THE ASHEVILLfc CITIZEN, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1920, 5 The Mammoth Furniture Store FURNITURE That You Will Appreciate . The furniture on display in our store has been very care fully chosen by us. We wish to satisfy ou. We haye made it our policy to examine every piece arra to handle only such articles as we can unhesitatingly recommend to you. A visit to our store will convince you of the quality and attractiveness of our merchandise, and you'll be surprised at the reasonable prices. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS. - 15-17 Broadway Phone 226 24-26 lexington Around Town Daughter Horn Horn, to Mr. and Mr. 11. T. Winn, at Mission hospital, a daughter. Mpn. Alooro III Mrs. '. is ill at her homo at 37 place, tlrovo park. 11. Mooro Lawrence NEGRO COMMITTED HIS ROBBERIES BY DAYLIGHT DID YOU EVER USE SIMS?! Will, BLAIR TlXLS HOW iiortnij) homi s heri:. in: , Mm. Ci-(cr--Mr. Ulen Carter, who 0(1S jhp,. Taken By tlio Infectives, home in West AbIiovIUc, Is reported us ; being improved. tn Connection With the Robber lea Hen-. J i Vlhltetl Soil H. H. Sullivan return- j cd yesterday from i'lmpel Hill, where he visited his son.. William, who has , ocen in wim lnnuoni. VALENTINES and BOOKS Valentines, large selection 3c to 25c The Great Impersonation, by Oppenheim $1.75 A love story of charm and appeal, revealing in a thrill ing way the German espionage. Roosevelt's Letter to His Children $2.50 About one hundred letters; a volume abounding with fun and humor, revealing. Col. Roosevelt in a light unfamiliar to the public. ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters, 39 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C; Phone 254 ! M1h Beatty III Miss Gi-aco Beatu-. 'who has been ill at her homo at 48 Woodfln street, with influenza, was ; reported yesterday as being better. Keep it liHiuly to promote, prompt 5 relief from rhoiimutiu : rutlnM and aches. ; HEN you know what Sloan's : nlnicnt will do as thousand : men and women the world : over know, yen. too. will Keep it,: handy. You will use. It for those i "twinge of rheumatli!," for reliving j: that lamo back, muscle etlffncss and j soreness, ache, all sorts of external : pains, and exposuro uftermatlis j Only tukoJ a little applied without.: rubbing;.. Soon penetrates, scattering the congestion, bringing merciful re-j : lief to the throbbing:. Jumping part. ; Three sizes 35c. 70e.'$1.40. Any : druggist haa It. If not. we'd like to know his name r I'nuble to obtain all the evidence which the officers believed was nec essary, in the many cases of hurflury agalnbt Will Blair, colored, who was hot down in a chase by city detec tive Tuesday, tho trial has been post poned In Police court lor a few days. ! Tho detectives havo boon able to con To Work Here- O. V. Moure. who ! neet up with tho series of robberies has been connected with the Ntude- j against Bluir. Oss Fuller, colored, who baker factory, has taken a position was arrested yesterday and is now 'with the Carolina Miter company i.nd held In Jail, ponding a hearing. Blair will have charco of tho repair wot k is being held until tho uuteome of his on the Studebaker ears. 'trial, while Charlie Jones, colored, I ! charged with receiving stolen goods.! has been released under a $1,000 merits, but the treasurer says that thi ri LLJ Official Local Weather im STILL IT GROWS Our trade is on the steady gain and we thank you for mak ing this possible. You are learning that yon can place confi dence in us aid in what we sell, and you know you will get courteous treatment. ' QUALITY IS EVERYTHING with us and on it we stake our reputation. We buy goods that have quality, but we see that we get the right price. Let us figure with you on your HARDWARE and BUILD ING MATERIAL we will prove our statement. Two cars of Nails received yesterday, but half have' been sold. Get your order in today. Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. Headquarters. Phone 142. I. