THE ASHE VILLI! CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 192a. Five Names Submitted as Candidates to Succeed August Herrmann. CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Club owners of major league, meeting. In Joint ses ston today received recommendations of the Joint nominating committee for .chairman of the national baseball ' commission to succeed August Herr mann, whose resignation became ef fective today. Five names were xub mltted and final decision was loft to Presidents John Heydler, of the Na- tlonal league, and B. It. Johnson, of the American league, who will an nounce their decision at their discre tion. The names submitted, according to . tho club owners, were: Judge K. M. Landis. Chicago; Wlf ; 11am Edwards. New York: State Ben- , ator 1. E. Walker, New York; Harvoy T. Woodruff, sporting editor of the Chicago Tribune and J. Conway Toole. New York. Of the foregoing names, those of Senator Walker and Mr. Woodruff. were most prominently spoken of for me position. . Retiring . Chairman Hermann declared to newspapermen , mat ne lavored woodruff as his sue cpssor, because he was of the opinion that a newspaperman was best fitted for the position. A high official of the American league said the name of judge Land Is could be eliminated the federal Judge would not be '. chosen. -. A resolution recommending the . work of Herrmann as chairman of : the national commission, was adopted , by the 16 club owners. The resolu tion went back to the days when Herr. mann went Into the office with the . .birth of the commission. it was largely to Mn Herrmann's efforts! mat ne Drought about the acaord wmcn enaea the strife between the . American ana the National leagues, , the resolution stated. The sale of Dave Davenport, pitcher - J' tn Iul Americans, to the Washington club, the signing of Charley OXeary; former American league inflelder as coach of the New York Americans, the signing of Har yr Stevenson as trainer of the Chi- S15? m"lc?' sale by the Philadelphia Nationals of Outfielder . """nan to the Indianapolis American association club were an- ChloagO. Cincinnati bnil V of the National league, Attempted to Hoover Is Going to Be A Democrat, Says West PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 11. The name of Herbert Hoover will be submitted for the approval of Ore-' gon voters as the next President of the United Mates, Oswald West, democrat, former governor, an nounced today. Petitions will bo circulated. West added. Keplylng to a suggestion that Mr. Hoover has not announced whether he will be a democrat or a republican. West declared: "That doesn't make any differ ence. We ore deciding for him. ile is going to be a democrat." "Oh, Don't Tell Me That He is Dead," She Cries Prayed Several Days. ECTION WITH THEFT PLOT One Prisoner Confesses to Having Part in Stealing $1,000,000. CAHPENTIEB EXPECTS TO MEET DEMPSEY IN SEPT. European Champion Will Sail For This Country on March 13. NEW RORK. Feb. 11. With Ave arrests In connection with the $5,000. 000 securities theft plot tho police ciaim io nave "nipped In the bud" LEX! Troops Are . Expected to Leave Today Quiet Re stored in City. trade with theiPhlladelphia club for pitcher Eppa felxey. New iorlr. offered MoCarthv. !inm.. Iouglaa: Chicago offered Carter, .h"TM ?V,,M8rtta wW1 Clncln " .vU ."er Pitcher Fisher and an other player. .. . ' ' 'reported thai "Chlo" " Hh? iMU,"leIier ho ernated In f.h tilW?p Americans with Ira Flagstead and Ben Dyer Utility tafieidor for the Sat ' three years, were holdouts. Dyer also was Jld to want his release as he has feamia -'T ornU"1 Centr ' iJUu Cth' toajor ' leagues' to get In -with, tha minor leagues pre Vented the fcoidin .i,'"TL,rT ? Hon at which ritlVi hi'ped r new fs irfonmanl a.....!. . r J m Th maAM - convened, in . the-Tv, uTjZ minor iefttu tt in. i. if.i formed that they wsrsTot preny - to! v vu wgeuier. iiJZlL ddreased the club owners before they' went into execu 25? r.nT"h '"nt Banohn, wL b?m k' 3oha was pres ent. He said he was neutral In the -OV:r!r, and w" not pledged to either faction. urged the olub owner, to get together and ?rlng ine EE m..,.J-b",UI Wt"nent and to oMhTgaer f CUrU for th . PLAN CHANGES ON iMXiSXLVANIA ROAD "DBLPHU. Fb. li; Radi , caj change in the operation ftha SS5?a?.ta rallroadwstem with I -"inHiiioii or officials ifraiti. , many of th. . ' "-"-ecting r,l- -l company, to become ef W