llte batteries give quick starts and long life. Sawyer Motor Co., distributors. tf MAKE Your Eyes HAPPY WILL TAKE WATKLNS' BODY TO DILLSBORO West Asheville Man Died Here Yes terday of Pneumonia. B. T. Walkins died at his home in West Asheville yesterday morning at ten o'clock after an illness of several days with influenza, followed by pneumonia. He Is survived by his wife and two sons, twins, Harold and Harry, aged four years, other near relatives are his mother, Mrs. F. C. Watklns, three brothers, J. I), and P. A. Watkins. of West Asheville. C. P. Watklns, of Westwood, Calif., and one sister, Mrs. J. C. Cannon, of Dlllsboro. The deceased has been a resident of Asheville for the past year and was employed by the Southern Weighing and Inspection bureau of Atlanta, Oa. He was well known here and in Dllls boro, his former home. Funeral ser vices will be conducted this morning at twelve o'clock nt Dlllsboro and in terment will follow at Paris cemetery, near Dlllsboro. ' A number of the elrl the city enlisted yesterday In the cam palRn that is being started by the l'oung Women's Christian association to get the members of tho different corps to work on their honors while the schools aro closed, on account of i the Influenza epidemic. Miss Laura i Mandery, of the girls' work depart- , ment of the association, received a ! number of tolephone calls from mem bers of the corps of the city, stating that they hod started to study their I Many a "grouchy" disposition j is the result of eye strain. I Continued eye strain affects the entire system and conduces to ir-j ritability, which properly fo- j cussed glasses wijl relieve. Our glasses will make your eyes and your disposition happy "Becoming Glasses Cost No More" DR. DENISON OPTOMETRIST (Eye-Strain, Specialist) 25 Patton Avenue Opy. Kress Store. EE Nothing To Freeze Pumps freeze up. Watering troughs have to be. chopped open. Water storage tank are liable to Durst. But a MU-WAUKJiKAIK POWER WATER SYSTEM has nothing to freeze. There is no water storage tank ana tne piping Is careluily put bo yoad the reach of Jack f ' roat, You do not realize fully the benefits of a water system on the farm till the blizzards come. THK HALLMARK 8TORE.I UU(Gp you 'I 1i&kmBcltKHtiatmr OuTnTNG; BUY IT TO USE You ought to use your Silverware. Every piece from the largest silver tankard all the way to the tiny vanity box, was made for utility. You should use it every day, just as you do your dining table or your living room furniture. One great difference you will notice of course silver does not depreciate. Articles made of silver grow more valuable as the years go by. Every silver article we sell you will give you service, and be worth more and more later on. Arthur M. Field Co. m I I I Don't fomt that all the mmtrr nirmlixt hv the MILWAUKEE SYSTEM comes "Direct from the Well abaolutelv Inuh. It mm you nothing to learn the price of a water (yitcm for your place. Phone us about it now. 10 Write for Descriptive Literature and Infoimation Blank. T. S. MORRISON & CO. Agents for Western N. C THE HALLMARK STORE.. I EDWARD A. FARLEY Iff S. Pack Sq. Asheville, N. C. Byancinlhs Tulips and Narcissus Bulbs Already started in pots with fibre. Will bloom in two or three weeks. Just the thing for a friend whtHs sick. Call and See Them. These Bulbs are potted, root ed and sprouted. Ready, to start into instant leaf and flower. PrlONfi -SO PARDEE COAL had not given satisfaction to hundreds of users we would not be the busy coal dealers today that we are. Have you looked at your bin? Have you Coal to see you through the winter? PLACE ORDER TODAY PHONES 25-981 CITIZENS TRANSFER & COAL CO. FREIGHT AND FURNITURE MOVING AS GOOD AS WINTER CLOTHING IS ANTHRACITE COAL BECAUSE IT KEEPS YOU WARM There is no comfort to compare with a warm house in win ter time and we doubt if any Coal can take the place of ANTHRACITE TERMS CASH PHONES 129-130 CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. ii TIRES ACCESSORIES WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THIS SECTION OF THE STATE Western Carolina Auto Co. 14-16 E. College St. Phone 890 OLD FASHION SAMP Cracked Corn Hominy, large grits, carefully prepared by most sanitary process. 