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Loral Weather Data For Feb. 11, 1S20. State of weather at 8 a. m.. cloudv. State of weather at 8 p. m., cloudy. jieiattve Humidity at S a, ni per cent. Relative humidity at 12:30 p. m.. 45 per cent. Relative humidity aL S p. ni., 49 per cent. Wind direction at 8 a. m., north. Wind direction at 8 p. ni., north west. x Tlmo of sunrise, 7:22 a. m. ' Time of sunset, 6:0T.p. m. v Ijooal Temperature Data .31 8 p. m 49 31 4 p. m 61 . 3;" 5 p. nt 52 .38 6 p. m 52 til 7 p. ni GO 45 S p. m 44 49 bond The most startling developments in the burglary charges against Blair, who Is believed to be the king pin burglar of tho city, by tho officers, are his statements that ho always committed his robberies in the day fUnt Tin ill! almnlv SAlAntriM a hnuca SI in any section of the city that suited him, walked up, knocked, If no one answered and the door was unlocked, walked In and helped himself. If anyone answered to his knock, he merely applied for work, and if ac-! cepted, always made the price so high that tho person answering would not' tako him. He walked In tho home of C. H. ! Bartlott on Centrtfl avenue, a few days I ago, Just at tho supper hour, picked j law which has been in force nine months has not had a fair trial. !rr INFLUENZA WEAKENS THE BLOOD To If ell Dressed Women "The sense of being well-dressed gives a feeling of inward tranquility.' That is the feeling that overtakes you when you be come a patron of ' . ; CADISON'S A FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES Fourteen Biltmore Avenue NEW SPRING DRESSES, SUITS. MILLINERY and COATS are Now On Display "? a. m., P- PERMITS CALL FOR HOUSE A DAY HERE fVbruary Establishing Rccoril Building Permits Here. lu More permits perhaps havo been granted by the city commissioners during the first two weeks of Febru- GOLDS AND DONT PUT OFF It's the neglected cold, cough, tender throat or tonsils, that debilitate and leave the body disposed to serious germ diseases. 2 p. m. . . Wet bulb temperature at 8 29. Wet bulb temperature at 12:30 in.. 37. Wet bulb temperature at S p. m.. 37. Highest, 62; one years ago, 32. Lowest, SO; one year ago, 16. Absolute maximum, 70; In 1918. Absolute minimum, 16, in 1919. Average temperature today, 41. Normal, 38. Local Precipitation Data For This Month. Normal. 4.65 Inches. Greatest amount, 7.02. in 1903. t Fnr lnHt..2 4 hnitm erulfnir nt I n til none. a hallrack, selecting one belonging to ! Breaks VOUF Vitality leaves the nelce of Mr. Bartlott and walked U10aXk0 viuomvj you helpless wnen ex posed to other germs. THESE ARE DANGER OUS DAYS. out. His other robberies have been I Just as daring, all being carried out in the broad day light. Blair has! admitted all of tho robberies nnd' talks freely of what he has done. Uloj wound is not serious and Is not giving i him Ojiiy trouble. C. M. EMBLER CARRIES HIS LIQUOR TO JAIL E'THROA T Nature's Warning of Infection. Xever trifle with a Sore Throat, Cough or Cold. They are all Nature's warnings that infection has seized on the delicate mucous membrane lining of tho throat, mouth and nose. Disease germs are at work and must be destroyed at once for they multiply with amazing rapidity. Sometimes a hoaltby person is a bio to throw off unaided the multitude of microscopic erm life, but think of the needless risks you run! You liave got to apply a remedy quickly for these symptoms -are the forerunners of more serious diseases, such as Tonsllitls, Quinsy, Influenza, Croup, Whopping Cough, Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria. Muco-Solvent is the remedy. It is a pure, harmless vegetable compound and a specllic germicide. It stops de velopments of disease germ life, dis solves all mucous and heals the in flamed parts. It may be swallowed or gargled, used aa a spray or douche. Never bo without this Household Remedy. A serious attack of many diseases may be prevented by its prompt use. Get a bbttle today of your drug gist or write Muco-olvent Co., Dept. A., Memphis, Tenn. I'rico 76c and $1.60. , Adv. EMULSION should be taken at the first sign of lowered resistance, cold or cough. The energizing virtues of Scott's bring essential nourishment and help to the weakened system. Give Scott's a trial. BcottaBowne,Bloomcld,K.J, (Ml Ed. Mitehell and C. M. Einbler Bound . Over to Federal Court -Accident Case Held Open. EVERY