V2i.tlw 're turned Dae to their private owners. Ths system will be divided Into four re! ' f nTt"T?afiern c,ntrl- northwesteVh and aouthwestern with each in charge of a Vice-president. The re-wtlr- heKJuarters will be at Phil adelphia. PltUburgh. Chicago and et. Th separation in organUatlon that 11lS!.M,"ied 8'nca 187 between the n" n0 west of Pittsburgh is 1 ."n?0nd' th announcement S it 2,,lh. s.y,tm wl become a unit In all that concerns Its service to tha publlo. PLAN TO ESTABLISH LIQUOR DISPENSARY NEW TORK, Feb. ll.Otepe to ward the establishment of a govern Wbf!le.? J'fwnaary were taken n5l5?L,Un"'.d 8tatM Attorney Ross ?l Jrrif,?'n' c of profltoerlng or aruggisU and the poor quality they . have sold. On .t x i physicians. Roes said he would cuss the matter with the commls . sion of internal revenue in an en deavor to have some federal agency ell good whiskey at reasonable prices on prescription. ADVOCATES USE OF COLD STORAGE EGGS . BOSTON. Feb. II. Cold storage eggs are better than fresh western eggs for food purposes. Hermann C Iythgoe, director of the division of food and drugs of the state depart ment of health, told the public health committee of the legislature today. Mr. Lythgoe opposed a proposal to limit 4o six months the period in which fish and eggs might be stored The department of health, he said, had "perfectly good" poultry which had been t rosea sine 1912. I Washington Forecasts. North and South Carolina: Fair Thursday and probably Friday. Virginia Fair Thursday and proba bly Friday. Georgia,' Florida: Fair Thursday: Friday unsettled. - Extreme northwest Florida: ProbV ablf rain Thursday and probably Fri day.', Tennessee; t Fair Thursday except unseiced, not much change in' temper-' aluie. ' , LEXINGTON. Ky., Feb. 11. Al though General Francis C. Marshal) military governor of Lexington, de clined to make a statement as to when the 600 federal troops stationed In this city would- leave for Camp Taylor. Indications tonight were that the entire contingent will be on its way to Louisville before noon Thurs day. Conditions throughout the city are normal. Lexington Is still technically under martial law, although all military re strictions were removed today. Five or tne victims or monaay morning's rioting were burled this af ternoon, three here and two at Ver sailles, Kentucky. ' Funeral . arrange ments tor' James Massehgale, of Lex ington, shot: through the left lung during the not and who died at a lo cal hospital this afternoon, have not been announced. Captain B. 8. Armstrong, Lexington Are department, was arrested and placed In Jail .late this afternoon charged with dlsobeykig military or ders, Brlgadier-Oeneral Marshall ordered the arrest. Armstrong Is charged with refusing to keep, the central fire station open as headquarters for a military pstrol after being ordered to do so by Cap tain C. V. Crabb. According to Captain crobb, Armstrong replied "he was go ing to lock up and couldn't be both ered." . Maypr T. O. Bradley announced In definite suspension of the officer of the fire department. Federal author! ties will act on the' case- Thursday morning, General Marshall announced tomrnt. NEWPORT NEWS. Vi.. Feb. 11. "Oh, don't tell me 'that he la dead. were the words of Mra Mlttle Jester Cummins today when a pastor dele gated to Inform her of nor husband's here, the district attorney's office an- death, visited her In her cell at the I no u need formally today, that one of li county juii. ane men tne prisoners had rnnfauo,! to hiv. fainted. Although 8. Gordon Cum- Ing taken part In stealing more than mlng, husband from ' whom the wo- 1,000,000 worth of stocks and bonds man was separated, died Monday. fOl-1 rrom Wa street memutnirnra in Miv owing wounas inniccea oy irs. unm-iana June last year. mlng on Saturday, her condition had All five were arraigned and held In been such that physicians d d not 1 1100.000 bond. nh nharmii with oeem it advisable to Inform her of suspicion of larceny of $107,700 worth her husband's death. of securities. Denutv Assistant DIs- After she had recovered from her trlct Attorney Murphy asked for the swoon inia morning, air a. summing nign ball, declaring that Irving Oluck declared that she had prayed since had made a confession Implicating mi eaiuruay on wnicn aay ine snoot- nimseir nnd the others In the 11,000, Ing occurred, that her husband might 000 thefts. recover and she Insists that