3 lbs for 2Sc SAWYER GROCERY CO. The STOKE Sanitary Whore QUALITY la Paramount I'uona 1100. a Gerileg n : . n jswaaJ We re showing a varied assortment of artistic class lJ shades for electric drop cord and chandelier use. Priced from 35c and Up See Window Display , 7 ALWAYS ROOM AT THE TOP Matters little what the state of business is, or how many are out of work, graduates of this school manage to keep actively employed. Young men and women trained here readily qualify for better positions and work their way up. Ability and Industry, backed by the knowledge .always command recognition especially for graduates of EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Oldest and Best Equipped Business School in the State Over Walker's Drug Store Phone 1100 Q 64 Patton Ave. Electrical Bldg. Opp. P. O. FEBRUARY 12th We can't all be rail splitters; neither can we all be great statesmen. Abraham Lincoln was both. It is far better for every individual not to strive to be all that the great Emancipator stood for. Rather let each one follow persistently his natural bent, whether it be in tilling the soil, or in thrilling the multitudes through oratory. As a Store, we allow no other interests to in trude lest we be hindered in any way in presenting you with the most authentic styles, the most pleasing variety it is possible to procure, and values consist ent with the prices asked. A GOOD INVESTMENT Good jewelry has a permanent value, not only from a monetary .standpoint, but from the standpoint of ser vice and satisfaction. Cheap jewelry is seldom service able and therefore the expected satisfaction is lacking in its use. Our policy is not to sell the cheapest goods. We strive to merit your patronage and that of your friends by the service we give and the goods we sell. The giving of jewelry, such as rings, pins, lavallieres and necklaces violates no law of thrift, for in each is found an invest ment of proven worth. Their beauty and value are con stant reminders of the giver. You can always have the assurance of getting just the right quality and service at HENDERSON Your Jeweler 52 Patton Ave. Opp. Postoffice MEMBER OF DEPOT FOR BILTMORE DAIRY PRODUCTS Milk and Buttermilk also Single and Double Cream Received Daily- Send Us Your Order EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 N. Pack Square and City Market All .Bulk Goods Kept m Sanitary, THE B-E ST OF Dust-Proof Bins EVERYTHING FRIED APPLE PIE Sounds good I Doesn't it ? We have the dried apples, country dried, light in color, and full of the good rich flavor which comes from being dried in the sunlight. With these apples any good cook ought to be able to make fried apple pie fit for a king. DRIED APPLES . . .Per tb 30c eJ. J. VAXES 37 Haywood St. Phones 1715-1716 Groceries and Service. Procrastination is the Thief of Time NOW TAKE "3-H" TONIC NOW Cleanse and Fortify Your System Against Influenza SO Cents the Bottle AT SMITH'S and OTHER FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORES. NOW -NOW Prime Rib Roast, Loins of Pork. Veal and Lamb for Roasting. STAR MARKET THREE PHONES-1917 "We are) successful caterers to a variety of appetites." A Tire Saved Is Many Dollars Made We'll do your Tire Vulcanizing and Retreading like veterans. Our equipment is modern our men experienced. Asheville Tire and Vulcanizing Co. , 12 E. College St. Swift Premium Hams, small, per lb .38a Roberts-Oake Quality Brand Hams, small, per lb...... 35c Kingan, Virginia Hams, small, per lb 37c. THE AUTOMAT Cash and Delivery E. J. Edwards. Mgr. Haywood Bldg. Phone 3036 The Ampico Reproducing Piano Will greatly help in the ' MUSICAL EDUCATION of your children! It absolutely reproduces the great artist perfectly. - Come and hear them. No obligation to purchase Dunham's Musk House The Home of High Grada Pianos J 1 jr. s Y