WOMAN WANTS A CLEAR, SMOOTH COMPLEXION ary for the erection of residences in the city, than during, any . similar length of time in several months. The granting of the permit yesterday to Mrs. J. C. Neal for the erection of a five-room residence on Michigan ave nue, to cost $1,800, making the ninth for the month, or almost one a day. Many other permits are under con sideration by the city bulldin;; in spector, who will report on them dur ing the next few days. W. S. GEORGE BUYS SLUDER RESIDENCE Pays 1 18,000 For Knrln Sluder Home on Montford Avenue Will Take Possession at Oner. ; If in doubt about your blood take Pepto-Mangan, Fa- i ! mous red blood builder ; PLANS TO ASCERTAIN STAND OP SHIPPERS ATLANTA, Ga.. Feb. U. Newspa pers In Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami and Palm Beach were requested todav by Regional Director Winchell to as certain whether the majority of Flor ida fruit shippers approve of railroad administration regulations requiring 482, boxes to be packed to a freight car. Weather conditions in the east are retarding the return of empty cars, Mr. Winchell said, and the require ment that cars be loaded to capacity appears necessary for several weeks to come la order to move citrus fruit. Not more than 60 per cent of tho usual freight" ears are expected to be available In that time, he said. If the majority of the shippers desire otherwise, however. Mr. Winchell said he would -like to know it. Tb papers are requested to telegraph him the re sults of their canvass. Skin Free of Blemishes: and With the Tint of Youth. t If von have a clear, smooth, velvety, youthful skin, free of pimples and other uosigntiy Diemisnos, you neej never fear the Impression you make on all you meet, for a womin with a r.retty complexion always appears ehamiinf, and there is no joy lite that which conies from knowing that you looit j our best. Borne women are endowed by r.aiure with a clear, smooth skia; others, not so fortunate, can acquire it by the use of the popular Black and White Beauty Treatment which consists of Black and White Ointment and Soap. You who suffer the mharrassment of a dark, allow, muddy, complexion, pimples, freckles, liver spot and other skin blem ishes, can be happy with a beautiful akin. Go to your nearest drug atom and get a 25o packs go of Black and White Ointment and Black and White Soap. Just before retiring, bathe your face, irmi or neck with the Soap and apply the Ointment according to directions. The next morning wash off tba Ointment. It's very easy to apply and aa delightful as cold cream, and rouge. The Black and White Beauty Treatment Is also safei and dependable. Money back If not sat ifld. , . . I Suppose you clip thin advertisement end man to Black and White, Box tlS, Memphis. Tenn., for a free sample, liter ature and copy of the Black and 'White Birthday and Bream Book, - BLACIEOTTE VHtfT AILS THE ecaofe) Kil Mitchell and C. M. Embler, who surrendered three quarts of "white lightning" to the pollco when they were locked up In, the city Jail, re tained a quart for future use, which was discovered yesterday morning while the men were being tried upon charges of having on hand more li quor than the law tolerates. Follow ing their examination before Judge Wells their cases were transferred to federal Jurisdiction , and they were given a second hearing- before U. S. Commissioner Vonno L. Oudger, who bound the defendants over to the Mareji term of V. 8. District court. When Mitchell and Embler made their appearance in police court, fol lowing a night In ajl, they showed some signs of having spent a part of the night near tho quart fruit Jar of blockade whiskey, and Mitchell pro ceeded to assist his attorney in mak ing out a defense, which proved to be a detriment instead of resulting in his vindication. Troy Hunter and & Mrs. Hunter were found guilty or . violating the hotel law, on a statutory charge, and were fined $25 and the costs each. C. X. Snodgrasn. held on a statutory charge also, was found not guilty, while the case against Sue Mcintosh was continued. . L. P, Stridor, driver of an automo-j bile which ran over and injured T. I N. Henry, clerk in