she did Edward-Fursv. n chuunVnr nd it.n. in. i mean 10 kui mm, a special grana Ignated by the district attorney's of Jury will be empanelled In Elisabeth fl City circuit court Saturday morning leged plot, made the acquaintance of hotoiii mo iiiuiuuiiiuii uiainm am. jompn uiuck, irving's brother, by representing 'hlmseir to be a city de tective, according to the confession announced by Murphy. Furey exhib ited a badge and revolver when he called at the store of the Gluck boys ratner, ana later demanded a share n the spoils of the robberies which ho urged to be continued, according to Murpny. josepti uiuck gave Furey 11.750 In cash, a $1,600 diamond and an auto mobile to keep from being arrested oy him on Furey's first call, the al leged confession continued, adding mat Furey told Joseph that a "cer? tain party In Wall street" had In formed him of the Oluck boys opera. Cummlng charging her with the mur der or her husband. IT NEW TORK, Feb. 11. Eastern racing dates for the season of 1920 were announced at a meeting of the RESULTS OF DAY ON VPINEHURST COURSE Tourney Round , Hardest Fought In Plnehurst's History. ' (Special to The Cltlzsn.) PINEHUILST. Feb. 11. The hard est fought toUrnament round in the history of Ptnehurst was staged here in the St. Valentine tournament for women today. Out of the twelve first round matches played in the three leading divisions five .'went" to extra notes. Three were 10' hole affairs and one went to 80 holes while another tooK g) Doles for a decision. or the remaining seven matchn nil but one were decided on. the seven teenth of eighteenth green. The con tests In the first eight resulted aa fol lows: Mrs. Frank H. Danforth, of North Fork, beat Mrs. F. B. Ryan, of Baltus Rol, by four and three In the- only easy victory of the day. -- Miss Eleanor T. Chandler, nf Phila delphia, winner, of the qualifying medal, defeated Mrs. DonaM Pinm of Vounirstown. hv 3 and i xiv. a. u. Armstrong, or Buffalo, won from miss ixuis Patterson of Plalnflald. w second extra hole of a match In which the last seven holes were halved. And Mrs. J. P. nurvaa r opruiKueia, winner or the recent ad vertising golfers tournament defeated Mrs. John D, Chanman of wion at me itn hole of the contest vi me aay. Mrs. Duryea drove 'into two ponds in the course of the round and was one down going to the eighteenth. She squared the match with a 100 foot um tor a par uiree at this hole add won the battle with another sensa tional putt from away off the green for a par four at the extra hole. Jockey club here tonight. Thirty tlons. weens or r ai ana steepiecnase racing Two women, one said to he a wo- are pruviuen, oeginning Wltn ineimnn nrregt ! .nH h. wf. n Vv meeting at Bowie, Md.. on April 1, and tho nthitr riowrihari iirnh ana Closing wun tne Empire City lartrosn. both linndnnmplv 1iaiiad. meeting at Tonkers, scheduled from went to the Tombs court to see Furey October 16 to 80. The Metropolitan when he and the others were ar- circult opens on May IS at Jamaica, ra'gned. The parents of the Gluck N. Y., and concludes with the Empire boys also went to the court, but uity races. Saratoga Is awarded the garbed poorly, UBual month of August meeting. The The roster of those arraigned today complete list of dates follows: included Joseph and Irving Gluck Southern' Maryland agricultural as- brothers: Herbert andRudolph Bun- soclatlon, Bowie, Md., April 1 tolor- a"" brotP?ra. awa P'1"?' April id, inclusive. Hartford Agricultural and Breed ers' association, Havre de Grace, Md., April is to April o, inclusive. Maryland Jockey club. Pinlica, Md May l to May 18, inclusive, NEW YORK, Feb. 11. Paris cable advices received here today state that Georges Carpentler, European heavy weight champion, will sail for this country on March 13 and expects to box Jack Dempsey for the world's title In the United -States during the month' of September. In addition Carpentler and his mamfger, es- camps, tne party will Include two French pugilists of Uk-hter' cIhsmm. Charles Ledoux and Georges Pap In. it is understood mat Carpentler has both film and vaudeville con tracts which will occupy his time for rour or rive months after his arrival In America. Before the expiration of these contracts It Is expected that the sensational French pugilist will have been formally signed to meet Demp sey for the title which the latter won from Jess Wlllard last July. uex Kicxard, who promoted that contest at Toledo, refused today to discuss the report that Carpentler was coming to this country under contract with him. It is known, uuwwei, inu uescanms nsa noniu . ed Rlckard to secure matches for both Ledoux and Papin which leads to the general expectation that Rirlt. ard will announce the formal match ing or carpentler and nnmnnv shortly after the former's arrival. In case Dempsey la unavailable for any reason Mike O'Dowd. or a nrnmMni light heavyweight may be used as Carpentfer's opponent in the French man's debut In America. THEY Made the World SAFE did tha young men of these States, and now by practically unanimous intent, it seems, as the evidence accumulates they pro pose, to make it HAPPY for a certain one of that sex whereof the American Girl is fairest and finest. We are exceedingly happy to see so jnany marriages of the ex-fighters. It is a healthy symptom, ' we believe. And we hope the Household Banking Account may be chosen as a proper and helpful aid in every new home. CENTRAL BANK & TRUST Co mpany Scuth Pack S quart GABY DESLYS DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Noted Dancer Recently TTnrlp Several Operations. Are you in good health today? If so, we can insure yoor income immediately with our new non-cancelable health and accident policy. Tomorrow it may be too late I Attend to this now! , Money to loan at 6 simple interest on the Equitable Home Purchase plan. See J. J. CONYERS or C R LYNCH, Agts. Equitable Life Assurance Society 27 American Nat'L Bank Bid. Phone 682 HUNS TRIED TO BUY MEAT IN THE U. S. CHICAGO. Feb .11. The German Metropolitan Jockey club. Jamaica. I government recently attemnted to L. I., May IS to May 22. Inclusive. place, an order with several Ameri Westchester Racing association, can meat packers for a large amount Belmont Park, Queens. L. I.. Mav 24 of pork Droducts. but due to the for- to June 12, Inclusive. elgn exchange situation, the deal was Metropolitan Jockey club, Jamaica, not closed. It was announced tonight l,. i., second meeting, June 14 to June by the institute of American meat 23, inclusive. packers. Queens County Jockey club. Aaue- The Germans offered Ave year duct, t i., June 24 to July 13, in-I treasury notes and a block of Chinese elusive. bonds in payment It was stated that Empire City P.aclna- ' association, the packers did not believe the Ger. Tonkers, July 14 to July 31. inclusive, man inquiry would have any effect up. Saratoga Association, Saratoga on the provision market, as there was springs, in. x,, August z to August 81, o De no indication.that Uermany wouia do aoie to overcome tne con dition of foreign exchange. inclusive. Westchester Raoing association. Queens, L. I., September 3 to Bep- lemosr id, inclusive. Uueens County Jockev Cluh. Imia. duct, L. I., Sept. 16 to Sentnmhnr Xn Inclusive. Metropolitan Jockev club' Jnmaim L. I., October 1 to October 15, In clusive. Empire City Racing association, Tonkers, N. Y.. October 1 to Octo ber 80, inclusive. DEATH MRS. HANNON PACE AT SALUDA Funeral Serviced Held Yestcrda'y at , .. Mountain Page. , WILLIAM H. TAFT FLAYS BOLSHEVISM ST. PAUL. Minn.. Feb. 11. Bolnhe- vlsra is cruel, impractical tyranny and Is bound to burn' itself out. declared William H. Taft, who spoke at a mass meeting here late today. "In America 'bolshevlsm Is like a -case of measles, developing here and mere, out. ne. asserted, "it must be frowned upon , In every lawful way," Popular government must function by the rule of the majority, he said, adding that those who cannot abide by the majority "should go to Mexi co where each man grabs his gun the minute an election goes against him and starts out to substitute bullets I i for ballots." x-Aitis, r eo. ii. uaby Deslys, the French actress, and dancer, died to- Gaby Deslys had recently under gone several operations for an lnfec tion of the throat. Early in Decern- was considered to be in a grave condition and her relatives were summoned rrom America. The name of Gaby Leslys became known after former King Manuel of Portugal displayed his Infatuation for "i was 19 years or more ago. In 1911 she arrived In America and maue nor appearance on the New York stage. She made a second visit to America In 1918 and returned to London and Paris the following year. The hoat affection from which the actress suffered Is said to have beon a complication of Influenza. LONG PRISON TERM FACED BY GABRIEL