the Glen . Rock post office sub-station, charged with crlmnal negligence, was arraigned and the case is being held open for a de cision July 5. Ho was found ftuilty of operating an auto without a chauf-1 feurs license. . ; The defendant stated that he was i going about tivo miles an hour and, did not see Mr. Henry until ths carj had struck him. Mr. Henry does noti remember anything concerning the accident save being struck.. , The decision of tho Cunard Line to ! preserve the names of tho Lusluinla; and other vessels sunk In the war, serves to recall the superstition of , old-time sailors that it was exceeding ly unlucky to name a ship after one that had gone down. Mrs. Erwin Sluder has sold her handsome residence No. 192 Montford avenue to W. 8. George of East Pal estine, Ohio, and Mr. George and fam ily will , take possession of the prop erty within the next few days. The considerations is understood to have been about 118,000. Another deal of residence property occurred yesterday, when J. M. Coop er, manager of-Trlvers store, bought, through the firm of B. H. Sumner and Son, a residence from,, Paul II. Rey nolds of Merrimon avenue, the con sideration being about $10,000. These two deals are among the largest for residence property made during the past few weeks. The real estate market has been active during February, many small deals being made, in various sections or the city.. If you are Just recovering from a fight with the "Flu," it will be weeks before you're really out of danger. Your blood has exhausted Its strength it is in no condition to light off other disease germs It may be ex posed to. That is why doctors advise staying away from crowds as long as possible. You can help your blood get back Its strength its Btability to light off disease by taking that splendid tonic Pepto-Mangan. The famous blood builder will sup ply the Iron and other properties your blood lacks and helps you .regain your old tlmo vigor and enthusiasm. Get Pepto-Mangan today. It may be had at any drug store in either liquid or tablet form. Make your own choice as to liquid or tablet. They are exact ly tho same in medicinal value. Take which ever you prefer. But be sure you get the genine Pepto-Mangan. . Ask for "Gude's" and bo sure that the name Is on the pack age. Advt Balsam Springs Hotel For Sale To settle an estate,, this attractive hotel property in the Southern Appalachians is offered for sale. At an altitude of 3,500 feet, only 35 miles west of Asheville, oa the Atlanta Highway, this property enjoys the most salubrious climate, cool the summer long, and counts aa its neighbors the highest mountain peaks in the Blue Ridge country. Train service east and west daily. ' There are few mountain hostelries equipped with such modern conveniences, and accessories as this Inn with about 1 00 rooms. Lighted -by acetylene gas. .Water by gravity in every room. Mineral springs show large percentage of arsenic and other medicinal properties. It is not desired to rent the hotel, but the owners will make reasonable terms to olventpurchaser. . " HENRY TALBOT SHARP REAL ESTATE Asheville N. C Citizen Want Ads Bring Results WILL NOT CHANGE QUEBEC "DRY" ACT QUEBEC. Feb. 11. The present legislature will not change the Que bec prohibition law, which allows the sale of light wines and beers, Walter Mitchell, provincial treasurer, told a delegation which called upon him to day. Both liquor interests and oro- nibltion interests have soughp amend- FRESH AIH AND EXERCISE STOPS AILMENTS SLUGGISHNESS THAT IS , BRED OF PHYSICAL IN ACTIVITY HARD CONDI TIONS TO OVERCOME. Says well known Andes Expert nmnifm, Chances sre It's WORMS If S the child la languid. Irritable S and restless In sleep. You can Cnd out with 3 Dr. Thacher's . Wm Sims 3 . - - - -- f - - r Perfectly harmless. Old doc- ! tor's prescription in use for j E0 years. At your drug store. THACHER MEDICINE CO. S Chattanooga, Tenn.. U. S. A. C iimiiiinMiiiiniiiiuiuuuiiuiiir BLISS OFFERS NEW FORMULA TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Prominent Kentucky Pharmacist Says Simple Home Made Mixture la Splendid. , There is too much mystery floating around about Influenia. Why not