NEWARK. N. J.. Feb. 11 Wnit Gabriel, 2S years old. an American citizen, secretary of the communist party of New Jersey, faces a nrlson term of 20 years and a fine of 14.000 as a result of his conviction tonight on a oharge of violating t urn j,rHrtna me state sedition act passed In IV is. The two Indictments-upon which tho Jury found Gabriel guilty charged him with being a member of an or ganization advocating the overthrow of the government by force, and that he. when arraigned in the first crim inal court, said he advocated the use of force in overthrowing the govern ment Ward Off Influenza by taking DPDSATED PIRIN at the sigrl of the first symp toms, Pepsated Aspirin is pure aspirin and pepsin compounded- in tablet form. Retrins all the' medicinal qua ties of aspirin, but Doe Not Upset thm Stomach. (Special to Tha Cltlxen.) SALUDA, Feb. 11. Following an illness extending over 16 months, Mrs. Hannon Pace-died here yesterday and the funeral services were held at Mountain Page this afternoon at 8:80 o CIOCK. The deceased was a member of a wen gnewn family and was wehM Known throughout this section of the oountry. She is survived by her hus band and a daughter, Mrs. James A. Pace, both of Saluda. She was a member of the Mountain Page church and bore the resnect of a .number of people in this city and other places where she was known. ARREST ROBBERS IN BURNING BUILDING NEW YORK, Feb. 11. While fire swept a five story building on lower oiunuway nere tonignt, seven robbers were discovered on upper stories of the adjoining building looting office desks and ciotning snops. Persons watch ing the Are from a "building across the mrem nounea tne ponce, who arrest ed the seven looters before they could leave the building. Streets partially blocked with snow and ice hampered the Are department. The blaae was well under way with a burst of flames that Illuminated lower Manhattan before the full strength of the Are fighting equip ment could reach the structure, which was almost completely destroyed. 'LYNCHING A CRIME," ASSERTS WILL HAYS RESERVATIONS ARE FAVORED BY WOOD CHICAGO, Feb. 11. Oneral Leonard- Wood Replying .today to the 'request of Senator William B. Borah for views of republican presidential candidate - on the league of nations and the peace treaty, said ho believed "we should accept the league of na- ' tlons as modified and safeguard ed by existing Lodge' reservations." As InrliiMnM Is an exaggerated form of (5ri T.iY. ATrVE BROMO QUININE Tablets should b eatken In larger doses than is prescribed for ordinary Grip. A good plan la not to wait until you are sick, but PREVENT IT by tak ing LAXATIVE TROMf mnvtMB Tablets In time. dvi CONFESSION OF RED TAKEN AS EVIDENCE MONTE. SANO. Wash.. Vh 11 in numuung as evidence today a pur ported confession by Loren Roberta. one of the defendants in the trial ' -n aneged- industrial workers of ine worio charged with the murder of Warren O: Grimm at Central ! the Jury was instructed that only that part affecting Roberts should i sldered. In the alleged confession, admit. ted over stubborn objection by de fense council. Roberts told of nlan made to postmen, at various vantage points to repel what was represented us an expected attacK on th I w w hall during an armistice day parade by former service men. B. G. Clark, of Seattle, appearing as an expert on fire arms, gave testi mony tending to show Grimm was killed by a bullet from a 88-65 rifle. W, H. ZIMMERMAN , Public Accountant Practical Commercial Systems Installed. 317 Drhunio Bids. Successor to D. G. Devemtsh Pfaone S67 SECRET NEGOTIATIONS OF TWO NATIONS REVEALED Documents Exchanged Be tween France and Serbia Published. BETTER THAN ROME, Feb.. 11. The Idea Naxion ale publishes the two secret docu ments exchanged between tha Serbian and French government last year. In one, Serbia proposed to France a mil itary convention a a basis for a defin ite alliance; In th other France re sponded sympathetically, but with re servation. The Serbian document, dated Sep tember 80, declared that Belgrade was convlneed that she needed the friendship of Franc to guarantee her outlets ' on the Adrlatlo and also to prevent any hegemony In the Ad riatic, and pointed out that this would Insure to' France "free action on the Dalmatian ooast in the event of a con flict With a Mediterranean power." Serbia's plan provided that she aid France with' troops and ships In the latter : contingency, while ' France would help to- build a Serbian fleet and mercantile marine and guarantee the' integrity granted to- Jogo-Slavia by the treaty of St Germain. in reply, ranee stipulated that a TO TAKE PARTjN CAMPAIGN Will Enter Movement "Whole-Heartedly" Com mission Declares. ATLANTIC CITT, Feb. 11-Tha Presbyterian . church of the United States will enter the world evangelis ts campaign of the lnter-church world movement "whole-heartedly and completely," according to a de cision made today by the executive commission of the general assembly. The commission also approved budgets for a militant Christian cam paign of evangelism and education call lng for an expenditure of more than $45,000,000. Of this sum $19,828,870 is for the use of the boards and agen cies of the Presbyterian church. This amount la approximately $S,8J8.70 more than the record budget of a year ago. The commission accepted a recom mendation from its budget committee that $3,000,000 be raised and set aside as an endowment for the general board of education and the Presbyter ian board of ministerial relief. Dr. W. M. Houston, secretary of tha opnmmi oi vacancy and m nm country are vacant as a conse- G. A. CRAWFORD DIES i OF pneumonia! WHISKEY FOR G. A. Crawford, about' 38 years of age, died last night about 11 o'clock of pneumonia following Influenza, at the Florence Hotel. Mr. Crawford was formerly clerk at tho hotel and is well known here. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Crawford, rela tives who were called here several days ago from Covington, Ky., will leave today with the body. Burial; will he in Kentucky, COLDS AND FLU i a military convention, and required . radical, modifications In Bert) la's pro- posaiai Tha Idea Nazionale saya that ne gotiations continued between France and Serbia' for which reason Franoe and Great Britain presented a mem orandum to Italy on the Adriatic question, aiming at. the compromise accepted by Premier Ntttl, which adds the paper, "delivers to Jugo-Slavla the entire eastern coast of the Adrlatlo and shifts the Italo-Jugo-Slav bound ary from tha Alpine sons, as traced In the pact of London to the sone of the Carso mountains. . GAS LEAK CAUSES ' j DEATH OF THREE! NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-VWhen Frederick Kchrouder ' called at the home of his mother In Brooklyn tn. Jilght for his two year old son, ho found the bodies of the child, his mother and his sister, all three of whom had been asphyxiated by cas from a leaky tub. He had left the boy with his grand mother during the illness of his wife who Is in a hos pital with pneumonia. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. lynching un der any circumstances or conditions is a crime, Will H. Hays, chairman of said, in an address tonight at the oon- DROP IS RECORDED vention or me Lincoln League ori f"T DBTfiV "VTi tT ATTI) America, an organisation of negro re- AvJU JX f liUUA publicans. , . ' "Lynching is a crime aralnst CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Bakers flour judgment and Justice, reason and dropped 25c a barrel in Chicago to- righteouaness, an assault on our most day, making a total decline of 6t)a In sucred Institutions and Is an affront a week. Carload lots were sold at to the accumulated wisdom of past $12.6 a barrel and small purchases ages," he declared. "It Is a condem-lt $13.00 a barrel. . nation of Christianltv nnd rneriln tho OIL CO. PAYROLL IS ROBBED BY MEXICANS WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. Theft of the $30,000 payroll of the Aguilar Oil company at Tamplco, Mex., by rob bers who killed the messenger carry ing the money to the company's re finery and wounded three other men on ths street car where the hold-up took place, was reported today to the state department. The company Is a British- corporation but has many American stockholders. The. robbers escaped into the brush. excoriation of every high-minded clti- sen." . j The convention closes .tomorrow. SWIMMING BODY IS FORMED BY SCHOOLS PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 11. The eastern collegiate swimming associa tion was formed here tonishL bv Johns Hopkins, Swarthmore. Catholic uni versity and Lehigh. Desire for an in tercollegiate swimming body for smaller colleges similar to the inter collegiate league. It was stated. . brought about formation of the new association. Invitations to join