get down to first princi ples and destroy the vicious germs before they can do any damage? People with catarrh and acute colds Invite the pernicious,, microbes of In fluensa. so why not make the mem brane of the nose and throat proof It people who hare colds and ca- j tarrh will just gei in ree-qua iters or an oune of Menthol lsed Arctne and mix it with a pint of water that haa been boiled, they, will have a very Ana-nii. tn1 nor AHflv mnnhr a! 1 A O hi bid i medicine that win quickly soothe and NATIVE HE R B Lack of exercise, poor food. Improper digestion, and mental worry often eaue SICK HBADACHH, BILIOUSNESS. DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION and STOM ACH DISORDERS. Lessen the danger of bad results from these causes by (akin each night 1 BL.1SS NATIVB HERB TAB LET. Each box contain a GUARANTEE coupon, and is sealed with a blue bear ing signature of ALONZO O. BLISS. For sale by all leading druggists In boxes con taining 20 doses for W.00 and a smaller sixe for $.0. Abut by A. O. BLISS CO. heal the sore Inflamed membrane and make it o healthy that the most am bitious germs will have a hard time finding lodging. Snuff or spray this prescription Into the nostrils and gargle the throat two or three times a day as directed. Thia quickly opens up the stuffed up nostrils and makes the entire nasal tract clean and healthy. Leading pharmacists everywhere dispense Afeetbolized Arciae since Dentil ttn BLISS co!!j begun to learn of Us wonderful rir- We can't all be devotees of the great out -of -doors, and so the of fice men and women too often pay the penalty of tho all-day grind at tho desk, trie uencn ana sales counter, said tho Andes man, re centlv. In many cases the sluggishness that is bred of physical Inactivity. marks tlio indoor worker for its own. Thousands who do not take suffi cient physical exercise haw found Andes the ideal tonio and lnvigor- ant. To say that I feel good all over Is to speak the acme of content and when this is supplemented by a steady increase in weight, after a long period of illness, the fortunate person usually feels that they want to share their good luck with the less fortunate "other fellows." This is the spirit that prompted "1 ajiss- Agnes atatemeyer. saleswo man at Loveman. Joseph and Loeb. big department store, Birm ingham, Ala., to tell her remark able story. Miss Statemeyer had suffered from sleeplessness, indigestion and general run-down condition. Af ter using a bottle of Andes she felt so much better she purchased three more. In regard to Andes she said: "1 really don't understand how such a great medicine Is made. Andes is wonderful. When I first read the testimonials I did not give them consideration, but so many good people con' lined to praise Andes that I decided to take a chance with it. fortunately I did because today my physical condition is bet ter than It 'has been for years, and I would recommend Andes to any one who had the same trouble I had." Sold in Asheville by Grant's Pharmacy, and by good druggists everywhere. , mm A .' '..;. Appeals to Is Owmeip I Studebaker was the first quality producer to cast six-, cylinder motor en bloc'. t C Studebaker was first to produce a six-cylinder car priced below $2,000. IJ Studebaker was first to produce a 50-h. p. car priced, below $2,000: r tj Studebaker was first to produce cars with crown fenders. CJ Studebaker was the first quality producer to adopt plate-glass windows as standard equipment in rear of top." tjf Studebaker was first to adopt cord tires as standard ' equipment on a car priced below .$2,000. NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SALESROOMS -m o n no specials Mi MK Beautiful in Design, Thoroughly Modern, Mechanically Right NOTE: We have secured the service of Mn O. V. Moore, a Stu debaker factory expert, who will be pleased to examine your car, and is in a position to take care of all repairs on Studebaker cars. " r .' . - 7..''-,. : i ' ': - V": f : " : ' ' ' FRED E. ANTLEY, Mgr. Government and Patton Ave. Phone 1237 liliii; i ''"" If '" l '- f 3 WARMIMiRI.V, ly A. O. WAS1L. D. C. - . , , aem- ue. - Adv.

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