will be extended' to Virginia, Haverford. Rutgers, Col-j : l-ge of the City f New York. George vtasningron university, POLAND NEEDS V. H. UUAIX WA3HINGTON, Feb. 11. Poland needs 400.000 tons of American grain to avert starvation until her harvexta next October, according to Stanislas j. Arcy, wno arrived here from War saw, to act as plenipotentiary of the Polish goveritnent in food matters. The Strong Withstand The Winter Cold Bettor Than Tint wak Old people who are feeble and young. rr pcopie wno are wean. . win u riiKuitncu ana enauiea to go .nrougn ine coia weatner by taking GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC which la simply. IRON and dUlNINE suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children like it. You can soon feel Its Strengthening,- Invigorating Ef fect. Price SOe; advt New Elixir, Called Aspiron al, Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used ana Endorsed by Euro j pean and American Army surgeons to uut snort a Cold and Prevent Compli cations. Every Druggist in J. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count er if Relief Does Not Come ! Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediaie Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation of the year In the Jrue trade ,s Asplronal. ths two. minute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab. oratories; tested, approved and mos enthusiastically endorsed by the high Jt authorities, and proclaimed by ths common people as ten times as OUtck and effective SS whlskev. rnrk and rye. or any other cold and cough! remedy they have ever tried. , j All drug stores am nnw .unniu , with the wonderful tew elixir, so all! SoM to To .d?t,!.r!trtd 2fital baby . fret from teeth- SSSrSAVL i?tS:.,"r.f!..ftv.r. cramps,-colic; sour stomach. a bott:a of asniTi -S kT' r: coated tongue, diarrhoea., constipa tion? Get a bottle of liquid "Baby Ease' from your drug store Snd give quence of an unprecedented shortage of ministerial material. The campaign on ministerial sup port favored a recommendation that $1,600 per annum be made the mini mum compensation for pastors and that provision be made by ths next general assembly to make good the difference where congregations fail to raise sufficient funds to meet this fig ure. ' BABY EASE' FOR BABY JASTROW ATTACKS SIR OLIVER LODGE NEW TORK. Feb. 11Slr .Oliver Lodge was criticised for his spiritual istic theories by Professor Jastrow, of the department of psychology of the University of Wisconsin In an ad. dresahers today "for spreading un wise and unscientific impressions." "Such impressions," he added, "are .. a direct menace to the health of mind of the public and I regard them as a social menace." Professor Jastrow said "our brother scientists from England" are gladly welcome, but that he waa fnrrl tn object to their views "la the Interests of public sanity." Harmless Substitute for Cal omel, Salts, Castor Oil No More Fretting Babies a bottle of AsDironel and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfukf with four teaspoon ruia of water in a glass. Wits, your waton in your haad.' take the arm it at one swallow and call for . . - ' ... -WW U'.MUIW . , you cannot feel. .your cold fad Ins away like a dream within ths time Mm It. Lon't be bashful, for all drug. gi invtt you and expect you to try It. Everybody's doing it. - When your cold or cough Is reliev ed, take the remainder, of the bottle home to your wife and babies, tor Asplronal la by far ths safest : and To Heal A Oingh New Tork university, LaFas'ette. Pennsylvania. Take HAYES' KKALING baby a few doses and gladden your dear baby and stop all the aches and pains. "Baby Ease" Is a harmless sub stitute for nasty castor oil or salts. Babies dont have to be coaxed to take '.Baby Ease" as It is very pleasant to the taste. After a few doses the sour bile in quickly and naturally removed from their little bowels. Thousands of mothers sing the praises of "Baby Ease." .Made strictly of pure ingre dients and does not contain opiates. uaby Easo Is meaut Tor -babies ' To Fortify Tho Sys om Afsainmt Cold, Grip mnd influenza "Laxative Brotno Quinina Tahtcta Be sure "you get the Genuine Look for this signature Xioat effective, the easiest tn tan and the most amubla onM tin A Mn.h frnuhlM nti!v Trv - it raurelf and HONEY, remedy foj Jatmtsr and , children. ' see. By mail 40c "Babr Ease" Co- sasr 0 GTw'w' on the box . SOcy. '